"I saw today, he took his mask off for the first time in a while, I haven't seen his face for a long time. And he said, I think we should do this, or I think we should do that. And actually then he started speaking through the mask again. He feels comfortable with the mask on I think, and -- even though there was nobody anywhere near him, which is interesting, but he made a statement about what he should do. I said, he's been there for 43 years, he was vice president for 8 years, he didn't do a thing. His crime bill was a disaster.... Well, you see... that speech was written, he didn't say that, he repeated the words. That's all. That speech was written for him because he doesn't speak like that. But here's the thing, he did a crime bill that was a disaster. What he did with Clarence Thomas was a disaster, it was a disaster the way he treated Clarence Thomas..... Now, he's not the same Biden. He's about half, maybe less, but the fact is that he doesn't -- he doesn't say that... he's surrounded by -- the Democrats have bad policy, in many ways they're bad politicians, because their policy -- open borders, take away everybody's guns. You know, they want to take your guns away, except now more people have bought guns in the last three, four days than they have in a long time, because when they look out on the streets.... That's right. And the Democrats want to take their guns away."
Said Trump, attacking Biden today on "Fox and Friends."
Here's the audio and complete transcript.
১১০টি মন্তব্য:
Can't wait until he does Obama. Shit gonna hit the fan..
"...That's right. And the Democrats want to take their guns away."
Well, yeah....guns make it hard for rioting mobs to implement DemocRAT policy!
What is half a loaf of a brain dead Biden/ Half of nothing is still nothing.
Trump should change Sleepy Joe to Senile China Joe. Other than that, Trump simply stated the facts about Biden.
Well face it. 'Shotgun' Joe is as fake as you can get. He is bogus. And it shows every time he gets on TV and sticks his foot in his mouth.
The democrats are in control of every racist institution that had culpability in the death of George Floyd and have been for 50 years.
Hilarious. Trump and I are on the same page. Biden had 43 years to address "racial inequality" and "police Brutality", including 8 years as "co-president" with Barrack. And what did he do? Nothing.
Again, all this racism, all these riots, all this brutality is occurring in Democrat cities. NYC, Chicago, Minneapolis, DC, Atlanta, Baltimore, Portland, Seattle, Oakland, LA, Philadelphia, Detroit, etc. They haven't seen a republican in 30-50 years.
Yet somehow the R's and Trump are to blame!
Isn’t the usual complaint about the crime bill that it was too much “law and order”?
Was there a time during that 43 years when America was great?
I agree with Trump.
Classic Trump.
What it took my a long time to figure out is that both parties - but especially the Dems - don't want to solve an issue, they just want an issue to talk about and they promise to fix it in the future. Then they never do.
All this talk about systemic racism is just a race hustle. If Obama-Biden couldn't fix systemic racism after 8 years, it will never be fixed.
College admissions are based, in part, on race. Same for federal contracts.
There's a Harvard educated lawyer here in Nebraska who is a Native American. He's build a big enterprise based on racial set asides.
How can Americans be racist if Obama was elected? How many inter-racial couples are there today? Hell, Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman and that didn't stop the Dems from their high tech lynching of him.
The Dems talk this crap just to win elections. Big appeal to guilty white people. Screw this. Trump wins about 40 states. Then watch them all scream.
Obama is having a downhill tonight, I think to tell us about all the good policing information he left behind for Trump, just like he left behind all that great pandemic information. If only Trump would do what Obama says he would have done, the world would be perfect. Vote for Biden.
The world began the day of Trump's election for many on the left.
So Biden is guiltless.
In Austin this past weekend two gun stores were broken into, and dozens of guns were taken.
The question is, who took the guns? Was it Antifa goons, ready to rampage? Was it the local Bloods or MS-13, small in number but strong in criminality? Was it a neighborhood watch of Central American immigrants who can't legally buy guns, but who know from baack home that guns are really, really valuable and useful when police and city officials don't stop rioters?
I guess we'll find out. And Joe Biden probably just lost New York state to Trump.
I've never owned a firearm, but am finally hitting against an argument that I can't knock down: how can I let my neighbors block the street while I do nothing?
I guess we'll find out. And Joe Biden probably just lost New York state to Trump.
6/3/20, 3:13 PM
I don't know about that, since the pain threshold of New Yorkers seems to be exceptionally high and the Dems will cheat like hell in November, but I hope very much that you are right. I would be able to go to bed early on Election Night.
Did Biden do the things he was said to have done? Does Biden stand behind the policies he was said to support?
Attacking Biden or describing him? You decide.
Trump's people should find old clips of Joe on busy and super predators.Then contrast with him today. Then ask was he full of crap then or full of crap now? Actually just about any issue there are clips of Joe on all sides. The tag line on those clips, China Joe, lways serving 100% pure malarkey.
How does anyone read that word-vomit of a transcript and not easily conclude that Trump has a mental disease or disorder?
Why is always described as "attacking" when a Repub does it? Did media call it that when Biden goes after Trump?
Oh Oh, Chuck is back vomiting in the comments.
Chuck is back vomiting in the comments.
I didn't know Chuck was actually banned. But it makes me wonder why Althouse let Inga back after announcing that ban. It doesn't make sense considering Inga admitted her goal was to get Althouse to close comments when Althosue turned them off years ago (which is why Inga posted as unknown for 2 years or so).
What I miss most about the Obama/Biden Regime is the racial healing.
What did Saint Obama do?? He is speaking tonight at 5 so he can rile up the Progressives to kill some more black people during their riots. He was and is the Divider in Chief, and Joe was his brain numbed sidekick.
Michael K said...
Oh Oh, Chuck is back vomiting in the comments.
6/3/20, 3:53 PM
Haven't seen him in a while. I guess Our True Conservative been out taking a knee for social justice and helping the Dems spring rioters from the slammer. Or writing love poetry to Gretchen Whitmer.
>How does anyone read that word-vomit of a transcript and not easily conclude that Trump has a mental disease or disorder?
How does anyone read your comments and not conclude that you are paid shill?
Trump expends 1% of his energy and time on Biden and destroys him.
Biden exerts 100% of his energy and time and can't ding POTUS
Wait 'til Trump can spare 5% of his bandwidth.
"Now, he's not the same Biden. He's about half, maybe less,"
He's "the other Biden".
Poor Chuck.
Throws labels around but has Demented, Gaffe-O-Matic Joe as his candidate.
To Conserve Conservatism.
We've gone from wait two weeks to wait 47 years.
How does anyone read that word-vomit of a transcript and not easily conclude that Trump has a mental disease or disorder?
Wow! Project much??
Speaking of Trump rhetoric...
Nevermind…Maybe HCQ not so bad.
A common Antimalarial drug used for more than 50 years as a prophylactic.
A mysterious company’s coronavirus papers in top medical journals may be unraveling
While the Planned Pathogen protocol is still in development, there are individual trials by doctors treating patients with positive results. It's not a magical elixir, there may be side-effects though rare, and it does mitigate progress of the disease, but it does not reverse cellular and systemic damage. There is insight into the mechanisms that make HCQ+AZ a lethal disinfectant of SARS-CoV-2 and reduce its forward-looking viability.
New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?
The multiple molecular mechanisms by which chloroquine can achieve such results remain to be further explored. ... preliminary data indicate that chloroquine interferes with SARS-CoV-2 attempts to acidify the lysosomes and presumably inhibits cathepsins, which require a low pH for optimal cleavage of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture
Trump unmasks the unmaskers and Decaffeinated Joe.
It still refreshes to have a guy like Trump who's willing to call a senile old coot, who at his peak was merely an empty-suit salesman, what he is. I hope that does not go away even though one day Trump will. It clarifies matters to have someone direct at the helm.
LLR and "Republicans" for Whitmer Reelection Committee Team Member Chuck: "How does anyone read that word-vomit of a transcript and not easily conclude that Trump has a mental disease or disorder?"
Uh oh.
The internal polls for LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved Biden must be even worse than we thought to get LLR-lefty Chuck out and pushing the far-left talking points on Althouse blog.
This is another indication that the dems/left/LLR-left latest hoaxes (of which there are many) as well as the exposure of LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved obambi spying on Trump has caused panic in the Biden camp.
Thanks for the confirmation LLR-lefty Chuck!
"Again, all this racism, all these riots, all this brutality is occurring in Democrat cities."
Right. It's odd, at first blush, that progs would in effect accuse themselves of "structural racism."
But then you ask, why would they do such a thing?
Well, some suffer from liberal guilt and think they are in fact racists who help to make up a "system." Some look at blacks, see disadvantage, and jump to the conclusion that there must be something "structural" going on.
But for most it's the twofer of being able to hate America and justify ever more government power. Self-accusation is a tool.
Trump is entirely correct. Democrats want to ban all guns if possible. More people are buying guns because they are not being protected by local law enforcement. How can anyone gainsay the obvious at this point?
I'm Full of Soup: "Why is always described as "attacking" when a Repub does it? Did media call it that when Biden goes after Trump?"
Yes indeed, LLR-lefty Chuck and his leftist allies have been quite consistent in their tactics since the 70's at the latest.
Too many "h"s in there chuckie boy.
“In Austin this past weekend two gun stores were broken into, and dozens of guns were taken.
The question is, who took the guns? Was it Antifa goons, ready to rampage? Was it the local Bloods or MS-13, small in number but strong in criminality? Was it a neighborhood watch of Central American immigrants who can't legally buy guns, but who know from baack home that guns are really, really valuable and useful when police and city officials don't stop rioters?”
Was it the Boogaloo Bois? Was it the Three Percenters? Was it the Proud Boys? Was it the Identity Evropa? Hmmm, who to choose, who to choose, so many choices.
My Cabela's index is off the charts. You can still buy an AR-15, but it's gonna cost you. The inexpensive rifles are gone.
They have exactly one Glock model available for back-order. I'm guessing Glock isn't accepting orders for their other models. According to the Cabela's website, there is no 9 millimeter ammo available on-line......and I helped!!
Trump talks much like my 90-year-old Republican uncle. He does not sound persuasive to my younger relatives either.
The funny thing is this- the Crime Bill wasn't really a disaster in my humble opinion- it could easily have been a key piece of the long downtrend in violent crime that started in the early 1990s, and that continued well into the 2010s. However, by calling it a disaster, Trump is luring Biden to defend his past work- a work which many blacks in politics do consider a disaster. This was some high level political jujitsu. I wonder what Biden will say in response?
Chuck: How does anyone read that word-vomit of a transcript and not easily conclude that Trump has a mental disease or disorder?
Not really. People talk in different ways. Some sound better when you hear them, and some sound better when reading a transcript. Trump has never struck me as a classical orator, but he gets the job done most of the time for the audience he is aiming at.
Oh, and I am sure that Trump does have a mental disorder of some sort, but, then again, so do most people, really. Obama spoke very differently that Trump - very classical when using pre-prepared remarks, surprisingly poor when off the cuff - and he is a standard narcissist.
Isn’t the usual complaint about the crime bill that it was too much “law and order”?
No. The complaint has always been the bill is racist. Biden "the friend of the South" was responsible for the destruction of a whole generation of black males. He was also responsible for the militarization of the police and the destruction of the Fourth Amendment.
At this point in time the Democrats have nominated the man who ushered in the laws they are now protesting.
Helluva job Dems!
"How does anyone read that word-vomit of a transcript and not easily conclude that Trump has a mental disease or disorder?"
What does reading your posts have to do with Pres Trump's mental state?
Doc Quack playing Karen to defend against Chuck. His micro-me Francisco D should chime in soon.
Chuck is like a dog turd that is wrapped in perfume scented paper. It must have slipped by Meade's usual good sense of smell.
Biden did do something during those 43 years.
He was a part of a democrat administration that spied on a republican presidential candidate and tried to undermine his presidency after Trump won the election.
Everyone in the Obama administration and the bureaucracy who does not aid the investigation into his conspiracy is a traitor.
Anyone who supports Obama or the democrat party is an enemy of the Republic.
There's something very surrealistic about the criticism against Biden for the 1994 crime bill: virtually everyone was in favor of it. Bill Clinton, the Democrats, the Republicans, even members of the Congressional Black Caucus. The crack epidemic was going strong, and politicians were accused of racism for not doing enough to protect black communities. The rhetoric of "predators" was common and across the board. I lived in Cleveland at the time, and I think the NAACP there was in favor of it. I don't recall the bill being that controversial. Biden was on the side of what many black people wanted at the time. Am I the only one who remembers this? But I do find it entertaining how Trump wraps the crime bill around Biden's neck.
Chuck, go back to your Bulwark-reading traitors and leave the rest of us alone.
Chuck said...
How does anyone read that word-vomit of a transcript and not easily conclude that Trump has a mental disease or disorder?
6/3/20, 3:40 PM
Pot, meet kettle.
readering: "Trump talks much like my 90-year-old Republican uncle. He does not sound persuasive to my younger relatives either."
Do they all think Stalin only invaded Poland from the East because Hitler invaded Poland from the West like you did?
He's right.
Inga and Howard have to move quickly now because in the last 24 hours there has been a tsunami of lefty lie debunking involving Trump's walk to the church, the Mueller/dem collusion hoax, antifa's role in the insurrection both here in the US and in Europe, obama's people coming out to support the molotov cocktail tossing dem lawyers, the hoax hydroxychloroquine "study" that supposedly debunked Trump, and China's role in pushing the virus into the west and Inga's support for a pedophile priest defender.
Now that's a busy 24 hours.
So is anybody discussing the fact that 2 of the cops aren't white?
Priorities change. Today I went over to the next suburb to buy meat in a grocery store with an excellent meat department--it's in Beautiful Downtown Burbank--well not downtown--but in Burbank. They are still doing the social distancing and the mask bit. When I arrived I was 3rd in line, and had to wait five or ten minutes before I was allowed into the store.
Drivng back home I passed a gun store--- just two blocks from the grocery. At two thirty in the afternoon, there was a line of 30 people waiting to enter the store. Some were no doubt stocking up on ammo for the guns they already owned. But I'd bet that a third or more of those people were going to buy their first gun. A pistol is handy for self defense, but if you are really going to defend your home--and you haven't handled weapons before, go for Joe Biden's "shotgun". Joe would have you fire it off your balcony. But when the going gets rough out there in Burbank, you might want to point it at the person threatening your home.
I'm not ready to buy a pistol yet--I'll stick with the porkchops I bought today. But if it looks to get any rougher--maybe I better go stand in that longer line.
it doesnt matter really.
Biden is just the ablative heat-shield, the 1st-stage part
of the rocket that is to burn up and fall away.
so what if he gets burned a little more--he's already burned-out
...and/or exploding on the launch-pad
Like a 5 year old, Inga thinks that endlessly repeating words makes them true.
She's entered her second childhood. Soon she'll be playing with her own feces.
"Was there a time during that 43 years when America was great?"
Reagan Administration revitalizing America and her reputation at home and abroad.
Ending the Cold War
Liberating Iraq
Unity and determination following 9/11
Defeating Al Qaeda
Defeating ISIS
Electing Trump
First three years under Trump, before the Covid/Democrat cabal to destroy our economy.
Biden was against or useless in all of them.
Nothing great can happen under him, even if he wears a diaper.
If Inga didn't have the IQ of a stick of celery, perhaps she'd be able to explain why Obama officials are bailing out white supremacists:
"A former Obama administration intelligence official who worked in both the Departments of State and Defense has guaranteed bail for a human rights lawyer accused of firebombing a police vehicle in New York City.
The former official, Salmah Rizvi, told a judge the alleged firebomber is her "best friend." Rizvi, now an attorney at the D.C.-based law firm Ropes & Gray, helped secure the release of fellow lawyer Urooj Rahman by agreeing to be a suretor for her bail. That means Rizvi is liable for the full cost of the $250,000 bail if Rahman fails to obey the court's orders."
BTW, I fully expected LLR-lefty Chuck to pop back in because earlier today LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved Dick "US Troops are Gestapo" Durbin outright lied in the questioning of Rosenstein.
LLR-lefty Chuck's hero Durbin literally read a false quote from the Mueller Sham "report" in order to make Trump seem culpable.
I could just picture LLR-lefty Chuck coming out of his seat in rapturous joy over the Durbin falsehood.
Chuck loves that kind of stuff.
Was it the Boogaloo Bois? Was it the Three Percenters? Was it the Proud Boys? Was it the Identity Evropa? Hmmm, who to choose, who to choose, so many choices."
Lets assuming these people exist outside of your febrile imagination, most likely non-criminal guns owners buy their guns legally. So you are supporting gun thieves and looters? Good to know.
"but, then again," what? You didn't repeat yourself, why did you write "but, then again," instead of the proper "but, then..." as your comment?
Who taught you to add random, non-logical "again"s in "your" comments?
Who is speaking through you without your awareness?
Inga ads flavor, when she does not get into name calling.
Chuck for a while has deteriorated into just trolling, and does not add value.
"There's something very surrealistic about the criticism against Biden for the 1994 crime bill: virtually everyone was in favor of it. Bill Clinton, the Democrats, the Republicans, even members of the Congressional Black Caucus. The crack epidemic was going strong, and politicians were accused of racism for not doing enough to protect black communities. The rhetoric of "predators" was common and across the board. I lived in Cleveland at the time, and I think the NAACP there was in favor of it. I don't recall the bill being that controversial. Biden was on the side of what many black people wanted at the time. Am I the only one who remembers this? But I do find it entertaining how Trump wraps the crime bill around Biden's neck."
Yes, the GOP has never learned what politics is, they just got filthy rich like the Democratics. But the Democratics were getting everyone they know rich and ratcheting America progward simultaneously, to what will be our eventual demise.
No matter what happens, some can take some solace Bill Kristol et. al. will not gain a thing long-term, and most likely will have cost their families' futures everything.
This is true whether Trump repeats or not.
I mean, is he wrong? About Biden? The Democrats? Their intentions and objectives?
Igna, most righties OWN guns, but many lefties POSSESS guns. Learn the difference.
Howard said...
Doc Quack playing Karen to defend against Chuck. His micro-me Francisco D should chime in soon.
Howard, I know you and Chuck were in the Marines together, the imaginary Marines I mean.
You both come to troll, never contributing a thought Are you twins ?.
readering said...
Trump talks much like my 90-year-old Republican uncle. He does not sound persuasive to my younger relatives either.
Especially the ones out looting after 1 AM. Right ? Bring home anything worthwhile ? Like a Rolex ?
I hope every purple tie wearing pole smoker pounds sand when Trump smashes them, they think as freely as lemmings.
Mattis the dbag bloviating.....And W coming outto lecture us on morality is the fucking nadir of rank hypocrisy from the cult.
The 1994 crime bill was passed back when Democrats were not insane. They drove off many of their sane voters so what is left is AOC and Maxine Waters.
Neither has any idea of civilization.
"How does anyone read that word-vomit of a transcript and not easily conclude that Trump has a mental disease or disorder?"
"Mental disease or disorder" is exactly how progressives characterize anyone who has thoughts or ideas that don't fit into their monolithic template. Remember how the USSR used to put dissidents into mental institutions on the theory that, if you don't agree with us, you must be mentally ill?
This "chuck" persona is like a distillation of the worst of totalitarianism. If I wanted to do a false-flag set of website incursions to show the evil of progressivism, I couldn't do it any better than chuck is doing.
Trump's presidency seems to be going great. Economy, social cohesion, his ratings - all looking great. We are the wonder of the world.
And now....George Floyd tested positive for COVID https://kstp.com/news/george-floyd-autopsy-report-shows-george-floyd-died-from-cardiopulmonary-arrest-was-positive-for-covid-19/5750262/
readering said...
Trump talks much like my 90-year-old Republican uncle. He does not sound persuasive to my younger relatives either.
People who think stealing and looting and beating up political opponents don't find other people persuasive in general.
They are pieces of shit too.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Trump's presidency seems to be going great. Economy, social cohesion, his ratings - all looking great. We are the wonder of the world.
It will look better when we start throwing all of the animals and traitors in jail.
Though jail is too good for a lot of you.
It was a reasonable response for the time,,a morsel of broken windows, there was a brief interval of sanity even in new york politics
Beijing Boy: "Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Trump's presidency seems to be going great. Economy, social cohesion, his ratings - all looking great. We are the wonder of the world."
Great! Beijing's Man at Althouse is back just in time to catch up on exposure of all his earlier ChiCom supporting lies!
Poor ARM. Just a few more months of cover and he would have been a happy camper. Alas, all the ChiCom propaganda collapsed so quickly ARM was left with no safe rhetorical harbor.
Not to worry ARM. Top marks for hanging in there longer with the lies than most other schmucks.
Mattis the dbag bloviating.....And W coming outto lecture us on morality is the fucking nadir of rank hypocrisy from the cult.
A lot of these well known public figures get all their info from MSM, and believe it. Anyone think Mattis or Bush is familiar with Althouse, Ace of Spades Instapundit, Conservative Treehouse? Or, that they have ever listened to Limbaugh or watched Tucker Carlson?
>>The question is, who took the guns?
Russians and white supremacists. Maybe a climate change denier or two.
The usual suspects.
“Bring home anything worthwhile ? Like a Rolex ?“
Better not be a POS Datejust. Not that the stores have the real mega stuff, anyway. Even so, an F-ing Datejust (which they’ll have plenty of) is the worst. Thugs don’t seem smart. IMHO.
BTW, days ago I saw video of folks looting an LV store.
I wonder how many of them were disappointed that their loot wasn’t the monogram canvas shit? I imagine them: “No F-ing LV logos visible anywhere? F me.”
OTOH, maybe the LV and Rolex heists were started by pros who knew what to snatch.
It did look like the folks stealing Mercedes were getting the good stuff. But, they were pulling off the showroom floor, so that may have been dumb-luck.
I dunno.
So according to government scientific standards, Floyd died of Corona virus. That's kinda messy. If he didn't, then thousands of others didn't either. I can live with either standard, but pick one.
Achilles tries to make Trump articulate by comparison.
Protesters and looters don't overlap on a ven diagram. Police and hooligans these days unfortunately do.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Trump's presidency seems to be going great. Economy, social cohesion, his ratings
This comment reminds me of this comment frontpaged on Rod Dreher's blog:
"UPDATE: A reader from the previous thread posts a comment relative here:
I’ve said basically nothing about all of this George Floyd stuff on social media, because A) I don’t think social media is a platform for politics, and B) I didn’t feel I had anything useful to say.
I’ve still been looking at my social accounts, though, and tonight I saw a post from one of my lefty friends — a normal one, not one of the crazies. In block letters:
Like something right out of the Stasi. And yes, with all their other posts, it was quite clear they meant it exactly as I understood it.
So, that sentiment is out there, and it’s no longer confined to the loons: Private, unspoken thoughts are dangerous and cannot be permitted. Silence = violence. Not taking a side, for whatever reason, means taking the side of evil.
I figure loyalty oaths — actual loyalty oaths, not “wink wink, nudge nudge” loyalty oaths, like we have today — are probably inevitable at this point.
God help us all.
[RD] You already have to swear a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion loyalty oath to work in a California state university."
When ARM refers to social cohesion he means a cohesion based on collusion between government, employers, and all our institutions to punish anyone who deviates from whatever the craziest nutter in the room asserts. Fear of losing your job and seeing your family ruined will force everyone into agreement. We're seeing the next step now with the claim being silent = opposition. There will be no private space left, no distinction between personal beliefs and employment. Academia already has its minions pore over your personal records to test your committment to far left ideas. How long before these toadies control HR departments and test resumes the same way? Surreptitiously at first, but once everyone at the top agrees it becomes open. It's already happened in the tech world.
It's sad many millions of Americans think such a place is desirable. Of course many have never had an original thought so that explains many of them.
Media lying in every direction to take out Trump and insert the puppet Biden.
Were Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed So Trump Could Do a Photo-Op? U.S. Park Police Say No
Liberal Cities, Radical Mayhem
Democratic mayors and governors seem unable to stop the destruction of their own cities.
while looters are arrested and re-released, Andrea Mitchell(D) cooks up Boogaloo BS.
Antifa and Occupy were backed by media and democrats. Why they invented a new term a few days ago to help cover their backing a terrorist organization.
Heh! While all you LibCong were hoarding toilet paper, us deplorables were updating our ammunition supplies. No need for us to loot gun stores. We already have ours, purchased legally.
There is a danger if Trump attacks Biden too much and destroys him too early, the Dems May choose another nominee.
Has any president badmouthed such a high proportion of his cabinet secretaries and top aides as this one? Not much of a judge of talent?
Cheer up sleepy Joe
Oh, what can it mean to a
Daydream believer and a
Homecoming queen?
Biden has to run on repudiating much of what he did and said earlier. That's not an uncommon position for a politician. Bush Sr. kept hearing about "voodoo economics." Bill Clinton took what appeared to be the opposite journey from Biden -- "triangulating" and disappointing left-liberal expectations. Trump doesn't talk about his Democrat years. Biden is less coherent than any of them, but the press won't hold his feet to the fire.
This is not an age of great political eloquence, especially not off the cuff eloquence. You aren't going to find Trump, and certainly not Biden, speaking impromptu in carefully rounded sentences and paragraphs. Nor was Obama very good at improvising without his teleprompter. Bush Sr. could be somewhat incoherent, his son even more so. Bill Clinton may actually have been a good and lucid off-the-cuff speaker, but his formal addresses put people to sleep. Gore didn't break out of the boring zone, and Hillary Clinton -- people just didn't like her.
Austin gun shop robberies: Why does it have to be a political group? Some White people, some Black people, some Latinxes, and even some Asians are just criminals. If a man (or in rarer cases a woman) can't just be vicious criminal, but has to be taken as representative of an ethnic group or even a political tendency, things have come to a pretty pass in this country. The big cliche of cop movies is the hero getting told that his real color is blue (blue for the police). Why isn't it the same with criminals? Is it just because they don't have their own color?
To be fair, Biden spent his first year or two in politics waiting to be old enough to actually take his Senate seat. Maybe he should have spent all 43 of them waiting to grow up. Or maybe he should have decided sometime in the last few years that he was too old to actually be president.
I see that ARM is back, an annoying prevaricator but certainly not beloved.
Oh well. The rats seem to be crawling out of the sewer now.
Talk about a kick right to ARM's gut!
"Exclusive: Coronavirus began 'as an accident' in Chinese lab, says former MI6 boss
Sir Richard Dearlove tells Telegraph's Planet Normal podcast that new scientific report suggests key elements of the virus were 'inserted'"
Note: ARM has long argued that the ChiCom's were in no way responsible for this terrible virus outbreak and ARM has also very directly suggested the virus origin could just as easily have been the United States...........a moronic view parroted ONLY by ARM's Beijing masters and a view long abandoned by other lefty usual suspects for the simple reason that maintaining such a transparent lie is self-discrediting.
Think of it as Inga continuing to argue hawaiian shirts are the new klan hoods.
Which is weird, since we don't have any pictures of Democrat Gov Northam in hawaiian shirts, just black face and klan hoods.
Viscious personal attacks is all the man has, simply because he is really dumb, incapable of logical arguments.
Trump was so hellbent on smearing Joe Scarborough that he had Jared Kushner push the National Enquirer to publish the lies implying that the MSNBC host murdered a female congressional aide, Lori Klausutis, sources told The Daily Beast. Even the tabloid rag wouldn’t sink that low.
So Trump opened up Twitter . . .
Notice how Chuck, Inga, ARM- All the leftist tools- showed back up once all the violence started? Guess they were done with their brick deliveries. Going to tell us next how this is all so deeply a grass roots movement, this violence. It's not like Soros is astroturfing this in any way.
"Do they all think Stalin only invaded Poland from the East because Hitler invaded Poland from the West like you did?"
Stalin wasn't invading - he was just sending his troops west to fight the Germans and free Poland!!
Hey Rick, your silence is deafening, amiright? Mine too, though no one has called me out on it yet. I quit FB and Twitter a few years ago. Still on Instagram. I've so far failed (refused) to post an all black photo, or whatever it is everyone is posting. No blowback yet.
Trolls... More sliming than in Ghost Busters. Just as comical too.
stevew said...
I've so far failed (refused) to post an all black photo, or whatever it is everyone is posting. No blowback yet.
Suggesting nothing can be wrong because it didn't happen to you is a good criteria for judging moral awareness. Suggesting we can't be choosing the wrong path because the evil at the end hasn't already occurred shows either a lack of intellect or support for the evil at the end of the road. By the time we get there it will be too late to avoid it.
Riots in Rochester NY. I posted pics of the 10 top elected/appointed officials of Rochester, the Chief of Police, Mayor, and council members. Not a white male oppressor among them. Nor any Republicans. If I had posted pics of the school board and chancellor, or whatever they call that group in Rochester- it would have been more of the same.
There's a word for doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.... What is that word... it escapes me at the moment. But that's what the voters in all Democrat run cities are doing.
Sweets for the sweet. years of lying democrat operative media hacks lying about Russian bullshit. But don't you dare toss a question back.
BTW - all Trump did was ask IF JOe killed that woman? Did he? We don't actually know. What is the harm in asking?
hat new scientific report suggests key elements of the virus were 'inserted'"
can't they just get the basic virus from bats, pangolin or whatever and settle this issue?
or is that too scientific er... logical and causality oriented?
Anyone (white or black) standing guard against looters is now called a "white supremacist BOOGALOO" by the hack D-press.
Lurker21 said...
Bill Clinton took what appeared to be the opposite journey from Biden -- "triangulating" and disappointing left-liberal expectations
topological advance for Marx : dialectics -
Marx : possibly linear and clashing opposites
Clinton : Triangle or play ends against middle
Obama : Circle - constitutional curvature or merry go round
waiting for spherical development!?
"Protesters and looters don't overlap on a ven diagram. Police and hooligans these days unfortunately do."
Woah, that's deep. You actually thought that was worth posting. We learn so much from you. Thank you for your contribution. Now finish your fruit cup, honey. It's time for your nap.
"If Inga didn't have the IQ of a stick of celery, perhaps she'd be able to explain why Obama officials are bailing out white supremacists . . . "
That's insulting to the celery sticks I have known. For one thing, they all have a better grasp of economics than Inga.
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