From "The comedian going viral for lip-syncing Trump: 'People really hate him'/Sarah Cooper has carved out a niche space on TikTok, merging comedy and politics by voicing over Trump’s comments" (The Guardian).
I think I've shared Cooper's videos with you before — or maybe I've just shared them with family. I think she's great and also that it's complicated, trying to understand why they are so great. It's not merely a matter of hating Trump. I think there's also love — illicit love! — for Trump — illicit because you're supposed to hate him — not necessarily you, you, but some of you — and by having his speech flow through an attractive woman, you become liberated to feel that transgressive love.
Cooper's space on TikTok may be "niche" but it's not unique. Here's my post from April 17th: "I noticed a TikTok trend — young women lip-synching to a short clip of Trump's voice — sometimes with what I perceive as a real appreciation for Trump's comic stylings."
Anyway, I think all these are very funny — both because of Trump and because of the woman who is adopting his voice. I think the first 2 women genuinely appreciate Trump. The third might be more of a Trump antagonist, but you'll like it even if you love Trump (or maybe you won't!).None of my 3 examples is Sarah Cooper. I'm particularly fond of Kylie Scott, who lip syncs Trump in a drunk-girl persona.
One thing I like about these is that — as I've said a few times and have thought all along — there's something womanly about Trump. And I'm not saying that as an insult. He often displays machismo or seems to do the voice of a mob boss, but not all the time. He has this softer lilt that comes through some of the time, as I think these women know...
@kyscottt hittin’ the club w don ##drunktrump ##intheclub ##trump ##flirting ##singlelife
♬ original sound - kyscottt
५६ टिप्पण्या:
I loved Mystery Science Theatre 3000. And I enjoyed the TikTok videos you posted.
I’m just not interested in her political views.
"her videos reassure people that what comes out of the president’s mouth really is as crazy as it sounds"
Think about the mindset that would find that reassuring.
One of my kids came home to Red Florida out of their liberal college bubble and I’ve been watching them change their political opinions pretty significantly over the last few months. Honestly, I don’t think they’d ever met people their own age who had different stances.
I feel like this TikTok girl either has that issue too or is like the mattress girl and a lot of people just back away from her at parties.
PS - my kids new basic stance is that government is full of “garbage people doing garbage work at garbage jobs.” Hard to disagree.
what can they say to argue with it?' she says.
Maybe they don't want to argue with it. Maybe they just think it's funny.
One of my favorite phenomenon is when a creator creates something sublime without the slightest clue why what they made was great. The writers of Wall Street thought Gordon Gecko was a cardboard cut-out villain. They had no appreciation for the truth and wisdom at the heart of his rapaciousness. The creator of one the all-time great libertarian pieces of science fiction--Joss Wheadon (Firefly)--is a virtue signalling idiot liberal. The makers of All in the Family were stunned that people sympathised with Archie Bunker.
How does this happen?
Trump in isolation is irrelevant. Convince me that the alternative to Trump would be an improvement.
..or a gesture that reminds you of the broader context around what he is saying..
The gestures are the spin, creating a different context around what he is saying, but no matter. They are funny in the way we used to parody political celebrity before political parody was weaponized to try and win elections. The people having trouble reckoning the videos probably can't recall a time when that happened or feel parody for the sake of comedy is counterproductive.
I'm as MAGA as they come. I saw that video a couple weeks ago and laughed my ass off. Well done.
Then again, I viewed it as comedy, not hateful mocking.
The Kylie Scott shared clip alone was worth a couple years of Chuck and Inga comments.
I overlooked the link. Now I've gone and seen it. She's no Joss Wheden, this is no Wall Street. This is "roll your eyes and move on" stuff.
"just how clueless he is"
As clueless as anyone else who is not an expert. Example: ask any journalist to explain 1. what UV radiation is, and 2. whether it can be used "inside the body."
Trump is a medical amateur who sounds like he has been picking up lots of ideas thrown out by lots of people around him -- we could try this, we could try that. Then he asks, is there a way?
Kylie Scott's genius makes Sarah Cooper look pathetic by comparison.
now do Andrew Cuomo, who sent infected covid patients back to the nursing homes, while his brother was the typhoid mary of the hamptons, and his dingbat wife was bathing in clorine, too soon,
"she says that...trying to mock him would be worse than using a direct quote."
There's actually a lesson there that our own media still can't grasp: If they could report him straight, without spin, it would give more helpful fodder to his opposition than the hair-on-fire, throw shit against the wall and see what sticks approach they've adopted since Nov 2016.
tim maguire:
"when a creator creates something sublime without the slightest clue why what they made was great."
Oh yes. In like vein, on 1989's Fat Man and Little Boy, I recall reading that neither Roland Joffe nor Paul Newman intended General Groves to be a good guy. But they portrayed him mostly fairly, with Newman (quite the physical mismatch for the role) capturing something of his drive, and he came off as admirable.
(Fun trivia: The general was played by the left-liberal Paul Newman; the left-liberal Oppenheimer was played by the conservative Dwight Schultz.)
Basically, Trump is a drink Karen.
Browndog said...
I'm as MAGA as they come. I saw that video a couple weeks ago and laughed my ass off. Well done.
Then again, I viewed it as comedy, not hateful mocking.
CORRECTION: wrong video. Sarah Cooper is not funny.
This video by Kylie Scott is funny. Very funny.
Meanwhile a sitting president has been spied on, all the truth is coming out and nobody will serve a second of time.
But were going to be inundated with this crap. Not that crap.
Browndog said: “I'm as MAGA as they come. I saw that video a couple weeks ago and laughed my ass off. Well done.”
Lorne Michael of SNL has stated that conservatives can laugh at themselves and liberals can’t. He says it’s much easier for them when a conservative is President. We all loved Will Ferrell’s clueless GWBush.
Of course, I shouldn’t neglect to mention all those great parodies they did of Obama. (Do I need sarc tags? Please say no.)
All those slick talking, lawyerly expert politicians are being revealed as thieves and traitors.
and their candidate, is the real frank drebin, drebin still had a few marbles rattling, how about chickadee ferguson, the brit wizard behind the curtain, no humor there,
Bush was Hitler; McCain was Hitler; Romney was Hitler; Trump is Hitler; yada, yada, yada...
How can anyone even listen to these people?
Obama was a real slick guy, with a real lawyerly presentation.
He tried to subvert the 2016 election, launched a surveillance campaign against his opponents, conspired to create the Russia collusion hoax and he appears to have done everything possible to cripple his successor and undermine the peaceful transference of power.
But he looked great in a suit and he talked real good.
Over the eight years of his administration, I don’t remember much of this satirical comedy gold being produced.
Life is too short for Lip-sync videos no matter which side they come from.
This is getting deep. There is so much material in The Donald that he entertains them all, one way or another. He runs Barnum’s big show with acrobats, clowns, lion tamers, elephant walks and dare devils all going at once in rings. Ideology requires they hate him, but the shows are all packed. Trump is like big show without commercial interruption.
And behind the scenes he is saving America from its enemies...again many different enemies at once.
Another way they work is against latent misogyny; people are willing to forgive Trump saying things that would make them angry or dismissive if a woman said them.
'People really hate Trump – a lot. They hate his voice. They hate looking at him. They hate everything about him,'
I read things like this and think, these people are diseased. How can you not recognize this as pathological behavior?
Sure, there's a bond between impressionists or parodists and what they are imitating or parodying. You could see that with Dana Carvey and Bush I or with Daryl Hammond and Clinton. Focusing on a character's quirks makes them more human and relatable. Even when that bond isn't felt as affectionate, there's still a secret similarity between parodist and parodied. Will Ferrell and Alec Baldwin hated Bush II and Trump, but Ferrell and Baldwin are themselves characters as ridiculous as Bush II or Trump can be, and as ridiculous in the same ways, even though Baldwin's Trump impersonation falls flat.
Comics like Carvey and Hammond have wider appeal than Ferrell or Baldwin. Likable Rich Little had wider appeal than the more disagreeable David Frye. Sarah Cooper is closer to Baldwin or Frye than to Carvey or Hammond or Little. She's out to make Trump look bad and to satisfy a politically motivated audience, rather than go for the laughs. She's funny if you hate Trump, but only so-so if you don't. She is good at capturing the gestures and facial expressions that might go with the words, but drags in too many over-the-top ways to make Trump look evil and stupid, rather than catch the comedy that's there and that people who love or hate Trump might see in the way he talks.
So, the moral here seems to be that if we elect a woman president, we'll spend eight years speaking about her in hushed, reverent tones and refrain from any criticism or wicked humor about her lest we be accused of sexism.
She'll be exempt from any consequences from her illegal activities and she can go after her political enemies with the full power of the state with zero criticism from the media.
There's no choice then, but to vote for a white straight man. He's the only type within the limits of identity politics subject to media scrutiny, criticism and satire.
I don't get it. The videos aren't funny or interesting.
Somebody at SNL said that it was impossible to parody President Obama. What he meant was that they didn't want to parody Obama. There were a lot of things in Obama to lampoon, but they didn't want to. They liked Obama. It made them uncomfortable to lampoon the First Black President. And maybe they sensed a weakness or fragility in Obama: if they hit too hard maybe he would crumble. Trump is so over the top and so much a performer that - if it isn't "impossible" to parody him - he may be better at it himself than anybody else who attempts it.
Female part.
Lateral thinking is the material of jokes, if you're a deep thinker. The difference with women is that they don't see the joke, where Trump uses lateral thinking as the deep-thinking incongruity to make the joke.
When are they going to do Joe Biden?? LOT'S of material THERE!!!!
Unlike with the prior videos, I thought Cooper's videos were lame didn't impart an amusing parody Trump personality.
Too much eye work and facial expression intended to override the words rather than give them alternative life.
What came across most to me was the nebbishness of the reporters asking the questions Trump would then answer.
It's amazing how US Presidents get into people's heads and under their skin. Most of them anyway, not all, not the first George Bush for example. I don't think he was in too many people's heads. I guess that's what Althouse means by boring.
I thought her videos were funny. It takes some talent and practice to do the lip synching while adding the mannerisms. It's too bad she assumes that her act is for the haters only.
I like Trump's style of speaking. It's refreshing compared to typical political boilerplate, especially the nose-in-the-air Obama pontifications. Cooper reinforces Trump's authenticity without realizing it.
Her Elon Musk is very funny too:
they only ridiculed one of the few people to speak out, against his excellency, from karen 1.0 tina fey, who served up her greek aunt as a substitute,
"'I saw people saying they shared [my lip-syncing videos] with Trump supporters and for once there is nothing they can say. The clip is literally, completely unedited – I haven’t edited [the audio] at all – so what can they say to argue with it?'
Cooper talks about herself a lot, but her introspection doesn't go very deep. The audio isn't changed, but the different video counts as an edit. I really doubt Trump supporters were dumbstruck when they saw her reaching under the sink for the bleach and miming injecting it into her veins and changed their minds about the president. And indeed, whoever wrote the article edited her right there to make what she said about her "literally, completely unedited" clips true.
When I first read the quote I was going to say that people were just being nice to her, but now I suspect her followers sprang the clips on unsuspecting relatives and co-workers and demanded a response. People aren't that quick on their feet and don't automatically come out with responses. That doesn't mean that they were blown away, let alone converted.
They're funny because it breaks out and shines a light on some out of context Trump scatology. Which is something we're used to hearing, but not examining. She makes that happen. It doesn't change a thing about what I felt about or knew about Trump when I voted for him. I did not vote based on the crease in his pants or his ability to orate.
But it's also funny because Sarah Cooper does a great martini-faced talker. She's a natural bar drunk. I stared at those faces for years in the business. She does this with the caliber of a blue blood. She could be Mrs. Worthington of Bryn Mawr.
However, in the end, hearing another entertainer explain to me why I like or should not like Trump is tedious.
Drunk Trump is better than the girl in the guardian. I've enjoyed most of the TikToks you've posted of lip synching Trump
Cooper is not funny. The Guardian pushed her because she is the most anti-Trump.
Watched one Cooper video. She came across as very very angry, I got no joy or laughs out of that view. The Scott video was great, really funny.
Tik Tok Thots for Trump
Compare Cooper's only expression, resting bitch-face, to that of Lisa M's more nuanced performance here: "I know you weren't thinking. You never do."
Trump hate really is some form of derangement. I know a number of people who think Obama was the worst, most destructive President ever and the Bill Clinton was a disgusting human being and a disgrace to the office, but hate them? What is the point?
Oh, I know. Trump is worse. Obama gave birth to Antifa, Isis, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Black Lives Matter, the Caliphate, virulent hatred of police, etc. But Trump, well Trump is just awful because ... well anyway, he’s awful!
Tim Maguire writes:
"One of my favorite phenomenon is when a creator creates something sublime without the slightest clue why what they made was great. The writers of Wall Street thought Gordon Gecko was a cardboard cut-out villain. They had no appreciation for the truth and wisdom at the heart of his rapaciousness. The creator of one the all-time great libertarian pieces of science fiction--Joss Wheadon (Firefly)--is a virtue signalling idiot liberal. The makers of All in the Family were stunned that people sympathised with Archie Bunker.
How does this happen?"
I don't know but I've been thinking about this phenomenon in connection with Light TV's frequent airings of the under-appreciated TV movie, APRIL MORNING, starring Tommy Lee Jones and Robert Urich, about the battle of Lexington and its immediate aftermath, when the embattled farmers took on the British Empire and started the American Revolution. It's a story dear to any libertarian heart, and chokes me up when I see the mighty Redcoat army marching toward this pitiful little band of farmers assembled on the village green at Lexington, and think: "This is where it all started." The book was very good, too, but written by ComSymp Howard Fast.
Fast also wrote the novel SPARTACUS, which was the basis of the Kirk Douglas movie about the slave revolt against Rome--to me, one of the great unintentionally libertarian movies of all time. And the screenplay was written by another ComSymp, Dalton Trumbo. I guess if you want to hire a writer to write a good libertarian screenplay, you should advertise for one in the DAILY WORKER (or whatever they're calling themselves these days--the New York TIMES?).
Jejune humor is what passes for political thought to the modern morons of media.
These Trump-focused videos can have the opposite effect too: making Trump and his many flaws so familiar that the flaws themselves start to fade in importance -- they become funny little episodes of Trump-speak that you can laugh about and then you just focus on what he's done and not what he's said. It's also why Trump fans can watch and get a kick out of them too. It's a form of the 'normalizing' thing that lefties were so desperate to deny to Trump specifically and to conservative (better, non-lefty) views more generally.
I'm looking forward to checking this out later, seeing that there's no consensus on whether they're funny or not.
My personal "creator failure" is "Starship Troopers." The filmmakers were so sure they were taking the piss out of Heinlein's pro-military advocacy. The audience saw beautiful characters fighting off an invasion of bugs (which asks the question "what are you going to do? Lock arms and sing kumbaya?")
It was Gandhi's good fortune to be protesting in front of the British and not the Russians. He would have been disappeared at the first protest, never to be heard from again.
"It was Gandhi's good fortune to be protesting in front of the British and not the Russians. He would have been disappeared at the first protest, never to be heard from again."
Turtledove wrote a short about an alt world where the Nazi's had more success in southwest Asia in WW2, Gandhi did not do well. In fact, Gandhi's success is a tribute to British culture.
yes verhooeven, does have this serious anti-American thing going, the corporal punishment, was supposedly based on his distorted version of texas, looks more like Russian style devdochina hazing, the third film, has a resistance movement, rising out of this forever war, and a kumbaya type sky marshal, who gets his comeuppance,
This comedian sounds racist and does not believe in our values.
I guess if you want to hire a writer to write a good libertarian screenplay, you should advertise for one in the DAILY WORKER
In the early years of the last century, the bohemian "left" was a mixture of all kinds of ideas and influences. Maybe Nietzsche and Ibsen were bigger noises than Marx. That changed with Lenin and Stalin and the Depression, but some Thirties leftists still retained a Bohemian individualist streak that didn't go well with their enthusiasm for Communism. Cognitive dissonance or hypocrisy or lack of self-knowledge.
"Lorne Michael of SNL has stated that conservatives can laugh at themselves and liberals can’t. He says it’s much easier for them when a conservative is President. We all loved Will Ferrell’s clueless GWBush."
Indeed, and we all more-than-loved Frank "Nuke The Moon" J's "In My World" series!
Surprisingly, I'm with Shouting Thomas on this offensive garbage. Not funny in itself, the only "funny" thing about it is that party girls who do get drunk identify with Trump. But I don't find their hostility humorous. Trump doesn't even drink at all and he's spoken so often about the tragic life of his alcoholic brother Fred, and that's another reason this nonsense is so lame, so tasteless, imo.
What the meme does point out to me is that Trump is able to be completely loose and relaxed and have a great time speaking in front of audiences of 12-15K people when he is stone cold sober. Idiots like these women obviously have lots of experience with getting black out drunk to have a good time with strangers. So yes, on some level they admire him and they are jealous of him. In their minds Trump is just like them (as opposed to our superior Lord Obama) except that Trump's a very wealthy man with opulent residences and business properties and somehow he also managed to become President of the US and never was a sell out or pretentious and made it all look easy and never apologizes for succeeding or being a show off. That really pisses some people off.
Trump's enemies are always concerned with style, not substance. Trump supporters are concerned with substance, not style. We're fed up with stylish phony politicians.
I have hated Obama's and Hillary's voices. I guess that doesn't count for anything.
"What the f*cks a TikTok?"
It's Twitter for videos only.
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