They’ve made little round human parking spots in Domino Park in Brooklyn! (This park is often the poster child for social distancing fácil).
— Jennifer 8. Lee (@jenny8lee) May 15, 2020
Where's the love? No love. Distance. Or show love through distancing... with the help... and the insistence... of the government. The insistence on distance.
Didn't people already do that before the virus? Were they stretching out on top of each other. They may even have spread out further back then. How do you sterilize the grass in the circle when you're done?
In my room, in my room
In this world I lock out all my worries and my fears
In my room, in my room
The cats are doing it...
"When threatened, they sling their abdomens underneath their body ready to spray anything that gets too close."
...It's payback for the squares
Undertaker, undertaker, undertaker
Won't you please drive slow
For that lady you are haulin'
Lord, I hate to see her go.
Will the circle be unbroken
By and by Lord, by and by
There's a better home awaiting
In the sky Lord, in the sky.
Here in Hong Kong we’re doing perfectly well* without any of this nonsense.
*world lowest deaths/million and recovery rates…
The hero is always the man that won't comply. That would ignore the circles and kiss the pretty girl all smug and safe (she thinks) in that bureaucratic construct.
Thats the sort of fellow about whom ballads and operas are written.
Certainly not the worthless compliant creature in the next circle.
Where I live we're somehow able to manage it in parks with without circles on the ground. It's stressful. Dangerous. But we somehow tough it out.
Is this necessary? Hasn't Cuomo already killed all of New York's vulnerable people?
you must eliminate any normal human contact, you can warehouse people in confined spaces like subways and living facilities where they cannot avoid spread, and the elect like chris Cuomo and neil ferguson don't have to abide,
I'm from the government and I'm here to love you.
Def Jam Haiku:
Watch the white people,
bask on imitation grass,
inside white circles.
I prefer his "Man with the 'Ho."
That's some creepy-ass shit right there.
The interesting thing in my humble little county in Texas is that the health department has investigated every one of the around 200 cases and none of them appears to have been passed by random 'community spread.' They were all people in close proximity to each other sharing breathing space for extended periods of time - a halfway house, nursing homes, prison, a meat processing plant which was staffed by the halfway house guys. No one, literally no one, is getting it by doing yoga 4 feet instead of 6 from another person in the breeze and fresh air. No one is getting it by walking against the arrows at Walmart. No one is getting it from going to the beach. But some in my community are still shrieking and panicking at the thought of anyone going out and living life. Some people are insisting they won't send their kids to school in the fall and that people walking the waterfront should be ticketed if they come within 6 feet of each other. Besides being obviously unworkable, there is no evidence that such things would prevent any infections, let alone save any lives. But people swallowed the propaganda whole.
We've created a monster with a ridiculous life of its own and I'm not sure how we'll be able to put the genie back in the bottle to return to functioning society.
As far as New York goes - as a person, if it took those goofy circles to enable people to go outside and do their yoga, I'm glad they were able to make it work, but how weird and creepy and unpleasant.
Ann, please come out of the closet as a limited government conservative. Join the side you're already on.
You can pack people more efficiently with constant spacing with a hexagonal array rather than rectangular.
it is So Much Easier for the government, when the population enslaves themselves
THANX Population!
and Remember! It's For YOUR OWN GOOD!!!
All that's missing is the Sheeple dog herding them into their circles. Not that those people seem to need one. They appear docile and well trained in their obediences. They would be openly mocked in my region of the country.
I hate having to perform in the TSA Theater when I fly, but I have to fly for work, so I accept a bowl of sh*t to eat.
I don't have to in order to grocery shop, run, or buy stuff at the hardware store. So I didn't and I don't. I cancelled my Costco membership, I go to ACE instead of Home Depot when there is a line, and I ignore the directional signs on the floor at Publix.
I stand well behind the person in front of me in the line because I am a polite southerner.
Bagoh asked...
How do you sterilize the grass in the circle when you're done?
on a Nice Warm Humid day (sort you'd WANT to sit out in); it'll self sterilize in about 2 minutes
The circles are not arranged to allow maximum occupancy. You'd think they'd at least figure that out, but no. They are uncaring or stupid or both.
"The insistence on distance."
Of course, for young and healthy people, distance is pointless.
Now government is just toying with us.
Where prog Karens rule.
Driving by the local (closed) school the other day, I saw that it’s sign advised us all to Stay Safe and Six Feet Apart. And I realized that I viscerally oppose the idea of parroting the official government line on issues, e.g. “Just Say No to Drugs”. This explains part of my opposition to closing down the country. It is an invitation to unthinking obedience, much like Zero Tolerance policies, which I also loathe.
Have we covered that middle name "8." thing before?
Our goal should be to someday be able to live outside the circle(s).
They're drawin' boxes on the ground
Just to make us look on down
All we gotta do is look around
And take it one step over the line
A one step over the line
Come on baby, one step over the line
Cop Circles. Very mysterious patterns that show up overnight in urban settings.
Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...
The circles are not arranged to allow maximum occupancy.
We should promote hexagons. Learn from the bees.
I notice that the "Karen" meme, applied in previous weeks to people complaining about those not taking the shutdown seriously and to those who threaten to report violators is now being used against people who are complaining about not being able to go back to work. Now, for some people, if you just want to be left alone you are a complainer and a Karen. As the meme spreads it becomes more general and less specific and meaningful.
I keep thinking we are just about on the other side, but then yesterday I was reading the posts in a knitting group and people were talking about how best to quarantine the yarn they get delivered. I read all about fears of the Amazon delivery guy wearing the same gloves for each delivery and cross-contamination. I read about people leaving their non perishable groceries on the back porch for 3 days. I read about someone putting things that come into her home into a rubber made container, spraying it with Lysol, and closing it up for several days.
So I don' t know how we get these people out into the world again. We need someone to tell them that you aren't going to get COVID from the can of beans you bought at the grocery store.
You can pack people more efficiently with constant spacing with a hexagonal array rather than rectangular.
Heh - that was my first thought, the next was Poisson disk distribution (w/dist=6') so it'd look like a "natural" arrangement when seen from, say, Mars.
Open offices will now have tape on the floors and Les Nessman style offices.
Andrew said: "Ann, please come out of the closet as a limited government conservative. Join the side you're already on."
She actually sounds more like a Classical Liberal.
that is the most long lasting thing, traumatizing people in this way, that they need to fear people and ordinary contact,
Wouldn't little round spots be appropriate for a place called Domino?
"He drew a circle that shut me out-
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him In!"
First time I read this treacly little rhyme was in a Religious Studies course. Something about it seemed off to me then; in the years since, I've seen 'cancel culture' in action before it had a name, and it came from the same people who loved to quote the rhyme.
So I don' t know how we get these people out into the world again. We need someone to tell them that you aren't going to get COVID from the can of beans you bought at the grocery store.
As usual I agree with you 100%, but settling down and speaking common sense instead of spreading hysteria and finding boogeymen never sold no papers.
The good old romance novel tropes should help - how can the bodice-ripping hero of female fantasy do his necessary work while social distancing? That is better defense against both male and female lust than any 19th century garment.
He will have to (of course) defy all laws, conventions and good sense, and remove his shirt, probably, in order to give the girl what she so desperately wants - but will not admit that she does want, even to herself, until the very moment it happens.
Isn't this understood?
Well then, it is known.
No one is getting it by walking against the arrows at Walmart.
I went to Safeway last night to pick up some things and saw these arrows in the aisles. First time. Also saw a few people ignoring them. The next time I go, most will be ignoring them. The only people that will obey are those who have been wearing blue gloves all along.
Central Tucson, around the U, is pretty lefty but it is a blue dot in a red state.
A grocery store I go to has a new rule. The little conveyor belt at the checkout has to be disinfected after every customer. Why are they coming up with new rules now? A month ago, at the height of COVID, most of the staff weren't even wearing face masks.
Mark felt did for a living what the plumbers did on occasions break into terrorists property
Lee was not given a middle name at birth so she chose "8." when she was a teenager, per Wiki.
More fun with number names- On the LPGA there's a golfer Jeongeun Lee who is called Lee6. The Korean LPGA had five previous Jeongeun Lees and thus numbered them to avoid confusion...or to create more, perhaps. She stuck with the name
Think of all the coronavirus coating the grass, just waiting on the next uninfected person to occupy that circle.
Yesterday was Quarantine Cruise 4 in Huntington Beach, CA. Estimated that over 1000 classic cars, hot rods and others showed up. It was held in the parking lot of a shopping mall. Looked like the black Friday.
I went two my usual Saturday cars and coffee in Huntington Beach - Donut Derelicts. About 90% of the pre-lock down crowd - 150 cars. Sunday was another regular meet in Seal Beach - about 50% - pretty sure most were at the QC4.
Don't rule out space aliens.
I would love to sneak there at night with a few cans of spray paint and turn them all into Satanic sacrifice/demon summoning circle-type designs
He drew a circle that shut me out.
What a jerk.
He's a circle jerk.
This kind of nonsense is utterly incredible to me. Lots of bureaucrats with hard nipples these days.
If one is upset because the government is still pushing distancing, one should just rebel and go forth bravely. What have you got to lose?
3 m, 6 if you follow the precautionary principle (e.g. [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] global warming, "burden").
The eyes are a transmission path. Don't forget the goggles... or a full body condom.
If you think that’s bad, they’re doing the same thing in daycares in France and other countries.
All through my wild days
My mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance
To begin with, NYC has a lot of neurotic people. I know all too many folks around here who can't bear the though of returning to regular life before a vaccine. And it's not just a NYC problem. I work closely with people in London and Paris, and that attitude is pervasive among the Londoners too, although the French in my highly unscientific sample are not as bad off. Nobody wants to get back on the tube/metro/subway, and the already neurotic are both inflamed by fear and, it's becoming clear, comforted that the rest of the world now shares even temporarily in their anxiety. That will be difficult to give up, although I'm confident normalcy is coming sooner rather than later. They're back out writing parking tickets and the streets are jammed when you'd expect them to be with traffic. DeBlasio is nowhere to be found but that's ok, because nobody cares what he has to say. I mean really, nobody.
Jennifer 8 was a movie about the hunt for a serial killer back in 1992. Lee was the age then where she might have thought it would be cool to be called "Jennifer 8" (or other kids gave her the nickname and she made it her own).
Inga: "If one is upset because the government is still pushing distancing, one should just rebel and go forth bravely. What have you got to lose?"
Your business license?
Your children?
"Ms. Graham told the Salem Statesman Journal that CPS officials interviewed her son without allowing her or her husband to be present. She said health agencies have also threatened to revoke her licenses."
Your freedom?
"Man handcuffed in front of daughter at Brighton park for allegedly violating social distancing"
Just hope someone didn't spit in it, or something worse, before you stayed in the chalk circ!e.
This is absurd, epidemiologically.
Virtue-signaling idiots.
If one is upset because the government is still pushing distancing, one should just rebel and go forth bravely.
It's what I've been doing since Day One.
280k people in our county. 130 cases. One death. South Puget Sound. Since the end of January. Jan. U. Ary.
Hide under your fucking beds if you must. But leave me the hell alone. And take your shame-waving finger and stick it somewhere.
Blogger Inga said...
If one is upset because the government is still pushing distancing, one should just rebel and go forth bravely. What have you got to lose?
Drago answered that one, Inga. I could not do any better. We have Stasi running blue states and blue counties and cities.
98 in Tucson today and it would take one hell of a virus to survive 5 minutes. Plus we have our HCQ.
Personally, I'd prefer to avoid the circles where dozens of other people have dripped sweat, spit, and rubbed their asses around. We don't need no stupid circles. Once again, better than nothing is a high standard. That phrase is the old "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", and it has never been more appropriate than with all the stupidity of mitigation theater.
Most places that were open closed extra entrances and forced people to stand in lines where they all share the same column of air so that hundreds of people walk through the same few square feet of viral gauntlet for maybe 20 yards and spend unnecessary time there. That's just stupid, and dangerous. I know you people in charge of things feel you need to do something, but like these circles, you made things worse. Often, the way it was always done is far superior, but we just can't let it be. People might say we don't care enough, so we'd rather actually endanger you, but we get to cover our ass, so tough luck.
It also is coming out in the data now that most cases are transferred at home, where of course, you spend the most time in close proximity and share recycled air. Being out is less likely to infect people, simply becuase of proximity and time spent in contact. We're still making the same mistakes we did in the Black Plague, but now we call it "science".
Someone should paint a swastika in each circle. The last government that loved this control would have done that.
How many people are allowed in a circle? If my wife and I visit the part, can we sit in the same circle? If we need to sit in separate circles, what happens if there are none adjacent? Do we have to yell back and forth across other occupied circles to converse?
This is bullshit.
Today my wife and I went to the supermarket. Technically that is illegal as only one person per family is allowed and nobody under 16. (What do single fathers/mothers do?)
So at checkout, my wife is helping me bag the groceries and the cashier told her she could not do it because she was too close. So she moved to one side of the bagging area and I the other. Voila! The magical 6' social separation. Not enough. She had to get further away.
I said that we sleep together in the same bed with less than 6'. Store rules, the cashier told me. Well, it's not like she has a choice in it so I didn't argue.
John Henry
I wear a paper mask that loops over the ears. I've been wearing it, sneezing and coughing, drooling into it and so on since March. It should be good and ripe now. I figure that my bacterial army will be more than a match for any stay germ that finds its way to my mask.
When I go into the store, I put it on over my mouth and nose as cross the threshold. First time I yawn, it slips off my nose. Next time, it slips down on my chin. And there it stays. Until I cross the threshold going out.
Fuck 'em. I'm going to breathe the free air like the free man/liberal I am.
John Henry
Blogger Charlie Currie said...
Yesterday was Quarantine Cruise 4 in Huntington Beach, CA. Estimated that over 1000 classic cars, hot rods and others showed up.
Do they practice social distancing between cars? I've noticed this in drivethroughs like McD. Where cars used to have a few inches between them, now they have much more space.
That bumper-bumper transmission of Peking Pox is a serious threat.
John HEnry
Blogger Inga said...
If one is upset because the government is still pushing distancing, one should just rebel and go forth bravely. What have you got to lose?
Not a goddamn thing, Inga. Not a goddamn thing.
I wear a mask because they won't let me in without one. It comes down over my chin as soon as I am in and so far nobody, employee or shopper, has mentioned it.
I stay 6' apart when waiting in line to go in because if I don't, they will throw me out.
When I go to the Post Office, I just hold the mask in front of my face while I check my mail. I don't even put it on my ears.
If you were to come to my house wanting to talk to me, I would not put on a mask to do so. You want to wear one, fine. You want me to wear one? Fuck off. I can't think of anyone I need to talk to badly enough.
I am reasonably healthy but am at the age where it is supposed to be a problem.
I've never worried about shit like this before and am not about to start now.
Your mileage may vary.
Me? I'm with George.
John Henry
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