২৭ জুন, ২০২০

Joe Rogan and Jon Stewart enthuse about the protests turning into something "foundational."

It seems different this time, they say.

One thing that's different is that it happened on top of the coronavirus lockdown. It's been something of a national nervous breakdown.

৪৬টি মন্তব্য:

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Yes, it is a national nervous breakdown and the loons on the Left are acting out.

The riots are going to win the election for Trump. Keep at it Dems!

tim maguire বলেছেন...

“Seems different this time” there’s a term for that—recency bias.

It could have been a lot more different, had more beneficial effects, if our institutions hadn’t squandered the moment by embracing violence and trying to get us to ignore that they were contradicting every grand pronouncement about the virus that they had made only a week before (and then turned right around and contradicted again only a week after).

alanc709 বলেছেন...

No fool like an old fool.

wendybar বলেছেন...

The Tea Party was a grassroots group that should have turned into something FOUNDATIONAL, but people like Jon Stewart was too busy calling us racists as we cleaned up the rally areas, and peacefully went on our way without the hate and violence that their foundation stands on

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"It's been something of a national nervous breakdown."

Which is when and why progs won't let a crisis go to waste. They have the cure and will stuff the medicine down our throats.

Defund the police, erase history, impose conformity, increase taxes, rescue bankrupt blue states, pass Green New deal, etc.

Heartless Aztec বলেছেন...

I much prefer Dan Carlin to either Joe or John. His latest free podcast "A Recipe for Caesar" strikes just the right note. Especially for moderates.

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

Something "foundational". I doubt it will be a foundation that they like. What will the new bosses do with all of us who want no part of their Marxist dreaming? Many of us are heavily armed and could be considered hostile.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

I understand the Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved a measure to abolish the city’s police department. So I guess that counts as a foundational change.

mezzrow বলেছেন...

The riots are going to win the election for Trump. Keep at it Dems!

Celebrate our deliverance if it comes, Dave. Till then, assume the worst and work to avoid the collapse.

Confusion to the enemy. I'd love to be here sixty years from now when we can read the historical story about who is behind all this. If they fail, that is.

If they win, they will write the history.

Temujin বলেছেন...

"It seems different this time." Spoken by random Russian citizen in late 1917.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

"OMG, I didn't realize until the corona virus people had these problems."
"My eyes are open now."
"But I do have all the answers."
"And they're the exact same things I always thought before the scales fell from my eyes."

Temujin বলেছেন...

wendybar nailed it.

The movement to change things WAS the Tea Party. But the left was already working on destroying any movement that emanated or included a rational conservative thought. The Tea Party was based on individual liberty and natural rights. The left is based on collectivism, Marxism.

Jon Stewart took the side of the Marxists/collectivist back then. He's got a direct responsibility for carrying the water for the Marxists running our 'leaders' around by their noses now.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

I realize my previous predictions about what would or would not happen in your mouth were wildly erroneous.
But it will be different this time. I have a good feeling! - Ace

Quaestor বলেছেন...

The reaction to the protests are more likely to be foundational, whatever that means. Foundational is one of those buzzwords oft used by the soi-disant elite with little grasp of the meaning by either speaker or listener.

The montagnard Jacobins thought the events of 1 Vendémiaire I (22 September 1792) were foundational, that their will and vision had settled the Destiny of Man for all time, and they were individually and collectively infinitely smarter than Rogan or Stewart.

Jives বলেছেন...

Life-long democrat, here. However, since they're making California into a shithole, I'm turning in my card, and voting straight Republican this year. I love Joe's lament about how hard it is to "turn our cultural battleship". Thank goodness it's hard, otherwise these mal-educated, ignorant lunatics might have a shot at real power. The American political system, grid-locked as it is, frustrating as it may seem, is working PERFECTLY, exactly as it was intended. We don't get change in the USA without broad consensus, and that's good. This whole Daily Show crew, Colbert, Stewart, Samantha Bee (ugh) have become completely insufferable. AND they're going to get their butts kicked in November, and we'll have 4 more years of hysteria from their side. At least the economy will have a fighting chance with Trump in the Oval Office.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Yeah - Wendybar said it.

Browndog বলেছেন...

The Tea Party movement was destroyed by establishment republicans, not the left. Namely, Mitch McConnell.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Dave Begley said...
Yes, it is a national nervous breakdown and the loons on the Left are acting out.
The riots are going to win the election for Trump. Keep at it Dems!

1st, people DO see, don't they? That the riots/protests/insanity have MUCH More to do with people being stir crazy rather than people being upset that a drug addict OD'd and died while resisting arrest?

2nd, When you look at how SCARED white people are, to the point that they will
...a) bow down and lick the shoes of Anyone that calls themselves Black
...b) avow solidarity with BLM whenever asked on camera...
How Many white folk are going to go ON THE RECORD, when asked who they are going to vote for?
If there were secret ballots, how many people would secretly vote for President Trump?

i think that the ONLY hope democrats have, is going house to house; and getting people to fill out an absentee ballot under their watching eyes

Kevin বলেছেন...

As long as black people keep voting for blue politicians there is nothing different about this.

The dogs bark but the caravan moves on.

JML বলেছেন...

A guy who just signed a $100M deal has no problem giving up 24% of that. How much should the guy who makes $60K a year have to pay? I just ran the numbers in my head; I'm sure I can live comfortably on $75M. $60K gross is getting tight.

wildswan বলেছেন...

This "new" foundation has a history. Stewart is comparing his dreams with American reality. He should be comparing his dreams with Venezuela, Russia, Cambodia - with the places where the dream has been tried out. Or with Minneapolis. Or downtown Madison where people are extorting businesses with baseball bats in broad daylight while the businesses futilely protest that they've already paid BLM. Oh, that place has been new foundationed and that's the place to go to relax, oh, sure.
Notice also that the "foundational" shift was to spend money on infrastructure or, as Stewart puts it, on "a Marshall Plan" for our cities. But "a Marshall plan" for the cities was proposed by Trump in his infrastructure bill and the Dems shot it down. And also notice that Trump's economic policies, so far as enacted, worked. They increased employment for all minorities and women and his policies also kept down the cost of living. Returning manufacturing from China, energy independence, increasing jobs by lowering the cost of business through business tax cuts, and a tax cut for citizens - all of this increased prosperity all the way to the lowest levels. But green socialism, the "new foundation," the actual Dem plan, would increase business costs by increasing taxes and forcing expensive green energy on businesses, thus decreasing jobs. And green socialism would raise the cost of living - as is happening in California - by forcing fantastically expensive green energy on the public. You'd have to buy a new car and a new furnace and pay enormous taxes for new utility construction which would lead to high energy bills - all at once at a time when you'd have lost your job because of business-wrecking bills. Look at California's gig economy bill, for example. Business-wreckers never acknowledge that they are job destroyers but they always are and so this "new foundation" is a house built on sand.
We're so wealthy that we can afford to be robbed every day? "The Titanic sails at dawn"

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Nasty ass-crackers.

Butkus51 বলেছেন...

How much do these 2 guys make yearly? Wait, what?

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

It seems different this time, they say.

It won't be different as long as it's a thoughtcrime to mention the real issue.

William বলেছেন...

I tuned out halfway through. My heart goes out to previous generations of comedians like Morey Amsterdam or Rose Marie who never made the big bucks that Joe Rogan or Jon Stewart rake in. Comedians in our current era are way overpaid. Back when America was a vibrant democracy, comedians seldom made more than ten times the amount stagehands were paid. Now look at the money they're making. We need some federal program to limit the amount these people are making. It's just too unfair....Musicians too. Stephen Foster sold away all the rights to "O Susanna" for ten dollars. Now look at the wealth and splendor in which Paul McCartney lives. It breaks your heart.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

I’m sorry I can’t listen anymore to smart, hip, enlightened people tell me what’s really going down.

I got through about 20 seconds when it occurred to me that Jon Stewart was right! What am I so upset about . This is just two comedy guys doing doing their schtick.

Orly বলেছেন...

“It seems different this time.” Sure, they have Trump to hate this time.

Steve M. Galbraith বলেছেন...

A supposed white supremacist nation, a country allegedly filled with "institutional racism" everywhere, from top to bottom and in between, simply does not cave in to this "woke" racialist movement the way it has. The media, corporations, academia, Hollywood...all have simply rolled over to the demands. Where are the racists in these institutions fighting back? It's simply not there.

But this type of question will never be asked by members of this movement by our corrupt media.

The next step in this, the most dangerous one, is not when these institutions promote "woke" thinking but when they actively suppress opposing views. That's when things will be dicey. We're in a "cold" civil war. It can't get hot or the future of the country will be in doubt.

boatbuilder বলেছেন...

I could only watch until Stewart began blathering about leadership and change...Remember Jon that your hero who was in charge of everything for 8 years said he was the Hope and Change guy. How'd that work out?

Did either of those dopes get around to actually saying what it is that is supposed to be changed? Other than the landscape of lefty cities, I mean?

Rogan might earn some admiration if instead of kowtowing to the race-baiters he actually said something critical about the rioters and their enablers. Has he?

GatorNavy বলেছেন...

Rogan and Stewart are the brand new version of useful idiots. Not to be confused with old useful idiots of the ‘60s. For example Bill Ayers, Kathy Bourdin, both spoiled brats of the upper middle class, now teachers at prestigious universities.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

I don't know much about Rogan but I know the one "foundation" he never wants threatened or fundamentally changed is The State. Like most contemporary "satirists" he's at heart a good little Eloi.

Howard বলেছেন...

This is what winning looks like and you people are tired of it, Bigly.

Unknown বলেছেন...

> It's been something of a national nervous breakdown.

Sounds like a great foundation to me!

If they want to rebuild start by locking up the bums, druggies, and crazies shitting in the streets

Gordy বলেছেন...

IIRC, Joe gets high for the Friday show. And then he gets really "philosophical".

Unknown বলেছেন...

@ATFStPaul is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for info leading to the ID/arrest a man believed to be responsible for the fire-bombing at a downtown Madison government building early this morning. Call (608) 266-6014

An amazing coincidence: at virtually the same moment, around 1am on June 24, in the same place -- downtown Madison, WI -- a leftist arsonist sprayed lighter fluid on the City County Building AND Althea Bernstein had lighter fluid sprayed on her by 4 white racist fraternity boys.


wendybar বলেছেন...

The Tea Party was destroyed by ESTABLISHMENT elites Browndog. The Media, including Jon Stewart and the establishment were too busy calling us RACISTS to actually see and understand that America was pissed off at the establishment not getting things done....AND THEY STILL AREN'T. (go back and see how the media treated us) And we from the Tea Party are still here and we are madder than EVER that the establishment is doing NOTHING but political games as usual, while we burn down.

mikee বলেছেন...

I was here from the deaths at Kent State to the giant papier mache war criminal puppets.
I saw riots over forced bussing. I saw riots over assassinations. I saw riots over sensationalized TV news stories that should have been ignored by all rational humans. I've seen rooftop Koreans, and National Guardsmen, and Bloods & Crips, and MS-13, and local kids who wanted a free pair of shoes.

This is an engineered protest movement led by marxists. It ain't no big thing. And this is just the warmup for November, for before and after Trump wins re-election.

Get back to me when the police are told to stop the riots, but they can't do so. That is when the story changes, and not a moment before.

Birkel বলেছেন...

This is not different.
This is Leftist Collectivists trying to impose their will.
All they want is power.

MalaiseLongue বলেছেন...

It took a global pandemic, lockdowns, a moral panic, a few astroturfed riots, and the establishment of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone for Rogan and Stewart to notice that some Deplorables are essential workers. That's your foundational change right there.

Birkel বলেছেন...

The Leftist Collectivists must have the weekend off.

Rosalyn C. বলেছেন...

Rogan and Stewart make some great points about wanting to build up the strength of the black community from the ground up. Isn't that what Trump and Senator Scott's Opportunity Zone program aims to do? Yes. Isn't that what bringing back manufacturing to the USA is aimed to do, providing skilled labor jobs to those without college education? Exactly. But instead of thinking clearly the left wants to attack Trump and Trump supporters as "racists." The left wants to support candidates who want to increase food stamps and dependence on government programs. That's what the left means by foundational change, it's called socialism.

I wonder if Rogan and Stewart will ever see past their privilege and white guilt. At the end of the clip they sound like children. They remind me of some Youtube video I saw long ago where the person says, "I thought I was a Democrat all my life but when I looked at what the parties actually propose I can't believe it, I'm a Republican." What they were proposing is fundamentally changing their own beliefs about their political affiliation.

Jim at বলেছেন...

This is what winning looks like and you people are tired of it, Bigly.

Just what exactly are you winning, Howard?

Birkel বলেছেন...

Jim at:

Try harder to ignore the trolls.
I fail sometimes too.

Howard বলেছেন...

You love me, Birkel

FullMoon বলেছেন...

What I like about these two, and dozens of other multi millionaire celebrities is that they have actually taken hundreds of welfare trapped families out of the projects and ghettos. Used their influence to personally get them decent jobs so they could escape the chains of poverty. Jobs that allow for advancement in the normal way. Start at the bottom, learn as you go, and get raises and promotions. Jobs with benefits. Jobs that allow for creation of savings accounts and establishment of a credit history so that there might be a possibility of home ownership in the future. Naturally, these celebs provide down payments and low interest loans.

Kudos to them, as opposed to the majority like George Clooneywho simply write a big check to NAACP, BLM, or whatever is in style today, and make sure that they get credit for their generosity.

The fact that Rogan and Stewert and the others successfully put such extraordinary effort into keeping their good deeds secret is all the more reason to respect and admire them.

stevew বলেছেন...

Open the economy, get the kids back to work and in school, then they'll have something better, and productive, to do.

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