... you can talk until dawn. With moderation, of course. None of the extremism you find elsewhere. We're not moderating with extremism, so we won't moderate out extremism. It's just that whatever you write — moderate or extreme — is going to have to wait until we, in due time, release comments from the holding pen. Then why moderate?, you may ask, but I'll bet you have more interesting things to say.
And think about using the Althouse Portal to do your Amazon shopping. (The link is always at the top of the sidebar.)
The photograph was taken today at 5:26. And here's 5:30:

Driving home, I stopped at another vantage point and got this at 5:49:

The Canada geese are not nice. Look at that twisted neck! He was whipping his head around to give me a dirty look.
Framed without those birds:

९० टिप्पण्या:
I created my own COVID-19 spreadsheet- the link is at the bottom. It is created using the data in the COVID tracking project. I hope others can open it and see it, but I don't know that this will work with a link since it is the first time I have tried doing this. So, fingers crossed. I added several columns for new cases, new deaths, new tests, total tests, new recoveries, and 7 Day moving averages for new cases, new tests, new deaths and new recoveries.
OK so some things came up and I did NOT hit the Paypal button. But I will, tomorrow.
Just testing mod-time here at the moment.
Got our Viru$tim check today, hooray!
Magnificent sunrise! Yeah, those Canada geese are assholes, or he was pissed because you were not sufficiently distanced.
Scenes like those make me realize how trivial so much else in our lives can be. The simple Majesty of earth and sun is a wonder to contemplate.
Orange Morn Good!!
...except for sailors. Aarg!
But wanna really know what the future looks like?
...imagine a bot stomping on a human face - forever.
I Forced a Bot to Read 1,000 Max Boot Columns and Write a Max Boot Column of Its Own
The Canada geese are not nice. Look at that twisted neck!
If a gander thinks his family is being threatened he'll take on much larger & nastier critters than a retired professor of Constitutional Law to protect them.
Just stay clear of geese with goslings.
Judge Sullivan hired a high power criminal defense attorney to respond to the Court of Appeals' demand that he respond regarding General Flynn's writ of mandamus. This, to me, signals a distinct phase of the coup portion of the first Trump term.
When judges start hiring criminal defense attorneys it is not to respond to an appellate court order. Feel free to offer counter examples.
There is leverage applied here that is moving mountains.
Yancey Ward: I attempted to view your spreadsheet. got an "access denied" message.
(Stupid cloud!) Anywho- with moderation, you may see this note tomorrow.
We have those foreign geese here, too. Man, can they fill a field with crap!
David gregorys wife, enron defense council amd cheryl mills
Alyssa Milano's Crocheted "Compromised Virtue" Signalling Mask
she thinks it's holding back the virus
...but it snot.
Her Other One
We are in Tampa to attend HS graduation of a grandson. Traffic on I-75 Coming down Thursday was light. The McDs were take out orders only. The Graduation today was done inside with separated family groups of 6 or less, and all wearing masks.But it went smooth. The young man is enrolled at Liberty U. In Lynchburg , Virginia. He has just gotten a ROTC Scholarship that pays everything for last 3 years if parents pay year1@ $ 40,000 A year. He is a triathlete and of course a wrestler. He is also a true Christian , and gave the Prayer at Graduation. Afterwards we ate at Outback, which was the only restaurant open in Lithia besides Carrabas. The wife loved eating out again. The young graduate ate with us at our table duly separated a table away from his Dad, Mom and two younger sisters, who have been sad
About MacLaine leaving the home soon. A Great American who loves to eat a Blooming Onion and listen to his granddad’s stories.
Spent most of the day cleaning up the garden, putting in some more plants, pulling weeds. Having a BBQ tomorrow with friends--going to enjoy sun and warmth and time together. Life is way too short to spend any more of it cowering inside away from people I love.
Nikki Haley rocks:
Nikki Haley
I have struggled with Biden’s recent remarks. They were gut wrenchingly condescending. Regardless of color, gender, or class, to label any individual with what he or she is expected to think, believe, and vote is demeaning and disrespectful. Not to mention arrogant and entitled.
Is there, finally, an open season on Canada Geese? We used to take our family to parks in the Duluth-Superior area (Pattison, Amnicon, Brule) and inevitibly get driven out by the shit, the smell, the fouled swimming areas, the stupid geese fences. Do they even taste good?
Have you been in touch with your mother anne?
We escaped Iowa Yesterday, crossed the Mississippi under the cover of darkness, made it deep into Illinois to visit the grand kids. We're having a great time social distancing with the 4 grand kids, and their parents.
Good to be out and about like normal.
I used to live near a regional park with a large lake and a large seasonal population of Canadian geese. Flocks would sometimes come around to lawns in my neighborhood, to eat grass and leave poop. If I saw them I would come out on the deck, and the flock would honk at me as they turned and walked off the lawn. One gander would act as lookout and boss, and he’d let the rest know when they were off my property. Then he’d stare at me with head held high, as though to say “Okay, we’re off your lawn now don’t bug us.” And the funny thing was, they were. They might go onto the lawn of my neighbor to the south, or onto the lawn of my neighbor to the north, or the flock might split and birds go onto both of my neighbors. But they always knew precisely when they were off my law, to within a couple inches. How’d they know?
Catalan folk song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flx_gKdIyow
re: Slo-Jo: hey-- POTUS has got a point--
...what good is 'experience' when you cant remember yesterday
Slow Train(wreck) Coming
Actually, Slo-Jo Put 'em Back In Chainz
Just stay clear of geese with goslings.
Good advice. But just "stay clear of geese" is even better advice.
narciso said...
David gregorys wife, enron defense council amd cheryl mills
News that will displease the potheads:
Neuroscience News
Early exposure to cannabis boosts young brains’ sensitivity to cocaine
'“We know from human epidemiological studies that individuals who abuse cocaine have a history of early cannabis use, and that a person’s initial response to a drug can have a large impact on whether they continue to use it. But many questions remain on how early cannabis exposure affects the brain,” said epidemiologist Denise Kandel, PhD, who is a professor of Sociomedical Sciences in Psychiatry at Columbia’s Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and co-senior author of today’s paper.
“Our study in rats is the first to map the detailed molecular and epigenetic mechanisms by which cocaine interacts with brains already exposed to cannabinoids, providing much-needed clarity to the biological mechanisms that may increase the risk for drug abuse and addiction,” added co-author and Nobel laureate Eric Kandel, MD, co-director of Columbia’s Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute and Senior Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.'
The article links to the full text of the study:
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 May 5; 117(18): 9991–10002.
Cannabinoid exposure in rat adolescence reprograms the initial behavioral, molecular, and epigenetic response to cocaine
"...These changes were pronounced in the prefrontal cortex and associated with an enhanced response to cocaine’s stimulatory effects. The prefrontal cortex is a brain region that still undergoes maturation in adolescence and its dysfunction contributes to the development of addictions."
NY Lawmakers Push To Legalize Weed Amid Coronavirus Crisis
By Kathleen Culliton, Patch Staff
May 14, 2020
'...We urgently need marijuana legalization," said New York State Senators Jamaal Bailey, Brad Hoylman and Jessica Ramos in a press release issued Thursday, "rooted in racial and economic justice."'
'...The legislation package addresses concerns over housing, job loss and workers' rights and the criminal justice system, and includes a bill to provide COVID-19 rental assistance, a worker bailout program funded by a billionaire tax, parole reform and, lastly, the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act.
The legislation calls for allowing New Yorkers over the age of 21 to use, grow and sell cannabis through a licensed and taxable system overseen by the state, which lawmakers argued could bring much-needed cash flow to low-income communities.
"The pandemic has compounded the long-standing disparate effects of economic deprivation on communities of color," the lawmakers wrote. "That deprivation has been exacerbated by marijuana prohibition."'
"Then why moderate?, you may ask, but I'll bet you have more interesting things to say."
Reads like a duck. It's a duck! (or canard)
Shes the one who pointed to dr. Hatfill
But she makes sense, blind squirrel
Hiring the criminal defense attorney, Mrs. Establishment, is strange.
She also represented Kavanaugh.
"Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam, circumspice"
("If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you"-- Michigan's motto)
They've all come
...to look for America
Michigan seems like a ̶d̶r̶e̶a̶m̶ nightmare to me now
'We must continue': Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer extends Michigan quarantine through June 12
SECOND VIDEO: 20-Yr-Old Boxer with Coronavirus Sent to Michigan Nursing Home LAST WEEK — Filmed 2nd Beating on Old White Patient — Was Still There When Cops Came a Week Later
Governor Whitmer Sent COVID-19 Patients Across the State to ‘Regional Hubs’ to Spread the Virus — But Kept Patients Out of 1,000 Bed TCF Center in Detroit
"Back of the Line!" - Karma Hits After Gretchen Whitmer's Husband Tries to Cut in Line Before Michigan Boaters After His Wife Banned Motor Boating for Weeks!
·"Do nothing A.G. of the Great State of Michigan, Dana Nessel, should not be taking her anger and stupidity out on Ford Motor - they might get upset with you and leave the state, like so many other companies have - until I came along and brought business back to Michigan. JOBS!"
"Failed Michigan Gov. Whitmer Slammed For Ignoring Dilapidated Dam that Broke and Destroyed an Entire City
Governor Whitmer has been too busy auditioning for Biden's VP spot to focus on the needs of Michigan. She's a complete and total failure."
And I'm empty and aching and I don't know why
Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike
They've all come to look for America
All come to look for America
Jawohl, Frau Whitler!
I believe geese bob their heads up and down in an effort to scare people. At any rate, it seems to be their way of dealing with threats.
I have to get this off my chest: Whoever thought Snowpiercer was going to be any less stupid as a TV show than it was as a movie? Yes it has visuals, some action, and makes a statement about modern social stratification, but it's still a very stupid idea.
Thank you.
Thanks. I think I fixed it. I didnt know you had to create a link inside the document and then allow anyone with the link to open it.
Here is the new link: US COVID-19 Data as of May 23rd, 2020
The people down the street have put up a sign comparing the daily deaths from coronavirus with the daily deaths in America's wars. I don't think they would be voting for Trump, even if they were citizens, which I don't think they are.
The problem is that many of those who died in this pandemic would have died anyway of the "regular flu" or other illnesses. About as many Americans died in the 1957-1958 flu pandemic as died in WWI (not including the 1918-1920 Spanish flu pandemic going on during the war), but we don't consider the war and the fifties pandemic as equally tragic or traumatic or horrendous.
It opened up fine for me. Thanks for doing that.
Rough math shows: 7 day avg new tests yield 5% positives (95% negative).
My good friend lost his wife last week - ovarian cancer. So, we had him and his 2 boys over for dinner. The older is playing Football next year at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. The younger is still in high school. Very sad to lose their mother. She was a good friend to me too over the past 15 years. I'll miss her. My pal is struggling.
But. He still has to plow forward. It's hard, it's painful, it's awkward to be alone, but he can't stop living. Covid, ovarian cancer, college decisions, football practice - time waits for noone.
Looks like a prime green flash opportunity, but I didn't see it. I recently moved to Naples FL, as I've mentioned before, and apparently we have western sunsets over the Gulf that are ideal for the phenomena. I'll probably not try to capture one photographically, but I aim to witness.
"Interesting misdirect by #FakeNews
Beth Wilkinson is a specialist trial lawyer in CRIMINAL LAW.
She doesn't answer appellate court requests.
She represents citizens charged with CRIMINAL OFFENSES or in CRIMINAL JEAPORDY."
per rexxurection
...or this?
"You miss the point. Sullivan wants her expertise to find a crime against Flynn and support his decision not to dismiss. Its about her taking on Sydney Powell. That's plain to see."
per @dishonestdeed
Joe Biden is a ...
(this is the one time you can go all 'PC')
Ted Cruz has gone from zero to hero.
I knew he was smart.
Ted Zeppelin.
Who has ever read a book? Herodotus, Homer? Heraclitus, Thales of whom, only one sentence is left, 'we are water', Empodocles, who threw himself in Etna? Sophoclese, Aeschylus and Euripidese? Thucydides, Plato or Aristotle? Plutarch or Polybius or , talking about Romans, Livy? Suetoniuous, Tacicus - Ovid? The Metamorphosis, the 'Amors', the 'Tristia'? Virgil and his trip to the dead? His poem about bees? Lucretius and his stern warning - 'enjoy yourself'?
You have what might be called, Zarathrusta Ape - that pisses me off
And, then, Bocaccio, that poet who was hanged, I forget his name, Chaucer (he wasn't hanged!), Dante, Thomas Aquinas, L'amort de Auther, Adam Bede - Villon, that's the guy! Francis Bacan. Ever read read any of that? I have.
Of course, not in there original languages - I have a neurotic feeling about learning another language - it was true with Czeck and Martina - I have a problem with the split voices in my head, anyway - to learn an other language I would become another person? That I couldn't cope with.
One could go throughout history and see what I've read and what you haven't. It's sad and absurd. But when next a bunch of ignorant 'idiots' beat me up, you know where that smug smile comes from!
The first post comes with a moderation warning - what’s been going on over here while I was away? Were you bad boys and girls? It seems so business-like, especially coming with an Amazon pitch.
And then a diversion to geese.
How do you guys like my world? I told you we’d get here.
we can start unraveling EVERYTHING now.
And Oprah better watch her back, because - the public don't know it yet - but she's Public Enemy #1.
This is a link to a law involved person still worthy of consideration.
Canadian Geese vs. Canada Geese. Discuss.
Sullivan? don't understand what he is doing. Maybe a knowledgeable attorney or law prof could explain why a Federal JUDGE needs a lawyer to explain his rulings to Court of Appeals Judges. Is Sullivan now a defendant? Are the Appeals Judges going to hire lawyers too? How unusual is this?
What is wrong with Michigan? Per Fox News Polls the Governor is more popular than Tump. Wow. 45% of USA would vote for Mao's Corpse if he ran as a Democrat. Seriously.
Tristia' is 'sadness'
Talking about Birds, ran into some surly Turkeys while hiking. A gang of three, all males, camped out on the trail, and uninterested in moving. Had to stop right in front of them, yell and clap my hands before they reluctantly sauntered off.
Geese when they have young can be aggressive and protective. Although not very vicious. Crows on the other hand..
I'm not a moderation guy - you can see it - she will have to ban me - I know that - it's inevitable - but you ,your just a bully or so it seems?
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Nikki Haley rocks:...
She was a good governor of SC. I was on a plane from Charleston to MI, once that she was on. She flew coach. As a governor of a state. At that time, there was no pontificating about budgets or state financial status.
I’ll put this down to ‘what you do when people aren’t looking’ is a better judge of character.
"We wear the mask because Baker says so. It's like putting up a chain link fence to keep out a mosquito."
- Checkout clerk at the local Cape hardware store, ~16 yrs old
Here's a thought on Biden's response to Nikki Haley: choose her as his running mate.
A lot was written about PA governor Wolf's position on reopening. Republicans seized on his comments as being that he will not reopen the state fully until a vaccine is widely available. I know his brother so went looking for more info about what he said and meant. To be fair I understand his point to be that lots of people will be uncomfortable going out and back to normal until a vaccine is available, not that he, as governor, will mandate a continued lock down.
Muted sunrise on the Cape today, weather is clearing though the high will just be upper 50's. MIL has the heat crankin - I've got to go with shorts otherwise I'all fall asleep.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon....
PBS has a drama called "Last Tango in Halifax" that I rather enjoy. I'm distracted by the thought that "Caroline" is being played by Ann Althouse. She's not, of course; the actress is Sarah Lancashire. They look very much alike, but it's more than her physical appearance. (It's merely an observation, not a criticism or a compliment.)
"You miss the point. Sullivan wants her expertise to find a crime against Flynn and support his decision not to dismiss. Its about her taking on Sydney Powell. That's plain to see."
Since when is it a judge's job to find a crime.
I wonder who is paying Emmett Sullivan's lawyer Beth Wilkinson?
And who is paying Gleeson?
Does Emmett Sullivan have an unlimited budget to hire attorneys to defend himself and his viewpoint?
It seems only fair if Flynn must pay for his attorney, Sullivan should pay for his attorneys.
News that will displease the potheads:
It should displease anyone who hates fake news, because that's what it is.
Neuroscience News
Early exposure to cannabis boosts young brains’ sensitivity to cocaine
They didn't give the rats cannabis, they gave them "WIN 55,212-2", which "is a chemical described as an aminoalkylindole derivative, which produces effects similar to those of cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) but has an entirely different chemical structure."
Fear porn about drugs is one of the most resilient types of fake news.
Fox news makes its money with its opinion shows (Hannity et al) but it's news coverage is trending towards MSN. And it's polling has been among the most left of center of them all for months now.
They have become the Sweden of cable news. Sweden makes its money off of free market capitalism, then spends it on socialist spending programs.
Works much better than the Venezuelan model.
If Aristotle were here, he would explain why moderation is wise.
oann the blaze, the first, offer more samizdat news, fox is following conquest or o'sullivan's law, the Murdoch boys are throwing their father's work away,
I'm going to go out on a limb here:
Per Sundance at CTH:
A USAO from Missouri, Jeff Jensen, has discovered a trail of internal evidence pointing toward a corrupt originating prosecution for the case against Flynn. Mr. Jensen has been revealing those documents and providing them to the court (and defense).
Just yesterday (5/22/20) the FBI Director announced an internal investigation into officials inside the FBI for wrongful conduct specifically as it relates to a corrupt operation, now discovered and public, against Michael Flynn.
What if these investigations have also implicated Sullivan?
Nice work Yancey Ward. That is an excellent spreadsheet you created!
that was excellent work, yancey ward,
Bob Dylan is 79 today.
I am a bit ambivalent about a Canadian Geese. When I lived in Fort Collins, CO in the 1980s, they were the town menace. Goose shit in all the parks, and esp the one by our house if you have water, ou have geese. By Reno a decade ago, it was glorious, with blue skies, moderate weather, scenic mountains to the west, etc. maybe a half mile to work, and I walked most days. But that went by a small lake that was reserved infested half the year. They were fun to watch, but were annoyingly aggressive. We would get into domination fights. I won, but it was still a pain, day in and day out on the way to work.
Here, we have a park at the edge of town known as “Goose Landing”, with rest rooms, boat launch, and concrete picnic tables. Maybe half a dozen or so families of geese typically cross the main highway there to get to the river. We shall see what we get this year. A lot of species seem to concentrate their birthing as close together as possible. Not the geese. They seem to have spaced out their individual families over a month or so. So we sometimes see a range of family sizes, with one with very tiny ones, another with bigger ones, and another with ever bigger ones. They just head across the main MT highway, with the little ones following along, and the traffic both ways comes to a screeching halt. Semis, logging trucks, tourists, etc all stop to let them cross. It has a pretty view, with the big river flowing by, thick woods of tall trees, with mountains in the rear, so I spend some time there, and enjoy watching them grow. The geese shit isn’t ever that bad, or the city keeps it picked up. Not something I really notice here, as I did notice in CO and NV when living close to them. They aren’t here yet, or aren’t noticeable yet with their flocks, which may mean that they can just fly to the lake, instead of having to walk with their broods of young.
We do have eagles at the other end of town, by the dam. I wouldn’t be surprised if they preyed a bit on the geese, esp the younger ones. Maybe coyotes too, though we don’t have them on the west end where we live. The size of the broods seem to slowly decrease over the summer, but a majority seem to survive every year until they take off in the fall.
Instead of geese, we have turkey in the neighborhood. Their populations also tend to fluctuate every year. Haven’t see them yet, but the deer are now showing themselves (which provides hours of entertainment for the cat, who follows them from window to window, as they slowly graze around the house). Most days in the late summer the turkeys will head in a long train behind the house across the street north towards the highway. There is a hole or gap in the fence just south of there between the (now my) subdivision and the little resort to the west, and I think that is where they are coming from.
"You miss the point. Sullivan wants her expertise to find a crime against Flynn and support his decision not to dismiss. Its about her taking on Sydney Powell. That's plain to see."
I don't care what she might "find" its not "fact" until it is proven in court. For that to happen, the DoJ would have to enter "found facts" into evidence, to be rebutted. None of that will happen. Because there are no facts to support Sullivan's refusal to dismiss. To simplify. No facts exist. No mechanism exists to hear, let alone adjudicate an accusation.
Worldometer has done a deep dive into New York City data.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mortality Rate
Actual Cases (1.7 million: 10 times the number of confirmed cases)
Actual Deaths (23,000: almost twice the number of confirmed deaths)
Infection Fatality Rate (23k / 1.7M = 1.4% IFR)
Mortality Rate (23k / 8.4M = 0.28% CMR to date) and Probability of Dying
Mortality Rate by Age
...out of 15,230 confirmed deaths in New York City up to May 12, only 690 (4.5% of all deaths) occurred in patients under the age of 65 who did not have an underlying medical condition (or for which it is unknown whether they had or did not have an underlying condition).
Under 65-year-old (0.09% CMR to date)
Herd Immunity and final Crude Mortality Rate
And to reach herd immunity for COVID-19 and effectively end the epidemic, approximately two thirds (67%) of the population would need to be infected. As of May 1, New York City is at 20%, based on the antibody study findings.
Therefore, the crude mortality rate has the potential to more than triple from our current estimate, reaching close to 1,000 deaths per 100,000 population (1% CMR), and close to 300 per 100,000 (0.3% CMR) in the population under 65 years old, with 89% of these deaths (267 out of 300) occurring in people with a known underlying medical condition (including obesity).
If I am reading this right, they are looking at a 1% mortality rate. At one point early on, WHO had estimated 3.4%.
Would like to see what some of the more knowledgeable Althouse commenters make of the data interpretations. I am intrigued that based on antibody testing, only 10% of infected people have actually been diagnosed with COVID.
The most sane and logical case for lifting the restrictions around covid-19 that I've seen so far. Written by four infectious disease MD's in the National Post (Canada).
Decisions Of A Life.
She headed to the door
Of some burnt out world
Lost to the dried flare
Of Apocalypse. With words
Telling of that special place
Her mind halved its voices
Where one would call “Where?”
To the others reassurance of
“One foot more, one age less.”
And held by the endless tide
Of works companions
Some sense of proportion was lost.
At home a dear friend
Had uttered the martyred cliché of
“Be yourself!” A thousand victims -
Were there more?
Down the battle broken world
Where the shadows left around:
Corpses, corpses flew
To glare their unholy cries.
And among the luggage of travel
A niche was found:
Here a shadow shared a bottle
With a friend or two,
Words scattered among the unintended,
Formed their partial puzzles.
One friendly companion,
Whose ever forming grin disturbed,
Pronounced, heartily,
Some ending term,
Some clause of binding.
Sealed by the wax of finality
She considered her attention weak:
It had stopped at the cover,
Started at the completion of smiles,
Had broken at the ribboned bow.
Twisted in a distracting knot
These decisions had been made.
Alan Markus (with hat tip to Yancey Ward: regarding mortality rates: I used the data posted by Yancey Ward and did this calculation: as of May 23: cumulative deaths 91261; positive tests 1,613, 894. The first, divided by the second gives 5.65%. THis number seems to be a lot higher than the mortality rates in your post. I suppose there could be a lot of infected people who don't get tested. In any event, an explanation of the discrepancy would help me (and I assume others).
Nihilism is inevitable but I will never submit to it - I will never wear a mask - a symbol, that's all it is, of stupidity and cowardice - do you know how small a virus is - microns small - your not stopping it by weraing a mask - do you know what a virus is? Do you know anything? Do you care? We normal people know what to do with any disease - be careful but still kiss, love our loved ones, don't panic!!!
Ownership has its perks. I have been wondering about that maybe ten foot gap in the eight foot high fence across the street since my partner bought this place better than a decade ago. I can see it from my chair here at the window. And can see the RVs and campers parked there throughout the summer and fall through the gap. The lot it is behind will be back on the market in a couple weeks. I have little doubt that putting up a section of fence to cover that hole will more than be paid for by what I can make on the lot. No one seemed to knew though why it was there. I figured it out Friday, scanning through documents I received when looking at buying the subdivision. A predecessor owner of the resort and a predecessor owner of the subdivision executed a deed granting reciprocal emergency easements, almost 20 years ago, presumably allowing a second route of egress from our respective properties in case of fire. There is a chain across the gap, and I expect that they have the key. If they do, and won’t give up a copy I think that I will just put up fence to cover the hole. Otherwise maybe Install a removable section of fence. I think that I can legally close the gap, if they put up the chain, and we don’t have a key on our side of it, on the grounds that the easement was mutual, with mutual, reciprocal consideration. That would presumably void the contract. Or, since I have an easement onto their property, I can just cut the chain. Better though to get along with neighbors, when you can.
In the same long PDF with that easement, as well as easements to various parties for utilities, etc was a deed of the common areas of the subdivision to the HOA. IT was signed and notarized by the bank president who also sold me the subdivision, and according to the deed I got, that included the same common areas. Right now, my assumption is that the HOA turned down ownership of the common areas (so that they wouldn’t have to insure them). The title insurance policy seems to insure that I own them. Still, it might have been an interesting property test question in LS. It could get messy if the HOA has or gets the signed deed and records it. My recording is presumably first in line, except that I received the copy of the deed to the HOA before I bought the subdivision, except that I didn’t actually read the 100 page PDF containing it until two months after my deed was recorded. My father, who practiced that type of law for almost a half century, would have enjoyed the problem. I think that I have enough legal leverage to get the banker I bought the property fro to destroy that deed to the HOA, if he hasn’t already. Shouldn’t be necessary.
The HOA didn’t want ownership of the common areas because of the cost of insurance. Marginally, it isn’t costing me that much more, included with the rest of the subdivision, but they are maybe 1/3 of the entire piece of land. I don’t intend to make large changes, but my ownership will allow me to tweak boundaries a little bit, between what was available for development, and what wasn’t. For the most part the common areas were consigned as such because you cannot build on them. Much too rocky and much too vertical. 20 foot rock cliffs in places. Indeed, two of the lots I bought are only marginally buildable already - one of the reasons that I balked at buying the existing unsold lots. Still, I can build roads through some sections, allowing me to sell new lots on the other side.
Talking about cliffs, I have been tromping around my new acquisition and the undeveloped part is interesting. As noted, some very steep cliffs. Including maybe a 30 foot one right above the fire station at the east end of town. I had the bright idea yesterday that it would be the perfect place for a flag pole. On holidays like tomorrow, put up a big flag there, that would easily be visible to anyone entering or leaving the town to the west. There is already one on the other end of town at the ConocoPhillips tank farm.
It was a comic sight:
His earnest face forward
In the fury of impotence,
Awkward and shyly expressed,
And she agile in her agreements
Reassurance with a “Yes, yes, yes.”
Had muddy eloquence enchained her
Or the force of that will
Desperation implies
Perhaps afraid of turning keys
Of murderous desire:
Who knows the end of these things?
In the street and in the rain
He let her dwindle like his voice
That, lost and inept,
Had weakly made a pledge
Diverted by the beer
She ordered at the bar:
Words stopped in a shock stare,
He and she were released
From the embarrassment of proposal:
“You must avoid awkward promise of intent
Striving for a perfect civic form
Impossible and blind.”
That was the last time he saw her:
The idea afloat for a while
Till stress and ulcer and the starving age
Each had slashed its way
Through to his cognisance.
All the point was gone:
What had been a mirage
Of tempting possibility
Was a joke a city smiled at
In its busy search for gold.
The Apology.
The heat folded in an airless layer.
So you see my seeming arctic heart
How foolish this tearful child and babbling eye
Which is drunk and staggers,
Broken below your stairs.
We never could lift up our waxen wings
Or lifted did not the hateful, burning accident
Dissolve then drown its flesh? You and I
Adrift among the pillared trees,
Charred in our two dreams wary sleep.
We float on the lazy but then unstoppable streams.
So, to be left in the arctic land,
Here, where the bell broods hollow.
Among the clattering ice
Of your eyes dream
Never where we so formed
Nor oned like our lips seal.
Then darling (you permit me thus?)
I have fought the darker things
That instant light extinguished,
That here with fortune rise.
And age but the second tide.
Oh, perhaps sensed beneath the skin
Youths wild but aesthetic bone.
Then how we might laugh, how dream
As the tedium formed stalagmites
Count our mortality.
Blushes for the flesh
And a pointed limestone world.
“ What if these investigations have also implicated Sullivan?”
That is an interesting subject. Up until Sullivan’s explosion at Gen Flynn in open court, he seemed to be acting almost like a reformer, questioning much of what the prosecution was doing, likely expecting that they were again, lying through their teeth to him, and cheating as much as they could get away with. He had delayed sentencing while questions about the probity of the pea were worked out. But then, as the evidence in favor of Flynn’s innocence, and the continuous blatant cheating by the prosecution turned into a flood, he seemed to move from siding with and protecting Flynn to being vehemently hostile. I think that he is in a hole, and is ignoring the first rule thereof - quit digging.
I don’t think that they will find actual corruption or blackmail behind Sullivan’s change of heart her. Rather I suspect that the Mueller prosecutors figured out his hot button, and punched it when he accused a decorated 3 star general of being a traitor. Something set him off, he hasn’t forgiven Flynn yet, maybe fees pressured by Powell (working with Barr and Jensen at the DOJ), and it is now personal.
We will hopefully find the answer some day.
Read somewhere yesterday (can't remember where now) that the mortality rate for the US as a whole is about 0.5 or 0.6%.
You are correct. The original WHO estimate was around 3.5%. Only off by a factor of about 7. But then again, they've been wrong about just about everything.
I'm coming to the conclusion that for people under 65 or so, covid-19 is about as deadly, and maybe even less so, than any normal flu.
Maybe we should start acting like it.
If I had a lot of money, and was in some public trouble, it would occur to me that I might bribe influential media figures to put a spin on stories that were favorable to me. Then it would occur to me that a bribe would probably be exposed and embarrassing to the media figure, so the wise media figure would reject the bribe. Then it would occur to me to hire the spouse of an influential media figure (or two). Quid, let me introduce Quo.
@ h THis number seems to be a lot higher than the mortality rates in your post. I suppose there could be a lot of infected people who don't get tested. In any event, an explanation of the discrepancy would help me (and I assume others).
That is why I wish this could be looked at and discussed in depth, as I don't know how to interpret all of this.
To me, it looks like based on New York city data, the number of infections is understated by a factor of 10, based on those who show antibodies, but never tested positive for having the virus. Add those peoples to the numbers who tested positive and since these people are still alive, I would think that would lower the mortality rate and increase the probability of not dying?
The size of the broods seem to slowly decrease over the summer, but a majority seem to survive every year until they take off in the fall.
I notice that with the quail here in Tucson. Last year we had a whole brood of tiny yellow chicks about March. We have young quail now but I didn't see the tiny chicks this year.
Moderation certainly kills the cafe threads.
Canada Geese are mean and dirty. And they've taken over a park on a river I recently visited.
Bay Area Guy- I'm sorry about your friend. I too lost a loved one to ovarian cancer, last year. I think it's one of the things that gives me so little tolerance for the "just one life is too many" arguments about COVID lockdowns, and makes me turn off the tv when CBS does their "here are the normal people who died of COVID this week" memorial. Wonderful people die of horrible things, and I won't ever believe my loved one's death was less than because it wasn't caused by what they care about right now.
Yancey Ward: Using the new link I was able to open the spreadsheet. Oddly, there's no data showing. Column headings are there, but no data. It appears to have worked for Narciso and Bagoh20. Not asking you to do anything- just noting it.
Dr K - got your book “War Stories” on Kindle Unlimited. Extremely good read. Thanks.
Jersey Fled said...
"You miss the point. Sullivan wants her expertise to find a crime against Flynn and support his decision not to dismiss. Its about her taking on Sydney Powell. That's plain to see."
Since when is it a judge's job to find a crime.
from what I recall - J Sullivan gave Flynn multiple opporturnties to withdraw his pleas bargain agreement to plead guilty. Flynn did not and let the circus proceed in Sullivan court till he hired Powell.
If I were judge I would be pissed about making a mockery of my court.
the crime Sullivan is going to lay at Flynn is contempt of court.
"You miss the point. Sullivan wants her expertise to find a crime against Flynn and support his decision not to dismiss. Its about her taking on Sydney Powell. That's plain to see."
“I don't care what she might "find" its not "fact" until it is proven in court. For that to happen, the DoJ would have to enter "found facts" into evidence, to be rebutted. None of that will happen. Because there are no facts to support Sullivan's refusal to dismiss. To simplify. No facts exist. No mechanism exists to hear, let alone adjudicate an accusation.”
I don’t see this being overly effective. They had the record that they have, and there isn’t enough there to support conviction for the original crime (§ 1001 lying to a federal official). There is apparently no support in the record supporting materiality, one of the required elements for that crime. The state always has responsibility of going forward, of production, in terms of proving a criminal case. Which and that the. Default situation, absent evidence to the contrary, is that a required element has not been proven, and the defendant thus cannot be found guilty of that offense. And the prosecution, the government, isn’t going to participate in introducing evidence of materiality. Neither, of course is the defendant.
As you claim, there is no mechanism to augment the record, absent participation by the parties and we get into serious Separation of Powers issues if the court tries to get around this. Deciding what evidence to introduce is reserved to the parties, and in particular the Executive Branch of the government. This is part of Prosecutorial Discretion which is a quintessential Executive Branch power.
I think that the only real avenue of attack by the judge is through his power to hold parties in contempt. Mere perjury won’t work because the government can just decline to prosecute, based on Prosecutorial Discretion. Ditto for any other crimes that this attorney might “discover”. I think that the judge moving away from contempt and hiring this attorney, is Indicia that Sullivan recognizes the limits of the contempt route, and is trying hard to find something else.
Jersey Fled said...
I'm going to go out on a limb here:
Per Sundance at CTH:
A USAO from Missouri, Jeff Jensen, has discovered a trail of internal evidence pointing toward a corrupt originating prosecution for the case against Flynn. Mr. Jensen has been revealing those documents and providing them to the court (and defense).
Just yesterday (5/22/20) the FBI Director announced an internal investigation into officials inside the FBI for wrongful conduct specifically as it relates to a corrupt operation, now discovered and public, against Michael Flynn.
per RedState
Visits by FBI Inspections Division Can Have Real Consequences — Heads Often Roll
but it includes a mystifying disconnect for practicalities: e.g " the fact is that being part of “Inspections” is a requirement for every FBI Supervisor who wishes to be promoted to the next level up in FBI management. There are requirements in terms of the number of inspections a supervisor must participate in before being eligible for promotion to the next level. The one I’m most confident of is that a “Supervisory Special Agent” (SSA) — or Squad Supervisor — must participate in three inspections before he/she will be considered for promotion to Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC). So it is quite common for newly minted SSAs to immediately begin volunteering for “Inspection Duty” where they can be picked to travel to another Field Office for the purposes of conducting an inspection."
so my Q would be how did the small group team SUPPOSEDLY /entrapping Flynn/ make it to their lofty perch if not through such participation and knowledge of the Kabuki involved. and how many are still left behind to face the wrath of the SUPERIORS
I think that the judge moving away from contempt and hiring this attorney, is Indicia that Sullivan recognizes the limits of the contempt route, and is trying hard to find something else.
He just might be aware of the black Dallas judge who held the salon owner in contempt for not apologizing to him for wanting to feed her children. It did not turn out well for that guy.
it didn't work on my phone, but I could pull it up on my laptop,
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