May 25, 2020

"For years, critics have expressed disgust at Trump’s statement that 'I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters.' Yet..."

"... they now afford Biden the same immunity even if he turns into the ancient god Cronus and starts snacking on boiled babies."

Writes Jonathan Turley in "Why Joe Biden can do no wrong" (The Hill). Here's the mythical image:

Cronus was eating the babies raw, by the way. Not boiled. Maybe Turley is mixing it up with...

Anyway, what does Turley have to say here except to give us the statements of Biden supporters? I've been avoiding blogging this kind of stuff, because it's so disgusting and trite and I've seen it all before. I don't like to reward it by linking to it. But I'll link to Turley's summary:
Women’s rights attorney Lisa Bloom said she believes Biden did rape a female staffer and has lied about it publicly but she still will endorse him for president. She tweeted, “I believe you, Tara Reade ... sorry.” To use [Katha] Pollitt’s language, defending a rape victim is now a “luxury.” Likewise, Linda Hirshman wrote an opinion piece in The New York Times titled “I Believe Tara Reade. I’m Voting for Joe Biden Anyway.” She explained, “Democratic primary voters knew all about Mr. Biden’s membership in that boys’ club when there was still time to pick someone else. Alas ... I’ll take one for the team. I believe Ms. Reade, and I’ll vote for Mr. Biden this fall.”


Mr Wibble said...

Trump's greatest accomplishment is his ability to get people to remove their masks. All the masks are coming off, and we're seeing who people really are. It's not pretty.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nothing new.
The hivemind... obey and support, no matter the criminal.

TRISTRAM said...

They believe her. It just doesn’t matter.

narciso said...

we know lisa bloom's number from the weinstein fracas, are you surprised professor turley,

Doug said...

Scratch a feminist, and see what you got.

Rory said...

Again, before the Dems can move forward, they have to backtrack to figure out how they ended up nominating Hillary Clinton. Then they could start to fix things, but it would require purging thousands of office holders, along with their shadows in academia and the media, and severing ties with new-money and foreign billionaires. And there would be blood every step of the way.

narciso said...

we know lisa bloom's number from the weinstein fracas, are you surprised professor turley,

William said...

Ted Kennedy actually walked away from a drowning woman. FDR could have saved thousands of European Jews by lifting his little finger. Schlesinger wrote a two volume history of Andrew Jackson and did not once mention the Trail of Tears. Democrats have ignored far larger sins than Biden's attempts at digital penetration....The Democrats far more than the Republicans have adopted party affiliation as their new religion and are encourage their partners to sleep with the great leader of their faith.

Lucid-Ideas said...

1) complain about 'grab em by the pussy'
2) actually more than likely (although I don't believe her) grabbed actual staffer by pussy
3) receives pussy-pass from feminist-gatekeeper sisterhood
4) orange man still bad!
5) ????
6) profit

For the millionth time, never listen to anything women say. Watch what they do. A woman's principles are come and go like the weather.

wendybar said...

Turley is 100% right again, and the Democrats are dismissing him because they can't stand hearing the truth. Joe Biden is a joke, and if you can't see it, then you need glasses, and an open mind. Otherwise, just stick your head back in the sand, and go back to sleep.

Oso Negro said...

So. Nice lady. Essentially the morality of a rat.

Kevin said...

Feminism has been exposed as a con.

The rest of the Progressive agenda is no different.

Ask the African American voters who are starting to wise up.

tim maguire said...

Not sure what Turley is doing--since the Republicans made him famous as the lefty who is puts principles ahead of politics, he seems to do nothing but attack the left. Which from my vantage point, makes him much less useful as support for criticism of the moral failures and inconsistencies of the left.

Mark O said...

Clinton killed NOW. Biden killed MeToo. Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne.

narciso said...

lisa bloom, was also one of the ones who got the sanford case criminally wrong, it's probably easier to gauge when she got something right...crickets,

hawkeyedjb said...

"I’ll take one for the team." One of what? Are you going to submit to a sexual assault? No, I think you mean to say "I'll make sure Tara Reade takes one." She's not even on the team any more.

Fernandinande said...

This picture is a lot better, because less cartoonish. Ouch!

Tommy Duncan said...

Democrat Party uber alles. (Demokraten vor allen anderen.)

Leland said...

I could say I believe Trump had an affair and consensual sex with a porn star or grabbed an actress pussy because she let him when he was famous, but those things don't compare to raping a staffer. Alas, none of the matters. What's important is to leftist women is the stance on abortion, uber alles.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"The Biden side is banking on a relapse — a new, big spike in deaths. They’ll have to guard against letting their macabre enthusiasm show."
-as seen on the webz.

RK said...

Just so I'm not considered a hypocrite: I believe it's quite possible that Brett Kavanaugh raped 4000 underage girls, but I still support his appointment to the Supreme Court.

narciso said...

we should have known who mccain from the way he treated his first wife, after she stood by him through those years of captivity,

narciso said...
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narciso said...

what was that line from churchill, arguing over price,

Yancey Ward said...

I don't know whether they really believe Reade or not, but by saying they do believe Reade, the next step isn't to support Joe Biden- the next step should be to call for Biden to step aside. That is why this is hypocrisy.

Jupiter said...

The American political system allows you to write in the name of a preferred candidate, but no write-in has ever won the presidency. Effectively, you have to choose the lesser of two evils. So, it seems perfectly reasonable that a Communist might prefer a rapist over a non-Communist. There is something peculiar about the idea that women might be especially concerned about a President who has sexually abused a staffer. I thought the case of the first Clinton made it clear that politics is about transactions. Of course, it seems like a lot of women would like to be used sexually by Clinton, or by Obama. As usual, all a woman wants is to have it both ways.

n.n said...

The double-edged scalpel of bigotry. Biden needs to lose his Pro-Choice religion.

Francisco D said...

Tara Reade's story deserves slightly more consideration that the fantasy created by CBF. When someone waits 25+ years to make an accusation without evidence, they have very little credibility (and none in CBFs case).

Joe's problem is not Tara Reade. It is that he is creepy, impulsive and more recently demented.

Life long Democrats will vote for Joe, hoping that his VP is up to the task.

However, I will stick with my production that Biden is not going to be the Dem candidate.

Matt Sablan said...

"I don't know whether they really believe Reade or not, but by saying they do believe Reade, the next step isn't to support Joe Biden- the next step should be to call for Biden to step aside."

-- The worst hot take on Reade I've seen was -- geesh, I can't remember who now -- who said "I believe something happened to her, but I still support Biden." The second worse has been, "Well, she's been heard, and that's all victims ever want, is just to be heard, so Let's #MoveOn."

Drago said...

tim maguire: "Not sure what Turley is doing--since the Republicans made him famous as the lefty who is puts principles ahead of politics, he seems to do nothing but attack the left. Which from my vantage point, makes him much less useful as support for criticism of the moral failures and inconsistencies of the left."

Do we have a "paging Fox Butterfield" moment here?

mikee said...

Boiled Baby is a British dessert pudding, dating back to before the 1800s at least.
I first encountered it in Patrick O'Brian's novels about Aubrey and Maturin.
Here is O'Brian's own recipe for the dish:

Boiled baby: serves four
4oz plain flour, 2oz suet, lots of nutmeg, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, a handful of lexia raisins (the really big ones you can get in Waitrose), enough milk to bind. Mix the lot and put it in a pudding bowl. Put a cloth over the top and tie it tightly with string around the lip of the bowl. Boil for two hours - and voila! Your baby!

So perhaps our quote comes from a person who doesn't know his Napoleonic Era British Naval dessert menu.

Yancey Ward said...

I will remind people- there are still Democratic primaries still to be held in June and July that were postponed this Spring. There is still time for the Democrats to walk their talk, not just treat Biden as a fait accompli. That is what is missing here in this sudden splurt of "I believe Reade, but...." conversions.

sophomorecritic said...

@Francisco: Donald Trump is pretty clearly narcisstic personality disorder, has no loyalty to anyone and operates solely on his own ego. Creepy is nothing compared to having sexually harrassed 22 women on top of one rape and stiffing employees.

@jupiter: The Cold War is over so the use of "communist" as a synonym for evil has passed among anyone below age 40. I'm 37, if you call me a communist, I'll think you're talking from a 1950s movie and if you call me a socialist "I'll say thank you, I like what they're doing in Switzerland and Scandanavia." If anyone has ever acquiesced more to the Russians anyway that's Trump

Ken B said...

Tim maguire
Turley smacks Trump too. It’s the man bites dog effect is all.

The Godfather said...

So I could say, I don’t care if Kavanaugh attacked Blasey Ford; I still support him for the Supreme Court — and the liberals are supposed to shut up about the “attack” and talk about judicial philosophy? It will never happen.

Howard said...

Bleachbit: Biden doesn't need a big spike in Corona deaths. He just needs a bunch of small targeted spikes of the Corona in the battleground States. Trump's support among senior citizens is already falling and if the reopening craze causes a few more old people to die and then we hear from Fox news that they were going to die anyway that will be enough to swing the election in our favor.

tcrosse said...

Who issued the order for Amy and Mayor Pete to withdraw when they did, and why did they obey?

hombre said...

In my home city I was a prominent Democrat and local elected official for 20 years. I left and returned about 15 years later. From time to time I run into old supporters and acquaintances who claim to be surprised that I am now an independent. None ever asks me why I left the party. I assume it is because they know that the party of the Clintons, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Pocahontas, Schiff, et al, has, among other things, foregone integrity for hypocrisy and prefer not to have it called to their attention.

Instead, they have silos, universities, town halls, the NYT, WaPo, network news and leap from one to another with eyes closed. Turley has invaded The Hill, a silo. I haven’t been there yet, but it is easy to predict that he will be attacked, but not rebutted, in the comments.

It’s all they have. Deny and attack.

Francisco D said...

sophomorecritic said...@Francisco: Donald Trump is pretty clearly narcisstic personality disorder, has no loyalty to anyone and operates solely on his own ego. Creepy is nothing compared to having sexually harrassed 22 women on top of one rape and stiffing employees.

The old DNC talking points are still used by the unthinking lefty hordes.

You believe he Bergdorf Goodman rape hoax? Too funny!

Lurker21 said...

When this is over, Joe will wish he had boiled baby Hunter and eaten him.

Wisconsin Republican Alliance said...

This is good sleuthing by Turley. Hopefully he will discover that Biden is at least as big a rapist and with as many credible accusers and allegations as Trump has. I mean, that's what I'm hoping for. It all just starts with one, though!

narciso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

clearly freshmancritic, step up your game.

Drago said...

Howard: "Trump's support among senior citizens is already falling and if the reopening craze causes a few more old people to die and then we hear from Fox news that they were going to die anyway that will be enough to swing the election in our favor."

With the clear murderous result of democrat governors forcibly shoving infected patients back into nursing and retirement homes to kill off additional seniors, we see in Howard's comment the clear democrat strategy to transfer responsibility for that to republicans.

This is a continuation of the democraticalists efforts to transfer responsibility for slavery, segregation and Jim Crow to the republicans. Which is similar to how they attempted to transfer responsibility for obambicare to republicans.

The democraticalists couldn't wait to transfer responsibility to republicans for the greatest most wonderfulest health program evah!....which tells you alot.

Of course, that gambit didn't work and neither will the dems gambit to make Trump responsible for what the democratical governors of NY, NJ, PA, and MI did with their seniors.

But then again, the democraticals did investigate Trump for Hillary's collusion with russia and impeach Trump for Biden's corruption in Ukraine, so this would be par for the course.

tim maguire said...

Drago said...Do we have a "paging Fox Butterfield" moment here?

Do you know what a Fox Butterfield moment is? I'm trying and failing to see how it applies to my comment (or Turley's).

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Why should we believe that they believe her?

wendybar said...

Howard...How is it Trump fault that Killer Cuomo forced (by executive order) nursing homes to accept infected people?? Why did only Democrat governors do that?? Why didn't Rick De Santis?? You can keep spewing the lying media's talking points, but most of us are awake and we can see with our own eyes what the Democrats are doing.

Drago said...

tim maguire: "Do you know what a Fox Butterfield moment is? I'm trying and failing to see how it applies to my comment (or Turley's)."


So let me drill down a bit (I'm open to admitting it was a stretch):

tim maguire: "Not sure what Turley is doing--since the Republicans made him famous as the lefty who is puts principles ahead of politics, he seems to do nothing but attack the left."

I was riffing off this line because Turley, a liberal with principles who was pushed forward by the republicans during Sham-peachment II (Ukraine Edition), according to you "seems to do nothing but attack the left.".

Well....yeah. Because "principles" pretty much guarantees that outcome.

Then you followed up with - TM: "Which from my vantage point, makes him much less useful as support for criticism of the moral failures and inconsistencies of the left."

So, the only way to be "useful as support for criticism.....of the left" is to...not criticize the moral failures and inconsistencies of the left too much....

I guess that's where you lost me and sent me off on a Fox Butterfield binge.

Yancey Ward said...

Left Bank of the Charles asked:

"Why should we believe that they believe her?"

I had the exact same question, but here is the thing- if you grant that they believe what they say they believe, then the required next step isn't to support Joe Biden, it is to demand he step aside for a new candidate. None of the recent "I believe Tara" crowd have done this.

Lurker21 said...

It's possible to believe that "something happened" between Biden and Reade - handsy-grabby behavior, hair sniffing, innuendos or propositions - and still support Biden without being a hypocrite. If you accept the Kavanaugh "believe women, believe all survivors" rules, though, you have to believe that Biden raped Reade and that this would disqualify him for the presidency, and you still support Biden, that would make you a hypocrite. The counter-arguments or outs would be 1) that Kavanaugh was up for a life appointment while Biden will only be in for four years (if that), and 2) that Trump is an "existential threat," and anybody would be better than him. I'm not sure either argument does away with the hypocrisy accusation, but since the two halves of the country are barely speaking to one another, Pollitt and the other pro-Biden feminists aren't going to be swayed or bothered by charges made by the other side.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

It was rape, but the GOOD kind or rape.

Anon said...

Linda Hirshman isn't taking one for the team. She's throwing Tara Reade under the bus.

Sebastian said...

"they now afford Biden the same immunity"

But nobody thought progs were honest about that particular smear, right? I mean, is there any prog criticism of deplorables that they would apply with equal force to their own ranks?

Just as everyone knew that "believing women" meant "believe only women who help the prog cause" -- which is what #BelieveAllWomen nicely exposed.

Nichevo said...

Howard said...
Bleachbit: Biden doesn't need a big spike in Corona deaths. He just needs a bunch of small targeted spikes of the Corona in the battleground States.

And you people are right on that. Who is growing the SARS-nCOV-2 cultures, you or Spenser Rapone? Hope you haven't harshed on the Bernie Bros too much, I assume they will be the ones distributing your weaponized virus. Or are you personally gonna infect yourself and check into and out of as many nursing homes as possible while still contagious? Good plan, solid.

CJinPA said...

Women’s rights attorney Lisa Bloom said she believes Biden did rape a female staffer and has lied about it publicly but she still will endorse him for president.

If you were disgusted before reading this, Ann, this won't help.

Recall that Lisa Bloom was on Harvey Weinstein's legal team, digging up dirt on his accusers. Bloom suffered severe blow-back and has been rehabilitating her reputation ever since. So, we don't even know what her motivation is in this case.

Bay Area Guy said...

On legal matters, Prof. Turley is a national treasure, no doubt.

On political matters, he just merely mortal.

Trump famous comment: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters."

Well, if hypothetically he did shoot somebody, he would lose me as a voter, and I hope he would be arrested and go to jail.

But, I understand hyperbole, so I don't worry about it.

In contrast, let's look at Slow Hand Joe.

He sniffed a woman's hair and kissed her from behind. Seven gals have accused him of improper groping, and one gal, an employee, has credibly accused him of sexual assault by grabbing her by the pussy.

Despite the fact of improper groping, and the credible accusation of sexual assault, Dems still support Slow Joe Biden.

In contrast, Trump obviously hasn't shot anybody on 5th Avenue.

See the difference? Prof. Turley mixes these two distinct things up, but we still love him.

Amadeus 48 said...

I don’t believe Tara Reade, but I am voting for Trump.

Michael K said...

Trump's support among senior citizens is already falling and if the reopening craze causes a few more old people to die

Facts not in evidence.

Keep trying, Howard. There has to be a pony in there somewhere.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I don't believe Tara Reade. I am voting for Trump.

I will never believe any woman bringing any sexual assault charge 60 months after it 'occurred'. Neither should you. If they're big girls than they need to grow a pair of ovaries and go to the police. If they cannot do this then they are not big girls and obviously are incapable of adult behavior, and guardianship should be transferred to their father or other family male guardian.

Big girls should cry their eyes out, immediately, to the police if Gropey Joe fingers their no-no space. If otherwise, than Islam is right about women.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

That Fifth Avenue shooting is just another broken campaign promise. Trump better step up by November 3 or he’ll lose my vote.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I assumed that the "boiled baby" reference was to Jonathan Swift, though actually he recommended several different cooking styles.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Also: Linda Hirshman is quite wrong in saying that she's "taking one for the team" in voting for Biden. She's taking nothing; she's coercing Reade into "taking one for the team." It isn't Hirshman who's been raped here.

Greg the class traitor said...

Blogger tim maguire said...
Not sure what Turley is doing--since the Republicans made him famous as the lefty who is puts principles ahead of politics, he seems to do nothing but attack the left. Which from my vantage point, makes him much less useful as support for criticism of the moral failures and inconsistencies of the left.

Hmm, let's see, right now the Democrats are supporting the FBI lying about a man's testimony so they can get him prosecuted for perjury, the IC spying on Americans illegally, a DC Judge ignoring biding precedent in a criminal case that's an utter fraud, working to destroy the economy and civil rights, and embracing a rapist for President

And your complaint is that Turley is focusing on these "minor issues" rather than focusing one what, exactly?

brylun said...

I know who Jonathan Turley is, but I have no idea who Rick Turley is.

Ann, why are you using a tag for Rick Turley when you are quoting Jonathan Turley?

Matt said...

Cronus needs a bigger nose and a small hat.


Narayanan said...

Bay Area Guy said...
Bay Area Guy said...
On legal matters, Prof. Turley is a national treasure, no doubt.

On political matters, he just merely mortal.

Trump famous comment: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters."

Well, if hypothetically he did shoot somebody, he would lose me as a voter, and I hope he would be arrested and go to jail.

But, I understand hyperbole, so I don't worry about it.
as matter of 'textual interpretation' is somebody = anybody at random?

I would say right now Trump could get away with shooting Andrew Cuomo or Bill de Blasio anywhere in NY

Jamie said...

Over 2,000 comments on the Turley column at The Hill. I only skimmed, and only the first few dozen - but lots and lots that insist Turley is a secret or open Republican, based on his "support of Trump" in certain matters such as this one. They seem to find it easy to believe that what Turley is doing is "supporting Trump" rather than calling out... let's call it "cognitive dissonance" (to offer a little benefit of the doubt) on his own side, based on his own and long-standing legal principles.