"The ads, which attacked what the Trump campaign described as "Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups," featured an upside-down triangle. The Anti-Defamation League said Thursday the triangle 'is practically identical to that used by the Nazi regime to classify political prisoners in concentration camps.' 'We removed these posts and ads for violating our policy against organized hate. Our policy prohibits using a banned hate group's symbol to identify political prisoners without the context that condemns or discusses the symbol,' Andy Stone, a Facebook spokesperson, told CNN Business. The ads targeted the far left group Antifa, calling on Trump supporters to back the President's calls to designate the group a terrorist organization."
CNN Business Reports.
Censorship of the president during a political campaign?
I am entering the "burn it all down" camp.
Which side of a triangle is supposed to be up? I must have missed geometry class the day that was covered.
Ok. Diversity racket.
This shit has got to stop...
Asking for FTC action.
So the Trump ad showed (what they say is) an Antifa symbol in an ad the criticizes Antifa as. a hate group If Trump ran an anti-Nazi ad that showed a swastika should that ad also be banned as hate speech?
real policy is to stand behind radical leftwing anarchists and left wing fascists and ban Trump.
Notice that the article and the CNN video don't show the ad, not even the triangle in question?
This is bullshit, driven by a bunch of lower level lefty staffers withing FB. Zuckerberg better put a muzzle on these guys or he's going to be looking at some some real unpleasant legislation aimed at FB if the Repubs win.
Come to think of it -- that may be why the staff did it. They're pushing Zuckerberg into a lefti-er corner than he'd ordinarily be in because now he knows that if the Republicans win, he's screwed.
There are now enough vague rules and laws in place to claim whatever outcome the left intends. If not, they'll go ahead and redefine words and symbols and chicken scratch to get them were they need to go...
Why doesn't the Trump administration forget the whole FCC angle and go straight to calling Facebook a terrorist organization? I could spend five minutes coming up with a few statutes to justify it, I'm sure experts could do it quicker...
And the madness deepens. Trump's hair is a hate symbol, so ban all his campaign ads.
They will claim, yet again, to be ignorant of history. How many times do they get to blow the dog whistle before being called on it?
Unaware of Juneteenth last week, unaware of the history of 'when looting starts, the shooting starts', ad infinitum.
The cracks are starting to show, even to my conservative in laws. They ditched their red hats a while ago, now are saying they will stay home in November as they hate both Biden and Trump equally.
Amazing what 2020 has done so far.
The ADL should be ashamed of itself. It's letting itself be used by the left to suppress speech. It's wrong and also tactically ineffective. The Democrats support the likes of Farakahn, Linda Sarsour, Al Sharpton, Rashid Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. The ADL needs support for their mission on both sides of the isle but their love of socialism apparently outweighs the purpose for which they were founded.
What a fucking joke.
I remember a long time ago -- say 6 months -- when Black Lives Matter was attacked for being anti-Semitic. I sure am glad that its leaders and supporters realized that hate really should have no home and stopped attacking Jews. Otherwise, all of those kind corporate executives like Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook and well-meaning politicians like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi could not support BLM.
"practically identical"
What metric is used? Same angles? Size? Color?
You know it is bs because they don't show the symbol.
Hilarious. You should see the death threats from celebrities against Donald Trump that they keep up...oh wait...
First it was the statues, then the "Okay" sign, then Hawaiian shirts, then long established brand names and logos, now it is geometric figures.
What is next?
The insanity is becoming ridiculous.
Good grief, LeftyMark- no one fucking knew what Juneteenth was before Trump tried to do something on that date. You guys just get more ridiculous by the day.
"The Anti-Defamation League said Thursday the triangle 'is practically identical to that used by the Nazi regime to classify political prisoners in concentration camps.'"
Do they have the same standard for the "hammer and sickle"?
"to classify political prisoners in concentration camps"
It's exactly what the Soviets did. The "hammer and sickle" is outlawed in the Ukraine. Why is it allowed here? Millions die and Facebook is totally oblivious.
No one knew what Juneteenth was? Seriously Yancey?
You must not get around or have many black friends.
"Juneteenth" sounds like broken patois. I think that makes it racist.
Take as an example the aspects of a triangle. This triangle can be seen as a triangular hole, as a solid, as a geometrical drawing; as standing on its base, as hanging from its apex; as a mountain, as a wedge, as an arrow or pointer, as an overturned object which is meant to stand on the shorter side of the right angle, as a half-parallelogram, and as various other things.
"You can think now of _this_ now of _this_ as you look at it, can regard it now as _this_ now as _this_, and then you will see it _this_ way, now _this_." - _What_ way? There _is_ no further qualification.
But how is it possible to _see_ an object according to an _interpretation_? - The question represents it as a queer fact; as if something were being forced into a form it did not really fit. But no squeezing, no forcing took place here.
When it looks as if there were no room for such a form between other ones you have to look for it in another dimension. If there is no room here, there _is_ room in another dimension.
(It is in this sense too that there is no room for imaginary numbers in the continuum of real numbers. But what this means is: the application of the concept of imaginary numbers is less like that or real numbers than appears from the look of the _calculations_. It is necessary to get down to the application, and then the concept finds a different place, one which, so to speak, one never dreamed of.)
How would the following account do: "What I can see something _as_, is what it can be a picture of"?
What this means is: the aspects in a change of aspects are those ones which the figure might sometimes have _permanently_ in a picture.
A triangle can really be _standing up_ in one picture, be hanging in another, and can in a third be something that has fallen over.--That is, I who am looking at it say, not "It may also be something that has fallen over", but "That glass has fallen over and is lying there in fragments". This is how we react to the picture.
Could I say what a picture must be like to produce this effect? No. There are, for example, styles of painting which do not convey...
- Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations
Triangles are essential to finding Voronoi maps, via Delaunay triangulation.
So an upside down triangle like a Yield sign?
Can we use smiley faces?
They will claim, yet again, to be ignorant of history
Since Trump's announcement, I have seen so many posts about the Tulsa Race Riots and no one (in my Facebook friends list, and it's pretty liberal) seems to have heard of them. So who is ignorant of history? I'm sure when Trump goes to Detroit, the 1943 Race Riots there will get an airing.
The cracks are starting to show, even to my conservative in laws. They ditched their red hats a while ago, now are saying they will stay home in November as they hate both Biden and Trump equally.
Wait a minute...your "conservative in-laws" are abandoning Trump because he's becoming too conservative...? Yeah. Sure.
See, Mark actually has no "conservative in-laws", and indeed probably doesn't even know any conservatives. He's describing the way he thinks conservatives act, and then the way they should act, tossing away the red hats that all Trump supporters are required to wear at all times. "Be free, former deplorables! You have nothing to lose but your hats...!"
So, Mark, tell us about your long family traditions of Juneteenth celebrations. I'm sure it's among your most cherished memories. Been honoring the day for decades, the Mark family has, I bet!
Bass Ale uses a Red triangle.
I believe it is the oldest ever trademark.
The cracks are starting to show, even to my conservative in laws. They ditched their red hats a while ago, now are saying they will stay home in November as they hate both Biden and Trump equally.
Oh yes, that sounds probable. Hilarious. Try harder.
Winston Smith is having a busy day. I hope the memory holes can handle the volume.
Blogger Mark said..."They will claim, yet again, to be ignorant of history. How many times do they get to blow the dog whistle before being called on it?"
Mark claims accusations of "dog whistle!" are somehow novel.
Mark is the one ignorant of history.
I stopped wearing my red Plumber's Union Local hat, that I wore in memory of my Dad, because of my concern over people like Mark.
What about Tinkee Winkee?
Mark pretends that with his lies he could influence the readers here.
First Rule of lefty Antifa Black Shirt/Shock Troops Supporter Club is no one is allowed to talk about antifa black shirt/shock troops.
What I know about juneteenth celebrations is they start off well enough but almost always degenerate into black on black shootings and stabbings like the one I saw in Denver a few years ago. Trump was wise not to step on that "mostly peaceful" event.
I have grown fond of Mark 9x. Let me point out that the above posts are by Mark 5x. Hover over the name and you will see.
"The cracks are starting to show, even to my conservative in laws. They ditched their red hats a while ago, now are saying they will stay home in November as they hate both Biden and Trump equally."
If you actually had any conservative in-laws, they would do well to conceal their political views from the likes of you.
Well if there is anything liberals are adept at is spotting symbols like a campaign ad that shows a target and then extrapolating that to mean Sarah Palin helped Gabby Giffords get shot in the head by a lefie lunatic.
Same thing here, a triangle is like a holocaust symbol ergo Trump is responsible for the Holocaust or something. See. Make sense?
Apparently FB is gambling they can pull slow Joe across the finish line. Seems like a suckers bet to me, I guess we'll see.
Limited Blogger is correct. The Bass Ale trademark is the first registered in the United Kingdom. Don't know what was first in the US, but it would certainly not be as awesome as one of the best beers ever.
I never heard of Juneteenth until recently, and I passed the CA History Teaching Credentialing Test without a lot of study. History is a hobby of mine.
A Hispanic employee of San Diego power got fired for using the “white power sign” of ok.
I hope he sues.
I'm getting a lot of lefties on Twitter showing plausible-looking illustrations of the downward-pointed (yes, "like a Yield sign") red triangle as a Nazi symbol for someone sent to concentration camps for political reasons, next to a very similar symbol to represent Antifas on some Trump administration document. Looks damning, except that no one who supports Trump would do that intentionally, as a dog whistle, because almost no one has heard of the symbol, though we all know the yellow star. Assuming for the moment that no photo-shopping is involved and the Trump document does use a Nazi symbol, the most likely explanation is that whoever picked the red triangle was one of those many many people who are being paid to work for Trump in the executive branch who are actively working for the other side. In fact, I suspect that whoever picked the red triangle is the same one who either called the press to report it, or got a friend to do it for deniability.
Similarly, I've always suspected that whoever decided to list ketchup as a vegetable in the Reagan administration's Department of Agriculture school-lunch requirement of two vegetables with every meal was exactly the one who reported it to the press to embarrass Reagan. (The alternative hypothesis is that some bureaucrat far out on the Autism spectrum listed ketchup as a vegetable out of pure literal-mindedness. This is less likely because that's exactly the kind of person who would insist that, scientifically speaking, a tomato is actually a fruit.)
How easy is it to slip something into government documents? Back in 1982 I was working with a couple of recently-retired D.C. office drones named Glenn and Elmer, who told me about a joke they stuck in a document to see if anyone was reading it. As I recall, it was a 100-page thing about record-keeping that mentioned microfiches and included a list of half a dozen varieties (brand names?), all with names of the form X-o-fiche or Y-o-fiche. Seventeen people were supposed to read the entire document before signing off on it, so Glenn and Elmer stuck in an extra sentence: "Experiments with gefilte-fiche have so far proven unsuccessful." They said one guy caught the joke, and they noted that that didn't prove that even he had read all hundred pages, just that he'd happened to read that one.
Antifa does behave just like Nazi Brownshirts, so it is kinda hateful to remind us of it. The actual hateful acts of beating, robbing and burning are not the problem though. It's the mentioning it that goes too far.
Wait till they find out about the Antifa logo...
With Facebook plugged into practically every website and every webpage, like Twitter and Google, they are sending engraved invitations to the DOJ -- "Please break up our monopoly and unlawful restraint of trade."
With Juneteenth supposedly being the day that slavery ended in the U.S. (for those who went to the Tim Kaine School of History, like "Mark" apparently), being a couple of months AFTER the assassination of President Lincoln, author of the Emancipation Proclamation that went into effect on January 1, 1863, I guess that Andrew Johnson really gets the credit for abolition.
Personally, as a Virginian, I don't base things on when Texas did them.
Texas is not the U.S. And slavery was not ended in some places -- like Delaware -- until December 1865, many months after Juneteenth ended slavery in Texas.
That's OK. facebook dropped me for 48 hour for saying," stupid people die in stupid ways." refrencing the mensa candidate that decided to take a policemans taser. I'm in good company.
"The ADL should be ashamed of itself."
LOL! Yes, the ADL is ashamed, very ashamed. Ashamed they can't label the entire Republican party a "hate group" and get it banned. Look, Facebook is a left-wing monopoly that is trying to censor Conservatives and elect Biden. So figure out a way to attack & fight them OR shut the fuck up and let Zuckerberg do what he wants. When is the Center-right going to learn that pointing out how "unreasonable" or "Hypocritical" a Leftist is accomplishes ZERO.
You must not get around or have many black friends.
One of my best friends from high school - who just happens to be black - had never heard of it until last week. And as I've said before, he thinks this whole outrage is patronizing, condescending and insulting.
In other words, he wishes you leftist assholes would just shut up.
Nazi concentration camp badges, primarily triangles, were part of the system of identification in German camps. They were used in the concentration camps in the German-occupied countries to identify the reason the prisoners had been placed there.From Wiki
Has there ever been a situation where those seeking to shut down speech and debate have turned out to be on the right side of history? And yet, they always think they are the "good guys."
Oh, shit. They're coming for Euclid next.
"The cracks are starting to show, even to my conservative in laws. They ditched their red hats a while ago, now are saying they will stay home in November as they hate both Biden and Trump equally."
Weird. Every single person I've talked to, including the apolitical and LIVs, says exactly the opposite. People are pissed!
I was actually fully aware of what Juneteenth was before this latest artificially created kerfluffle. I was also fully aware that outside Texas it is of no historical significance.
In my current state, The Dictatorship of New York under the rule of Dictator Cuomo, slavery came to an end July 4 1827. So The 4th of July could equally be celebrated as a date for the end of slavery.
Mauritania didn’t get around to abolishing slavery legally until 1981. They didn’t criminalize it until 2007. And in 2020, it still exists there.
If he hasn't done so, Trump should declare Antifa a terrorist organization and issue a presidential order stating that Twitter and Facebook are publishers. Let the lawsuits begin.
If he hasn't done so, Trump should declare Antifa a terrorist organization and issue a presidential order stating that Twitter and Facebook are publishers. Let the lawsuits begin.
If you didn't lose all respect for the judiciary after Casey, you've been part of the problem that helped create the state we are in.
I will enjoy coming in here Nov 4 to remind you of how Trump losing Wisconsin was clear in June.
I guarnatee you 99.999% of people never knew this. I have studied WW2 history and didn't know it. Do you know why? It's completely irrelevant trivia. That's why.
If only the Proud Boys or Boogaloos would adopt the Nike Swoosh. Hilarity would ensue.
The red triangle with the point downward is an emoji that indicates: "This is important" https://emojis.wiki/red-triangle-pointed-down/
Does this mean that posts containing the inverted rainbow triangle will be banned? Or posts with the pink triangle? Or anything to do with Weezer?
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