June 30, 2020

"It is self-destructive for any society..."


rhhardin said...

It seems a little overspecific.

The problem is that grievances ruin your soul, which is to say your realations to others, wherever they come from.

It's not a problem of strict legality.

tim in vermont said...

Hasn’t he ever heard of Original Sin? This is a religion that is loosely based on Christianity and the primary goal is to “get back to the Ga a ar den” like the song says.

Temujin said...

If more people, especially our politicians, had spent the last 3 decades reading Thomas Sowell instead of the 1619 Project, or Robin D'Angelo, or Ta-Nehisi Coates, or Thomas Piketty, or Paul Krugman, we'd all be in a much better place. Black America would be in a much better place.

As is, the current direction is not good. Not for anyone.

rehajm said...

Boy do we need him right now...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

WaPo Opinion Editor Deletes Tweet Floating ‘Revenge’ Against White Women


wendybar said...

Amen. You should post more of Thomas Sowell, and less of the whiners on the left. This man has so much wisdom to pass on!!!!

DanTheMan said...

Your father robbed a bank, and beat your mom. But he's dead, so we're arresting you.
Somebody has to pay.

Rory said...

Yes. Furthermore, any baby who is disadvantaged by the law is not required to follow the law when he or she grows up

Mr. Sowell turns 90 today.

Static Ping said...

Someone has learned from history.

Too bad we no longer teach history, which explains why we are here.

R. Duke said...

Nailed it.

Todd said...

The man has always seemed to have an abundance of reason and common sense. Unfortunately too many today either lack any measure of both of these traits or suppress them in order to advance an "evil" agenda (yes, any agenda which would subjugate one group to another or steal from some to give to others is evil).

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Sowell is our real Poet laureate.

tim in vermont said...

Turns out that suggestig that those who fail to learn history end up repeating it is a white supremacist taunt. What a world.

Mike Sylwester said...

Rory at 7:41 AM
any baby who is disadvantaged by the law is not required to follow the law when he or she grows up

That opinion is rather odd.

wild chicken said...

I read his Economic of Politics and Race back in the early 80s, about affirmative action all over the world. He pretty much called it.

It just gets worse.

ColoComment said...

His book, "The Quest for Cosmic Justice" is wonderful (as are they all, of course.)

...a taste:


Dust Bunny Queen said...

a situation where a baby who is born into the world today automatically has pre-existing grievances against another baby born at the same time, because of what their ancestors did centuries ago.

What Sowell is describing is a Caste System. Similar to India where you are born into a caste such as Untouchable or Brahman and there you are for the rest of your life. Bottom of the heap or top of the heap.

Europe had a similar society in the Feudal days. Serfs, and Lords and other castes in-between.

This is why people fled Europe and came to the Americas. To found a society where you can rise AND fall on your own merit. It didn't (or wasn't supposed to) matter if you were "titled" when your feet hit the ground (literally). Every person was supposed to be able to dream and achieve "the American Dream".

Now. We know that isn't completely true or achievable as there will always be those who consider themselves elite or better and always wanting to subjugate others.

But...we tried to live the dream.

Now the dream is dead and we let it be killed. Ironically it is those who consider themselves "woke" who have killed the dream.

gilbar said...

It is self-destructive for any society to create a situation where a baby who is born into the world today automatically has pre-existing grievances against another baby born at the same time

actually; it is self-destructive for any particular baby to be born to automatically have pre-existing grievances against another baby born at the same time

The Real Damage Done, isn't to Whites (we ALWAYS skate away free and clear), but to Blacks
feeling Outraged, Insulted and Oppressed is no way to go through life

The Crack Emcee said...

And yet, this society created just that.

Thomas Sowell is AMAZING.

Birkel said...

The world is so crazy that Althouse sees Sowell.

Larry J said...

At age 90, Thomas Sowell has more wisdom and knowledge than the entire faculty of many universities.

I'm Not Sure said...

What's really self-destructive is teaching babies that they have pre-existing grievances against others.

Michael K said...

"I am so mold I remember when most racists were white." We may not see his like again. His life story should be in every black child's mind. Along with Clarence Thomas's.

Jersey Fled said...

"It is self-destructive for any society to create a situation where a baby who is born into the world today automatically has pre-existing grievances against another baby born at the same time, because of what their ancestors did centuries ago."

And not even what your ancestors did, but the color of your skin. My ancestors on my father's side came here from Italy in the early 1900's. On my mother's side I have ancestors who fought in the Union Army to free the slaves.

What grievance do Blacks have with me, except for the color of my skin?

Saint Croix said...

Hasn’t he ever heard of Original Sin?

Original sin posits that all human beings are sinners. What he's talking about is labeling babies an oppressor class and a victim class. His point is that babies are innocent.

Little black babies are right now being defined as sub-human property by the United States Supreme Court. And our liberal culture has convinced many of their mothers that they would be better off poisoning or decapitating their own children. The people who want to talk about slavery better know what a person is. And they better be ready for a discussion of abortion in the 21st century. And who's in favor of it and who's not in favor of it.

Those glib people who want to topple a statue of Lincoln for not being p.c. enough, while they abort their own children? You want to see a monster, look in a mirror, buddy.

Freder Frederson said...

Actually it wasn't centuries ago. Jim Crow ended in the '60s.

Tommy Duncan said...

Hatred and irrationality travel together.

Sebastian said...

"It is self-destructive for any society to create a situation . . ."

True. But progs want the self-destruction.

The Althouses of America are still mulling things over. Will decide in November.

chickelit said...

Sowell is good for the soul.

n.n said...

Diversity and heredity are the quintessential elements of racism, other color judgments, and bigotry itself.

wildswan said...

This is my re-consideration of American history.

I would argue that the Africans were brought here because they knew how to farm the type of land common in South - a red clay earth and a deep black swamp earth that never was covered by the glaciers. We could call it Gondwanaland earth. In the US, it extends to the Mason Dixon line. And I think that by forgetting that the Africans were brought here for their skills and that they taught those skills to all the other farmers around them, we are denying them their true place in American history. They aren't just objects of moral concern - they brought skills that formed the US as we know it. They were brought by force because they were needed by those trying to farm on Gondwanaland earth and without force they wouldn't have come. They were kept by force in one place because otherwise they would have left and done well on their own. It's well understood and agreed that the Africans brought to South Carolina knew a special technique of rice farming which made a profitable rice crop a certainty, absent a hurricane. I'm arguing that, in a similar way, in general African farmers understood how to farm in the South better than the Europeans who were mainly coming from areas where the soil was affected by the glaciers. The story of the African contribution to Southern rice farming is told Judith Carney in Black Rice: The African Origins of Rice Cultivation in the Americas. This history is central in terms of number of African farmers brought to America - a majority, especially after the United States was organized, were brought to South Carolina to work the African rice system in place there. It's central to our history that the system made the South Carolina plantation owners the richest group in America and that only the Africans understood the system. The Africans were also semi-immune to malaria as a result of sickle cell disease whih was necessity in a group working in artificial swamps. This meant that on the rice plantations which were artificial swamps there was a large group of sickly people and a high death rate so that new batches of skilled Africans were constantly needed to keep the plantations going. This meant that the wealthy and powerful South Carolina planters needed both slavery AND the slave trade. As we know those planters became the leading proponents of secession, which was in their economic interest and caused the Civil War. others in the South followed them because, similarly, in the other parts of the South the skills of the African farmers on the red earth and the river mud earth were also essential in getting farming going in those areas. However the African techniques, except the making of artificial swamps watered by an understanding of the interaction of tides and rivers had been learned by the European farmers by the time of the Civil War. All types of farming in the South kept going after the slaves were freed except that of the Lowland rice plantations which was utterly dependent on a special set of skills only known to the Africans. (The rice plantations in Louisiana which took their place used machine pumps made by skilled German workers.) In the South, in short, the African farmers were skilled workers at first and they were not freed at Independence as were all Europeans because their skills were necessary to plantation owners.

wildswan said...

But in time farming ceased to be regarded as skilled labor. Then this history was re-written so that the importation of the Africans was seen importing strong backs for unskilled labor and the doing of work no one else wanted to do. The justification for segregation rested on this second incorrect history and so it is important to recover an understanding of the part the skills of the Africans played in founding the US. That's one reason why I dislike the Roosevelt statue which enshrines this second late-nineteenth-century outlook on Africans as naked, unskilled men without a culture, carrying loads here and there.

PS Both Justice Thomas and Michelle Obama are descended from the skilled African rice farmers brought to South Carolina. This lost history is their history, their true background.

The Crack Emcee said...

Thomas Sowell:

The only black man to convince stupid whites Africans wrote "All Men Are Created Equal" and then broke their word.

Fernandinande said...

WaPo Opinion Editor Deletes Tweet Floating ‘Revenge’ Against White Women

"The lies and tears of white women" (and misspells the name of Saint Emmitt Till)

The other day we were talking about "artificial tears", eye drops, and wondering if rich (white!) people could buy "natural tears".

tim in vermont said...

"Original sin posits that all human beings are sinners.”

Right, that’s why this new version of Christianity is not going to work they way they had planned. They keep mixing up the concepts because they are pretending that they aren’t peddling a religion.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Sowell nails it again. I do miss that man's columns.

tim maguire said...

The entire tribalistic edifice, from indigenous rights to reparations for slavery to white fragility, are built around a notion of inheritance that literally nobody believes.

DanTheMan said...

>>The Althouses of America are still mulling things over. Will decide in November.

It won't matter. Millions and millions of fraudulent ballots win it for the D's.

And I suspect many, if not most, D's are just fine with that. End, means, etc.

Todd said...

Freder Frederson said...

Actually it wasn't centuries ago. Jim Crow ended in the '60s.

6/30/20, 8:48 AM

So what have you done lately to make up for your guilt? How have you made amends today?

Fernandinande said...

The only book I ever bought about politics and/or gummint was Sowell's "The Vision of the Anointed".

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Crack Emcee: "And yet, this society created just that."

Exactly. A society, a Government, which insists on classification of citizens and assignment of benefits based on "race? - IOW, systemic racism.

mikee said...

Others can claim a grievance, but I don't have to entertain it, myself. They can go be aggrieved elsewhere, I ain't playing that game.

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "And yet, this society created just that.

Thomas Sowell is AMAZING."

Something tells me Crack was one of those guys who would mob attack the smartest black kids in school for "acting white".

Something I witnessed many, many times growing up in the Bay Area.

Charles said...

People keep wanting to normalize Corruption of the Blood.

It is just evil.

tcrosse said...

Elvis nails it:
In the Ghetto

iowan2 said...

Sowell has been trying to divert blacks away from the culture of grievance. Sowell has attempted to inform people the only way to improve society/culture, is to improve the individual. That is the message of Christ. "here is the way to improve you... not your neighbor, you. Take these steps"
Shelby Steele pointed out that until black men are reading to their children every night when they are put to bed, all will remain the same. I know tearing down a statue gives a bigger adrenaline rush, than reading to a child, but there is no argument the yield is infinitely larger.

Dude1394 said...

My favorite political author. His books on education should be required reading in high school and college.

Gahrie said...

This is why people fled Europe and came to the Americas. To found a society where you can rise AND fall on your own merit. It didn't (or wasn't supposed to) matter if you were "titled" when your feet hit the ground (literally). Every person was supposed to be able to dream and achieve "the American Dream"... Now the dream is dead and we let it be killed. Ironically it is those who consider themselves "woke" who have killed the dream.

That's because their dream is equal, wealthy outcomes without any effort. They don't care that this always ends up in massive poverty with a ruling class. They expect to be in the ruling class.

eddie willers said...

Sowell sat at the feet of Milton Friedman....and listened!

JaimeRoberto said...

It's how we get to Yugoslavia, which apparently is what a certain segment of our population wants.

Nichevo said...

The Crack Emcee said...
And yet, this society created just that.

Thomas Sowell is AMAZING.

6/30/20, 8:21 AM

Comparing your wisdom to that of Thomas Sowell is like comparing your music to that of Bill Withers. In both cases, at least it flatters you that you know who they are.

Nichevo said...

Todd said...
Freder Frederson said...

Actually it wasn't centuries ago. Jim Crow ended in the '60s.

6/30/20, 8:48 AM

So what have you done lately to make up for your guilt? How have you made amends today?

6/30/20, 9:26 AM

Naw, he shot up a Proddy daycare in Belfast and scampered over to Americay in order not to swing for it. He makes amends every day by trying to bring Northern Ireland here.

Michael K said...

reder Frederson said...
Actually it wasn't centuries ago. Jim Crow ended in the '60s.

About the time the South started to turn Republican. Hmmmm

Where's your surgicenter list ?

Krumhorn said...

I own a number of Sowell's books. Race and Culture is awe-inspiring.

- Krumhorn

hstad said...

The Crack Emcee said..."...Thomas Sowell is AMAZING..." 6/30/20, 8:21 AM

So true! But "Crack" he is against "Reparations" your pet vision?

Thomas Sowell on reparations:

“The number of whites who were enslaved in North Africa by the Barbary pirates exceeded the number of Africans enslaved in the United States and in the American colonies before that put together.”

Martin said...

Sowell is right, but for the people pushing that agenda, destruction is a feature, not a bug.

Jeff Brokaw said...

What he’s describing sounds exactly like the idiotic clan-based grudge thing that limits many (all?) Middle East amd African countries...

“Your clan fought and defeated my clan 600 years ago and I will NEVER let that go!”