June 23, 2020

"Glass from shattered car windows and storefronts littered the ground, whipping demonstrators along with tree branches and trash, video and interviews show. "

"Dirt and grit collected in mouths. Anyone without goggles had trouble keeping their eyes open. The roar of the blades was deafening. To calculate the approximate altitude of the Lakota [helicopter], The Post used geospatial data, building elevations, street widths and measurements of other street objects to create a precise scaled model of the intersection. It also used metadata from a photograph of the helicopter taken at 10:03 p.m. in the same spot to further build the 3-D environment. Sam Ward stood on 5th Street NW and watched the Lakota blast the nearby trees into a frenzy. 'It was pretty wild, and it certainly appeared they were using it as an intimidation tactic,' Ward, 27, said.... [T]he use of a helicopter’s rotor wash is a common military tactic to incite fear, disperse crowds and warn of other capabilities, like rockets and guns, said Kyleanne Hunter, a former Marine Corps pilot who flew Cobra attack helicopters in Iraq and Afghanistan.... [T]he Lakota had an estimated 48 mph rotor wash.... That force was strong enough to snap a thick tree branch outside the National Portrait Gallery, a Smithsonian official said."

From "A low-flying ‘show of force’/Two military helicopters roared over demonstrators in Washington protesting after the death of George Floyd, producing winds equivalent to a tropical storm" (WaPo)(analyzing events that occurred on June 1st).


Ann Althouse said...

"... 48 mph rotor wash.... That force was strong enough to snap a thick tree branch...."

I've researched the question when is it dangerous to be out under trees in the wind, and 35 miles per hour is the line, I have read.

Martin said...

Better than rubber bullets and CS gas, or more lethal stuff.

I am not going to cry about the prop wash picking up shards of glass that the same mob just broke.

Michael K said...

Just photographing Antifa.

Psota said...

Were these the "George Floyd protesters" who were marching peacefully with strollers, families, grand-parents?

Or the "George Floyd protesters" who took over Lafayette Park and attacked the White House?

Mark said...

Using the military to inspire fear in civilians, should ask King George how well that works.

Mark said...

Helicopter used last night over Lafayette Park to help disperse mob that was trying to topple the Andrew Jackson statue. Pepper spray used by D.C. Metropolitan Police Department too.

wendybar said...

Too bad they broke all those windows and ruined all those businesses. Go to a riot, expect to be treated as rioters.

Earnest Prole said...

Cry me a river.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Good reasons to disperse quickly and safely then. More of this please!

Note use of the euphemism “protesters” in place of what was at that exact moment an illegal riot that had been ordered dispersed already by park police and then mounted police. Loudspeakers broadcasted these lawful orders. Anyone still disobeying those lawful orders has no standing to whine about flying glass and breaking trees. Boo freaking hoo. As I stated above: MORE OF THIS PLEASE!

MAJMike said...

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Skeptical Voter said...

Okay the downwash snapped a tree limb. But what shattered the car windows and store window glass? Out here in California cars routinely hit 80 mph or more on the freeway and I've yet to see the wind break a car window. And at my hillside home we occasionally have hurricane force (75 mph plus) winds in the winter. Haven't had a broken window in 45 years. Do occasionally lose a tree limb however. As usual WaPoo reporting involves "mixed" messages, sometimes by commission, other times by omission.

Let's just say that there wasn't a single piece of broken glass that "self identified" as having been broken by helicopter downwash.

Fernandinande said...

They weaponized military helicopters!

Josephbleau said...

How horrible, please tell me how many were killed blinded and maimed. Were DC emergency rooms overwhelmed? This was almost as bad as when the press corps stands on the White House lawn when helicopter one comes in for a landing.

Anonymous said...

Point of reference. 48 MPH is a Gale, not a storm (or Full Gale). 55-73 mph

As a point of fact, the set-up describes smashed cars and shattered storefronts, so it was beyond a protest, well into a riot. I assume with looting as well. So a bit of intimidation seems more than reasonable. Far better than a "whiff of grapeshot"

a measured response..

As for a branch breaking on a tree. That can happen at any wind condition, depending on the health of the branch.

Koot Katmandu said...

Lets see. No tear gas, no pepper Spray, no low flying helicopters, some even say no Police. Funny use of words demonstrators too? When do demonstrator become a mob? Demonstrators do not tear down stuff.

MayBee said...

I like it that the glass from storefronts and car windows was simply littering the ground....as if it is always there. Or as if the helicopter caused it.

Just glass from storefronts and car windows littering. As it does.

Tommy Duncan said...

"Glass from shattered car windows and storefronts littered the ground..."

Wow, the helicopter wash broke car and store windows? {/sarc}

Lucid-Ideas said...

Rotor wash can be absolutely devastating. Especially with larger multi-blade rotor helicopters like the Chinook. Units like the 160th SOAR have perfected it to a high-art form.

For the Chinook and Pave Hawk you can come in really fast and hot but not necessarily low. This works best in dusty conditions (like ME). You make like you're going to auto-rotate even though you've got plenty of power, drop altitude while gaining airspeed, and then pull up on the collective hard at around 50ft AGL. The gust force on the ground is probably somewhere between 80-100mph and everything that isn't securely fastened will go flying (this includes people).

The dust is the really critical part here though. You're essentially creating a giant dust-screen blown directly at your target that in some cases covers an area of football field. You get bonus points if they have open windows (like ME) at the target location because all of that crap gets inside and blinds the occupants and makes it almost as hard to breath as CS gas.

It's great. Buys you at least 30 seconds while they come around. Then they die. Always brings a smile to my face.

Bob Boyd said...

It was just like Kent State, only different.

Laslo Spatula said...

"The Post used geospatial data, building elevations, street widths and measurements of other street objects to create a precise scaled model of the intersection"

Boy, it seems like they ARE capable of doing research when they want to.

But somehow I bet they outsourced the work to people who can actually do, like, math-stuff.

Maybe they can now outsource their journalism work to people who can do journalism-stuff.

As Billy Idol said: Ride the Pony.

I am Laslo.

john said...

OMG. Does that helicopter have posted warnings on the instrument panel that it is not recommended to fly close to trees or protestors? Or by the CPSC that the whirling blades can cause lacerations or even death if touched by small children? Or that parts of this vehicle are known by the State of California to cause cancer?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Good. We need to use force against enemies, foreign and domestic.

Temujin said...

They're lucky. The rotors were a restrained response.

Drago said...

Howard will be along shortly to explain how rotor wash is just another name for chemical weapons.

Ice Nine said...

Can't tell you how many times I've been under the rotor wash of a military helicopter...and somehow survived. BFD.

A Lakota it was! Heh. When you see an Apache with full Hellfire missile load, get back to me, Snowflake.

Mattman26 said...

I’m curious whether it was a lawful gathering. That would influence my judgment on whether this sort of “intimidation” was appropriate.

Wince said...

Glass from shattered car windows and storefronts littered the ground, whipping demonstrators along with tree branches and trash, video and interviews show.

Unmentioned, of course, is that the glass littering the ground was there because it was shattered by the "protesters".

It's good to see they used Animal House tactics on them.

"May I have 10,000 marbles please?"

James Pawlak said...

As the members of the cited mob are waging war against the USA it would have been better for them to use "mini-guns" to suppress that rebellion.

chuck said...

Sounds good to me.

narciso said...

So actual destruction and vandalism the post doesnt care about.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Again... we don't hear much about the fact that NOBODY supports what that cop did to George Floyd. 3 cops held him down while one cop suffocated him. NOT OK.
Nobody is saying it's OK.
It's not OK.
Changes must be made.

But - most of our police are good people who put their lives on the line for law and order. In fact, to date in 2020, around 100 police officers have died in the line of duty.
Anyone rioting for them?

Funny - you don't hear much about the changes needed in leftwing Minnesota.

'Derek Chauvin was a racist cop, a registered Democrat, working for a Democrat Police Chief, voted into office by Democrat voters, in a Democrat controlled city, in a Democrat controlled state. Protected by a Democrat controlled union.

He had 18 complaints against him and was let off multiple times... by democrats in charge.'

Howard said...

The deep state actions Trump cucks orgasms over

tim maguire said...

I'm sure it was an intimidation tactic, but this is the nation's capital. Imagine the intimidation tactics that would be employed if the government in any way resembled the government these protesters think we already have. Hell, imagine the intimidation tactics that would be employed if we had the kind of government these protesters actually want to have!

bagoh20 said...

We get 48 mph winds here in Vegas pretty often, and nobody feels our pain. We are actually forced to put the pool toys in the garage till it passes. It's absolute terror, and it's a racist wind - part of our regular weather system, so it's systemic racism.

Marshall Rose said...

Sow the wind...

I have zero sympathy for the mob. If you are willing to engage in unlawful behavior be prepared to go to prison.

If you are going to use violence as well, be prepared to receive violence.

Don't like it, go f'n home.

Jersey Fled said...

Poor babies.

NC William said...

Two things: This direct action is no longer a "protest", but is itself an intimidation tactic. And, it very clearly is no longer remotely about George Floyd. Fresh out of sympathy for this.

narciso said...

Its warranted


I'm Full of Soup said...

This is the best good news I've heard in months.

Yancey Ward said...

This is the sort of thing you make into a story when the story you really, really, really wanted to print was "Trump Has Kent State Moment". This is why it took 3 weeks to write this story- they really, really believed they had Trump boxed into a corner where he had no choice but to take the bait and order the protests shut down violently. You see this, also, in the Seattle mayor finally starting to realize that Trump ain't going to take the CHAZ bait either, and that she and Inslee are fully responsible for what goes on there, not Trump. I wrote over two weeks ago that all Trump has to do to win this battle is to not take that pretty obvious bait, and to his credit, he didn't take it- he let the Democrats lie in their own shit for two weeks.

Heartless Aztec said...

Well, at least no protestors were pushed out of the choppers on their fly by.

Nichevo said...

Gee. Maybe they should leave.

Gee. Maybe they shouldn't break glass.

henge2243 said...

As show of force goes, I prefer a random spray of .50 caliber bullets - your mileage may vary.

SteveB said...

Ok, WAPO. Well done. Now do analysis on the weight and velocity of bricks which shattered car and storefronts during 'largely peaceful' demonstrations/riots.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"Glass from smashed car windows and storefronts"

So, a mostly peaceful demonstration then?

Owen said...

This is just like a snow-blower. Blowing snowflakes.

Forty-eight MPH winds? Whoa! Where is the CNN weather team in their slickers and Sou'westers?

Michael K said...

I assume the helicopter did not break all those windows.

GingerBeer said...

WaPo says "Glass from shattered car windows and storefronts..." like it's a bad thing.

buwaya said...

Sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind.

Owen said...

48 mph = just entering Beaufort 9 (strong gale) where there might be "slight structural damage (chimney pots and slates removed)". My guess is, the chopper could produce winds of that force over a modest area, maybe a few hundred yards in each direction. Also, wind energy falls as the square of the distance, so the effect would tail off very quickly. And when it was doing so at Area A, it was NOT doing anything at Areas B, C, D, E... I don't know how big this "protest" was but something tells me this whimpering report of Terrible Trouble is being selective.

But that's OK because feelings! And OrangeManBad!

Jeff Brokaw said...

The poor dears ... am I supposed to take pity on them? Who cares if they get a little prop wash? Tough shit.

I want to see a much stronger show of force by our elites. They are failing this test miserably.

Todd said...

Am I supposed to feel bad that some rioters were hit with rotor-wash? They should consider themselves lucky they were not hit with beanbag rounds from shotguns, or worse.

"Demonstrators" and "protesters" as words, have a "feel" to them. That feel is generally distinct from "rioters" which is what they actually were. If they were NOT rioters, where did all the broken glass and such come from?

At what point are the grownups going to start acting like it and let this children know that play-time is over?

Expat(ish) said...

Honestly, rotor wash (I've been in it, not the military kind) is pretty strong, and you'd want to get away from it, but I think a couple of points are worth considering:

1> This is a very very mild escalation of force
2> They were across from the white house - I was not a big Obama fan, but I wouldn't have wanted a big violent demonstration/riot while he was there either. I wouldn't want one in front of his private residence either, TBH.
3> Beats getting hit with a folding chair.


BamaBadgOR said...

Wouldn't it depend on the type of tree and the type of wind (sustained or gusts)? Along the Gulf Coast, trees can handle 40 mph winds easily. 70 mph winds will knock off some branches but not knock over most trees. That's why Gulf Coast trees are still standing. I understand this was D.C., but still question the 35 mph threshold for safety.

Paul said...


Mary Beth said...

The Post used geospatial data, building elevations, street widths and measurements of other street objects to create a precise scaled model of the intersection.

I'm surprised that anyone at the WaPo knows someone who can do math.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Boo Hoo. Create a war zone and then be surprised that it IS a war zone?

mikeski said...

"[...]it certainly appeared they were using it as an intimidation tactic[...]"

Good; I would fucking hope so.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Glass from shattered car windows"

Weird. How did that happen? Boogie Boys?
There's a desperate attempt to change the narrative about the riots. Which suggests that the Democrats are beginning to realize how pissed off people are about this.

Expat(ish) said...

Also, once again, the passive construction - not "glass from the riot broken car windows and looted businesses."


Big Mike said...

How to disperse rioting mobs in a non-violent fashion. Well done!

(I assume that the broken glass was due to actions by the rioting mob, since windshields can handle air moving against them mush faster than 48 mph.)

James Graham said...

WaPo may be unhappy but I am not.

We don't have the guillotine but when an angry mob is not intimidated there is a high risk of deadly violence.

(Of course, WaPo journalists would be safe .......... NOT!)

Narayanan said...

I expect there will be law suits and FOIA requests

rcocean said...

Again, so lets not talk about all the damage caused by the "Peaceful Protesters" and who they were/are. Instead the MSM/NYT/WaPo wants to talk endlessly about how the trump/police/military were so MEAN to the protesters. Poor babies.

This is inline with their slanted coverage of almost everything. Every story on immigration, border security, or Visa is written from the POV of "how does this effect the poor Immigrants/VISA holder". NEVER do we get a story from the MSM on how American citizens are being HURT by H-1 Visas, or Illegal immigration. NEVER do we get any stories about how border security or immigration resctriction is HELPING Americans.

And we only hear about some poor black guy getting killed by the police. Rarely is the focus on the Police killed by criminals OR innocent black men and women being killed by the thousands by Black crooks/killers.

We don't have a free press. We have an American version of Pravda.

Birches said...

Kept them from getting Jackson down. I think it was successful.

But this news article is why Trump's hands are tied. We're just supposed to let our country be destroyed. Otherwise, it's being mean or just like Franco.

rcocean said...

Glass shattered from car windows? I'm skeptical. When's the last time a 48 MPH wind "Shattered" a car window. I suppose they mean the glass that was shattered by the PEACEFUL PROTESTERS was whipped up by the Helicopter wash and someone suffered a minor cut. Well, maybe the lawyer protesters can sue DC for $10 million. That's probably the reason for the article.

Kirk Parker said...

Re 48mph: "A tropical storm with big winds the speed of small winds."

Bay Area Guy said...

".... roared over demonstrators in Washington protesting after the death of George Floyd, producing winds equivalent to a tropical storm"

These aren't "demonstrators" anymore. They are lawless rioters who break the law, destroy property and injure people.

Bruce Hayden said...

It has dawned on the Democrats running the show, that they gambled with the riots and arsons, and are losing. He countered their stratagem by sticking to founding principles, pointing out that it was a state and local problem, and he would only intervene if requested, but would do so with overwhelming force. Their one chance, at this point is to embarrass him in DC, esp in front of the White House. Earlier, it seemed to have been touch and go the first night, with the Dem mayor trying her hardest to undermine him. They came back and tried their Occupy nonsense. Trump showed them what to expect if they continue, and that included that use of helicopters. Meanwhile the park police were busy arresting the rioters on federal charges of defacing federal landmarks, etc. He is telling them that if they want to spend the next couple months in federal custody, then fine, come to DC, and try to occupy the “people’s’ house”. It isn’t going to happen on his watch. He was elected to live there. They weren’t. No doubt, the Secret Service insisted on having their sharpshooters on the roof tops, and the crew served automatic weapons were probably manned. But if their attacks could be neutered with non lethal means, they would be, and were. So they didn’t get their Kent State, their martyrs. And likely won’t, though I expect them to try it again a couple times, because, as I noted above, this is essentially an informational, and not kinetic, fight, the Dems are currently losing, and their one chance is to make Trump look bad is in front of the White House.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

and now a word from our Teenager-In-Chief, AOC

"U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared to take pleasure Saturday night in reports that the turnout for President Trump’s Tulsa, Okla., rally was lower than expected.

In a Twitter post, Ocasio-Cortez claimed the Trump campaign had been scammed by teenage anti-Trump activists who allegedly reserved scores of tickets for the Tulsa event online – then failed to show up, thus preventing others from being able to attend.

“Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok,” the New York Democrat wrote in response to a Twitter message by Trump 2020 Campaign chief Brad Parscale, who argued that “Radical protestors” in Tulsa had prevented some of the president’s supporters from entering the BOK Center, where the rally was held."


"Scammed by teenagers: How appropriate. You start gaining wisdom in this world when you realize that the entire structure of the Left is a world of drama queens and scammers operating on a teen-age mindset."


donald said...

Not seeing the problem.

Tomcc said...

It seems like a useful tool depending on the circumstances. Not lethal, but forceful. What were the demonstrators doing? Some context might be helpful.

rhhardin said...

The slower the helicopter goes, the higher the downwash speed. It's not some constant.

henge2243 said...

at 19 to 24 mph, smaller trees begin to sway.

- at 25 to 31 mph, large branches will be in motion, whistling will be heard in overhead wires, and umbrella use becomes difficult if not impossible.

- at 32 to 38 mph, whole trees will be in motion. You'll experience some difficulty when walking into the wind.

- at 39 to 46 mph, branches and limbs can be broken from trees. Cars can also possibly veer on the road, especially high profile vehicles.

- at 47 to 54 mph, there will be light structural damage.

Jaq said...

How did that shattered glass get out there, I wonder.

I guess the rioters, (peaceably assembled demonstrators don’t smash glass that doesn’t belong to them) think that they can get violent (destroying property thereby intimidating anybody nearby is violet, even more violent than silence, some would say), that they can control the amount of violence that happens in such a way that they always get the upper hand.

It smashing glass and inciting violence against your political rivals worked for the Nazis, I guess, and it helped Botha seize power in South Africa. BAMN, I guess.

A bunch of spoiled brats who got taken by the universities that they entrusted with their future, and left with tens ouf thousand dollars in debt that will have a hell of a time repaying deserve our pity, but they don’t get to redefine words like “violent” and “riot” and even “mostlly peaceful.” Even if they are backed up by corporate billionaires in tech, media, and consumer goods.

Some revolution, backing a powerful elite against the working class.

Dave Begley said...


Assumption of risk.

henge2243 said...

at 19 to 24 mph, smaller trees begin to sway.

- at 25 to 31 mph, large branches will be in motion, whistling will be heard in overhead wires, and umbrella use becomes difficult if not impossible.

- at 32 to 38 mph, whole trees will be in motion. You'll experience some difficulty when walking into the wind.

- at 39 to 46 mph, branches and limbs can be broken from trees. Cars can also possibly veer on the road, especially high profile vehicles.

- at 47 to 54 mph, there will be light structural damage.

Unfortunately, I can't read the article to determine where the 48 mph figure comes from. But, anecdotally, I was at the beach this weekend when an NYPD copter buzzed the beach and several beach umbrellas were knocked over (no one was impaled).

As a show of force, I prefer the plastic bullets and water cannons, fire to be returned by bottles and bricks and sticks.

Amadeus 48 said...

Eek! War crimes?

Althouse, thanks for bringing this propaganda to our attention. Put a siren on it when they use helicopter gunships or start spraying the crowd with gatling gun fire from Puff the Magic Dragon DC3s. The Viet Kong and PVA used to hate that.

Otherwise, yawn. Is WaPoop sure it wasn’t backwash from news copters? Their crack reporters wouldn’t likely know there was a difference.

Marcus Bressler said...

I'm okay with this. Nothing more to say. Just here for the comments.


The protesters/rioters could pretend they are the actors in M*A*S*H and rush to it.

SteveB said...

How fast does a brick need to be hurled to create broken glass in a storefront or car during 'largely peaceful' demonstrations?

Maybe WAPO can get to work on that question.

stlcdr said...

"glass from .... littered the ground..." Why would there be glass littering the ground during a peaceful demonstration/protest? (/rhetorical).

Also: Intimidation; No shit, Sherlock. Thank you, helicopter driver, for militarysplaining for us....oh, WaPo, carry on.

Tomcc said...

Oh, Jeez: "Lakota"!! That ain't gonna last. Talk about cultural appropriation! We need a contest to rename that 'copter. How about "Hekawe"?

Dave Begley said...

It just shows the might of the United States armed forces.

You rioters need to stop.

stlcdr said...

Don't they use good old water cannons, anymore? I'm no fan of the French, but I recall it was an effective tool used against rioters/protesters in France back in the 80's(?).

Jaq said...

We get “low level jets” here, as a south wind sometimes gets funneled between the Adirondacks and the Green Mountains ,a couple times a summer, like the “Three Day Blow” that happened in that Hemingway story, with winds like that that continue and continue. One simply uses common sense. You can’t hide in your house for three days.

I am sick of hearing about people complaining that attempts to contain their dangerous behavior exacerbates the dangerous conditions that simply wouldn’t exist if they “peaceably assembled.” At the risk of making an analogy that will be lost on Althouse, it’s like National Lampoon cover that implied that they would be forced to shoot that adorable dog, regrettably, if you didn’t buy their magazine. It would be your fault that the dog died. It’s bullshit gaslighting and patience is running thin.

A lot of these people are clearly having emotional issues and have been used by the DNC, (all BLM money goes pretty much to Democrats for elections), the same way the Jihadis for a while were very successful at manipulating the seriously mentally ill to create weapons.

Dave Begley said...

We have tornados in Nebraska with greater wind speed. But then again, we just have corn fields and ranch land.

Rory said...

"I've researched the question when is it dangerous to be out under trees in the wind, and 35 miles per hour is the line, I have read."

I think that's just the standard for coconut palms, per the research done in the 60's by Dr. Hinkley.

Aggie said...

Hey that was pretty good. Now do Russia Collusion.

Ann Althouse said...

"Re 48mph: "A tropical storm with big winds the speed of small winds.""

Thanks for writing that joke just for me.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Inevitably, the Class of '68 and their heirs want it both ways. They want to be the Establishment and anti-establishment. Which means they'll end up without the fruits of either position.

Howard said...

The optics are better than fire hoses and attack dogs, but the effect is the same. STate sponsored violent civilian oppression. No Russian collusion, just ChiCom emulation.

Jaq said...


Wasn’t that why they broke all of that glass in the first place? To achieve intimidation? Getting violent almost always has unforseen consequences.

mandrewa said...

I didn't realize it was a real question whether or not Antifa was responsible for the many assaults on people recently in the United States. But now that I know it is a question, I'm going to try to post links to such videos every time I come across one.

This is from Canada, and you can just watch the first three minutes to get the point. See the violent left.

First some definitions: I have no idea whether these people are actually part of a formal organization called Antifa. But I would be astonished if there is even one of them that does not support Antifa. Therefore that is what I mean when I describe people as being part of Antifa.

Second this is not a particularly violent video. But you don't need extraordinary acts of violence to demonstrate the spirit, and to hint at what else they are capable of.

In a way I kind of find these milder forms of violence more persuasive. When you see a horrible act, one of the many that media are not reporting, it is tempting to believe that it isn't the left wing people you know doing that. But this, maybe, just maybe, many people can admit this is what their left wing friends support.

Third this effort might be all pointless, since I imagine the only way a person can hold on to a belief that Antifa is not responsible for a great many acts of violence is to avoid looking at the many examples of such that have been filmed over the years. Plus, the New York Times and the Washington Post and NPR and NBC and CNN and on and on, make it easy to do that, since they so rarely report on it.

Jersey Fled said...

Funny how everyone resorts to the Internet when you can test it yourself with readily available equipment.

Step 1. Get in your car and drive 48 mph

Step 2. Stick your hand out the window.

narciso said...

1984 as how to manual

gilbar said...

Has anyone else noticed, that we had a LOT Less riots back in the days when we'd SHOOT rioters?

i THINK this is a corollary of the fact that we had a LOT Less resisting arrest,
back when we'd SHOOT people resisting

I'm Sure it sounded like a Good Idea, to pamper protesters and kowtow to rioters..
How's that working for ya now?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Reap the whirlwind, garner the glass shards

Yancey Ward said...

The followup stories will be PTSD victims relating their tales of being caught in the downwash.

tim maguire said...

Mark said...Using the military to inspire fear in civilians, should ask King George how well that works.

Just any old civilian, right? Minding their own businesses, not bothering anybody, and along comes a helicopter and...dun dun dahhhhhh!!!

It's called using non-violent means to diffuse a dangerous situation.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

are the "protesters" complaining about broken glass and flying debris?

Louie the Looper said...

I’m surprised no reference to this Dylan song, “Idiot Wind”

People see me all the time
And they just can't remember how to act
Their minds are filled with big ideas
Images and distorted facts
Even you, yesterday
You had to ask me where it was at
I couldn't believe after all these years
You didn't know me better than that
Sweet lady

Idiot wind
Blowing every time you move your mouth
Blowing down the back roads headin' south
Idiot wind
Blowing every time you move your teeth
You're an idiot, babe
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe

Dude1394 said...

Cool, more please.

Francisco D said...

Bob Boyd said...It was just like Kent State, only different.

We have a thread winner!

Fernandinande said...

"Glass from shattered car windows and storefronts littered the ground, whipping demonstrators along with tree branches and trash, video and interviews show."

The Whappo videos, which they present in an extra small format for some mysterious reason, don't show demonstrators being "whipped" by anything except perhaps dust, and neither do the much clearer videos on youtube - although one showed a piece of cloth blowing along the ground and small tree branches blowing around.

The Post used geospatial data, building elevations, street widths and measurements of other street objects to create a precise scaled model of the intersection.

Apparently some people have too much spare time.

Readering said...

Let's face it, if the helicopters had used napalm out of Accopolypse Now the comments here would be mostly favorable.

n.n said...

"death of" A positive development. Now, stop the "protests", curb the warlock judgments, end the witch trials, and follow due process. Investigate.

Bruce Hayden said...

“How did that shattered glass get out there, I wonder”

Wind can break windows. I-70 west of Denver has long had wind problems. Going through the Hogs Backs, as you enter the foothills still can get you 70 mph winds (winds in East Boulder can break 100 mph). Right before they finished I-70 by Georgetown, in maybe 1970, I was riding in a VW bus owned by a girl with some of the largest breasts I have ever known. There is about a five mile stretch from where US 40 splits from I-70, to where it starts to go up again, that we call the “Georgetown Flats”. We were coming down from skiing, and the wind was moving the VW bus around a bit, and all of a sudden: bam, followed by another bam. Two windows had essentially exploded from the wind. Luckily, they were back windows, and we were up front. Shortly after that, CDOT redammed the little reservoir East of Georgetown, and the water appears to push the winds up off the ground high enough that it no longer interferes with traffic as much. Now if they could just figure out how to do that as I-70 comes down out of the mountains, onto the “flats”.

jaydub said...

Cool! Should have used a CH-53. It has more impressive rotor wash.

DanTheMan said...

As Harry Truman once said - "If you can stand the prop wash, stay out of the riot."

I'm paraphrasing a bit..

walter said...

Helicopter generation meets the mothership.

Narayanan said...

Yancey Ward said...
This is the sort of thing you make into a story when the story you really, really, really wanted to print was "Trump Has Kent State Moment".
Trump has shown able to avoid "Kent State Moment' so far.

Q: could the historical Kent State Moment have been avoided also with better brain work by (who was Governor or President then?)

JaimeRoberto said...

President Swalwell would have just nuked them.

Narayanan said...

Physics Qs

is the rotor wash itself a defense mechanism for helo pilot safety?

is it possible to hurl brick objects into rotor to crash the machine? or will the wash impede that tactic?

Tim said...

They are really gonna be in a world of hurt when real pushback starts.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Freeman Hunt said...

Article is behind a paywall. Were they protesters or rioters? The media, unlike everyone else, uses these terms interchangeably.

Wince said...

Well, they didn't exactly give anybody the Omar Suarez Treatment.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Wimpy trees that snap at 35 MPH wind would not last long in the corridor of San Bernardino where the Santa Ana winds sweep down the pass at 60-100 MPH every Fall. As a wee lad I'd walk 4 miles to school in these winds that stay above 45 MPH for days at a time. I'd have to lean 45 degrees forward just to walk uphill against the wind. School in fact was uphill both ways because there was a small valley to cross from the foothills to Little Mountain, where Shandin Hills Junior High was, half way up the north slope.

n.n said...

Force meets Forces. No hunters were burned, no judges were dunked, no lives were Planned.

effinayright said...

Anybody ever read stories about how Maseratis can't accelerate from zero to 60 mph in five seconds without busting out their windshields?

Me neither.

Mattman26 said...

Jerseyfled says: "Step 1. Get in your car and drive 48 mph

Step 2. Stick your hand out the window."

Are you TRYING to get people killed?

boatbuilder said...

Just wondering, in a rhetorical sort of way: What sort of response by government would be appropriate if "white supremacist" "demonstrators" or "protesters" were attempting to tear down statues of MLK, Frederick Douglass, or perhaps...Ghandi, maybe General Grant, Thurgood Marshall, Lincoln...after some car and store window smashing?

boatbuilder said...

Hmmmm... White House officials are currently working up new protocols for the next press gaggle when the Presidential copter lands.

Jim at said...

Using the military to inspire fear in civilians, should ask King George how well that works. - lefty mark

Well, make your best move, boy.
Be the revolution!

boatbuilder said...

Just wondering in a rhetorical sort of way: What sort of government action would be appropriate if white supremacist mostly peaceful demonstrators were to attempt to topple a statue of MLK, Frederick Douglass, or perhaps...Ghandi, or Lincoln, or Grant, in conjunction with some incidental car and store window breaking?

Ann Althouse said...

“ Right before they finished I-70 by Georgetown, in maybe 1970, I was riding in a VW bus owned by a girl with some of the largest breasts I have ever known.”

Sentence of the day.

Crazy World said...

Bummer in the Summer!

narciso said...

what this is really about,


Matthew Heintz said...

This ratcheer zabuncha good ol' cawmints!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Somehow I picked up and dated a dancer at a go go club in downtown Philly about 40+ years ago. She had boobs bigger than Althouse's head so I bet they were bigger than your VW van girl.

walter said...

Speaking of breasts, FEMEN is doing their thing in Madrid.
Those were the days.

Drago said...

Has Howard claimed Trump dropped a tactical nuclear weapon on the rioters yet?

Drago said...

Readering: "Let's face it, if the helicopters had used napalm out of Accopolypse Now the comments here would be mostly favorable."

Lets face it, since reality simply won't adhere to readerings apocalyptic fever dreams, he/she/xe is simply going to pretend it all happened anyway.

Drago said...

wholelottasplainin': "Anybody ever read stories about how Maseratis can't accelerate from zero to 60 mph in five seconds without busting out their windshields?
Me neither."

According to Howard and readering, simple physics is racist, patriarchal and oppressive.

And don't get them started on heat transfer equations!

Drago said...

It seems like only this morning the US had multiple heavy lift helicopters taking off at one time from carriers at and none of the glass in the other aircraft or on the superstructure blew out.


Maybe the physics of rotor wash changes depending upon the politics of the situation!

After all, Inga and others have already carefully explained how viruses won't attack leftist rioters/looters/molotov cocktail throwers but will go after any republican or conservative who ventures outside their homes.

So, there is a precedent.....

Jim at said...

Let's face it, if the helicopters had used napalm out of Accopolypse Now the comments here would be mostly favorable.

Well, I'm only speaking for myself but I wouldn't be in favor of that.

The trees suffered enough damage already.

Owen said...

Ann Althouse @ 2:56 “Sentence of the day.” TOTALLY agree.

Bruce Hayden, do not abandon us now. Tell us what happened to those breasts when the windows of the VW Microbus exploded from weird pressure differentials near Golden, CO.

MayBee said...

Well, Twitter has slapped another "public harm" warning on Trump's tweets:

Donald J. Trump
· 7h
There will never be an “Autonomous Zone” in Washington, D.C., as long as I’m your President. If they try they will be met with serious force!

There you go. The POTUS can't threaten force against people trying to separate from the US.

effinayright said...

Drago said...
wholelottasplainin': "Anybody ever read stories about how Maseratis can't accelerate from zero to 60 mph in five seconds without busting out their windshields?
Me neither."

According to Howard and readering, simple physics is racist, patriarchal and oppressive.

And don't get them started on heat transfer equations!
Heat transfer equations were all... we.. did.. back when I was a Chem.E. major at UNH. Using slide rules to boot.

Francisco D said...


There should not be math, physics or engineering on this thread.

It confuses the lefties.

iowan2 said...

gilbar said...
Has anyone else noticed, that we had a LOT Less riots back in the days when we'd SHOOT rioters?

i THINK this is a corollary of the fact that we had a LOT Less resisting arrest,
back when we'd SHOOT people resisting

I'm Sure it sounded like a Good Idea, to pamper protesters and kowtow to rioters..
How's that working for ya now?

Great concept to explore.

WHO radio talk show host brought on a person to interview who was wanting to publicize the increase in rapes in the armed forces. The host let her go on for a while. He prodded her for cause and effect. Why was this happening now? My memory tells me she mostly thought males were worse than they used to be.
The host asked her when the last person convicted of rape in a court martial was executed? She refused to consider the notion that executing rapist in the military would have any effect on the number of rapes committed.

Francisco D said...

Blogger Howard said...The optics are better than fire hoses and attack dogs, but the effect is the same. STate sponsored violent civilian oppression. No Russian collusion, just ChiCom emulation.


Our own Tianamen Square moment is coming, but reliable NYT sources say the tanks will not deploy onto Constitution and Pennsylvania Avenues until July 4.

As a phony internet ex-marine, will you volunteer to stand in front of a tank? You gotta love those optics.

Michael K said...

eadering said...
Let's face it, if the helicopters had used napalm out of Accopolypse Now the communists would have lost.

FIFY. Paranoia is not a good look. You lefties keep accusing conservatives of that but we know who the enemy is.

Michael K said...

As a phony internet ex-marine, will you volunteer to stand in front of a tank?

I think Howard is a keyboard commando.

Michael K said...

The host asked her when the last person convicted of rape in a court martial was executed? She refused to consider the notion that executing rapist in the military would have any effect on the number of rapes committed.

I wonder if she knew the motto of the Royal Navy ?

Rum, buggery and the lash.

Howard said...

Francisco D. Please, girlfriend. No such thing as a ex-Marine. Please show some respect and call me a fake Marine, former aka FMF.

Howard said...

Loving living rent free...

Drago said...

I can already hear Howard describing what he did in The Great Lafayette Square War when that one helo came down and rearranged some hairdos.

I mean, reading Howards descriptions of these pitched battles conjures up visions from Bastogne and Guadalcanal....only tougher.

You know, I used to discount those on Althouse blog who claimed Howard was not a combat marine vet with real trigger time, but after reading Howard's hilarious over the top and girlish fawning descriptions of these street lefties I have to say I may need to reevaluate.

cubanbob said...

Readering said...
Let's face it, if the helicopters had used napalm out of Accopolypse Now the comments here would be mostly favorable."

Yes indeed. All decent people love the smell of dead communists and criminals in the morning. It smells like freedom.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The downwash from one of those (small) helos at that altitude is not that strong.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The Presidential helo is 2-4 times as heavy as a Lakota, depending on the fuel loads, etc., and puts out a significantly stronger rotor wash.

Anonymous said...

FWIW a Lakota Helo is about the smallest Army Helo at 4,000 lbs (other than the Delta MD500 little birds ) (think Blackhawk Down).

and NO. In general, the named tribes, Blackhawk, Apache, etc are polled before naming and are quite happy with the good PR.

n.n said...


Yes, the word they are hunting for is diversity (i.e. color judgments) that reduce people... persons to colorful blocs and cells devoid of character and life.

n.n said...

the named tribes, Blackhawk, Apache, etc are polled before naming and are quite happy with the good PR

Aunt Jemima, too, who was a self-made woman, chef, and entrepreneur. An unfortunate stereotype.

Drago said...

Howard: "Francisco D. Please, girlfriend. No such thing as a ex-Marine. Please show some respect and call me a fake Marine, former aka FMF."

That's a strange thing to write. Pretty much all Marines are in the FMF.

Very strange indeed.

So Howard, where did you get your combat trigger time?

walter said...

Howie is clearly a sniper.

The Godfather said...

I live in a little community in NC, and I happened to attend a meeting of our Village Council this afternoon. The highlight of the meeting was a presentation honoring 4 or 5 high school students who had made a video thanking the local police for their service; the kids had gotten hundreds of people to write thank you cards to the cops, send them bags of candy, etc. To appreciate the event there was no need to use geospatial data to build a 3-D environment.

I mention this trivial event as a reminder that the normal world does still exist, even if it is not covered by WaPo.

Jack Klompus said...

"Accopolypse Now"

That ranks up there with phony Marine Howard's commentary on Nitschke. You should change your avatar to a bust of a philosopher you've never read to add some real heft to your intellectual depth.

Drago said...

Next up for Howard's Heroes: Trump departing the White House in Marine 1 is a War Crime.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Right before they finished I-70 by Georgetown, in maybe 1970, I was riding in a VW bus owned by a girl with some of the largest breasts I have ever known.”

“Sentence of the day.”

To be fair, I was about 20 at the time, and cranked up on testosterone. Guys that age have breast fixations. It used to be hilarious when I would try to sneak her up to my room in the fraternity house. Unfortunately, while we went off to college, at a small liberal arts school, she went to work at Sears after HS. As a result, we ultimately drifted apart. I did pass her phone number to a couple of the guys whose tongues had been hanging down The furthest, upon seeing her attractions.

Banjo said...

Two expensive linen handkerchiefs of the kind Poirot used when eating are sodden with my salt tears. But please, lethal force next time. We've had enough of playing at riot and plunder control. I have my crying towel in a cupboard.

mockturtle said...

And where did all the broken glass come from? Peaceful protests? When the bikers show up in Seattle we'll see what the antifa-anarchists are made of. If you start a war, you can expect the other side to fight back eventually.

Francisco D said...

Howard said... Francisco D. Please, girlfriend. No such thing as a ex-Marine. Please show some respect and call me a fake Marine


Sober up boy toy. I called you a fake ex-Marine. Fake as in phony macho Pajama Boy.

I really hope that you are not engaging in self abuse while posting here. That shtick belongs to Ritmo.

Drago said...

walter: "Drago, Howie is clearly a sniper."


cubanbob said...

walter said...
Howie is clearly a sniper."

A real wannabe Lee Harvey Oswald?

Howard said...

I don't have time to acknowledge all my fans, but it really means a lot to me, thanks. In an answer to a trivia question: Chocolate Mountains.

Robert Roy said...

If the article doesn't mention that the winds "lashed" the protesters then the WaPo missed a trick.

mandrewa said...

It's good to see you, mockturtle. I've been wondering where you were.

Drago said...

Howard: "In an answer to a trivia question: Chocolate Mountains."

At the old gunnery range? Is that place still there?

Nichevo said...

In an answer to a trivia question: Chocolate Mountains.

Nobody cares where you *trained,* Howie. Even Refrigeratorman 1st Class Nathan Covington Philips had to qualify with the M-16 (M-14? Is he that old?). By "trigger time" is generally understood to mean "participated in combat."

Which you never did, I give (gave? Would have given?) you credit for admitting. You never saw action. Right? Not your fault, but you never saw the elephant.

Jeff said...

“ Right before they finished I-70 by Georgetown, in maybe 1970, I was riding in a VW bus owned by a girl with some of the largest breasts I have ever known.”

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say there were actually two of them.

ken in tx said...

Harry Truman was the first president to ride in a helicopter. It was a plastic bubble whirlybird. It took off from the White House lawn. I saw in the news reels at the movies--Movietone News I think.

Bunkypotatohead said...

The "protesters" should head on over to 1301 K st NW. There's a big building with plenty of windows to smash, and it's named after an old white guy who owned slaves.
You can't miss it...there's a big sign out front...The Washington Post.

Bunkypotatohead said...

The "protesters" should head on over to 1301 K st NW. There's a big building with plenty of windows to smash, and it's named after an old white guy who owned slaves.
You can't miss it...there's a big sign out front...The Washington Post.

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