May 8, 2020

"Racism begins in the crib."


rehajm said...

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Saturday...

Fernandinande said...

That was pretty funny because it's true, but where's her balcony?

iowan2 said...

Very funny!

Howard said...

Oh my God thanks for that. That kid is beyond cute and obviously very very well-loved. The world is a beautiful place.

ndspinelli said...

I realize that being Italian means using your hands. I grew up out east w/ many Italians. When I moved to the Midwest I noticed people would be transfixed on my hands when I speak.

Jim in St Louis said...

Hey Althouse:
Hysterically Funny, I would welcome a translation, but its even funnier to imagine what the topic and arguments presented were. Most likely this is a reenactment of recent SCOTUS oral arguments.

Irregardless of the topic, I want this girl on retainer as my attorney.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Adorable. She has all the hand gestures, inflections and attitude down to a T.

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

I'm seeing "Downfall" type parodies.
"When Trump learns that his campaign has been spied on.
"When Biden learns that Tara has accused him."
"When Fauci learns that the virus arrived here from China last September."

gspencer said...

MEMRI documents what the Muslims do to utterly poison their children's mind towards "the JEWS." [MEMRI - Middle East Media Research Institute]

Pretty disgusting, but when you see examples of such hatred by Muslims towards Jewish people, all based on the Muslims' Qur'an, you understand why there will never be peace. Because the Muslims refuse to be peaceful.

Fritz said...

She talks like my father-in-law did. Fortunately, it did not get passed down.

TJM said...

I'm a racist, you're a racist
she's a racist, he's a racist
don't you want to be a racist too?

(sung to the tune of the Dr. Pepper jingle)

mikeski said...

As a Jewish guy who was mistaken for a Florentine native 3 times (Other American tourist: "Excuse me, can you tell me where the train station is?" Me: "Nope, but let me know when you find out."), I've often thought that Jews and Italians are from the same union, just different locals.

You've got:

Lotsa gesticulation.
"Eat something!"

Lyle said...

Her grandparents or one of them must baby sit her. Saw this on twitter too. Just lovely. To me it sounds like she was calling someone a Fredo.

tcrosse said...

You've got to be carefully taught.

Jack Klompus said...

Someone should report her to the San Antonio city council.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She's literally Hitler.

Wince said...

From my experience Italian women have to be in the kitchen to talk and gesticulate like that.

And she is!

Rory said...

Okay, that's in four different categories I can't stand, but it's hilarious.

GatorNavy said...

Titania McGrath is a treasure

madAsHell said...

As a Jewish guy who was mistaken for a Florentine

My brother-in-law is in banking, and mostly Mexican. He is frequently greeted with "Shalom"!

chuck said...

That girl is a right handed supremacist.

John Borell said...

I think I'm watching what my Italian grandparents looked like as kids.

Those hand gestures. Perfect. Adorable.

Lucien said...

Remember that according to “Whiteness Studies” (which do not, at all, promote racial bigotry on college campuses) Irish and Italian immigrants were not originally White. Thank goodness they are no longer marginalized and othered.

tcrosse said...

I went to a mainly-Italian NJ elementary school back in the very early 1950's. There I picked up lots of playground Italian, which mystified my Milwaukee-bred parents. Phrases like "Doozy Pots" (Tu sei pazz'). By 4th grade they yanked me out of there and put me in with the Anglos.

KJE said...

Tatiana’s head is likely to explode when this little girl learns to make the “OK” sign.

Laughing Fox said...

FAntastic, how this child already has a lot of the expressive Italian hand gestures--really, hand signals!

Michael said...

Member of CasaPound

Birkel said...

"Titania McGrath" does more good with this parody account than all the authors at Slate, the NYT, and The New Yorker combined.

Althouse prefers the bad guys.

Yancey Ward said...


Saint Croix said...

This is like a Disney version of La Dolce Vita.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Love it!

n.n said...

Color bias is normal. Diversity (e.g. color prejudice including racism) breeds adversity.

minnesota farm guy said...

Wonderful!!! Made my day!

Narr said...

Piccolo Mussolini! Basta!

So much better than where I came in this morning. My wife, who is Italian on her mother's sides, talks with her hands. Funny thing is, her mother didn't, particularly.

Maybe it skips generations

Rana said...

I tell my half-Italian daughter that if we tied her hands behind her back, we would render her speechless.

Narr said...

Maybe this would be a good time to mention that it's VE Day 75.

I used to tell my students that it represents the victory of the good racists over the bad racists--and that the world was much improved thereby.

VJ Day, likewise

Etienne said...
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Tomcc said...

Sooo much better than a cat video, thanks! "Sweet Dreams" is in English...

Sam L. said...

The HORROR!! The horror...

eddie willers said...

Does anyone know how to pull just the video without it being tied to Twitter? I want to post it to my Italian niece's Facebook page with no accompanying title or comments.

Earnest Prole said...

Brattiness -- not that there's anything wrong with that.

WhoKnew said...

That's the funniest thing I've seen in days. As good as the little Irish girl arguing to be allowed to go to the pub.

Not Sure said...

I'm imagining her riding along with that 5-year-old kid who was driving his parents' car down some highway in Utah, giving him directions. Prendi la prossima uscita, idiota!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

when she-a grow oppa:

Rodia Comedy

RigelDog said...

According to the Twitter comments, she is complaining about not being able to go outside and play, and not being able to nap in her stroller because of all the noise (siblings?) in the house, and says that the whole thing is giving her a headache. I loved it!

The Godfather said...

Unfortunately, my ethnicity is German-Irish-Yankee. I can hardly use my hands at all. Other than liking beer, I don't know what worthwhile traits I've inherited.

Quaestor said...

Translation: Tigger and Eryore ratted to the Feds about the honey skim. Pooh says they gotta be whacked and whacked hard as an example to the crew. But then he's not a wartime consigliere.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Was Myron Cohen or Totie Fields antisemitic? Gotta make shit up to stay on the bleeding edge lest there be an outrage gap developing.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Someone will show her that when she's 16 and she'll be mortified.

Quaestor said...
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mikee said...

Having been told that I'm inherently, irredeemably, irrevocably, even unconsciously a racist, and having been told that this is true solely because of my skin color, I have come to doubt that the word racist means what some people think it means. One could eliminate 95% of actual racism in the US today if the government and academia stopped all notice of skin color.

And unless the darling girl is speaking vile things about people of different skin colors, her use of stereotypical Italian hand gestures while speaking has less to do with race and racism, than about a close and loving family life from birth.