Really sad and touching at the same time. Good for her for standing up to the nonsense.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 6, 2020
P.S. If she doesn’t find someone better count me in. I’ll walk her down the isle. Lmk.
ADDED: Quite apart from the aisle/isle mixup, there's something off about this. The young woman has made an attention-getting TikTok video, but we do not know the parents' side of the story. There's an assertion about a sexual molestation and something her parents said about it, and I think there is much more to be understood here than the idea that they are rejecting her because the man she wants to marry is "conservative." In responding to this, Don Jr. is getting in on the attention and, at first look, he seems considerate and generous, but you really should not side with one person who's made a video and against some people who are getting talked about.
१०१ टिप्पण्या:
You never know what is poor spelling and what is autocorrect gone ah-ry.
I'll just go out on a limb and suggest there is more to this story between this woman and her parents. Likely it's still sad.
I'd walk her down the aisle or isle if asked. I walked my 2 daughters down, and it was an honor and a pleasure!
Her mother probably is inclined to feed her father fish tank drano.
@Patrick - my thought exactly.
Marriage is dang hard, even with the support of both families.
It doesn't make sense exactly. The father giving away the bride stands for handing over the responsibility of caring for the lady to the new husband.
Trump would never have had it.
You know what was nice in that video? No visible tats or piercings.
Aren't Keys the same as Isles?
OMG! He's INVITING her to KEY Largo!
See my update to this post.
Or…you could request Hunter Biden. He could bring the crack pipe, and knock the bride up before the wedding.
Don Jr. seems like a pretty good guy. I would imagine there are deeper issues with the parents, but it does seem a liberal thing to do. Liberal moral high ground boycotts are boundless.
Not that damned due process thing again.
"you really should not side with one person who's made a video and against some people who are getting talked about."
It's always good to hold off judgment on complex personal situations.
But then, since progs weaponize anything in pop culture for prog purposes, it's good to see people on our side fighting the war.
Why don't her parents say:
It's just this pandemic and that lying son of a bitch, Trump!
There's nothing more to the story than "fish tank drano" mama.
Conservative men are employed and responsible. Liberal men are pajama boys.
If you decry fake news, it's best not to blindly believe TikTok videos.
That would be the case if Don Jr had any credibility left.
Pajama boys and snowflakes.
"There's an assertion about a sexual molestation and something her parents said about it..."
Aren't we supposed to automatically believe her ?
Comment from "profile unavailable" pajama boy Mark. Not the conservative employed and responsible Mark.
Sebastian said...
It's always good to hold off judgment on complex personal situations.
But then, since progs weaponize anything in pop culture for prog purposes, it's good to see people on our side fighting the war.
5/6/20, 8:35 AM
Look on the bright side! At least the POTUS hasn't stepped in and said the parents acted stupidly or something and then suggested the girl and her parents come to the White House for a beer summit or some-such though I suppose there is still time. It is not like a precedent hasn't already be set for that sort of thing.
I agree about the "Two sides to every story"
A basic idea ignored by the hack-D press on a regular basis.
Maybe the wedding is on South Padre Isle-and?
Maybe this is true but I really don't love when people air their family shit on social media.
It seems like a lot of these kinds of 'personal' videos are recorded in cars.
The car: the last small space of autonomy*.
Privacy. The promise of being able to go wherever you choose.
Perhaps Neil was being snarky, but:
Got fuel to burn,
got roads to drive.
I am Laslo.
Do they have autocorrect on Twitter? I wonder how many misspellings (and sometimes correct spellings) are made worse by autocorrect.
Her eyes do appear a bit haunted, though.
Girls with haunted eyes are like crack*.
(*provided there are acceptable levels of hygiene).
I am Laslo.
There's an assertion about a sexual molestation and something her parents said about it, and I think there is much more to be understood here than the idea that they are rejecting her because the man she wants to marry is "conservative." In responding to this, Don Jr. is getting in on the attention and, at first look, he seems considerate and generous, but you really should not side with one person who's made a video and against some people who are getting talked about.
So, in light speed we've gone from "believe all 'victims'" to "support all 'victims'" to "should not side with 'victims'"?
Largely based on the politics of the believer, the supporter or the person who is doing the siding with at the time?
It's not like Althouse never makes spelling or grammatical errors in her posts. Should we call her on it each time it happens, or let it ride and deal with the substance of her post?
Wince said...
So, in light speed we've gone from "believe all 'victims'" to "support all 'victims'" to "should not side with 'victims'"?
Largely based on the politics of the believer, the supporter or the person who is doing the siding with at the time?
5/6/20, 8:49 AM
Well sorry but that was always the rule, it is just not "not stated" any more. That rule predates Mary Jo Kopechne.
You never know what is poor spelling and what is autocorrect gone ah-ry.
I'll say.
Lefty Unable-To-Google Mark: "If you decry fake news, it's best not to blindly believe TikTok videos.
That would be the case if Don Jr had any credibility left."
Don Jr was spied upon the entire US cluster of intel and law enforcement agencies for years as well as investigated by the unlimited power, unlimited budget, angry and demonstrated unethical Mueller witch hunt crew which electronically captured Don Jrs entire electronic existence going back years and had access to every record in his life all the while Don Jr testified before congressional and Mueller inquisitors for over 30 hours when those inquisitors were desperate to nail him on something, anything.
Yeah, I'd say Don Jr has some credibility left.
Meanwhile, Lefty Mark's credibility....not so much.
but you really should not side with one person who's made a video and against some people who are getting talked about.
Tell that to Sandmann.
Did you ever apologize for your part in that?
My car, my autocracy. Nobody rides for free.
brylun: "Comment from "profile unavailable" pajama boy Mark. Not the conservative employed and responsible Mark."
Interestingly, Lefty "profile unavailable" pajama boy Mark is the Mark that Ken B calls "the good Mark".
If this woman were standing in front of you making this complaint, your first thought would be "Let me hear the parent's side". But alas this is social media so no bothsiderism allowed.
but you really should not side with one person who's made a video and against some people who are getting talked about.
I don't see where he has chosen a side. He could be making the gesture while remaining cruelly neutral.
" but you really should not side with one person who's made a video and against some people who are getting talked about."
Only the media can do that silly fools
You can bet your last cent that the press will tell you the parents' side of the story.
For some people, the terms "conservative" or "Republican" are synonyms for "racist."
What you hear from these people:
"Conservatives refuse to reckon with their policies' discriminatory effects."
"Republicans view the political world through the lens of their White racial identity."
A good liberal trembles in fear of being labeled a racist and must do everything to avoid associating with racists (even disowning your daughter).
She should pick better parents next time.
but you really should not side with one person who's made a video and against some people who are getting talked about.
Unless we're taking about my good friend Joe Biden! -- Nancy Pelosi
For some people, the terms "conservative" or "Republican" are synonyms for "racist."
Her parents are just practicing social distancing.
They're not saying he's deplorable, but they don't want to be quarantined by their friends if they expose themselves to him.
The car: the last small space of autonomy*.
remember the Olden Days? Back when they said that SOON, we wouldn't have personal cars?
That we'd just call up a public transport robot, and ride in it; with the previous occupant's cooties?
"but you really should not side with one person who's made a video and against some people who are getting talked about."
On the internet? Is this new? Ok then, but that'd rule out probably half the comments made on the various blogs there. Just sayin'.
"In responding to this, Don Jr. is getting in on the attention and, at first look, he seems considerate and generous, but you really should not side with one person who's made a video and against some people who are getting talked about."
Clearly, Ms. Althouse is unfamiliar with Twitter.
"Comment from "profile unavailable" pajama boy Mark. Not the conservative employed and responsible Mark."
Star Trek Mark played off this confusion brilliantly last night with a pair of satirical comments that fooled me and most of the commentariat in the thread.
I too was outraged by this misspelling on twitter.
Fortunately Althouse has a widely read blog to put this language murderer on blast. We'll get around to dealing with the substance of the tweet after Jr. is properly dealt with, and not a moment sooner.
I'm not interested in every typo, but "isle" for "aisle" in "walk down the isle" is interesting!
isle sound like bad typing - with someone forgetting the "A".
Its just the intertubes, Trump Jnr. made his point.
People blindly embracing her story are doing the same lunkhead move as those who blindly embraced 'Trump made me feed fish tank cleaner to my husband' and 'Look at this video of a weeping nurse who quit because she can't get a mask!'
It might be fun, but it's a lunkhead move. Wait. Slow down. There is no legal obligation to immediately embrace every message that enters your field of vision.
I hear your points, Ann. But honestly, after years of listening to my liberal betters talk down to me and others who may be anywhere on the conservative scale, and seeing how my liberal family members or friends make their snickering comments in front of me and others, I'll take this one at face value. I've got my own friends and family members who keep us at arms length because of politics.
On face value her parents sound like any random liberal on the street to me. As I often say, liberals are the most miserable people in the world.
(1) I hate touchscreens. Typos abpound.
(2) Somethin' aint right, alright. But who knows what it is? Not me, not you, not DJTJR. We are all along for the ride.
Sounds fishy to me. Sounds like a selfish, entitled brat who figured out the only way she could get the attention she so obviously needed was to trash her parents. Good for them.
This is ridiculous. And sounds totally made up.
Vicki from Pasadena
As i have always said, Temujin, conservatives are the most judgemental people in the world. Only a conservative would relentlessly trash someone who feels differently from them. Oh, that's right, the Cheeto in charge is by far the most judgemental person i have ever heard. Anyone, and i mean anyone who deviates from what "the man" pontificates deserves nothing but our scorn. NOT
Vicki from Pasadena
The story is believable because this is how childish modern "liberals" are. They are intolerant, ignorant, and fearful of anyone challenging liberal "orthodoxy." They are the polar opposite of what liberals used to be.
Vicky calls some stranger an entitled brat and then says conservatives are the most judgmental people.
That's funny TJM, i find that, especially these days, that the "conservatives" are the whiny, bitchy ones. Entitled, selfish and self centered. You are treating these people who are opening up their businesses in defiance of the states like heroes. They are not, they are endangering all the people around them and the people who frequent their establishments. I haven't had a pedicure in 8 weeks, but i would rather wait than endanger anyone else.
Vicki from Pasadena
At least, mccullough, you could spell my name right. I am just following the conservatives lead, they think it is ok to be judgy. So i am, just like you "conservatives".
vicki from Pasadena
Victoria from Pasadena,
You are a scold. Embrace it. Or embrace your hypocrisy.
Thanks for finally getting my name right, mccullough. Yes i am a scold. I've decided to follow the behavior of your dear leader, he gets away with it. And I embrace the hypocrisy of the "conservatives". Pro life (but not really), pro individuality (at your own peril or the loss of your job with the dear leader) and pro threatening anyone who deviates from their way of thinking.
Vicki from Pasadena
And a hypocrite Vicki. Embrace it.
It's a totally believable story. Look at her. Of course the only dude she can attract is a trump cuck.
Yes, "conservatives" are hypocritic. I do embrace that.
Vicki from Pasadena
Vicki is a Karen - a bitchy, whiny, hateful Karen.
Blogger rcocean said...
isle sound like bad typing - with someone forgetting the "A".
what happens if you use speech recognition on twitter?
The imperative of modern life is that you must leap to instant conclusions when someone you don’t know drops a short video that purports to confirm your prejudices.
victoria is simply upset the democrats serial lies and sham-peachment antics over the last 5 years have failed miserably.
Dont worry victoria. The dems have already rolled out the narrative that the ChiCom/WHO Wuhan Lab Bat flu is all Trumps fault, literally, and the dems are going to base Sham-peachment III on Trumps global guilt!
So you've got that to look forward to! Congrats!
---If this woman were standing in front of you making this complaint, your first thought would be "Let me hear the parent's side". ---
Not mine.
I must be bad.
But I DO think she should finish high school before marrying.
No, not really Drago.
What i object to is the hypocrisy of the "conservatives" who, like you, are quick to judge and condemn and, like your dear leader, are quick to slam and condemn anyone who does not go in lock step with what "he" wants you to believe. You are lemmings, as far as I can see.
I don't know who Karen is but, right on, sister!!! I may be bitchy, i embrace that, but whiny and hateful? No, I'll leave that you, exiledonmainstreet, and your "conservative" mates. You are all such masters at that.
Vicki from Pasadena
I'm not interested in every typo, but "isle" for "aisle" in "walk down the isle" is interesting!
Speaking of aisle, allow me to present my candidate for greatest tabloid headline of all time.
Perhaps he's suggesting to marry in the British Isles. All expenses paid.
Earnest Prole,
Thank dog I was not drinking coffee when I followed your link.
As for whatever her name is in pasadena - seems she is actually just another karen.
As for the tiktok - if TRUE, her parents should be ashamed of themselves. But as others have said, without getting to hear the parents side, it is really just more clickbait on the interwebs.
Wow, Drago, it must suck having someone live rent free in your head.
It's a shame all you have to contribute is personal attacks, then again that's all you have ever been good for.
Hopefully you can clean all the spittle off your monitor every morning.
Can a preson of the apparent male persuasion actually be a karen - asking for a friend?
I don't know who Karen is but,
You’ll learn. Maybe. Not at all clear that lefty extremists are educable.
right on, sister!!! I may be bitchy, i embrace that,
Not that you have any choice. I’ve met bitchier bitches than you, but thankfully hardly ever.
but whiny and hateful? No,
I'll leave that you, exiledonmainstreet, and your "conservative" mates. You are all such masters at that.
Says the hate-filled bitchy bitch who keeps posting her complaints that reality is nothing like the way she wants it to be. And it’s only going to get worse. Given a choice between having a mouthy, judgmental, ignorant twit like you living in my neighborhood and a good conservative family, I would want the conservatives every time. Can you figure out WHY good people view with — at best! — contemptuous tolerance?
I'm not interested in every typo
@Althouse, can you perhaps link to a post where the “interesting” typo was made by someone who is not a Republican? How far back do you have to go?
@victoria: As a matter of curiosity, I'd be interested to hear your views on the relative credibility of Tara Reade vs CBF.......I'm sure there's more to this story. If it turns out the further info makes Don Jr. look like a fool, then this will be a big story. If, however, the young woman has been wronged, her big day will pass into obscurity.
I have no reason not to believe Tara Reade. If she is correct, Joe should stop his campaign. There may be more to the story, bring it on. I have no problem with the truth.
Don Jr doesn't need this whole kerfuffle to make him not look like a fool. He is more than capable of doing that all by himself. His very being exudes his being less than capable.
Big Mike. I'd rather be a hate filled bitch (which I'm not) than a judgemental jerk (that would be you) who presumes to know what is actually going on in the real world. I'd rather live in the middle of a forest than live next door to a ignoramus like you.
Vicki from Pasadena
I have no reason not to believe Tara Reade. If she is correct, Joe should stop his campaign. There may be more to the story, bring it on. I have no problem with the truth.
Don Jr doesn't need this whole kerfuffle to make him not look like a fool. He is more than capable of doing that all by himself. His very being exudes his being less than capable.
Big Mike. I'd rather be a hate filled bitch (which I'm not) than a judgemental jerk (that would be you) who presumes to know what is actually going on in the real world. I'd rather live in the middle of a forest than live next door to a ignoramus like you.
Vicki from Pasadena
Thanks for the double post, Karen from Pasadena. I wasn’t sure of
your point on the first read through.
"Her eyes do appear a bit haunted, though."
Ah, so you're afraid to say "thousand-**** stare" on Althouse?
No worries, so am I.
I'm in favor of all leftists boycotting events where they might contract conservative cooties.
victoria: "What i object to is the hypocrisy of the "conservatives" who, like you, are quick to judge and condemn and, like your dear leader, are quick to slam and condemn anyone who does not go in lock step with what "he" wants you to believe. You are lemmings, as far as I can see."
Yes. A lefty wrote that. Just today.
As if the last 40 years never happened and dem #CancelCulture doesn't exist.
Further Note: victoria went All In on the transparently false Trump/russia collusion hoax, the Kavanaugh rape hoax and the ukraine phone call hoax.
There is literally no lefty hoax victoria won't buy into. Yes indeed, the dems know their lemming base very well and they also know they can shove whatever candidate they wish down the throats of their mindless automatons and all that is needed is the sweet elixir of a few magic lefty words and slogans repeated endlessly.
I'm not interested in every typo, but "isle" for "aisle" in "walk down the isle" is interesting!
5/6/20, 9:55 AM
Over the past few months, I've been seeing this word switch multiple times. Often enough that it was bordering on becoming a new pet peeve.
I've read enough RBN posts that her story seems believable. The "you're not capable of being loved or being in a relationship" bit sounds very much like what others have shared.
Of course, for all of them, we're only getting one side of the story. Regardless of what actually happened between her and her parents, she wants someone else to walk her down the aisle. Don Jr. volunteered. It might have been better to have left out saying she was standing up to nonsense, but I still think the offer was nice. (I hope, if she takes him up on it, the White House vets the people involved to make sure the story is as she is telling it. If not, he can find that there's an unfortunate scheduling conflict that can't be avoided.)
Entitled, selfish and self centered. ... and then proceeds to bitch about not having a pedicure in eight weeks.
Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
I'd rather live in the middle of a forest
So that’s where the legend of Sasquatch comes from! What size are your feet?
AA, I agree attention seekers are political on both sides of the aisle. But today's generation believes that no publicity is bad and bad/good publicity is the same. Hell, I can't blame them when you look at the Kardashian hookers and the money (empire) made from a little porn.
When did these According to Hoyle rules get created?
Scolds can be really tiresome.
I wouldn't get involved -- fine.
You shouldn't -- fuck off.
Thanks, Pete, it was a mistake. I guess you are perfect and never pass up on an opportunity to slam someone.
Vicki From Pasadena
Drago, drago, you know so little but you have no problem with condemnation. Pity
Vicki from Pasadena
Big Mike
I'd rather be Sasquatch than Pete the streak "fools rush in where angels fear to tread" I think that is the motto he lives by
Vicki from pasadena
This was posted at 8:19 this morning. I can't believe no one has mentioned the obvious: Don Jr. is homophonic.
Progs only like harassing and doxing young people who show up on viral videos (Covington Kid etc.)
Well, Vicki, you certainly are rushing in.
If she wanted to be believed, she should have said she was molested by a conservative.
Then the Post, the Times, and all the nightly talk shows would be at her door. Front page news.
Vicki is higher than a kite today.
Lock down is hard on some folks--but think of the view from Pasadena without the smog!
Twenty-six miles across the sea/ Santa Catalina is a-waitin' for me...
Here is the original video on TikTok & more importantly if you want/need more context much else she posts that can be seen from her account.
It looks like the video was posted in Feb and just went viral due to this recent retweeting a day or so ago. Who knows if it could be missing context. It seems to be from mid-Feb so it seems likely it going truly viral a day or so ago was likely as much of a shock for her as anything.
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