A comment at "An Elite Progressive LISTSERV Melts Down Over a Bogus Racism Charge" by Jonathan Chait (NY Magazine). I can't possibly copy the whole thing, and you probably don't have a subscription to NY Magazine, but here's a bit:
On May 28, progressive election data analyst David Shor tweeted about a new paper by Princeton professor Omar Wasow, showing that peaceful civil-rights protests moved public opinion toward protesters while violent protests had the opposite effect. The tweet violated a taboo in some left-wing quarters against criticizing violent protest and led within days to his firing. What happened after that was even more bizarre. On June 11, I wrote an article briefly describing Shor’s tweet and firing. Four days later, “Progressphiles,” a LISTSERV for left-of-center data analysts, kicked Shor off....Horrible. And totally ridiculous.
[T]he debate offers a case study in the norms of discussing race and gender within the progressive universe. Many progressives have sidestepped the problem presented by the illiberalism of these norms, dismissing them as goofy campus pratfalls. Over the past few years, and especially the past few weeks, these norms are gaining a foothold in elite professional settings, codified by tomes like White Fragility into tightly circumscribed scripts of accusation and confession....
The premise that “allyship” prohibits the questioning of any charge of racism is a common one. Not only is the rigor of Wasow’s research no defense, neither is the fact that he is also Black, which is dismissed as a “my best friend is Black” form of tokenism....
११४ टिप्पण्या:
And Inga is certain that Progs have nothing to do with violence and riots.
“ Horrible. And totally ridiculous.”
First word is correct. Last word weakens it immensely.
"the Right sometimes has a valid point"
Only sometimes? Well, I guess that's better than a high standard.
Totally predictable.
Chait’s Jacobin Club keeps splitting into factions. The Left are going after their own now with greater frequency and harsher punishments. And Robespierre always get the guillotine.
Permissive Parenting combined with Campus Culture.
Enjoy the Leftism.
The debate offers a case study in the norms of discussing race and gender within the progressive universe. Many progressives have sidestepped the problem presented by the illiberalism of these norms, dismissing them as goofy campus pratfalls
Brought to us by the same folks who gave us Lysenkoism. Those STEM folks who think they can avoid dealing with this nonsense by sticking to their knitting are in for an unpleasant surprise.
"I can't read Left-wing twaddle. It reminds me that the Right sometimes has a valid point, and that upsets my world-view."
That's the attitude of most of your more thoughtful liberals--they know they are enforcing their own bubble, but it's easier than facing the truth.
At least I’ll never be accused of racism for having a black friend.
Yeah, I read that earlier and laughed, just keep it out of my neighborhood. What did Chait think was the history of the Left? Did he think they were wonderful people dedicated to reason, tolerance, and good works?
An evil cabal of file right wingers are infiltrating left leaning discussions, preventing open discussion. Opposing the discussion of the consequences of the riots is an obvious plot by white supremacists to prevent change of tactics. They are driving extremism with the goal of influencing the election.
So did Wasow have tenure? Or does that not mean anything anymore because racism?
Teenage girls enforcing their clique's rules.
Thanks again, Althouse for doing the dive into leftwing twaddle so I don't have to
I didn't need a subscription to read and it didn't prompt me to sign up or tell me that I only had x number of views left.
Everything is someone else's fault and evidence is not important when it conflicts with feelings.
"Horrible. And totally ridiculous."
And completely predictable.
I get the impression that people have mostly stopped reading "Darkness at Noon," perhaps because they think of it as being just anti-communist, and largely irrelevant now that communism has collapsed except in a few backward places and college campuses. It's worth reading today, because much of it is about the party's insistence that truth and peoples' motives don't matter at all, a view that even the main character shares somewhat, even while on his way to his execution.
And it's a very good novel; far better as gripping fiction than "1984." I admire and sometimes reread Orwell's non-fiction, but the people in his novels don't come to life.
How many actual racist do you think would have a best friend that's black? I'm betting zero, but my definition of racist is someone who judges people solely on race to the detriment of someone. My definition requires a victim, otherwise it's between you and your spirit animal.
The ugly part is not just the lies, but in how tactical they are about lying. Such are psyops.
Althouse holds lefty's to a higher standard. Good.
Welcome to a national discussion on race. First, here is a 34 page summary of words, issues, concepts, facts and statistics that can not be mentioned.
Updates are expected.
Now, let's talk.
The mob in that picture was after Frankenstein's creation - who knew that he was black?
The important item of note in the article is the takeover of the listserve was done by a forceful group of totalitarian leftists, who used their self-granted power to begin forocing totalitarian leftist ideology and behavior on everyone else, immediately and forever after.
Conformity of thought will be enforced.
So you just have to figure out how to pronounce "shibboleth" in the approved way, proving your thoughts conform.
Don't worry about the fact that the approved pronunciation of "shibboleth" is subject to change without notice.
[From Easton's Bible Dictionary: The tribes living on the east of Jordan, separated from their brethren on the west by the deep ravines and the rapid river, gradually came to adopt peculiar customs, and from mixing largely with the Moabites, Ishmaelites, and Ammonites to pronounce certain letters in such a manner as to distinguish them from the other tribes. Thus when the Ephraimites from the west invaded Gilead, and were defeated by the Gileadites under the leadership of Jephthah, and tried to escape by the "passages of the Jordan," the Gileadites seized the fords and would allow none to pass who could not pronounce "shibboleth" with a strong aspirate. This the fugitives were unable to do. They said "sibboleth," as the word was pronounced by the tribes on the west, and thus they were detected (Judg. 12:1-6 ). Forty-two thousand were thus detected, and "Without reprieve, adjudged to death, For want of well-pronouncing shibboleth."]
The leftist twaddle is more obvious to one sex than the other.
Eventually, everybody ended up dead.
I hear outrage on behalf of the person who was removed from the list, but less outrage that people in our community felt unsafe because of harassment from another person in our community.
Notice the fact that there was no harassment is ignored when judging others guilty for focusing on something other than harassment.
Kafkaesque. This is where progressive principles lead as we told you from the very start. But the proggies and liberals adopted these absurd principles because they couldn't win the debate without them.
In the novel 1984, the three Party slogans promoted by the Ministry of Truth were: “WAR IS PEACE,” “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY,” and “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.” The novel depicted a frightening future of forced conformity and intolerance and brutal punishment for those who would not obey. But even Orwell’s vision was not as crazy as today’s Progressives and their Democrat Party. Notice how this Progressive's mind is uncomfortable when the 'narrative' comes into conflict with 'reality'
In the last week “peaceful protests” resulted in carnage and mass looting and shootings. White Americans were seen kneeling down before Black Lives Matter and washing their feet. Democrats are pushing to defund the police. And top party members are seen kneeling in African Kente cloths in a Capitol Hill photo op. What is ironic about the "Kente" cloth it comes from the Ashanti people of Ghana who was among the largest slave trading tribes in Africa. That's why the BLM and Slavery is not based on reality but only on propoganda and to serve a narrative void of reality.
Orwell had nothing on these kooks.
Horrible, yes. The people having this mindset must never be put in a position of power. For obvious reasons.
Is fascinating reading lefties like Chait chronicle the "hoarders and wreckers" being rounded up to the Gulag and only being mildly peeved as it makes his side look bad, not that there is something inherently wrong with his ideology.
you know, as a libertarian/conservative, i have much the same issue. but you know what? we don't have even remotely close to the cancellation on the left.You cant stand how the argument is going. you just start another blog. you DON'T try to destroy those that mildly disagree with you..
The full story, and a previous story, are both available on the web, free.
https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/06/white-fragility-racism-racism-progressive-progressphiles-david-shor.html for the story Ann links, and
https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/06/case-for-liberalism-tom-cotton-new-york-times-james-bennet.html for the previous story.
The problem with the left is that they react emotionally to everything and so every solution they offer results in worse problems than before. Every. Single. Solution. Look at their history and the utter destruction they have perpetrated.
The problem with the right is that everyone on the left reacts emotionally so that when the right proposes real, workable solutions and warning that danger is coming, the left calls them names, and so very few real solutions are ever implemented.
That is the main problem with each side.
I encourage anyone to wiki 'Lysenkoism'.
TL:DR - Fundamentally, Lysenkoism is the belief that simply believing that something is true, repeating that belief and forcing other people to believe it will make it so. In that sense it is not too much different than Goebbel's famous quip about a 'lie often enough repeated becoming the truth'. The difference is that Goebbel's at least knew he was lying, Lysenkoists genuinely believe their own bullsh*t.
What is happening here - plain as day - is a direct movement to disavow the truth and science or both. The data is wrong, simply because they disagree with what it has to say. And if they propound and extrapolate to show the data differently, than it will become the truth that THEY KNOW DEEP WITHIN THEIR HEARTS to be true.
It is Lysenkoist thought, plain and simple. It is apt that it hails from the left/communist side of the ideological universe.
Sectarian conflict.
Not only is the rigor of Wasow’s research no defense, neither is the fact that he is also Black,
Wasow isn't black.
"Skull measurements used to prove that blacks’ brains weren’t as large as white brains."
That's one way to show that fact, MRI is better.
To me, the most interesting thing was what Shor DIDN'T say. He just linked to the Wasow article. No comments on it. No 'telling oppressed people how to process their pain', no suggestions on how protesters should behave, none of the stuff the purge court accused him of. It's as if Smith noted that Obama had authorized drone strikes while he was president, and some lefty accused Smith of urging people to vote for Trump. Complete logical disconnect.
The second most interesting part was Wasow's contention that the riots of 1968, and the accompanying news coverage, swung the election to Nixon.
I truly don't understand how supposedly intelligent people can believe and support this stuff. Perhaps the key is in the word "supposedly", but I am aghast at current events.
To me, the most interesting thing was what Shor DIDN'T say. He just linked to the Wasow article. No comments on it. No 'telling oppressed people how to process their pain', no suggestions on how protesters should behave, none of the stuff the purge court accused him of. It's as if Smith noted that Obama had authorized drone strikes while he was president, and some lefty accused Smith of urging people to vote for Trump. Complete logical disconnect.
The second most interesting part was Wasow's contention that the riots of 1968, and the accompanying news coverage, swung the election to Nixon.
Steve Bannon made them fire Shor. He's so tricky!
Lysenkoism is the belief that simply believing that something is true, repeating that belief and forcing other people to believe it will make it so.
Lysenkoism was, and still is, a campaign against science, especially genetics, when it contradicts preferred social doctrines. It's currently extremely popular in the US.
Salem witch trials redux.
Sectarian schism. This was big news when one Progressive sect attempted to cancel members of another sect about 8 years ago. Still, they unified in solidarity, but their, perhaps not irreconcilable differences, but competing interests, were smoldering just beneath the surface.
I re-watched "The Lives of Others." It was a lot scarier this time.
The Left doesn't need the state to enforce the party line.
Good for Chait for writing this, but I think he waited too long.
"The tweet violated a taboo in some left-wing quarters against criticizing violent protest"
The taboo is the tell.
His father is of German Jewish heritage, and his mother is African-American.
White Black or Black White depends on the flavor of the day.
White Fragility
Yeah, I saw that as projection at the time and Chiat, intentionally or not, confirms it. Maybe I have a bias to believe that confirmation, but I'm not demanding the resignation of those that might disagree with me. I just don't want them to move to Texas.
Wasow isn't black.
Interesting link. He appears White in the picture. However, his mother is described as "African American", so I'm going to assume she was black. This would make him as black as Obama is. However he was born in Kenya (ironically) so it's more probably that his mother is actually a Black African woman. He clearly identifies as Black, seeing as how he founded a Black social network. His B.A. is in "Race and ethnic relations" and he has a Ph.D. in "African American Studies".
"... that upsets my world view."
Maybe the person who wrote that comment needs to adjust his or her world view?
"I can't read Left-wing twaddle. It reminds me that the Right sometimes has a valid point, and that upsets my world-view."
This leftist probably considers xisself intelligent, accomplished, quasi-if not fully elite - after all, they are commenting at a pretentious left wing magazine. This quote - which describes a sentiment shared by most leftists - reveals the absolute idiocy of this person, who is blind to it.
I read left wing shit all the time. Usually to see how their arguments are shaping up. And I usually come away laughing. Back in the day, I'd read some things by some leftist moderates (which no longer exist) that gave me pause and made me reconsider some things I thought I knew, but these days it's devolved into the pyramid of oppression and nothing I can identify as American.
I wonder what Alan Colmes would be saying right now?
We’ve jumped the shark for sure.
"How many actual racist do you think would have a best friend that's black?"
Not that rare from what I've seen, especially among the working-class. Just because we're simpatico doesn't mean I have a positive impression of your race as a whole.
The theme resurfaces, recently with Biden then presented so clearly here without the same crude quotes to make it as plain as Joe’s Kingsley gaffe, but Progressives truly believe that they can decide who is and is not Black. That view doesn’t serve street Karens well presently, as a survey of Twitter will show. But from the ivory tower to the street Progrsseuves demonstrate that they can and will tell Black people when and how to be Black, damn the torpedoes.
Unless I missed it yesterday, I am surprised Althouse didn't blog this hilarious story from the NYTimes that almost reads like The Onion.
Howard: "Althouse holds lefty's to a higher standard. Good."
The "standards" of Howard's Heroes.......
Enough. Discovery is good, but - there needs to be a counterattack.
Yeah, to me, a racist is someone who believes 1) that race is a real, physical thing, and b) that someone’s race has something to do with what kind of person they are.
Of course, adopting this definition makes it hard to conclude that calling a disease the “Kung flu” is racist. There are other drawbacks.
Here in this WaPo story from just yesterday you can see exactly what is wrong with journalism today. Read that story, and then look at this video that has been available on YouTube on various accounts since this past Monday explicitly linked to the Bubba Wallace Noose Chase. All the writer of the WaPo article had to do was to fucking Google Talledega AND garages AND YouTube- that search literally demonstrates the article itself is ridiculous- multiple garages had the exact same bowline knotted rope as door pulls.
Either the journalist is fucking incompetent, or shockingly dishonest.
I am writing my Madison alder about recent events and I need help. What's a polite synonym for 'bullshit'?
This is what the Left is all about today. Censorship. Cancelling. Ruining people's livelihoods.
Here in Omaha there are three cases.
1. White, gay and male Dem candidate for US Senate sends a sexist and offensive message about a female staffer. She quits. Dems demand that he withdraw. Dem protestors show up at his cup cake bakery (not kidding) and harass him. I also think they went to his house.
2. County Attorney declines to prosecute a shooting based upon video and other solid evidence of self defense. Protestors show up at his house for many days.
3. Restaurant owner (where Ann, Meade and I were going to eat breakfast) closes his business because protestors are in front of his business and follow him home. His son - the cook - supposedly said racists things on FB and he offers a dish called the "Robert E. Lee." One of the protestors might be a BLM guy trying to extort him.
The Left can't win the battle of ideas so they resort to actual battle.
Trump wins about 40 states and Nebraska by 40 points. WI and MN by a decent margin.
Wasow isn't black.
What is the basis for this statement? The link isn't it, because the link makes no such claim. His ethnicity isn't defined, only his family's. Indeed, wikipedia says what Gahrie notes above. Wasow is literally African American in that he was born in Kenya and now resides as an American in America and his PhD is in African American studies. His mother is described as African American. His wife is described as African American and is considered one of the 100 most influential African Americans.
So what criteria are you using to judge this person's ethnicity to a certainty that he is not black?
Not only is the rigor of Wasow’s research no defense, neither is the fact that he is also Black
what an Absolute CROCK!
I have it, on Good Authority, that If you Do Not TOE THE LINE, you ain't black
Welcome to the new and improved democrat party.
You've got democratics calling Tim Scott - a black republican - "a token"
Why would anyone support the leftwing racist democrat party. Now the party of Stalinist cancel.
It is unacceptable to make people on this list and in this community feel unsafe for calling out wrongdoings. We cannot begin to decolonize our minds if we do not create safety for those fighting against white supremacy. [Part of the listserv moderator comments]
The “racist tweet” was of course a straightforward summary of a respected professor’s work. The moderators have not publicly substantiated the accusation that Shor encouraged harassment...It reveals, first, a cruel attempt to destroy the professional reputation of Shor by smearing him with unsubstantiated charges in front of his professional peers. Second, it suggests an unsettling fear of open inquiry within the left-of-center professional data world. [Part of Chait's comments]
The population of the "professional data world" comes from contemporary universities . The "ridiculous" commentary appears on a "prestigious" progressive listserv that caters to the progressive data world. Contemporary universities graduate whiny, thin-skinned, self-righteous, intellectually-bigoted ignoramuses. Let's stop wasting tax dollars on publicly-funded universities.
I really like the term "decolonize our minds": Remove the colon in your head. Get the shit out of your brains
Yancey Ward at 12:44
Unless I missed it yesterday, I am surprised Althouse didn't blog this hilarious story from the NYTimes that almost reads like The Onion.
Your link is wrong.
Metrics pushed us into this current situation, principally the ratio of police interactions with blacks (to their population in the U.S) vs police interactions with whites, and the downstream optics of the balance of the prison population. What metric defines racism other than white skin? What would make the protesters happy?
The police and prison metrics can be fixed by allowing the black population freedom to commit crimes, and by releasing large numbers of black offenders; since most crime does not cross the racial divide it would affect the black population to a larger degree.
What do they want? What metric shows racism?
Sorry, the NYTimes story is here.
"How many actual racist do you think would have a best friend that's black?"
i'm drawing from fiction; but Who was Scarlet O'Hara's best (and Only) true friend?
Who stuck by Scarlet when she was down to using curtains as dress cloth
Who helped Scarlet deliver her baby, even though she said;
"Oh, Miss Scarlett! I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies!"
This is always the result of Leftist Collectivism.
Who is surprised?
Also, I laugh at the stupidity and hope more awful results happen to the Left.
It is hilarious.
Chait did Nazi this coming.
So is Chait now voting for Trump?
Or is he yelling "FIRE" while going to the polls to supply the arsonists with more matches and gasoline?
Somebody said...
Metrics pushed us into this current situation,
GODdamn Metrics! we Did NOT have these sorts of problems, back when we were smart enough to use pounds, gallons, and cycles per second
ALL of our problems can be Directly traced to kilos, liters and meter wavelengths
a pint's a pound, the world around!
Wasow isn't black.
Judging by his picture on his website, he appears to be of mixed race. My estimate is 1/4-1/8 black(quadroon, octaroon.). Going by the standards in the US for centuries, mixed race is classified as black. To me, he appears more black than Ben Jealous, NAACP President from 2008-2012.
Wasow's website informs us that he has a Master's degree in Statistics from Harvard, which indicates he is quite qualified to do the research he did.
I am writing my Madison alder about recent events and I need help. What's a polite synonym for 'bullshit'?
Bovine excrement
Metrics pushed us into this current situation, ... What metric shows racism?
Slight aside, but this was my problem when Democrats wanted demographic data on COVID-19, as if a virus, that has caused a world-wide pandemic, makes judgement on infections based on a persons ethnicity. The claims of "poverty" doesn't make sense when some of the wealthiest countries seem to be most effected, not to mention the notion of equating poverty with ethnicity, which is often dubious and regressive. So yeah, what metric shows racism? They'll make one up every chance they can, but I haven't seen them as good models of reality ever.
Blogger Yancey Ward said...Either the journalist is fucking incompetent, or shockingly dishonest.6/25/20, 12:55 PM
Now, now Yancey, who's being naive with this statement? Really? "Journalist" is neither, today they are messeangers of a "Narrative" given to them by their Editors, Management, Democrats and like minded political believers. This is not "Journalism" it's 'Entertainment Media' which does not search for evidence or facts. They mine for narratives. I forgot who wrote this, but it keeps sticking in my mind - "...Journalism is not a serious profession. It's a clown college full of clowns..."
The “conversation” about races has always been a conversation about bending the knee.
Lysenkoism is the belief that simply believing that something is true, repeating that belief and forcing other people to believe it will make it so.
"It's not a lie if you believe it." -- G. Costanza
I can't read twaddle. Or rather, a lot of Leftwaddle* is pushed on me everywhere I look so I don't have to seek it out if I need to read it.
Righties (and atheist libertarian cranky old bastards like me) are well able to produce twaddle too, they/we just don't have the elite amplifiers.
*Use with attribution
>>bagoh20 said...
How many actual racist do you think would have a best friend that's black?<<
Millions, I would think. Most Blacks have best friends that are Black, don't they?
Blogger RMc said...
Lysenkoism is the belief that simply believing that something is true, repeating that belief and forcing other people to believe it will make it so.
"It's not a lie if you believe it." -- G. Costanza
6/25/20, 2:23 PM
Blogger Narr said...
I can't read twaddle. Or rather, a lot of Leftwaddle* is pushed on me everywhere I look so I don't have to seek it out if I need to read it.
Righties (and atheist libertarian cranky old bastards like me) are well able to produce twaddle too, they/we just don't have the elite amplifiers.
*Use with attribution
6/25/20, 2:25 PM
This pure fiction! Like the NY Times "1619 Project". Lies are lies even if you "believe it".
"And top party members are seen kneeling in African Kente cloths in a Capitol Hill photo op."
What I found so gleefully ignorant about this that by kneeling down on one knee, they were immitating the murderous tactic used by then officer Derek Chauvin.
A member of the listserv told Rod Dreher here that
some of the women on the Progressphiles list became very assertive and authoritarian. To disagree with them as a male was to set yourself up for an accusation of sexism.
“These people started complaining that they were being undermined by the patriarchy, and demanded that the list’s leadership be given to women exclusively, without term — meaning that they would be able to govern the list like they wanted, without end,” alleged Walter.
“Under their tenure, this list has become more terrifying to be on,"
Here's Ari Trujillo Wesler. She's a hard leftie neck-snapping scold of the worst kind. Given the two of the co-founders of BLM have announced that they are "trained Marxists", this should give everyone pause about what the hell is going on today. We will all be enjoying these Struggle Sessions very soon.
- Krumhorn
I really like the term "decolonize our minds": Remove the colon in your head. Get the shit out of your brains
They'd be better off removing their heads from their colons.
Chait doesn't get it. This is an old movie, going back to the 1790s. Coming up: the slaughter of the Girondists. From the entry on "Girondists" from Theodora Encyclopedia:
"With the ferocious fanaticism or the ruthless opportunism of the future organizers of the Terror they had nothing in common. As the Revolution developed they trembled at the anarchic forces they had helped to unchain, and tried in vain to curb them."
Bye, bye Biden. No more Nancy. Those old fogeys have nothing to do with direct action. Maybe Bezos will change his name to Jeff Égalité.
They better pray Trump wins.
The 'academy' is chasing a phantom, trying desperately to placate people who will not ever be happy. The attempt is doomed to failure.
But they're conditioned to TRY, no matter how futile and expensive the attempt. It doesn't matter how much trouble they go through, it doesn't matter how much they spend - if at the end of the day someone isn't happy, they'll respond as if it's the most important thing in the entire world.
Heaven forbid someone's 'feelings' weren't put at the top of the priority list.
I see two things happening. Won't be quick, though.
The colleges who don't fold to the wokescolds and keep up rigorous academic standards will continue to do well.
The colleges that do - will eventually discredit themselves so badly by dropping their standards that there'll be few to no bequests from alumni and no incoming students because their ratings will have fallen to a point where their name's a joke.
What's a polite synonym for 'bullshit'?
Try "bushwah."
Yancey Ward said...
Sorry, the NYTimes story is here.
That article is astonishing, and not in a good way. Takeaway: Progressives are completely incapable of analytical thought.
Especially considering it is the NYT, the comments ratio was astonishingly negative.
Horrible. And totally ridiculous.
And utterly predictable. I remember conversations about political-correctness and participation trophies back in the mid-nineties. I remember some people with seemingly prescient predictions of where that would end up and the others, on the defensive, describing such talk as reactionary fantasy.
We're living in the midst of a 90's reactionary's fantasy. Interesting times, indeed.
I think this is awesome. Eventually all of the leftists will have been fired by each other.
Remember a few days ago when we had a discussion as to whether or not there was any evidence of Antifa being related to the riots? Well let's look at the issue presented to us by Chait. A professor, born in Kenya now in America and with a PhD in African American studies, notes that race riots hurt Democrats in election and uses historical facts to make his point. Another guy just mentioning this white paper gets the professor fired.
Why? Because saying riots hurt Democrats is unacceptable? Why would that be an offense for progressive to want him cancelled? Shouldn't progressives be claiming, "Yeah, he's right, which is why we need to get white nationalist and Trump to quit fanning the flames of these riots!" But that's not what these progressives did. They got the guy fired for speaking ill of the current riots. And that wasn't enough, the progressive that studies this stuff for elections gets fired for even noting the professor. Again, the reason for firing was speaking against the riot, which supposedly the progressives are also against.
So when you wonder why I don't buy the narrative that some previously never heard of group on the right is behind all this violence; consider those who are silencing friendly voices for even suggesting the violence may be detrimental to the cause.
“...tightly circumscribed scripts of accusation and confession...”
Next up, show trials.
I’m going to have to read Cleon Skousen’s The Naked Communist again.
I'm sure it's all just dirty tricks by infiltrator white supremacist groups or the KKK.
shorter loyal hivehind to the Schit-show.
"I cannot understand and I refuse to even try.."
Gahrie said...
.... His B.A. is in "Race and ethnic relations" and he has a Ph.D. in "African American Studies".
So he's educated, but not knowledgeable on anything important or reality related.
I changed out a breaker box today. With that education I wouldn't trust him to assist.
I think this is awesome. Eventually all of the leftists will have been fired by each other.
Fired? Nay. Nye. The end is Nigh. Cancelled and sometimes aborted as in dead, no longer viable, a diverse cluster of cells, redistributive parts (check their driver's license or not).
political-correctness... reactionary fantasy
Progressive corruption. Progressive confusion. Political congruence. Pro-Choice [religion]. Progressive Church. Dysfunctional convergence - a progressive process (PP). #Wicked
"The problem with the right is that everyone on the left reacts emotionally so that when the right proposes real, workable solutions and warning that danger is coming, the left calls them names, and so very few real solutions are ever implemented."
The problem with the right is it is just a dumb, lazy label people use to feel good about themselves for whatever reasons, and serves little purpose other than to identify with a team, any old one will do, so that heuristics can take over and the burden of thought isn't expected, required, or even possible one might conclude.
Maybe you should comment more at Instapundit?
Progressivism is a spiritual disease. Please take an inventory of what it has produced for us.
I've spent a lot of stupid money. But some still hurts.
The dumbest of dumb.
There was a reason.
That reason isn't anymore.
But, my stupidity and et. al. allowed for some locals to have a hayday, and not city locals neither.
I needed to get slapped around, did, left, and God wants Althouse to be happy.
Guildofcannonballs said...
"The problem with the right is that everyone on the left reacts emotionally so that when the right proposes real, workable solutions and warning that danger is coming, the left calls them names, and so very few real solutions are ever implemented."
The problem with the right is it is just a dumb, lazy label people use to feel good about themselves for whatever reasons, and serves little purpose other than to identify with a team, any old one will do, so that heuristics can take over and the burden of thought isn't expected, required, or even possible one might conclude.
Then why is it that so much of civilization was built by conservative people?
Name for us the world-class inventions that leftist regimes have given the world?
C'mon: tote them up right here>>>>
"Call the cops when you see 2pac," - Tupac
Mister Pac:
"I ain't got no motherfuckin' friends
That's why I fucked yo' bitch, you fat motherfucker!
(Take money) West Side, M.O.B., Bad Boy killas
(Take money) You know who the realest is
(Take money) We bring it too
(Take money)
[Verse 1: 2Pac]
First off, fuck yo' bitch and the clique you claim
Westside when we ride, come equipped with game
You claim to be a player, but I fucked your wife
We bust on Bad Boys, niggas fucked for life
Plus, Puffy tryna see me, weak hearts I rip
Biggie Smalls and Junior M.A.F.I.A. some mark-ass bitches
We keep on comin' while we runnin' for your jewels
Steady gunnin', keep on bustin' at them fools, you know the rules
Lil' Caesar, go ask your homie how I'll leave ya
Cut your young-ass up, leave you in pieces, now be deceased
Lil' Kim, don't fuck around with real Gs
Quick to snatch yo' ugly ass off the streets, so fuck peace!
I'll let them niggas know it's on for life
Don't let the Westside ride tonight (Ha ha)
Bad Boy murdered on wax and killed
Fuck with me and get yo' caps peeled, you know
[Chorus: 2Pac]
See, grab your Glocks when you see 2Pac
Call the cops when you see 2Pac, uh
Who shot me? But you punks didn't finish
Now you 'bout to feel the wrath of a menace
Nigga, I hit 'em up! (Yeah)
[Interlude: 2Pac]
Check this out, you motherfuckers know what time it is
I don't even know why I'm on this track
Y'all niggas ain't even on my level
I'ma let my little homies ride
On you bitch-made ass Bad Boy bitches, feel it!
[Verse 2: Hussein Fatal]
Get out the way yo, get out the way yo
Biggie Smalls just got dropped
Little Moo', pass the MAC and let me hit him in his back
Frank White needs to get spanked right for settin' traps
Little accident murderer, and I ain't never heard of ya
Poisonous gats attack when I'm servin' ya
Spank ya, shank ya whole style when I gank
Guard your rank 'cause I'ma slam your ass in the paint
Puffy weaker than the fuckin' block I'm runnin' through, nigga
And I'm smokin' Junior M.A.F.I.A. in front of you, nigga
With the ready power tucked in my Guess under my Eddie Bauer
Your clout petty/sour, I push packages every hour; I hit 'em up!
[Chorus: 2Pac]
Grab your Glocks when you see 2Pac
Call the cops when you see 2Pac, uh
Who shot me? But you punks didn't finish
Now you 'bout to feel the wrath of a menace
Nigga, we hit 'em up!
[Verse 3: 2Pac]
Peep how we do it, keep it real as penitentiary steel
This ain't no freestyle battle
All you niggas gettin' killed with your mouths open
Tryna come up off of me, you in the clouds hopin'
Smokin' dope, it's like a sherm high
Niggas think they learned to fly
But they burn, motherfucker, you deserve to die
Talkin' about you gettin' money, but it's funny to me
All you niggas livin' bummy while you fuckin' with me
I'm a self-made millionaire
Thug livin', out of prison, pistols in the air (ha ha)
Biggie, remember when I used to let you sleep on the couch
And beg a bitch to let you sleep in the house?
Now it's all about Versace, you copied my style
Five shots couldn't drop me, I took it and smiled
Now I'm back to set the record straight
With my AK, I'm still the thug that you love to hate
Motherfucker, I hit 'em up!
[Verse 4: Kadafi]
I'm from N-E-W Jers' where plenty of murders occurs
No points or commas, we bring drama to all you herbs
Now go check the scenario: Lil' Cease
I'll bring you fake G's to your knees, coppin' pleas in de Janeiro
Little Kim, is you coked up or doped up?
Get your little Junior Whopper click smoked up
What the fuck, is you stupid?
I take money, crash and mash through Brooklyn
With my click lootin', shootin' and pollutin' your block
With a 15-shot cocked Glock to your knot
Outlaw MAFIA clique movin' up another notch
And your pop stars popped and get mopped and dropped
All your fake-ass East Coast props brainstormed and locked
"[Verse 5: E.D.I. Mean]
You's a beat biter, a Pac style taker
I'll tell you to your face you ain't shit but a faker
Softer than Alizé with a chaser
About to get murdered for the paper
E.D.I. Mean approach the scene of the caper
Like a loc, with Little Ceas' in a choke
Gun totin' smoke, we ain't no motherfuckin' joke
Thug Life, niggas better be knowin'
We approachin' in the wide open, gun smokin'
No need for hopin', it's a battle lost
I got 'em crossed as soon as the funk is boppin' off
Nigga, I hit 'em up!
[Outro: 2Pac]
Now you tell me who won
I see them, they run, ha ha
They don't wanna see us
Whole Junior M.A.F.I.A. clique dressin' up tryna be us
How the fuck they gonna be the mob
When we always on our job?
We millionaires
Killin' ain't fair, but somebody gotta do it
Oh yeah, Mobb Deep, you wanna fuck with us?
You little young-ass motherfuckers
Don't one of you niggas got sickle-cell or somethin'?
You're fuckin' with me, nigga
You fuck around and have a seizure or a heart attack
You better back the fuck up
Before you get smacked the fuck up
This is how we do it on our side
Any of you niggas from New York that wanna bring it, bring it!
But we ain't singin', we bringin' drama
Fuck you and yo' motherfuckin' mama!
We gon' kill all you motherfuckers!
Now when I came out I told you it was just about Biggie
Then everybody had to open their mouth
With a motherfuckin' opinion
Well, this is how we gonna do this: fuck Mobb Deep! Fuck Biggie!
Fuck Bad Boy as a staff, record label, and as a motherfuckin' crew!
And if you wanna be down with Bad Boy, then fuck you too!
Chino XL, fuck you too!
All you motherfuckers, fuck you too!
(Take money, take money)
All of y'all motherfuckers, fuck you, die slow!
Motherfucker, my .44 make sho' all y'all kids don't grow!
You motherfuckers can't be us or see us
We motherfuckin' Thug Life ridas
Westside 'til we die!
Out here in California, nigga, we warned ya
We'll bomb on you motherfuckers! We do our job!
You think you mob? Nigga, we the motherfuckin' mob!
Ain't nothin' but killas
And the real niggas, all you motherfuckers feel us
Our shit goes triple and 4-quadruple
You niggas laugh 'cause our staff got guns under their motherfuckin' belts
You know how it is: when we drop records, they felt
You niggas can't feel it, we the realest
Fuck 'em, we Bad Boy killas!"
From Bill Buckley's small dictionary, comes this:
eschatologically (adverb) In a manner dealing with the ultimate destiny of mankind and the world.
The Communists' program is capable (at least for a period of time, until the illusion wears off) of being wholly satisfactory, emotionally and intellectually, to large numbers of people. The reason for this is that Communist dogma is eschatologically conceived.
Communist dogma is eschatologically conceived
What? No.
Communism has nothing to do with the end of the world. Communism believes in the here and now, period. It does not believe in what might come after. It does not believe in Last Judgment. It does not believe in eternal life or eternal death.
(That's what eschatology is about.)
Progressivism is a spiritual disease. Please take an inventory of what it has produced for us.
The income tax, direct election of senators, women's right to vote and for a time, prohibition. All four were mistakes, and three of them still need to be corrected.
"Then why is it that so much of civilization was built by conservative people?"
Don't know. Sorry.
"Progressivism is a spiritual disease. Please take an inventory of what it has produced for us.
The income tax....."
One head of the ogre born from craven Wilson's pen, the other head being...The Fed
Will they print us into ruin by Democrat fiat?
"Human society is an issue of the mind. Social co-operation must first be conceived, then willed, then realized in action. It is ideas that make history, not the “material productive forces”, those nebulous and mystical schemata of the materialist conception of history.."
Yancey Ward said (https://althouse.blogspot.com/2020/06/i-cant-read-left-wing-twaddle-it.html?showComment=1593107741087#c4162455939453920581):
"Either the journalist is fucking incompetent, or shockingly dishonest."
Embrace the Power of AND, Yancey.
When the insanity of the left descends to the point that even leftists have to hope that the right wins all the elections, to avoid the bloodbath that will follow if the left wins. Anyone else actually remember 1968? Or 1972? Nixon really was an unlikable fellow, only elected in 68 because the Democratic Party self destructed, and only elected in a landslide because they put an avowed socialist with no charisma named McGovern up against him.
Guildofcannonballs said:
"The Communists' program is capable (at least for a period of time, until the illusion wears off) of being wholly satisfactory, emotionally and intellectually, to large numbers of people. The reason for this is that Communist dogma is eschatologically conceived."
Communism will always be emotionally satisfactory to large numbers of people, because it promises to PUT THEM IN CHARGE. That is the be-all and end-all of existence for many people, POWER OVER OTHERS.
Until you face the fact that human nature exists, that it is hereditable, and that it can't be changed by utopian programs, you never really understand people.
Real social progress takes people as they are, and tries to put institutions in place that back up propaganda for good behavior with rewards good behavior and punishment for bad behavior.
People who try to sell communism or other utopian nonsense should be seen for what they are: con artists, trying to put one over on you.
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