"... and couldn’t have felt more safe. They let the 'protesters' scream & rant as much as they wanted, but whenever someone.... ....got too frisky or out of line, they would quickly come down on them, hard - didn’t know what hit them. The front line was replaced with fresh agents, like magic. Big crowd, professionally organized, but nobody came close to breaching the fence. If they had they would.... ....have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen. That’s when people would have been really badly hurt, at least. Many Secret Service agents just waiting for action. 'We put the young ones on the front line, sir, they love it, and.... ....good practice.' As you saw last night, they were very cool & very professional. Never let it get out of hand. Thank you! On the bad side, the D.C. Mayor, @MurielBowser , who is always looking for money & help, wouldn’t let the D.C. Police get involved. 'Not their job.' Nice!"
So tweeted Donald Trump this morning.
८५ टिप्पण्या:
With The Virus and The Riots, urban living not looking good.
Both the real mob (who shoot and burn buildings) and the outrage mob (who tweet and and blog about stuff) get upset when thwarted by greater forces.
Oh well.
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, mm yeah
And that’s exactly how things should have been handled the first night in Mpls. Lawbreakers must be met with overwhelming numbers, force of arms and arrests.
There was a small riot in Omaha last night. The main east-west street was blocked. Three hospitals are on that street. Tear gas and horses were used. I think the horses are a powerful tool when things like this happen. Conflicting reports on arrest. Limited property damage.
Omaha’s female GOP Mayor did an outstanding job. Biden should pick her but she’s white and a Republican. Disqualified. I hope she runs for Governor.
What else could he say that wouldn't make a bad situation worse?
Tweet softly and carry a big stick.
On the bad side, the D.C. Mayor, @MurielBowser , who is always looking for money & help, wouldn’t let the D.C. Police get involved. 'Not their job.' Nice!"
Okay, you identify with your father, the real estate mogul, and not with your mother, the meek Scottish homemaker. That's okay. We all have parent issues. But it's time to let it go.
Female politicians can be awful. So can male politicians. But you don't want to be seen as picking on the girls all the time, especially not the Black ones.
What is the plan of D.C. Mayor Bowser and of other public authorities to identify all these people who have violated social distancing (and thereby greatly increasing the risk of covid transmission) and to do contact tracing on them??
Bowser, by the way, has tweeted her support for the crowd gathering. She also got pissy back at the president.
"Big crowd, professionally organized, but nobody came close to breaching the fence."
Professionally organized - in many cities at the same time. Is it paranoia if they're really out to get you?
"On the bad side, the D.C. Mayor, @MurielBowser , who is always looking for money & help, wouldn’t let the D.C. Police get involved. 'Not their job.' Nice!""
Divisive and inflammatory -- but, as usual, right.
And you should see those sumbeeches shoot!
Meanwhile he wants to pick a fight with the mayor of Minneapolis and gov of Minnesota. A lot easier to protect one building than an entire metro of 4m people.
Democratics' electoral strategy:
Lose 15% of the black vote.
Lose 40% of the latino vote.
Lose the white female suburban and exurban vote outright.
Vote harvest.
The numbers cannot be made to work.
He wasn't wrong, and people should know why the other part of DC wasn't protected. Put the blame where it belongs...on the Progressive Mayors of these cities who make the police stand down. Any deaths that happen is blood on THEIR HANDS.
Roy Lofquist @ 11:38: "professional organization..." I saw that too. Trump is a Galactic Overlord of Tweet, both to deliver a complex bouquet of style --humor, threat, compassion, strategic overview-- and to deliver compressed information. With that apparently-throwaway descriptor, he pointed very directly to the Flash Mob (Inter) National Networking Anarchy-Poser Disruption Conspiracy.
Which leaves to amateurs like us the task of figuring out, in any given case, how much of the mayhem is just random shit perpetrated by testosterone-poisoned "youth" and how much of it is being orchestrated across the entire continent. The Internet, she is powerful.
Interesting times. I think they will include water cannon, armored cars and a whole lot of zip-ties.
steve uhr: "Meanwhile he wants to pick a fight with the mayor of Minneapolis and gov of Minnesota."
The moron Gov of Minnesota has officially pronounced "white supremacists" and "russians" as the cause of the riots.
To summarize: the moron Gov of Minnesota has gone Full Steve Uhr.
Mayor Bowser once again demonstrates her solid style of leadership. /sarc
steve uhr said...
Meanwhile he wants to pick a fight with the mayor of Minneapolis and gov of Minnesota. A lot easier to protect one building than an entire metro of 4m people.
No, Steve. ANTIFA picked that fight. You lefties don't know that those mean dogs you keep feeding can bite you, too.
I hope some of you just now had a chance to listen to gov waltz. In case you forgot what a real leader sounds like.
Female politicians can be awful.
@Lazarus, only if they’re Democrats. Pity you reawakened.
When people threaten to burn your house down, it's very important to treat them with civility and courtesy. That's a sure way to defuse the situation and lead us all to a brighter future. It's amazing that Trump has lived all these years and still has not comprehended this simple truth.
steve uhrs comment made me wonder what he scored looting last night.
“Their goal is destruction. We don’t want them arrested. We want them to go home.”
MN governor
He is right . Overwhelming force is the only thing that will work. Pain must be real.
Thank God there is somebody standing up for following rules and against violent mobs. The veneer of civilization is thin and cracking, and the local reaction to these mobs is a devastating message to those who would follow rules.
Go watch the video of this "protest". They are throwing bottles and screaming and grabbing officers and generally acting crazy.
And the ONLY reason they do this is they KNOW that they are in no danger whatsoever. None at all.
If they police were the awful sadistic killers they are being accused of being, no one would dare do this.
It's protest theater, with the protesters casting themselves in the starring roles, and bravely doing their own stunts.
The sanctification of "gentle giant" 6 foot 6 ex-con Floyd is proceeding apace. He was passing that counterfeit bill for the collection plate in his "ministry."
Armed robbery in 2007 is just a sped bump on his road to sainthood.
I wish he'd follow the Althouse rule, "Is this helping?" before he posts.
Making empty threats is the worst response possible. You don't have to be understanding or make excuses for riots, but you can say what your response is going to be, and then do what you say.
Threatening violence makes the situation worse, and failing to follow through encourages more violence by looking weak.
The riots of 1968 led to the election of Nixon who was not well liked by the left. What impact will the riots of 2020 have on the 2020 election?
My feeling is that whatever the impact, it will make the Corona pandemic insignificant.
Trump would get more sympathy for the current the breakdown of law and order if he didn't tweet such crazy stuff.
One bad officer = tear down the nation.
Democrats and hack press cool with it.
When a representative sample of these “righteous protestors” have been kneecapped and concussed so they will never walk or tee as long normally, the message will begin to be received.
I devoutly hope that isn’t needed, but people learn slowly, and stupid vicious people learn even more slowly.
steve uhr: "I hope some of you just now had a chance to listen to gov waltz. In case you forgot what a real leader sounds like."
"Russians" and "white supremacists" are behind it all!
You know, I think I see why Steve Uhr is so taken with this idiot Governor.
Rusty too bad I can’t sue Althouse for publishing your libel, asshole.
Trump is letting the dead narrative of Antifa be ignored. They are a defeated force. Striking them back would pay them more attention as martyrs. Soros will pay the price soon enough.
Vicki McKenna
Look at this downplayed headline about a cop who was SHOT by a”protester”. RUFKM? “Milwaukee officer suffers minor gunshot wound as peaceful protests escalate; minor injury reported” https://jsonline.com/story/news/2020/05/30/milwaukee-protests-looting-police-riot-gear-after-peaceful-day/5290062002/
via @journalsentinel
It sounds like Trump must’ve been drooling in anticipation in hopes that some someone breached the fence so that they could be ripped up by vicious dogs or shot by young eager SS agents. Very Presidential and calming tweet for a troubled nation.
so you see how the patriot scare, cleared the decks for the black bloc, so when the law enforcement and national guard retreat, they hold the high ground,
Mayor Bowser once again demonstrates her solid style of leadership. /sarc
With pride and shifted responsibility.
"Russians" and "white supremacists" are behind it all!
Obama's deals are festering and diversity breeds adversity.
"I hope some of you just now had a chance to listen to gov waltz. In case you forgot what a real leader sounds like."
I believe that's what the Left's fantasists said about Cuomo (well, before it got out how exactly he 'protected' the elderly).
The sanctification of "gentle giant" 6 foot 6 ex-con Floyd is proceeding apace.
The latter can be judged separately; but, the audacity of the Pro-Choice former is a clear and progressive condition.
steve uhr: "Rusty too bad I can’t sue Althouse for publishing your libel, asshole."
Steve Uhr has said Trump colluded with Russia and Kavanaugh is a rapist.
Tell us more about libel Steve.....
across the pond ://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/05/30/sleepwalking-one-denial-liberties-even-insidious-phase/
Steve, do mean to tell us that you did not "score" any loot last night ?
What a weakling !
Inga: "It sounds like Trump must’ve been drooling in anticipation in hopes that some someone breached the fence so that they could be ripped up by vicious dogs or shot by young eager SS agents."
It's very important to idiots like Inga that after their serial lies for 5+ years have completely collapsed that brand new mind-reading slanders and lies be created to fill the void.
That's why the newest cognitive dissonance lies the lefties are telling boil down to:
- These riots are completely justified and are just like the Boston Tea Party
- Also, these riots are the result of "white supremacists" and "russians"
The best part?
Lefties often argue both points simultaneously.....with hilarious results.
Sometimes I wish would just say some platitudes like other politicians. It almost sounds like he wants them to ‘make his day.’
PhilD: "I believe that's what the Left's fantasists said about Cuomo (well, before it got out how exactly he 'protected' the elderly)."
And not just Cuomo.
Also the democrat governors of PA, NJ and MI also "protected the elderly" by mandating infected patients be shoved into their very rooms with them.
Which is simply part of the program to put 20 year old boxers with mental problems in the same room as 75 year old veterans and then have those 20 year olds beat the s*** out of the retirees.
Thanks Gov Whitmer!
Why would anyone read Donald Trumps tweets? Total waste of time.
It sounds like Trump must’ve been drooling in anticipation in hopes that some someone breached the fence so that they could be ripped up by vicious dogs or shot by young eager SS agents.
That's pretty rich coming from the thug - who just a couple days ago - was begging for the National Guard to come in and neckstomp protestors opposed to the lockdowns.
It's incontestable: Donald Trump is a 12-year boy.
You're projecting again, Inga
Unleash the dogs of boogaloo.
And just like that the press stopped agonizing over social distancing and mask wearing. Perhaps there will be a social justice spike in C19 in certain “communities.”
The moment the Atlanta police let two police cars vandalized fifty feet from them was the moment the crowd was given a pass to loot and vandalize. The press praised the police restraint. Over and over.
Don’t forget about the perfect phone call Drago
Why is it that almost all of you post on this “safe space” anonymously? (Even though anonymous comments are not allowed). What are you scared of?
Why is it that Ann allows clearly libelous comments under her new moderation policy?
Yeah, Steve Uhr, that Governor Walz will now prevent the rioters from buring the rubble.
Why do people use a pseudonym?
Why don't people post their home addresses, phone numbers and emails?
Let's play "what if"?
Even in one could get beyond the issue of satire, and of identification of the target of alleged online defamation, what are your damages?
Before you start throwing lawyers around (at a lot of other lawyers here), what is there to establish this foundational element?
“...was begging for the National Guard to come in and neckstomp protestors opposed to the lockdowns.’”
You mean to stop the quasi anarchists like the Boogaloo Bois from brandishing long guns at the Michigan state legislature that was in session and had to be shut down because of these extremists? Lockdown protestors, my ass. They are extremists with an agenda of civil war.
isn't it though, it's almost as if they weren't serious, and the actual reason was to shutter churches and businesses,
Community suicide is a choice.
Never let it get out of hand. Otherwise, the kids will hurt themselves, each other, and destroy property. Nothing but regrets. Think of the children!
That said, he's offering the rioters fair warning that they will not occupy the White House.
steve uhr said...
Rusty too bad I can’t sue Althouse for publishing your libel, asshole."
1-you also libel.
2-she hasn't censored you.
3-if were able to sue,then you do realize you could be counter sued.
If the Governor of MN did his job and called out the guard and gave shoot to kill orders for rioters and looters this would have ended immediately. The same can be said for the Mayor. Rioting and looting are are violent crimes, not peaceful protest.
Inga said...
“...was begging for the National Guard to come in and neckstomp protestors opposed to the lockdowns.’”
You mean to stop the quasi anarchists like the Boogaloo Bois from brandishing long guns at the Michigan state legislature that was in session and had to be shut down because of these extremists? Lockdown protestors, my ass. They are extremists with an agenda of civil war.
5/30/20, 5:46 PM'
Were they rioting and looting? No. They were peacefully exercising their right to protest a fascist Governor. They were not anarchist and open carry is their right under state law and 2nd amendment. The same can't be said for the governor.
Steve uhr: "Don’t forget about the perfect phone call Drago"
It was perfect...which is why your boy Schiff-ty Schiff had to make up an entirely different phone call and read it into the record.
It must really suck for you now that the actual documentation of Team Dem's lies are being released.
Its amusing watching Li'l Stevie Uhr and Collusion Hoax Truther and Liar Inga trying to settle on just which lefty lies might be the most effective right about now.
In other good news for the lefties, Groper Of Young Girls Joey B is now claiming that rascally Charlemagne Tha God TRICKED him into saying "you ain't black"!
By the way, if you want to know where Inga the Collusion Truther got her latest lefty lies regarding russians and white supremacists are causing the riots, they come straight out of the mouth of the homophobic MSNBC idiot Joy Reid, who once claimed that right wingers hacked her social media accounts years ago to plant anti-gay comments.
I'd bet money our very own Inga the Collusion Truther swallowed that one whole.
So will we hear one peep of "second wave" from deBlasio as (mostly white) people pack the streets causing mischief and destruction?
You mean to stop the quasi anarchists like the Boogaloo Bois from brandishing long guns at the Michigan state legislature that was in session and had to be shut down because of these extremists?
They are not burning down cities you idiot. Oh well, there are Ingas in most communities. Also known as Karens. Usually to be found on HOAs.
We need to get Biden to the protests. Someone can teach him how to use a megaphone.
"Come on, man!"
Looking at images now of Mayor Bowser's "stay at home" D.C. --
An awful lot of WHITE folks out there in dense crowds as they shove the black folks to the back of the bus and exploit this for their own cause.
Michael K said...
Steve, do mean to tell us that you did not "score" any loot last night ?
What a weakling !
5/30/20, 3:14 PM
Oh, one of us is confused. By "what he scored while looting" nobody thinks of Steve Uhr, fat on a career of government salary i.e. American taxpayer dollars, not to mention his happy hour ladies night lawsuit winnings fortune, as "scoring" for material gain!
No, no free flat screens or alcopops for our hero. When I think of Steve Uhr scoring, to me that means he got his ashes hauled by some rough trade he met out there in the mob.
Michigan state legislature that was in session and had to be shut down because of these extremists
The shutdown was a politically-motivated choice, not by violence or threat of violence, looting, cancellation, etc.
Community suicide is a choice.
Self-abortion. Yeah, a peculiar choice that, in the best case reduces, and in the worst case terminates, viability.
Even CNN using words like "agitators" and "rabble-rousers."
MS-NBC still pretending that everyone is protesting about George Floyd.
Inga said...
“...was begging for the National Guard to come in and neckstomp protestors opposed to the lockdowns.’”
You mean to stop the quasi anarchists like the Boogaloo Bois from brandishing long guns at the Michigan state legislature that was in session and had to be shut down because of these extremists? Lockdown protestors, my ass. They are extremists with an agenda of civil war."
Perhaps Inga can explain to us why the Biden campaign and Hollywood progressive Chrissy Teigen are paying for bail for "Boogaloo" (Jesus) white supremacists. After she does that, she can tell us if she is ever embarrassed by her own deep stupidity.
Interesting times. I think they will include water cannon, armored cars and a whole lot of zip-ties.
Grape shot!!
Here's a nice pic of Keith Ellison, democrat leader and current AG of Minnesota, showing us precisely where he stands with violent extremism:
Trump would get more sympathy for the current breakdown of law and order if he didn't tweet such crazy stuff.
Trump tweeting "crazy stuff" is pretty much baked in after 3.5 years. Other than the antifa morons and criminal rioters, my anger is focused on this useless media and useless politicians and leaders who should be standing up for law and order, our institutions and we, the people.
MS-NBC right now --
"The only violence we've seen is from those in uniform."
I'm looking forward to reading the reports of the new Covid infections resulting from the riots. Yes, I know some of the rioters were masked, but very few were social-distancing. Participating in a riot might be ALMOST as bad as going to church to spread the virus.
"Perhaps Inga can explain to us why the Biden campaign and Hollywood progressive Chrissy Teigen are paying for bail for 'Boogaloo'(Jesus) white supremacists. After she does that, she can tell us if she is ever embarrassed by her own deep stupidity."
In her little ideological cocoon, it's not stupidity but forward, enlightened thinking. Inhabitants of that world can tell themselves that by ignoring all that unpleasant stuff like statism., shackles and serfdom.
Robeet Cook writes: "It's incontestable: Donald Trump is a 12-year boy."
Could you--with your usual crystalline, Aristotelian logic--explain why?
Aw, Steve. Why the hate? You didn't score anything? What kind of resistance warrior are you? Is this how you honor the memory of George Floyd? Who, BTW, must have been one violent, racist and looting asshole.
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