... you can talk about whatever you want.
I took that photograph at 5:15 — 5 minutes before the "actual" sunrise time.
But that was then. There's a big thunderstorm rolling in now. The wind is howling... so consider using the Althouse Portal to Amazon.
৯২টি মন্তব্য:
“The wind is howling... so consider using the Althouse Portal to Amazon.“
Before it blows away!
Had to cancel my Apple Music subscription today. Apple was forcing black Tuesday music on me. No mention of a credit or a denouncing of violence. So done...
I'm sure it gonna sting Apple...
Last night I mentioned about the Episcopalian departure from Cristianity. The Babylon Bee is once again in the real news business about that.
My building has new plywood over the windows and foam over the glass doors. State police were in the porte cochere last night...
Department of Justice
U.S. Attorney’s Office
District of Minnesota
Monday, June 1, 2020
Federal Criminal Complaint Charges Illinois Man With Traveling To Minnesota To Riot, Possession Of Explosive Devices
United States Attorney Erica H. MacDonald today announced a federal criminal complaint against MATTHEW LEE RUPERT, 28, charging him with civil disorder, carrying on a riot, and possession of unregistered destructive devices. RUPERT, who was taken into federal custody earlier today in Chicago, Illinois, will make his initial appearance later today before Chief Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer in U.S. District Court in Chicago, Illinois.
Think RBG is still kicking?
About the clearing of Lafayette Park, here is the report from United States Park Police acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan --
"The United States Park Police (USPP) is committed to the peaceful expression of First Amendment rights. However, this past weekend’s demonstrations at Lafayette Park and across the National Mall included activities that were not part of a peaceful protest, which resulted in injuries to USPP officers in the line of duty, the destruction of public property and the defacing of memorials and monuments. During four days of demonstrations, 51 members of the USPP were injured; of those, 11 were transported to the hospital and released and three were admitted. . . .
On Monday, June 1, the USPP worked with the United States Secret Service to have temporary fencing installed inside Lafayette Park. At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.
To curtail the violence that was underway, the USPP, following established policy, issued three warnings over a loudspeaker to alert demonstrators on H Street to evacuate the area. Horse mounted patrol, Civil Disturbance Units and additional personnel were used to clear the area. As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed."
"No tear gas was used"
I'm off to retire for the evening. Lovely photo to close out the day. It's been cool here the last couple of days. I live in an area unaffected by the unrest. I am disgusted by the actions and rhetoric of my governor (Baker) and the mayor (Walsh) of Boston. They coddle and appease violence when they should defend and fight for order.
Lots of stress points these days. I do what I always do: focus on what I can affect and manage, ignore the things that are out of my control. It works, but there is still a knife's edge to be walked.
A pleasant evening to you.
My first instincts, detecting mob action bullshit, seem to be holding up.
The maximum liklihood estimate of what happened starts from the cops aren't evil. The opposite of the archetype that feeds the mob and that they'll never be dissuaded from.
First impressions - the cops standing around suggests that it's normal procedure, and there's been no great wave of deaths. Maybe sanctioned procedure or maybe not, but they've done it before. Almost certainly the pressure on the neck is just what's needed to respond to an unsurrender, not to choke him.
There was a struggle in the car - apparently the guy surrendered and then unsurrendered.
The guy is really big and strong.
So the cops are keeping him down until it's apparent that he's not going to unsurrender again.
With added data from Scott Adams now:
There's fentanyl in his system. The cops were discussing maybe he had agitated delirium, specific instant nonsensical mood swings owing to fentanyl. Apparently cops know about it.
The way fentanyl kills is that you lose your reflex to awake if your airway is blocked, and so you simply die for not breathing.
The cops discussed how to avoid exactly this from happening - and decided that it wouldn't happen because he was on his stomach not his back.
Maximum liklihood - the guy was caught for passing counterfeit $20 and swallowed the drugs he had on him so he wouldn't get a possession charge. Probable overdose of fentanyl from that.
Anyway witnesses overheard cops discussing the proper way to position him exactly so he wouldn't stop breathing. The opposite of the evil cop picking on the black guy.
So the whole protest is Travon Martin hands up don't shoot nonsense from the start.
Which means there will be another riot and loot round when the cop is acquitted. The narrative must be preserved, in mob world.
Court of appeals has acheduled rebuttal motions to sullivan response for june 12.
Toby Young, at lockdownsceptics.org, reports that an NHS study finds that two-thirds of the people hospitalized in Britain for covid-19 claim to have strictly followed Britain's social distancing rules.
Here's what I think is a big mystery: where are the guns?
The Left has guns. The street thugs most certainly have guns. Law enforcement has guns. Why are they, in the main, not being used, especially by the Left & the street thugs?
Is there a private agreement between Law Enforcement & the insurrectionists that both sides will forswear guns in order to de-escalate the conflict? How is possible that such tactical discipline can be maintained on the part of the insurrectionists?
Cell phone video has taken rioting to the next level. Ann's last post with the rock through the window is a good example. Here is another.
One big city that has escaped widespread devastation thus far is Miami.
Miami is also the only big city in America with a Republican mayor.
Of course, he's a white supremacist - named Francis Suarez.
MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) - Two men who tried to stop a looter in downtown Madison early Tuesday morning were brutally attacked.
According to the Madison Police Department, just before 2 a.m., two men who were taking part in peaceful protests downtown attempted to confront a woman who was causing damage to property and looting at the intersection of Gorham Street and Henry Street. That's when the pair were attacked with 2x4's and possibly a crowbar by several looters.
One of the men had to get twelve stitches on his face, and the other suffered multiple broken bones.
The Madison Police Department is reviewing camera footage of the incident to identify the attackers.
Bet they wish they stayed Safer At Home playing beer pong.
Apple shares 3 pts from their all-time high last week; 5 pts right now. If they get there, which seems almost certain, they will carry Nasdaq to new high too. QQQ only 1 pt away right now.
So the bullish bulls who only want to sell in a bull market will have their chance. Doesn't get much more bullish than new highs.
If we get there -- could happen overnight, the way the trading has been so active last few months -- it will be one of the greatest triumphs of fantasy over reality that's ever happened with a lot of real money at stake.
SPX and DJIA pretty far away; don't wait for them. If we see new highs in AAPL and QQQ and then a sharp reversal, it will be.... a sign bigger trouble is coming. IMO. AAPL weak on the fundamentals side and heavily involved with China, a long-term problem. If PG drops under 110, another probable trouble sign.
"State Rep. Rasheen Aldridge, D-St. Louis, told St. Louis on the Air he witnessed the shooting on Facebook Live.
"“Things escalated at the Lee’s Pawn and Jewelry shop, where the man was killed, and to see his body, I mean, on Facebook, it was almost like — you know that’s how we’ve seen George Floyd’s body, and you know that’s not the change that we are pushing for,” he said."
Just like the young guys getting their windows broken.
Cognitive dissonance is awful to watch.
I love Summer thunderstorms. As a side note, the MSM and the Democrats are going INSANE over Trump's visit to the Episcopal church. They understand what a potent image it is, they have to destroy any possiblity that Trump can benefit.
So, they've come up with a clever 2 part response. the first is to lie and say Trump "Tear gassed" "peaceful" protesters to clear the way to the church. This was a lie, since there was NO tear gas. And the protesters refused to leave and had to be FORCED OUT by the police, so they weren't "Peaceful".
The 2nd angle is to label the visit a "Photo op" and then came up with Religious leaders to attack trump. Of course, Trump didn't visit the Church to pat the Religious leaders on the back, he went there to express concern over the Church's damage and show support for Religion. Its funny that Trump is somehow attacked as a Hypocrite because he simply show RESPECT For Religion and SUPPORT for it. As opposed to the D's who attack Religion and have nothing but contempt for it, except of course, in the privacy of their hearts.
AZ Bob,
Apparently that cop told that Karen that the manager was not available.
Good stuff.
George Bush - Mr. Cuck - has issued a statement endorsing the rioting and saying we mus battle "Systemic racism" by "listening to those grieving and hurt voices" and not "Silence them".
Really. What did Bush do for 8 years as President to battle "Systemic Racism"? Nothing, as far as I can remember. And who is trying to "silence the hurt voices"? No one. IOW, its just Bush pandering and cucking and do nothing of substance. As usual.
Did Bush care when Black workers were hurt by outsourcing or when factories closed due to bad Trade deals with China or Mexico? Did Bush care that massive legal and illegal immigration has held down wages for working men, including blacks? Did Bush do anything about 7,500 black men dying of homicide every year?
I get so tired of these Establishment cucks and their worthless rhetoric.
Part of my letter to MY black son:
Don't take on the outrage of the past. Don't conflate the small indignities you suffer with the devastating oppression of the past. If you do, you will grow bitter and angry and ruin your opportunity for a life of joy and fulfillment.
Don't let your anger turn into wrath. Wrath destroys the rational mind and leads you to actions you will regret. Always ask yourself, is my anger harming me or others?
Accept that people feel what they feel. But do not accept that their feelings are necessarily reflective of reality. Just as your feelings do not always reflect reality. Ask yourself if there are data that support your feelings. Use your reason to guide your feelings, not vice versa.
Don't expect human nature to progress. There is no arc of history. There are simply events. At the same time, look for our Lord's handiwork in all of this. His eye is on the sparrow, and he clothes the lily of the field. He will hold you to his bosom even as you suffer.
Humans are fallen. We all are broken. We all miss the mark and fall short of the glory of God. You cannot expect Utopia or perfection or even a perfecting process. If you do, you will become resentful and bitter.
Do not pick up for your own the chip on someone else's shoulder. Recognize your true privilege--not the bullshit privilege the ignorant PC masses nag us about. Your privilege is being loved by parents who are here still to guide you and support you. Your privilege is living in a country that will reward your hard work and effort. Your privilege is having personality traits conducive to success. Your privilege is being a child of God.
Let small indignities slide, even those to do with your race. Recognize that you inflict small indignities on others--often unwittingly and without malice.
Choose to be happy.
My wife and I have to break curfew in the morning (by 30 minutes) to get me to the hospital for my TEE and Cardioversion.
If all goes well I catch up with you people tomorrow night or Thursday.
I'm C-19 - !
So the whole protest is Travon Martin hands up don't shoot nonsense from the start.
Which means there will be another riot and loot round when the cop is acquitted. The narrative must be preserved, in mob world.
Its possible this will turn out to be another overblown "Don't shoot" incident - but I doubt it. What possible reason was there to sit on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes? He was handcuffed. I don't care how big he was. The real problem is people are accepting the claim that Floyd's death caused all this rioting and destruction. Sorry, I don't buy it. The riots are happening because some people - like antifa - saw an opportunity to USE this as an excuse to riot and destroy. Idiots like George Bush, with his absurd statement, just played into the rioters hands.
Trump going to the Church will become another Media Big Lie. Just as he "Praised nazis at charlottsville" or "Told people to drink cleaning fluid" or "Colluded with Russia" or whatever.
What a disappointment. Sprinkles only at our house. Radar shows more behind that. I hope it rains.
"Here's what I think is a big mystery: where are the guns?"
They know once guns come out, the game changes. If Leftist mobs were shooting up Naperville or Aurora, me and about a thousand other citizens would saddle up to help put down the riot. And we'd do it, rapidly, because we actually use guns. Their assumption, thus far correct, is that cops will not shoot them for bricks and firebombs - just nonlethals and physical force. Of course, this isn't entirely the case either, because we know people have been shot - multiple people, including LEOs. But these are isolated acts, probably by actual gang bangers unmotivated by a political agenda, just out for blood (or caught looting and wanting to escape BAMN).
That's also why they're thus far not rioting in any solid Republican areas. They know, or at least the guiding hand knows, that to come to a town like mine and pull that shit would be an engraved invitation for exploded heads.
My town was on lockdown two weeks or so ago for a manhunt - cops looking for suspects in a gang murder many towns away, that happened to end up with them crashing their car at the highway exit to my town. Went on all night. Myself, and at least eight of my neighbors (that I can confirm) waited up with guns accessible, just in case. These guys had fairly long rap sheets, and what's another home invasion when you've got the heat on your back?
One of the perps was caught less than a mile from where I sit typing this. Had he come to my patio or porch, that'd be one less for my neighbors and the cops to worry about.
Anyway, I hear sirens or sounds of unrest, I'm saddling up. First fucker that chucks a Molotov . . . well, I won't miss him, in either sense of the word.
Which means there will be another riot and loot round when the cop is acquitted.
That's what i thought when i heard about the Fentanyl.
This has probably been said in this forum in the last few days- the soft coup failed. the Democrats and the media are cheering on the violent revolution. Stand proud Democrats, this is what you voted for. the mayhem and death are all in true blue states. those with the progressive values and the wokeness of saints.
the blue states are also famous for having the most restrictive virus regulations, and also the most deaths. again, stand proud Dems, this is what you voted for.
totalitarianism is what the Dems offer to this country. That is it. Their leaders have been in government for over 30 years, and have accomplished nothing, yet they dare to offer solutions now? It is about hating Trump, nothing more. People are dying. In nursing homes in NY and no one cares. the Dems have shown themselves to be completely incompetent at anything. anything. the violence will be put down. if not by government, then by militias.
Again Dems, stand proud. You voted for this. if you are too stupid to realize it, I don't care anymore.
Here's a new low in news reporting:
A 14-year-old German Shepherd was the victim of a dispute between his owner and a reckless driver who almost struck the dog owner Monday night, police said Tuesday.
A man walking his dog about 11:30 p.m. Monday in the 3000 block of North Bartlett Avenue was almost struck by a reckless driver, Milwaukee police said. When the dog owner argued with the reckless driver, the motorist fired several shots at the man.
He was not injured, but his dog was hit by gunfire. The injured pup had to be euthanized.
Police are asking for help identifying the reckless driver who shot the German Shepherd. Anyone with any information should call Milwaukee police at (414) 935-7401 or Milwaukee Crime Stoppers at (414) 224-TIPS"
Given that there is zero description of the reckless driver (ahem, shouldn't it be alleged reckless driver) or the reckless driver's vehicle, or even whether the reckless driver was a man or woman, I'm certain all the hot tips are going to roll in.
The real problem is people are accepting the claim that Floyd's death caused all this rioting and destruction. Sorry, I don't buy it. The riots are happening because some people - like antifa - saw an opportunity to USE this as an excuse to riot and destroy.
Yeah, I think they just needed to get Benjamin Crump on the case in order to get all the violent protesters going.
Tomorrow morn, I will be in downtown Oakland, right where Patrick Underwood was shot and killed. Some black lives apparently don't matter that much.
I will survey the damage and promptly report same here tomorrow.
Colorado Springs has a Republican mayor.
You know that retired police captain that was killed trying to stop a looting in St Louis? He was 77 years old, Black, and he was shot and died live on Facebook video - another victim of the peaceful protests. According to Laura Ingram, they did a search of transcripts, and his name is not mentioned on any network other than FOX. His name was David Dorn, and he was obviously a good man, not a criminal, and not one to resist arrest. It's truly mysterious how some Black lives don't matter at all to the left, well most of them, actually.
Once again, Blacks are demanding injustice.
rehajm said...
My building has new plywood over the windows and foam over the glass doors. State police were in the porte cochere last night...
That's crazy,man! Hope they let you out soon. At least you got internet access.
Tucker Carlson tonight.
Trump looking like a doofus once again.
In a statement, Archbishop Wilton Gregory of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington went even further in condemning Trump’s visit to the shrine of John Paul II: “I find it baffling and reprehensible that any Catholic facility would allow itself to be so egregiously misused and manipulated in a fashion that violates our religious principles.” The late pope “certainly would not condone the use of tear gas and other deterrents to silence, scatter, or intimidate [human beings] for a photo opportunity in front of a place of worship and peace,” he added.
Long list
Here’s a List of Every Business and Building Rioters Have Destroyed in Minneapolis and St. Paul (So Far)
Bay Area Guy: "Tomorrow morn, I will be in downtown Oakland, right where Patrick Underwood was shot and killed. Some black lives apparently don't matter that much."
That was just an anecdotal murder by Howard's Heroes.
Howard can explain why its just not that big a deal.
Beside, Putin, because reasons.
Royal ass Inga continues with her next narrative, i.e. lie.
Good times.
Good times.
Inga: "Trump looking like a doofus once again."
Lets take a closer look at this William Gregory, shall we?
"The 71-year-old Gregory, previously the archbishop of Atlanta, becomes the first African American to lead the Washington archdiocese.
Gregory replaces Cardinal Donald Wuerl, who resigned in October amid allegations that he covered up multiple abuse scandals while serving as a bishop in Pittsburgh.
Wuerl had replaced Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who was defrocked by the pope after a Vatican-backed investigation concluded he sexually abused children and adults during his time as a priest in New York and a bishop in New Jersey. It was the first time a cardinal had been dismissed from the priesthood for abuse.
Despite his resignation, Wuerl remains in good standing in the church and served in a caretaker role while the search for his replacement was conducted. On Tuesday, he gave the opening remarks introducing Gregory."
Ah yes, a church openly protecting child molesters! And Archbishop Gregory is totally cool with that! Totally!
But there's more (there's always more, isn't there?):
"In Atlanta, Gregory was embroiled briefly in a scandal of his own in 2014 after the archdiocese used $2.2 million in donations to buy and renovate a swank new home for the archbishop. The mansion was later sold, and Gregory apologized following an outcry from parishioners."
Yep. $2.2 million in church funds used for his own lavish lifestyle. $2.2 million.
Protecting child molesters and siphoning off church funds for his own benefit!
Congratulations Inga.
I can see why this guy would be a hero to you and to the left and why you would cite him as a moral authority.
There's even MORE!
(from the same article) "David Clohessy, the former national director of Survivors Network of Abuse by Priests, said he remains skeptical, despite Gregory’s pledge of openness.
Clohessy, who currently leads the Missouri chapter of the group, said, “Even after the Church’s abuse policy was adopted in 2002, Bishop Gregory was found in contempt for refusing to turn over documents about a priest who had abused many, many boys and girls.”'
Archbishop Gregory REALLY works hard to protect those pedophiles.
Outstanding choice Inga.
Trump looking like a doofus once again.
No, it won't be Trump. The statement of the Director of Park Police was posted here tonight. Did you read it? The protestors were not "peaceful" when dispersed.
There will be a reckoning after this is all over, and many in positions of power will be shown to have chosen poorly. Archbishop Gregory will be one of them.
Trump looking like a doofus once again
Regarding doofuses, Inga, you should know that the President's visit was scheduled long ago as "an event for the president to sign an executive order on international religious freedom.” Archbishop Gregory not only has known about the visit for a while, but he had actually been invited to attend.
So he claim to be baffled by the President's already-scheduled visit is what is baffling.
Oh, look, I guess a boogaloo did strike - except his victims were Inga's friends. I really hope this is true:
"So some conservative Portland practical joker dressed up in Portland Chic (black helmet, black facemask with red Anarchist logo, black jacket and black skinny jeans with black boots) bought a backpack full of Keep America Great Again stickers and waited for rioters to arrive on the outskirts of the hot zones. Stuck Trump stickers over the rioters' Antifa and Bernie stickers and left the rest to Charles Darwin.
Rioters returned to cars smashed with bats and clubs, tires flat, and the stickers whacked with the same clubs.
The guy is next level evil."
I'd like to buy him a drink.
Inga, which of the pedophiles Wilton Gregory protected do you respect the most?
And not only did Archbishop Gregory know that the Trump visit was scheduled long ago, not only was he actually invited to the event, but his precipitous knee-jerk judging that tear gas was used, as noted above, has been demonstrated to be false.
Oh Inga,
Any Roman facility that allows a Democrat politician who is pro-abortion into its sacred space has lost all moral authority. A clerisy that looks the other way at its own molesting children for decades has lost moral clarity. An institution that can not expel from its communicants those who condone abortion and euthanasia sounds ridiculous saying anything about Donald Trump.
But then, you don't really care about that, do you? It is all about your Trump Derangement Syndrome. Take a Xanax.
Deus ex Machina that will make things all hunky-dory...
Warner Bros. makes ‘Just Mercy’ free to rent for ‘systemic racism’ education
'The 2019 film “Just Mercy,” which chronicles courtroom struggles against racial injustice and mass incarceration, will be made free on digital platforms throughout June in the wake of George Floyd’s death, Warner Bros. said Tuesday.'
'...“We believe in the power of story,” Warner Bros. said. “Our film ‘Just Mercy,’ based on the life work of civil rights attorney Bryan Stevenson, is one resource we can humbly offer to those who are interested in learning more about the systemic racism that plagues our society.”
@Exiled: Our mayor (Irvine, CA), Christina Shea, is "known to be affiliated with the Republican Party. I haven't heard a siren yet.
FullMoon: "Long list
Here’s a List of Every Business and Building Rioters Have Destroyed in Minneapolis and St. Paul (So Far)"
This is an "anecdotal" list of business and therefore none of those businesses matter.
Howard and Inga can explain further.
Meanwhile, I see that Joe Biden jumped to use this alleged plea to end injustice as an opportunity to give a campaign speech.
In a previous comment section someone said:
1968 - The Weatherman & Black Panthers
2020 - Antifa & Black Lives Matter
Far-left leaders in this country-- back and white-- manipulate the minds of minorities to use them as cannon fodder in their attempted revolutions.
I've seen videos that show that some African-Americans are wising up. I hope they turn on these Antifa thugs.
The fact that the DNC media cover for Antifa shows that black lives don't matter at all to the them. The media and weak-kneed politicians downplay the violence of Antifa, and in doing so give aid and comfort to domestic terrorists destroying local businesses, many of which are black-owned. A black man was murdered by rioters and they don't even bother to report it.
The leftist media and their Democrat bosses are supporting an insurrection and they dare to do it under the pretense of supporting black lives. When in reality people are being killed. They make me literally sick to my stomach.
This violent coup attempt will fail. Decent people-- real ones, not the "liberal" hypocrites-- will not allow the thugs to win.
Anne-I-Am, that is beautiful.
Narr, I hope all goes well with your procedure!
Archbishop Gregory is an idiot. Think he's read Monahan's statement that Mark posted @8:43? Think he will change his mind about his own statement, if he does? Nah. I'm fairly confident that if JPII were around he'd be condemning the violence, not excusing it.
I'm seeing SO much "white supremacists are responsible for the violence" messaging, with an occasional "The police are the ones starting the violence" thrown in for good measure. Apparently it's all over Twitter. No one thinks to ask, "Gee, what happened in the 5, 10, 30 seconds *before* the cop pepper sprayed the 'peaceful' 'protester'?"
One thing I'd like to see someone address is the many ways reality is being distorted throughout this time. I think it's called confirmation bias when something happens to you and you assign a lot of importance to it. There's a lot of anecdotal evidence that black people are harassed by police more than white people, but I know white men who were constantly harassed by police when they were younger (and rowdier), mostly because of where they were and what was going on at the time. I think the problem has a LOT more to do with class than race, because the lower socio-economic levels are where there is more crime, and consequently more police presence, and consequently more police harassment.
This response to July 2019 study showing that there isn't a racial bias in police shootings was very interesting to me. The authors of the original study were responding to criticism, basically that they didn't parse the data correctly. Specifically, the critics charge that if you remove suicidal or mentally unstable victims of police shootings, the data shows that blacks are multiple times more likely to get shot than whites. The authors respond mainly with, hey, that's not what we were looking at -- we were studying whether there was a relationship between the race of the cop and the race of the victim. The letter writers didn't just move the goal posts, they were playing a completely different game, and I'm surprised (OK, maybe not surprised) that the letter was even published. But the response is great because it briefly goes over the methodology again and reaffirms that you when you look at the data by controlling for factors that make sense (such as crime rate, rather than proportional population), there is no evidence of a racial bias in police shootings.
If you're not used to reading research papers this all may be too far in the weeds. Heather Mac Donald's article which links to the original research is a very good introduction, but it fails to address the points I know my anarcho-communist daughter would bring up to try to rebut the data.
To all the leftist phonies standing in solidarity with murderous rioters, what happened to the "if it saves just one life" blather that you used to justify imprisoning healthy people in their homes for months and destroying small businesses? You're ok with goons hijacking a black movement and killing innocents, so social distancing doesn't matter any more, huh? Did I mention you make me sick?
Archbishop Wilton Gregory sounds like almost as big an idiot as Inga.
Suffolk DA Rachael Rollins says violence after Boston George Floyd protests result of ‘fed up’ black community
First was is a DA having pressers and making public statements about the motivations of rioters? Two, how does she know what's motivating them? Three- WHY does she understand their motivation?
She also saw fit to spend five minutes to denounce the police...
Rollins is a Boston DA heavily funded by Soros backed groups, btw...
God Bless Tucker Carlson and Bob Woodson for presenting other perspectives for what we are going through.
Ask yourself - who stands to gain from this unrest?
Best of luck, my friend. I'll keep good thoughts.
"Hands up, don't shoot" was Michael Brown, not Trayvon Martin. We know that Brown didn't say those words. What happened in Trayvon Martin's case is murkier. Cases differ and shouldn't just be lumped together.
The study claiming hydroxychloroquine produced higher death rates likely bogus. The company who spearheaded the bs paper is pushing their own antiviral cure.
What possible reason was there to sit on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes?
Give him long enough not resisting arrest to raise the odds that he won't unsurrender again. It's characteristic of being on fentanyl.
Also you don't know that much force was being applied to his neck; probably not much but enough to let him know it's there. They were in fact discussing how to do all this safely, so were fairly dispassionate about it. He was more of a problem to be solved than anything else.
What got them was his airway became obstructed and he didn't any longer have the wake-up reflex to struggle to fix it. That's how fentanyl kills you. No knee necessary.
@exiledonmainstreet (11:31), story sounds too good to be true, but I sure hope it is real.
Two black lives that didn't matter.
OAKLAND, Calif. – A federal law enforcement officer who was shot and killed while providing security at the U.S. courthouse in Oakland during a protest was identified Sunday.
Dave Patrick Underwood, 53, died from gunshot wounds sustained after someone fired shots from an unidentified vehicle Friday night, the FBI said Sunday.
A retired police captain fatally shot during looting in St. Louis was passionate about helping young people and would have forgiven those behind the violence on the city's streets, his son says.
David Dorn, 77, was killed while responding to an alarm at a pawnshop overnight Monday, St. Louis Police Department announced in a news conference Tuesday.
"...violence after Boston George Floyd protests result of ‘fed up’ black community..."
The violence, which totally didn't happen, was completely justified and carried out by white supremacists! anyway, so what are you upset about again?
One of the things that the domestic terrorists, like AntiFA may not have completely internalized yet is that when they post video from their cameras on the Internet, the recordings are likely being scooped up by the federal agencies tasked to fight them. If they find a lot of riot footage, they can probably get warrants for cell phone data, which can then used to put cases together. The cell phone data can show the terrorists, and their dupes, moving around during the looting and destruction. This can then be leveraged with knowledge of associates.
I shouldn’t say that they haven’t fully internalized it, because the AOC rioting instructions recognize this. But that a lot of cell phones must have been on to coordinate the looting, vandalism, and related terrorism. Moreover, they are of a generation that routinely memorializes what is going on in their lives via their cell phone cameras.
One thing that we don’t know is how many cities had federal government drones over them. NYC for sure. But several others probably. These aren’t the type of drones you can get on Amazon, or even that the cities and states can acquire yet. Instead they are the ones used against terrorist around the world. And, anything they pick up is probably not protected by the 4th or 5th Amdts.
It should be interesting.
federal agencies tasked to fight them
We can only hope that started in 2017, but Jeff Sessions.
“ What got them was his airway became obstructed and he didn't any longer have the wake-up reflex to struggle to fix it. That's how fentanyl kills you. No knee necessary.”
I think that fentanyl could be a game changer in terms of legal charges, if true. I am, of course, willing to wait for the tox report I the autopsy. That could possibly move it from 3rd Degree Depraved Mind Murder (MN apparently split Depraved Mind/Heart from what is 2nd Degree Murder in most states) into to some level of manslaughter.
“"Hands up, don't shoot" was Michael Brown, not Trayvon Martin. We know that Brown didn't say those words. What happened in Trayvon Martin's case is murkier. Cases differ and shouldn't just be lumped together”
Not really. The forensics all corroborate Zimmerman’s story. That includes the location of the bullet holes in Martin and his hoodie, the wounds to the back of his head, offensive wounds, but no defensive wounds on Martin, the calls to the police that night, etc. Turns out that young woman sold as Martin’s girlfriend by the prosecution was probably not such, but was, instead, a ringer, put there when the real GF refused to testify.
The only murkiness was the smoke generated by Crump and the Martin family for their own purposes.
BTW, I don't think a SINGLE Politician has said, "we need to wait for the autopsy report". NO, its been 'THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS MURDER' from Day 1.
“The forensics all corroborate Zimmerman’s story.”
Zimmerman and the father and son duo in Georgia, using Karenism to kill a black man for having the audacity of being black in their neighborhood.
When the toxicology comes back with a fentanyl overdose, there will be a few red faces. There is now info that bystanders heard the cops discussing his fentanyl, which he may have swallowed with the arrest to avoid a possession charge.
One thing that bothers me is the why? Why have so many of the powerful Democrats, from Biden on down, fallen in line in backing the terrorism of anarchist groups like AntiFA? It seems so counterproductive to me. They are condoning the burning down and looting of their power bases, the big Blue cities. Trump has already positioned himself as the Law and Order candidate. I think that they should be fighting for that ground. Instead they are preemptively ceding that ground to him. Which, I think, may result in a stark choice in November: Law and Order, or domestic terrorism run amok. That choice was part of why Nixon won in 1968. The antics of the anarchists, comm7nists, and, yes, (real) fascists on the Dem side are significantly worse this time. We are seeing case after case of good little progressives getting their businesses destroyed by these thugs, despite having all of the right thoughts.
Compounding this, ObamaGate/SpyGate is unwinding at an accelerating pace right now. The partisan subversion of our law enforcement and intelligence agencies by Obama’s people is become ever more obvious. Instead of spending their resources tracking down the roots and funding of these domestic terrorists, instead, they concentrated on destroying their successors, and removing, or at least seriously damaging, Trump.
The only thing that I can figure out so far is that internal polling was showing Blacks defecting at dangerous levels from their typical solid support for Democrats, and this was just a way to win that support back through cynical exploitation of this Black Death by supporting BLM. But that would be a pretty weak move on their part, possibly accentuated by Trump’s and Barr’s quick support, and their insistence that we have to support police accountability, while still fighting domestic terrorism. And it very well may alienate a large percentage of the middle class.
Any thoughts?
icture It.
The farce of a young man playing the prodigal son –
It’s a tired act to follow: a self proclaimed wordsmith
Weaving a web to catch a fly: it took six years
“But she just walked right through.” “It was thin air to her.”
Now, the last act, he works to a proper sentiment
And dies. Tragedy. Move on to the next case.
A girl, tenuous grab of life, she tries hard not to slip,
Forces ignore her – it is to hard to find foot space.
What could she do without all those clothes?
Keep the characters strict and few and so pass through life
Singing the two songs. Edge between with lyrical politeness,
Last , ‘but a presence in the air’, stubbornly,
Till on her ninetieth birthday she falls into her soup.
And the words so well prepared. Tragedy two.
Let the final picture form: world where everywhere
There are mirrors, each face but a looking glass
And each endearingly peering in the others face.
Picture the ‘empathy’, the moments of ‘shared passion’,
The ‘care of the self’, see the ‘theatrical’ parents,
Feel the ‘ambition'. Each one circling
A dedicate task stuck in the centre
Of their ‘selves’ and called ‘soul’: picture it.
The Age Of Darkness.
The chatter on the wind is the irritation
Of the street: drunks or illiterate poor
Claiming back bitter heritage of dark
Or barbaric recompense of pillage.
The habited Romans on their destined sword
Of solitary circlings; burnt books,
Artefacts in whose flames is seen the death
Of some peculiar, personal march
To some incongruous goal. Not sacrificed
But burnt with the words and flaming tongue
Taking all in a lying confession
Of confounded biographies.
The time heralded on an ox skin drum
And thus brought to a passive, anonymous march,
A prayer of strangers.
The street is a thought
Redeemed by its being empty.
And though I expect you
It is only now as sleep
Its knowledge of forgetfulness:
Soft on the pavement, a bruise
Before the blows of emptied halls,
Uncertain cries, the poverty of clubs –
I expect you like you your drugs
A pleasure more in keeping
With wished for happiness than
The reality of a wide awake buzz.
Or, you a child, one of the many,
Lost in a Minoan fold,
A labyrinthine fantasy,
A Minotaur expecting
Your Perseus, your Ariadne?
Your Perseus
As Augustine suggested, always start by thinking the best of people instead of the worst.
In this case, it makes all the details line up instead of leaving you with the mob action necessary to shout down details that don't fit.
That they discussed the proper position to keep him breathing in a drug stupor being a particular telling one.
Going along with the "We've got to appease blacks" interpretive strategy ought to be insulting to blacks, at least the educated ones. They're being handled as children.
Scott Adams at least tries to suggest the right reaction to black people, thinking they might respond. Instead of stroking their outrage trigger mechanism.
fentanyl could be a game changer in terms of legal charges, if true.
Nope. You take your victim as you find him.
@Bruce Hayden: perhaps because they don't know and understand history, even political history, because they just aren't very bright, and they are blinded by their desire to hurt Trump.
Russia collusion truther Inga: "Zimmerman and the father and son duo in Georgia, using Karenism to kill a black man for having the audacity of being black in their neighborhood."
Inga's lying about Zimmerman again?
Well, that's what liars do, isnt it?
“Nope. You take your victim as you find him.”
Normally, I would agree. But this is the statute that the officer is charged under:
(a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years.
Implicit in this definition is that a reasonable person, with the defendant’s trains and experience, would have understood, at the time that their actions were “eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life”. If the actions only caused death, due to interactions with the illegal use of a controlled substance, that was not easily apparent to the defendant at the time, and the defendant did not have enough technical knowledge to understand the full effects of this drug, then I think that an argument could be made that the required intent for the crime was missing. Should the defendant have been expected to Have known about and recognized fentanyl, or that the decedent might have been experiencing its effects? Dr K might have. I wouldn’t have. Police officers in a place like Minneapolis would probably fall somewhere in between. Good friend from college spent his career at the Hannipan County ER, and he would probably know how frequently they were experiencing fentanyl ODs. If this was a day in and day out problem there, then the officer might be expected to have known the risks of his actions. Otherwise, maybe not. (All assuming that fentanyl was involved, of course, which we won’t know until the formal autopsy is complete).
The only thing that I can figure out so far is that internal polling was showing Blacks defecting at dangerous levels from their typical solid support for Democrats,
I think this was part of it plus the Bernie Bros threatening violence at the DNC convention. The Democrats have gone pretty far left, maybe too far to turn back and they must rely on sheep like Inga and Freder to go along to get along. We might have a 1972 coming. I doubt it because the Deep State Republicans, like the Bushes, are still around.
If Floyd did actually die from an overdose how does that exhortation the cops for sitting on him for two and a half minutes after he stopped moving, or even breathing apparently? No pulse when the paramedics arrived.
One cop said they should be worried about his breathing owing to his probably being on drugs, and the kneeling cop said that that's why he's on his stomach. Which says the kneeling cop knew it was safe that way.
He might be wrong, but that's the opposite of careless or criminal intent.
He's still kneeling on him (with what force? If it's a concern, it's not likely to be more than needed to obviously be there so the guy doesn't unsurrender again) so he doesn't unsurrender.
Going on witness testimony as reported by Scott Adams who got it who knows where.
What blacks want is a revenge conviction, nothing about law. This is a huge mistake, an act of a child-mind. And it makes it obvious.
I'd suggest black leaders like their job and want to keep their flock in that state.
Just saw a black official talking about upgrading the charge to 2nd degree.
I don't see Barr going to the double jeopardy that Clinton pulled on the LAPD cops. Plus it will be after the election.
Second degree should be easier to acquit
“@Bruce Hayden: perhaps because they don't know and understand history, even political history, because they just aren't very bright, and they are blinded by their desire to hurt Trump”
One friend suggested that the idea is to keep the public out of balance. AntiFA terrorists, etc, were very obviously all prepared to rock and roll some time before they were green lighted. I expect that their vandalism and looting would have occurred within a couple weeks, even if they hadn’t had a trigger, such as the death of this black man. A lot of people saw and expected this, based on their actions last year. The COVID-19 lockdown was ending in most states. And they needed something else to distract the public from the unraveling of ObamaGate. It wasn’t going to be green lighted while everyone thought they were about to die in the pandemic.
There are several who expect 2-3 more of these distractions before the election. But they won’t be tied down to predicting actual attacks, like those, for the future.
Nice back-and-forth in the comments about the possibility the cops are innocent -- or at least less guilty than the video makes them appear.
It makes sense the trial is going to be one hell of a complicated and touchy enterprise.
What bothers me about rhhardin's interesting analysis is the way Derek Chauvin "smells". He comes across to me as something of a sociopathic bully, someone who is all too willing to use more force than necessary to subdue someone. He ridicules Floyd even as his knee is on the man's neck.
With a fairly high number of complaints against him, I conjecture Chauvin is something of a "problem cop", someone the force might be happy to be rid of but not easily able to do so. Too much pushback from various employment protections and the police union. If this is so, it puts the PD in the precarious position of hoping they can get the man retired and out of their hair before he's involved in something really bad, a gamble they were fated to lose.
We don't know how the confrontation started or how it escalated. I suppose the court reached the right verdict, but the idea that Zimmerman was the victim is what's murky here. His conduct suggests a very hot-headed man who threw himself into confrontations without thinking.
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