May 31, 2020

Trump calls on "Democrat Mayors and Governors" to "Get tough" against the "ANARCHISTS."

AND: More Trump tweets today:
The Lamestream Media is doing everything within their power to foment hatred and anarchy. As long as everybody understands what they are doing, that they are FAKE NEWS and truly bad people with a sick agenda, we can easily work through them to GREATNESS!

The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization.

Other Democrat run Cities and States should look at the total shutdown of Radical Left Anarchists in Minneapolis last night. The National Guard did a great job, and should be used in other States before it is too late!

Congratulations to our National Guard for the great job they did immediately upon arriving in Minneapolis, Minnesota, last night. The ANTIFA led anarchists, among others, were shut down quickly. Should have been done by Mayor on first night and there would have been no trouble!

The National Guard has been released in Minneapolis to do the job that the Democrat Mayor couldn’t do. Should have been used 2 days ago & there would not have been damage & Police Headquarters would not have been taken over & ruined. Great job by the National Guard. No games!


Lyle Smith said...

Amen! Why can't Minneapolis Democrat politicos control their own police force and protect their own constituents' lives? How long have they been in charge there?

Darrell said...

Anyone who thinks Trump is wrong is an idiot. Respectfully.

hombre said...

Blaming Joe is as dumb as blaming Trump.

Achilles said...

Agreed. No Games. Antifa are terrorists.

Arrest every one of these shitheads breaking and stealing. Throw them in jail.

Go back and find out who they talked to. Throw them in jail.

Find out who they talked to. Throw them in jail.

Just like we did in Afghanistan to the Taliban. These rioters are just as bad as the Taliban. Throw them in jail then ship them to Afghanistan when they get out.

M Jordan said...

Trump is a voice crying out in the wilderness of liberal, postmodern values.

Carol said...

The city local subs in Reddit are hilarious...they all believe so sincerely in the Cause! but serious, guys, *we* need to stop looting! Come on! Everyone be nice!

LOL God I'm glad I'm far away,

narciso said...

A recent example

Inga said...

“The Lamestream Media is doing everything within their power to foment hatred and anarchy. As long as everybody understands what they are doing, that they are FAKE NEWS and truly bad people with a sick agenda, we can easily work through them to GREATNESS!”

No, it’s not the media who is fomenting hatred and anarchy, it’s the POTUS. His own sick agenda has brought the US to what we are seeing on our streets across the US. What a sad, sick message from the man who sits, occupying the seat in the Oval Office. What shame and disgrace this president is.

Dave Begley said...

The National Guard is on alert for Omaha. Curfew of 8 pm to 6 am for 72 hours. 72 arrests in two days; 51 last night. Windows being boarded up in downtown Omaha and, I'm guessing, the Old Market. Buildings were vandalized but no looting.

The Omaha Police and Nebraska State Patrol did a great job last night. The rioters started in mid-town and then moved downtown.

The killing has the potential to be a total powder keg. Young black man killed by a white bar owner in front of his bar. On one video someone says, "That [n word] got a gun." Then there might be a struggle but hard to tell. Low light. Then a shot. Or maybe two. White bar owner alleged to be racist, homophobe, transphobe. No charges yet but lots of agitating. He is in custody and has been since the shooting, but persistent rumors that he was released.

This could go very badly. Never in my life did I expect to see rioting like this in Omaha.

We will get stats on the 72 arrested soon. The first 21 were all from Omaha.

Antifa or BLM could light Omaha on fire. But I have high confidence in the OPD, the Mayor and the Governor. Our female Omaha mayor 10x better than the Mpls boy mayor. Leadership counts.

Dave Begley said...

And I should add, Trump just won the November election. Dems will approve a Biden-Harris ticket. Then Joe will withdraw. The ticket will be Harris-Demmings. Saw Demmings today; former police chief. Nice attack style.

Theme: The all-female law and order ticket: Kamala and Val. They will fix the racism that Barack didn't in his 8 years.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The corrupt left - Nancy, Hillary, Schitt, & The deep state a-holes who run our intelligence agencies -they are like Russian bots on this.

They love the chaos. They are happy with the destruction. Just stay out of their gated enclaves.

rhhardin said...

The riots and protests and the original tape are all tailored to the audience as entertainment for them.

What narrative is it most entertaining for them to live in, is the originating question.

Scott Adams points out the fine Batman video

creative minds against idiocy

Bilwick said...

Would that these people were "anarchists" in the true sense of the term, which literally means "no one rules." If you loot someone's property or burn it down, you're forcing someone to submit to your rule. That ain't anarchism, Sally.

Drago said...

Russian Collusion Truther and Liar Inga: "No, it’s not the media who is fomenting hatred and anarchy, it’s the POTUS. His own sick agenda has brought the US to what we are seeing on our streets across the US."


Then explain Ferguson under obama.

Spoiler: You can't. You've simply moved to a new set of lies to replace your previous lies which have been shattered.

Occupy Wall Street has morphed into the leftist terrorist shock troop crew called antifa.

And antifa has proudly declared itself an INTERNATIONAL organization.

It's going to be very interesting to see just which lefties/dems are funding these terrorists that Inga whole heartedly supports.

narciso said...

Demings, the one who got the gun from her vehicle, so naturally she rose to congress, and the house impeachment committee,

Drago said...

Lyle Smith: "Amen! Why can't Minneapolis Democrat politicos control their own police force and protect their own constituents' lives?"

The weak and pathetic democrat governor of MN has a daughter who has been providing real time National Guard deployment intel to her antifa amigos.

Now that antifa has been properly designated a terrorist organization (international terrorist organization) that kind of direct support and intel sharing about troop movements could come under direct DOJ/FBI scrutiny....assuming there are any FBI agents left that are not currently focused on the continued framing of Flynn and Trump.

Kevin said...

Once the rioting starts, there is no longer a peaceful protest happening.

The media should stop referring to the "protest" and start calling it a "riot".

And people who don't want to be associated with rioting should immediately leave the area.

That's how we protect both our freedoms and our property.

Mark said...

This is actually what a call to national unity looks like.

But the left has no desire to ever unify with Trump, ever, even while the demand that he make calls for unity and peace.

Dave Begley said...

In less than 24 hours, $70k was raised for the dead black guy's family. A defense fund for the white bar owner who might have a valid self-defense case was pulled by GoFundMe. So much for the presumption of innocence.

Jim at said...

Seattle - which had more than its share of rioting, looting and fires yesterday - has a mayor named Jenny Durkan. She just had a news conference ... and broke down in tears because the city that burned wasn't the city she knew.

Sorry, Jenny. It's exactly the city we've come to know over the last 25 years. Own it. You deserve it. And stop your fucking blubbering.

Tomcc said...

I am completely sympathetic to the cause of preventing the police from killing people; but the rampant rioting, looting and destruction of property makes me at least as angry.
If moderates will swing the election, I think it augers well for Mr. Trump.

Michael K said...

Joe is the China candidate. They know how to stop protesting.

Jim at said...

His own sick agenda has brought the US to what we are seeing on our streets across the US.

So Trump's also to blame for the Freddie Gray riots? The Michael Brown riots? The five, dead cops in Dallas?

Fuck off.

Kevin said...

Some people my daughter knows are encouraging everyone to go to tonight's "protest".

They are dressing all in black and wearing masks. Leaving their phones at home so they can't be tracked by the police. Writing their parent's phone numbers on their arms. Bringing anti-tear gas and anti-mace items with them.

There is an entire list of preparations they are undertaking which are being spread on the internet.

None of these things are required of peaceful protesters.

They are definitely required of people wanting to take part in a riot.

Sebastian said...

This is Trump giving you "the real facts on who's doing what."

gadfly said...

Ann, you printed Trump's lying tweet about his activating the MN National Guard last night, when in fact this is what happened three days ago:

MINNEAPOLIS — Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz called in the National Guard as a wounded Minneapolis braced for more violence Thursday, one day after rioting over the death of a handcuffed black man in police custody reduced parts of one neighborhood to a smoking shambles, with burned buildings, looted stores and angry graffiti demanding justice.

FullMoon said...

No, it’s not the media who is fomenting hatred and anarchy, it’s the POTUS. His own sick agenda has brought the US to what we are seeing on our streets across the US.
Yep, his agenda of creating jobs , minimizing illegal immigration, prison reforms, acting on flu while dems whined. Ordering hospital ships and instant surge hospitals to potential hotspots. Vents everywhere where needed. What a bastard!

MayBee said...

Inga- what part of Trump's agenda has led to these riots?
Is it different than that part of Obama's agenda that led to the Baltimore riots or the Ferguson riots?

rhhardin said...

Law and order isn't a pleonasm. They're quite different. Convince yourself by just be reversing the order.

Order and law.

If Trump is an order and law candidate, you evade the cliche blocking thought.

Law isn't always good, and order might be good or bad as well.

Jack Klompus said...

In Philadelphia a guy took a dump on the floor of a generations-old downtown shop.
A friend of mine had to escape her building down a fire escape ladder to avoid the mob storming her apartment building.
Another friend's sister, a nurse at the local children's hospital, had to stay barricaded at work because a mob outside was yelling they wanted to "rape some white nurses."
A couple was having sex out in the open in the middle of Rittenhouse Square.
Billions of dollars of damage has been done to the once vibrant Center City area of downtown Philadelphia.
All Trump's fault, right Inga, you maladjusted twit?

rhhardin said...

E pluribus plus.

rhhardin said...

No man's plenum is impervious to the awl of God's will. - Barthelme

Yancey Ward said...

Trump is correct in every one of those tweets. Walz waited 3 days too late. The dynamic is easy to spot here- pretty much all these cities are run by Democrats, and run for a long, long time. The only efforts to nip this in the bud by any of the mayors were in those cities that are in red states- there the Democratic mayors know the governors will not hesitate to act if they make any attempt to abdicate their responsibility to their citizens they way the mayors did in Minneapolis/St. Paul.

Trump can only act if a governor directly calls for aid. The Democrats won't do that, and the Republicans won't have to. The Democrats and the other idiots can whine about how these rioters and looters are not Democratic voters all they want, but our fucking eyes aren't lying to us.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wrong Inga- time after time the media say stuff sympathetic to the left-wing cause., They say - right there on air, that the anger is real and anything done in the name of that anger is excusable. The leftwing media started this fire.

Inga- you are pathetic.

Darrell said...

When the Left says to arrest all the rioters and hang them from light posts, we'll know they really believe they are white supremacists. But we don't, do we? We hear the left saying "Don't arrest them!"

Inga said...

“If moderates will swing the election, I think it augers well for Mr. Trump.”

Except that Trump is everything but moderate. His tweets are not moderate. The things he retweets are not moderate. They are extreme.

Francisco D said...

Inga said... No, it’s not the media who is fomenting hatred and anarchy, it’s the POTUS. His own sick agenda has brought the US to what we are seeing on our streets across the US. What a sad, sick message from the man who sits, occupying the seat in the Oval Office. What shame and disgrace this president is.

It is pretty clear to the vast majority of Althouse readers that the sickens lies within you, Inga.

I used to think you were just stupid and dishonest, but now it is clear that you have much more serious issues.

cronus titan said...

Which specific organizations are responsible will come out but it will take some time. Hopefully, the terrorist designation is not empty rhetoric and federal charges will be brought. It at least looks like a lot of the violence is coming from or instigated by anarchists who think this is fun and games. I saw a Facebook post from someone in our area proudly displaying his bruises and how he was part of a group torching the city. Went home to his family in the suburbs later. As soon as they find out that it is not 20 minutes in jail, no bail and charges dropped next week in deep blue localities but 10+ years in a federal prison, well that has a habit of breaking loose the truth.

Jack Klompus said...

Philly DA Larry Krasner got out of Dodge and hightailed it to his Jersey Shore home under police escort.

Inga said...

“This is Trump giving you "the real facts on who's doing what.”

Ha. This is Trump feeding you more BS and you’re eating it with relish.

Crazy World said...

Sick agenda? Please be specific.

Tom T. said...

Four NYPD officers nearly got killed by a Molotov cocktail, and DeBlasio is calling for an investigation of police conduct and expressing concern about the protesters' well-being.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Antifa Is Just Occupy Wall Street Rebranded. Here’s How I Know

cubanbob said...

Some of Biden's staffers have been funding some of the rioter's bail. Yes America, let's elect this senile, moronic grifter president.

Gk1 said...

We need more Korean shop owners deployed to roof tops with semi-automatic rifles like during the L.A riots in 1992. Shoot enough of these pricks with their parents names scrawled on their arms and this will all dry up overnight. Its all fun and games until the shooting starts.

Drago said...

"Pair of Brooklyn lawyers including Ivy League corporate attorney charged in Molotov cocktail attack on NYPD cruiser"


Just the kind of innocent lefties who only get caught up with all this riot-y stuff because some russian-backed white supremacist MAGA-hat wearing Breakin' 2-Electric Boogaloo Trump supporter from out of town wandered up to them and whispered in their innocent lefty ears that they should toss a molotov cocktail at a police cruiser.

I mean, according to Inga, that sort of thing is happening all over the country.

Those poor antifa types never knew what hit them with the Rasputin-like republicans wandering around democrat cities at night and convincing these innocent babes in the woods lefties that, you know, now might be a cool time to light off and toss a molotov cocktail at cops.

I sure hope they catch those MAGA-hat wearing, Jussie Smollett attacking evil republicans.

I wonder if Mueller would be available to lead an investigation into these obvious and numerous criminals?

Jon Ericson said...

Pair of Brooklyn lawyers including Ivy League corporate attorney charged in Molotov cocktail attack on NYPD cruiser

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...
“If moderates will swing the election, I think it augers well for Mr. Trump.”

Except that Trump is everything but moderate. His tweets are not moderate"

Like you know about moderate, you crazy old bat.

Tomcc said...

Inga: Except that Trump is everything but moderate.
I agree. You are not his audience. And for that matter, neither am I. Moderates are witnessing the price of progressive politics and "leadership".

Jon Ericson said...

Here ya go Inger, don't forget the protest signs.
AOC tweeted this. She has 4.4 million followers. Gosh.

John henry said...

I've been following Thomas Wictor and Carlos OSweda for a couple years now. I've been very impressed with their frame by frame video analysis of antifa riots then and now. He has an uncanny ability to find single frames of federal agents, he says retired DEA agents though I am not clear why, in the midst of the demos. Unidentified and in plain clothes.

See this picture of a DEA agent flashing his badge Friday, I think

He also found a clip from a Minneapolis TV station that showed a protester who had taken an AR-15 (or similar) from a flaming cop car. Someone in cililian clothes pulled a 45 and relieved him of it. That someone was also carrying an AR-15 (or similar) After taking the rifle, the protester was led away by a second man.

OSweda thinks the main one was military, not police. Possibly special ops. He gives reasons for thinking so. Clip and explanation here:

St. Paul police said they stopped several vehicles without license plates on Saturday night, May 30, and found “tools used to wreak havoc on our city” inside.

“Each time officers stopped the vehicles, people inside have raced away on foot,” the department said in a tweet shortly after 10 p.m.

Carlos wonders what the tools to wreak havoc might be. Thermite grenades?

He also speculates that maybe the people are not getting away. That the car is disabled by tactical EMP and the inhabitants taken by special ops personnel.

I question why anyone would ride in a car without license plates unless they wanted to call attention to themselves so this story is really strange to me.

Carlos isa bit strange at times but I have found him to be generally accurate.

John Henry

John henry said...


It is actually both.

The governor called out or activated the state national guard in his role as commander in chief.

PDJT placed it under federal control 3 days later.

So, not lying.

John Henry

rcocean said...

I just wanted to thank the Head Of Twitter for letting the President of the Untied States of America address the American People directly.

Thanks Jack. Can I kiss your ring?

TJM said...


You have to be one of the most mendacious and moronic posters of all time.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Son got called out this afternoon and his Washington National Guard unit is headed up to the Seattle Armory tonight. Meanwhile, white Antifa guys rally the the rioters to march to the Seattle PD.

Bilwick said...

"We need more Korean shop owners deployed to roof tops with semi-automatic rifles like during the L.A riots in 1992."

Or Italian and/or Jewish shop owners like the ones in the 1977 Blackout riots in NYC. As I've commented before, amid all the photos in the local tabloids of burned and looted stores in Brooklyn, there was a photo of two stores, side by side, guarded by neighborhood guys prominently holding shotguns. I think they had a "YOU LOOT, WE SHOOT" sign also on prominent display. Except for some broken windows, these stores went untouched. Wonder why.

Todd Roberson said...


GatorNavy said...

Perhaps the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent rioting, looting and racial animosity will have the Supreme Court revoke qualified immunity. A liable government is a responsive government

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
Son got called out this afternoon and his Washington National Guard unit is headed up to the Seattle Armory tonight. Meanwhile, white Antifa guys rally the the rioters to march to the Seattle PD.

5/31/20, 7:30 PM

While I have come to hate the phrase "Stay Safe" over the last few months, I truly hope your son stays safe.

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