It's time to stop playing around and put James Carville in charge of the DNC for this election cycle.
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) May 7, 2020
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
It's time to stop playing around and put James Carville in charge of the DNC for this election cycle.
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) May 7, 2020
६६ टिप्पण्या:
Carville is one crazy cracker. He's slowly turning into Sméagol/Gollum in the quest to recover his precious ring.
Carville --as much as I despise him - is a political genius. Right before Super Tuesday he was flooding the TV zone, nailing the Bernie Bros, nailing the leftwing of his party, and setting the stage for Biden's "remarkable" comeback -- despite no money and no advertising in most of the Super Tuesday states.
Obviously, we reasonably believe that Carville is an agent for Hillary, due to his long association with Team Clinton.
But who really knows who's pulling the levers behind the scenes.
I'm so old I can remember when there was no way Trump was going to be President.
So what you're saying then, James, is that you're not a fan of the Biden campaign? Hah-hah-hah-hah.
Is Carville a modern day Cromwell (the Lord Chancellor one)? The Democrat's establishment Le bons temp roule, finally coming to an end.
Of course, every campaign is filled with grifters. Hell, most of our congressional seats are filled with grifters. As are their staff offices. That's not news. Trump has to try to get done what he can, while being attacked from all sides, and having his own staff undermine him. This is NOT something Obama had to deal with in any way, shape, or form.
That said, I've long admired Carville and the work he does for his party. Wish the Repubs had someone as effective.
who is "he"? Is Carville talking about Biden or Trump?
Car I’ll is the guy who responded to Paula Jones’s claim by saying: “Drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and you never know what you’ll find” (from memory). Why don’t “Progressive” MeToo mobs hound him from any restaurant he eats at (or ate at when restaurants were allowed), and deplatform him? Why didn’t Biden pick him instead of Chris Dodd? Seems like a natural for finger-banger Joe.
Interesting point of view. That point of view is what you will hear in any discussion with a New Orleans man. All they can see are big money flows that must be diverted into their hands by any means possible. Great story tellers but they cannot be trusted.
@#*&$#% autocorrect.
Is that a rant?!
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
who is "he"? Is Carville talking about Biden or Trump?
I was going to say Bloomberg!
Camera at eye level, never looking up.
Carville is a brilliant political strategist (as is Karl Rove). He's also one of the most capable political spinners and BS artists ever. He's so skillful that you're never quite sure whether he's telling the truth or trying to roll you.
The amusing p[art is the thread of comments by idiots like Ben Rhodes.
Rob Reiner (Meathead) saying Trump "has failed at everything he has ever done." What has Reiner ever done but act ?
That was completely incoherent- was he talking about Trump (what I got from the mangled "White House" and the part about winning every election since Trump was elected), or the Biden Campaign? If it was the latter, Carville is exactly right- the Democrats are deluding themselves with the polls, just like they did in 2016.
Lucien said...
Car I’ll is the guy...
@#*&$#% autocorrect.
By George, via autocorrect you came up with a new name for James Carville:
"Everybody is trying to make money on the way out," says Snakehead in describing Biden's campaign staff.
Seems to also be an accurate description of Joe and "Doctor" Jill.
Plugs has always taken a public paycheck, never having worked in the dreaded private sector. Yet he's wealthy beyond measure. He did it the old fashioned way, through corruption.
BayArea Guy says Carville is a political genius. Nope. He wrote a book entitled “ 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation.” That was in 2009. Shortly thereafter Republicans took the House, the Senate, and finally the Presidency. There is no genius in that statement or thought. It was wishcasting pure and simple. He can never escape that.
Carvillle had learned he looks much better with a hat to hid his bald, hairless head, and clothes to hid his old skeleton - one step from the Grave - body.
A simple test: Who did Carville think was going to win at this time in 2016? If he said Clinton, then that's all we need to know.
It always amazes me at how many political consultants are able to take a singluar, past win and extend that to many years of grifting. I can't think of any other arena where "I won, once" overrides "what have you done for me lately" when interviewing people for leadership roles. Even NFL coaches have to have repeat their winning seasons eventually.
Well, Reiner directed Spinal Tap and Princess Bride. Otherwise, agree he's a political weenie.
Dang, the clip ended before we could hear what Lyin' Brian had to say.
Amee Vanderpool is a deceptive liar.
She posts lies about Betsy DeVos. She posted lies about the Covington teens.
She's a liar.
Didn't listen. Did it have anything to do with dragging a $100 bill through a group of former senate staffers?
that's nothing bob shrum, hasn't won a single race, and they still break him out of the glass case,
Democrats could have selected a moderate D governor. Like Hickenlooper.
Hick isn't very exciting and he's not radical far-left, but with a solid running mate, we could escape the Clinton Crime/Biden Crime family franchises.
but hell no! The D's cannot escape the small group of insiders.
"This whole thing is like a crumbling empire, right before your eyes, and everybody is trying to take everything they can get on the way out, and they're trying to prop him up so they all can make money."
Pretty much describes all national politics, no? Our political leaders know the fiscal, pension and trade debts are not sustainable, and they're trying to get as much for themselves and their friends before it all implodes.
With Trump maybe being an exception. That is he appears to be working on trade debt. But he's not working on fiscal or pension debt at all. That might be a strategic decision, to solve trade first and then tackle budgets and pensions.
What has Reiner ever done but act ?
Disagree with his politics, but he directed "Spinal Tap" and "A Few Good Men". Two worthy films.
Bay Area Guy said...Carville --as much as I despise him - is a political genius
Yep. Dems would be fools to not put him in charge of everything he's willing to be in charge of. He is the only Democrat who knows how to win a national election.
Lance said...he appears to be working on trade debt. But he's not working on fiscal or pension debt at all.
I don't get how Republicans continue to claim to be the party of fiscal sanity. There is no party of fiscal sanity. The Dems may be the tax and spend party, but the Reps are the borrow and spend party. Which is worse?
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
who is "he"? Is Carville talking about Biden or Trump?
I assumed it was Biden. Otherwise, why is this remarkable?
That is he appears to be working on trade debt. But he's not working on fiscal or pension debt at all. That might be a strategic decision, to solve trade first and then tackle budgets and pensions.
He would need a Congress that would take this seriously. Most of what he is doing is what can be done without Congress.
That's it? That rant airs multiple times on CNN or MSNBC every single day from somebody.
The Dems are so desperate they grab onto every tiny piece of flotsam that passed down the sewer pipe that is the media.
Didn't listen.
Some of us aren't so smart. Whoever clipped it did a poor job, so it is missing critical context. My guess is he is referring to the Biden campaign (and campaign manager). Except, when it comes to dragging a $100 bill through a group of former staffers; it is about offering money to campaign aids that will gladly take it to lie to the nominee about their actual chances of winning. He really does a great job describing our new "elite" class, although that context is also missing.
Michael K said...
The amusing p[art is the thread of comments by idiots like Ben Rhodes.
Rob Reiner (Meathead) saying Trump "has failed at everything he has ever done." What has Reiner ever done but act ?
He directed The Jerk.
Oh, come on. Seriously? All Presidential campaigns are a grift. Carville knows that better than anyone. You can make a ton of money working on campaigns or parlaying campaign work into lucrative jobs that simply pay for “connections.”
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
who is "he"? Is Carville talking about Biden or Trump?
The clip is too short. There is a bit of context on the edges I will go look for. But he is talking about the Biden campaign.
The He talked about "he" losing every poll but winning every election is Trump.
Then he talked about grifters feeding an idiot, Biden, a bunch of fake polls and yoinking the money on the way out.
He can see the crumbling empire of the DNC. He knows the GOP/COC has already been brought low.
He is angling to be the grifter running the campaign for who ever replaces Biden. He may even think there is real hope for Michelle.
So... what? Carville is a hero to the Lefties again? Wasn't he their bête noire only a couple months ago for freaking out over Bernie? They love him, they love him not... They love him, they love him not... They love him! Same thing with Comey. Sounds like the Dems are going to need a bigger daisy.
There will be very few undecided voters by late October. Carville's rants won't matter.
He wrote a book entitled...
TBF, bullsh*t is an essential part of political genius.
@M Jordan,
BayArea Guy says Carville is a political genius. Nope. He wrote a book entitled “ 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation.” That was in 2009. Shortly thereafter Republicans took the House, the Senate, and finally the Presidency. There is no genius in that statement or thought. It was wishcasting pure and simple. He can never escape that.
He also can't 'escape' winning two presidential elections for Bill Clinton. Nobody read or cares about his stupid book.
Practice trumps theory.
How can Trump, as POTUS, work on pension debt? Who or what has pension problems?
A longer clip shows that he is criticizing the Biden campaign staff.
Professional jealousy?
Carville and Biden would make a great (comedy) team.
WCrumblin' Down
John Mellencamp
Some people ain't no damn good
You can't trust 'em you can't love 'em
No good deed goes unpunished
And I don't mind bein' their whippin' boy
I've had that pleasure for years and years
No no I never was a sinner--tell me what else can I do
Second best is what you get 'til you learn to bend the rules
And time respects no person--what you lift up must fall
They're waiting outside to claim my tumblin' walls
Saw my picture in the paper
Read the news around my face
And now some pepole don't want to treat me the same
When the walls come tumblin' down
When the walls come crumblin' crumblin'
When the walls come tumblin' tumblin' down
Some people say I'm obnoxious and lazy
I'm uneducated--my opinion means nothin'
But I know I'm a real good dancer
Don't need to look over my shoulder to see what I'm after
Everybody's got their problems--ain't no new news here
I'm the same old trouble you've been havin' for years
Don't confuse the problem with the issue girl
It's perfectly clear
Just a human desire to have you come near
Want to put my arms around you
Feel your breath in my ear
You can bend me you can break me
But you'd better stand clear
When the walls come tumblin' down
When the walls come crumblin' crumblin'
When the walls come tumblin' tumblin' down
Like Tastid212 said, consummate BS artist.
Yes, by all means put the guy who's 76 and looks 90 in charge of the DNC. Capital idea.
Bloomberg seems to have hired everyone still unemployed in political campaigning at the time, and anyone he could hire away, during his short run.
But he didnt hire Carville, or I don't think he did.
I wonder where Carville's reputation stands within that profession.
"Who or what has pension problems?"
Many states have pension problems. They'll want to be bailed out. Trump will have to say no.
Will Cate said...
Yes, by all means put the guy who's 76 and looks 90 in charge of the DNC. Capital idea.
Wouldn't be a bad idea.
I don't like Carville, if he was drowning I'd be the first to toss him a cinder block. But there's no denying that he knows how to win elections, just like Bill Clinton does. What's amazing is that the "smarter than everyone" crowd that's currently running the DNC can't see this.
Of course putting Carville in charge would mean some people would get their feelings hurt. I guess the DNC has adopted the "better dead than rude" philosophy.
Justice Dept dropping Flynn Criminal case!!!!!
What's the difference between what Carville is saying now and what the Dem's were saying prior to the 2016 election? Hillary was a sure win, every poll predicted it, and there was no way Trump could win.
I like how Althouse edited the clip so Carville could have been talking about either campaign. How many millions will be spent on advertising for the presidential election? I can't imagine, fortunately I don't watch TV. Once I realized Carville was talking about the Trump campaign manager I thought how hilarious that Carville is "concerned" about all the money that Republicans are wasting. He knows how many houses and boats the Trump campaign manager has, but not his first name? Sounds more like sour grapes, professional jealousy? Carville didn't make that kind of money working for Clinton and didn't manage to get a career gig like
George Stephanopoulos.
Pension bailout thy name is Newsome
If the clip is about Biden, Carville is predicting a Trump avalanche which the Dem political consultants are doing nothing to prevent. Rather they are all carving themselves a nice slice from Dem political contributions as the doomed campaign lurches onward, a mere vehicle for raising money for them to spend. Carville would know, so if that's what he is saying it's quite an important statement. It makes sense to think that people support Trump and aren't saying so. Most people don't want to be divisive right now so I don't ask "what do you think about Trump now" and they don't tell me what their changing feelings about Trump are. But no one wants Congress or Sleepy Joe to handle this crisis. Congress has fallen apart like wet paper in terms of leadership and identity politics isn't helpful in pulling people together when we need to stick together. People who have lost their businesses don't want to hear about redistribution. School reform is getting a big tryout.
And, no one interviews the Essentials to find out what it's like to work while the chattering class bangs on about not working because it's too dangerous.
And, some leftys are talking about a general strike but I bet if there was a general mask-strike or a just-go-out-and-enjoy-yourself strike or a Take Back the Parks Day, any of those would be called illegal and bad by those who support a general strike.
Lord I hope Stacy gets the nod. Perfect. Never been elected to anything. Fat. Angry. An excellent president when Biden rolls over. Just what we need.
Even Biden is not that dumb
A bunch of grifters taking everything they can from a hollowed-out Empire. Yeah that's exactly right.
"Rob Reiner (Meathead) saying Trump "has failed at everything he has ever done." What has Reiner ever done but act ?"
Well, he directs too. Badly.
Rob Reiner got the meathead role because his dad - Carl Reiner - was best friends with Norman Lear. He didn't get many acting jobs after All in the Family, because he's not a good actor.
Why is he coming down so hard on the Biden campaign?
Fat. Angry. An excellent president when Biden rolls over.
nice and cushiony too
Back when Carville was ranting about the dangers of Bernie on top of the Democrat ticket, did he not stop to think of the dangers of a senile Joe Biden at the top of the ticket? If not, why not?
Tim MaGuire: "I don't get how Republicans continue to claim to be the party of fiscal sanity. There is no party of fiscal sanity. The Dems may be the tax and spend party, but the Reps are the borrow and spend party. Which is worse?"
It is because of the Parliament of Whores.
Carville? That nasty ol snapping turtle?
"Rob Reiner (Meathead) saying Trump "has failed at everything he has ever done." What has Reiner ever done but act ?
He directed The Jerk."
Voted for her too.
The cast of the Jerk didn't need Reiner to pull it off IMHO.
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