Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has long denounced the unconstitutional “stop and frisk” practices of the Bloomberg administration, has found himself in recent days forced to explain why enforcement of social distancing in predominantly minority neighborhoods is different than “stop and frisk.”...Stop and frisk was aimed at the black community because that's where the incidence of gun violence was highest. Why is the enforcement of social distancing concentrated on the black community? I don't see how the difference from stop and frisk makes concentrating on black people better. It makes it worse!
“What happened with stop and frisk was a systematic, oppressive, unconstitutional strategy that created a new problem much bigger than anything it purported to solve,” he said. “This is the farthest thing from that. This is addressing a pandemic. This is addressing the fact that lives are in danger all the time. By definition, our police department needs to be a part of that because safety is what they do.”
I don't see de Blasio arguing that the coronavirus is victimizing black people disproportionately and that justifies the enforcement disparity. To say that would be to cite a similarity to stop and frisk, and how could that work for de Blasio? The pandemic is a bigger danger than gun violence? I don't know, but what he is saying doesn't cohere for me. It's a string of disjointed sentences — just nonsense.
९५ टिप्पण्या:
"lives are in danger all the time"
One of the essential lies of the insanity epidemic.
Most lives are not in danger most of the time.
The wages of alarmism: infecting the public sphere with lies, devastating the economy, and concentrating government power.
This is a poor man kicking his dog.
Wilhelm has to assert power over something.
And he is doing so.
Remember, this is Althouse's preferred political party.
I’m really not sure why he’s even concerned. Does he think there’s a chance that Blacks in NYC will vote for a Republican in the next election?
I would be very interested in reading a clear legal discussion of the limits of the government's authority in this. How long can they maintain enforcement of 'social distancing'. In my limited understanding, the first amendment gives people the right to associate with one another, but the government can abrogate that right if they have a compelling reason and their solution is narrowly directed at achieving that goal.
We know now that coronavirus is not spreading outdoors. There are epidemiological models saying masks would be as effective as lockdowns.
At what point does the justification for this kind of enforcement evaporate?
First thing in the morning. Geez.
Not sure I'm awake, now
It's a string of disjointed sentences — just nonsense.
As far as I can tell, that's pretty much par for the course for de Blasio. He's hypocritical, contradictory, and just a walking political disaster area in general. He's not even particuarly that good at graft and malfeasance and corruption. He really is bad at being bad. It's really astonishing to me that he has ascended as far as he has. It certainly doesn't speak well of the NYC voters. Watching him as mayor is like watching a dog drive a car, except less cute and more concerning.
If 5 of 40 arrests are violations of the pandemic religion (i.e. behavioral protocol), advised by experts of good faith, not motivated by diversity, then this is a straw clown issue.
Most lives are not in danger most of the time.
Context matters, of course; but, the question is if de Blasio is operating with liberal license and indulging color judgments. Who, why, when, where were the 5 of 40 arrested? Also, does "one drop" or another sociopolitically congruent formula affect their diversity class?
Police states are always going after poor people first.
They need to keep poor people poor.
Boy democrats sure do like to play at tough guys.
For their own good of course.
Has it occurred to you that the blacks arrested might have behaved differently than the whites who were out and about at the same time?
You may have heard that many black Americans are often at some personal pains to not "act white", often with self-destructive consequences.
I have no idea whether the police were acting in an even-handed manner or not, but I think it is only fair to consider that they may have had valid reasons for doing what they did.
Of course, one is immediately suspicious--and for ample reason, of anything that the Marxist putz Bill de Blasio thinks is good.
"The pandemic is a bigger danger than gun violence?"
The dempanic is a bigger danger than gun violence.
Which populations are dying from WuFlu at disproportionate rates?
Which populations tend to promote a culture of defiance and "fuck the police"?
I think we just explained the disparity.
Little Nazis gotta Nazi. Warren Wilhelm Jr staying in the role.
Short version - any policy that affects black people more than others is racist - even if it saves lives. Never ask why their community seems to be the tip of the wedge in gun violence or ignoring laws (or social distancing). The only "fair" outcome must conform to racial demographics (and that must be read in a way that minimizes minorities).
Social distancing arrests are a public safety measure. By arresting more black people, de Blasio is giving the black community more public safety. So you see, this really is the furthest thing from stop and frisk! (Kinda, sorta...)
Maybe Bill DeBlasio is an idiot?
The common thread is that blacks aren't big on rule following. Therefore, any effort to enforce rules will have a disparate impact on the black community.
In public life, nonsense works surprisingly well. It makes the nonsense purveyor sound brisk, confident and so intelligent that he is saying things the listener has a hard time understanding.
And then on to the next thing... Look, a squirrel!
Black people four times more likely to die from Covid-19, ONS finds
Official figures show that wide disparity not just due to health and economic differences
And that's the friggin' Grauniad.
I would have expected better policy from a Mayor who is married to a person of blackness.
It's almost as if Wu Flu has eaten his brains.
Racialist identity politics trumps pandemic politics. For once, hopefully, progressive unintended consequences will trap progressive idiocy into it own destruction. That this involves de blasio is a bonus.
You made it on a MEME Ann!! From Reason Matters!!!
If you had been checking in at Costco like I was yesterday you would know why this is an issue. Miss Entitlement crashed the line unmasked, No membership card, just needed to “go in for a minute” Raised hell when the card checker wouldn’t let her in.
Are the police wearing masks? If not, then obviously the police aren't treating the people they're arresting as though they present a risk of asymptomatic spread. They should be modeling good flu etiquette for the citizenry!
If identity politics stops this crazy and worthless shutdown, I'll all for it.
"At what point does the justification for this kind of enforcement evaporate?"
How much social distancing goes on in a police cruiser, or in a judge's chamber for arraignment?
What will they say when it becomes obvious that more New Yorkers died as a result of the poor leadership of DeBlasio and Cuomo?
What Steven said.
The notion that a floating cloud of gun violence descends upon any community is the error. Stop&Frisk was aimed at the communities with the *most offenders* (against the gun law).
James Clapper was willfully lying to our faces.
The left was in public from June 7, 2017. The right was under oath from his hearing on July 17, 2017.
"Scrutiny of Social-Distance Policing as 35 of 40 Arrested Are Black."
This is so sad because it cheapens the victim-status of the four Hispanics.
And are we certain it wasn't the one white person who called 911?
Covid disproportionately affects the slothful and gluttonous, as well as those with bad hygiene, so yes, Di Blaso’s family.
"How much social distancing goes on in a police cruiser, or in a judge's chamber for arraignment?"
Social distancing does not apply to long arm of the law.
Stop and frisk was aimed at the black community because that's where the incidence of gun violence was highest.
Wrong. White people are just historically aware that freely-moving black male individuals and small groups may be runaway slaves.
Yeah, the long arm of the law is usually only 3 feet maximum.
Maybe another oldster here recalls the incident--I want to say it involved Mayor John Lindsey (R-NYC)--when he was confronted by protesters against juvenile policing practices, and he made the remark that "It's not up to the city of New York to raise your children."
To which some welfare mama heroine shot back, "Yes it is!" And downhill ever since.
We're screwed, all right
Some doctors are now saying that low vitamin D is one of the causes for covid turning into a cytokine storm. As a group the blacks are low on vitamin D because it's harder for them to make it from sunlight because of skin pigmentation. It would be more to the point to pass out vitamin D in NYC than to arrest people with dark skin who are outside. In fact, forcing them to stay inside might be deadly. Moreover, many blacks are working and have been working through this entire episode because they were essential. How is it fair to say - You can go out and work and risk infection but when you come home, go inside,stay there, stay out of the parks, don't even think of going out in the sun to relax with your family? Shouldn't being "essential" and working be a sort of "get out of lockdown free" card with respect to parks and beaches?
The laws of gravity pull obese people to their graves. The young are less affected by gravity and more by the rules of attraction.. When I see clumps of young people, their circle seems to be moving closer together, and some have removed their masks to make conversation easier.....If you do the breakdown by age, you will see that the police are discriminating against the young.
Black people four times more likely to die from Covid-19, ONS finds
Official figures show that wide disparity not just due to health and economic differences
There might be genetic differences, like a difference in the ACE2 receptor. Otherwise, it is probably behavioral.
"Are the police wearing masks?"
I'm in New York and yes, the police are wearing masks. The heavy handed enforcement is a bad policy, but not hypocrisy.
"The common thread is that blacks aren't big on rule following."
Statements like this should be a reminder of the unique contributions of black people to maintaining our liberties in this country.
When "keeping it real" goes wrong.
Police states are always going after poor people first.
They need to keep poor people poor.
One-child, or shared/shifted responsibility through normalization of selective-child, for social stability and progress. There are precedents.
Classic “women and minorities hardest hit” story.
These restrictions and orders are unconstitutional and totally arbitrary. But the media loves to scare us and play Karen.
So if it takes this racial BS angle to get a story written about how bad these restrictions and orders are, go to town Media, go to town.
Predicted this from the start. Once it becomes racial, all other considerations will crumble. And how, given the nationwide presence of the virus, could it not become racial? Shit, if it was confined to Vermont they’d still find a way to make it about race.
Hmmmm, could black behavior have anything to do with this?
Implicit in the story is the suggestion that out and about Black folks are predominantly the ones spreading the virus. So that’s a dilemma. How do you complain about the disproportionate arrests without having White folks go, “See”?
You spend generations telling people there shouldn’t be consequences for anything they do, then you act surprised when some of them take you up on it. Wassamatta you. Are you stupid.
I first read "Hispanic" as "Hasidic." de Blasio created that auto-correct
Well nonsense is what DeBlasio does--it's his thing!
This morning's Los Angeles Times article was echt dreck. But it did say that black and brown males under 50 were the hardest hit by corona virus deaths. So maybe DeBlasio was on to something--or maybe he was just reading the Los Angeles Times.
OTOH when I look at the corona virus death statistics here in my suburb (fourth largest city in Los Angeles county) 80 percent of the deaths are of people 80 or older, and there's only one death of anyone under the age of 50. The LA Times is no more reliable than DeBlasio
Moving away from NYC was one of the best decisions of my life.
Given the recent evidence that almost the entire COVID-19 outbreak across the USA originated in New York, it's reasonable to conclude that this whole frickin' thing is DeBlasio's fault.
If New Yorkers are going to elect this kind of idiot, they shouldn't have access to the rest of the country.
Can you say "typical Democrat Mayor", boys and girls? Yes, I KNEW you could.
Disporportionate: NYT sees diversity rather than people... persons. Still, 5 of 40.
Chicago 1/3 black, 1/3 Hispanic, 1/3white. The black mayor, black police superintendent strip Police Officers from white and Hispanic areas and send them to black police districts to try and limit group gatherings.
Who is racist? The police (both black and white officers) or the black officials?
Of course Chicago is not Madison or Palo Alto, or even Orange county.
"It's a string of disjointed sentences — just nonsense."
Yes, indeed, but nothing new. One of the few benefits of having him run for the Dem nomination for president was the (very remote) possibility that those of us living in NYC would finally be rid of DeB. Alas, the reality is that the next mayor will probably be worse.
Just curious, are they policing social distancing on the subway? Are they limiting number of riders entering?
It's not really about race. Achilles nailed it:
5/8/20, 10:12 AM
Blogger Achilles said...
Police states are always going after poor people first.
They are not beating and handcuffing people on the upper east side. It would lead to legal challenges.
Wait a second. Hold the phone. Just hold your horses there son.
If this virus is so deadly dangerous, isn't it more racist to let them kill themselves with their frolicking about? We have to prove how much we value the POCs by arresting them for their own good. That one life we are always trying to save at all costs could be a POC. You gotta be woke to arrest folk.
what do we have here:
And Chicago continues to practice its own version of social distancing:
14 shot — 5 fatally — Thursday in Chicago
Now includes the Covid statistics... the definitive Chi-town website
Just wait till they start partying again in the Englewood neighborhood in Chicago. I'm sure the gang bangers are taking social distancing seriously.
Democrat mayor talking shit? Oh My... when?, Where?
Black Ceasar don't play that shit, fool!
Al Sharpton arrives in 5, 4, 3.
Huh. I didn't' know that there were so many black and Hispanic Trump supporters in NYC. Good to know.
De Blasio didn't seem to concerned about proportionality when he went after Chassidic Jews at a funeral.
The counter-argument is the same as with stop-and-frisk: The first explanation would be that more blacks are arrested because more are engaging in the activity. The real difference is that no one should be getting arrested at all for this non-crime.
Sorry, but the only comment I could come up with is:
The mayor of Chicago and the wife of the mayor of New York would make a real cute couple.
14 shot — 5 fatally — Thursday in Chicago
And they all died of COVID-19.
"Stop and frisk was aimed at the black community because that's where the incidence of gun violence was highest. Why is the enforcement of social distancing concentrated on the black community? I don't see how the difference from stop and frisk makes concentrating on black people better. It makes it worse!"
Does disproportionate #s of arrests prove concentrated enforcement over increased violation?(On a side note, the increased incidence of covid in the black community might be in part due to increased violation.)
A major difference between stop an frisk and social distancing enforcement is that in the latter the "violation" is in plain sight.
Cook County Corona-O-Meter
Illness Cases Deaths CFR*
COVID-19 48,341 2,110 4.4%
Hi-Speed Lead 855 160 18.7%
Thru 5/7/20
*Case Fatality Rate (CFR) = deaths/confirmed cases. Confirmed COVID-19 cases in Cook County as reported by the Coronavirus COVID-19 dashboard found on the Illinois Department of Public Health website. Count does not include asymptomatic cases or undiagnosed people who recover at home.
This is how it is done Robot reminds visitors of safe distancing measures in Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park.
The whole policy is racist. White people naturally social distance. Personally I'm delighted that I don't have to ever hug a stranger again.
"How long can they maintain enforcement of 'social distancing'."
The latitude governors and mayors have been given during this time is ridiculous. I don't understand why they would not have to declare martial law in order to impose such orders?
320Busdriver said...
What will they say when it becomes obvious that more New Yorkers died as a result of the poor leadership of DeBlasio and Cuomo?
5/8/20, 10:35 AM
They'll continue to say exactly what they are saying now: DAMN THAT TRUMP WHO DID THIS TO US!
las, the reality is that the next mayor will probably be worse.
That would be difficult. Just think: if Weiner hadn't gotten caught sexting a teenager, we could be listening to that loudmouth hectoring us into social distancing and avoiding parks.
Today people are inside because the weather sucks, but the last few nice days reveal that whatever Mayor Wilhelm or Cuomo say, NY is reopening. Traffic during rush hour is getting severe again.
yes, they will crave the return to the eloi bunker,
There is a new serious paper on what groups are hit the hardest.
"Conclusions: We have quantified a range of clinical risk factors for death from COVID-19, some of which were not previously well characterised, in the largest cohort study conducted by any country to date. People from Asian and black groups are at markedly increased risk of in-hospital death from COVID19, and contrary to some prior speculation this is only partially attributable to pre-existing clinical risk factors or deprivation [poverty]"
People from Asian and black groups are at markedly increased risk of in-hospital death from COVID19
Keep in mind it's a British paper, so "Asian" means people from the Indian subcontinent.
so these unreachable figures like mueller like fauci, is not because of any virtue is few are willing to challenge them, Edward Epstein has been the strongest iconoclast in the former going back to the anthrax investigation debacle, where the fingerprints of nick Kristof are still fresh, the Flynn exoneration is akin to that of dr. Stephen hatfill, except the stakes were greater, in the latter's case, you have Michael fumento, as his strongest detractor, in the strict numerical challenge to the world controllers is alex Berenson, who has mined the numbers,
This report about NYC police arresting people for not complying with social distancing is the only thing I've seen about it. (I looked up the news coverage. I had seen the video posted online by itself previously.)
""The video was very troubling, and what I saw was absolutely unacceptable and obviously the discipline was swift by the NYPD," Mayor Bill de Blasio said. "But I want to note that that a video is more and more of a rarity, what you saw is more and more of a rarity."
More and more of a rarity.
Jake @ 10:22 a.m.,
What the heck is the word "maybe" doing in your comment?
Nope! If COVID19 had been dependent on eating de Blasio's brains, surely it would have died out long ago.
to enforce it, the police have to violate it.
There aren't that many whites in NYC.
Patterns of COVID-19 Mortality and Vitamin D: An Indonesian Study
Short summary:
4% of the people who had adequate levels of Vitamin D circulating in their blood and who were sick enough from Covid-19 to get into intensive care died from it.
99% of the people who had deficient levels of Vitamin D circulating in their blood and who were sick enough from Covid-19 to get into intensive care died from it.
This is probably the simplest thing a person can change to lower their odds of dying from the bat coronavirus.
Everyone who is older is likely to be deficient in Vitamin D but black people are especially likely to be deficient because their bodies evolved with the expectation of a tropical sun and a relative lack of clothes.
Also just because you are taking a Vitamin D supplement that does not mean you are getting enough Vitamin D. People vary in their ability to absorb this from supplements. I've been taking 5,000 units per day for years and that only gets me too 30 nanograms per millimeter of my blood, which is barely adequate.
The right way to do this is to have your blood tested for Vitamin D, supplement for a while, and then test again to see if you're reaching adequate levels.
h said...
There is a new serious paper on what groups are hit the hardest.
And the phrase "Vitamin D" doesn't appear once in that serious paper. Blacks and I assume darker skinned Indians in sunlight deprived Britain likely have less floating around in their blood.
Blacks and I assume darker skinned Indians in sunlight deprived Britain likely have less floating around in their blood.
Low vitamin D levels are very common and the oral D3 preparations may not be very effective.
And mandrewa published while I was composing- Vitamin D. Enough of it in your blood, your chances of dying from covid go way down.
The medical community is very slowly coming around to the idea that taking supplements might not be a waste of money after all. At least some of them.
A good multivitamin and extra D aren't going to hurt you, regardless of age. Avoid multis with iron unless a doctor or blood test indicates you need it. If you're a male or post-menopausal women you probably don't.
He could have just said "black lives matter", but nobody would have believed him.
He could have just said "black lives matter", but nobody would have believed him.
He's a known diversitist (i.e. liberal license to indulge color judgments). That said, BLM (Baby Lives Matter).
Comrade Bill is a Fascist. We should not be surprised that his storm troopers violate citizen' rights.
For most mayors other than DeBlasio, I'd be willing to exchange the asshat mayor Steve Adler here in Austin, and I'd throw in a few pounds of BBQ brisket and a six pack. But may God bless him, and keep him - far away from here.
Mandrewa - 5000 IU is a high dose. See a doctor. Or if you already are, see a different one.
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