June 2, 2020

"If you can’t keep a Fox News correspondent from getting attacked directly across from your house, how can you protect my family? How are you going to protect the country? How hard are you trying?"

Said Tucker Carlson, quoted in "Tucker Carlson of Fox News Accuses Trump of Being Too Lenient on Protests/In a sign of partisan divide, his monologue came as Anderson Cooper of CNN criticized Mr. Trump for calling protesters 'thugs'" (NYT).

More Tucker: "[I]f you don’t protect them — or, worse, if you seem like you can’t be bothered to protect them — then you’re done. It’s over. People will not forgive weakness." That was after Trump's little speech yesterday about dominating the streets and sending in the military even if state and local government don't want it.

Over on CNN, Anderson Cooper said: "The president seems to think dominating black people, dominating peaceful protesters, is law and order. He calls them ‘thugs.’ Who is the thug here? Hiding in a bunker, hiding behind a suit. Who is the thug?"


MayBee said...

The president seems to think dominating black people, dominating peaceful protesters, is law and order.

Anderson Cooper cannot possibly think that black peaceful protesters are the problem here. Nor can any of his viewers. So what is the point of even saying it.

(my relatives in Chicago, whose neighborhood stores have all been looted, LOVED what Tucker said last night)

Leland said...

Media: "Hey look at us! It is sweeps week!"

Me: "I'll let Althouse give you a click knowing about 40 other people will just read her instead."

Michael K said...

Lachlan Murdoch has now weighted in on the side of the rioters.

NO wonder Fox News is drifting left. If only the rioters could get to Murdoch's $150 million mansion in LA. Maybe we could provide the address or a map?

Skeptical Voter said...

Anderson Cooper is a silly jackass. He's that today, he was that yesterday, and he will be that for the next millenium.

Skeptical Voter said...

Anderson Cooper is a silly jackass. He's that today, he was that yesterday, and he will be that for the next millenium.

Pettifogger said...

Anderson Cooper asked who is the thug.

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised that he can't figure that out. Even so, I think the ability to figure that out is a good test of whether someone has worthwhile opinions.

YoungHegelian said...

Mainstream liberalism tied itself to these moral monsters (as if it's the first time the liberal intelligentsia went all pussyfied for left-wing monsters), praising them as the equivalent of American troops landing on D-Day, as the "true patriots". And now the truth is out -- the Hard Left seeks, as it always has if you listened, to destroy the US as the evil heart of capitalism & racism.

You, liberalism, you allied with these people. They didn't ally with you. They hate you. But, you in your blind hatred & contempt fueled by the narcissism of small differences for your fellow Americans, allied with this evil.

You're done. When history is written, the insurrection of 2020 will be seen to American Liberalism what Khrushchev's February, 1956 speech to the 20th Party Congress on the evils of Stalinism, the straw that broke the back of Soviet Communism.

Temujin said...

Note to Anderson Cooper. I don't recall Trump saying dominate Black people. He spoke of the governmental role of taking back the streets in their own cities instead of sitting back watching their cities go up in flames.

What a yutz.

Temujin said...

By the way, the entire Tucker opener was worth listening to. He left no one unscarred.

Bilwick said...

In Liberaland--that magical fairyland where the laws of logic and economics do not apply--just because someone loots your property or burns it down and beats you up is no reason to call him a "thug."

In fact, its offensive to the original Thugs of India. True, they would strangle people, but not burn down their homes and businesses, nor assume a mantle of righteousness.

dbp said...

"Over on CNN, Anderson Cooper said: "The president seems to think dominating black people, dominating peaceful protesters, is law and order. He calls them ‘thugs.’ Who is the thug here? Hiding in a bunker, hiding behind a suit. Who is the thug?""

Trump very clearly delineated between peaceful protesters and thugs, Cooper is either being dishonest or is an idiot.

So, is hiding in a bunker good or bad? I see tons of criticism of Trump not hiding in his bunker, but going out to the burned church. You know, the one destroyed by "peaceful protesters"

Sebastian said...

"He calls them ‘thugs.’"

He did not. It's a lie.

Dave Begley said...

"The president seems to think dominating black people, dominating peaceful protesters, is law and order."

I've seen some of the mug shots and info on those arrested in Omaha. The vast majority are white. I think over 200 arrested in Omaha so far. The jail is full so some are being held in the county jail to the south.

If one of these "protestors" got into AC's building and attacked his new baby, he'd be singing a different tune. AC has TDS to the max.

Rick said...

Anderson Cooper said: "The president seems to think dominating black people, dominating peaceful protesters, is law and order. He calls them ‘thugs.’ Who is the thug here?

I'm so old I remember yesterday when left wingers believed there was a difference between protesters and rioters.

Todd said...

Over on CNN, Anderson Cooper said: "The president seems to think dominating black people, dominating peaceful protesters, is law and order. He calls them ‘thugs.’ Who is the thug here? Hiding in a bunker, hiding behind a suit. Who is the thug?"

So that church decided to burn its self down?

Cause EVERYBODY knows, "peaceful protesters" don't never cause no trouble so it had to be the church did it to its self, right? It is the only suspect left!

Kate said...

The Federalist has Tucker's entire transcript. It's unbelievably good. Fresh truth.

Kevin said...

Cooper doing the ol' bait and switch. Obviously no one, even those who disagree with them severely, thinks peaceful protesters are thugs. The thugs are the violent ones. Cooper pretending he doesn't understand this distinction full well is pure mendacity and gaslighting.

Just like the slippery conflation of "immigrants" and "illegal immigrants" whenever it suits the lefty talking point of the day

Wince said...

It's really on news stations to provide the extra security needed for the reasonably foreseeable risks associated with doing live, nationwide remotes from a riot zone.

Mark O said...

The Blessed Obama used the term "thugs" to describe violet rioters in Baltimore, in 2015. He was right, as was Trump. The SS put Trump in a secure place in the WH. It was their call. What does it mean to say one hides behind a suit?

As for Tucker, who is the only one I can watch on Fox, it appeared to me that he had prepared his rant earlier in the day and then Trump pulled the rug out from under him. Worse yet, for him, Trump walked directly across from his house to make his point.

His claims about Jared were stunning, but without any evidence given.

CNN wallows in innuendo, speculation, hysteria, and defamation. Mostly, they talk about what Fox is doing.

Dan in Philly said...

If the military doesn't intervene, civilians will. Anarchy will ensue and whomever wins, it won't be the current protestors.

Original Mike said...

"Anderson Cooper of CNN criticized Mr. Trump for calling protesters 'thugs'".

It's easy enough to distinguish the protesters from the thugs. What's Anderson Cooper's problem? (rhetorical question; he's on the side of the thugs.)

zipity said...

Anderson Cooper is a POS.

Let's see how he reacts with a gang of Antifa thugs coming down the street he lives on.

I'm sure he'd invite them in for a wine spritzer.

FullMoon said...

Was quite a monologue, linked earlier today by commenter. Tucker Hit 'em all for lack of action. Except Detroit police chief, of all places. Praise for him for minimizing damage Kind of curious about the virus now, just like everybody else, I was under impression we all gonna die without mask and social distancing.Seems Governors and mayors willing to sacrifice thousands and thousands of lives in order to placate their voters in the crowd.

Or, they do not believe what they told us while locking us down and destroying the economy.

Yinzer said...

'Trumps little speech'? Ann, were you intentionally condescending, or do you not even notice when you do it?

mandrewa said...

That isn't what Tucker Carlson was saying. He accused political leaders of facilitating or sympathizing with the rioters. And he named many people by name.

Most of the people he named were actually Republican, but that was because (a) it's not news to accuse Democrats of this and (b) his indignation and sense of betrayal.

He discussed Trump's response and his disappointment in Trump's initial response but quite clearly expressed a hope, in fact the only hope he expressed in any political leader, that Trump would go after the rioters.

Second, the other point that Carlson was making is that the police are not going to be there to save you if the mob comes for you. The evidence is prominently right in front of you that the police won't be there unless you are extremely lucky.

It's over 25 minutes long, but the whole thing is worth watching: Our leaders dither as our cities burn

I'm Not Sure said...

Anderson Cooper: "The president seems to think dominating black people, dominating peaceful protesters, is law and order. He calls them ‘thugs.’ Who is the thug here? Hiding in a bunker, hiding behind a suit. Who is the thug?"

Donald Trump: “These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen . . . Any difficulty and we will assume control but when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”

I'd say looters are thugs. What do you think, Mr. Cooper?

Kevin said...

What would CNN report if it could not misrepresent what the President says?

bagoh20 said...

Will they ever stop doing that crap? Trump gets this more than anyone I've ever seen:

He says one thing, they reinterpret it another way, and then burn down that straw man, which tells me they agree that what he actually said was unassailable.

Anderson, you ignorant bitch. Thugs are people who beat innocents with clubs, and break windows and burn down buildings. Got it? Thugs. Those are not protesters. They are arsonists, looters, thieves, and most certainly thugs, and they need to find out what violence brings back on them. They are ruining the protests, ruing any positive that could come from Floyd's death. They are ruining your country, you stupid translucent a-hole.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Congratulations to both men. Neither is right. That's quite an accomplishment.

Trump didn't hunker down in his bunker and did run the rioters out.

Dan said...

I thought Tucker was way out of line. Its always so easy to criticize after the fact as the Democrats like to do and never offer solutions.

traditionalguy said...

Seriously sounds like Tokyo Rose complaining about the First Marines on Guadalcanal all being insane asylum refugees for viciously slaughtering the Japanese Army. And like Trump, they were at first abandoned by the establishment For 2+ months until FDR ordered the Navy supply and reinforce them.

Francisco D said...

Move on. There is nothing surprising here.

Anderson is obviously with the Resistance.

Richard Dolan said...

"Who is the thug?"

Life has a way of making you choose. So choose wisely. In the current situation, it's not hard.

Howard said...

What was it you cucks were saying last month about freedom and safety being mutually exclusive?

I thought Trump called out the MAGA Old Obese Opioid Operators (Moooo) with your 10 ARs and a million rounds to guard the White House and protect Fox News reporters? Ballsy talk and no action. Your afraid of a bunch of squishy libtards. Are you ChickenHawks born that way or is it a conscience choice?

Tom T. said...

Do they really think the American people see what's happening as "peaceful protest"?

traditionalguy said...

Tucker now wants a military occupation force loosed to protect the Dem Voting States. Trump is a far better politician than Tucker. The first rule of trial law is to never give your opponent evidence that can be used against you. Sorry Dems, You get no images of Trump’s Army occupying the noble cities.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

nothing says "I mourn the death of Mr. Floyd"... than stealing stuff... in a thug like manner.

Lyle Smith said...

Trump is not Jesus, I’ll grant FOX News and CNN that much.

rhhardin said...

Protecting news correspondents is a priority with news correspondents.

Achilles said...

There can be no coexistence between these two sides.

The officers involved in the original incident have already been arrested and charged. They will get no sympathy from anyone.

They should start arresting and charging the Democrats in charge of the cities that have these incidents too. Klobuchar should be charged as an accessory. The Mayor and the Police union heads as well.

The rioters all over the country are animals and should be treated as such. They should all be sent to Afghanistan. They will fit in there.

wendybar said...

He lives in DC. They will be protected. NYC, and all the other liberal cities with their Progressives in charge, will not...

wendybar said...

And to Anderson Vanderbilt, the THUGS are the ones burning down the cities and looting from small businesses. Why don't you use some of your Vanderbilt fortune to help the businesses out instead of lying??

tim maguire said...

Tucker Carson might be sketchy on federalism, but at least he knows there's a problem. Which puts him way ahead of Anderson Cooper, who apparently gets his news from CNN.

Achilles said...

We don't hear a word about "Social Distancing" anymore.

We don't hear a single word about how these people are dangerously gathering in large groups.

So it is clear as it can possibly be to everyone the shutdown was a hoax and a fraud.

The same people who pushed that fraud are now trying to start a race war.

They are evil people.

Michael said...

One minute its black people and the next it's white supremacists. I suppose CNN wishes us to understand that the black people are peacefully marching as in days of old whilst the skin heads are ripping off Calvin Klein in Macy's.

Rabel said...

I watched his monologue.

He made the obvious point - specifically, what is it that the protesters/looters/rioters want. What could Congress do today that would satisfy them. The answer is nothing.

But when he got around to criticizing Trump, he went wobbly. Specifically, what is it that he wants Trump to do? If he wants the President to put the military in the streets in every city in the country and start shooting looters and rioters, he should say so. Go on record.

Otherwise he's just whining. And playing the crowd. And not helping.

BTW, that's a tough assignment against an enemy that can easily fade into the population and strike again when your forces aren't around. A familiar scenario for military failure.

Annie said...

How come Tucker isn't asking where the D.C. Chief of police is hiding. Or the mayor. Where were they? Had he just called in the military, imagine the screaming that would take place about him being a dictator. He just can't step into Chief of police/mayor/governor's roles and do what they should be doing, but aren't.

Regarding Cooper, all of the destruction is peaceful protesting to him? He knows damn well Trump was talking about governors getting off their arses and protecting the people/property of their states. Why isn't he asking democrat governors why they aren't doing that.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Cooper is a queer. He even admits it.

Bilwick said...

So what's the Party Line this week? Trump Hitler? Trump Not Hitler Enough?

Unknown said...

anderson never disappoints

jeremyabrams said...

Tucker's wrong on this one. We're a nation of 50 sovereign states, and any time state authority is usurped we drift toward autocracy or dictatorship.

The states and cities have ample resources at their disposal to maintain order. Let them succeed or fail, and let their voters draw the appropriate conclusions.

Peace at the cost of a greater concentration of power is subjugation.

Ken B said...

Cooper is just lying and people lap it up. Everyone knows Trump meant rioters, but half the country is happy to pretend he meant Blacks. It is no longer possible to condemn rioters. Rioters = protesters = black people.

stan said...

Liberals seem intent on disgusting every last decent person in the country. Hatred makes people crazy and stupid. TDS seems to have reached terminal condition.

When Trump wins in November liberals are going to have strokes. Stress is a killer.

Birkel said...

The Left wants martyrs, of course.
If the riots reach suburbia, they'll get a number.


chickelit said...

Trump is taking about the looters, not the protesters. My God, Is Anderson Cooper that dumb?

Unknown said...

The president hasn't distinguished between protesters and rioters?

bagoh20 said...

Oh please, Tucker, mister libertarian, Since when do you want the federal government coming to protect you?

Protect yourself. Nobody is coming to save you. It looks like the cops won't even save you if they were there, so make adjustments to your plan. If Trump got heavy handed, Tucker would be one of the first to go all libertarian on his ass for it.

Andrew said...

Do you remember after Charlottesville, how the Dems and journalists argued against Trump? Even if his "fine people" comment was excluding the Nazis and white supremacists, anyone who marched with them should have known better. I saw that argument numerous times online. If it was pointed out that Trump was differentiating between the "fine people" and the extremists, that didn't matter. Anyone who was protesting solely concerning the Robert E. Lee statue coming down, they shouldn't have attended once they saw who else was participating. If you saw that Nazis were there, the only decent thing to do was stop participating altogether.

(Put aside the additional fact that no one seemed to care that Trump allegedly called Antifa "fine people". It was only the Nazis that were the bad guys.)

Where did that argument go? Why is it that the "peaceful protesters" of the past few nights aren't held to the same standard? On the first night perhaps they could be forgiven their naivete, the ones who really were there for George Floyd. But there's no excuse anymore. There should no longer be any mention of "peaceful protesters." Anyone participating in these protests is now culpable for the violence accompanying them. They know Antifa and other radicals, along with common street thugs, are using the protests as a pretext for a violent crime wave and treasonous insurrection. What they said about Ch'ville (which was only a two day event) is far more true now. You cannot participate in these protests and pretend you're not aware of what's really happening, and who you're actually supporting. The only way a decent person can react is not to participate at all, and stop making common cause with the criminals. Your peaceful protest is going to have to wait. Stay out of the line of fire.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Gavin Newsome, who was a happy authoritarian when it came to C-19, forcing people to stay home, threatening people with citation or arrest for sitting on the beaches, depriving me of my constitutionally guaranteed right to freely exercise my religion because HE says it’d be dangerous to have mass (even tho daily mass has maybe 30 people and they could easily spread out). Nope. Just shut up and deal with his authoritarianism.

But looting and rioting and violence in huge crowds... no authoritarianism at all. No national guard. No troops. No statewide curfew or stay at home order. Just supposed to look the other way and call them all “protesters”.

Excuse me? F you.

Achilles said...

From your other post:

This is what it looks like when a social movement dies in real time. The coverage in the NYT doesn't do justice to the sheer utter destruction in significant parts of the city - when you see it, it looks like war. People sitting comfortably in the suburbs have no problem justifying the criminality while playing woke on Twitter, but I'd love to see their reactions when its their communities that are being overrun, their neighbors' businesses are being looted and their streets are left burning. The protests are over and the message has been heard; at this point its just enabling criminality.

This a top rated comment on that trash leftist propaganda rag NYT's.

Support for the rioters runs about 2%. Only douchey fucks like Howard and Inga support them. Even then in between comments supporting the rioters they claim the rioters are being misled by right wing nazi's or something.

The Antifa thugs are going to be unhappy when they get stabbed in the back by their media allies.

But media popularity is about the same as rioter popularity at this point.

The reason Trump is finished if he doesn't come down hard on the riots is because 70+% of the country wants to see these animals rot in jail.

Static Ping said...

It tells you quite a bit about CNN that Anderson Cooper is considered intelligent. Leaving aside the obvious trolling and misinformation, which is basically required by CNN at this point, his logic makes no sense at all. Someone "hiding" is almost by definition never a "thug" as thugs require, you know, doing something violent. The "hiding behind a suit" comment is such a bizarre non sequitur that I struggle to discern the thought process that would have produced such a quip. It's like a Dad joke, except Dad would put more effort into it so his audience of preteens would be able to groan properly.

I'm also not sure where Mr. Cooper thinks the "peaceful" is. Perhaps he thinks "peaceful" means "on fire" or "actively being looted" or something, roughly how "bad" became "good" at some point during Michael Jackson's career. For goodness sake, the mobs attacked the CNN offices! Apparently, there is zero evidence that will turn this man to reality. Say what you will about Trump - the trollishness, the con-man type mannerisms, the ego - but he understands how the world works and the world does not work when rioting is going on. No such grounding in reality is required for journalism degrees, obviously.

The more history I read, the more I see that over time the positions of power and prestige become held less and less by the competent and the worthy and more and more by people who like power and prestige and the lifestyle that comes with it. This never ends well. It is just a matter of who suffers for it.

Jake said...

Much of the media are engaging in monumental Newspeak about all of this. They cannot be so utterly blind to the fact that there are both peaceful protesters and violent agitators throughout these crowds. Do they honestly think there's time to decipher who is and who is not a threat when rocks come flying and shots ring out? Also, why is there any need to protest at night. JSOnline referenced people attempting to gather at the Bayshore Town Center in the wee hours and then started, after seeing a heavy police presence, walking towards the city. Can someone please make sense of that because I sure can't.

Expat(ish) said...

From "Obama's Vacation from Hell" in Politico during the Ferguson riots (https://www.politico.com/story/2014/08/obama-vacation-ferguson-iraq-110034)

"Reporters pressed White House spokesman Eric Schultz this week on whether the Martha’s Vineyard vacation actually felt like a vacation to the president."


rcocean said...

Wow, althouse why are you just tossing about Anderson Cooper's comments without any pushback? Or even worse, implying they and Tucker Carlson's comments are in the same league?

Cooper's comments are the most insane Thing I've read from CNN NEWS ANCHOR in a long time. And that's saying a lot. If Cooper had said that about Obama he'd be off the air. And if says something similar about President biden in 2021, he will be fired. But with Trump its OK. Its open season on the President.

"The president seems to think dominating black people, dominating peaceful protesters, is law and order. He calls them ‘thugs.’ Who is the thug here? Hiding in a bunker, hiding behind a suit. Who is the thug?"

The "Protesters" are rioting, burning and looting. Does Cooper watch his own News Network? The President and AG have labeled some of them, antifa, "domestic terrorists". Now, Cooper is taking exception to someone calling Looters "Thugs" is he CRAZY? And Trump just went over to a church that was desecrated, he isn't "Hiding in a bunker"! Fuck Anderson Cooper, you lying piece of shit. And I say that without anger. Its simply a fact. CNN and Anderson Cooper are DNC liars who should be charged with giving the DNC millions on unpaid advertising and promotion. They're a 24/7 attack ad.

Howard said...

Stalinist cowards like Achilles love the police state as long as they only crack down on POC. Too bad the protestors didn't express their 2nd amendment rights, right?

rcocean said...

The CNN/NYT/WaPo/NBC game is ALWAYS the same. ATTACK TRUMP. And the standard attack is to take some comment or action by Trump, twist it, lie about it, take it out of context, and then act like its a fact. And then, having set up your lie, attack Trump for doing it! And even better, if Trump shows your Media created lie is a lie, then declare that Trump has "backtracked" or "Retreated"!

I saw the assault on Bush II, aka "Chimp-hitler", but its nothing compared to the non-stop lies and abuse Trump gets from the MSM. 92% negative coverage, day after day for almost 4 years now.

Any other man would've been broken by it, years ago. Say what you want about Trump, his courage and resilience is amazing.

MikeR said...

I think we should start by telling the National Guard to arrest any white people there.

rcocean said...

Even the Clergy is getting into the Trump hating act, if you can call the Episcopalian's "Clergy". Trump visits the desecrated Church, bible in hand, and the Bishop of DC attacks him, and says Trump standing up for law and order is not what her religion is all about. Guess Episcopalian's WANT their churches burned and vandalized. I wouldn't be surprised if that was true. And the left-wing, black, Catholic Archbishop is attacking Trump because stopping the looters isn't what the Catholic Church is all about. Well, okey-dokey. Let your churches burn then. Sorry, I cared, you don't seem to.

Jim at said...

Anderson Cooper? The homosexual who thought it was so cute - with a wink and a nod - to call members of the TEA Party teabaggers?

That Anderson Cooper?

bagoh20 said...

Anderson thinks the rioters are all black, becuase compared to him everybody is.

Birkel said...

Are we doninating black people and peaceful protestors, already?
Why just yesterday it was some white power group nobody had ever heard of before.

Time flies fast when you're making shit up.

RMc said...

Howard calling someone else a Stalinist...?!

That's comedy gold, Jerry!

walter said...

News crew attacked by looter in downtown Madison

Ken B said...

Old Hegelian

Yesterday I would have agreed with you. I have often said, America is not France, in America rioting loses. But today ... I am not so confident. I see too much like that Anderson Cooper quote. I think much of America is willing — happy, eager, rhapsodic— to sacrifice the civic order, and much of our society, on the altar of their own purity. “See how anti racist I am? I was willing to sacrifice New York and Minneapolis and LA and ... “

Today I think maybe Farmer was right all along. Well, almost right: too optimistic.

Dave Begley said...

Right now, the military is rolling into DC with military vehicles. This ends tonight.

Drago said...

Another episode of Howard's Heroes:


Drago said...

RMc: "Howard calling someone else a Stalinist...?!
That's comedy gold, Jerry!"

Just watch. Whenever Howard screws up like that he always comes back a little later with a "I meant that!" routine with a nonsensical explanation for why his "ploy" worked on all the Trump supporters.

It's pretty amusing.

Mark said...

As for Tucker, who is the only one I can watch on Fox

If you can't watch Martha, you must "play for the other team."

Michael K said...

Too bad the protestors didn't express their 2nd amendment rights, right?

Bricks and 2x4s work pretty well. The guns are for each other when they settle territory. Looting is just entertainment. They might even come looking for your stuff, Howard.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Couomo and DeBlasio should issue stay-at-home orders to the rioters and declare small markets and cops and fireman as essential. Problem solved.

Michael K said...

Personally, I wouldn't mind if the TV cameras all got chased away. They are feeding these crowds. Turn off the cameras and the crowds would diminish.

Darrell said...

Trump is the only one fighting white supremacists. Current talking points have white supremacists doing all the damage. Ask Inga for details.

chickelit said...

walter said...News crew attacked by looter in downtown Madison

Scores of white people arrested and not one peep about those thugs political backgrounds.

cubanbob said...

stan said...
Liberals seem intent on disgusting every last decent person in the country. Hatred makes people crazy and stupid. TDS seems to have reached terminal condition.

When Trump wins in November liberals are going to have strokes. Stress is a killer."

Think of Gaiea. If they actually croaked think of how much carbon would be sequestered and how much pollution would be reduced.

traditionalguy said...

Cooper Is a 35 year CIA officer assigned to read the CIA’s latest psyops propaganda over CNN. In other words he paints alternate reality pictures to confuse any thinker. Today his assignment was to portray Protestors Of a police crime the same as Smash and grab armed robbery gangs ordered by Soros to attack the USA ,for which they get to keep loot that supplements their Soros/Obama paid wages. And the Dems in office all stand down while pretending they love the black citizens they actually hate.

Drago said...

Great news everyone!

The Howard/Inga lefty morons have a brand new excuse for the riots and you're gonna love it!

Get this, the POLICE are placing agent provacateurs in the midst of angelic, wholesome "protestors" who want nothing more than to relieve some individuals of their lives and property in order to cause the riots!

That's right!

The newest and shiniest lefty lie is that the police have little buddies causing all the trouble!

I guess that white supremacist lie was really catching on so the Howards/Inga's of the world were forced to try something else.

Good luck with this one lefties! One of these days one of your lies just has to work, right?

Achilles said...

Howard said...
Stalinist cowards like Achilles love the police state as long as they only crack down on POC. Too bad the protestors didn't express their 2nd amendment rights, right?

You are not a Marine.

ga6 said...

Little Andy like it rough? He can't seem to keep domination from entering his conversation.

cubanbob said...

I would like to see troops shooting looters and arsonists. But first let them burn down CNN and loot and burn the CNN anchors homes. I'm a generous guy so throw in the NYT, the WaPp and MSNBC, ABC, CBS and ABC. Then shoot.

The Godfather said...

Let's try to be "fact based".

The "Church of the Presidents" hasn't been burned down. The Episcopal Bishop of Washington says that a fire bomb was thrown into the basement of the Parish Hall adjacent to the church itself and did some damage. I've seen NO REPORTS of more serious damage.

But the video of the Trump group in front of the Church shows that the windows of the Church are covered by plywood. So far as I know, there's no hurricane expected in DC in the near future, so apparently the Church authorities thought that the "peaceful protestors" represented a threat to the stained glass windows.

Kevin said...

It looks like it's time for Cooper to report on state fairs and beauty pageants again.

On assignment for several years, Cooper had very slowly become desensitized to the violence he was witnessing around him; the horrors of the Rwandan genocide became trivial: "I would see a dozen bodies and think, you know, it's a dozen, it's not so bad." One particular incident, however, snapped him out of it:

On the side of the road [Cooper] came across five bodies that had been in the sun for several days. The skin of a woman's hand was peeling off like a glove. Revealing macabre fascination, Cooper whipped out his disposable camera and took a closeup photograph for his personal album. As he did, someone took a photo of him. Later that person showed Cooper the photo, saying, "You need to take a look at what you were doing." "And that's when I realized I've got to stop, [...] I've got to report on some state fairs or a beauty pageant or something, to just, like, remind myself of some perspective."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Hey, Howard, your buddies burned a house in Richmond last night and blocked firefighters when they arrived. A child was in the home and burned to death.

Nice work your freedom fighters are doing there. Be proud, Howard.

mccullough said...

Tucker is completely right about Son-In-Law. He’s a scum. And Trump is a fool for listening to him.

Big Mike said...

If only the rioters could get to Murdoch's $150 million mansion in LA.

Does Anderson Cooper still live in Rye House in CT? Anyone know where he lives when he’s in DC?

Ken B said...

Achilles: “ Support for the rioters runs about 2%”

Nope. That's how many don’t bother with pretending. Real support for the rioters is much, much higher. That's why the Democrat politicians won’t condemn them outright. Its why a few of them signal support. It’s why profs feel safe posting how to guides on destruction.

Ken B said...

Prediction: the Democrats will carry every bombed out, burned out, looted district. By larger margins than before.

Roy Lofquist said...

Char Char Binks said...
Cooper is a queer. He even admits it.
6/2/20, 3:21 PM

Cooper is a cocksucker.

There, fixed it for you.

Ampersand said...

It will be interesting to see how this miserable interlude in US history comes to be remembered. Will one side manage to delegitimize the other? re the Tucker Carlsons going to end up as latter day antifederalists, obscure proponents of ideas long since rejected?

narciso said...

Vanderbilt, admittedly did intern at the company, before channel one, and other foolish projects,

LA_Bob said...

" They might even come looking for your stuff, Howard.

Howard, be sure to tell them you're on their side.

doctrev said...

Howard, what is the deal with your bile these days, anyways? First you're spitting nails that the cops won't risk the danger of "trying to lynch their white betters," ignoring the fact that in Minnesota that would mean Governor Walz and the rest of his clueless crew. Then you want us to personally guard Fox News reporters by the White House, ignoring that they're the primary talent for a multinational news corporation and quite a few of us think they're sellout cucks. Now you're frothing that the government is about to crack down on the same dusky protestors you sneered about earlier?

Your honesty has some strong points, but seriously. Up your meds.

Lucien said...

Walter: Was the news crew arrested for “obstruction of looting “?

Inga said...

“Get this, the POLICE are placing agent provacateurs in the midst of angelic, wholesome "protestors" who want nothing more than to relieve some individuals of their lives and property in order to cause the riots!”

First I’ve heard of it.

Wa St Blogger said...

My recommendation for everyone is to ignore all Social distancing and restrictions from now on. If you are in a group of more than 5 people, make sure each of you has a folded up piece of paper in your pocket that says, BLM, Justice for Floyd. If the police come to harass you, pull out your phones and hold your papers up high.

Gunner said...

If a "protester" came within 20 feet of Anderson's designer baby, he would demand a SWAT team.

n.n said...

Note to Anderson Cooper. I don't recall Trump saying dominate Black people.

Cooper is indulging liberal license to justify only seeing the people... persons he wants to see. Political congruence is a principle of his religion.

Howard said...

That's so unfair Achilles, I should sue you for pain and suffering. You people are essentially the same as the Antifa agitator provacatours but lack the conviction to follow through with your repeating threatened violence.

The sad thing Achilles is your wife and kids know you're not a man. You are a crybaby mascarading as a badass: a rebel without the balls.

Drago said...

Howard: "That's so unfair Achilles, I should sue you for pain and suffering. You people are essentially the same as the Antifa agitator provacatours but lack the conviction to follow through with your repeating threatened violence."


Howards best posts are the ones where he contradicts himself within the same sentence!

Outstanding. Really. Some of your best Inga-like work.

Drago said...

exiledonmainstreet: "Hey, Howard, your buddies burned a house in Richmond last night and blocked firefighters when they arrived. A child was in the home and burned to death.

Nice work your freedom fighters are doing there. Be proud, Howard."

Howard and Ingas only regret is that they were unable to harvest the childs body parts for resale first.

Drago said...

In other news, some democrats embarrassed that they pushed the photoshopped fake news photo of the anti-Christian Hitler supposedly holding a bible in a manner similar to Trump.

Marianne Williamson
I just deleted a picture of Hitler that I learned was photo shopped. I apologize. Too much coffee.
11:19am 2 Jun 20

Meanwhile, thousands on Ingas are still pushing the doctored photo online...which twitter allows...

Jupiter said...

"The officers involved in the original incident have already been arrested and charged. They will get no sympathy from anyone."

Beg to differ. They already have my sympathy, and I suspect that any jury they might find themselves in front of will also be sympathetic, once the evidence is presented.

Jupiter said...

It sounds as if they actually were able to save the child. But "protesters" blocked the firetrucks with vehicles after setting the building on fire. They should all have been charged with attempted murder. Hell, they should all have been hung by their itty bitty balls and strangled slowly with their own guts.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Ken B wrote:

Nope. That's how many don’t bother with pretending. Real support for the rioters is much, much higher. That's why the Democrat politicians won’t condemn them outright. Its why a few of them signal support. It’s why profs feel safe posting how to guides on destruction.

6/2/20, 5:33 PM

Not a majority though. Remember the "Silent Majority?" They don't march, they don't tweet, they don't write comments on blogs, they don't go on FB to cheer on the looting. The profs and Dems bathe in the sewer that is Twitter and mistake it for the country as a whole.

I've made that mistake myself. Then I actually go offline and talk to people, including Dems in my family. I haven't spoken to anybody who thinks looting is cool or understandable. I have spoken to people who are going to buy guns for the first time in their lives.

Greg the class traitor said...

Lachlan Murdoch, Head of Fox "News," Sends Missive to All Fox Employees Declaring "Black Lives Matter"

Fox news management wants to be on the Left. That's their choice.

But if they think we're going to put any effort into caring for them, once they've decided to be on the other side, they're stupid, as well as evil and insane.

Fox News made their bed, now they can lie down in it with the rioting "protesters". And if that gets them some head injuries, it's certainly nothing worse than what they've done to themselves

Greg the class traitor said...

Howard said...
Stalinist cowards like Achilles love the police state as long as they only crack down on POC. Too bad the protestors didn't express their 2nd amendment rights, right?

It would be awesome if the actually peaceful protesters would exercise their 2nd Amendment rights, show up with guns, and shooting every single looting, burning, vandalizing, and / or destroying rioter.

Howard, what IS the mental illness that makes it impossible for you to distinguish between people who are peacefully assembling to petition the government for redress of grievances, and people who are violent, destructive thugs?

There is no middle ground. There are no "mostly peaceful protests." You're either not destroy other people's proerty, or you're the bad guys

Lurker21 said...

Carlson's comments had more substance to them than Cooper's, who was just tossing out insults off the top of his head. Speaking of tossing out insults: calling Cooper a homosexual doesn't refute what he says -- it's something like admitting that one can't come up with a rebuttal.

daskol said...

Howard is the most middle child middle child I've ever observed in the wild.

Unknown said...

> sending in the military even if state and local government don't want it.

Which people in the "state and local government"?

Only takes one commie like Whitmer or DiBlasio to destabilize a municipality in anticipation of the Socialist revolution.

Trump is instinctual, he is is reacting to the facts on the ground - US cannot tolerate daily riots and looting, even if the commies the liberals elected want to sell the residents out.

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