... you can talk 'til dawn.
That photo was taken at 5:06 this morning, which is a good reason to remember to use the Althouse Portal to Amazon as you do you Saturday night shopping.
Here's how things looked at 5:25:

The "actual" sunrise time was 5:21 a.m. We're slowly closing in on the earliest sunrise time, which is 5:17. I've been able to do 5:21, so there's no reason to think 5:17 — 4 minutes earlier — will be difficult. The 5:17 will begin on June 10th and continue to June 19th. The latest sunset of the year — at 8:41 p.m. — lasts only 3 days, from June 25th to June 27th. The longest day of the year, June 20, is 15 hours, 22 minutes, and 15 seconds. The following day is 1 second shorter. Who can notice such subtle differences? You have to look up the numbers, or do what I did for most of my life, just keep thinking stray thoughts like man, these days are so long, how long can they possibly get, how am I going to sleep until it finally seems that darkness, your old friend, is creeping back in.
७० टिप्पण्या:
If it looks like the lens got dirty for the second picture, you are seeing the tiny insects that rise up with the sun. A few of them are mosquitoes but most of them seem to be innocuous little treats for the birds and the bats. The main thing is to keep your mouth shut or you'll be eating them too. If one does get in your mouth, you'll probably start spitting, and this is not a good time for that. Especially on a Saturday, when the sunrise vantage point attracts a good number of young people. Weekends still exist, apparently. Do the kids stay up all night and wander out for the sunrise or are there young people who rise with the first light as I do?
MS-NBC right now --
"The only violence we've seen is from those in uniform."
Wisconsin does look a whole lot different than i pictured it
I think hes a finnish guy, but he had interesting perspective on films
Such a beautiful picture... Just loved it. It gives strength starting of the day.
It takes about 23 minutes to read the last 12 chapters of Isaiah. I really recommend picking up the Bible, starting with chapter 55 of the prophet Isaiah, and reading to the end of that useful and kind book. Possibly the best 23 minutes of your life.
Lots of wonderful insights, and none of the uninviting reflections of the cruel ancient world that are so off-putting for so many of us in the rest of the Old Testament
(not to me, though, I think I understand what was going on) (to be fair, I knew what evil was before I could talk) (both parents suffered from Aspergers or a similar affliction, and the lack of empathy that horrible disease engenders did the awful things that it does, and in their Aspergerite fog neither one of them protected me from the bad things in life, not for a moment, or at least not for long) (and even the harshest parts of the Old Testament are fairly PollyAnna-ish to someone who knows what I know - in other words, I don't find anything off-putting in the Old Testament, even in some of the less tea-party-at-Aunt-Martha's chapters).
At this point, there are no "peaceful protesters." Anyone out there is a provocation. They are aiding and abetting the agitators by their very presence.
The BIG news today is SpaceX. Everything else is complete bullshit. Civilians are in space and it’s the end of government control. NASA is finished thank goodness. About as competent as CDC. This is a great day fro freedom and capitalism. Let the rioters burn down Madison. It won’t be a footnote to today’s launch.
Isiah did predict jesus fate with remarkable clarity. 'But we are not fighting men, but powers and principalities'
National Guard called out in D.C. by the Secretary of the Army.
This after multiple violent clashes at various locations in the city. Because Mayor Bowser too busy having a hissy over President Trump to do her damn job of providing public safety.
Because D.C. government refuses to enforce public order, the federal government is going to take charge.
I keep seeing people on this blog and elsewhere stating mosques in the U.S. are being treated differently during covidiocy than Christian churches. Synagogues are usually left out of the dis, as if no one actually cares.
I find it easy to believe the two religions are being treated differently. By, and this is a big but, despite Democrat politicians routinely kowtowing to muslims, I haven’t seen any photo or video evidence that this is the case here. I’ve seen some sites report it as fact- without photos. Has anyone here seen any actual evidence that islamic services are going on unmolested by the authorities? Or is this simply a widely believed urban myth?
I do find it fascinating Ohio police took time and effort to break up an Amish barn party during the covidiocy. Amish? None of them have likely traveled to any Covid19 hotspots. None have likely returned from China in the last 6 months, or ever. Few, if any, have traveled by air to any major city. In my area, zero reported cases among the Amish. Not so with measles, but they do quarantine themselves away from the rest of us when they have a measles outbreak. 70 arrests from the Amish barn party. 70! In Columbus Ohio a whopping five arrests for rioting. I guess it’s safer for the police to arrest peaceful people than actual violent lawbreakers.
Muriel Bowser and D.C. Police have responsibility for maintaining order and safety on D.C. streets. And in her temper tantrum on Twitter this morning, she said she would always provide that.
At this very moment, a volatile violent crowd is on D.C. city streets, with a dumpster burning on H Street, and D.C. Police is nowhere to be seen.
Bowser doing NOTHING to diffuse the situation.
Rioters attacking the courthouse and police HQ in Omaha. Many arrested.
I took a walk up Fifth Ave. in NYC today and inadvertently ran into a parade of demonstrators. They were marching down Fifth Ave, starting at 83 St. They seemed well behaved. The parade was about 60% black. They didn't look thuggish, but neither did a certain number of them look like they were overwhelmingly committed to peaceful change. Some of the whites were dressed in full ninja outfits, including crash helmets.... Some of the girls there were attractive. I suppose the excitement of the event will lead later to hook ups. That might be why some participate. They weren't keeping social distance at any rate, and only the ninjas wore masks. Or maybe it's just that some people have gone stir crazy with the quarantine. This was a fine and public way to break quarantine.....I didn't hear anything on the news about Fifth Ave stores being looted so I suppose it was a peaceful protest. Or maybe it was just a way of enabling the rioters to congregate under safe cover. For the record, I didn't see any MAGA hats. They didn't look like Trump supporters.
Part of and article I read a few days ago.
"I want to introduce you to a new kind of terrorism: medical terrorism. If the “pandemic” of COVID-19 has done anything at all, it was effectively made the entire world afraid. It has convinced people around the globe to be afraid of each other for no other reason than the spread of a virus. Of course, our world is filled with various viruses, and until COVID-19, no global panic occurred over the flu, common colds, shingles, or herpes. We lived with them. But all of that changed with the media-driven panic of COVID-19. I am not suggesting that COVID-19 isn’t a real medical threat. People have died. That isn’t my point. My point is that COVID-19 is the perfect terrorist’s tool. It effectively promotes the fear of the impending death of everyone! It is no longer possible to return to life as normal. COVID-19 has embedded fear into our lives."
BTW, I absolutely despise automiscorrect on my IPhone. Seems to change things even after I proofread.
There were lots of protests after Freddy Gray's death. The police learned their lesson. No aggressive police enforcement afterwards. The number of black murder victims skyrocketed, but they were not the kind of murders that attracted the notice of celebrities or black activists. Everybody in Baltimore is happy now. Perhaps all these demonstrations will result in a similar peace for cities across America....Snitches get stitches. A lot of non-violent drug offenders were convicted of non-violent drug crimes because nobody was ever going to testify against them for their violent crimes. Now they're free as a bird and available to lead the demonstrations.
Thank you Stephen. Isaiah 59:8-9
8 The way of peace they do not know; there is no justice in their paths. They have turned them into crooked roads; no one who walks along them will know peace. 9 So justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We look for light, but all is darkness; for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows.
JackWayne said...
The BIG news today is SpaceX. Everything else is complete bullshit.
By today’s standards, Gil Scott-Heron sounds downright conservative: taxes, junkies, food prices... so little left “with all the money I made last year...”
Whitey on the Moon
Odd day. Discussion with my 17 yo daughter about the situation in downtown Columbus and the general unaffectedness of our town 10 miles away. How news organizations filter info; context of twitter videos; that not all protesters have the same objective. Columbus announced a curfew so had to review route to and from work today for my 19 yo son. Ohio governor calling out national guard. Hope it works out better than it did at Kent State. The constant coverage and different media options make it quite different than discussions I had with my parents at that age.
Odd day. Discussion with my 17 yo daughter about the situation in downtown Columbus and the general unaffectedness of our town 10 miles away. How news organizations filter info; context of twitter videos; that not all protesters have the same objective. Columbus announced a curfew so had to review route to and from work today for my 19 yo son. Ohio governor calling out national guard. Hope it works out better than it did at Kent State. The constant coverage and different media options make it quite different than discussions I had with my parents at that age.
OK, now I see D.C. Metro Police are on the scene along K Street.
Bowser still invited this by doing nothing to diffuse the riot. Even in asking people to be nonviolent, she used it as an excuse to bash Trump and then make a partisan plea for votes.
How many of these "protesters" are going to be ordered into a 14-day quarantine?
And over in Manassas, a 95 percent white mob is out agitating.
Because Mayor Bowser too busy having a hissy over President Trump to do her damn job of providing public safety.
50 shades of New Orleans.
the content of their character
Black Patriots Protecting a Lone White Cop
Just saw live on TV some "peaceful protesters" literally torch a Fox news van that is parked on I Street.
Bowser doing NOTHING to diffuse the situation.
Being the Democrat mayor of a deep blue city means never having to say you’re sorry. Never having to actually do anything at all, for that matter, unless you truly want to be bothered to do it.
"Kill the spirit and you'll be blind,
the end is always the same
Play with fire,
you burn your fingers
and lose your hold of the flame
When you listen to fools the Mob rules"
Black Sabbath-"The Mob Rules"
the content of their character... Black Patriots Protecting a Lone White Cop
Exactly. Americans, not 1/2 Americans or "people of color". Diversity breeds adversity. The progress of racism, sexism, etc. needs to be mitigated before it forces a dysfunctional convergence, again, and again, and again. Also, due process, not witch hunts and warlock judgments. #HateLovesAbortion
How many of these "protesters" are going to be ordered into a 14-day quarantine?
The masks are virtually worthless in an urban jungle with a greenhouse effect and people... persons physically agitated in a progressive conflict.
Jack Wayne said, "NASA is finished thank goodness. About as competent as CDC."
Jack, I think you are wrong. This is a huge achievement for NASA and they had far more to do with this success than you realize.
NASA, and US taxpayers, financed most of this. But by doing things a different way, NASA has found a way to build a very good launch system for less than one tenth of what it would have cost if it had used the same methods it had used in the past.
Watching local D.C. TV. Vehicles burning, buildings up Connecticut Avenue smashed windows. Bombs being thrown at D.C. Metro Police. They've moved away to a great extent away from Lafayette Park.
NONE of it is about Floyd. Ninety percent of the mob is white. And a lot of white young women doing violent things.
And, no, none of them are "right-wing extremists."
A lot of fire trucks have pulled up outside the Hay Adams Hotel at 16 and H.
Is rioting allowed under phase 2 or 3?
2015 Trump tweets re: Baltimore riots (H/T j.posobiec)
"Blatant and rampant property destruction in Baltimore as the police stand by and watch. Should be a lesson on how NOT to handle riots. SAD!"
"Our country is totally fractured and, with our weak leadership in Washington, you can expect Ferguson type riots and looting in other places"
"President Obama, you have a big job to do. Go to Baltimore and bring both sides together. With proper leadership, it can be done! Do it."
"Billions of dollars spent on Baltimore and it's still a total mess. Leadership is needed, not dollars. Our whole country is going to hell!"
What is his calculation now?
let-do for now to highlight Blue Cesspool dysfunction?
Onus on Governors similar to virus response?
why are churchgoers ['healthy'] 'quarantined',
...while the virulent rioters [sick] allowed (abetted?) to spread?
Looks like more Inga types in Dallas went Full Reginald Denny on a Dallas shopowner who was just protecting his property.
He's probably dead.
And all the lefties are standing around laughing about it.
"BREAKING: man critically injured at Dallas riots
It appears he attempted to defend a shop with a large sword
Looters ran at him, then he charged rioters
They then beat him with a skateboard and stoned him with medium sized rocks
I called an Ambulance and it’s on the way" https://t.co/kFxl3kjsBC
Heckuva job Inga. Heckuva job.
Whats the body count up to now for Inga's Heroes?
Here's more video of lefties on Rodeo Drive doing their thing.
"They out there twerking and having whole professional photo shoots at the #BlackLivesMatter #protest in #LA 😩 The protestors have also made their way to #RodeoDrive"
💯 https://t.co/YvCDZuB16A
Or, as Inga and Dumb Lefty Mark would say, these are white supremacist russian Boogaloo MAGS-hate wearing Jussie Smollett assaulting Trump supporters.
Heckuva job Inga. Heckuva job.
Rioters finally stepped up. I knew they had it in them!
Mark (9:33pm):
Au contraire, Bowser is doing a great deal to DIFFUSE the situation (=spread it around). She's doing nothing to DEFUSE (=remove the fuse/trigger of) the situation. Sorry, I can't help being pedantic. I'm a Latin teacher.
By the way, my nextdoor neighbor was tweeting how boring it is to live in small-town Virginia (Staunton, recently in the news for turning the 3/4ths Democrat City Council into 4/4ths Republican). Here's what I DM'd her:
"Hey, we have protests, too. A couple hundred people were marching down New Street shouting 'George Floyd! Say his name!' when I went for my walk (5:30 maybe?). However, they stayed mostly on the sidewalk and didn't loot any stores or turn over any police cars, so it will probably be front-page news in the Staunton paper tomorrow (not a lot else going on here lately) and unknown everywhere else."
She's a lefty, so I didn't mention that I was pleasantly surprised they didn't point at me or even surround me and demand that I "say his name" or else.
I’m thinking about changing my user name to ‘Mark.’
Will that make it easier to slip through the Meadehouse comment delete machine?
Or are they more sophisticated? I’ll never give up my underlying login that goes back more than a dozen years when I started here.
[Except, of course, this doesn’t apply to all my sock puppets. Those are fungible.
"How many of these "protesters" are going to be ordered into a 14-day quarantine?"
They're young people. They have nothing to fear from the flu.
“'I’m a bureaucrat who served for the country, if they are treating me like this, no civil servant will work for this country, this is a political witch-hunt” former Secretary to the Ministry of Defence Gotabaya Rajapaksa said today addressing the protestors outside the Bribery and Corruption Commission against the summoning of Rajapaksa. Gotabaya, who portrays himself as a law abiding citizen, thanked the protesters for coming. The protest was carried out despite an order issued by the Colombo Chief Magistrate yesterday banning the protest.
Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa‘s younger brother, Gotabaya arrived at the Bribery Commission this morning after he was summoned to record a statement over various allegations, including alleged irregularities at Mihin Lanka when he was the Chairman and Avant Garde and Rakna Lanka. According to reports his lawyers requested more time as the matter he was questioned was different from the one which was informed to him.
Former President’s another brother, former Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa who was accused of committing fraud under the ‘Divi neguma’ fund was remanded till May 5th by the Kaduwela magistrate last night." -https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/gota-says-thanks-to-illegal-protesters/comment-page-2/
NASA, and US taxpayers, financed most of this. But by doing things a different way, NASA has found a way to build a very good launch system for less than one tenth of what it would have cost if it had used the same methods it had used in the past.
Unfortunately, NASA is still using the same methods it has in the past. SLS and Orion are being built on cost-plus contracts, and are billions over cost and years behind schedule. The other commercial crew contract was given to Boeing. They got nearly twice as much money as SpaceX to do the same job, and they're at least a year behind SpaceX, and none of their rocket is reusable. SpaceX can reuse both the capsule and the first stage.
If I was president, the first thing I would do is deploy a KEW equipped spaceplane, and then retire the strategic defense force. The second thing I would do is cancel the SLS and Orion, and give SpaceX and Blue Origins contracts to do the job.
There’s some heavy shit going down now. It’s Won’t You Be My Neighbor 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Think any Barnes and Nobles will be looted?
So guys like me have to play simultaneously 300+ games, because of glitches.
We will win everyone, as we are indeed invincible.
Some of you should have known.
Others, still okay.
"The same government officials who threw a woman in jail for opening a hair salon, arrested a pastor for leading worship, and accosted a mom pushing her kids on the swings are doing absolutely nothing to stop violent domestic terrorists from torching their cities to the ground."
" These days are so long, how long can they possibly get."
Working in a gas station as a cashier, almost a decade went by for me.
Working in a restaurant, daily the time was fast if the day was busy.
Working in construction, the money was good. Not sure about the time, but slept like a baby.
Working for UberEats is a whole different perspective that I have not adjusted to but stubbornly refuse to give in to my confusion.
My favorite English teacher in Junior High School described the time in seasons based on the tree outside the classroom window.
This is from my experiences.
I do not know army time or jail time.
I give grief goofin' but FOX31 really did tremendous non-partisian reporting. It was both captivating and heartbreaking until all that money we spend on security took hold.
Before Feds got involved so far as we have been told, beyond the designation of these terrorists as home-grown interstate killers and rapists.
Mark said...
Just saw live on TV some "peaceful protesters" literally torch a Fox news van that is parked on I Street.
If all the TV cameras went off, this would end.
I think that these protests are greatly amplified because of the pandemic lockdown, as well as the economic dislocation caused by it due to 25% of the workforce losing their jobs. I read that reports of mental illness were way up because people were stuck at home. The cop with his knee on George Floyd's neck looked like the knee of the governor or mayor locking you down in your house. There might have been some unrest even without the pandemic, but it was like adding fuel to a small fire.
It all made me think of the "We're Not Gonna Take It" scene at the end of The Who's movie "Tommy", where the angry mob smashes the pinball machines and assaults Tommy and his grifter family. That's the mood in America today.
This is a link you gotta click a button. Tough. Denver. Tough.
GayTupac fogot "It's my own kind doing all the killin' here" Tupac.
{Tupac couldn't lie}, ain't no love for the other side.
Jealousy aside."
Miss Ann, I love your pics.
But for the life of me I can't understand your obsessive and prissy punctiliousness over the timing differences between actual sunrise and your photos.
Who gives a flip?
No person could use those differences as any kind of a guide for taking future pictures.
EVERY SINGLE ONE of these feral and sub-human shitbirds arrested at these events should have their faces and vital information posted on multiple law enforcement websites.
Then let them try to get private-sector jobs.
It will be sweet justice when these clowns have to become low-level public employees, sitting in putty-colored cubicles doing ....squat.
wholelottasplainin' said...
Miss Ann, I love your pics.
But for the life of me I can't understand,,,,
That's it. The rest of the post is just preening for attention. Thousands of visitor to the blog understand perfectly.
President Chaos is now really earning a big bonus from puppet master Putin.
Ann. Two words. Blackout Curtains. I think you can get them at BBB. There's extra material at the top and sides. They work well.
"Think any Barnes and Nobles will be looted?"
Well, if you do know anyone who is going to a bookstore looting can you PM me so that I can give them my list?
Thank you.
Hmmm. Should I throw the .357-it shoots through doors- in the car? While I don't advocate violence of any sort against a fellow human being my life belongs to me not the mob.
"But for the life of me I can't understand your obsessive and prissy punctiliousness over the timing differences between actual sunrise and your photos."
It's called eccentricity - the quality of being eccentric, i.e. unconventional and slightly strange.
"The amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and moral courage it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric marks the chief danger of the time." - John Stuart Mill
Trump is another good example of eccentricity as a positive force.
P.S.. It's because of Trump's eccentricity that Althouse is drawn to him, and will vote for him in November.
Howard said...President Chaos is now really earning a big bonus from puppet master Putin.
Put down the bong, Howard. And back away from the Jack and Coke.
Your fake ex-Marine facade is crumbling.
Andrew, It's one of the things I like about Althouse. Because I too follow the timing of sunrises and sun sets. Her precision of language, etc. If you capture her photos and string them together you can follow the change of seasons.
Professional photographers don't like photographing just sunrises and sunsets because they are so cliche'. But Althouses touch is also in the narrative which makes them all interesting.
"How many of these "protesters" are going to be ordered into a 14-day quarantine?"
They're young people. They have nothing to fear from the flu.
You're missing the point.
Howard: "President Chaos is now really earning a big bonus from puppet master Putin."
"Independent" thinker Howard bleats along with all the other sheep.
On Barnes and Noble:
Sci Fi bookstore in Minneapolis torched.
Howard said...
President Chaos is now really earning a big bonus from puppet master Putin.
I really the Inga bot has taken control of the Howard bot.
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