"And understand this: Black people view calling the police on them as an act of terror, one that could threaten their lives, and this fear is not without merit. There are too many noosed necks, charred bodies and drowned souls for these white women not to know precisely what they are doing: They are using their white femininity as an instrument of terror against black men."
From "How White Women Use Themselves as Instruments of Terror/There are too many noosed necks, charred bodies and drowned souls for them to deny knowing precisely what they are doing" by Charles Blow (NYT).
१२८ टिप्पण्या:
Conflation of correlation. Diversity breeds adversity.
Believe all women.
Shorter Blow: We dindu nuffin!
In a disturbing number of cases of violence against whites, the perpetrators were black. They knew exactly what they were doing.
Blow blows chunks. He conflates incidents which occurred ;60 plus years ago (Emmet Till) or longer than that. If a white female on a New York City street is accosted by a mugger of whatever race, her calling the police to report the occurrence is not an act of terror. Well maybe she was terrified--the mugger not so much.
“ There are too many noosed necks, charred bodies and drowned souls for these white women not to know precisely what they are doing.”
Assume that the median age of white women is 50.
Within their lifetimes, how many charred [black] bodies, etc have there been?
"Every mom of a black son is terrified. I know i am." ~ Mia Farrow
"In a disturbing number of the recent cases of the police being called on black people for doing everyday, mundane things, the calls have been initiated by white women."
In a disturbing number of campus "rape" cases of college officials being called on black men for doing everyday, mundane things, the calls have been initiated by regretful white women.
"And understand this: Black people view calling the police on them as an act of terror"
Worse, apparently, than the continuing tribal terror blacks commit against other blacks.
"They are using their white femininity as an instrument of terror against black men"
How often do white women use that instrument compared to actual shootings of blacks by other blacks?
African-Americans need to confess to racial wrongdoing and seek forgiveness as well.
Too many Black people are consumed by hatred. Racism isn't just a White woman problem.
That's not even mentioning watermelon burnings.
See. I'm very sympathetic to the complaint by blacks that they get called on too much. Sometimes it's justified and sometimes it's not. I'm also extremely sympathetic to blacks when they say they are abused by the police way too often.
But this histrionics with the nooses and charred body repels me. There hasn't been a lynching in decades.
Just state your case in reasonable terms. There is no reason, other than racism, that white woman was threatening to call the police and file a false police report.
She knew the police would come quickly to a white woman saying a black man was threatening her life. She placed that man in real peril from the police. He was not in peril from some whites banding together and hanging him from a tree.
This is toxic femininity and toxic racialism.
Karen strikes again but, if I may, Karen has taken up a position on both sides of that argument. 'Karen' is simultaneously calling the police on someone selling a loosie while here anti-Karen doppelganger - the AWFuL (Affluent White Female Liberal) - is defending the loosie-sellers right to sell that loosie, as well as hate the police, her own race, and expecting anyone to be able to break the law at any time with her shrieking political assistance.
To be honest, there's not much these days that white Karens can't mess up. Lysistrata is a guide (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysistrata), just please don't tell them about it or they'll get more upset.
Nancy boy Charles Blow doesn't like white women. They lure and seduce males to do terrible things, he sez.
He's kind of a pussy himself, so I'm not sure how forceful his argument will be. But he writes for the NYT, you see.
As for George Floyd, let's arrest the cops, allow them to put forth a legal defense, and see what a jury says. And I'm sure the Floyd family will sue and receive a few $million from the civil suit, which can be filed simultaneously, but usually is stayed pending the criminal case. Also, stop fucking looting. That helps nobody.
Carry on, Comrades.
"They [white liberal feminists] are using their white femininity as an instrument of terror against black men"
Always, always, quite satisfying to watch Democrat "client" groups go at one another.
fear is not without merit.
Remember these are the same people who tell us concern about terrorism is pathological because the changes of it happening are so low. But flip the issue to one they care about and their standard conclusion completely changes.
Charles Blow brings one example from the modern day: the lady with the dog in the park. She was pretty certainly guilty of this, judging by her words. But then he brings all his other examples from the out-and-out racism of the past. Is this really common?
I think the argument is a little heavy handed, but there is definitely merit there (especially the most recent incident in New York - she new what she was doing for certain).
W/R/T to what's going on in MN - I understand the uproar regarding the killing, but I don't understand the violent response. The incident happened 5/25. The cops responsible were fired the next day and will presumably be criminally charged. Isn't that how we're supposed to handle this type of situation? There was no cover-up. The matter was swiftly addressed and apparently appropriately.
That some white women are mean, nasty, low down critters does not mean that they are racists. They are mostly equal opportunity !@#$%'s.
Perhaps Amy Cooper and Christian Cooper should be forced to live in the same space for an Art Installation
'Rambling Towards Justice: Black And White Bodies Intersecting In Space-Transgressing Racical Histories And Social Oppressions Through Multi-Media'
An error. I was referring to Aristophanes "The Assemblywomen", not Lysistrata. Regardless, don't tell Karen about either one.
As in To Kill a Mockingbird. But please remind me, who's the villain?
White women are using Bayes' theorem. In the absence of individual information, use the statistics you've got.
The shutdown was the peak of Karen Power.
But the Karen's have overstepped.
A lot of people have decided it is Time to stop listening to them.
Believe ALL Women—unless they are WHITE!
She turned on him in scorn. "Listen, Nagger," she said. "You know what I can do to you if you open your trap?"
Crooks stared helplessly at her, and then he sat down on his bunk and drew into himself.
She closed on him. "You know what I could do?"
Crooks seemed to grow smaller, and he pressed himself against the wall. "Yes, ma'am."
"Well, you keep your place then, Nagger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain't even funny."
Attaway, NYT. Turn that laser gaze on the white women who are a primary constituency. Eat your own tail.
Looks like white women have lost their 911 privilege.
But what if I call the police because I see one black person is in danger from another black person, as I have done before. Please issue me my white supremacy maintenance report card, Mr. Blow.
Never mind. That was a dumb comment for me to make. He was talking about white women calling the police for stupid busybody reasons not actual danger reasons. I withdraw what I said.
"by Charles Blow" which should tell you all you need to know.
I'm waiting for the lefties to start blaming the deli that called the cops on George Floyd for trying to pass them counterfeit money.
I don't believe this one bit. Fake News.
I don't think it's too startling that feminists are willing to marginalize Black men for the greater glory of White women. The feminist sisters (not the Sisters) knew damn well White men weren't just going to roll over, so they went for the easier target. With all the appropriate noises, natch.
Hello, my name is Charles Blow. My job at NYT is to come up with a regularly-scheduled black whine on things. Today's topic is why menacing black men can't walk down the middle of a street (aka mundane things) without encountering racist white people in cars.
Don't kid yourself Blow; the Karens of the world are not racist. They'll call on the police for white people too.
Mr. Blow has a most appropriate name. Since I’m out of free NYT articles for the month, I can only guess that he didn’t supply the date of the last noosed neck, the last charred body, the last drowned soul (a term worthy of Gogol). There’s no statute of limitations on fearmongering.
And little by little, the NUT opinion page creates another set of new Trump voters.
How many "noosed necks, charred bodies, and drowned souls" have there been since, say, 1965, 55 years ago? I suspect it is in the single digits. This is hate speech. Racist hate speech.
And somehow people were surprised that white women voted for Trump.
Charles Blow is a blowhard and generally not worth reading but everyone in a while he circles a cogent idea. Cops aren't anyone's friends especially true for blacks. But then again they seldom deal with people at their best. I haven't read the NYT article since it's behind a paywall and I won't pay the times money anymore. That said, there are a lot of near hysterical white woman that see black men and automatically see being a victim of a crime or a witness to one. Jesse Jackson himself once said he feared walking along and having a young black male behind him. This isn't to justify but one cannot escape the fear is not without basis. That said, what happened in Minneapolis cannot be allowed to happen again and these cops should be looking at being prosecuted. One or more of them had issues in the past and should have been fired but were not due to the pressure of the police unions. Those unions need to be curbed as well. However to circle back, it doesn't understanding and sympathy to riot and loot as a form of protest. That merely reinforces the fear of black men and stupid progs.
This fear is not without merit
Yes it is. How many thousands of cops are there? How many millions of black men are there? How many cops killed how many black men under uNacceptable circumstances?
A cop killed someone without cause. Hundreds of miles away from most people. The rest is media hype and opportunistic fear mongering by race hustlers.
I'm beginning to think that privileged, liberal suburban white women are the bane of our society. Even my wife can't stand her friends.
How can Mr. Blow possibly know this? Does he clarify in the article?
Charles Blow? Why would anyone read him? It’s always garbage. Grievance Industry stuff. Someone pays for his garbage? Ugh.
Ah. So it's #BelieveWomen, only with one ginormous exception. You know, some of us were thinking about Emmett Till and about the Scottsboro Boys a long, long time before this, even decades before #MeToo. I remember myself as a freshman at UC/Berkeley addressing the "white woman with a purse" dilemma: Women are supposed to feel safe, always, and they ought to do anything that aids their feeling safe. Does that include clutching your purse at the approach of a black man? Or does their blackness trump (sorry) your femininity?
Many years later, I was walking to a concert -- I review concerts -- across Civic Center Plaza in SF. It was my birthday, and so I had a big bouquet of flowers along with my portfolio. I was chatting happily with the female Berkeley professor to whom I'd offered my second comp ticket, and a guy came out of nowhere and grabbed the portfolio. At least, he meant to grab it; he didn't expect me to hold on, and after a couple of seconds he let go. After a shaken thirty seconds or so, we continued on to the concert. You can perhaps guess the race of the man. I have always wondered how that one fit into the "white woman clutching her purse" scenario. Different, because I didn't see him coming? Yes, but I was holding on so tightly because I always hold everything tightly when I'm walking across Civic Center Plaza, and it's sadly not because I'm afraid of little Chinese women from the Sunset clobbering me and stealing my stuff.
(The gender thing is a whole 'nother can of worms. Is it insulting to a black woman that I don't react to her as I would to a man of any color? Am I dissing her by not fearing her as much?)
But this is Charles Blow; the man's gonna blow what he's gonna blow, as it were.
What interests me more is the suggestion that Ms. Cooper in the instant case had nothing to fear from Mr. Cooper. I understand that she was out-of-control nuts, and obviously called 911 on the theory that cops will instantly impound any black man thought to be threatening a white woman. (As others have pointed out, this isn't conservative behavior so much as entitled-white-woman behavior; actual conservatives, rightly or wrongly, don't think the police are so easily corruptible as that.) But am I the only one who thinks she had legitimate cause to fear, if not for herself, than for her dog? You are walking your dog unleashed in a part of the park where dogs are always supposed to be leashed, and a strange man says "You're gonna do what you're gonna do, so I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do. But you won't like it." And then he, dogless, pulls out a packet of dog treats, and calls her dog over to him. It is not unreasonable for her to assume that the treats are poisoned. I would assume the same myself, whatever the man's race was. Wouldn't you be hysterical if someone was trying (as you thought) to kill your pet? Wouldn't anyone be?
Later we learn that he carried dog treats all the time when in that part of the park, for just such "intransigence." I doubt very much that he's a serial dog-killer, but in the moment I can easily imagine myself thinking so.
Anyway, look at the actual realities here, stripped of "murder-by-cop" hypotheticals: Mr. Cooper got a lot of free positive publicity. Ms. Cooper lost her job, her dog (someone watching the video claimed that she was "choking" it while she was trying to protect it from what I can only call an attractive nuisance), and any prospect for work in the future at her chosen profession, since her employer has branded her a racist. I don't think either came out well from this, but I know which fared worse.
My earlier comment refers to the statement that begins "In a disturbing number of the recent cases..."
I do feel bad that Ms. Cooper--"Karen"--lost her job, had to surrender her rescue dog, and has been vilified by the public at large. However, she is the author of the entire imbroglio. She is responsible for allowing her dog off the leash in a part of Central Park where dogs must remain leashed, and for reacting as she did to Mr. Cooper's (how odd the coincidence of last names) reasonable request that she leash her dog. Taking it to the point of threatening to call the police and tell them she was being threatened by an African-American man--and doing so--was infantile, spiteful, and hateful. And self-destructive.
In this day of social media, it seems any self-aware adult has to know that viral videos can swiftly lead to consequences way out of proportion to any offense. Knowing this, a self-aware adult should take control of themselves and behave in such a way that will not cause self-embarrassment and worse.
Blow is not doing anyone any favors by demonstrating that Black guys, even homosexual Black guys, are forever fascinated by the pale, pale flesh of white women.
Chas. Cook is always concerned that everyone obey the law.
However, she is the author of the entire imbroglio. She is responsible for allowing her dog off the leash in a part of Central Park where dogs must remain leashed, and for reacting as she did to Mr. Cooper's (how odd the coincidence of last names) reasonable request that she leash her dog.
He threatened her. There is no denying that.
Stop looking for good guys and bad guys. Sometimes both parties do stupid things, but because of politics and vicious twitter mobs, one party is punished, while the other one walks away labeled a victim.
Don't join the mob. You would think that Blacks would be wary of nameless, faceless members of mobs stringing people up..
Jersey Fled said...
I'm beginning to think that privileged, liberal suburban white women are the bane of our society. Even my wife can't stand her friends.
I think it may be a generational thing. Yuppy, Boomer women who became feminists. My wife's generation, all in their 70s, seem to have a sense of humor. One of her pals lives in Palm Desert. Her husband died last fall and we drove over for the funeral. I met all the women and they talk on the phone. She says her friends now all sit in a circle of chairs on her driveway so they can visit.
Gee. All this time, I thought liberal White women were victims of the White male patriarchy and structural sexism.
Now it appears that the Racial Grievance industry has declared White women to be oppressors.
It is hard to keep up, but I will try.
In a way, I have some sympathy for the "1619 project." A lot of people would like to just push the issue of race out of their minds or consider it unseemly to talk openly and frankly about. It has been a major source of tension throughout the country's history, from the constitutional convention to westward expansion to the Civil War to Reconstruction to Jim Crow to the Civil Rights movement and on up unto today. I think many Americans massively underestimate the role race has played in shaping American society and culture. The western hope of integrating disparate peoples into a single polity centered on a shared civic nationalism is an Enlightenment fantasy. Only slightly less absurd is the conservative answer of individualism and bootstraps. A politically and morally tenable solution to this problem has yet to reveal itself.
They really should lose their religion, stop indulging and normalizing diversity.
They are using their white femininity as an instrument of terror against black men
Absolute bullshit. They are not terrorists. They are afraid. Their fear might be unfounded; the blacks treated unfairly, but they are not trying to terrorize anyone. Thus they are NOT using their white femininity as an instrument of terror. They are using their fear of black men as a reason to call for other men to save them. They are probably the same women who won't let their children use a public bathroom at the dentist's office. Same irrational fear. But at least no innocent black male will have a knee on his neck as a result.
I am glad I was not born black. My Chinese kids deal with enough racism, but it's not as bad as black males. Humanity is easily frightened of bogymen.
Michael said...
And little by little, the NUT opinion page creates another set of new Trump voters.
5/28/20, 5:09 PM
You'd probably be wrong about the NUT itself. Their most beloved comments are "I'm a white woman, and this is perfectly acceptable!" I'm sure they're going to love the coming era of urban black supremacy. There are probably white women who dislike this new system, but if they have a brain in their head they've moved on to places that don't promote white genocide.
Frankly, it's going to be enjoyable to sneer at the people caught up in their own stupidity.
Now he knows how the rest of us feel.
As for George Floyd, let's arrest the cops, allow them to put forth a legal defense, and see what a jury says. And I'm sure the Floyd family will sue and receive a few $million from the civil suit, which can be filed simultaneously, but usually is stayed pending the criminal case. Also, stop fucking looting. That helps nobody.
Didn't work for the LAPD cops who saved Rodney King's life. They were acquitted, then the Clinton DOJ came in with double jeopardy and they went to prison. I sent money to Stacey Koon's family while he was in prison.
I wonder if Barr will resist the pressure if the GA jury acquits the white guys in Aubury shooting?
"How many cops killed how many black men under uNacceptable circumstances?"
In "the grand scheme of things" Jeffery Dahmer didn't really kill all that many people either, did he? A laser-like focus on the raw numbers ignores the horror of both situations, and completely misses the point.
John Blow, Ode on the Death of Mr. Henry Purcell
A favorite as a kid, though that was the Alfred Deller version. Unfortunately recorded with more volume than the LP grooves could stand in places.
There's good Blows out there.
Taking it to the point of threatening to call the police and tell them she was being threatened by an African-American man
1/2 American? Black man? Diversity or coincidence?
Charles Blow blows. What a tool!
Michelle D T
I agree. The other side of the story, hers, deserves a telling which it won’t receive.
I do feel bad that Mr. Floyd--George--lost his life, had to surrender his neck, and has been vilified by the public at large. However, he is the author of the entire imbroglio. He is responsible for passing counterfeit money and for reacting as he did to a reasonable request that he submit to arrest for his crime. Taking it to the point of resisting the police violently and and failing to breathe--and doing so--was infantile,spiteful, and hateful. And self-destructive.
In this day of social media, it seems any self-aware adult has to know that resisting arrest can swiftly lead to consequences way out of proportion to any offense. Knowing this, a self-aware adult should take control of themselves and behave is such a way that will not cause self-embarrassment and worse.
But this histrionics with the nooses and charred body repels me. There hasn't been a lynching in decades.
What do you mean? Didn't you hear about what happened to Jussie Smollet?
@Jersey Fled
"I'm beginning to think that privileged, liberal suburban white women are the bane of our society. Even my wife can't stand her friends."
I want to go on record that you are nearing the singularity of the problem. White American women are without doubt the wealthiest, most empowered, least put upon, most educated and coddled creatures in human history. Western Civilization has literally built - on the backs of mental and physical giants - a society fine-tuned to alleviating every trouble and granting every freedom their great great grandmothers could've never dreamed of. They needn't know or do anything, and if they do, it is knowable or doable because some guy somewhere at sometime made it so.
But they're not happy. They shriek in unison to tell us so. I know not the solution to this problem, but I know for certain an entire generation of men is growing up (or has grown up) that will not listen and will not lift a finger to help them. Gal Gadot is fiction....I have no problem ignoring wonderwomans cries for help.
Chivalry is officially for suckers. Karen can go f*co herself.
Charles Blow brings one example from the modern day: the lady with the dog in the park. She was pretty certainly guilty of this, judging by her words. But then he brings all his other examples from the out-and-out racism of the past. Is this really common?
Yeah, this is a country of more than 320 million people. How high is this "disturbing number"?
Taking it to the point of threatening to call the police and tell them she was being threatened by an African-American man--and doing so--was infantile, spiteful, and hateful. And self-destructive.
Except that she didn't. She said she would tell the cops she was being threatened by an African-American man, but when she actually called the cops she said he was threatening her dog... which he was.
Upper middle class white women and race grifting African Americans. A pox on them both since reason is not one of their qualities.
"The torture and murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till in 1955"
Too bad nobody called the cops on Emmett's dad, who was executed for rape and murder.
Seriously, we've raised a whole generation of girls under the idea that girls rule and men are toxic. Also that men are going to rape women. So how can we be surprised if suddenly there are a lot of women who think they should call the police on a terrible man who is doing terrible man stuff, disrupting her wonderful womanliness.
I can agree with Cookie. I never agree with Cookie. It must be a cold day in hell!!
They are using their white femininity as an instrument of terror against black men
Shorter.....he paid for the hooker, and couldn't get his rocks off!!
Would the Karen have been fired if she had said "a man" was threatening her (which he was, BTW) and not an "African American man"? Not that I shed any tears for her. She's a wealthy white leftie, no kids, and a big lib donor. Her life is over. On to the next PC casualty.
A knee to the neck on hot asphalt is not close enough to a lynching?
Is it because the means of cold blooded asphyxiation differ?
For the last date data was available, here are the statistics for the races of men dying in the custody of the police:
White: 42%
Black: 32%
Hispanic: 20%
And yet we never hear of the 42%...
"Institutional racism" at work, no doubt.
Jesse Jackson famously said, “There is nothing more painful to me … than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” Jackson was making an inference about the level of threat based on the race (skin color) of others; that inference has a rational basis in crime statistics. But now if white person A makes the inference that a black person is more threatening than a white person, that white person (A) is judged to be making a racist judgment. If a black person makes the same judgment (Jackson), the black person is not judged to making a racist judgment, because black people cannot be racist. I think the only acceptable philosophy today is that whites as a group are not superior to blacks in any respect, but blacks are superior to whites insofar as whites are racist and blacks are not. That philosophy is therefore at its heart one of black superiority.
Robert Cook @ 5.30 Your comment would be spot on if you just dropped the opening " I feel bad". She got what she deserved. I doubt it, but she might get some introspection out of this.
"Every mom of a black son is terrified. I know i am." ~ Mia Farrow
That just proves what a horrible person Mia Farrow is. By adopting black bodies she is engaging in black genocide.
Here’s a way around the NYT paywall, which takes advantage of the paywall code loading last.
1. Load the page
2. Reload the page, then almost immediately...
3. Stop the page load.
Repeat as required to get the timing right. (I always manage to get it right by the third try.)
FWIW, I had subscribed to the NYT for more than a decade until a year ago. I finally couldn’t stand its grotesque failures any longer.
I think the white lady in New York would have called the police on a white guy who did exactly the same things the black guy did. Does anyone really doubt that?
blanket vilification. so tired.
calling the police as a weapon is bad. dialing 9/11 should only be used in an emergency. People need to learn how to calm situations down before they escalate. A skill not taught or encouraged at leftwing public skooool. or anywhere in our culture.
Martha said...
Believe ALL Women—unless they are WHITE!
Why it's almost like left wingers believe people according to the victim hierarchy regardless of facts.
Hey Chuck, tell us about the Christian-Newsom murders. Were they charred too?
madAsHell: I can agree with Cookie. I never agree with Cookie. It must be a cold day in hell!!
When he's right, he's right. As is Charles Blow here.
"Only slightly less absurd is the conservative answer of individualism and bootstraps."
I was with you until Strawman took over.
When you ask "where da white women at?" be careful what you ask for.
BTW, they do similar terrorism to White and Black men with their Title IX super special privileged, as well as their ancient memories finally reanimated for political or monetary gain. Violent men and liberal women both stalk the rest of us like well-fed cats killing small animals purely for fun, becuase it's just their nature.
That some white women are mean, nasty, low down critters does not mean that they are racists. They are mostly equal opportunity !@#$%'s.
While I agree with that in principle, (a) from her background this one seems pretty Social Justice-y anb (b) called 911 to falsely report an assault when she must have realized what often happens to Black guys accused of assaulting white women.
So there's a distinction between being a garden-variety bee-atch and being actively evil.
For the last date data was available, here are the statistics for the races of men dying in the custody of the police:
White: 42%
Black: 32%
Hispanic: 20%
And yet we never hear of the 42%...
"Institutional racism" at work, no doubt.
Now adjust for the demographic distribution of the races. Go ahead, I'll wait.
If forced to choose sides, I have to take Mr Cooper's, but I don't like his tactics. I wouldn't mind an explanation from him for what exactly he was going to do with the biscuit and the dog.
That said, she was in the wrong from the start. The dog should have been on a leash. When he called her on it, she should have curbed the dog. Cocker spaniels are little killers and don't belong free in a wildlife sanctuary area.
She just wanted to have her own way and she kept pushing and pushing. Trying to get the guy swatted was the last straw. I would say he was very artful about not actionably threatening her - legal opinion welcome here, AA, Bruce, any lawyer.
He says you're not going to like what I do, she says what's that, so what if he said I'm going to call the guy that I threatened? Is that a threat? An illegal one? A warning is not the same thing as a threat. What was he going to do, teach her a Zen Master lesson on why it's wise to keep your dog restrained? Poison the dog? Break its neck? Carry it away to a Chinese restaurant?
But at the time that she says what's that, she's asking to find out. That's not someone who feels threatened. Why did ahe not leash up? Why did she not retreat? Why did she not follow his excellent advice on a suitable area to run the dog? The answer is, because she wanted to win. So how did that work out for her?
She needs a bigger dog.
Perhaps a reason that white women call the police on black men is that they feel insecure. Perhaps if they had a gun in their purse they wouldn't feel so insecure. Would Mr. Blow support wider availability of carry permits to address this problem?
It's white women who call the police on everybody. It's the National Organization of Karens.
Where I'm from the women would simply ignore a guy like Cooper. If he persisted, they'd tell him to eff-off, and be on their way. I can't predict if these women would be treated better or worse than Ms. Cooper.
That said, she didn't harm anyone. She didn't, to use Blow's word, "terrorize" him. Why wouldn't an apology have been enough? "Hey, this got out of hand, I lost my composure and self control, I apologize".
Isn't that adults do when they make a mistake, especially one that did no harm?
White women get up to some crazy shit, it's true, but are they better than nothing?
the calls have been initiated by white women.
We could take their phones away for a while and see if it helps.
Just brain storming here.
So is Liz Warren part of this problem...or no?
Back in the 1950s and well into the 1960s it was a common plot device in the movies for a young, pretty white woman to coerce something out of a person of color by tearing her blouse and threatening to scream for the police. It shouldn’t work these days — and in New York, in the case of Amy Cooper, it certainly didn’t. After all, the 1950s ended sixty years ago. Which seems to have escaped the notice of Charles Blow.
A white women is mean and devious, but she also a freak...she super freaky.
She will never let your spirits down
Once you get her off the street
She likes the boys in the band
She says that I'm her all-time favorite
When I make my move to her room it's the right time
She's never hard to please
That girl is pretty wild now
The girl's a super freak
The kind of girl you read about
In new-wave magazines
That girl is pretty kinky
The girl's a super freak
I really love to taste her
Every time we meet
She's all right, she's all right
That girl's all right with me, yeah
She's a super freak, super freak
She's super-freaky, yow
Super freak, super freak
She's a very special girl
The kind of girl you want to know
From her head down to her toenails
Down to her feet, yeah
And she'll wait for me at backstage with her girlfriends
In a limousine
Going back in Chinatown
Three's not a crowd to her, she says
"Room 714, I'll be waiting"
When I get there she's got incense, wine and candles
It's such a freaky scene
Super freak, super freak
That girl's a super freak
She's a very kinky girl
The kind you don't take home to mother
She will never let your spirits down
Once you get her off the street, white girl
Hmmmm...Charles Blow seems to see racism and violent racism in many situations. As he probably feels, though, when it comes to writing for the sucky NYT, Charles Blow is doing his job.
"After all, the 1950s ended sixty years ago. Which seems to have escaped the notice of Charles Blow."
Blowed is paid by the year and not by the word -- the better he compares today to yesterday, the better the article.
White: 42%
Black: 32%
Hispanic: 20%
And yet we never hear of the 42%...
"Institutional racism" at work, no doubt.
Now adjust for the demographic distribution of the races. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Now adjust for the distribution of the races involved in criminal activity. Go ahead, I'll wait.
“I think the white lady in New York would have called the police on a white guy who did exactly the same things the black guy did. Does anyone really doubt that?”
Nope. I made the same point to Meade on the first thread. She is certainly using a tactic, the “hostile environment” tactic, “I feel threatened”. But I see no reason to doubt she'd have used it on any guy. Maybe more than just guys too.
Many people seem to resist being blamed for things that happened before they were born. Sad.
White women are the worst.
I know some women who had horrendous experiences in Central Park. Their assailants were not white. If, however, they generalized from the race of their assailants to the world at large, they would be accused of racism. Mr. Cooper and maybe even Charles Blow may have had, on occasion, a bad experience with white women but why do they not refrain from stereotyping all white women. As a general rule, white women are far more likely to have had a bad experience than to have made a false accusation.....White racism is not a figment of black people's imagination, but neither is impulsive black violence a figment of white people's imagination....It does seem that when white people are at fault the media and black people luxuriate in their outrage. When black people screw up, the media's impulse is to bury the story because it encourages racism.....Beachgoers in Florida have attracted far more criticism than rioters in Minneapolis.
Everyone - and I mean everyone who is not insane and not evil and not ignorant - knows what the ratio is between black men harming white women and vice versa. Or the ratio between black male on black female harm and vice versa, for that matter.
Whether you are black or white, you are not responsible for the bad things other black people or white people do, unless they are children whom you badly raised or friends whom you encouraged, but if you say stupid things, you are responsible for that.
@phantummut TY
I was gonna go down that road, but I figured someone so lazy was incapable of groking accurate statistical analysis.
Karens call cops on everybody, it only goes viral when there’s cellphone video of her calling about a minority. If the Karen in Central Park had only said “… there’s a man…” instead of “… there’s a black man…” it wouldn’t have had the impact.
Phantommut: "Now adjust for the demographic distribution of the races. Go ahead, I'll wait."
Actually, one should adjust for the rate at which different demographic groups commit crimes.
Or didnt you know that?
Well that's 'cuz they wouldn't help move the chiffarobe.
Blow has a point, but the overblown language undercuts it. Rhetorically, sometimes less can be more.
"Every mom of a black son is terrified. I know I am." ~ Mia Farrow
So is every mom of an Asian daughter, Mia, but you already know about that.
Why are blue cities such cesspits of racism.
Charles Blow is twice as vile as the klan and far less nonexistent. Black men are extremely overrepresented in cases of both interracial and intraracial rape and are off the charts on lesser forms of sexual abuse and harassment.
If one wishes to break such things down using the crude calculus of race, black men as a group have a real problem. I'd prefer to not do that, but if I'm going to be forced into the category "white female karen," fair is fair. For example, if Crack is going to keep using his voluntary volatile affair with some crazy-sounding Swede to smear total strangers who are white women, turnaround's also fair play.
Blow should join a chapter of the Junior League to tea and gossip about his vapors. That's precisely how credible he is. Meanwhile, real people, white and black, die horrific deaths and suffer unbearable violations in the shadows because their victimizations don't fit the vicious hive racism selectivities of the media, gormless political classes, and activists.
This is a golden age for Van Jones and Charles Blow. This is another 6 months of gift wrapped material for them, and they don't have to break a sweat.
Spiros said...
"African-Americans need to confess to racial wrongdoing and seek forgiveness as well.
Too many Black people are consumed by hatred. Racism isn't just a White woman problem."
Whites are going to haver to learn to accept the fact that blacks are 13% of the country - not 50% - and that imbalance still means you not only have oppressed us but you've oppressed us for so long it's almost second nature.
That we hate you for a hellish, mentally-and-emotionally draining situation, filled with poverty and death, that whites bought and sold us into - with no recourse for generations - is also your own fault.
I feel nothing but contempt for even the suggestion blacks need to confess a god damned thing for any this.
We were the slaves.
We're just feeling our way through while the rest of you are whole people with everything.
Oh - and you guys sound like Trump Haters:
Letting your hatred for Charles Blow and Van Jones cloud your judgement like anyone suffering TDS.
Dear Crack: YOU were never a slave, except in your fevered dreams. Just as I was never a starving Irishman during the potato famine. So I won't hate the British, and I suggest you don't hate people today for their ancestors' vile misbehavior.
The sin does not pass down the generations. And I refuse to accept your demand that it do so.
Sir Blow has a point IF there weren't an equal or possibly greater number (perhaps by a factor of eleventy thousand) of white women calling the police on children, men, women, dogs and other sentient beings of every race, creed, color, breed, stratum, phylum and category.
Sir Blow is a blowhard.
Karen does not see color. Unless you count red.
"I do feel bad that Mr. Floyd--George--lost his life, had to surrender his neck, and has been vilified by the public at large. However, he is the author of the entire imbroglio. He is responsible for passing counterfeit money and for reacting as he did to a reasonable request that he submit to arrest for his crime. Taking it to the point of resisting the police violently and and failing to breathe--and doing so--was infantile,spiteful, and hateful. And self-destructive."
There's a flaw in your ointment.
According to video evidence, Mr. Floyd was cooperative with the police and offered no resistance.
Moreover, even if Mr.Floyd had been resisting, a police claim belied by the videos, the police are presumably trained to exert only enough force necessary to subdue persons they're trying to arrest, and no more. Assuming for argument's sake that Mr. Floyd resisted at some point that was missed by the multiple videos, at the time he was begging the officer to remove his knee, he was supine and still. He was not resisting in any way. The officer was simply exerting punitive force because he wanted to and could. He has been correctly fired and charged with murder.
"Why did ahe not leash up? Why did she not retreat? Why did she not follow his excellent advice on a suitable area to run the dog?"
If the text reported on Twitter can be believed, I think that there were a couple red flags that the dog isn't under control and she's stressed just walking it on leash.
Killing someone by strangulation for nine minutes is not an accident. It's murder. The question for me is why it took so long to charge the officer with murder. This is a really easy call to make!
As for the rest of the crap in this thread, whatever. You aren't going to change anyone's mind except in a negative way. People are individuals. Most black people are not criminals. Most white people are not racists. If you can't deal with that reality, you need to get out more.
calling cops on anyone potentially kills them
the racism angle is bullshit
'That we hate you for a hellish, mentally-and-emotionally draining situation, filled with poverty and death, that whites bought and sold us into - with no recourse for generations - is also your own fault.
I feel nothing but contempt for even the suggestion blacks need to confess a god damned thing for any this.'
who is it exactly you hate, man, and who is this "we" you speak for?
mikee said...
"Dear Crack: YOU were never a slave,..."
I'm not going to argue with a fool about what being a descendent of slaves means, except to say I'm stuck with fools for my entire life.
John Lynch said...
"Most white people are not racists."
If you're only 13% of the population - spread out across the nation - "most white people" don't have to be racist. Never have had to be. There just has to be enough to make life Hell, because the others are so cavalier about whites being innately good, they don't reign them in.
It's like what I say about NewAge quackery: we could reign the shit in, but we don't want to believe it's bad for us - despite the evidence.
White people have been shirking their responsibilities. That the nation doesn't even know it's own history is evidence they're ashamed of what they've done.
No offense, but If you can't deal with that reality, you need to get out more.
White wome
Welcome to the club
Sincerely white men
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