That was right in front of the "Forward" statue — the statue that was pulled down last night. Here's a view of the "Forward" statue on June 5, 2012. It was the day of the Scott Walker recall election, and someone had put a Guy Fawkes mask on the figure:

Here's the "Forward" statue in February 2011, at the height of the anti-Scott Walker protests:

And here's "Forward" in a pussy hat, on the day of the "Women's March," January 21, 2017:

Those were kinder, friendlier days, when the lady was appropriated for use in the protest of the day. Now, she's torn down. For what? She represented Progressivism!
१७४ टिप्पण्या:
"Now, she's torn down. For what? She represented Progressivism!"
Then she got what she wanted. I wonder if she's happy now.
VDH has a bit of prediction today.
My former Bernie bro daughter is thinking of getting out of LA now that she has her own daughter. Idaho is looking good to her.
The contagion and the lockdown led to economic catastrophe. If the cities might have fared better than the countryside in the abstract calculus of finance and stocks, the recession also gave us another, rawer glimpse of Armageddon to come. Urban services and necessities may break down, but at least in the countryside, the proverbial basics of existential survival — food, water, power, guns, and fuel — are not so tenuous.
In small towns, outlying suburbs, and farmhouses, you can grow food, have a well, pump out your own septic tank, take target practice at home, and have a gasoline tank or a generator in reserve. You can be worth $2 billion on the Magnificent Mile, but if your Gulfstream is locked down at the airport, your driver socially distanced at home, your elevator on the blink, and your food courier a day late, then you are poorer than a peasant in Nowhere, Okla. The poor in high-rises in Queens are far more vulnerable than those in rickety farmhouses in rural Ohio.
New York City is emptying out.
"She represented Progressiveism"
The sad fact is, that's her problem. The BLM Movement has declared the "Rich white Liberal" as their number one enemy. They think they know the cranky conservatives will keep declaring themselves openly and be easy to deal with later. It's the Liberals who they view as a far more insidious infiltrator.
There are so many stupid, angry people in this world. Why are so many of them from Madison?
These are not progressives. They are anarchists.
Perfect example of liberals get the bullet too.
When Forward was yanked down, some reports that she was yelling, "I'm on your side!"
After suffering all those indignities, maybe its better that she exited stage left.
"Now, she's torn down. For what? She represented Progressivism!"
Nihilism trumps Progressivism.
Now, she's torn down. For what? She represented Progressivism!
@Althouse. Point of information. The statue "Forward" represented progress. Progressivism has nothing to do with progress, and a good case can be made that it is actually aligned against progress of any sort.
Because it is the Year 0.
All your culture and history and traditions and customs and values represented by their public symbols, are to go. Your "legacy" American people are the enemies of your leadership caste, and all this stuff is now de trop. Most of this is a culture war, the politics is just an expression of it.
The people doing the pulling down arent the people driving this.
Its the people who were scaring your pathetic mayor (wouldnt we all like to have been a fly on that wall?) who you need to worry about. I doubt the threat she heard was a normal political one. What do they have on her I wonder.
Even statues of people who never existed aren't safe. No statue is safe. It's gotten so crazy that if a statue of George Floyd existed I wouldn't even bet that it even would be safe.
" Now, she's torn down. For what?
Ask them. They will make no sense. They will be very angry. Not have any coherent reason why, and they will be among the richest, safest, freest, and most coddled people who ever lived.
And they likely will insult you, and possibly assault you before they destroy something that doesn't belong to them: Your car, your home, your business, your body.
Please be understanding. Great Job!
If it's class war, these people are unarmed.
First, the came for Aunt Jemima, then Aunt Lucy.
Progressivism is an [unqualified] monotonic process or ideology, which different people, sects have and do qualify in diametrically different ways. #HateLovesAbortion
Marxist destroy everything. It's part of re-educating the masses to accept their new masters.
If it's class war, these people are unarmed.
No, don't be green, they want others to be disarmed.
As a counterfactual hypothetical, if a group of mostly white guys wearing MAGA hats and decided to, say, tear down the Martin Luther King, Jr on the Mall, and the police were ordered to stand down because it was merely property, how does think it would in the media and blogosphere and DOJ?
"Those were kinder, friendlier days, when the lady was appropriated for use in the protest of the day. Now, she's torn down. For what? She represented Progressivism!" --Ann Althouse
"Why'd you hit the Twin Towers? Why New York and DC, not flyover country? We voted for you!" --Michael Moore (quote badly butchered)
The statue "Forward" represented progress.
Progress, notwithstanding attribution of a positive character, is [unqualified] monotonic change. #PrinciplesMatter
At least they can't get to Miss Rennebohm.
These are not progressives. They are anarchists.
They are both. In particular, the left-right, totalitarian-anarchist nexus is leftist. And the former, progressives are distributed in diverse sects with different, often competing religions (e.g. moral philosophy, secular saints), many embedded in traditional, mainstream religions.
"She represented Progressivism!"
This IS Progressivism. Take a good, long look America.
A Mayor de Blasio or Durkan and a Governor Inslee or Newsom were more or less indifferent when “brick-and-mortar” livelihoods were wiped out. Observably, they expressed very little outrage. Preventing the recurrence of anarchy might alienate the looters and burners, and especially their appeasers and contextualizers.
Governor Innslee and Mayor Durkan are appeasers. That sounds about right.
Dr. Mike says: "My former Bernie bro daughter is thinking of getting out of LA now that she has her own daughter. Idaho is looking good to her."
Hey, Idaho *is* good -- great, in fact. But we really need to limit our importation of disenchanted Californians who even once entertained Bernie-ism.
Why are so many of them from Madison?
Libertarianism is organic (e.g. self-organizing). Liberalism is divergent (e.g. generational). Progressivism is an [unqualified] monotonic ideology. Conservatism is moderating. #BabyLivesMatter #PrincipalsMatter #PrinciplesMatter
Progressivism isn't radical enough for the mob. Progressives are Mensheviks. The radical mob is stone-cold Bolshevik, baby. The Progressives will be up against the wall with everyone else the radical mob hates.
"My former Bernie bro daughter is thinking of getting out of LA now that she has her own daughter. Idaho is looking good to her."
Unless she's truly changed her ways, tell her Idaho's closed. We don't need Bernie bros here.
The contagion and the lockdown led to economic catastrophe.
Yes, the viral and social contagion. The lockdown was, perhaps, an overreaction to a novel virus and social phobia, which could have been strictly curated (e.g. immigration, migration, travel, outsourcing, insourcing) to mitigate their progress but for the 16 trimesters of witch hunts and warlock trials (e.g. trial by press) that spread diversity, confusion, conflict, etc.
"Now, she's torn down. For what? She represented Progressivism!"
Howard probably thinks she was torn down by helo rotor wash and chemical weapons.
"My former Bernie bro daughter is thinking of getting out of LA now that she has her own daughter. Idaho is looking good to her."
I doubt she's looking good to Idahoans.
This is no longer Robert La Follette or Dan Hoan's (Milwaukee Socialist Mayor) Progressivism. Their's was based on some sense of morality, efficiency, and even though they were Socialists (well Hoan at least) the weren't Marxists. Hoan battled Milwaukee's wealthy barons to build the city. Today's Marxists burn them down. La Follette was and America 1st isolationist. He lead the charge against the US getting into Wilson's League of Nations. Today's Marxists are globalists. Neither of the great Wisconsin leaders in this paragraph weren't violent.
That's why today's Madison liberals don't even understand what Forward really means. It's not about Pussy hats.
Class war is very Marxist terminology, and adopting that language puts one as accepting the premise.
Funny thing because the true Marxists, who have studied and prepared for the inevitable revolution, those Marxists still think they control the mob. They think they are just using their pawns in BLM and Antifa and the blac block. But BLM has seen that they can disobey the ones calling the shots. Big money, big power, and big influence is now available to the smart and the quick.
There is no irony in "Forward" being destroyed by progressives- the symbolic message has a sender and a receiver and if one tries, one can see what the message is.
“These are not progressives. They are anarchists.”
This I can agree with.
That's Lady Rennebohm, not Miss.
Steve Bannon was a proponent of “Burn it all down” and was Trump’s closest advisor for a while until he started being called the shadow president and Trump grew jealous of all the attention Bannon got. That ideology burn it all down ideology was adopted by these left wing anarchists in Madison. Trumpism sowed the wind and is reaping the whirlwind. Progressives need to back far away from this ideology, we are a pro-government. We shouldn’t let Steve Bannon’s dark worldview pollute progressivism.
“Over the last ten days, it's been easy to feel like shadow President Donald Trump and the actual President Steve Bannon are purposely trying to destroy this country, but common sense would indicate that such an idea would be ridiculous. After all, these are men who wanted the giant responsibility of running the nation. Surely, they couldn't have set out to do evil, right, guys? Right? I said, right, guys? Oh no. The fact that no one is responding is a little unnerving. Well, if you are to believe these next two sources, it sure seems like Donald Trump and Steve Bannon are okay with letting the whole thing burn down. Those sources? Donald Trump and Steve Bannon.”
If you are down for the revolution, you should also be down for the fact that the revolution is about killing you. A concern for your own well-being is intrinsically counter-revolutionary.
"For what? She represented Progressivism!"
That was then. Now we're in the Bolshevik phase.
Tim Carpenter
"I took this pic- it got me assaulted & beat up. Punched/kicked in the head, neck, ribs. Maybe concussion, socked in left eye is little blurry, sore neck & ribs. 8-10 people attacked me. Innocent people are going to get killed. Capitol locked- stuck in office.Stop violence nowPlz!"
Evers' peaceful protesters.
Though I have to disagree somewhat with Senator Carpenter. Considering your party's aiding and abetting these thugs, I don't consider you entirely innocent.
"Amid coronavirus pandemic, 3-day 'Herd Immunity Fest' set for July in Wisconsin"
Unless she's truly changed her ways, tell her Idaho's closed. We don't need Bernie bros here.
Don't be afraid of Bernie bros. I'm sure they'll do socialism the right way next time.
Almost afraid to ask, as I live quite near a civil war battlefield cemetery, but when will the grave desecrations start?
Hitler salute?
"Those were kinder, friendlier days, when the lady was appropriated for use in the protest of the day."
This attitude is why we are were we are. While technically true, those people were not kind, nor friendly. They are and remain nasty POS. Having lived in Madison twice, I have friends who have friends. I have not seen one of them nor their world express any outrage. It's like it never happened at all.
"It's coming! Get ready!... It's coming. Get ready."
Oooh, I like dirty talk.
She still represents progressivism, perhaps more accurately than ever before.
R.A.A.N? Who the fuck is/was R.A.A.N?
It took me some guessing as to what the initials stood for, but I found it. It was the now defunct Red & Anarchist Action Network. There's an interesting exchange in this Reddit forum. Apparently, the commies ran over everybody. Oh, what a surprise!
This is what happens when these young shits don't know the history of the Left. No one, but no one has murdered more anarchists than the Marxist-Leninists. The only decent response that an anarchist should have to a communist involves unpleasantries with guns.
My former Bernie bro daughter is thinking of getting out of LA now that she has her own daughter. Idaho is looking good to her....New York City is emptying out.
The problem is that those librul mold spores fly out and infect normal communities. Vermont is a classic example. Bernie wasn't a local from Burlington. He brought his big city poison with him along with other city elites and contaminated a formerly wonderful place.
- Krumhorn
If you really think about it, where else could progressivism lead? This is the only possible outcome when the primary value is change. I mean, it's right there in the name. Even in utopia there will be progressives. The liberals will be conservatives.
So consider that the world right now is a utopia compared to the rest of human history.
Is there really any other explanation for all this destruction of even our best selves.
The reason is precisely and completely progressivism, first it weakened our minds, then it was easy.
Progressivism = nihilism. It just takes time.
Sen. Carpenter: “Sad thing I’m on their side for peaceful demonstrations — am a Gay Progressive Dem Senator served 36 years in the legislature,” he added in a statement to The Washington Post.
Oh, now I know I don't consider him an "innocent". How can you be this fucking stupid? Guy who gets beat up continues the "peaceful demonstrations" charade.
" She represented Progressivism!"
And this is what Progressivism leads to.
The Progressives should be very happy now.
what are we really talking about
NO! Really, really NO. She did not represent that. She represented *something other people care about*. That is why she was torn down. It does not matter what she represents to said other people. All that she represents to the iconoclasts is *something people I hate care about*. That is why they trash monuments to black soldiers and abolitionists equally with confederate generals. “You care about it? Watch me smash it.” Nothing else.
The danger of having big city liberals move to the hinterlands is that they vote for the same policies they ran away from.
Liberals are the stupidest people on earth.
IIRC it was Dr.Michael K who was enamored with Steve Bannon, even talked about going to some sort of event Bannon was the headliner for in Arizona.
Dr.Michael K or others here who embraced Bannonism/Trumpism have no moral authority over the rioters in Madison, as “Burn it all down“ proponents. And don’t even try to deny that many of you here repeated that phrase right here in these comments sections during that time.
Burn it all down says Bannon/Trump
Tear it all down says anarchists in Madison.
Sen Carpenter: "I want to be clear: violence against any person — whether in the middle of the street in broad daylight, at home trying to sleep, going for a run, or happening upon a protest as was the case last night — is wrong,” he said. “It should never be tolerated.”
"It should never be tolerated.". Tell it to the mayor.
Blogger paminwi said...
The danger of having big city liberals move to the hinterlands is that they vote for the same policies they ran away from.
Liberals are the stupidest people on earth.
Yet, they run the world. Therefore, you people must be the weakest people on earth
"Don't be afraid of Bernie bros. I'm sure they'll do socialism the right way next time."
Tell you what- you welcome them to your state. Once they've demonstrated that they've got it down right, we'll talk. Until then- no thanks.
We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where.
Those were kinder, friendlier days
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Those were hate fests.
All those young mushy minds irretrievably indoctrinated in a philosophy which murdered 100 million in the 20th century. There is no excuse for it. We allowed it. We watched as the bullshit started to permeate our classrooms and universities in the 70s. We shook our heads in 2000. We laughed at it in 2010.
And now it's here.
It's no longer cute or laughable. It's time to stand up to it. We never learn. 100 million was not enough of a lesson.
Inga: "Burn it all down says Bannon/Trump"
What bilge.
The Trump rallies have really been festivals of riot and destruction, haven't they?
"We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where."
Biden et al. will get elected this fall and it will all "magically" stop. Seriously.
Inga has done the impossible, she has forced me to defend Michael K
Inga said
“ Burn it all down says Bannon/Trump
Tear it all down says anarchists in Madison.”
This isn’t right. The anarchists don’t *say* that. They *do it*. There is, still, a difference between metaphor and smashing.
Poor, deluded Inga. Publishing snippets of opinion from the same people who are cheering on the Antifa left and their fellow travelers. As if saying "burn it down" is anything close to actually, you know - burning and tearing shit down.
Classic ignorant lefty category error - "speech is violence". No, violence is violence. But hey, she's all down with the revolution until they come for her. Then we'll watch her squeal "but tell BLM I'm on their side!" just like that State Senator who actually thought he was on the side of the demonstrators. Silly, silly, Lefties.
"Burn it all down says Bannon/Trump
Tear it all down says anarchists in Madison."
Without wasting too much of my time on your nonsense, I will point out that the left is actually doing it.
Milwaukee's Socialist mayor Hoan worked hard to make sure blacks didn't move into Milwaukee. His policies were very racist.
Sen. Carpenter reminds me of the guy watching the protesters throw a brick through his apartment window: We're on your side! We're on your side!. Nope. There is no side with a mob. I hope he makes a full recovery.
These are not progressives. They are anarchists.
Progressives -- who ever seek "progress," that is, to constantly move forward, which necessarily means tearing down what already exists -- by their very nature are anarchists.
For the progressive, every year must be Year Zero.
Inga- do you think these black protestors/ rioters are being led by Steve Bannon? IS that why you've brought him up in this thread?
Can black people just not help themselves, when the boogaloo and Steve Bannon boys come to town, they just start in rioting without knowing why?
Inga: "Dr.Michael K or others here who embraced Bannonism/Trumpism have no moral authority over the rioters in Madison, as “Burn it all down“ proponents."
Seeing as "she" has been appropriated for almost every cause, I'm surprised the current mob didn't place a Molotov cocktail in her right hand.
Going out shopping for a home defense weapon next week.
if a group of mostly white guys wearing MAGA hats and decided to, say, tear down the Martin Luther King, Jr memorial on the Mall
It is just as likely -- if not more likely -- that the BLM radicals will be the ones to go after MLK. As a Christian minister, as one preaching non-violence, MLK is seen by them as the kind of "safe" black man that the white privilege wants, and truth be told, a bit of a token for whites. Even in his own time, MLK was despised by certain sections within Black America and thought to be part of the problem and not a revered figure.
"We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where."
Wear a MAGA hat and keep driving until the rock throwing stops. Probably good people there who respect whoever you are.
Inga: "Burn it all down says Bannon/Trump
Tear it all down says anarchists in Madison."
And there it is ladies and gentlemen.
In the same way Inga blames American Christians for islamic supremacist mass murders, and Inga blames mythical boogaloo-ers for the actions of her beloved antifa types, Inga is now, literally, attempting to transfer responsibility for the massive nationwide destruction by her lunatic lefty mobs to Trump and Steve Bannon.
Well, should we be surprised? After all, the dems/left have long ago transferred responsibility for the Civil War, slavery, Jim Crow and Segregation to the republicans.
The democrat governors are literally now trying to claim with a straight face the Trump administration is responsible for all their state level decisions in dealing with ChiCom flu and infected patients and state budgets for equipment preparedness....after months of proclaiming they were not following Trump's directions and were doing a "great job".
But wait, it gets "better": Just yesterday, Nancy Pelosi claimed directly that the "republicans" were attempting to "get away with the murder of George Floyd". Thats right. Pelosi, going Full Inga, is declaring republicans in the Senate and House "guilty" for the murder of George Floyd.
So, anyway, that's where we find ourselves with the moron lefties like Inga who is not having a very good day at all.
Reading what "you know who" says almost all the time (to her credit, sometimes she does engage like a normal human being), but I gotta wonder if there are any mirrors in her house? Does she ever look at herself and the people next to her?
Inga still trying to blame Steve Bannon and Donald Trump for this.
Inga said...
Steve Bannon was a proponent of “Burn it all down” and was Trump’s closest advisor for a while until he started being called the shadow president and Trump grew jealous of all the attention Bannon got. That ideology burn it all down ideology was adopted by these left wing anarchists in Madison
Note how ahistorical this is. Antifa rioted at the WTO office in Seattle in 1999, but now we're to believe they learned the "ideology" from Steve Bannon. Our resident propagandist would claim Trumpists turned gravity on this morning if she thought it would protect antifa.
Ann Althouse: "We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where."
I know you love the seasons but you have to give some real thought as to political leadership of any state you might move to. There are several states I would like to move to but what is happening politically makes it impossible.
Having said that, I would give some thought to Colorado (you've been here alot and its not quite round the bend with the dems.......yet. Lots more Californians moving here as escapees from the People's Republic of CA but still bringing their democrat stupidity).
Ken B: "NO! Really, really NO. She did not represent that. She represented *something other people care about*. That is why she was torn down. It does not matter what she represents to said other people. All that she represents to the iconoclasts is *something people I hate care about*. That is why they trash monuments to black soldiers and abolitionists equally with confederate generals. “You care about it? Watch me smash it.” Nothing else."
This is correct.
Dave Begley said...
When Forward was yanked down, some reports that she was yelling, "I'm on your side!"
Ann, I think you can find some nice friendly non-liberal small towns in Minnesota lake country that would appeal to you.
In fact, I wouldn't doubt most of the smaller towns in Wisconsin look at the lunacy being exhibited in Madison and shake their heads.
Dr.Michael K or others here who embraced Bannonism/Trumpism have no moral authority over the rioters in Madison, as “Burn it all down“ proponents. And don’t even try to deny that many of you here repeated that phrase right here in these comments sections during that time.<
Inga is about to list all the "right wing" riots.
Oh, I think we should burn down most universities, especially the Ivy League, but your Anfifa will probably do it for us. Ending student loans for "Studies" majors should do it. You will do it for us.
We’re thinking of moving
Stay where you’re at. Your foolish voting patterns made the mess; you can stick around to help clean it up.
Move somewhere just outside Madison near lakes and nature but within easy driving distance to MadTown to visit when it calms down or is less violatile.
We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where.
The problem is that those librul mold spores fly out and infect normal communities. Vermont is a classic example.
I agree but the New Yawkers drove up the 93 to see the "quaint" Vermont. Ever see the movie "Baby Boom?" The difference, I think, is that they are now being driven out by fear of domestic terrorists. Plus she is a mother now and has commented on how it changed her world. Do you know any of those angry millennial women screaming at black cops who have children? Maybe an abortion or two.
Ann Althouse said...
We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where.
South Dakota sounds sane as long as that Governor stays around.
Dr.Michael K or others here who embraced Bannonism/Trumpism have no moral authority over the rioters in Madison, as “Burn it all down“ proponents.
Once again, your stupidity shines through.
There's a difference between actually burning it down - like your side is doing - and cheering on leftists shitting in your own mess kits.
“Devil's Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency”
Worth reading.
Yes, the statue repreented progress and Progressivism.
What does that tell you about the people who tore it down?
We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where.
I'd suggest another leftie stronghold where your vote can't do much damage. The Berkshires are nice. Williamstown?
“ We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where.”
Somewhere red. Not a big city, not a university town. Throw a dart at a map until you hit a small red city.
If you live in a blue city, move. Get a different job, but move. How much worse will it be when the church burnings start?
A class war is predicated on there being "classes" as in hereditary jobs in the feudal system. Except for a few rich families, there is huge economic mobility even today. The Antifa protesters are white almost entirely. How are they being oppressed? They seem to hate even the idea of success and cannot fathom that most successful people worked their butts off. Most of the billionaires in the US made the money--and did not steal it. These same people are happy to throw their money at Apple products (at Occupy Wall st they all had Macs).
Don't come to Texas. The weather is hot and the men here wear shorts.
Here brazil too ,to be horrible 2020 ...Peace ?? Coronavírus is danger now !!
The radicals insist they are oppressed by a violent state, and yet in the past 30+ years (50?) there has not been a conservative riot or violent protest. Lots of marches sure. Whites no longer go on rampages in black communities. As far as I can tell, these people are turning "life is hard" into "oppression" based almost entirely on lies. They want to tear stuff down and destroy with no opposition. urgh
Try Idaho. Only 21 people per square mile. Same latitude as Wisconsin.Beautiful forests and mountains with a River Snaking thru it. And both of the Senators and Representatives are Republicans. Meade can try out the Evil Knievel Mountain Bike Trail.
Not Rennebohm. That's Wisconsin (Audrey Munson) up there:
What goes up may come down:!AhtppHlk0VCeoTJ3nlEg6HpJNhFD?e=Sqh2na
"Burn it all down says Bannon/Trump
Tear it all down says anarchists in Madison."
One side talked about it, the other side is doing it.
Don't move. FIX THE PLACE YOU'RE IN. All moving would do is spread the contagion. Liberals need to stay in liberal-run cities and force them to pay for their crimes. Social justice is a hate crime.
But anyway Inga, what is your point? Anyone who voted for Trump has to own everything Steve Bannon said?
Does everyone who voted for Obama have to own everything Van Jones said?
Ann - I share your sentiment. I have lived in Portland OR since 1980. A beautiful area of the country. But in the last 2-3 years my wife and I, who has lived all 52 years of her life here, have seriously talked about moving somewhere else. The city has become lawless and its leaders have no regard for the safety of its citizens, property, or businesses. Downtown is boarded up and trashed, not to mention an exploding homeless population that is allowed to pitch tents on the sidewalk in front of businesses or take over parks with zero repercussions. Now its Portland, so I am not expecting a super conservative Mayor or City Council, but isn't there an acceptable true blue liberal that can stop the city from its continuing decline. It is truly disheartening. I love(d) this place and I hate to just give up on it, but at some point enough is enough. But I truly have no idea where I would go.
"We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where."
Why should you move? You tacitly accepted these activities, just not QUITE so 'intense'.
But you wouldn't speak out before - it didn't hit your 'Okay, this is going too far' limit. You could excuse it. You WOULD excuse it. So would the folks running Madison. They were so VERY understanding, so condoning of the activities. Couldn't arrest activists or break up the protests, they were just being 'passionate'. So, they gave a nice, tacit permission to go even further. Is it a surprise they actually went further and have started the destruction of the things you thought would be untouched?
Good luck. You're likely gonna need it. But wherever you go - consider WHY you had to leave Madison, and how your attitude and the attitude of those running the city made it possible.
The requisite conspiracy explanation in one of 2.1K comments on the WaPo story
"nancy b ohagen"
8 hours ago
Perhaps I'm being cynical, but is there any chance that these "protesters" are plants put in by right wing groups? The BLM protesters are generally not violent at all, and anti-violence is what they stand for. Unlike white supremacists who are either violent or threatening to be with their weapons. This smells to me. I can't help suspecting that some right-wing person(s) or group, who can't stand the sight of peaceful protests succeeding by their "enemies", had to go in to make their movement questionable.
So... they got to a dem senator. Congratulations Madison, National News on that black eye there!
“ It's pretty incredible that the same movement celebrating George Floyd can't tolerate other historical figures we admire who have done terrible things.”
Ann Althouse said...We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where.
You should visit the northern Tucson area. The photography and hiking opportunities are terrific. We have a Whole Foods market and award winning restaurants with Sonoran being the most interesting and unique of the many ethnic cuisines..
The MSA is about 1 million, but there is a small town feel with a lot of different communities. We only have one major highway which limits urban sprawl without increasing population density. The roads are rarely crowded.
Summers are really hot, but people either go to a gym or work out early in the AM when the temps are reasonable. People are noticeably slimmer and more active than in the Midwest. Winter and Fall are wonderful. There is green year round and unbelievable color in the Spring.
Trump and Bannon were using what is known as “figures of speech”. Only morons would fail to understand that.
We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where.
Aren't we all? An old schoolmate has moved to Hayden Lake, Idaho. He says it's the one of his better decisions.
I dunno. I don't think I could tolerate the stigma.
A class war? How do you have a class war with unarmed White middle-class posers who have no control over infrastructure, transportation, food, energy, the police, and the military? The great One-Day War of 2020.
The only class war is going to be between these clowns and their underclass predators.
Asheville, NC. Lefty, but not burn it down lefty. Great climate, splendid hiking. All good.
"We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where."
Good Lord. You sound like Anne Frank's mom.
This is what democracy looks like.
This is also why our founders (those racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, cisgendered, bigoted, white men) tried so hard to keep America from becoming one. But Franklin's speculation has been answered. We couldn't keep the republic, and now we're getting the ugly and untamed full measure of democracy. The problem is that we're just getting started. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. If it gets better.
Inga said...
“These are not progressives. They are anarchists.”
This I can agree with."
A distinction without a difference. Also one thing is for sure, none of that rabble will be voting Republican in November but to the extent they vote, they will vote Democrat. Like you. And this is what you support notwithstanding your bleatings to the contrary. Althouse as well.
One thing that ought to be done is require six months plus one day residency to vote where you legally reside. That will not eliminate crazy stupid leftist students in college town like Madison but it will enable the actual year long and more sane residents to control the city and county along with the votes for state offices and federal office. Let the college kids vote in their home states and residencies.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where"
I suspect big blue cities are not on the list. College towns are also out. You don't like the heat so the South and South East and West are out. Looks like you choices are limited to smaller cities in the North East, Midwest and West coast. More cowbell and less Bach.
Reap what you sow....
I was there with Ann and Meade in 2011. I looked back on it fondly. Maybe it was a practice run.
You are very well right where you are. You and Madison were made for each other.
Howard meanwhile professes to have no concern at all about these goings-on. I wonder what makes him feel safe for himself and his family. He says he isn't black. That's the only badge of immunity I can see to wear these days.
Burn it all down says Bannon/Trump
Tear it all down says anarchists in Madison.
When did you come to this country again? Can you possibly be so ignorant of the origins of this phrase to think that either Steve Bannon or Donald Trump created it?
Oh the Insanity. Class war really? Looks to me like rich white kids doing most of the mobbing. Are they useful idiots? Right now the the mob are using so called social justice to kill peoples jobs and career for comments against BLM or whatever. How long till the guillotines come out?
Inga you are astounding. Do you even believe the stuff you write? Ask your Democrat Governor and Mayor of Madison why they are allowing looters and destroyers. Stop trying to tie this anyway to our President. This is your party coming to it’s logical conclusion. If you can’t win on ideas..cheat..lie..and destroy. Like poorly raised children.
Blaming the progressive burning down the shithole that is Madison on Trump and Bannon is classic Inga.
It is all on you. You liberal loons.
It is all going to burn and those of us in our gated communities are going to pass the popcorn and laugh.
“We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where.“
Vancouver BC?
We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where.
A couple of months ago I would have recommended St. Paul.
We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where.
That's sad, but I get it. You seem so much a part of the Madison fabric. least you were when Madison had a fabric to it. My wife and I left a major city for good just about 3 years ago. I could see this coming- the breakdown of things. I had not seen covid, but did include pandemics on my radar. And riots. And progressive policies making the cities unlivable. Even in the suburbs. Nothing would be safe.
We looked at a number of smaller towns, mostly in the Southeast, which we love. But also Northern Cal (too expensive and let's face it, people leave California, they don't move there.) We visited and loved Ann Arbor but it's up north where you have winter and such. Plus...Progressives running amok in A2. It came down to some key Southeast towns and we love where we ended up on the Gulf, but people here wear shorts most of the year. You wouldn't like it.
I see you and Meade in Colorado. You can get lost in the Mountains. Also- Western North Carolina is very nice. It's sad when a place you loved turns into a place you can longer put up with.
We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where.
Fifteen miles in any direction from where you are now would guarantee your safety and probably your sanity.
Michael K said...
My former Bernie bro daughter is thinking of getting out of LA now that she has her own daughter. Idaho is looking good to her.
I hope you told her that if she moves she needs to mind her manners and not vote for the same idiots who brought this mess on!
Democrat Philly Mayor orders Columbus statue removed.
Howard and Inga will no doubt helpfully explain that Columbus was a Major in the Confederate Army, notorious wearer of hawaiian shirts and besides, its now all Steve Bannons fault anyway.
Note: Yes indeed, Inga is laying blame for the nationwide lefty marxist riots and killings at the feet of Steve Bannon.
Frankly, I never thought even Inga could possibly reach such levels of idiocy.
But then again, its the only excuse hole she could find to crawl into.
I wish I could help you. I would say pick out a Red state as law and order seems to be a viable concept there. But in many of them local governments in cities have bee taken over by blacks. That means corruption, incompetence and black racism. Take Atlanta, Birmingham for examples.
So I don't know what to tell ya.
Has anyone mentioned this here?
Michael Hazz
2 hours ago
There’s more to the story. While the statues were being torn down another group attacked the Dane County jail with firebombs, crowbars, etc. A Madison authority, name as yet unknown had ordered all Madison police and Dane County deputies to stand down and not engage. The rioters opened an outside door to the jail, and light fires. The Madison FD could not respond. About 300 people ()inmates and jailers) were trapped inside. Deputies were able to just barely extinguish the fires with hand extinguishers. The deputies then armed themselves with long guns expecting the rioters would barge inside. The rioters pulled back, but had they not done so there would have been a horrible bloodbath inside the jail.
The leader of the rioters, a woman who self-identifies as a radical Marxist, have demanded a full disbanding of the Madison PD and the release of all prisoners held in the Dane County jail. This was very bad.
At the same time the Mayor of Madison ordered police to pull back from the Capitol AHEAD of the riot. The rioters were allowed to cordon entire blocks surrounding the Capitol and had free reign to burn, loot, desecrate any and all properties, and to beat any citizen then encountered.
This was a purposeful and willful participation in the riot by the mayor of Madison, a radical feminist who ran on a platform of hating the MPD.
I will say, there is far less racism here in the South than what I perceive from reports in the Northern states. I run into blacks everyday here and all are treated cordially, respectfully and there is no rancor at all. I never see any sign of racism here. Of course, in the black areas of cities, crime is rife with black on black assaults and murders nightly. Our local rag has become liberal so they do everything they can to stoke racism but it just isn't here. I might have been in the sixties. But it isn't now.
“And don’t even try to deny that many of you here repeated that phrase right here in these comments sections during that time.”
During that time? Try today. Make the Blue city grovel in it’s dust. It is the only way enough people are going regain their senses to effect positive change. Rudy Giuliani could explain it. Bill de Blasio not so much.
Keep Aunt-jemima cancel Aunt-tifa
Before I sat down to read this post, I was telling my housemate that "It's Coming."
Trump's talking about an EO on Friday about desecrating statues. Bark or bite, we'll see.
Last week, hero-journalist Andy Ngo, responding to the WaPo claim of "no proven Anti involvement," reported that a local Portland Antifa gal was arrested last week. I don't remember exact, but I think it was for traveling across state lines to commit arson two weeks earlier.
It seems while Dem mayors and governors aren't arresting the vandals, the feds have been busy. How do they find them two weeks later when they all wear masks?
Not an inconvenience. Just get all data from relevant cell phone towers and, get this, the revolutionaries are actually filming each other committing felonies, uploading it to Facebook and Instagram. The anarchist in Ngo's story was positively ID'd by her forearm tat.
I have this beautiful feeling that we'll see a wave of arrests this weekend. Point, set, match.
We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where.
Texas! If you feel homesick visit Austin
Burn it all down says Bannon/Trump
Tear it all down says anarchists in Madison
Well, one is metaphorical.
And one is actually doing it.
Its a freedom of speech vs destruction of property thing. You see that one is worse, right?
We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where.
Imagine East Tennessee. You'll like it.
I think Madison deserves this. There are a few free thinkers left there, but the majority are Progressive sheep who elected weak leaders who are held hostage by BLM.
"Black Lives Matter rioters in Wisconsin decapitated and destroyed a statue of Colonel Hans Christian Heg, a Norwegian immigrant who spent his life fighting slavery before dying in battle while leading Union soldiers in the American Civil War."
"It's coming!"
About time.
"Get ready."
Born ready.
And so are all of my compatriots.
And so are all of their compatriots.
There is now a list available to some. Doxxing goes both ways. Some fools make it easy by sharing way too much shit on Twatter and Faceballs. They're too young and dumb - they think masks make them anonymous.
The reality check will come too late to be of any help.
65 within 100 miles. Almost too easy to find.
It won't be me - I'm just holding fast. But others are not as restrained. Still praying the balloon deflates.
But it grows less likely each day.
Just bought a new set of backup radios. 121 privacy channels. Tested them to 1.5 miles through town and 3 miles over open fields. Plenty for my purposes. This weekend we drill radio discipline. We've got about 1600 acres to play with, some wooded, some hilly, some just grassland. Should be fun.
I don't own any Hawaiian shirts. Nor do my compatriots. They're not us and we're not them.
We're different.
Texas! If you feel homesick visit Austin<
My son visited Austin last week and thought it was a dump. They are looking at colleges for daughter #1. They spent a great week in northeast Arkansas. Looking to move in 2 years.
I look forward to the day when the leftist mob shows up on Inga's doorstep.
"But I'm on your side!" she insists.
Burn it down, indeed.
Aren't we all? An old schoolmate has moved to Hayden Lake, Idaho. He says it's the one of his better decisions.
I dunno. I don't think I could tolerate the stigma.
My college roommate's parents had a summer home at Hayden Lake. I spent a month there in 1959. It was October and the summer people were gone. It was idyllic. Bing Crosby had a place across the lake. Phil Harris had a place around the corner. Their house was on the first fairway of the golf club. We played that course every day for a month. Gorgeous. The white supremacist thing was decades later.
Coeur d'alene has gotten very crowded in recent years. Sand Point is nicer and less crowded. I haven't been to Hayden in 30 years. Our daughter has a place outside Sand Point.
Althouse and Meade,
You must be flattered with all the commenters suggesting you move to their part of the world.
Summers are really hot, but people either go to a gym or work out early in the AM when the temps are reasonable.
Or have a place in Minnesota.
Good on others here for trying to help out with nice places to live. Problem is with the last few days there's going to be a welcome to the neighborhood issue. Sure, if you move in people will be polite, but...
I'm really sorry you guys feel you need to leave Madison. I never thought much about Madison or Wisconsin before I started coming here, and now I've been coming here for a long time. You and the local commenters have shown me a beautiful place, and it seems ideal for the two of you. It seems like a beautiful place for just about anyone. When viewing your photos, I often wish I was there, walking around that lake, watching the perfectly reliable change of the seasons. It is an American ideal in promise and reality, or at least it was.
Politcally, I think it was as nice a choice as could possible considering your backgrounds. Working at the University just seemed like a perfect gig in a perfect place. It was left, even loonie sometimes, but it was safe, and now I have to say, I worry for you.
The problem is that progressivism is not liberalism, they just seemed to share goals once upon a time, and I think people were smarter or at least better informed back then. Now the progressives have pushed liberal values aside. It started slowly, but it's now in critical mass, feeding on itself, and stomping all else out. The respect, the tolerance, the decency that you two seem to both enjoy, and practice is no longer in fashion in many places, including Madison. You didn't break it, but it got broke, and I don't know if it can be put back now.
There are lots of places in the country where none of this is manifesting itself, some have natural appeal and some don't, but I would suggest that it's worth a shot trying out a little different type of place with a different flavor of people. There are people out there who can disagree without the hate, the demands, the threats. People who can say with a smile: "I don't see it that way, but that's OK. Would you like a drink?"
I think Meadehouse would enjoy the Colorado Front Range. I lived in Fort Collins for several years. The weather is better that Wisconsin and there's lots of outdoorsy stuff to do. It's a great springboard for the American West.
In a few short years without changing course, Madison will be an unlivable shithole. Of course, you could stay there and try to improve things.
Althouse, two places in Wisconsin that you and Meade should check out -- River Falls and Lacrosse WI.
“A distinction without a difference.”
Progressives are PRO government.
Anarchists are ANTI government, whether anarchists be on the left or the right, they have a hatred for government in common.
Michael K:
Your son and grand daughter should look at Creighton. The campus is 100x better from when I graduated. Also great in all of the health sciences.
bagoh20 said...
I'm really sorry you guys feel you need to leave Madison. I never thought much about Madison or Wisconsin before I started coming here, and now I've been coming here for a long time.
It's a good idea to sell out before everybody wants to. When the Chicago south side went bad about 1967, my father sold our home for 1/3 of what he had been offered ten years before.
ave Begley said...
Michael K:
Your son and grand daughter should look at Creighton.
They have three coming along, one every two years. The oldest, a daughter, is looking for an academic scholarship. She is going to look at Alabama in the fall. Her brother is 15 and 6 foot 4, taller than his father. Their friends in Arkansas are trying to interest him in a baseball scholarship. The youngest, a gorgeous 13 year old girl, is a swimmer. They are also looking to relocate from OC when he can retire from Cal Fire. I'll mention it.
Life is good in NW Indiana (Porter County). Just near enough to, yet far enough from, Chicago.
There are people out there who can disagree without the hate, the demands, the threats. People who can say with a smile: "I don't see it that way, but that's OK. Would you like a drink?"
Sure, as long as the newcomers understand that the people who've been there their whole lives are there because they like things the way they are and don't need anybody to tell them how things should be. You know... the way progressives like to, because they're- well, better people.
How do I know this? Because I came to Idaho from California thirty years ago. Granted, that was a different time and although I didn't live in a progressive community there, I could see the writing on the wall (or pretty murals on the plywood, as it were) and decided to get out.
Everybody I met here was friendly but decidedly guarded at first, as "Californication" was, at the time, a big problem in Oregon and much discussed here. Once people recognized that I wanted to live in Idaho, not change it, I was welcomed wholeheartedly.
These days, the problem here is the influx of progs from Portland and Seattle since it appears they've fucked those places up pretty badly and are looking to escape. The jury is still out on how that's going to turn out for us.
Just stay where you are. This too shall pass.
What, you got a problem with Cedar Rapids, IA? It smells like Cheerios! Lovely.
Expanding vid and photos, looks like a lot of California transplants.
Peripherals in Idaho say young native born citizens out in the street marching and shouting. Not a lot of California transplants in the parade.
Of course, just like almost everywhere, young people have a legitimate beef. Their parents, aunts, uncles, neighbors all so greedy they jacking up the selling prices of their homes and moving out. Not leaving the property to the young ones and giving them a helping hand. Right leaners in the Bay Area sell the home, go to red state and take the family with them, buy a couple of homes.
"We’re thinking of moving, but I can’t imagine where."
Just get a summer place outside Dane County but near the lakes and all your old friends. Just a place to visit now and then and feel Wisconsin. This madness is extremely localized; its strength declines as the square of the distance from the center, so to speak, the center being the Mayor of Madison, UW-M and Governor Evers. When I was in New Hampshire the entire atmosphere was different from that in Boston which was only an hour and a half away. It was almost a field reversal - in Boston, Boston was central; a little way outside Boston and it was felt that the big cities had gone bad like rotting fish. Nothing they did meant anything, it just illustrated something people knew anyhow.
Forget Tucson, it's a leftist shithole wannabe. Give it a few years and it will be more like Madison, unless the locals wake up and decide to fight. And definitely forget about Phoenix - the socialists have already started their takeover. A few years ago, a calm city where government was concerned with traffic, streets, potholes, the things a city needs to be concerned with. Now, social justice and identity politics are taking over, which means the actual city will turn to shit because that's what happens when the physical city no longer matters. It's a repeatable process, and will repeat itself over and over.
Inga said...
Burn it all down says Bannon/Trump
Tear it all down says anarchists in Madison.
so Inga why would Madison and Wisconsin leadership let this happen? and do nothing?
are they also for Bannon/Trump?
It is sad to watch Royal ass Inga regurgitate the lies she has been told about Leftist Collectivist politics.
She is so very stupid.
I hope the mobs find her and disabuse her foolishness.
It would be a kindness.
Sty in Wisc, but on the finger above Port Washington, only two roads in and out after the bridge and the summer people fit your demographic profile.
If you are really serious about safety try Washington Island, ferry access only, Sort of lonely in the winter though.
When I was at Great Mistakes for Class "A" school, we were strongly advised if we wanted to go to a big city, go to Chicago, not Milwaukee. That was 1974- and Milwaukee was less than welcoming to sailors. I've heard some stories I won't repeat.
When I was instructing at "A" school more than a decade later, we told students- the exact same thing. And added, stick to the tourist areas, especially at night.
At some point when I was there the second time (did a 4 year tour there) a young sailor disappeared from Great Lakes, and was marked UA, then a deserter after more than 30 days had passed. In the winter. His buddies said he went up to Milwaukee. When spring broke, his bloated body was found floating in one of Milwaukee's many waterways. His status was changed and his parents got his SGLI. It was easier to warn people off of Milwaukee after that. Oh, there was evidence of foul play, but no suspects ever showed on police radar.
In the end...the very end...the bitter end...this is what the anarchists want. Anarchy. Destruction.
It's odd that anarchists see themselves as "progressives." Progress, if that's the word they want to use, is, by most lights, peaceful.
Patriotism used to be the last refuge of the scoundrel. Now it's "progress."
Have you considered Brookings, SD ? It is a diverse university town but not populated by bat shit crazy communists and anarchists like Madison. Weather is similar and as an added extra bonus you'd have a real governor, Kristi Noem, instead of that empty suit Tony Evers.
But I truly have no idea where I would go.
Move across the river to Clark County.
Waimea on the Big Island is pretty cool.
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