May 3, 2020

"Fourteen? You’re very well endowed for 14!"

An alleged quote, printed in a Law & Crime article with the awkwardly written title "Woman Claims Biden Sexually Harassed Her When She Was 14 Years Old by Complimenting Her Breasts."

I say "awkwardly written" because — bad as it would be to say "You’re very well endowed for 14!" — it is speaking to the girl, not to her breasts. And "complimenting" is the wrong word, but if you're going to use it, say "complimenting her," not "complimenting her breasts."

Anyway, enough about the headline writing in Law & Crime. This is another creepy story about Biden and young girls.

ADDED: Law & Crime has updated its article to say the Biden campaign — which "did not originally respond to a request for comment" — calls the allegation “absolutely false” and has provided various documents indicated that Biden did not attend the event where Biden was said to have made the remark.
The new revelations heavily complicate a story originally reported based on seven original sources; six of whom agreed to go on the record and one of whom did not. Despite the evidence from the Biden campaign, Murry and several of her original corroborating sources maintain that she is telling the truth.

“I don’t think Eva would have gotten the person wrong,” Murry’s older sister Jenna Murphy told Law&Crime when asked if her sister had a case of mistaken identity at the dinner that year. “She named him really specifically at the time and saw him several times after and recognized him as the person who made the comment. If anything, maybe she could have confused the date, but I really don’t think she could have gotten the person wrong."


Marcus Bressler said...

C'mon, man, it's not like he said, "nice tits!".


I'm a leg man. Once you've seen a tit, you want to see them all.

Readering said...

Republican operative.

Readering said...

Whole book published about POTUS on this subject.

gspencer said...

"Complimenting" is not the right word.

"Observing" is more at it.

But "ogling" fits best.

rhhardin said...

Breasts are how you recognize somebody in the age of masks.

Wince said...

And "complimenting" is the wrong word, but if you're going to use it, say "complimenting her," not "complimenting her breasts."

I was about to suggest "complimenting her on her breasts," but that sounds too much like a 'money shot'.

Freder Frederson said...

Does it really do Trump any good dredging up Biden saying inappropriate things about young girls? Trump has got some pretty creepy quotes about his own daughter hanging out there.

Jersey Fled said...

The evidence continues to mount that Biden is just a creep.

gspencer said...

Biden, always the gentleman. I mean, he coulda said, "Hey, little girl, thems ain't malarkey!"

Fernandinande said...

And "complimenting" is the wrong word

It's correct word to describe the statement "You’re very well endowed for 14."

If, say, a 16 year old girl casually said the same thing in a gym's changing room, would that be considered "sexual harassment"?

Readering said...

Running against a monster.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

biden clinton = what's the difference?

Ann Althouse said...

"Does it really do Trump any good dredging up Biden saying inappropriate things about young girls? Trump has got some pretty creepy quotes about his own daughter hanging out there."

Yes, it does. Because Biden's pitch is that he is the good, normal man who will supplant the bad weirdo.

David Begley said...

Worse than creepy. Try sick. An authority figure talking to a total stranger during her puberty. Breast development must be a very touchy subject for 14 year old girls. Might as well ask her how long she’s had her period and if it is light or heavy.

Biden won’t be on the ballot. He’ll pick Hillary as VP and then withdraw as the nominee in late August. A very emotional speech where he will cry and repeatedly mention Beau. Rematch between Crooked Hillary and Trump. Too risky and too late for the DNC to pick anyone else.

rhhardin said...

It's a rachet up to bring in young girls. Innocence is more presumed so evil stands out better.

Still you'd like to know what she was wearing. 14 is an age where you can take responsibility for what happens to you.

Maybe she was fishing for other 14 year olds and surprised to land an old guy.

Laslo Spatula said...

Sitting on the park bench
eyeing little girls with bad intent
Hey Uncle Joe.

I am Laslo.

rhhardin said...

I remember as a kid that there was a neighborhood girl, all of us nine or ten, who had a fake boob shirt that would take the shape of boobs with no boob being in them.

Probably no longer sold.

Ann Althouse said...

OED: "compliment... a. transitive. To address or greet with formal expressions of civility, respect, or regard; to pay a compliment to; ‘to soothe with acts or expressions of respect’ (Johnson); to flatter with polite and delicate praise."

The compliment goes to the person receiving the expression of respect or regard, not to the attribute that inspires the expression.

If he'd spoken as if the breasts were conscious entities capable of feeling respected, then it would make sense to say "complimenting her breasts" rather than "complimenting her" (because of her breasts). Obviously, there would still be the problem that under the circumstances, it was not an expression of civility, respect, or regard.

mezzrow said...

Biden's pitch is that he is the good, normal man who will supplant the bad weirdo.

The tide of entitlement and narcissism that empowers individuals to seek the world's hardest, most exposed job also allows them to reach for "what the heart wants", in the words of a well-known filmmaker.

Running for POTUS is not the move of a wise well balanced individual. That we get from time to time a reasonably sane candidate is to be celebrated from the highest mountain.

Still waiting, here. Prospects not good. Orange man not the problem, just a symptom. The fact that his policies seem so sane to me is an indicator of just how far progressive-ism has left the rails.

roesch/voltaire said...

Do we have the checks and payment and complaints from dozens of women or is this old man still minor league when it comes to harassment?

wendybar said...

But the Democrats will exclaim "That's just Joe being Joe" so you should just ignore it.

Jupiter said...

'If, say, a 16 year old girl casually said the same thing in a gym's changing room, would that be considered "sexual harassment"?'

I suppose that depends upon whether the 16 year old girl has a dick. It gets complicated, nowadays.

But the fundamental rule is, the most female person involved gets to decide whether it is sexual harassment, and she has the rest of her life to make up her mind.

brylun said...

Economic intercourse...

paminwi said...

I normally don’t share this story but here goes.
I was 15 years old and I had, for a 15 year old, large breasts.
One day, not really thinking how it would be taken by others (cuz, ya, that’s what 15 yo do all the time) I wore a sweater vest with an apple with a bite taken our of it.
My high school civics teacher approached me at my desk and said he like my sweater.
Then continued on to say “I wish I was the one to have taken the bite out of that apple”.
I stood up and called him a pig.
And proceeded to pick up my papers and books and he said “you walk out of this room, you will get a zero on the project we are working on.”
I said “I don’t care, I am going to the principal to tell him what you said” and walked out.
I did go straight to the principal and told him the story and told I am never returning to my civics classroom again.
I don’t care if I get an “F”.
I never had to go back to the class-did the homework for the class and turned it into the principal.
And every time I saw that teacher in the hall I called him a pig to his face.
How or why did I have the ability to do this?
I give my father all the credit- he had 4 girls (I was #3) and he talked to us all about standing up for yourself and not being afraid to do so. At the time, (this happened to me in 1971), these comments from my dad were not about sexual comments you might encounter, just handling life in general.
So, thank you dad!
And for you fathers out there, your time and conversations with your daughters over the years CAN make a difference.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We should discuss the matter with Stormy Daniel's lawyer.

Owen said...

David Begley @ 8:14: “...Crooked Hillary...”. Thanks for spoiling my morning but, yeah, that’s a likely bet. And given her lack of electability it means we should be very worried about election-rigging. Dems are preparing the battle space right now (do they ever stop?) with ballot harvesting, same-day registration, motor voter, activist GOTV/street theatre groups, etc. I submit that part of what keeps them propping up Biden is that his daily decline and growing scandal score distract us from the battle space prep work. Biden is a “demonstration” to keep the other side fixed in place and to screen the movement of the main Dem force as it masses for the real attack.

This is exactly not a time to get at all complacent.

rhhardin said...

What does it mean when a pregnancy test comes up one bold line and one fainter line? Watching a movie and it assumes that I know that.

Ray - SoCal said...

Interesting the article is in a leftist leaning site.

frenchy said...

As pickup lines go it's hard to judge because who knows what does the charm for a 14-year old girl these days, especially when it's coming from a 66-year old man. But then, they say every time a pedophile gets caught in the act it represents the 80 other times he did it and got away with it, so there's that. It doesn't say whether he sniffed her hair.

Amexpat said...

Creepy, if true, but not sexual harassment.

It could be that there's a movement to get Biden off the ticket by dredging up old stuff. Many here point to Hilary, but I don't see that. The Dems would have to be even dumber than I think they are to repeat that mistake. Andrew Cuomo would be their best bet to beat Trump.

rhhardin said...

If he didn't say she looked nice, it's not sexual harassment.

Ken B said...

“ I was about to suggest "complimenting her on her breasts," but that sounds too much like a 'money shot'.”

That would be complementing.

rhhardin said...

It could have been innocent. If she'd had really huge breasts it might have been just a spontaneous exclamation of surprise.

Beth B said...

There are more of these stories out there waiting to be told. Many women are too afraid of retaliation or of having their lives & careers turned upside down to come forward. But this is definitely not the only time Creepy Joe has creeped all over a young woman's cleavage most inappropriately.

Oh, but this is the oh-so-moral, politically savvy, straight arrow super genius who is going to look so much better than Trump, by comparison.

chickelit said...

Fourteen? You’re very well endowed for 14!

I remember the first time I heard that phras, "well endowed."e. I was at an uncle's house and we were watching "The Wizard Of Oz" on TV. It might have been my first time. My uncle asked the room "How old was Judy Garland? "
"Sixteen" my aunt answered
"She's pretty well endowed for 16" he said.

I was around 9 or 10 then. Men said things like that in the late '60's -- even in front of their wives and children.

chickelit said...

Amexpat said...It could be that there's a movement to get Biden off the ticket by dredging up old stuff. Many here point to Hilary, but I don't see that. The Dems would have to be even dumber than I think they are to repeat that mistake. Andrew Cuomo would be their best bet to beat Trump.

Sorry, nope. This smell like the Clintons and their minions. Our long national nightmare continues.

rhhardin said...

Young girls in movies are plot devices. You tell them to stay here until I come back and they always leave and the rest of the movie is spent trying to overcome difficulties to find them.

rhhardin said...

Well-endowed was a euphemism. I'm not sure what the euphemism is that has replaced it as a euphemism.

robother said...

C'mon, man. It was 2008, Mad Men was only in its second season. It was a completely different time.

gilbar said...

Is it TRUE that Jo Biden then said to her:
Some say 14 is too young; But, i say...
If there's grass on the field: PLAY BALL!!


Lurker21 said...

They wrote the headline that way to convey that Biden wasn't complimenting her on her intellectual endowments.


And speaking of "intellectual endowments" ...

Ford to City: Drop Dead

Trump to Harvard: You're Very Well-Endowed For A 384-year-old.

Ralph L said...

Is it a coincidence there's a well-endowed bra ad directly to the right of this post?

rhhardin said...

What other clickbait things can be used against Biden. Are they just going with the easiest.

Howard said...

I totally get it. If she's old enough to bleed she's old enough to seed. That's hardwired into us males because evolution. However because we are not only men we are human beans and for society to work we must not outwardly express our baser instincts.

Openly sexualizing a 14 year old girl in a public setting is harassment of a sexual nature so therefore dipso fatso is sexual harassment.

One of the toughest jobs I had as a father was being the father of a very talented water polo player who played for her high school team and the Junior Olympics and county allstar touring team. My wife and I are intended about 75% of her matches.

I was one of the cool Dads because I am a accomplished water man that the other girls liked and so it puts you in a situation where you're in California in the hot sun and all these 15 through 18 year old girls are running around in wet skin tight swimsuits they change on Deck they ripped their suits off each other during the matches and you have to be able to look at these girls in the eye as they run-up to come talk to you about something.

You just have to imagine that they are kryptonite. Because the ultimate failure as a father in my mind would have been if any of the other girls that my daughter played with told her that their dad was a perv and believe you me plenty of other dads had that label.

Ken B said...

Hardin is right, it could be just surprise, or an observation about precocity. Being tall is generally considered sexually attractive in males. I was told I was pretty tall for my age all the time. That wasn’t creepy, even when my female teachers did it. Maybe it was icky, but maybe not.

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

Wince made me wince, when he mentioned...
"complimenting her on her breasts," but that sounds too much like a 'money shot'.

i've seen too many of those pictures of women; being complimented on their breasts, face, hair and clothes

Birkel said...

I am confused.

Is there any other sort of story about Biden?

Creepy is all I have ever seen.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And there are enough stories like this for a new victim of Joe’s hands nose and mouth to come forward every day between now and the election. You’ve only seen the highlight reel with Ash Carter’s wife and daughter, and the many White House events where hair was sniffed and etc. wait until Trump’s team rolls out the good stuff.

Oh wait. This is why Joe’ll be dumped at the convention. Nevermind!

Temujin said...

Joe is class all the way.

A perfect Democrat. Keeping up the tradition of Ted Kennedy, Chris Dodd, Bill Clinton. And on and on. (Dodd is on Biden's VP selection committee. One can only imagine the interview process.)

Owen said...

Lurker21 @8:49: “...Trump to Harvard...”. Threadwinner.

Lurker21 said...

If the campaign were still going on would the media even be talking about this? This may not be some organized conspiracy to dump Joe. It may just reflect the fact that Biden isn't "feeding the Beast" enough to sustain it.

Is it time for a disquisition on "pervyness"? Some behavior that is characterized as "pervy" is by people who wouldn't think of actually having sex with those they perv out. Some behavior that is characterized as "pervy" is by people who think about nothing other than having sex with those they are perving. And some is by people who are having sex with their perv objects, when the objects are willing (or when they aren't). By the standards of the last 20 years or so, all that can be categorized as "sexual harrassment," but "pervert" seems like a very elastic word that covers a wide variety of situations and very different kinds of offenders. Maybe we use "perv" for the milder cases and reserve "pervert" for the serious and pathological ones.

stevew said...

These Creepy Joe stories are accumulating like Covid-19 cases. Many of the proven creepy acts by Joe were publicly done and well documented. That could/should mean he didn't think they were wrong and were not sexual acts.

Why now?

a. Democrats see how enfeebled their presumptive nominee is and are attempting to dump him or push him out.
b. Democrats expect that all this will come up in the campaign after Labor Day so to reduce the potential damage to their guy are pushing the discussion now then in the Fall these are old and resolved questions and issues.
c. Democrats really are aggressively defending a principle they truly believe in: #MeToo, #BelieveAllWomen; Sexual Harassment is defined exclusively by the victim.

Howard said...

I was 15 years old for my first high School football physical. Shouting Thomas will love the story. Anyways we're all in this long line going to get checked out by this cougar doctor. I walked in there she asked me a bunch of questions that I had to drop my drawers turn my head and cough as she cupped her hand on my balls and said "my aren't you a healthy young man."

Not harassment it was definitely a compliment and I took it that way. However there is a hysteresis between men and women in regards to sex. Men that don't recognize that are scum in my eyes Joe Biden is scum and hopefully he will be deep-sixed. Plenty of you people are openly proud of your scummy nature. In fact some of you are so proud you boast of it. That's okay I have battle-hardened my girls to recognize confront embarrass and avoid weak pieces of shit like you.

jeremyabrams said...

"...complimenting her on the size of her breasts."

Gk1 said...

You have to wonder if negative stories like this are more harmful when people are stuck in front of a computer than when they have better things to do? You just know the NYT and Washpo loathe having to cover gropey Joe's accuser at all.

I think in normal times they would have John Wayned it and pretended it didn't exist at all or do that catch all excuse "Oh that Joe, what a card! Joe Biden is Joe Biden. What are yah gonna' do? That goof ball :-) "

Owen said...

Biden has always had trouble accurately perceiving the size of things. Reportedly he was talking to Joe Scarborough just now about Wuhan Flu and lamented the fact that 600,000 Americans have already died of it.

RMc said...

"Does it really do Trump any good dredging up Biden saying inappropriate things about young girls? Trump has got some pretty creepy quotes about his own daughter hanging out there."

Yes, it does. Because Biden's pitch is that he is the good, normal man who will supplant the bad weirdo.

Geez, it took Freder seven whole minutes to scream, "What about Trump, huh?!" You're slipping, man.

Anyway, the choices for president are:
(a) The creep who seems to be doing a halfway-decent job, or
(b) The creep who can barely stay awake, surrounded by loony-left advisors.

So, yeah.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Joe Biden has a bad habit of answering a question with "Look......".

I do that sometimes too but it's usually when I am losing an argument.

Leland said...

If this is the best anyone has on Biden, then he's clean.

traditionalguy said...

Propositioning Young females in our own youthful days is one thing. Being a predator of them in our mature years, after we have married and had our own children, is a serious problem that is also a crime when acted out. Biden is a sick man.

Stephen said...

"The compliment goes to the person receiving the expression of respect or regard, not to the attribute that inspires the expression."

14 y.o. girl, Joe Biden, breasts---they're all distractions. The blog post was a grammar lesson by an inveterate sentence diagrammer. Before this I never gave "compliment" much thought, though what it would do with my thought I'll never know.

Kai Akker said...

Words. Compliments. Propositions.

Looks. Sniffing. Touching.

Sexual harassment. Sexual assault. Rape.

Blogging. Commenting. Insulting.

Speculating. Replying. Contradicting. Arguing.

Censor. Slander. Libel.

Criminalize everything. We can spend all day in court now.

MayBee said...

I think it's creepy, but the true joy is going to be watching people explain this away, while they have convinced themselves that Trump pervs on underage girls.

Oso Negro said...

Howard - it’s great to have you as an arbiter of male sexuality.

LA_Bob said...

"If he'd spoken as if the breasts were conscious entities capable of feeling respected, then it would make sense to say 'complimenting her breasts'...

I'm pretty sure Biden was complimenting her breasts. It's probably all he saw. He was born senile.

Jeff Brokaw said...

So if the article is to be believed (and why not, it fits the pattern) he said this to the 14 year old niece of his opponent?!

What a dumbf*ck. Unbelievable.

We all have eyes and do notice such things, but like Seinfeld said, “it’s like looking at the sun!”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I want to know why the dems cannot select someone outside of the deep state?

Why Biden - Hillary - Hillary - Biden - Hillary - Biden?

The dems could have a somewhat competent Governor. Cuomo or Hickenlooper or ... any number of non-deep staters. Instead we get family enrichment government for-lifers. Instead we get the deep state re-runs.

chickelit said...

Kai Akker wrote: Criminalize everything. We can spend all day in court now.

"The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking the law."

~Ayn Rand

Paul Snively said...

14? Aren’t there studies now showing that puberty is occurring, on average, around age 12, and somewhat earlier in girls than boys? And don’t girls stop growing at puberty, or am I misremembering that?

Anyway, 14 is “high school freshman.” Looking at the (visible to strangers) masculine equivalents of “well-endowed,” by that time I was 6’4”, having had a growth spurt of 4” in a single year, and had been shaving for two years. I don’t know what was going on with girls when he was 14, but as far as I could tell, bustiness in my female freshman classmates followed a Gaussian distribution—and straight boys being wired the way we are, of course the girls on the larger representing tail of the distribution got a disproportionate amount of attention. As far as I could tell, the girls’ reactions to this also followed a Gaussian distribution.

iowan2 said...

Its not the accuracy of the story, but the seriousness of the charge that demands action.

Where do you think #metoo came from?

holdfast said...

Andrew Como was looking pretty good a month ago. His style of dry, [apparently] fact driven briefing was the antidote to Trump’s more wild and meandering style. But that seems to be over. New York City and New York State generally are still coronavirus shit shows, and Andrew’s star has waned.

hombre said...

Readering said...
“Whole book published about POTUS on this subject.”

Funny how Democrats have no sense of distinction between the behavior that should be expected of a private citizen and that of a United States Senator or POTUS. I assume that is because the Kennedys, Dodd and Clinton set the bar so low for public officials.

It’s the difference between merely being uncouth and disgracing or exploiting a public office. Being an elected Democrat has become a license for the latter.

Iman said...

Well endowed... bodacious ta-tas... BIGtime fun bags...

JAORE said...

I laugh at those who say, "But Biden has only ONE complaint over all these years".

Do those on the left think this won't stick when there are dozens of pictures and videos of him creeping out little girls?

Iman said...

Blogger Leland said...
If this is the best anyone has on Biden, then he's clean.

No, “oleaginous” is as good as he gets...

Drago said...

Readering: "Whole book published about POTUS on this subject."


Readering still believes Kavanaugh was a gang rape leader who raped 5,000 women over decades...and still believes Trump paid Moscow hookers to pee on a bed.

Readering, like Inga, are the Ron Burgundys of Althouse Blog: they will literally believe and hype whatever talking points the dem operatives toss out there.

I am just waiting for Readering to tell us Trump shot Lincoln....after he raped him.

Arashi said...

I am 67. If I started making audible comments about some young woman's secondary sexual characteristics, no one, and I mean no one would think I was just being 'Joe'. They would rightly think I was at best a stupid old man who should keep his unwanted comments to himself. At worst, they would think I was a sexual predator who needed a good beat down or to be locked up.

But I get it that Slo Joe is a democrat and that makes every unwanted comment and hair shiff and touchy feely act he has every engaged in (and there are too many to count) OK. Besides, Orange Man Bad, and can I interest you in our lord and savior Obama?

Drago said...

Leland: "If this is the best anyone has on Biden, then he's clean."

The "best" they have are video after video of creepy Joe going cringey full "hands on" and nuzzling young girls while the girls attempt to squirm away and others where he keeps touching women inappropriately and they attemot to mive away.....and again, its on camera.

Not hard to make the argument that if Biden is comfortable doing that in public, what happens when its in private?

The dems better get another eleventeen kajillion hoax books on Trump out there to muddy the waters....STAT!

Mary Beth said...

If, say, a 16 year old girl casually said the same thing in a gym's changing room, would that be considered "sexual harassment"?

If the 16-year-old is a stranger, it is, at the very least, rude. Unless the older girl is flat-chested and saying it out of admiration, it's also probably harassment. It might not be sexual, but it could certainly be meant to make the younger girl uncomfortable.

I worked with someone who would make comments about people's appearance like this. He had no filter and didn't understand boundaries. I still don't understand the need of people like that to blurt out whatever dumbass thing comes into their head.

Mary Beth said...

The link goes to:

No Results

Ooops! I've got nothing for you.

» Go home.

The front page of "Law & Crime" still shows it as a featured post, but that link goes nowhere too.

Gk1 said...

There is a certain sadness to badgering a cognitively impaired old man about something he no longer remembers. This is probably why Erich Honecker or Salvador Aliende were not hauled into court. What would be the point other than cruelty?

Bob Boyd said...

The article seems to have disappeared from Law & Crime.

Mary Beth said...

Now I'm reading that Biden had sinus surgery on May 1 of that year and was unlikely to be attending an event on the 3rd. Perhaps this is why the article has gone missing.

Google has the article cached.

Lurker21 said...

If, say, a 16 year old girl casually said the same thing in a gym's changing room, would that be considered "sexual harassment"?

It would be considered the start of a movie that could get you sent to prison.

Or maybe just an After School Special.

Depends on how it's handled.

gspencer said...

"Joe Biden has a bad habit of answering a question with 'Look......'"

I've noticed that. Hillary also did that; so too Warren.

It comes across as, "Hey, look, I've been patient, and I'll continue to try to be patient, but you gotta show some respect to me and my stupid, liberal points. So far you've been pretty dense with it all. How do I know? Because you continue to ask questions. Just take my instructions, and shut up. Capisce?"

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

That was 12 years ago, and her breasts are on an inexorably downward sag, so who cares?

JAORE said...

Imagine all those pictures of Joe Biden inappropriately grabbing (and sniffing?!?!?!0 girls and women? Now imagine Judge Kavanaugh's face in place of Biden's.

Does ANYONE think Kavanaugh would be on the Supreme Court?


Yancey Ward said...

You know, I don't care if the woman is lying or not- it is exquisite to watch the Democrats self-immolate.

Birkel said...

Howard is so well endowed he sucks his own intellectual dick.

Where is Titus to type tits?

Fernandinande said...

Joe performing an inspection.

From here.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“It could have been innocent. If she'd had really huge breasts it might have been just a spontaneous exclamation of surprise

Rhhardin missed what no doubt would have been a distinguished career in the legal profession.

Anonymous said...

Does matter to ANYONE on this site that the woman who ran the event where this allegedly happened says Biden wasn't there?

"But subsequent reports from the event organizer claimed that Biden didn’t attend the Gridiron Dinner that year. ABC News reporter Sasha Pezenik noted that Biden had undergone sinus surgery that week, and was believed to be home recovering at the time the alleged incident took place."

D.D. Driver said...

We are jumping to conclusions by assuming Biden was referring to the young woman's breasts. Did you ever stop to think maybe he was referring to her large penis?

Mark O said...

Even at 14 or 16 or 35 I would never have said anything like that to a girl or woman. Biden is staggeringly creepy.

spoot said...

Ann, the article you quoted asserting this allegation has been updated. The update features a response from the Biden camp, citing newspaper articles, a copy of the Senator's schedule and a letter from the former VP of the Gridiron dinner, all stating that Biden did not attend the dinner because he was recovering from a minor surgery procedure.

I think it's appropriate if you cite another source for a blog entry, that you also cite any updates from that same entry.

Whether or not a reader gives it any weight is up to the reader but at least I think they should be made aware of it..

Lurker21 said...

Joe was just trying live up to the "Official Boob Inspector" badge his kids got him for Father's Day.

It does make you think, though, about how history might have been different if Obama had picked somebody else to run with him. He had to pick somebody White and somebody older than himself, somebody who appeared to be reliable or at least acceptable to the powers that be in Washington. He couldn't pick Hillary Clinton. There was too much bad blood and she was too hungry for control.

Obama narrowed it down to list of 8 prospects. "Waitress Sandwich" Dodd was on the list. He wasn't going to be the nominee, even if he wanted it, which he didn't. Jack Reed - no charisma, no wider appeal than what Obama would get anyway. Kathleen Sebelius - too bossy? Bill Richardson - possible, though too tanned, and not necessarily reassuring to Middle America. Tim Kaine - seriously? That left Biden and Evan Bayh. Bayh was regarded as safe and reliable, but without much potential to inspire. That left Biden. Maybe picking somebody who wouldn't run against Hillary in 2016 was part of the deal, so it wasn't going to be somebody who was a credible threat to her.

Nichevo said...

Freder Frederson said...
Does it really do Trump any good dredging up Biden saying inappropriate things about young girls?

Is that your mission in life, doing the President any good? 'If she runs slower, will you run slower?'

Bill Peschel said...

Leland: "If this is the best anyone has on Biden, then he's clean."

Leaving his longtime financial ties to China, his hesitation to Obama on launching the raid to get Bin Ladin, his repeated plagiarism in his speeches, his horrible trashing of the man who accidentally killed Biden's son, and his support for NAFTA, Don't Ask Don't Tell, the gay marriage ban, and dumping Glass-Stegall, which contributed to the financial meltdown of 2007 ...

And that's just the beginning. Throw in his support for eliminating fracking (killing hundreds of thousands of jobs and raising energy prices for the poor), the $15 an hour minimum wage (ditto) and the Green New Deal (trashing the economy), and the question becomes why would any American with more than half a brain vote for him.

Rabel said...

Pics or it didn't happen.


Drago said...

Many lefties, like Kirsten Powers, are now scrubbing their twitter feeds and other social media of all their comments from 2018 in order to hide the double standard they are attempting to run with regarding the Biden claims.

On top of that, the new Dem/left/LLR-left talking point seems to be that NO ONE was calling for Kavanaugh to withdraw but only that CBF be heard!


They are actually running with that!

Once again, as always, history reset and began anew just this morning for the left/dems/LLR-left.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

It’s another lying Bernie Bitch bragging about how hot she used to be, and trying to play kingmaker. This is what Democrats look like.

Birkel said...

Given Law&Crime's political positioning, can we go ahead and call false flag on all this?

chickelit said...

Birkel said...Where is Titus to type tits?

Yes, plus we need an update on furtive fucking in the age of Corona virus in fabulous Boston.

Fubar.N.Wass said...

A few years ago after several state legislators called out on their usual hanky-panky, the State of California required all local officials and staff to take sexual harassment classes every couple of years.

Since I wasn't running for reelection, I ignored the requirement this year. If forced to take the class, I'll just answer every question with "Don't do a Joe Biden and you'll probably be 'ok'."

Fubar.N.Wass said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The accuser made the youngling mistake of thinking that disapproval of sexual harassment started with Trump. 1993 was on the heels of the Thomas appointment hearings, in which Biden was prominent. Although Biden ultimately voted for Thomas, he praised Anita Hill for raising awareness, displaying the cognitive dissonance necessary to be a Democrat. It’s unlikely he would have left himself open to attack like that, especially over a 14-year-old. He probably would have just silently appreciated pert pulchritutude.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Maybe I got Biden’s Thomas confirmation vote wrong.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Turns out Biden has been excoriated not for voting for Thomas, which he didn’t, but for allowing Thomas to defend himself. I stand by everything else I said.

Drago said...

How long before the dems/left/LLR-left start claiming Tara Reade assaulted Biden?

doctrev said...

That's not "evidence," Professor. That's testimony. The idea of people recovering at home but still going to parties is fairly common. And of course Biden's fellow DC elites and staffers are testifying for him: his staffers pretend that "gosh no, Tara Reade was disciplined for some matter completely unrelated to Biden shoving his hand in her vag."

To be honest, having testimony in his favor, particularly the kind that says he wasn't even at the same site on the alleged date, would normally slant the allegations heavily to Biden's favor. Except that the young woman and her contemporaries are still insisting that Biden was at the dinner, and at the time they testified. If Biden wanted to wreck her completely, he'd bring out some evidence of his taped remarks to the dinner. Even if the dinner has no official photographs, someone was enough of a Biden kiss-ass to record his remarks.

Unless it's a lie.

Fubar.N.Wass said...

Biden voted against Thomas.

Drago said...

BTW, I wasnt joking above.

We now have dems (Glenn Greenwald has commented on this) calling for the FBI to investigate Reade AND any journalists covering this story.

For quite some time now it has been impossible to caricature the dems/left/LLR-left without them far exceeding the caricature.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

rhhardin said...
I remember as a kid that there was a neighborhood girl, all of us nine or ten, who had a fake boob shirt that would take the shape of boobs with no boob being in them."

A girl I went to grade school with once wore her mother's nursing bra (stuffed with TP) to school. She came to school in the morning flat-chested like the rest of us, went home for lunch, had the bright idea of wearing the bra to school and came back in the afternoon with 40DD's. The teacher made her go in the bathroom and take it off. The rest of us were greatly entertained. It took a while for her to live that down.

I'm Full of Soup said...

If Biden had surgery around that time, I guess he could prove it by giving us a copy of his medical bill statement from Medicare right?

buwaya said...

Salvador Allende killed himself with an AK47, a present from Fidel Castro, after an extended gunfight between the military coupists and his guards and supporters at the presidential palace.

He wasn't going to be hauled to court; the offer on the table from the military junta was that they would permit him to go into exile. I am inclined to think the junta would have followed through on that, because it was their explicit intention not to create a martyr. On Allende's side, exile was perhaps the best of bad choices, as he would have been a living symbol of the opposition, and he would have been an international celebrity.

I don't know what was on Allende's mind at the time, and there has been plenty of speculation. It could be that Allende was simply overcome by the emotion of the moment.

madAsHell said...

But "ogling" fits best.

Little known fact, it's an onomatopoeia for that noise in your head as she walks by. Alternatively, it can also be pronounced as "WOW!"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hopefully no teens bed-bounced. that's the absolute worst kind of sexual harassment there is.

Bill Clinton insisting Paula Jones kiss his dick - why - that gets you into the big Russian money/donor game for life.

narciso said...

indeed letelier got out, and for a time, lived in exile in dc, other officials I believe made it to east germany, if memory serves,

Bob Boyd said...

Have we established that Eva Murry actually is well-endowed?
Has Biden contested this key aspect of the controversy or does he concede Murry's got some big uns?

Gk1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J Lee said...

The girl in question being a family member of Christine O'Donnell of the 2010 Delaware Senate campaign infamy doesn't on its face make her claims questionable. But being tied to O'Donnell is at least where one or two warning bells should go off, just like if a woman starts making sexual harassment claims against someone and Gloria Allred or Michael Avanetti's they're lawyer. Let the buyer of the story beware.

Gk1 said...

Buwaya, you are quite correct sir I meant to say Chile's retired dictator Augusto Pinoche. What good would it have done to haul him out for a show trial? Allende was a commie dictator wannabe. Good riddance CIA engineered or no.

Bob Boyd said...

The only thing I've learned from this, Joseph R. Biden's middle name is Robinette.

Louie the Looper said...

A simple “Yowsah,” “Hubba hubba,” or “Va va va boom” would have sufficed and been more tasteful.

BUMBLE BEE said...

If Joe was trying to get some, he would have said something like "Take out your false teeth mama, I want to suck on your gums". Would have worked!

Howard said...

Drago: most of the rape apologizing here is from your fellow right wingnuts. Sadly you are correct, in the rest of the world most partisans pick rapists side of the story if he's on the team.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Or, like Mudhead, "she's got a balcony you could do Shakespeare off of". Maybe Joe was commenting on her investment portfolio. Could be lots of things. Maybe he thought she was fifteen.

chickelit said...

Bob Boyd said...The only thing I've learned from this, Joseph R. Biden's middle name is Robinette.

That's a direct French translation of the Latin "little turd."

Gk1 said...

Bumble Bee thanks for the priceless Fireside Theater banter. I have been listening to their old stuff on Youtube. Our current zeitgeist is missing everything but a radio announcement from Principle Poop.

Bob Boyd said...

There's a kinda Joe Biden lookin', Delaware celeb out there somewhere who actually did ogle the young lady's bodacious ta-tas that night at the Gridiron Dinner and he's sweating bullets right now hoping Eva Murry doesn't slap her forehead and say, "Shit. You know what?..."

I'm Full of Soup said...

Biden's middle name tells you his family thought they were hoyty toyty even though they were just shanty Irish from Scranton. I'm descended from shanty Irish in Schuylkill County PA which is south of Scranton and I don't remember anyone using their mother's last name for a middle name.

narciso said...

Roberto Ampuero, previously pinera's foreign minister, went to school in cuba and east germany, ended up on the right eventually, he had a roman a clef 'olive green' that related to events in that period,

Drago said...

Weinstein/Polanski Standing Ovation Team Member Howard: "Drago: most of the rape apologizing here is from your fellow right wingnuts."

Democrats are now accusing Tara Reade of having committed crimes.

Poor Tara. She is finding out what happens when someone dares speak the truth about one of Howards adored dem elitists.

We already know there is an army of Perkins-Coie paid "associates" who are happy to threaten and physically intimidate and accusers who might come forward to speak the truth about dems, as they dud for years with Weinstein and the Clintons.

Drago said...

So, to summarize...

The dems/LLR-left is now All In on the following:
- Have the FBI "investigate" Tara Reade for crimes (hey, that one sure sounds familiar)
- Have the FBI investigate journalists for daring to report on this story
- Have the Univ of Delaware hide all records of Bidens public service for 50 years

Brave Brave Brave Brave Sir Howard and the Dems.

tcrosse said...

When they throw Joe under the bus it won't be for anything that reflects badly on his character, and therefore on the judgment of all the great and the good who have endorsed him. It will be for his poor health, something that nobody could possibly have predicted and which keeps his reputation intact. It's bullshit, but there you are. Besides, it's still Hillary's turn, goddammit!

mikee said...

I write as a person who had my 9 year old head shoved under Richard Millhouse Nixon's suit jacket and into his sweaty armpit at a 1968 campaign rally. I testify that these things do indeed happen.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

That's a direct French translation of the Latin "little turd."

More precisely, Robinette means "Little female human turd".

Bob Boyd said...

Not saying he did, but you have to admit, it isn't that hard to picture Biden saying something like that. It doesn't seem out of character for him.

Howard said...

Inspired by Donald Trump, Joe Biden and the handjob character in Oliver Stones "Platoon", Drago flamboyantly pleasures himself in the Althouse public square by grabbing himself by the pussy... With permission of course, they let you do it when you are a Blogstar.

Readering said...

Drago types words. Then types them again.

Drago said...

I see Howard is out of ammo and has returned to form. He had nowhere else to go.

So, lets see if we can add to our summary from above with the following democrat-Polanski-standing ovation criteria for disbelieving Tara Reade:

"Joe Biden is Joe Biden" ---Nancy Pelosi (D-People's Glorious Republic of California)
"Joe Biden is who he is" ---Gov Whitmer (D-Home of FakeCon "LLR" "lawyers")

Well, that sounds pretty doggone unassailable to me!

I must admit, this powerful Jedi-dem defense mind-trick is quite dizzying.......

Achilles said...

Howard said...
Inspired by Donald Trump, Joe Biden and the handjob character in Oliver Stones "Platoon", Drago flamboyantly pleasures himself in the Althouse public square by grabbing himself by the pussy... With permission of course, they let you do it when you are a Blogstar.

Trump is a cad.

Biden is a rapist and a creep.

It is stupid and dishonest to even put them in the same category.

Drago said...

Readering: "Drago types words. Then types them again."

Ah, Readering is back.

I suppose to offer up a new and novel rationale for Biden shoving his thin cigar-like finger up staffers:

Joe Biden only sexually assaulted this woman from the East because Biden knew Trump would be assaulting her from the West. (a riff off one of Readerings more memorable "Democrat-fact" musings)

Achilles said...

Readering said...
Drago types words. Then types them again.

And democrats support known rapists.

People who vote for democrats know they are voting for women to get raped.

They have known it for a long time. Biden is a well known creep and many have known about these assaults for a long time. These stories are not new.

Democrat voters can no longer blame stupidity and ignorance.

Drago said...

The only remaining question we have for our resident #SuddenlyNotNearlyAsMeToo-ishAsTheyUsedToBe dems/lefties is this: How long should Tara Reade's prison sentence be?

Howard said...

I apologise, Achilles. Breaking into Jr high beauty pageant dressing rooms is okay with you. I forgoted that.

Howard said...

That wasn't much of a money shot, Drago. You need to eat your Wheaties

Drago said...

Howard: "I apologise, Achilles. Breaking into Jr high beauty pageant dressing rooms is okay with you."

How did Mueller/Weissmann ever miss that one? And it includes Breaking and Entering too!

A slam dunk!

Poor Mueller/Weissmann.

Missed opportunities. They must be haunted by them.....and they only had 3 years and unlimited budgets and unlimited staffs and unlimited access to any information they wanted from across the globe.

Darn it!

Drago said...

Howard: "That wasn't much of a money shot, Drago"

Howard suffering from Black Knight Syndrome again.

Drago said...

More good news everybody!

It's official!

The lefties now declare George W Bush is no longer a racist facist Hitler intent on killing millions after conspiring with the Saudi's to attack our own Twin Towers! Now he's a swell guy!


Achilles said...

Howard said...
I apologise, Achilles. Breaking into Jr high beauty pageant dressing rooms is okay with you. I forgoted that.

A Clinton voter speaks.

You are just vile people.

Howard said...

I'll revise and amend my remarks to say: that money shot was good for you, Drago.

Howard said...

You need to get new catch phrases Achilles. You're starting to sound like Joe Biden. Now drop and give me 20

Readering said...

... then keeps typing ... joined by others....

narciso said...

no they seem him as the fool that keeps feeding the crocodile,

Gk1 said...

Listening to Obama's people dodge and weave about "We never heard any allegations of these sort when we vetted Joe Biden in 2008" reminds me of an interview with a Jello spokesman talking about reputational damage from being affiliated with Bill Cosby. Very oblique with "we had never heard any allegations of this sort. Besides we haven't used Bill for years. Why are we even talking about this?" Never any full throated defense, just foot work and double speak.

Inga said...

Readering said...
“Drago types words. Then types them again.”

Yes he sure does. Same old shit everyday, over and over and over again.

narciso said...

lisa bloom defending slo jo, as if we forgot how she went to bat for Weinstein?

Drago said...

Russian Collusion Truther Inga: "Yes he sure does. Same old shit everyday, over and over and over again."


Inga pushed a collusion hoax every day for 4 straight years.


walter said...

rhhardin said...It could have been innocent. If she'd had really huge breasts it might have been just a spontaneous exclamation of surprise.
That's it, by gosh!

Now picture young Joe "monitoring" the pool wearing aviators.

Drago said...

To see first hand the Complete Lefty Rehabilitation Of "Nazi" GW Bush In Order To Attack Trump, see lefty Philip Rucker Twitter.

Drago said...

narciso: "lisa bloom defending slo jo, as if we forgot how she went to bat for Weinstein?"

That cant be.

As Howard and Inga have explained Democrats are Brave and Courageous Defenders of Women regardless of where the chips may fall.

Drago said...

I wonder if Inga, in a rare moment of introspection, would admit that pushing serial hoaxes for years and years was probably a mistake?

Drago said...

What do you call a group of 14 year olds in Hollywood being groomed for sex by the lefts/dems beloved Hollywood leftist heroes?

The Over The Hill Gang.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...

You need to get new catch phrases Achilles. You're starting to sound like Joe Biden. Now drop and give me 20.

Where does Howie usually take it?

chickelit said...

Achilles said...People who vote for democrats know they are voting for women to get raped.

Perhaps they're OK with rape so long as abortion remains an out.

narciso said...

it always struck me how Gloria alred, always found cases in the cosby and ailes matter, but somehow with Weinstein, she was reticent, till the cow had left the barn and the barn was on fire,

Jim at said...

Whole book published about POTUS on this subject.

The subject is Joe Biden.

doctrev said...

buwaya said...

He wasn't going to be hauled to court; the offer on the table from the military junta was that they would permit him to go into exile.

I don't know what was on Allende's mind at the time, and there has been plenty of speculation. It could be that Allende was simply overcome by the emotion of the moment.

5/3/20, 1:07 PM

The treacherous are ever distrustful. More specifically, Allende perhaps believed the junta would never honor any commitment they made to him. Which makes sense: any promise to an atheist dies when they do. I think it's more likely that Allende didn't kill himself, any more than Epstein did. Soviet or Cuban advisors would have every reason to shoot him before he could reveal the secrets of socialist Chile to Pinochet and the USA. Of course, Pinochet may have done it simply to intimidate commies, while soldiers may have killed him for any number of reasons.

Regardless of Pinochet's trustworthiness, the leftists definitely betrayed him some time after he peacefully gave up power. I guarantee you he was thinking "I should have killed way more of them than I did," and further promise that Pinochet substitutes like Donald Trump are thinking the exact same thing. They certainly won't wait to be hauled off to some kangaroo court.

TJM said...


Believe every woman! Since Reade is a Democrat she is extra believable!

Chris N said...


'Teddy's Tiddy Bidness' out on Route 9 will now be known simply as "Teddy's".

Thank you for your patronage.

Michael K said...

It is entertaining to watch Inga and Howard jousting with Achilles and Drago.

However, there is too much of a good thing.

Meade said...

I don’t know if this qualifies as corroborating evidence or not but I’m now ready to go public with something. Ready? Joe Biden has made me feel uncomfortable since around 1988. Very very uncomfortable.

There. I feel greatly relieved to get that off my chest. In fact, I’d like to now name a few other names of some people who have made me feel uncomfortable.

Kirsten Gillibrand
Kamala Harris
Amy Klobachar
Mazie Hirono
Elizabeth Warren
Jim Clyburn
Hillary Clinton
Chuck Schumer
Jake Tapper

Meade said...

Unfortunately, I’m not a woman. Therefore why would anyone believe me?

doctrev said...

Michael K said...
It is entertaining to watch Inga and Howard jousting with Achilles and Drago.

However, there is too much of a good thing.

5/3/20, 4:24 PM

Wrong! Just come back and take in the rest of the season later. No one's asking to binge-watch the whole thing at once.

Lurker21 said...

Biden's middle name tells you his family thought they were hoyty toyty even though they were just shanty Irish from Scranton.

Biden's mother was Irish. His father was from old English Maryland stock that had come down in the world.

Joe is actually a "Jr." His father Joseph Robinette Biden Sr. used to say that his family was Irish like his wife's family, the Finegans. This claim was useful when Joe got into politics. Playing up the Irish connection made him seem like something different from the usual gray, uninteresting politicos.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I identify as believable.

doctrev said...

Meade said...

There. I feel greatly relieved to get that off my chest. In fact, I’d like to now name a few other names of some people who have made me feel uncomfortable.

Kirsten Gillibrand

5/3/20, 4:24 PM

She makes me feel even more uncomfortable than Joe does. The NXIVM cult is weird, and what they're doing to John Tighe for revealing it only adds fuel to the fire. Gillibrand was in it up to her neck, and it's why Andrew Cuomo will never be president.

Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

So now Trump is a “bad weirdo.”

Sounds like something a 14-year-old girl would say, regardless of endowment.

More TDS.

Mary Beth said...

Unknown said...

Does matter to ANYONE on this site that the woman who ran the event where this allegedly happened says Biden wasn't there?

Yes. I commented about that half an hour before you did. The comments were in moderation so you may not have seen mine, but, if comments were delayed, why would you assume that you were the only one who found this information once it was available? Or think that everyone else was just ignoring it?

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

chickelit said...
I remember the first time I heard that phrase, "well endowed."e. I was at an uncle's house and we were watching "The Wizard Of Oz" on TV. It might have been my first time. My uncle asked the room "How old was Judy Garland? "
"Sixteen" my aunt answered
"She's pretty well endowed for 16" he said.

I was around 9 or 10 then. Men said things like that in the late '60's -- even in front of their wives and children.

5/3/20, 8:41 AM


Except there's a huge difference between making a side-comment about a celebrity (who is already grown and dead) from the privacy of your own home, and another to make it directly to a barely pubescent 14 year old girl. There's no fucking "compliment" here... just a lecherous old man making highly improper, sexually tinged remarks to a borderline child...

Bob Boyd said...

Joe Biden has made me feel uncomfortable since around 1988. Very very uncomfortable.

Biden should hire Meade to moderate his comments.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

14 got me thinking about 14ers. high mountain peaks. Not a good idea to climb them because it's still winter up there AND social distancing on popular trails is a thing. You know the thing.

Whammy - I was farting around on the web and this Trip Report made me laugh AND well, it's a great trip report. Not a Statue! Barren Breck. Well done, trip reporters. Nice photos, excellent reports on conditions, requirements, what worked/what didn't.

Take a trip to the high mountains without leaving your chair.

Michael K said...

No one's asking to binge-watch the whole thing at once.

5/3/20, 4:27 PM

OK but a small dose here and there is enough.

Paul Ciotti said...

Tara Reade's wide-bottomed, pyramid-style haircut makes her look like Jabba the Hutt.

narciso said...

Like inigo montoya and idocaine

Bob Boyd said...

Not only did Jabba have some pretty heavy breasts in that movie, she was only 14 years old.

phantommut said...

The same people who decided Biden should be the Dem nominee also were behind the "Pied Piper" strategy in 2016.

DanTheMan said...

I have a 14 year old daughter, and I'm wondering where was her father? Was he there? If so, why didn't dad slug the guy who said that to his little girl?

Bunkypotatohead said...

I never understood how Chris Coons could stand there, grinning like an idiot, while his daughter was being felt up by creepy Joe.

Matt Sablan said...

without clicking through, I'm not sure what documents were provided to show Biden wasn't there. But, ball is in the accuser's court. What other dates could it possibly have been?

Matt Sablan said...

"I was told I was pretty tall for my age all the time. That wasn’t creepy, even when my female teachers did it. Maybe it was icky, but maybe not."

-- A closer analogue would be "You've got a pretty big dick for your age," which, if someone's teachers are telling them, would raise some eyebrows.

Jamie said...

Ab closer analog would be "You've got a pretty big dick for your age,"

To be... fair, for lack of a better word, a closet analog would be, "My, that's quite the bulge, young man." A bit less explicit, but with the same intent.

Kai Akker said...

"The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking the law."~Ayn Rand

Well-chosen quote, Chickelit. You also wrote this:

"She's [Judy Garland] pretty well endowed for 16" he said. I was around 9 or 10 then. Men said things like that in the late '60's -- even in front of their wives and children.

Men said things like that because it was a simple, accurate observation. Or it was, before the iron Curtain of PC came down and feminization decreed truth off limits while blocking all references to normal sexuality. They made it hard even to tell a woman she's beautiful.

TJM said...

Given what a pig Hunter Biden is, it lends credence to Reade's story. Old Joe Kennedy was a major league cad and his sons watched him and followed in his footsteps.

Sam L. said...

Joe does "creepy" so well. He must practice!

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