My wife is working on a Covid unit. The testing has been going: positive, negative, positive, negative, negative, negative, then they send the person back to their original unit. If testing is how we get out of this, we will never get out of this.
YH Thanks. Meade is right of course. Has this caused you to rethink your theory that the virus is already widespread and we are nearing her immunity? Has this caused you to doubt other tales of “my weird flu” being covid?
Shouldn't that be: you have not yet become infected by the virus?
That's a good point. I'm just repeating the phrasing that the doctor used with me, and he most definitely said "have not been exposed".
Would it be a clearer description to say "have not yet been infected"? I would think so. But with so many people being "infected" apparently asymptomatically, maybe the doctor used "exposed" as the best catch-all.
Milwaukee's own Steve Sisolak, governor of Nevada, has announced that phase of re-opening will start Saturday morning, subject to re-closing. We shall see.
I would have preferred to know at age 63 & with a 92 year old mother that I haven't seen since December that I was on the other side of this mess, and, you know, survived.
@Ken B.
Has this caused you to rethink your theory that the virus is already widespread and we are nearing her immunity?
No, because I'm only one data point. I knew from the Korean tests that many folks (e.g. ~70%) who were tested for COID while symptomatic actually some other respiratory illness other than COVID. Other controlled studies, such as the MIT fecal studies outside as Boston, the cruise ship, & the prison study in Oklahoma show that there are a large number of asymptomatic cases out there.
Has this caused you to doubt other tales of “my weird flu” being covid?
In my social and therefore geographic orbit, yes, but not necessarily at a national level.
HAH! You are actually *old* Hegelian! There are few people I can call old these days, but you are one (just barely), and I cannot let such opportunities slip.
Meade: "Everyone agrees that more testing is necessary" is the biggest problem with the non-openers. I guess if random testing shows 75%+ infection we can declare herd immunity and go back to normal, right? But with any other numbers, what will (random) testing tell us? Is a higher number better than a lower number? If so, what does that mean in terms of action to be taken? If we know what the infection rate was a week ago through testing, what does that tell us about today's rate -- don't we need a series of random tests to determine a trend?
Testing people in order to contact trace the infected individuals makes more sense, if your goal is to throttle down the spread of the disease, but that means testing people over and over if they do not test positive, to see when they might pick it up.
If full and comprehensive testing is the goal, it is designed to be unreachable.
Lucien: "Testing people in order to contact trace the infected individuals makes more sense, if your goal is to throttle down the spread of the disease"
But even that doesn't make sense, in general, since infection doesn't mean "disease," and most people who get infected are not at any risk, and "throttling down" simply slows the spread and therefore the development of herd immunity.
"that means testing people over and over if they do not test positive, to see when they might pick it up. If full and comprehensive testing is the goal, it is designed to be unreachable."
Exactly. It is another bad-faith proposal from the bad-faith alarmists.
The key thing is, and has always been, effectively to isolate the people actually at risk. Of course, some can't: nursing homes should practice good hygiene but can't guarantee safety.
There was a huge uptick in the death count in New York State (my state) yesterday due to adding a large number of nursing home deaths that hadn't been tabulated before. Yes, this defintely includes the "presumed" Covid-19 deaths. Heres's a PDF from the NYS DoH that's got numbers by facility.
State health officials, he added, also directed nursing homes to accept Covid-19 patients, even after the AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine came out against the policy and other states followed suit.
Here is one man's opinion: Sell stock. The American stock market is more overvalued today than it was at the price peak in February. When it was by many metrics the most overvalued stock market in our history.
A 7-week rebound. What a selling opportunity, IMO.
Louie the Looper: "Does anybody know exactly what statement by Flynn was the lie? I don’t think I have ever heard."
He didn't lie.
Which is why the FBI "cant find" the "original" 302 (Agent interview summary) written by Pientka which was then re-summarized by li'l Strzoky months later which itself was re-written by one Lisa Page (which is demonstrated by the text message conversation Page had with Strzok).
At the time of the interview, Strzok and Pientka wrote up that Flynn was not deceptive in any way. Further, Flynn did not lie during the "conversation" (frame up interview).
But the FBI, per Strzok's direction, kept the "investigation" open until the Mueller hacks were brought on by Rosenstein for the hoax Special Counsel "investigation" which point, the no underlying evidence "investigation" into Flynn kicked into high gear AFTER Lisa Page rewrote the 302 to make it look like Flynn lied and that's what Mueller's hacks used to torment Flynn and threaten his family to get him to "admit" to a non-crime.
This is why the entire thing is falling apart.
Pay close attention to when/where the FBI, which has already said they have "lost" the original 302, coughs up the re-written 302 penned by Lisa Page and then we'll have the earlier re-written summary to compare with the Page-penned masterpiece...and it ain't gonna be pretty.
Louie the Looper: Flynn said that he had not spoken to any Russian contacts when he had in fact spoken with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. But that is not a crime. And in Flynn's position as incoming DNI, it is not only a crime, it's important that he is in a position to start having these conversations. As Obama's team did as they transitioned in. The so called crime was a perjury trap waiting to happen. The interview with Flynn should never had taken place to begin with. The problem with the 'lie' is that it was to a series of questions that should have never been asked of him- alone or otherwise.
By the way, Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak has hung around the entirety of Washington DC social circles and if you do your homework you'll see that in his time he was also seen with or met with Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and her team.
Joe Biden (along with Obama) were in on the screw job that was the entire Russia collusion hoax. Let's just call it a coup attempt. Joe now wants our permission to let him have the keys to the car.
In Your Friday Briefing, the NYT described the Flynn matter as follows:
The Justice Department’s decision to drop criminal charges against Michael Flynn continues a pattern for the Trump administration: On multiple occasions, this White House has handled criminal matters in ways that are highly favorable to political allies. “I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Julie O’Sullivan, a former federal prosecutor.
Flynn, President Trump’s first national security adviser, had pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I. about his contacts with a Russian diplomat. The Justice Department said it dropped the matter because those lies were not “materially” relevant to the Russia investigation.
"BARR: Yeah, I’m prepared for that. I also think it’s sad that nowadays these partisan feelings are so strong that people have lost any sense of justice. And the groups that usually worry about civil liberties and making sure that there’s proper procedures followed and standards set seem to be ignoring it and willing to destroy people’s lives and see great injustices done."
From the Barr interview CBS refuses to run.
I hope Catherine Herridge got a lot of money for selling out.
My moniker was never a reference to my age. I've been on the forum a long time, but not that long!
It's rather a reference to an inside joke. My interest in philosophy grad. studies was Hegel. One of my best buddies from philosophy grad school lived for a while at a religious order house near Catholic U in DC. The order had a sign out sheet for the seminarians, and my friend, though not a seminarian, signed out as a courtesy. When he came over to socialize with my wife (also a fellow phil, grad student) & me, he'd sign the destination on the sheet as "The YoungHegelians". It was funny when he was due over and running late. I'd call the seminary switchboard & when I asked about him, the poor guy would attempt to read the destination "the young heg, hegys, uhhh..." "Oh, D. said the Young Hegelians?". "Uhhhmm, yes, that's it." "Thanks!"
Then again, there are the real Young Hegelians, and as interesting as they are, they are not the way I see Hegel or reality.
Looks like a great day for a walk in the park, or, as they say, a good walk spoiled.
Repeat after me: no one in government, or formerly in government, that was involved in the Russian Collusion sting operation against Trump and his POTUS campaign will ever pay a price for their abuse of power and position. Other than perhaps a sternly worded memo from AG Barr.
Will there be another Flynn-related data dump today, Friday?
Well, we did get confirmation just yesterday that Crowdstrike, the very dem-connected organization that provided the FBI with the "proof" in 2016 that the Russians had hacked the DNC servers and provided that info to Wikileaks actually testified under oath that Crowdstrike had.....(wait for it).....(wait for it).....absolutely no evidence that the russians had hacked the DNC servers and provided that info to Wikileaks.
That's right boys and girls.
Crowdstrike, who only supposedly provided a summary of their findings to the FBI which supposedly claimed the russkis hacked the servers and fed that info to Wikileaks without ever providing that actual servers to the FBI for analysis, now admit there is zero evidence of any such activity.
No wonder Schiff-ty and the dems fought and fought and fought to keep all those transcripts secret for 3 years.
The "good news" for the lying dems?
The entire democrat base and lefty/LLR-lefty media STILL believe russia collusion happened and the hoax dossier is real...even after the under oath testimony of the democrats themselves disprove just that.
Ric Grenell will be releasing more documents. As Acting DNI he has that authority until he is replaced. Expect Congressman and future DNI Ratcliffe to continue this pattern.
The AG can stay above the fray. The DNI will do the dirty work.
I am not confident about prosecutions but this information will be released.
Thanks for your replies, YH, and your story about your moniker. I've long wondered about that.
You are young to me (by 3 years). And your mother, 2 years junior to mine. Mom is living happily in a retirement community in her home state of Indiana. As I'm sure is the case with you and yours, keeping our mother happy and healthy is a very high priority for me and my brother and we're doing all we know how to keep it that way. I think President Trump is doing a reasonably great job of leading the country through this crisis and I support him 99.9%.
I'm with the skeptics on this-- Flynn will be memory-holed, and maybe a few GS-13s or 14s will take one for the DS team, but then the whole thing will be drowned out by some other farce ginned up by the MSDNC.
Gowdy said. "Well, how would you know what the U.S. government knew at that point? You didn't work for it, did you?" "I didn't," said Farkas, a former mid-level Russia analyst who left the federal government in 2015. "Then how did you know?" Gowdy responded. "I didn't know anything," Farkas said. "Did you have information connecting the Trump campaign to the hack of the DNC?" Gowdy asked. "No," Farkas admitted. "So when you say, 'We knew,' the reality is you knew nothing," Gowdy asked later during the deposition. "Correct," Farkas responded. Gowdy didn't stop there. "So when you say 'knew,' what you really meant was felt?" he asked. "Correct," Farkas answered.
"Crowdstrike, the very dem-connected organization that provided the FBI with the "proof" in 2016 that the Russians had hacked the DNC servers and provided that info to Wikileaks actually testified under oath that Crowdstrike had.....(wait for it).....(wait for it).....absolutely no evidence that the russians had hacked the DNC servers and provided that info to Wikileaks." -- Drago
CRWD is publicly traded, Drago. It was a $100 stock last summer. Then it started weakening, probably from the news issues. It fell to the low 30s in the March selloff. It has rebounded 45 of that 70-point drop to the 77s as of today. Ah ah ah.... no further comment, LOL.
@YH- Congratulations, or condolences, on your clean test. Which one feels appropriate? (I have a number of family members scheduled to get the test over the next two weeks.)
@Louie the Looper- "Does anybody know exactly what statement by Flynn was the lie? I don’t think I have ever heard."
You can read the whole list of facts stipulated to in the guilty plea: here
The short version is that supposedly Flynn said he hadn't asked the Russian ambassador not to escalate things in response to the Obama administration's sanctions, and that he couldn't remember a later follow-up call with the ambassador.
One problem, of course, is that it's hard to see how any of that would be material to an investigation into election tampering or collusion.
The other problem, allegedly, is that the agents who conducted the interview reported at the time that he hadn't lied on either point, then later (they or Strzok) edited their 302s to say that he had. Then they got him to stipulate to that in the plea agreement. Then they couldn't find the 302s, in response to Flynn's new lawyer's Brady demands. And nearly three years later, here we are.
Q: Does the new evidence show that the counterintelligence case against General Flynn was simply left open to lay a trap for lying? BARR: Yes. Essentially.
Barr's interview makes it clear that the order to continue the Flynn "investigation" came from Comey and/or McCabe.
Since African Americans are at elevated risk from COVID19, do you suppose anyone will suggest that they should be kept in lockdown while the rest of the country returns to normal life? Or are solutions like that only for old people?
For the patriots interested in truth, justice, and the American way, 108 pages of the official govt report specifying reasons the Flynn case was a lie .
Because I got very sick on 2/10/2020 with flu like symptoms, and all around me before & after, people in my wider social got sick with various respiratory illnesses. You have to understand -- I haven't had the flu since 1969, so I was suspicious as to why I was getting it now.
I also wanted to know so I it would help me know if I should fly to see my aged mother. And, I knew that my test would provide yet one more data point to the national & local health authorities.
Barr's interview makes it clear that the order to continue the Flynn "investigation" came from Comey and/or McCabe.
The question is, did it go any higher? According to Yates, she first learned about the Flynn interview from Obama. In the same meeting that Rice felt compelled to rush to her desk and write a CYA.
One item of note that greatly concerned Ken B was that Trump was going to be successful in creating tariff equality in US bilateral trade deals with other nations and the EU.
Ken B did not appear to like the idea of that at all.
I'm open to hearing him explain further why it is that equalizing tariffs between nations is such a bad thing and somehow constitutes a violation of "open markets".
As far as I can tell, Kai is telling us that because Crowdstrike is a publicly traded company that somehow precludes Crowdstrike from being a very democrat party connected firm which publicly played along with democrats in advancing the russia hacked the DNC talking points while simultaneously having their CEO testify privately under oath that no such evidence exists.
I look forward to Kai explaining how the publicly traded status of the firm negates these facts.
Jersey Fled said... Barr's interview makes it clear that the order to continue the Flynn "investigation" came from Comey and/or McCabe.
Sol Weisenberg is one of my favorite criminal defense attorneys and after reviewing the documents behind the DOJ decision, he posted (on Twitter):
It is absolutely clear from reading the exhibits to the DOJ’s Motion to Dismiss in U.S. v. Flynn that Comey was the brilliant, incredibly devious mastermind behind the Logan Act Hoax. He ran circles around DOJ’s leadership in two administrations, as well as the newbies in the WH.
Sally Yates (someone I have blamed for years) told Comey that DOJ attorneys should be there during the interview AND they should coordinate with WH counsel. Comey ignored her and sent Joe and Pete to do the interview.; McCabe was obviously part of it, but sounds like this was a Comey op from start to finish.
I find Feuerbach to be a more interesting & profound thinker than Marx. It's from Feuerbach that the idea of "consciousness" (e.g. an individual possesses class, gender, race, whatever consciousness) comes. And it has created misery ever since.
Feuerbach is the quintessential example of immanentizing the eschaton. If we must forgo the metaphysical reality of God, the soul, free will & a reality beyond the physical world, then a thoroughgoing Positivism it is. But, to think that Mankind can somehow by its action replace these metaphysical realities or "build" them in a purely physical world is too strong of a temptation for flesh & blood to handle. It results not only in philosophical weirdness, but in an arrogation of moral certainty that can only, and sadly has, result in the murder of millions.
We may be God's children or we may be only matter in motion, but in any case, humility is always in order.
Red oak wilt got it. When it fell the arch kept it high off the ground. Firewood dries from the end but this was halfway there and still solid. Been cutting trash trees lately, cottonwood, box elder, horse chestnut, none of it worth splitting. This was.
I followed Lars Mytting's advice (Norwegian Wood: Chopping, stacking and drying wood the Scandinavian Way) and got it back off the ground and stacked right away.
Kathryn51: "Sally Yates (someone I have blamed for years) told Comey that DOJ attorneys should be there during the interview AND they should coordinate with WH counsel. Comey ignored her and sent Joe and Pete to do the interview.; McCabe was obviously part of it, but sounds like this was a Comey op from start to finish."
That is not possible because, according to Kai Logic, the DOJ lunchroom doesn't even serve pizza on Thursdays!
Drago wrote: . . . I'm open to hearing him explain further why it is that equalizing tariffs between nations is such a bad thing and somehow constitutes a violation of "open markets".
I believe that the idea is that a country that is levying a tariff is introducing economic inefficiency. True, I suppose, but the free traders have made their no-tariffs policy into an idol. The goal is not an efficient economy, it is healthy politics. The costs of free trade are not distributed throughout the economy (neither are the costs of open immigration). The wealth produced by free trade are often captured by people with capital at the expense of people who trade their labor to live.
shaun henry was fbi cyberdivision, another fellow involved was Michael Sussman of perkins and coie, one of the ones who head the alpha bank fraud to chris steele, so there is that, there was also what Jeffrey carr noted the code was not uniquely Russian or special to the security services, who came up with the apt 28 tag, that would be fireeye mandiant, which was party to the Equifax hack, whose source came from ...china,
Lewis: "I believe that the idea is that a country that is levying a tariff is introducing economic inefficiency. True, I suppose, but the free traders have made their no-tariffs policy into an idol. The goal is not an efficient economy, it is healthy politics."
You are misunderstanding. This was not an academic discussion on economic theory.
Ken B's argument was that current tariff arrangements which put the US at a permanent tariff disadvantage constituted participating in an "open market", but any attempts to equalize tariffs for trade constituted Not open markets.
Fat Adele was an icon. Though there are a lot of overweight people in the world, you couldn't mistake her for anybody else. Thin Adele could be anybody. Even if she gets all the fame she had before, she could still be anybody.
Strange how people used to think heftiness was healthy, and now it's thinness that's healthy. At the extreme both are unhealthy, but was it really essential that a few pounds of excess weight became considered to be a sign of unhealthiness?
It appears that MI Gov Whitmer has decided to reopen auto manufacturing in just a week or 2 which, naturally, also immediately qualifies her as a genocidal mass murderer according to some here at Althouse blog.
farmer and Adele farmer and Adele Hi-ho, the derry-o farmer and Adele!
Happy Victory in Europe Day!
Victory in Europe Day, generally known as VE Day or V-E Day, is a day celebrating the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces on Tuesday, 8 May 1945, marking the end of World War II in Europe. VE Day is celebrated across Western European states on 8 May, with several countries observing public holidays on the day each year, variously called Victory Over Fascism Day, Liberation Day or simply Victory Day.
"I find Feuerbach to be a more interesting & profound thinker than Marx. It's from Feuerbach that the idea of "consciousness" (e.g. an individual possesses class, gender, race, whatever consciousness) comes. And it has created misery ever since."
Yes, from what I have read in both. But can we blame old Ludwig? I thought he was into love.
"Feuerbach is the quintessential example of immanentizing the eschaton. If we must forgo the metaphysical reality of God, the soul, free will & a reality beyond the physical world, then a thoroughgoing Positivism it is."
I once read The Essence of Christianity, which struck me as a classic exercise in immanentizing. But he was not a scientific positivist, was he? He seemed very serious about the rebuilding of an order of meaning by human means, without certitude. Perhaps that opened the door to murder etc., but is also seems just the way modern culture is, whether we like it or not. As a shared cultural reality, the non-immanentized eschaton, whatever its intrinsic validity, is gone.
"We may be God's children or we may be only matter in motion, but in any case, humility is always in order."
Yes. But while Feuerbach may not have been humble in a traditional Christian sense, I did not read him as Promethean in the sense Kolakowski (him again!) attributes to Marx.
Byron York @ByronYork · 8h Just now, from a figure involved in the Trump-Russia wars of the last four years: 'There's not enough crow to go around.' -- I can think of a suitable substitution.
AA you want to address this from your former 'Alama Mater' [Liberal Bureaucrats]? The University of Wisconsin-Madison, which boasts an endowment of $3 billion, announced this week that it will accept $10 million in federal coronavirus relief. But looky looky - they are still laying of people?
But he was not a scientific positivist, was he? He seemed very serious about the rebuilding of an order of meaning by human means, without certitude.
No, I didn't mean that F. was a positivist. He most certainly was not. My view, which I should have stated more clearly, and stated as mine, is that if there are no transcendent "entities", then there is only materialism. There's no "happy medium" between the two, which is what I think all the Young Hegelians, including F., envisioned.
I did not read him as Promethean in the sense Kolakowski (him again!) attributes to Marx.
Nor do I, but in some sense I kinda wonder how F. could maintain that non-Promethean view. Even within the conceptual world of the Young Hegelians, I wonder if Marx is actually the more consistent thinker on this matter.
Amid of all dims revealing " no direct evidence of collusion" the one that was striking was Farkas' explanation when asked why did she go on tv and make the Trump- Russian collusion claim without having no evidence , she said "I felt it was true"! She said that without any hesitation or remorse.Truly post modernism - it's not truth that is important because there are no absolutes,what counts is just feelings. Feelings supersede justice. I really think that is what drove this cabal to insanity.
MadisonMan said... I'd rather listen to Amy Winehouse than to Adele.
Adele had one terrific album (I think it was "21"). The rest were disappointing. Amy Winehouse did some terrific covers. I never get tired of her music.
Right now, I am listening to classic folk music on my phone. Great nostalgia, just heard Buffy St. Marie sing "Universal Soldier." It reminds me of my wannabe beatnik youth. Maynard G. Krebs was my man.
People rip on lawyers, many times for good reason. But determined lawyers like Sidney Powell, who are willing to challenge the establishment and deep staters, show their worth. Powell absolutely kicked Flynn's prosecutors in the balls, especially the lead Mueller team member, he of the Dream Team hotshot fame. She's now lined up Comey, Clapper, Brennan and their stooges for an old fashioned nut stomp. Hope she wears the steel-toed versions of whatever boots she chooses. You go girl.
"...the significance of a January 5, 2017, meeting at the Obama White House. It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration."
Flynn fired the lawyers who gave him the advice to plead guilty. Likely, wait for it . . collusion between them and the government about getting Flynn to plead, then cooperate in exchange for a lenient sentence.
The FBI had the actual tapes of the conversations they asked Flynn about. They didn't need him to try to recall what he said to the Russian ambassador, or who he met with, and when. They had it all.
Sydney is the texas version of my friend clarice, who was the only one who tangled with the Watergate black knights, that cox and Jaworski, had amassed and won on appeal, the same author at American thinker, they were even more arrogant and negligent then, but practically no one either cared or were willing to challenge them, then, he was mueller 1.0, mark Levin was another who fought off two special prosecutors against ed meese, he knows the battlefield as well,
"He didn't lie" If he didn't lie to the FBI, then he lied to the district court, under oath, when he said he intentionally lied to the FBI.
In other words, if the full power of the State can be arrayed against a defendant & the defendant can be coerced to confess in order to not to bankrupt his family & stop the prosecution of his son ("The Process is the Punishment"), then it's okay that Law Enforcement can break all sorts of rules and procedures along the way to get their man?
Do you really believe that? Don't you believe in the rights of defendants to fair & honest procedures before the law? Or, do you actually not believe that the FBI & the Flynn's own counsel screwed up procedure every step of the way?
I have to admit, that along with the Right, the Far Left more or less came out on the side of Justice in this matter. That's because the Far Left knows that every time the National Security State gets a leg up, historically speaking, its victims have often come from the far Left.
The moderate left, on the other hand, have shown themselves to be Salon Stalinists. As long as shit happens to "those sort of people", it's all hunk-dory.
ICTARM, this was from the letter that the Senate Judiciary Committee sent to Rice about that email that she sent to herself on January 20, 2017 about a meeting on January 5:
"It strikes us as odd that, among your activities in the final moments on the final day of the Obama administration, you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation. In addition, despite your claim that President Obama repeatedly told Mr. Comey to proceed “by the book,” substantial questions have arisen about whether officials at the FBI, as well as at the Justice Department and the State Department, actually did proceed “by the book.”
the leaders of the Democratic Party and media knew that there was no collusion since the beginning, but knowingly, willingly lied to the American people anyway. was a coordinated effort.
Why should they be trusted, esteemed, or to be given quarter?
Don't you believe in the rights of defendants to fair & honest procedures before the law?"
He was a federal prosecutor so no, probably not.
It amazes me that the side that believes, rightfully so I might add, that poor Jamal from the 'hood can be coerced by local law enforcement into a false confession thinks that even a powerful man cannot be coerced by the power of law enforcement directed from the highest levels of the FBI.
From my point of view, if law enforcement breaks the rules along the way, the perp walks. Period. If the police fail to read the child murderer his Miranda rights, the child murderer walks. Why? Because as awful as murderers are, states that permit the police powers to work unchecked murder far more than some wacko ever will.
Can there be any denial now that the FBI broke every rule along the way with Flynn?
YH -- I was simply responding to Drago's assertion that "he didn't lie." Obviously, he did lie. Why he lied, and whether his lies were justified and should be excused is a separate matter. But there can be no doubt that he did intentionally lie either to the FBI or to the district court. When the plea of guilty was accepted by the court, Flynn was questioned under oath at length about the factual basis for the plea. He said that he was pleading guilty because he was in fact guilty of the charge.
Further, DOJ is not arguing now that Flynn did not lie to the FBI. Rather, it is arguing a) the lies were not material, b) the underlying investigation was not justified, c) FBI agents did not follow proper policy/rules, etc.
Comey's name has come up again, this time lying to the Senate Intelligence Committee in December 2017, when he was asked about FBI access to the DNC server that was hacked. Comey's testimony was that the DNC refused access to the FBI. Sworn testimony in the House Intelligence Committee in yesterday's document dump contradicts Comey, and says that the DNC offered FBI access, and the FBI declined.
Blogger Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said..."the leaders of the Democratic Party and media knew that there was no collusion since the beginning, but knowingly, willingly lied to the American people anyway. was a coordinated effort."
That's it in a nutshell, and anybody who defends them needs to address that first. Until they do, anything else they say isn't worth listening to.
I notice you didn't answer any of my questions, admittedly rhetorical though they were.
But, who the fuck cares if Flynn lied? DC is full of lying liars who lie all the time. The FBI & the Obama administration decided to use Flynn as a conduit to attack a duly-elected Trump administration and your view of what's important here is "Flynn did too lie!".
I gotta ask -- What color is the sky on your planet?
"The newly declassified testimonies by Sussman and Henry contradict what then-FBI Director James Comey told the Senate Select Intelligence Committee on January 10, 2017. Comey claimed the FBI made multiple requests to the DNC but were denied access." James Comey (@Comey) · Twitter The DOJ has lost its way. But, career people: please stay because America needs you. The country is hungry for honest, competent leadership.
now you look a the big picture, and this little fishing expedition was not merely misconceived but bordered on criminal negligence, it consumed resources that could have been better spent re Orlando, and ft lauderdale incidents, as well as parkland as part of lawfare it was of a piece with the measures that prevented the cdc from focusing on germane matters like epidemiology and not gun control, and obesity, the confirmation hearings for the directorship concerned such trifles, at least one previous director was taken down as a trophy for the dems, that was a painful exercise in treasure time and lives,
"AA you want to address this from your former 'Alama Mater'"
Since we are so careful with language here the "Fostering Mother" in this instance would be either the U of MI or NYU. And you never have a former 'Alma Mater', except in the sense that it is a "former Parrot", a dead college. I am a pissant so I know these things.
whose interest did this serve, comey was a frontman for hsbc, mueller for citicorps subsidiary banamex, personally his firm represented Barclays and deutsch bank, (remember that squirrel) amazon and facebook were also his clients, why scl Cambridge analytica, had to be destroyed, why the mercers had to be driven from renaissance technologies, Chertoff was as much involved with firtash as manafort, as steele was with deripasha, but this never trumper pawn couldn't be touched,
What is frightening about this whole affair is that Comey & Brennan, who both rose to the top of their respective professions & agencies, really come off as crazed. How did this happen? I mean, Comey seems to have absolutely no sense of introspection at all, but Brennan is just on Planet 9.
Brennan is the kind of man who will get on national TV and claim that the President is a Russian asset & present absolutely no proof that it is so. I mean, that the president is a Russian spy is a big piece of news. Wouldn't that be worth smuggling documents out of the CIA and into the public eye, even at the cost of one's own life, to foil such a horrible betrayal of the American people? Has Brenna or some CIA minion ever produced such documents? Nope. Never. Not once. But Brennan still says it, even after the Mueller report found no Americans colluded with Russia. None.
I understand how in a dictatorship toadies, sociopaths, and incompetents rise to the top through the favor of the dictator. But, aren't representative democracies supposed to involve so many people with diffused centers of power along the way that the rise of such individuals is prevented? How did government get so broken?
Rick Wilson, grifts for doha, for his meals, which are an olympean feat on their own, Omidyar funds the dispatch and the bulwark the kind of publications that would set bulwer lytton's teeth on edge, 'sound and fury signifying nothing, told by an idiot' the examiner is a little better, but It through bill gertz, another iconoclast to the wolves, faster than you could blink, ostensibly because of his connection with weng gui, dissident Chinese businessman who has given steve bannon the heads up, on what was coming,
steve uhr: "YH -- I was simply responding to Drago's assertion that "he didn't lie." Obviously, he did lie."
Uh, obviously he didnt lie.
Which is why the 2 agents who "interviewed" Flynn literally stated Flynn was not being deceptive in any way.
But not to worry Li'l Stevie!
Good old Peter Strzok decided he would rewrite Pientkas 302 (Violation of FBI procedure).
Strzok changed the 302 so much (violation of FBI procedure) that Strzok even mentions in his texts to his lover Page that he (Strzok) was worried about losing Pientkas "voice".
And this rewrite occurred 3 weeks after the "interview" (violation of FBI procedure)
But it gets better! Lisa Page, who is not an FBI agent nor field trained nor was present at the interview, dictated edits to Strzoks rewritten 302 (Massive violation of FBI procedure).
And it was all a hoax originally by the FBI interviewing Flynn without informing White House counsel (DOJ violation) and was in support of a BS Logan Act nonsense which again usurps DOJ authority (DOJ violation).
Zero material basis for the "interview", over a conversation that was perfectly legal, which contained nothing illegal.
And the full power of the State was used to threaten, torment, bankrupt and destroy a 3 star general while simultaneously smearing the general in the press thru illegal leaks and going after his family.
And now we have all the documentation which proves every bit of that.
Steve Uhr should return to sucking his thumb and contemplating his navel.
I think a major factor is the siding of the press with one political party. When damning information comes out as to the conduct of democrat government officials it's simply not reported. After awhile, they learn they can get away with whatever they want.
in renaissance times, when there was a power shift that when Machiavelli lost his patron, he was properly flogged, recall that il macchia was recommending the tactics of a sociopathic Borgia, as proper statecraft to the medicis with relevant case stories from classical and medieval history, brennan and the like have gotten a strongly worded letter, if that,
Original Mike said... Adam Schiff: "Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI about his illicit Russian contacts.
Yes I'm watching on msnbc. The DNC hack asking the question has claimed he is a lawyer. In talking about Barr pulling the prosecution, neither the DNC scribe or Schiff touch on the law, or the document Barr sent to the Judge asking for the case to be dropped. The 6 foot social distancing from the law at hand, is deafening. Schiff as is now customary is lying, and of course the DNC scribes just nod and smirk. I caught the schiff show this morning and he used the same word, illicit.
The dnc/media is going to have a rough time navigating the documents of all the Obama officials that swore under oath, they "never saw evidence linking Trump and Russia"
YoungHegelian, As reprehensible and smug as Comey is, the audience that laughed along with his presentation on running agents at Flynn might be more disturbing.
or they don't cover it at all, how many times has the letter the san luis Obispo times turned up, re tara reade has been referenced, how often has neil ferguson's tete a tete been mentioned except on fox, perhaps,
Original Mike: "That's quite a list of violated procedures, Drago."
You gotta break a lot of rules to frame and smear an opposition candidate and then execute a coup against duly elected President-Elect and then President.
And now we also have sworn testimony by the DAG under obama that puts obambi and Slow Joe in the heart of that coup-y discussion in early Jan of 2017.
Because of course they were.
Does anyone really think the commie CIA Director and hack NSA director and hack FBI Director and all their little minions would or could do this on their own without the President and his inner circle involved?
Has this caused you to rethink your theory that the virus is already widespread and we are nearing her immunity? Has this caused you to doubt other tales of “my weird flu” being covid?
Maybe a little. Has it caused you to doubt the Covid death counts that include people who weren't tested for Covid?
walter: "YoungHegelian, As reprehensible and smug as Comey is, the audience that laughed along with his presentation on running agents at Flynn might be more disturbing."
Thats the main takeaway.
Steve Uhr knows everything he writes in defense of these cats is a lie.
Steve Uhr knows that you know that its all lies.
And that is what makes these violations and abuses of power so enjoyable to the lefties. They can do it to you openly and you cant stop them.
putting it charitably he was just a cipher, who rubberstamped whatever was in front of him, if they told him don't go after uranium one, sign on yet another fisa warrant without reviewing the content he did it,
Jon Ericson: "What color do you suppose Rosenstein's hat was then and is now?"
The slimy Rosenstein is probably working with Barr as Barr attempts to clean things up while still salvaging the institutions that he (Barr) loves, the FBI and the DOJ.
Barr is trying to square a circle with that as I think its too far gone.
Imagine this: an entire army of DOJ/FBI hacks comprised of 40 FBI agents and 14/15/16 whatever DOJ partisan dem lawyers and the CIA cutouts handling the confidential sources being used to set up Page and Papadopolous and others and the NSA'ers and contractors working with FusionGPS to funnel FISA 702 super secret query info to the dem operatives.....along with secretaries and administrative aides and other staffers......along with the members of the democrat Senate and House who were in on it and all their staffers and the probably hundreds of journalists working happily with them all...
....and not a single whistleblower or anyone else came forward to say hey, btw, there is an actual coup thingy going on and just maybe that isn't, you know, a good thing.
That's how far the leftists have gotten in usurping all federal power permanently.
oh fitz, when he wasn't dispossessing conrad black of his businesses, or pushing a perjury trap on scooter libby, was running interference for Michigan state, a year and a half before larry nassar was publically known, that's comeys compadre,
I wouldn't trust Steve Uhr to contest a parking ticket.
The Flynn case is pretty simple now with the new disclosures:
(1) The FBI field office assigned to investigate the Russian angle came up with diddly squat, and recommended closing the case in early January of 2017. This was a problem for Strzok, McCabe, and Comey- with no open case, they had no way to get rid of Flynn or to flip him. This is where the Logan Act comes in, under which no one has been convicted in 200 years and is surely unconstitutional in any case. Using the Logan Act is a blatant tell- they weren't interested in finding out if Flynn had committed a crime any longer- they were only interested in trying to create a crime with which they could charge Flynn
(2) The FBI counter-intelligence division had the fucking recordings between Flynn and Kisylak- there was no need to interview Flynn on the substance of the calls. The only purpose of the interview was to try to get Flynn to lie. It isn't a crime to lie to the FBI if the lie is immaterial, and Flynn's lies, if he lied (and I don't actually grant that), are not material because they didn't hinder the "investigation" in any way- the FBI already had the fucking recordings, and they are immaterial because Flynn was never charged with violating the Logan Act.
(3) In the plea deal, Flynn did probably lie to the court, but this lie was told under extreme coercion by the corrupt Mueller prosecutors. In short, the prosecutors can reasonably be accused of suborning perjury.
Sally Yates said Flynn left his phone in a meeting and it had the same fingerprint passcode as John Eisenberg, who then sent an email from Flynn's phone
so the security services are dumpster fires, they expel any really innovative figure like general Flynn or the late phil haney, our epidemiological line of defense was like the Maginot line of old, the cdc had an 11 million dollar budget but it was fighting some phantom war, they relied on 80 year old rules and a testing regiment that was at best unwieldy, thanks in part to Obamacare (the gift that keeps on giving, like whizzo chocolate's spring surprise) they relied on the who, which was utterly compromised by china, thanks to theo adhanom, in a way greater then when their chief was actually Chinese, who handled herself well, during the sars epidemic,
oh yes with friends like him, who needs enemas (rimshot) mark warner, ran rings around him, and he just keeps giving with his stupid moves that provided cover for diane Feinstein among others, then there is 'Michigan j frog' graham, who always manages to do nothing of significance, but promises he will eventually surprise us, if you wonder if he received contributions from Smithfield ham and Tyson foods, you get a case of ricearoni, any self awareness might be resulting from the cooling of Qatari investments in the south Carolina markets,
i doubt john kerry reads these comment threads but I think he is still compos mantis, and I hope he writes down a detailed history from the Alger Hiss days forward
kissinger is more a big picture guy, kerry would be better, he knows so many of what the current Fox News viewers call the swamp, but of whom Kerry thinks as the American equivalents of that Oxford college that produced so many boffins
Jon Ericson: "Don't forget our distinguished Senate Republican leaders (lol) like Burr."
Yes, no doubt our little lickspittle former lawnmower salesman Burr, who has handed complete control of "his" committee to the dems, has already cut a deal with Senator Warner for Burr to secure a Board seat on some company somewhere after Burr leaves the Senate in Jan of 2023.
Kissinger I've thought was less clever than they paint him as, he became famous because he proposed the use of battlefield nuclear weapons, the model for matthau's grossinger in failsafe, he mentored a fair amount of the mandarin class like say Daniel Ellsberg, he was a retainer for the rockefellers, and since the 70s for Chinese interests, the china card didn't provide much short term advantage, but hes' sharper than his protégé brent Scowcroft or his long time rival, the late zbig brezinski,
"Barack- you said there wasnt a "smidgen of corruption". Well, there wasnt! Do you know the definition of 'smidgen'? "Of course!" Well-- is a 'shit-ton' a smidgen? "uhh,...NO." There you go! C'mon, Bro-- you know I'd never lie to you!
when kerry was an undergrad at yale or harvard he was visited by a famous political fixer in his dorm room, where the fixer explained to him a few things about how to get ahead. Kerry, unless he has already gone first stage alzheimers, remembers that name, and probably remembers the names of the next thousand fixers he met. Kissinger , as narciso said, was a theorist, an academic guy who specialized in getting painted as cleverer than he was.
Andy Griffith:"Mountain Wedding" with Ernest T. Bass and the Darlings; Gomer Pyle: the classic "I'm Always Chasing Gomers," featuring the great Kathleen Freeman as the Sarge's mom.
There are other ways to coerce false confessions than a rubber hose. The case of General Flynn merely shows that the FBI and DOJ have it down to a science, especially when his defense team is secretly on the other side.
steve uhr needs to go back to throwing mud at the kids from Covington Catholic.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air, into thin air: And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made on.
This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.
All this nonsense about Trump for over three years.
All this RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA! because you peruse what you find “interesting” around the Interwebs.
All because you are savagely objective, or whatever you call it.
And all this nonsense was deliberately orchestrated for 4 years to take down a mainstream candidate and, later, the President of the United States.
And you have NOTHING to say about it today. Nothing. It is absolutely breathtaking. You have spilled voluminous words about all factors of this farce. Your interpretations, in the absence of facts.
You have continuously reached conclusions. Yet nothing to say today, in the wake of the Department of Justice withdrawing the case. Which is a HUGE deal.
And YOU are a former law professor at a major U.S. university, turning out hundreds of aspirant attorneys per year. You are trained in the law. Don’t they teach Criminal Procedure in Year One? Isn’t that the bedrock upon which the Western system of law is based? And yet in the United States’ most respected newspapers — the official editorial pages, the smart set — are questioning coerced guilty pleas? With the MASSIVE prosecutorial power and limitless resources of the Federal government?
Wow. Nothing from you on Flynn today, Althouse. Nothing on Barr’s CBS Herridge interview (read the whole thing). Nothing on a gross miscarriage of justice against an American citizen who selflessly served his country by his oath.
That’s not what interests you???
Disgusting. Shame on you!
Gosh golly — I wonder why we’re more divided than ever as as a nation.
“And you have NOTHING to say about it today. Nothing. It is absolutely breathtaking. You have spilled voluminous words about all factors of this farce. Your interpretations, in the absence of facts.
You have continuously reached conclusions. Yet nothing to say today, in the wake of the Department of Justice withdrawing the case. Which is a HUGE deal.”
It would be risky to mention the hugely corrupt Trump DOJ (that’s just my take on it) but who knows why she hasn’t expressed her opinion to your satisfaction, I guess it’s her blog and she gets to opine or not on what she chooses.
Here's another fun little nugget we now know: The "mysterious" maltese professor, Joseph Mifsud, who the Mueller gang lied about being a russian asset (he actually has trained CIA officers and has lots of fun relationships with DC regulars!) is a....(wait for it).....Clinton Foundation Member!
Hmmmm, hey, just like Alexander Downer! You know, the Clinton buddy who just so happened to be hanging around in London with Brennan's boy Stephan Halper when they got to talking with George Papadopolous and whaddya know! Downer claimed it was Papadopolous had info on Russia and Hillary's emails!!
What a small world it is, isn't it?
Of course, we now have the transcripts of the monitored conversation between Papadopolous and these CIA set up team members and, of course, it was Papadopolous telling these Brennan boys they are full of crap and it would be treason if any Trump team member was working with Russian's to help with the election.
All info that the Mueller hack team "forgot" to include in their reports and Brady material required in court.
Darn it!
What a bad break! And always in the same direction....
Inga: "It would be risky to mention the hugely corrupt Trump DOJ (that’s just my take on it) but who knows why she hasn’t expressed her opinion to your satisfaction, I guess it’s her blog and she gets to opine or not on what she chooses."
What is really interesting is that even with the release of every single democrat obama team member who admitted under oath that no evidence exists of russia collusion, Inga still believes that collusion occurred.
Inga also still believes Carter Page is a russian spy.
Inga also still believes Kavanaugh is rapist.
So what to do now that we know those are all lies?
Well, if you are Inga, you just move on to the next conspiracy. Which is precisely what Inga did just yesterday with Flynn. According to Mind-reader Inga, Flynn is still up to no good and there is some brand new category of secret info we don't know which will prove it.
You would think that any normal person who saw their entire 4+ year collusion conspiracies collapse so dramatically and publicly, would at least attempt to salvage some semblance of credibility by saying yeah, that stuff turned out to be wrong but here is what I still dislike about Trump and his crew.
But nope.
The Inga's and Lefty Marks and other dead enders just keep plugging the same old stuff.
I'm just waiting for Inga to post another link to a hack lefty article from 2018 to "prove" the things that have now been proven false, like she did just a few weeks back.
Forget Flynn. For 2 years Adam Schiff has hidden transcripts from all of the principals stating they had seen no evidence of collusion. Forget what they said while they were being paid by CNN. Under oath: no evidence.
:" narciso said... shaun henry was fbi cyberdivision, another fellow involved was Michael Sussman of perkins and coie, one of the ones who head the alpha bank fraud to chris steele, so there is that, there was also what Jeffrey carr noted the code was not uniquely Russian or special to the security services, who came up with the apt 28 tag, that would be fireeye mandiant, which was party to the Equifax hack, whose source came from ...china,
5/8/20, 3:07 PM"
No other sentiment or comment io ipso will ever surpass this use of the language, better than all native speakers since Buckley with a style almost 180.
“Risky? Do you think Barr is going to come after Althouse? What are you talking about?”
It would be risky for her to make such a comment here (and I’m not saying she would for any number of reasons) because you, her loyal commenters, would rip her to shreds. However she’s made some blogposts that she surely knew would enrage her majority readers and still went ahead. That’s gutsy.
Again, who knows what her opinion on the Flynn matter is, it’s amusing to see some of her readers get so upset at her for not expressing her opinion on the matter, who knows, maybe it’s boring to her too.
What I find most remarkable is the Grand Canyon between what your favorite Obama characters say to/on the Big Enemedia and what they say under oath.
It’s all there, if you want to read it.
Please bridge that divide for me — based on that they actually SAID, rather than what you imagined or interpreted from “news” reports that never reported... any of this.
Guildofcannonballs said... :" narciso said... shaun henry was fbi cyberdivision, another fellow involved was Michael Sussman of perkins and coie, one of the ones who head the alpha bank fraud to chris steele, so there is that, there was also what Jeffrey carr noted the code was not uniquely Russian or special to the security services, who came up with the apt 28 tag, that would be fireeye mandiant, which was party to the Equifax hack, whose source came from ...china,
5/8/20, 3:07 PM"
No other sentiment or comment io ipso will ever surpass this use of the language, better than all native speakers since Buckley with a style almost 180.
I get confused with all the "you people"s whizzing back and forth. I guess I don't follow the factions here--real and imagined--closely enough to know who is meant by the wide-casting.
As for this blog, if you can find a better one, go to it.
Narr One factual matter: Drago, Flynn was Army, not USMC.
The Very Forgetful Inga: "It would be risky for her to make such a comment here (and I’m not saying she would for any number of reasons) because you, her loyal commenters, would rip her to shreds."
As I recall, someone was banned for, amongst other things, personal attacks on Althouse.
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२०८ टिप्पण्या:
208 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Barr calls Flynn investigation a "perjury trap".
Of course, most of us here knew that from beginning.
Yesterday I went in and got my COVID antibody test. I had a nasty respirator illness on Feb 10 and thought that maybe I had had COVID.
The doctor called me this morning & said that I was negative for the antibody. In other words, I have not yet been exposed to COVID.
The test was from Abbott Labs, which has a good reputation. The doctor thinks it unlikely that the test produced a false negative in my case.
I know that many of us in the Althouseosphere are wrangling to get tested, so I just thought I'd post my results.
"In other words, I have not yet been exposed to COVID."
Shouldn't that be: you have not yet become infected by the virus?
My wife is working on a Covid unit. The testing has been going: positive, negative, positive, negative, negative, negative, then they send the person back to their original unit. If testing is how we get out of this, we will never get out of this.
But what I really want to know is: How do you feel about your test result: Relieved? Disappointed? Some of each? Other?
Meade is right of course.
Has this caused you to rethink your theory that the virus is already widespread and we are nearing her immunity?
Has this caused you to doubt other tales of “my weird flu” being covid?
I'm assuming this is an open thread...
Is it just me, or is Joe Biden starting to look a lot like Max Headroom?
Shouldn't that be: you have not yet become infected by the virus?
That's a good point. I'm just repeating the phrasing that the doctor used with me, and he most definitely said "have not been exposed".
Would it be a clearer description to say "have not yet been infected"? I would think so. But with so many people being "infected" apparently asymptomatically, maybe the doctor used "exposed" as the best catch-all.
Then again, maybe he was just being sloppy.
Milwaukee's own Steve Sisolak, governor of Nevada, has announced that phase of re-opening will start Saturday morning, subject to re-closing. We shall see.
How do you feel about your test result
I would have preferred to know at age 63 & with a 92 year old mother that I haven't seen since December that I was on the other side of this mess, and, you know, survived.
@Ken B.
Has this caused you to rethink your theory that the virus is already widespread and we are nearing her immunity?
No, because I'm only one data point. I knew from the Korean tests that many folks (e.g. ~70%) who were tested for COID while symptomatic actually some other respiratory illness other than COVID. Other controlled studies, such as the MIT fecal studies outside as Boston, the cruise ship, & the prison study in Oklahoma show that there are a large number of asymptomatic cases out there.
Has this caused you to doubt other tales of “my weird flu” being covid?
In my social and therefore geographic orbit, yes, but not necessarily at a national level.
I just checked the CNN website for the latest on the General Flynn case. Here is what I learned:
There is only one mention — a link to a Toobin video titled, “The fix is in.”
Also, I learned from the NYT that Flynn admitted that he lied to the FBI TWICE!
Does anybody know exactly what statement by Flynn was the lie? I don’t think I have ever heard.
“ at age 63”
HAH! You are actually *old* Hegelian! There are few people I can call old these days, but you are one (just barely), and I cannot let such opportunities slip.
Meade: "Everyone agrees that more testing is necessary" is the biggest problem with the non-openers. I guess if random testing shows 75%+ infection we can declare herd immunity and go back to normal, right? But with any other numbers, what will (random) testing tell us? Is a higher number better than a lower number? If so, what does that mean in terms of action to be taken? If we know what the infection rate was a week ago through testing, what does that tell us about today's rate -- don't we need a series of random tests to determine a trend?
Testing people in order to contact trace the infected individuals makes more sense, if your goal is to throttle down the spread of the disease, but that means testing people over and over if they do not test positive, to see when they might pick it up.
If full and comprehensive testing is the goal, it is designed to be unreachable.
First tick of the season today.
Lucien: "Testing people in order to contact trace the infected individuals makes more sense, if your goal is to throttle down the spread of the disease"
But even that doesn't make sense, in general, since infection doesn't mean "disease," and most people who get infected are not at any risk, and "throttling down" simply slows the spread and therefore the development of herd immunity.
"that means testing people over and over if they do not test positive, to see when they might pick it up. If full and comprehensive testing is the goal, it is designed to be unreachable."
Exactly. It is another bad-faith proposal from the bad-faith alarmists.
The key thing is, and has always been, effectively to isolate the people actually at risk. Of course, some can't: nursing homes should practice good hygiene but can't guarantee safety.
YoungHegelian said... I know that many of us in the Althouseosphere are wrangling to get tested, so I just thought I'd post my results.
My wife had serious COVID symptoms in February. Her antibody test results came back a few days ago - negative.
She was disappointed because it means she is still at risk of infection.
There was a huge uptick in the death count in New York State (my state) yesterday due to adding a large number of nursing home deaths that hadn't been tabulated before. Yes, this defintely includes the "presumed" Covid-19 deaths. Heres's a PDF from the NYS DoH that's got numbers by facility.
The much praised Andrew Cuomo is now coming under fire due to this spike since he evidently directed nursing homes to accept Covid-19 patients.
State health officials, he added, also directed nursing homes to accept Covid-19 patients, even after the AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine came out against the policy and other states followed suit.
Here is one man's opinion: Sell stock. The American stock market is more overvalued today than it was at the price peak in February. When it was by many metrics the most overvalued stock market in our history.
A 7-week rebound. What a selling opportunity, IMO.
"It is another bad-faith proposal from the bad-faith alarmists." --Sebastian
What a narrow-minded, one-note Johnny your posts display, Sebastian.
And then you whine and cry for days if someone says a negative word about one of them. LOLOL!
Louie the Looper: "Does anybody know exactly what statement by Flynn was the lie? I don’t think I have ever heard."
He didn't lie.
Which is why the FBI "cant find" the "original" 302 (Agent interview summary) written by Pientka which was then re-summarized by li'l Strzoky months later which itself was re-written by one Lisa Page (which is demonstrated by the text message conversation Page had with Strzok).
At the time of the interview, Strzok and Pientka wrote up that Flynn was not deceptive in any way. Further, Flynn did not lie during the "conversation" (frame up interview).
But the FBI, per Strzok's direction, kept the "investigation" open until the Mueller hacks were brought on by Rosenstein for the hoax Special Counsel "investigation" which point, the no underlying evidence "investigation" into Flynn kicked into high gear AFTER Lisa Page rewrote the 302 to make it look like Flynn lied and that's what Mueller's hacks used to torment Flynn and threaten his family to get him to "admit" to a non-crime.
This is why the entire thing is falling apart.
Pay close attention to when/where the FBI, which has already said they have "lost" the original 302, coughs up the re-written 302 penned by Lisa Page and then we'll have the earlier re-written summary to compare with the Page-penned masterpiece...and it ain't gonna be pretty.
Louie the Looper: Flynn said that he had not spoken to any Russian contacts when he had in fact spoken with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. But that is not a crime. And in Flynn's position as incoming DNI, it is not only a crime, it's important that he is in a position to start having these conversations. As Obama's team did as they transitioned in. The so called crime was a perjury trap waiting to happen. The interview with Flynn should never had taken place to begin with. The problem with the 'lie' is that it was to a series of questions that should have never been asked of him- alone or otherwise.
By the way, Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak has hung around the entirety of Washington DC social circles and if you do your homework you'll see that in his time he was also seen with or met with Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and her team.
Joe Biden (along with Obama) were in on the screw job that was the entire Russia collusion hoax. Let's just call it a coup attempt. Joe now wants our permission to let him have the keys to the car.
Will there be another Flynn-related data dump today, Friday?
In Your Friday Briefing, the NYT described the Flynn matter as follows:
The Justice Department’s decision to drop criminal charges against Michael Flynn continues a pattern for the Trump administration: On multiple occasions, this White House has handled criminal matters in ways that are highly favorable to political allies. “I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Julie O’Sullivan, a former federal prosecutor.
Flynn, President Trump’s first national security adviser, had pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I. about his contacts with a Russian diplomat. The Justice Department said it dropped the matter because those lies were not “materially” relevant to the Russia investigation.
"BARR: Yeah, I’m prepared for that. I also think it’s sad that nowadays these partisan feelings are so strong that people have lost any sense of justice. And the groups that usually worry about civil liberties and making sure that there’s proper procedures followed and standards set seem to be ignoring it and willing to destroy people’s lives and see great injustices done."
From the Barr interview CBS refuses to run.
I hope Catherine Herridge got a lot of money for selling out.
"Here is one man's opinion: Sell stock."
We get it, Johnny.
@Ken B,
HAH! You are actually *old* Hegelian!
My moniker was never a reference to my age. I've been on the forum a long time, but not that long!
It's rather a reference to an inside joke. My interest in philosophy grad. studies was Hegel. One of my best buddies from philosophy grad school lived for a while at a religious order house near Catholic U in DC. The order had a sign out sheet for the seminarians, and my friend, though not a seminarian, signed out as a courtesy. When he came over to socialize with my wife (also a fellow phil, grad student) & me, he'd sign the destination on the sheet as "The YoungHegelians". It was funny when he was due over and running late. I'd call the seminary switchboard & when I asked about him, the poor guy would attempt to read the destination "the young heg, hegys, uhhh..." "Oh, D. said the Young Hegelians?". "Uhhhmm, yes, that's it." "Thanks!"
Then again, there are the real Young Hegelians, and as interesting as they are, they are not the way I see Hegel or reality.
Will there be another Flynn-related data dump today, Friday?
No. That was the point in dismissing the case to protect the FBI/DOJ from more discovery.
Looks like a great day for a walk in the park, or, as they say, a good walk spoiled.
Repeat after me: no one in government, or formerly in government, that was involved in the Russian Collusion sting operation against Trump and his POTUS campaign will ever pay a price for their abuse of power and position. Other than perhaps a sternly worded memo from AG Barr.
Are you still washing your shoes?
Will there be another Flynn-related data dump today, Friday?
Well, we did get confirmation just yesterday that Crowdstrike, the very dem-connected organization that provided the FBI with the "proof" in 2016 that the Russians had hacked the DNC servers and provided that info to Wikileaks actually testified under oath that Crowdstrike had.....(wait for it).....(wait for it).....absolutely no evidence that the russians had hacked the DNC servers and provided that info to Wikileaks.
That's right boys and girls.
Crowdstrike, who only supposedly provided a summary of their findings to the FBI which supposedly claimed the russkis hacked the servers and fed that info to Wikileaks without ever providing that actual servers to the FBI for analysis, now admit there is zero evidence of any such activity.
No wonder Schiff-ty and the dems fought and fought and fought to keep all those transcripts secret for 3 years.
The "good news" for the lying dems?
The entire democrat base and lefty/LLR-lefty media STILL believe russia collusion happened and the hoax dossier is real...even after the under oath testimony of the democrats themselves disprove just that.
"What a selling opportunity, IMO."
You'll let us know when the market hits bottom, right?
Thanks in advance.
Ric Grenell will be releasing more documents.
As Acting DNI he has that authority until he is replaced.
Expect Congressman and future DNI Ratcliffe to continue this pattern.
The AG can stay above the fray.
The DNI will do the dirty work.
I am not confident about prosecutions but this information will be released.
Thanks for your replies, YH, and your story about your moniker. I've long wondered about that.
You are young to me (by 3 years). And your mother, 2 years junior to mine. Mom is living happily in a retirement community in her home state of Indiana. As I'm sure is the case with you and yours, keeping our mother happy and healthy is a very high priority for me and my brother and we're doing all we know how to keep it that way. I think President Trump is doing a reasonably great job of leading the country through this crisis and I support him 99.9%.
I'm with the skeptics on this-- Flynn will be memory-holed, and maybe a few GS-13s or 14s will take one for the DS team, but then the whole thing will be drowned out by some other farce ginned up by the MSDNC.
Enemy of treason
The doctor called me this morning & said that I was negative for the antibody. In other words, I have not yet been exposed to COVID.
I figured I had it because of some mild flu symptoms. I guess I probably didn't. Something to look forward to, I guess.
So who does everyone prefer? Fat Adele or skinny Adele?
Gowdy said. "Well, how would you know what the U.S. government knew at that point? You didn't work for it, did you?"
"I didn't," said Farkas, a former mid-level Russia analyst who left the federal government in 2015.
"Then how did you know?" Gowdy responded.
"I didn't know anything," Farkas said.
"Did you have information connecting the Trump campaign to the hack of the DNC?" Gowdy asked.
"No," Farkas admitted.
"So when you say, 'We knew,' the reality is you knew nothing," Gowdy asked later during the deposition.
"Correct," Farkas responded. Gowdy didn't stop there.
"So when you say 'knew,' what you really meant was felt?" he asked.
"Correct," Farkas answered.
RHHardin 1; everybody else 0.
CBS News has the full transcript of the Flynn interview on their website.
Great interview by Herridge.
So who does everyone prefer? Fat Adele or skinny Adele?
Is that one of your "no-brainers"?
"So who does everyone prefer? Fat Adele or skinny Adele?"
Haven't seen either one.
"Crowdstrike, the very dem-connected organization that provided the FBI with the "proof" in 2016 that the Russians had hacked the DNC servers and provided that info to Wikileaks actually testified under oath that Crowdstrike had.....(wait for it).....(wait for it).....absolutely no evidence that the russians had hacked the DNC servers and provided that info to Wikileaks." -- Drago
CRWD is publicly traded, Drago. It was a $100 stock last summer. Then it started weakening, probably from the news issues. It fell to the low 30s in the March selloff. It has rebounded 45 of that 70-point drop to the 77s as of today. Ah ah ah.... no further comment, LOL.
Point is that you HAVE to get the virus. You do have to. %99 survival rate.
Social distancing has become the new Macarena. Everybody looks stupid doing it, and nobody remembers why?
J. Farmer.
I had to google to see what you were talking about.
Adelle's body looks great. her face looked better in the fat state. (not at all uncommon in women)
@YH- Congratulations, or condolences, on your clean test. Which one feels appropriate? (I have a number of family members scheduled to get the test over the next two weeks.)
@Louie the Looper- "Does anybody know exactly what statement by Flynn was the lie? I don’t think I have ever heard."
You can read the whole list of facts stipulated to in the guilty plea: here
The short version is that supposedly Flynn said he hadn't asked the Russian ambassador not to escalate things in response to the Obama administration's sanctions, and that he couldn't remember a later follow-up call with the ambassador.
One problem, of course, is that it's hard to see how any of that would be material to an investigation into election tampering or collusion.
The other problem, allegedly, is that the agents who conducted the interview reported at the time that he hadn't lied on either point, then later (they or Strzok) edited their 302s to say that he had. Then they got him to stipulate to that in the plea agreement. Then they couldn't find the 302s, in response to Flynn's new lawyer's Brady demands. And nearly three years later, here we are.
Why we want to suck the fat out of our butts and bellies and inject it into our faces.
My interest in Adele is grounded in her voice and songs, not her physical body attributes. But, in answer to your query, I agree with BleachBit.
Q: Does the new evidence show that the counterintelligence case against General Flynn was simply left open to lay a trap for lying?
BARR: Yes. Essentially.
Barr's interview makes it clear that the order to continue the Flynn "investigation" came from Comey and/or McCabe.
Splendor in the the grass and leaves of spring.
Definitely Fat Adele. She really wasn't that big. Catherine Deneuve said an older lady needs to choose between the ass or face.
YH: "there are the real Young Hegelians, and as interesting as they are, they are not the way I see Hegel or reality"
Forget Hegel. What's wrong with Feuerbach?
Since African Americans are at elevated risk from COVID19, do you suppose anyone will suggest that they should be kept in lockdown while the rest of the country returns to normal life? Or are solutions like that only for old people?
I googled this Adele person to find out who she is and here's a CNN headline: "The right way to respond to Adele's weight loss"
WTF is wrong with people?
YH: curious, why did you seek out the test?
I love Adele's singing. I have three of her tunes on my all-time pop playlist.
For big girls, Megan Trainor is more my type. All about the Base is on the playlist.
buwaya knew almost immediately that Kai Akker was not a good faith participant in these comments.
I knew sooner but he hadn't been online and so knew quicker.
I applaud the constant ignorance of Kai Akker by the regulars.
For the patriots interested in truth, justice, and the American way, 108 pages of the official govt report specifying reasons the Flynn case was a lie .
I vote for the new Adele. Never a beauty, but she's handsome and the new figure looks much better from what I can see.
She's no Ava Gardner
YH: curious, why did you seek out the test?
Because I got very sick on 2/10/2020 with flu like symptoms, and all around me before & after, people in my wider social got sick with various respiratory illnesses. You have to understand -- I haven't had the flu since 1969, so I was suspicious as to why I was getting it now.
I also wanted to know so I it would help me know if I should fly to see my aged mother. And, I knew that my test would provide yet one more data point to the national & local health authorities.
Birkel distills Birkel: “ I applaud the constant ignorance ... by the regulars.”
Ken B has a hard time with parts of speech.
That Canuck education system must be terrible.
Are you Concerned today?
Kai: "CRWD is publicly traded, Drago."
I also enjoy the Dowdian ellipsis.
Ken B is a c... u... n... t.
Barr's interview makes it clear that the order to continue the Flynn "investigation" came from Comey and/or McCabe.
The question is, did it go any higher? According to Yates, she first learned about the Flynn interview from Obama. In the same meeting that Rice felt compelled to rush to her desk and write a CYA.
BTW, Biden was in the same meeting.
Birkel (to Ken B): "Are you Concerned today?"
One item of note that greatly concerned Ken B was that Trump was going to be successful in creating tariff equality in US bilateral trade deals with other nations and the EU.
Ken B did not appear to like the idea of that at all.
I'm open to hearing him explain further why it is that equalizing tariffs between nations is such a bad thing and somehow constitutes a violation of "open markets".
@YH: thanks, makes sense. My 88 year old MIL is coming up from FL later in the month and I'm worried about that visit.
I'd rather listen to Amy Winehouse than to Adele. That's not to say I prefer druggily emaciated to obese however.
As far as I can tell, Kai is telling us that because Crowdstrike is a publicly traded company that somehow precludes Crowdstrike from being a very democrat party connected firm which publicly played along with democrats in advancing the russia hacked the DNC talking points while simultaneously having their CEO testify privately under oath that no such evidence exists.
I look forward to Kai explaining how the publicly traded status of the firm negates these facts.
Should be fun.
Treason Bloom!
...looks like the Fall
Jersey Fled said...
Barr's interview makes it clear that the order to continue the Flynn "investigation" came from Comey and/or McCabe.
Sol Weisenberg is one of my favorite criminal defense attorneys and after reviewing the documents behind the DOJ decision, he posted (on Twitter):
It is absolutely clear from reading the exhibits to the DOJ’s Motion to Dismiss in U.S. v. Flynn that Comey was the brilliant, incredibly devious mastermind behind the Logan Act Hoax. He ran circles around DOJ’s leadership in two administrations, as well as the newbies in the WH.
Sally Yates (someone I have blamed for years) told Comey that DOJ attorneys should be there during the interview AND they should coordinate with WH counsel. Comey ignored her and sent Joe and Pete to do the interview.; McCabe was obviously part of it, but sounds like this was a Comey op from start to finish.
Forget Hegel. What's wrong with Feuerbach?
I find Feuerbach to be a more interesting & profound thinker than Marx. It's from Feuerbach that the idea of "consciousness" (e.g. an individual possesses class, gender, race, whatever consciousness) comes. And it has created misery ever since.
Feuerbach is the quintessential example of immanentizing the eschaton. If we must forgo the metaphysical reality of God, the soul, free will & a reality beyond the physical world, then a thoroughgoing Positivism it is. But, to think that Mankind can somehow by its action replace these metaphysical realities or "build" them in a purely physical world is too strong of a temptation for flesh & blood to handle. It results not only in philosophical weirdness, but in an arrogation of moral certainty that can only, and sadly has, result in the murder of millions.
We may be God's children or we may be only matter in motion, but in any case, humility is always in order.
Red oak wilt got it. When it fell the arch kept it high off the ground. Firewood dries from the end but this was halfway there and still solid. Been cutting trash trees lately, cottonwood, box elder, horse chestnut, none of it worth splitting. This was.
I followed Lars Mytting's advice (Norwegian Wood: Chopping, stacking and drying wood the Scandinavian Way) and got it back off the ground and stacked right away.
Kathryn51: "Sally Yates (someone I have blamed for years) told Comey that DOJ attorneys should be there during the interview AND they should coordinate with WH counsel. Comey ignored her and sent Joe and Pete to do the interview.; McCabe was obviously part of it, but sounds like this was a Comey op from start to finish."
That is not possible because, according to Kai Logic, the DOJ lunchroom doesn't even serve pizza on Thursdays!
Drago wrote:
. . .
I'm open to hearing him explain further why it is that equalizing tariffs between nations is such a bad thing and somehow constitutes a violation of "open markets".
I believe that the idea is that a country that is levying a tariff is introducing economic inefficiency.
True, I suppose, but the free traders have made their no-tariffs policy into an idol. The goal is not an efficient economy, it is healthy politics. The costs of free trade are not distributed throughout the economy (neither are the costs of open immigration). The wealth produced by free trade are often captured by people with capital at the expense of people who trade their labor to live.
shaun henry was fbi cyberdivision, another fellow involved was Michael Sussman of perkins and coie, one of the ones who head the alpha bank fraud to chris steele, so there is that, there was also what Jeffrey carr noted the code was not uniquely Russian or special to the security services, who came up with the apt 28 tag, that would be fireeye mandiant, which was party to the Equifax hack, whose source came from ...china,
Lewis: "I believe that the idea is that a country that is levying a tariff is introducing economic inefficiency.
True, I suppose, but the free traders have made their no-tariffs policy into an idol. The goal is not an efficient economy, it is healthy politics."
You are misunderstanding. This was not an academic discussion on economic theory.
Ken B's argument was that current tariff arrangements which put the US at a permanent tariff disadvantage constituted participating in an "open market", but any attempts to equalize tariffs for trade constituted Not open markets.
Fat Adele was an icon. Though there are a lot of overweight people in the world, you couldn't mistake her for anybody else. Thin Adele could be anybody. Even if she gets all the fame she had before, she could still be anybody.
Strange how people used to think heftiness was healthy, and now it's thinness that's healthy. At the extreme both are unhealthy, but was it really essential that a few pounds of excess weight became considered to be a sign of unhealthiness?
thankfully new leadership has put Australia on a more solid path,
It appears that MI Gov Whitmer has decided to reopen auto manufacturing in just a week or 2 which, naturally, also immediately qualifies her as a genocidal mass murderer according to some here at Althouse blog.
farmer and Adele
farmer and Adele
Hi-ho, the derry-o
farmer and Adele!
Happy Victory in Europe Day!
Victory in Europe Day, generally known as VE Day or V-E Day, is a day celebrating the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces on Tuesday, 8 May 1945, marking the end of World War II in Europe. VE Day is celebrated across Western European states on 8 May, with several countries observing public holidays on the day each year, variously called Victory Over Fascism Day, Liberation Day or simply Victory Day.
"Free trade" is a propaganda phrase anyway. Free trade doesn't require thousands of pages of rules and big international bureaucracies to administer.
this is how it happens on the Serengeti plain,
To be fair, Drago
Ken B remains Converned.
YH: Phew. A lot to chew on.
"I find Feuerbach to be a more interesting & profound thinker than Marx. It's from Feuerbach that the idea of "consciousness" (e.g. an individual possesses class, gender, race, whatever consciousness) comes. And it has created misery ever since."
Yes, from what I have read in both. But can we blame old Ludwig? I thought he was into love.
"Feuerbach is the quintessential example of immanentizing the eschaton. If we must forgo the metaphysical reality of God, the soul, free will & a reality beyond the physical world, then a thoroughgoing Positivism it is."
I once read The Essence of Christianity, which struck me as a classic exercise in immanentizing. But he was not a scientific positivist, was he? He seemed very serious about the rebuilding of an order of meaning by human means, without certitude. Perhaps that opened the door to murder etc., but is also seems just the way modern culture is, whether we like it or not. As a shared cultural reality, the non-immanentized eschaton, whatever its intrinsic validity, is gone.
"We may be God's children or we may be only matter in motion, but in any case, humility is always in order."
Yes. But while Feuerbach may not have been humble in a traditional Christian sense, I did not read him as Promethean in the sense Kolakowski (him again!) attributes to Marx.
"Comey ignored [Yates] and sent Joe and Pete to do the interview."
Comey did smugly take credit for it.
Byron York
Just now, from a figure involved in the Trump-Russia wars of the last four years: 'There's not enough crow to go around.'
I can think of a suitable substitution.
AA you want to address this from your former 'Alama Mater' [Liberal Bureaucrats]?
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, which boasts an endowment of $3 billion, announced this week that it will accept $10 million in federal coronavirus relief. But looky looky - they are still laying of people?
But he was not a scientific positivist, was he? He seemed very serious about the rebuilding of an order of meaning by human means, without certitude.
No, I didn't mean that F. was a positivist. He most certainly was not. My view, which I should have stated more clearly, and stated as mine, is that if there are no transcendent "entities", then there is only materialism. There's no "happy medium" between the two, which is what I think all the Young Hegelians, including F., envisioned.
I did not read him as Promethean in the sense Kolakowski (him again!) attributes to Marx.
Nor do I, but in some sense I kinda wonder how F. could maintain that non-Promethean view. Even within the conceptual world of the Young Hegelians, I wonder if Marx is actually the more consistent thinker on this matter.
Study Finds Nearly Everyone Who Recovers From COVID-19 Makes Coronavirus Antibodies
Amid of all dims revealing " no direct evidence of collusion" the one that was striking was Farkas' explanation when asked why did she go on tv and make the Trump- Russian collusion claim without having no evidence , she said "I felt it was true"! She said that without any hesitation or remorse.Truly post modernism - it's not truth that is important because there are no absolutes,what counts is just feelings. Feelings supersede justice. I really think that is what drove this cabal to insanity.
MadisonMan said... I'd rather listen to Amy Winehouse than to Adele.
Adele had one terrific album (I think it was "21"). The rest were disappointing. Amy Winehouse did some terrific covers. I never get tired of her music.
Right now, I am listening to classic folk music on my phone. Great nostalgia, just heard Buffy St. Marie sing "Universal Soldier." It reminds me of my wannabe beatnik youth. Maynard G. Krebs was my man.
People rip on lawyers, many times for good reason. But determined lawyers like Sidney Powell, who are willing to challenge the establishment and deep staters, show their worth. Powell absolutely kicked Flynn's prosecutors in the balls, especially the lead Mueller team member, he of the Dream Team hotshot fame. She's now lined up Comey, Clapper, Brennan and their stooges for an old fashioned nut stomp. Hope she wears the steel-toed versions of whatever boots she chooses. You go girl.
"He didn't lie" If he didn't lie to the FBI, then he lied to the district court, under oath, when he said he intentionally lied to the FBI.
Obama, Biden Oval Office Meeting On January 5 Was Key To Entire Anti-Trump Operation
"...the significance of a January 5, 2017, meeting at the Obama White House. It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration."
Flynn fired the lawyers who gave him the advice to plead guilty. Likely, wait for it . . collusion between them and the government about getting Flynn to plead, then cooperate in exchange for a lenient sentence.
The FBI had the actual tapes of the conversations they asked Flynn about. They didn't need him to try to recall what he said to the Russian ambassador, or who he met with, and when. They had it all.
Sydney is the texas version of my friend clarice, who was the only one who tangled with the Watergate black knights, that cox and Jaworski, had amassed and won on appeal, the same author at American thinker, they were even more arrogant and negligent then, but practically no one either cared or were willing to challenge them, then, he was mueller 1.0, mark Levin was another who fought off two special prosecutors against ed meese, he knows the battlefield as well,
How many secret plea deals have you kept from the court, steve?
@steve uhr,
"He didn't lie" If he didn't lie to the FBI, then he lied to the district court, under oath, when he said he intentionally lied to the FBI.
In other words, if the full power of the State can be arrayed against a defendant & the defendant can be coerced to confess in order to not to bankrupt his family & stop the prosecution of his son ("The Process is the Punishment"), then it's okay that Law Enforcement can break all sorts of rules and procedures along the way to get their man?
Do you really believe that? Don't you believe in the rights of defendants to fair & honest procedures before the law? Or, do you actually not believe that the FBI & the Flynn's own counsel screwed up procedure every step of the way?
I have to admit, that along with the Right, the Far Left more or less came out on the side of Justice in this matter. That's because the Far Left knows that every time the National Security State gets a leg up, historically speaking, its victims have often come from the far Left.
The moderate left, on the other hand, have shown themselves to be Salon Stalinists. As long as shit happens to "those sort of people", it's all hunk-dory.
ICTARM, this was from the letter that the Senate Judiciary Committee sent to Rice about that email that she sent to herself on January 20, 2017 about a meeting on January 5:
"It strikes us as odd that, among your activities in the final moments on the final day of the Obama administration, you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation. In addition, despite your claim that President Obama repeatedly told Mr. Comey to proceed “by the book,” substantial questions have arisen about whether officials at the FBI, as well as at the Justice Department and the State Department, actually did proceed “by the book.”
"Don't you believe in the rights of defendants to fair & honest procedures before the law?"
He was a federal prosecutor so no, probably not.
the turbas have like minded brethren here,
It looks like the DNC/Crowdstrike was lying about Russian hackers.
Imagine how many liars you have to believe to be a Democratic.
Why does anybody support Democratics?
I mean beyond abortion.
the leaders of the Democratic Party and media knew that there was no collusion
since the beginning, but knowingly, willingly lied to the American people anyway. was a coordinated effort.
Why should they be trusted, esteemed, or to be given quarter?
Don't you believe in the rights of defendants to fair & honest procedures before the law?"
He was a federal prosecutor so no, probably not.
It amazes me that the side that believes, rightfully so I might add, that poor Jamal from the 'hood can be coerced by local law enforcement into a false confession thinks that even a powerful man cannot be coerced by the power of law enforcement directed from the highest levels of the FBI.
From my point of view, if law enforcement breaks the rules along the way, the perp walks. Period. If the police fail to read the child murderer his Miranda rights, the child murderer walks. Why? Because as awful as murderers are, states that permit the police powers to work unchecked murder far more than some wacko ever will.
Can there be any denial now that the FBI broke every rule along the way with Flynn?
Blogger rhhardin said...
"First tick of the season today."
In SE Minnesota we had our first ticks at least two weeks ago. My first chigger bite was 2 days ago. But we should have a hard frost tonight...
I think you would find "steve uhr" believe asking Republicans "When did you stop beating your wife?" is perfectly copacetic.
He's an ass hole.
Re: Fat Adele vs Skinny Adele
Please review the below image. The Fat Adele you're talking about is actually Chubby Adele, who IMHO was much prettier.
Three Faces of Adele
Slate - Supreme Court "The Flush"
YH -- I was simply responding to Drago's assertion that "he didn't lie." Obviously, he did lie. Why he lied, and whether his lies were justified and should be excused is a separate matter. But there can be no doubt that he did intentionally lie either to the FBI or to the district court. When the plea of guilty was accepted by the court, Flynn was questioned under oath at length about the factual basis for the plea. He said that he was pleading guilty because he was in fact guilty of the charge.
Further, DOJ is not arguing now that Flynn did not lie to the FBI. Rather, it is arguing a) the lies were not material, b) the underlying investigation was not justified, c) FBI agents did not follow proper policy/rules, etc.
Comey's name has come up again, this time lying to the Senate Intelligence Committee in December 2017, when he was asked about FBI access to the DNC server that was hacked. Comey's testimony was that the DNC refused access to the FBI. Sworn testimony in the House Intelligence Committee in yesterday's document dump contradicts Comey, and says that the DNC offered FBI access, and the FBI declined.
Key Players in DNC Hack Response Contradict Comey’s Claims About Access to Servers
Blogger Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said..."the leaders of the Democratic Party and media knew that there was no collusion
since the beginning, but knowingly, willingly lied to the American people anyway. was a coordinated effort."
That's it in a nutshell, and anybody who defends them needs to address that first. Until they do, anything else they say isn't worth listening to.
@steve uhr,
Obviously, he did lie.
I notice you didn't answer any of my questions, admittedly rhetorical though they were.
But, who the fuck cares if Flynn lied? DC is full of lying liars who lie all the time. The FBI & the Obama administration decided to use Flynn as a conduit to attack a duly-elected Trump administration and your view of what's important here is "Flynn did too lie!".
I gotta ask -- What color is the sky on your planet?
Speaking of lying, from brylun's link:
"The newly declassified testimonies by Sussman and Henry contradict what then-FBI Director James Comey told the Senate Select Intelligence Committee on January 10, 2017. Comey claimed the FBI made multiple requests to the DNC but were denied access."
its only a matter of if the lie serves the narrative,
James Comey (@Comey) · Twitter
The DOJ has lost its way. But, career people: please stay because America needs you. The country is hungry for honest, competent leadership.
now you look a the big picture, and this little fishing expedition was not merely misconceived but bordered on criminal negligence, it consumed resources that could have been better spent re Orlando, and ft lauderdale incidents, as well as parkland as part of lawfare it was of a piece with the measures that prevented the cdc from focusing on germane matters like epidemiology and not gun control, and obesity, the confirmation hearings for the directorship concerned such trifles, at least one previous director was taken down as a trophy for the dems, that was a painful exercise in treasure time and lives,
steve uhr,
Embrace your inner totalitarian.
I will lose respect for you (ha!) if you pussyfoot around.
"AA you want to address this from your former 'Alama Mater'"
Since we are so careful with language here the "Fostering Mother" in this instance would be either the U of MI or NYU. And you never have a former 'Alma Mater', except in the sense that it is a "former Parrot", a dead college. I am a pissant so I know these things.
As disclosed earlier, I went in for the blood draw today.
I'll let you know when I know.
Adam Schiff: "Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI about his illicit Russian contacts.
WTF? What "illicit Russian contacts"???
whose interest did this serve, comey was a frontman for hsbc, mueller for citicorps subsidiary banamex, personally his firm represented Barclays and deutsch bank, (remember that squirrel) amazon and facebook were also his clients, why scl Cambridge analytica, had to be destroyed, why the mercers had to be driven from renaissance technologies, Chertoff was as much involved with firtash as manafort, as steele was with deripasha, but this never trumper pawn couldn't be touched,
Ann should be careful about ChiCom-owned TikTok:
Dutch Watchdog to Investigate TikTok's Use of Children's Data
... from Reuters via The New York Times!
And Zoom is a Chi-Com app as well.
What is frightening about this whole affair is that Comey & Brennan, who both rose to the top of their respective professions & agencies, really come off as crazed. How did this happen? I mean, Comey seems to have absolutely no sense of introspection at all, but Brennan is just on Planet 9.
Brennan is the kind of man who will get on national TV and claim that the President is a Russian asset & present absolutely no proof that it is so. I mean, that the president is a Russian spy is a big piece of news. Wouldn't that be worth smuggling documents out of the CIA and into the public eye, even at the cost of one's own life, to foil such a horrible betrayal of the American people? Has Brenna or some CIA minion ever produced such documents? Nope. Never. Not once. But Brennan still says it, even after the Mueller report found no Americans colluded with Russia. None.
I understand how in a dictatorship toadies, sociopaths, and incompetents rise to the top through the favor of the dictator. But, aren't representative democracies supposed to involve so many people with diffused centers of power along the way that the rise of such individuals is prevented? How did government get so broken?
Rick Wilson, grifts for doha, for his meals, which are an olympean feat on their own, Omidyar funds the dispatch and the bulwark the kind of publications that would set bulwer lytton's teeth on edge, 'sound and fury signifying nothing, told by an idiot' the examiner is a little better, but It through bill gertz, another iconoclast to the wolves, faster than you could blink, ostensibly because of his connection with weng gui, dissident Chinese businessman who has given steve bannon the heads up, on what was coming,
steve uhr: "YH -- I was simply responding to Drago's assertion that "he didn't lie." Obviously, he did lie."
Uh, obviously he didnt lie.
Which is why the 2 agents who "interviewed" Flynn literally stated Flynn was not being deceptive in any way.
But not to worry Li'l Stevie!
Good old Peter Strzok decided he would rewrite Pientkas 302 (Violation of FBI procedure).
Strzok changed the 302 so much (violation of FBI procedure) that Strzok even mentions in his texts to his lover Page that he (Strzok) was worried about losing Pientkas "voice".
And this rewrite occurred 3 weeks after the "interview" (violation of FBI procedure)
But it gets better! Lisa Page, who is not an FBI agent nor field trained nor was present at the interview, dictated edits to Strzoks rewritten 302 (Massive violation of FBI procedure).
And it was all a hoax originally by the FBI interviewing Flynn without informing White House counsel (DOJ violation) and was in support of a BS Logan Act nonsense which again usurps DOJ authority (DOJ violation).
Zero material basis for the "interview", over a conversation that was perfectly legal, which contained nothing illegal.
And the full power of the State was used to threaten, torment, bankrupt and destroy a 3 star general while simultaneously smearing the general in the press thru illegal leaks and going after his family.
And now we have all the documentation which proves every bit of that.
Steve Uhr should return to sucking his thumb and contemplating his navel.
"How did government get so broken?"
I think a major factor is the siding of the press with one political party. When damning information comes out as to the conduct of democrat government officials it's simply not reported. After awhile, they learn they can get away with whatever they want.
I think he should delete his Blogger account and come back as a normal person.
"Steve Uhr should return to sucking his thumb and contemplating his navel."
Happy hour is his thing.
in renaissance times, when there was a power shift that when Machiavelli lost his patron, he was properly flogged, recall that il macchia was recommending the tactics of a sociopathic Borgia, as proper statecraft to the medicis with relevant case stories from classical and medieval history, brennan and the like have gotten a strongly worded letter, if that,
That's quite a list of violated procedures, Drago.
Original Mike said...
Adam Schiff: "Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI about his illicit Russian contacts.
Yes I'm watching on msnbc. The DNC hack asking the question has claimed he is a lawyer. In talking about Barr pulling the prosecution, neither the DNC scribe or Schiff touch on the law, or the document Barr sent to the Judge asking for the case to be dropped.
The 6 foot social distancing from the law at hand, is deafening. Schiff as is now customary is lying, and of course the DNC scribes just nod and smirk. I caught the schiff show this morning and he used the same word, illicit.
The dnc/media is going to have a rough time navigating the documents of all the Obama officials that swore under oath, they "never saw evidence linking Trump and Russia"
As reprehensible and smug as Comey is, the audience that laughed along with his presentation on running agents at Flynn might be more disturbing.
I dunno. There seem to be a few thousand instances of racketeering to be addressed.
I think deny, deny, deny is their only recourse.
or they don't cover it at all, how many times has the letter the san luis Obispo times turned up, re tara reade has been referenced, how often has neil ferguson's tete a tete been mentioned except on fox, perhaps,
Original Mike: "That's quite a list of violated procedures, Drago."
You gotta break a lot of rules to frame and smear an opposition candidate and then execute a coup against duly elected President-Elect and then President.
And now we also have sworn testimony by the DAG under obama that puts obambi and Slow Joe in the heart of that coup-y discussion in early Jan of 2017.
Because of course they were.
Does anyone really think the commie CIA Director and hack NSA director and hack FBI Director and all their little minions would or could do this on their own without the President and his inner circle involved?
Has this caused you to rethink your theory that the virus is already widespread and we are nearing her immunity?
Has this caused you to doubt other tales of “my weird flu” being covid?
Maybe a little. Has it caused you to doubt the Covid death counts that include people who weren't tested for Covid?
What I don't get about steve uhr is, as a prosecutor, don't any of those violations bother him?
walter: "YoungHegelian,
As reprehensible and smug as Comey is, the audience that laughed along with his presentation on running agents at Flynn might be more disturbing."
Thats the main takeaway.
Steve Uhr knows everything he writes in defense of these cats is a lie.
Steve Uhr knows that you know that its all lies.
And that is what makes these violations and abuses of power so enjoyable to the lefties. They can do it to you openly and you cant stop them.
Lefty paradise.
Heaven's Gate flu?
Peer pressure?
Too much teevee?
A lemming in his family tree?
A fledgling politician?
no, next question,
would a flogging suffice to disabuse these people, twanloc, is the anagram that comes to mind,
Trump today: "the jury's still out" on FBI Director Chris Wray.
You'd think Wray would be apoplectic over all the violations of protocol. But, not so much.
What color do you suppose Rosenstein's hat was then and is now?
Supercut mashup of smug MSM fuck up video
...why, yes!!
It looks like today IS "Apologize to a "Conspiracy Theorist" Day"!
"J. Farmer said...
So who does everyone prefer? Fat Adele or skinny Adele?"
As long as she's singing, I could care less.
That said, I do prefer my ladies on the slim side - not the current movie star skeleton slim - with some muscle tone.
putting it charitably he was just a cipher, who rubberstamped whatever was in front of him, if they told him don't go after uranium one, sign on yet another fisa warrant without reviewing the content he did it,
the rest of the story,
a little prolix, but worth the read:
Rep. Jim Jordan: A Look Back On The Russia, Mueller, And Flynn Investigations
Jon Ericson: "What color do you suppose Rosenstein's hat was then and is now?"
The slimy Rosenstein is probably working with Barr as Barr attempts to clean things up while still salvaging the institutions that he (Barr) loves, the FBI and the DOJ.
Barr is trying to square a circle with that as I think its too far gone.
Imagine this: an entire army of DOJ/FBI hacks comprised of 40 FBI agents and 14/15/16 whatever DOJ partisan dem lawyers and the CIA cutouts handling the confidential sources being used to set up Page and Papadopolous and others and the NSA'ers and contractors working with FusionGPS to funnel FISA 702 super secret query info to the dem operatives.....along with secretaries and administrative aides and other staffers......along with the members of the democrat Senate and House who were in on it and all their staffers and the probably hundreds of journalists working happily with them all...
....and not a single whistleblower or anyone else came forward to say hey, btw, there is an actual coup thingy going on and just maybe that isn't, you know, a good thing.
That's how far the leftists have gotten in usurping all federal power permanently.
oh fitz, when he wasn't dispossessing conrad black of his businesses, or pushing a perjury trap on scooter libby, was running interference for Michigan state, a year and a half before larry nassar was publically known, that's comeys compadre,
I wouldn't trust Steve Uhr to contest a parking ticket.
The Flynn case is pretty simple now with the new disclosures:
(1) The FBI field office assigned to investigate the Russian angle came up with diddly squat, and recommended closing the case in early January of 2017. This was a problem for Strzok, McCabe, and Comey- with no open case, they had no way to get rid of Flynn or to flip him. This is where the Logan Act comes in, under which no one has been convicted in 200 years and is surely unconstitutional in any case. Using the Logan Act is a blatant tell- they weren't interested in finding out if Flynn had committed a crime any longer- they were only interested in trying to create a crime with which they could charge Flynn
(2) The FBI counter-intelligence division had the fucking recordings between Flynn and Kisylak- there was no need to interview Flynn on the substance of the calls. The only purpose of the interview was to try to get Flynn to lie. It isn't a crime to lie to the FBI if the lie is immaterial, and Flynn's lies, if he lied (and I don't actually grant that), are not material because they didn't hinder the "investigation" in any way- the FBI already had the fucking recordings, and they are immaterial because Flynn was never charged with violating the Logan Act.
(3) In the plea deal, Flynn did probably lie to the court, but this lie was told under extreme coercion by the corrupt Mueller prosecutors. In short, the prosecutors can reasonably be accused of suborning perjury.
Sally Yates said Flynn left his phone in a meeting and it had the same fingerprint passcode as John Eisenberg, who then sent an email from Flynn's phone
Don't forget our distinguished Senate Republican leaders (lol) like Burr.
so the security services are dumpster fires, they expel any really innovative figure like general Flynn or the late phil haney, our epidemiological line of defense was like the Maginot line of old, the cdc had an 11 million dollar budget but it was fighting some phantom war, they relied on 80 year old rules and a testing regiment that was at best unwieldy, thanks in part to Obamacare (the gift that keeps on giving, like whizzo chocolate's spring surprise) they relied on the who, which was utterly compromised by china, thanks to theo adhanom, in a way greater then when their chief was actually Chinese, who handled herself well, during the sars epidemic,
Cry 'Foul!"
...and let slip the dogs of QuarANTINE!
Senator Burr is a Ken B.
oh yes with friends like him, who needs enemas (rimshot) mark warner, ran rings around him, and he just keeps giving with his stupid moves that provided cover for diane Feinstein among others, then there is 'Michigan j frog' graham, who always manages to do nothing of significance, but promises he will eventually surprise us, if you wonder if he received contributions from Smithfield ham and Tyson foods, you get a case of ricearoni, any self awareness might be resulting from the cooling of Qatari investments in the south Carolina markets,
i doubt john kerry reads these comment threads but I think he is still compos mantis, and I hope he writes down a detailed history from the Alger Hiss days forward
kissinger is more a big picture guy, kerry would be better, he knows so many of what the current Fox News viewers call the swamp, but of whom Kerry thinks as the American equivalents of that Oxford college that produced so many boffins
Jon Ericson: "Don't forget our distinguished Senate Republican leaders (lol) like Burr."
Yes, no doubt our little lickspittle former lawnmower salesman Burr, who has handed complete control of "his" committee to the dems, has already cut a deal with Senator Warner for Burr to secure a Board seat on some company somewhere after Burr leaves the Senate in Jan of 2023.
Remember her?
Kissinger I've thought was less clever than they paint him as, he became famous because he proposed the use of battlefield nuclear weapons, the model for matthau's grossinger in failsafe, he mentored a fair amount of the mandarin class like say Daniel Ellsberg, he was a retainer for the rockefellers, and since the 70s for Chinese interests, the china card didn't provide much short term advantage, but hes' sharper than his protégé brent Scowcroft or his long time rival, the late zbig brezinski,
"Barack- you said there wasnt a "smidgen of corruption".
Well, there wasnt! Do you know the definition of 'smidgen'?
"Of course!"
Well-- is a 'shit-ton' a smidgen?
There you go! C'mon, Bro-- you know I'd never lie to you!
Remember her??
when kerry was an undergrad at yale or harvard he was visited by a famous political fixer in his dorm room, where the fixer explained to him a few things about how to get ahead.
Kerry, unless he has already gone first stage alzheimers, remembers that name, and probably remembers the names of the next thousand fixers he met.
Kissinger , as narciso said, was a theorist, an academic guy who specialized in getting painted as cleverer than he was.
I have not yet died from Wuhan ��, but there is still hope.
Andy Griffith:"Mountain Wedding" with Ernest T. Bass and the Darlings; Gomer Pyle: the classic "I'm Always Chasing Gomers," featuring the great Kathleen Freeman as the Sarge's mom.
There are other ways to coerce false confessions than a rubber hose. The case of General Flynn merely shows that the FBI and DOJ have it down to a science, especially when his defense team is secretly on the other side.
steve uhr needs to go back to throwing mud at the kids from Covington Catholic.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on.
This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.
Thus the FBI Coup of 2016.
All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.
Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 Verse 20
Blogger Yancey Ward said...5/8/20, 6:15 PM
I wouldn't trust Steve Uhr to contest a parking ticket.
The Flynn case is pretty simple now with the new disclosures:...
I'm a former 'Intelligent Analyst" from many moons ago! I describe:
(1) Intelligence - primary charter is to collect all data friendly/unfriendly and disseminate to your 'Clients'.
(2) Counter-Intelligence is to be a party to (1) - Client...but whose primary charter is to create propoganda against friendly/unfriendly audiences.
I hope this correction assists in you belief that anything coming from 'Intelligent Agency Types' is worth their weight in Gold - 'Nada' my friend!
Having made the above comments, I find your comments somewhat helpful except for the creditability of (2).
It’s funny, Althouse...
All this nonsense about Trump for over three years.
All this RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA! because you peruse what you find “interesting” around the Interwebs.
All because you are savagely objective, or whatever you call it.
And all this nonsense was deliberately orchestrated for 4 years to take down a mainstream candidate and, later, the President of the United States.
And you have NOTHING to say about it today. Nothing. It is absolutely breathtaking. You have spilled voluminous words about all factors of this farce. Your interpretations, in the absence of facts.
You have continuously reached conclusions. Yet nothing to say today, in the wake of the Department of Justice withdrawing the case. Which is a HUGE deal.
And YOU are a former law professor at a major U.S. university, turning out hundreds of aspirant attorneys per year. You are trained in the law. Don’t they teach Criminal Procedure in Year One? Isn’t that the bedrock upon which the Western system of law is based? And yet in the United States’ most respected newspapers — the official editorial pages, the smart set — are questioning coerced guilty pleas? With the MASSIVE prosecutorial power and limitless resources of the Federal government?
Wow. Nothing from you on Flynn today, Althouse. Nothing on Barr’s CBS Herridge interview (read the whole thing). Nothing on a gross miscarriage of justice against an American citizen who selflessly served his country by his oath.
That’s not what interests you???
Disgusting. Shame on you!
Gosh golly — I wonder why we’re more divided than ever as as a nation.
Ignatius, what's truly amazing is that in 4 years none of you made a case that convinced her.
Then again, when some of the most prolific posters have little more in their quiver but childish put downs why are any of us surprised?
Lefty Mark: "Ignatius, what's truly amazing is that in 4 years none of you made a case that convinced her."
We have the documentation that proves what we were saying for 4 years.
But then again, how can you moron lefties walk away from so many lies told so often for so long without looking
Here's a fun little quiz for Lefty Mark:
1) Is there any evidence that Trump or any members of his campaign colluded with russians?
2) Is there any evidence that the russkis actually hacked the DNC servers?
3) Is Carter Page a russian spy?
And remember Lefty Mark, we aren't operating on a January 5, 2017 set of make believe "facts" vomited up by Team Dem anymore.
“And you have NOTHING to say about it today. Nothing. It is absolutely breathtaking. You have spilled voluminous words about all factors of this farce. Your interpretations, in the absence of facts.
You have continuously reached conclusions. Yet nothing to say today, in the wake of the Department of Justice withdrawing the case. Which is a HUGE deal.”
It would be risky to mention the hugely corrupt Trump DOJ (that’s just my take on it) but who knows why she hasn’t expressed her opinion to your satisfaction, I guess it’s her blog and she gets to opine or not on what she chooses.
Here's another fun little nugget we now know: The "mysterious" maltese professor, Joseph Mifsud, who the Mueller gang lied about being a russian asset (he actually has trained CIA officers and has lots of fun relationships with DC regulars!) is a....(wait for it).....Clinton Foundation Member!
Hmmmm, hey, just like Alexander Downer! You know, the Clinton buddy who just so happened to be hanging around in London with Brennan's boy Stephan Halper when they got to talking with George Papadopolous and whaddya know! Downer claimed it was Papadopolous had info on Russia and Hillary's emails!!
What a small world it is, isn't it?
Of course, we now have the transcripts of the monitored conversation between Papadopolous and these CIA set up team members and, of course, it was Papadopolous telling these Brennan boys they are full of crap and it would be treason if any Trump team member was working with Russian's to help with the election.
All info that the Mueller hack team "forgot" to include in their reports and Brady material required in court.
Darn it!
What a bad break! And always in the same direction....
"Then again, when some of the most prolific posters have little more in their quiver but childish put downs why are any of us surprised?"
Inga: "It would be risky to mention the hugely corrupt Trump DOJ (that’s just my take on it) but who knows why she hasn’t expressed her opinion to your satisfaction, I guess it’s her blog and she gets to opine or not on what she chooses."
What is really interesting is that even with the release of every single democrat obama team member who admitted under oath that no evidence exists of russia collusion, Inga still believes that collusion occurred.
Inga also still believes Carter Page is a russian spy.
Inga also still believes Kavanaugh is rapist.
So what to do now that we know those are all lies?
Well, if you are Inga, you just move on to the next conspiracy. Which is precisely what Inga did just yesterday with Flynn. According to Mind-reader Inga, Flynn is still up to no good and there is some brand new category of secret info we don't know which will prove it.
You would think that any normal person who saw their entire 4+ year collusion conspiracies collapse so dramatically and publicly, would at least attempt to salvage some semblance of credibility by saying yeah, that stuff turned out to be wrong but here is what I still dislike about Trump and his crew.
But nope.
The Inga's and Lefty Marks and other dead enders just keep plugging the same old stuff.
I'm just waiting for Inga to post another link to a hack lefty article from 2018 to "prove" the things that have now been proven false, like she did just a few weeks back.
Very amusing.
Inga, surely by now you have doubts.
Original Mike: "Inga, surely by now you have doubts."
If she had any doubts she would not have immediately moved yesterday to a brand new conspiracy theory involving Michael Flynn!
Without missing a beat.
A highly decorated, battle tested 37 year Marine Corps Lt General who has put his life on the line for his nation.
This is the guy Inga called a treasonous traitor and russian asset.
Russia Russia Inga- explain, in your own words, why Trump's DOJ is corrupt.
Be precise.
Forget Flynn. For 2 years Adam Schiff has hidden transcripts from all of the principals stating they had seen no evidence of collusion. Forget what they said while they were being paid by CNN. Under oath: no evidence.
1). No evidence,
2). Schiff hid them.
Inga? No doubt at all?
There was a massive conspiracy to deprive US citizens of civil liberties under color of law.
I believe civil liberties are important.
I wish others took such deprivations seriously.
I would prefer if Althouse took a public stand but it's not anybody's place to ask her to do so.
I wish Royal ass Inga had the capacity to recognize wrongdoing.
I am waiting for Inga to demand Trumps impeachment for NOT colluding with Russia and making her feel bad.
"Nobody knows what Mueller knows!"
Well, we know now. We know that he knew what was in all those transcripts. Which was a big, fat, goose egg.
And yet, he let it continue.
"It would be risky to mention the hugely corrupt Trump DOJ (that’s just my take on it)…"
Risky? Do you think Barr is going to come after Althouse? What are you talking about?
:" narciso said...
shaun henry was fbi cyberdivision, another fellow involved was Michael Sussman of perkins and coie, one of the ones who head the alpha bank fraud to chris steele, so there is that, there was also what Jeffrey carr noted the code was not uniquely Russian or special to the security services, who came up with the apt 28 tag, that would be fireeye mandiant, which was party to the Equifax hack, whose source came from ...china,
5/8/20, 3:07 PM"
No other sentiment or comment io ipso will ever surpass this use of the language, better than all native speakers since Buckley with a style almost 180.
Mueller is corrupt.
He is a disgrace.
Schitt is corrupt.
Schitt is a disgrace.
Pelosi, Nadler, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Weissmann, Van Grack...
All of them are Ken Bs.
“Risky? Do you think Barr is going to come after Althouse? What are you talking about?”
It would be risky for her to make such a comment here (and I’m not saying she would for any number of reasons) because you, her loyal commenters, would rip her to shreds. However she’s made some blogposts that she surely knew would enrage her majority readers and still went ahead. That’s gutsy.
Again, who knows what her opinion on the Flynn matter is, it’s amusing to see some of her readers get so upset at her for not expressing her opinion on the matter, who knows, maybe it’s boring to her too.
Any finkfucked can make it, im CA.
Like our buddy bubu.
But his fleeing to wherever East of America, was his own choice. America gave him that free option. Would Spain? How would Spain do it Bu?
You should do as I did today...
Curl up and read the Schiff Committee testimony by the parade of Obama clowns. All of them. Lots and lots and lots of transcript pages.
Read it. All of it.
Then come back and trumpet by talking points. Just like Comey, Clapper and Brennan did. The testimony shows the EXACT OPPOSITE!
You have no shame. Y’all are a disgrace to what this nation is all about.
YH: re Hegel: I am happy to let the arguments about Feuerbach etc fly over my head but I do agree with this:
"We may be God's children or we may be only matter in motion, but in any case, humility is always in order."
Easier said than done, of course.
What I find most remarkable is the Grand Canyon between what your favorite Obama characters say to/on the Big Enemedia and what they say under oath.
It’s all there, if you want to read it.
Please bridge that divide for me — based on that they actually SAID, rather than what you imagined or interpreted from “news” reports that never reported... any of this.
Guildofcannonballs said...
:" narciso said...
shaun henry was fbi cyberdivision, another fellow involved was Michael Sussman of perkins and coie, one of the ones who head the alpha bank fraud to chris steele, so there is that, there was also what Jeffrey carr noted the code was not uniquely Russian or special to the security services, who came up with the apt 28 tag, that would be fireeye mandiant, which was party to the Equifax hack, whose source came from ...china,
5/8/20, 3:07 PM"
No other sentiment or comment io ipso will ever surpass this use of the language, better than all native speakers since Buckley with a style almost 180.
5/8/20, 9:14 PM Delete
"It would be risky for her to make such a comment here…"
Anything to avoid the elephant in the room, Inga. You were scammed. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.
Mark @8:14 PM:
I’m not trying to convince anybody.
I’m pointing out the absurdity of thousands and thousands of words spilled to prove a non-point.
Althouse is not ruthlessly objective, or whatever euphemism she chooses.
She’s just like the rest of us.
And so are you.
What I marvel about today’s smarty-pants set is their lack of curiosity. Yours, too.
For all the talk of the love of knowledge, the stability of law, the wonder of humanity, the exploration of art, the depths of science, et cetera...
You’re actually rather close-minded, biased and shallow people. With university degrees. Impressive.
The self-congratulation of the morally magnificent. The crowd that said “Whose values?” back in 1992 amidst knowledge Clinton’s philandering past.
This nonsense has been going on for almost 30 years. Grow up.
I get confused with all the "you people"s whizzing back and forth. I guess I don't follow the factions here--real and imagined--closely enough to know who is meant by the wide-casting.
As for this blog, if you can find a better one, go to it.
One factual matter: Drago, Flynn was Army, not USMC.
The Very Forgetful Inga: "It would be risky for her to make such a comment here (and I’m not saying she would for any number of reasons) because you, her loyal commenters, would rip her to shreds."
As I recall, someone was banned for, amongst other things, personal attacks on Althouse.
And that person was.......Inga.
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