The other day, Governor Coonman partially reopened most of Virginia, moving to Phase One. Today, Governor Hogan partially reopened most of Maryland in Phase One.
D.C. Mayor Bowser extended the stay at home order for the District to June 8.
It appears that "Judge" Sullivan is going full banana republic in the Flynn case, and has apparently appointed an outside prosecutor to argue the motion against dismissal.
I can't emphasize enough how utterly inappropriate this action is. Powell, Flynn's attorney, should file an immediate appeal to have Sullivan removed from the case. The power to prosecute lies solely with the executive branch, no ifs, ands, or buts.
"How do they explain so many of the requests being PRIOR to the Kislyak call that SUPPOSEDLY was the predicate for the investigation? And Sgt Schultz? (Biden) He must have forgotten he was on the list, considering what he told to George Stephanopoulos on Sunday"
Judge Sullivan has gone Loco! The Democrats - whether in the Senate, House, or wearing Black robes - have gone batshit crazy to stop trump and they'll do anything. Its getting insane.
Yancey Ward: "It appears that "Judge" Sullivan is going full banana republic in the Flynn case, and has apparently appointed an outside prosecutor to argue the motion against dismissal."
Sullivan has pulled in his buddy judge who has already declared Flynn guilty publicly!
And the DC court of appeals is absolutely no better.
And to threaten Flynn with perjury?
Sullivan has literally appointed himself judge, prosecutor and jury to advance the dems narratives....just as obama signalled 2 days ago with his "leaked" comments.
Shouting Thomas. You really think the Democratic Party wants to destroy the economy? You really think that liberal small business owners want to destroy their own livelihood?
"How do they explain so many of the requests being PRIOR to the Kislyak call"
Right. How? Clearly, he was a target earlier.
Of course, as Bruce H. has explained here many times, the unmaskings had become routine business--a long-standing abuse that helped to motivate the collusion hoax and the attack on Flynn. They probably tagged him as the unmasker of the unmaskers. But when did that really start?
And even though not all people on the list may have dealt with Flynn specifically, a number of them did--why so many, beyond a few in DC deep state?
"Now he wants to know why he shouldn't hold Flynn in contempt for taking up his sweet time with an erroneous guilty plea.".
There is something wrong with that man. That's just crazy talk. He knows damned well why he plead guilty, and Sullivan is part of the reason he did. What a jackass.
So, when adults use morality as guidance by mentioning to play with kids your own age, that really does exist. But as young adults where is the fine line of isolate and focus on one self and progression for ones future to not get caught up in non-sense ?
Strong orange photo is first impression.
- From a younger punk critic.
* Happy belated mother's day, and all mothers alike.
Judge Sullivan needs to be impeached from the bench & disbarred. Like, now.
The man has lost his mind. prosecution in a criminal case is the responsibility of law enforcement, i.e. the executive branch of whatever level of government. When the agents of the executive branch decide the party's over, the party's over. No more prosecution. At that point the judicial branch wished everyone well, and say good day.
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our English dead. In peace there's nothing so becomes a man As modest stillness and humility: But when the blast of war blows in our ears, Then imitate the action of the tiger; Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage; Then lend the eye a terrible aspect; Let pry through the portage of the head Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it As fearfully as doth a galled rock O'erhang and jutty his confounded base, Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.
Or just take the right and ability to get a damn haircut or line up to buy an frickin' ice cream cone, to hug your family, and to go to work.
Judge Sullivan: Maybe Flynn perjured himself when he was railroaded by the DOJ. You know, when they forced him to please guilty to things he didn't do.
Everybody: A lot of fucking lampposts in this country.
Perjury for changing a plea! Or technically, criminal contempt I suppose. Hard to think of a worse example of bad faith judging. Makes Soviet Olympics judges look good.
I said earlier that I wanted to see Judge Sullivan eat some humble pie. I didn't think he would but had he done so, it would have gone a long way in restoring my faith in our judicial system as we learn of its abuse by Obama. Instead, Judge Sullivan has shown himself to be corrupt, whether he understands he is or not. He must now recuse himself or be reassigned. Anything less will expose how deep the corruption goes. I hope the former, but expect the latter.
Flynn’s defense seems straightforward: “I legitimately felt that I may have misled theFBI about my conversation with Kislyak, but now that I have reviewed the Brady material that the DOJ wrongfully withheld from me, I can see (asDOJ admits) that the subject matter was not material.”
“Judge Sullivan has gone Loco! The Democrats - whether in the Senate, House, or wearing Black robes - have gone batshit crazy to stop trump and they'll do anything. Its getting insane.”
So Flynn cannot withdraw a plea made under duress...according to you....does that mean that you believe that anyone who claims a confession was coerced and therefore invalid is not to be believed?
Just want to make sure you're consistent...
Because evidently in your world, the prosecutors never strong arm anyone into confessing to something they did not do.
Inga said... “Judge Sullivan has gone Loco! The Democrats - whether in the Senate, House, or wearing Black robes - have gone batshit crazy to stop trump and they'll do anything. Its getting insane.”
Wisconsin Supreme Court included, to help Trump.
How is overturning Evers fascist order helping Trump?
Since the "curve" in Wisconsin was always flat and Hospitals were never in danger of reaching or surpassing capacity what is his excuse for being a tin pot tyrant?
COVID-19 was just an excuse for Evers to seize power.
Hi Ann You R. Why is it that the two people doj is bending over backwards to help contrary to normal procedure - Stone and Flynn- just happen to be buds with our President? Coincidence?
Small step from doj helping trump’s crooked friends to going after Trump’s political enemies - for political reasons. Barr seems willing to make that step.
Everyone who pleads guilty is under duress. Not a walk in the park. That’s why the court must question the defendant to ensure that he or she in fact is guilty as charged. Further, doj isn’t arguing that Flynn’s plea wasn’t voluntary.
Former US Ambassador to Italy John R Phillips' wife was an aide to Obama. Linda Douglass worked for Obama's presidential campaign. her husband, John R Phillips was a major fundraiser. Ambassador Phillips unmasked @GenFlynn was he part of the Rome based operations against Trump?
I have explained since the beginning that Italian intelligence was involved in targeting the campaign from my meetings in Rome/London to the now evidence that the US ambassador to Italy was involved in unmasking Flynn. Get ready for a ride with the evidence coming out on the CIA! per PapaD
I see that Pelosi and Schumer are now saying that, if Trump does not sign their massive Christmas tree package he will be responsible for another depression,. This, of course, is the opposite of the truth. They want a depression.
The Flynn case is at the sentencing stage. The case already has been prosecuted and the government won. Sentencing is a judicial function. The law requires the judge to determine whether dismissal is in the public interest. The judge is not a rubber stamp under Rule 48. Interference in a law enforcement matter to advance the president’s political agenda is not only not in the public interest, it violates Art II, which requires the president to faithfully execute the laws, as he swore to do. Faithfully means in good faith and even handed. Words not in Trumps vocabulary.
I, for one, am happy to see Steve has followed Inga's example and ended his self imposed exile.
"Plaintiff Steven Uhr is a man on a mission. Some years ago, he discovered the existenceof what he believes to be a vast nationwide conspiracy — involving literally thousands ofentities and individuals — to bring an end to “happy hour” and other drink promotions andthereby increase the profit margins of bars and restaurants. Since discovering this conspiracy,-2-CASE 0:10-cv-04945-PJS-TNL Document 201 Filed 09/14/11 Page 2 of 27 Uhr has brought multiple lawsuits — first as an attorney representing others, now as a pro seplaintiff representing only himself — seeking to recover damages from the alleged conspirators.Uhr has not been discouraged by the fact that, to date, all of his lawsuits have beendismissed. Nor has Uhr been discouraged by the fact that he has no evidence that he personallyhas ever paid a penny more for a drink because of the alleged conspiracy. Nor has Uhr beendiscouraged by the fact that many of those who he alleges are involved in this conspiracy —including medical doctors, police officers, educators, scientists, and charitable foundationsdedicated to improving public health — would have no reason to join a conspiracy to help barsand restaurants increase their profits on liquor sales. Nor has Uhr been discouraged by the factthat some of those who he alleges are central to the conspiracy — in particular, distillers,wholesalers, and distributors — would lose money if retailers raised drink prices and therebylowered alcohol consumption. Uhr plows ahead, filing lawsuit after lawsuit, seeking to forcedefendants who appear to have caused him no harm to pay him millions of dollars in damages
who does Sullivan think he is --the 'capo di tutti capi'?
Don "Amici"? what a joker. But seriously--
Sullivan appointed counsel to argue against the government trying to drop charges? He appoints Gleeson as amicus "to present arguments in opposition to the govt's motion to dismiss".
So is everyone who takes a p!ea deal guilty of perjury if theye are actually innocent? I feel like I'm missing something with the whole *but he plead guilty* crowd. we Don't you have to plead guilty if you accept a plea?
Li'l Stevie Uhr: "Drago — maybe you didn’t hear but Flynn declared himself guilty in public. Twice. Hard to criticize someone who simply believed him."
Coerced guilty pleas later withdrawn are not uncommon and the DC circuit court requires judges to accept it and dismiss cases when the prosecution drops the prosecution.
Sullivan is literally attempting an end around the circuit court rules AND implementing his very own partisan prosecution of Flynn with brand new made up crimes from an amicus judge appointee which is the very thing the Supreme Court just rejected 9-0 out of the hack lefties on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
And it was RBG herself who authored the unanimous smack down of the lefties on the Ninth Circuit.
No, whats going on here is The Resistance in the judiciary is not going to allow justice to prevail in the Flynn case BEFORE the November election because the latest democrat hoax (after hundreds) is that Barr is politicizing the Justice Dept....which you moron dems need to excuse away the documentation of your russia and ukraine hoaxes.
Btw, did you hear the latest?
Marie Yovanovich, the dems impeachment heroine, had meetings and extensive correspondence with Hunters Burisma even though she claimed during the impeachment hoax she had not.
Its now Dem lies about Flynn to cover for dem lies about Ukraine and Russia.
"The best way to view Sullivan’s unprecedented actions today in the Flynn case is as a last gasp of the “resistance.” In the last year the collusion conspiracy theory has collapsed. It’s discredited. Sullivan’s actions are deeply unfair to Flynn, but the truth is coming out."
Naples beaches opened today for residents only, after last weekend's fiasco caused by hundreds of East coasters flocking here because Miami beaches were still closed. The water is so clear you can see the fish swimming by from the beach, and the water is shallow so far the shoreline that a shapely young blonde in a blue bikini can walk out for at least 50 yards before the water rises up to her mid thighs. The combInation of the shallow water, its clarity, and the white sand below create a two tone ocean, for the first 100 yards out, it's aquamarine, and then it darkens to deep blue.
I feel so blessed to be living here that I am seriously reconsidering my agnosticism.
“It appears that "Judge" Sullivan is going full banana republic in the Flynn case, and has apparently appointed an outside prosecutor to argue the motion against dismissal.”
We may be overreacting. Only time will tell.
Judge Sullivan’s problem is that the law, in this country, justice is supposed to be an adversarial process. The prosecutors and defense attorneys vie against each other before a neutral judge, and the result is supposed to be better justice than the Continental system where everyone seems to be on the same side. But in this case, the government and the defendant are now on the same side. There is no one making the argument now before the judge that he shouldn’t dismiss charges, as the prosecution has requested. One of his buddies has been making the arguments against dismissal of the charge, that the prosecution has now decided are not legitimate. But this judge buddy of his has made arguments to the contrary, arguing that dismissal is inappropriate. Sullivan has now appointed this friend to make the case that dismissal is inappropriate.
Keep in mind that a number of third parties are now requesting leave to file amici briefs. Allowing that would turn the case into a three ring circus. By appointing his buddy to make the counter case, he has obviated his need to allow unlimited amici to file briefs.
I'd like for Steve Uhr to show us how Flynn's answers to the FBI about the call with the russian ambassador deviated from the actual transcript of the call with Kislyak.
DOD study raises tantalizing question: does flu shot increase vulnerability to coronaviruses? Phenomenon known as virus interference flagged in DOD study just before COVID-19 burst.
Govt. Researchers: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly, After All
"...So the NIH launched an effort to do "the" definitive study that would actually prove, for the first time, once and for all, that flu shots were beneficial to the elderly. The government would gather some of the brightest scientific minds for the research, and adjust for all kinds of factors that could be masking that presumed benefit.
But when they finished, no matter how they crunched the numbers, the data kept telling the same story: flu shots were of no benefit to the elderly. Quite the opposite. The death rate had increased markedly since widespread flu vaccination among older Americans. The scientists finally had to acknowledge that decades of public health thought had been mistaken.
In 2006, lead author Lone Simonsen spoke with me on the phone and agreed to do an on camera interview with me on her study results, which she felt were very important. However, her bosses at the National Institutes of Health blocked the interview. I ended up finding one of her co-authors who was independent from the government and was able to interview him."
steve uhr said... The Flynn case is at the sentencing stage. The case already has been prosecuted and the government won. Sentencing is a judicial function. The law requires the judge to determine whether dismissal is in the public interest. The judge is not a rubber stamp under Rule 48. Interference in a law enforcement matter to advance the president’s political agenda is not only not in the public interest, it violates Art II, which requires the president to faithfully execute the laws, as he swore to do. Faithfully means in good faith and even handed. Words not in Trumps vocabulary.
We see you douchebags out there who cheer for the government to act illegally to throw your political opponents in jail.
Sullivan was part of what was called the "Magnificent Seven" until Roberts was appointed and made it 8.
"The eight federal judges appointed by President Clinton to the U.S. District Court in Washington meet privately every month in closed-door sessions that other jurists believe are improper and call into question the court's impartiality.
"Chief U.S. District Judge Norma Holloway Johnson is being publicly criticized for selectively assigning criminal cases against friends and associates of Mr. Clinton's to judges the president has appointed. * * * Judge Johnson had bypassed the court's random case assignment procedures "by taking the unusual step of handpicking" judges appointed by Mr. Clinton to hear cases involving Webster L. Hubbell and Charles Yah Lin Trie."
One judge, not part of the group, said: "But a very important part of what we do here is our collegiality. We all come with political viewpoints but we try to leave politics behind. Unfortunately, the Clinton appointees have gone off on their own."
“I'd like for Steve Uhr to show us how Flynn's answers to the FBI about the call with the russian ambassador deviated from the actual transcript of the call with Kislyak.”
Doesn’t matter with leftists. What matters is that they won, and Trump lost. It doesn’t matter to them how much they had to cheat, or the Rule of Law violated. What matters is that they won there.
We now know that the entire prosecution of Flynn was a perjury trap invented and created at the very top of the FBI. Fabricated by the Deputy Director, and approved by the Director. Nothing about it was legitimate. It was political from the time it started, with a fake investigation of Trump and Flynn based on fabricated evidence initially probably created by Trump’s political opponent in the election, Crooked Hillary. They illegally had access to the transcript of Flynn’s phone call with the Russian Ambassador. They lied about their purpose for visiting Flynn at the WH. They told Flynn he didn’t need an attorney. They lied about what Flynn said there. The Mueller investigation was initiated based on evidence of Russian collusion known at the time by those involved to be false. Flynn was threatened prosecution under one law that in over 200 years has never resulted in a conviction, and hasn’t been used for 150 years, as well as a statute (FARA) that 99% of the time results in administratively paying a fine. The rabidly partisan prosecutors threatened to indict and bankrupt Flynn’s son, and similarly compromised his law firm by threatening to prosecute them too. Then they forced Flynn, through his compromised law firm, to lie to the judge about the plea being voluntary and not part of a bigger deal, which it bviously was, because he pled guilty to get his son off the hook. And the prosecutors lied to the judge repeatedly and constantly for better than two years, about the evidence that they were supposedly using against him, which they knew had been fabricated by the top tier of the FBI. They knew that it was fake, but kept telling the judge and the defense that it wasn’t. The big thing that they never had to lie about, because the judge never asked it, despite several occasions almost doing so, was whether the statements of Flynn’s that supposedly impacted an investigation actually did so, because the investigation lacked predication, and they knew the answer to what Flynn had talked about with the Russian ambassador beforehand because they had the transcript of the call, and Flynn did not. The prosecutors thus knowingly forced Flynn to plead guilty to the crime of lying to federal officials, when they knew that he hadn’t, and that his supposed misstatements were legally material, when they knew they weren’t.
None of that matters to leftists. What matters is that they won, and Trump, Flynn, and the Republicans lost. Doesn’t matter how. That is what Uhr is essentially saying.
...and the water is shallow so far the shoreline that a shapely young blonde in a blue bikini can walk out for at least 50 yards before the water rises up to her mid thighs.
@Rt1Rebel, and you explained to your wife that your reason for watching the legs of the “shapely young blonde in a blue bikini” was only so you could estimate the depth of the water?
The cafe thread reads so much better this AM. One cafe thread a couple days ago was unreadable. The thread had 90 of 180 comments made by 3 people!
It depends upon what the discussion was about. If it was something interesting, that only three people were involved -- or perhaps they were the only three online or even awake at that time -- does not matter. If it was the back-and-forth bitchfest that has poisoned these pages too often, then yes, that would be unreadable.
With all due respect, those on the left are not being more “careful,” but tyrannical. They want to bring President Trump down by any means necessary. Was the left being careful during this crisis when:
1) they screeched Trump was being racist when he banned flights to and from China?
2) Pelosi invited all to go to China Town because it’s safe?
3) De Blasio insisted subways were safe and New Yorkers should go about their business?
Do you care to re-think what you said?
No, never. Die first. Eat a quart of egg salad first. She never re-thinks. She would melt like the wicked witch.
Kyzer SoSay said... "Everybody: A lot of fucking lampposts in this country."
It won't be lampposts, at least not at first. It'll begin with the odor of cordite and the sharp crack of M855 ball zipping thru the air.
The twisted hemp comes later.
5/13/20, 11:48 PM
Oh, big talk. This is a cliche from reading old books, like releasing the safety-catch on your revolver.
The British used cordite (not much after WWII), not America. We use smokeless nitrocellulose (w/wo nitroglycerin is single- or double-base) propellant "gunpowder" in one or another form of grains (extruded, ball, or flake). Cordite is a solid mass like a stick of gum formed with petroleum jelly.
Not that it matters but don't be like Ann, be interested in physical reality. I do agree that it will be shooting, with occasional close-quarter work involving knives, clubs, piano wire, and for area work, accelerants and the odd but of explosive. Hangings come after you've won and have a permissive environment to work in.
bagoh20 said... "Now he wants to know why he shouldn't hold Flynn in contempt for taking up his sweet time with an erroneous guilty plea.".
There is something wrong with that man. That's just crazy talk. He knows damned well why he plead guilty, and Sullivan is part of the reason he did. What a jackass. 5/13/20, 8:12 PM
I'll say this for Judge Sullivan, whom otherwise I'm not really inclined to defend. I do seem to remember that at those sentencing hearings, Sullivan appeared to be more or less egging on Flynn to withdraw his plea of guilty. Flynn persisted and that's when Sullivan expressed anger and went on the rant about arguably selling his country out. I'm not sure but maybe there was something at play there.
If you want to get into conspiracy theory, perhaps Sullivan is keeping things alive so as to lead to more discovery of the misdeeds of the Obama Administration and other malefactors.
As for Steve Uhr, he posts and Feliks Dzerzhinsky smiles. You could just look at the Central Park Five, or the Innocence Project, for guilty pleas which were later recanted without consequence; but the notion that Flynn was perfectly free to do as he liked? We're closer to the Soviet system than I even like to face.
In 1968, five years before the first volume of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago" was published in the West, Conquest published "The Great Terror," a history of Josef Stalin's purges during the 1930s. In one episode, which could have come from Arthur Koestler's classic 1941 novel "Darkness at Noon," Conquest recounted a conversation between Stalin and an aide named Mironov, who was failing to extract a confession — to a political crime — from a prisoner named Kamenev:
"'Do you know how much our state weighs, with all the factories, machines, the army, with all the armaments and the navy?'
"Mironov and all those present looked at Stalin with surprise.
"'Think it over and tell me,' demanded Stalin. Mironov smiled, believing that Stalin was getting ready to crack a joke. But Stalin did not intend to jest. ... 'I'm asking you, how much does all that weigh?' he insisted.
"Mironov was confused. He waited, still hoping Stalin would turn everything into a joke. ... Mironov ... said in an irresolute voice, 'Nobody can know that. ... It is in the realm of astronomical figures.'
"'Well, and can one man withstand the pressure of that astronomical weight?' asked Stalin sternly.
"'No,' answered Mironov. "'Now then, don't tell me anymore that Kamenev, or this or that prisoner, is able to withstand that pressure. Don't come to report to me,' said Stalin to Mironov, 'until you have in this briefcase the confession of Kamenev!'"
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९३ टिप्पण्या:
This entire virus hysteria is Act III of Obamagate... economic sabotage intended to undermine and defeat Trump.
News of the day: Crowdstrike admits that they have never seen actual evidence that the DNC server was hacked... by anybody.
Act I: Russia collusion hoax
Act II: Impeachment to cover Biden’s rackets
Act III: economic sabotage using the virus as cover
The other day, Governor Coonman partially reopened most of Virginia, moving to Phase One. Today, Governor Hogan partially reopened most of Maryland in Phase One.
D.C. Mayor Bowser extended the stay at home order for the District to June 8.
Hope the Cafe's curbside service requiring orders to be phoned-in an hour in advance will end soon.
Biden is a criminal and a traitor.
Documents are being released showing he was fully involved in spying on political opponents and efforts to frame and imprison them.
Anyone who supports Obama, Biden, and the rest of this group of conspirators are enemies of freedom.
It is time.
It appears that "Judge" Sullivan is going full banana republic in the Flynn case, and has apparently appointed an outside prosecutor to argue the motion against dismissal.
I can't emphasize enough how utterly inappropriate this action is. Powell, Flynn's attorney, should file an immediate appeal to have Sullivan removed from the case. The power to prosecute lies solely with the executive branch, no ifs, ands, or buts.
Massively classic TV tonight: Gomer Pyle meets some hippies, sings Blowin' in the Wind.
"How do they explain so many of the requests being PRIOR to the Kislyak call that SUPPOSEDLY was the predicate for the investigation?
And Sgt Schultz? (Biden) He must have forgotten he was on the list, considering what he told to George Stephanopoulos on Sunday"
per @treehuggingsis
The great Dr. John Ioanidis sits for an interview. .
Backtracks a bit from policy decisions, but I don't fault him. He brought the scientist resistance hard when it mattered.
I remember when Badfinger was a band and not a presidential candidate.
Judge Sullivan has gone Loco! The Democrats - whether in the Senate, House, or wearing Black robes - have gone batshit crazy to stop trump and they'll do anything. Its getting insane.
Guide to the latest lawfare, sullivans sock puppet
Its just business as pointed out up above.
Yancey Ward: "It appears that "Judge" Sullivan is going full banana republic in the Flynn case, and has apparently appointed an outside prosecutor to argue the motion against dismissal."
Sullivan has pulled in his buddy judge who has already declared Flynn guilty publicly!
And the DC court of appeals is absolutely no better.
And to threaten Flynn with perjury?
Sullivan has literally appointed himself judge, prosecutor and jury to advance the dems narratives....just as obama signalled 2 days ago with his "leaked" comments.
Gleesons firm is neck deep in china business huawei hikivision et al, one might call it the panda brief.
Just when you thought Judge Sullivan had gone bonkers, he took it to the next level.
Now he wants to know why he shouldn't hold Flynn in contempt for taking up his sweet time with an erroneous guilty plea.
If he is so upset about the misuse of the court, he ought to start investigating the Obama Administration's DOJ executives.
Shouting Thomas. You really think the Democratic Party wants to destroy the economy? You really think that liberal small business owners want to destroy their own livelihood?
@AZ Bob, what's wrong with telling Sullivan "I received very bad advice from counsel and I am suing them for everything they own."
erroneous guilty plea
Some of this people don't realize that we are flirting with civil war!
Drago — maybe you didn’t hear but Flynn declared himself guilty in public. Twice. Hard to criticize someone who simply believed him.
"How do they explain so many of the requests being PRIOR to the Kislyak call"
Right. How? Clearly, he was a target earlier.
Of course, as Bruce H. has explained here many times, the unmaskings had become routine business--a long-standing abuse that helped to motivate the collusion hoax and the attack on Flynn. They probably tagged him as the unmasker of the unmaskers. But when did that really start?
And even though not all people on the list may have dealt with Flynn specifically, a number of them did--why so many, beyond a few in DC deep state?
"I remember when Badfinger was a band and not a presidential candidate."
Oh, I like that. Joe "Badfinger" Biden.
"Now he wants to know why he shouldn't hold Flynn in contempt for taking up his sweet time with an erroneous guilty plea.".
There is something wrong with that man. That's just crazy talk. He knows damned well why he plead guilty, and Sullivan is part of the reason he did. What a jackass.
If Howard ain't got a radio show, then at least he's a fan boy.
So, when adults use morality as guidance by mentioning to play with kids your own age, that really does exist. But as young adults where is the fine line of isolate and focus on one self and progression for ones future to not get caught up in non-sense ?
Strong orange photo is first impression.
- From a younger punk critic.
* Happy belated mother's day, and all mothers alike.
Judge Sullivan needs to be impeached from the bench & disbarred. Like, now.
The man has lost his mind. prosecution in a criminal case is the responsibility of law enforcement, i.e. the executive branch of whatever level of government. When the agents of the executive branch decide the party's over, the party's over. No more prosecution. At that point the judicial branch wished everyone well, and say good day.
These people really have lost their minds.
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead.
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;
Let pry through the portage of the head
Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a galled rock
O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,
Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.
Or just take the right and ability to get a damn haircut or line up to buy an frickin' ice cream cone, to hug your family, and to go to work.
Obama is supposed to have assisted Tribe on something called Curvature of Constitutional Space .
Any one recall that?
So for Obama and minions : Law is a Pretzel
Who is going to straighten things out?
Gee, I hope there were no ex parte communications with judge Sullivan involving judge Gleeson or anybody else.
Obama in his 'leaked' phone call: "...perjury..."
Everybody: Flynn is not charged with perjury.
Judge Sullivan: Maybe Flynn perjured himself when he was railroaded by the DOJ. You know, when they forced him to please guilty to things he didn't do.
Everybody: A lot of fucking lampposts in this country.
The Leftist Collectivists have NOT gone crazy.
They have no choice but to go full throttle to cover their innumerable crimes.
@AZ Bob said
I don't blame Sullivan for being pissed.
Flynn did waste the Judge's time and Mar his reputation by keeping up charade of guilty.
@narciso: Do you have a cite for the connection between Debevoise and Huawei?
The judge Sullivan/Flynn affair reminds me of Scott Adams two movies theory.
Same set of facts, people are interpreting them completely different.
It's amazing.
Perjury for changing a plea! Or technically, criminal contempt I suppose. Hard to think of a worse example of bad faith judging. Makes Soviet Olympics judges look good.
There is no justice in Washington DC.
This "Judge" Sullivan is just part of the conspiracy to destroy our Republic.
Either they have pictures of him with a live boy/dead girl, or the rot in DC is completely pervasive.
I said earlier that I wanted to see Judge Sullivan eat some humble pie. I didn't think he would but had he done so, it would have gone a long way in restoring my faith in our judicial system as we learn of its abuse by Obama. Instead, Judge Sullivan has shown himself to be corrupt, whether he understands he is or not. He must now recuse himself or be reassigned. Anything less will expose how deep the corruption goes. I hope the former, but expect the latter.
Careful, AZ Bob, Patterico thinks Sullivan is clever like fox.
They dont give a farthing about the law, the late edwin wilson could have told you before 2012, he served 20 years in prison.
Flynn’s defense seems straightforward: “I legitimately felt that I may have misled theFBI about my conversation with Kislyak, but now that I have reviewed the Brady material that the DOJ wrongfully withheld from me, I can see (asDOJ admits) that the subject matter was not material.”
“Judge Sullivan has gone Loco! The Democrats - whether in the Senate, House, or wearing Black robes - have gone batshit crazy to stop trump and they'll do anything. Its getting insane.”
Wisconsin Supreme Court included, to help Trump.
Patterico, who I have known and read his blog from 2010 to 2016, has gone crazy with TDS.
He banned me for disagreeing with him, and has admitted that he lost 85% of his readers and those left are on the left and hate him.
I feel sorry for him but I also feel sorry for the people who are before him in court. He has become a nut.
Steve uhr,
So Flynn cannot withdraw a plea made under duress...according to you....does that mean that you believe that anyone who claims a confession was coerced and therefore invalid is not to be believed?
Just want to make sure you're consistent...
Because evidently in your world, the prosecutors never strong arm anyone into confessing to something they did not do.
For Obama and his thugs, the law is a mobius strip. There is only one side: theirs.
I'm not a lawyer. Can they ask for an expedited review of Sullivan's decision by SCOTUS?
Oh no, Meade! Let us out of moderation jail!!!
Although I read that creature's posts; it is a sociopath.
Here is my problem with Patterico
The unmasking seems entirely proper. I truly do not understand what the big deal is.
I still think a lot of Nunes’s memo was horseshit too.
Patterico (115b1f)
He wants so much to run Trump out of town that he willing to embrace any ally, no matter how evil.
The Obama freak show house of corruption hinges on judge sullivan. If the judge is corrupt - he'll play ball.
Gleeson is tied to weissman and yates.
Senator Burr faces an FBI subpoena for records?
I hope that dirty SOB gets indicted quickly.
Democratic governor would appoint a Democratic who would lose, a la Alabaman Doug Jones.
Michael K,
I am with you. I used to read Patterico regularly--Popehat, too. He and Ken White have gone round the bend.
I read his recent posts on Flynn, and he seems to be suffering from extreme confirmation bias.
I think the walls of the trash compactor are closing in on our intrepid conspirators...and this isn't Star Wars, and they ain't the protagonists.
Inga said...
“Judge Sullivan has gone Loco! The Democrats - whether in the Senate, House, or wearing Black robes - have gone batshit crazy to stop trump and they'll do anything. Its getting insane.”
Wisconsin Supreme Court included, to help Trump.
How is overturning Evers fascist order helping Trump?
Since the "curve" in Wisconsin was always flat and Hospitals were never in danger of reaching or surpassing capacity what is his excuse for being a tin pot tyrant?
COVID-19 was just an excuse for Evers to seize power.
You're free to hide under the bed, Inga, and continue to wet your Depends over Wuhan flu. I can't wait to go out for dinner and drinks.
Hi Ann You R. Why is it that the two people doj is bending over backwards to help contrary to normal procedure - Stone and Flynn- just happen to be buds with our President? Coincidence?
Small step from doj helping trump’s crooked friends to going after Trump’s political enemies - for political reasons. Barr seems willing to make that step.
Everyone who pleads guilty is under duress. Not a walk in the park. That’s why the court must question the defendant to ensure that he or she in fact is guilty as charged. Further, doj isn’t arguing that Flynn’s plea wasn’t voluntary.
I incline to Birkel's theory: perjury because Obama said perjury. Then the Obama talking point is supposedly “validated” and lives on.
Of course Sullivan might just be hoping to provoke violence. In either case, nakedly political and corrupt.
Former US Ambassador to Italy John R Phillips' wife was an aide to Obama.
Linda Douglass worked for Obama's presidential campaign.
her husband, John R Phillips was a major fundraiser.
Ambassador Phillips unmasked @GenFlynn
was he part of the Rome based operations against Trump?
I have explained since the beginning that Italian intelligence was involved in targeting the campaign from my meetings in Rome/London to the now evidence that the US ambassador to Italy was involved in unmasking Flynn. Get ready for a ride with the evidence coming out on the CIA!
per PapaD
The fact that Judge Sullivan doesn't care how bad what he just did looks is very troubling. The anger bubbling up from it is coming to a full boil.
"Swill'd with the 'Wild and wasteful' ocean!" See! English lit!
Paul Simon sings, "the cool cool river/sweeps the wild, white ocean."
Isn't our language a weird and wonderful thing?
Good one, stevew!
His Honor Sullivan has acted the black-robed hack in every scene of this farce.
None of the swampies isn't corrupt
I see that Pelosi and Schumer are now saying that, if Trump does not sign their massive Christmas tree package he will be responsible for another depression,. This, of course, is the opposite of the truth. They want a depression.
The Flynn case is at the sentencing stage. The case already has been prosecuted and the government won. Sentencing is a judicial function. The law requires the judge to determine whether dismissal is in the public interest. The judge is not a rubber stamp under Rule 48. Interference in a law enforcement matter to advance the president’s political agenda is not only not in the public interest, it violates Art II, which requires the president to faithfully execute the laws, as he swore to do. Faithfully means in good faith and even handed. Words not in Trumps vocabulary.
I love the theme, but could you do some variation?
Too many "Sunrise Cafes." Have you ever been to the Cafe Sunrise? Big Orange Cafe?
I know, everybody's a critic
I, for one, am happy to see Steve has followed Inga's example and ended his self imposed exile.
"Plaintiff Steven Uhr is a man on a mission. Some years ago, he discovered the existenceof what he believes to be a vast nationwide conspiracy — involving literally thousands ofentities and individuals — to bring an end to “happy hour” and other drink promotions andthereby increase the profit margins of bars and restaurants. Since discovering this conspiracy,-2-CASE 0:10-cv-04945-PJS-TNL Document 201 Filed 09/14/11 Page 2 of 27
Uhr has brought multiple lawsuits — first as an attorney representing others, now as a pro seplaintiff representing only himself — seeking to recover damages from the alleged conspirators.Uhr has not been discouraged by the fact that, to date, all of his lawsuits have beendismissed. Nor has Uhr been discouraged by the fact that he has no evidence that he personallyhas ever paid a penny more for a drink because of the alleged conspiracy. Nor has Uhr beendiscouraged by the fact that many of those who he alleges are involved in this conspiracy —including medical doctors, police officers, educators, scientists, and charitable foundationsdedicated to improving public health — would have no reason to join a conspiracy to help barsand restaurants increase their profits on liquor sales. Nor has Uhr been discouraged by the factthat some of those who he alleges are central to the conspiracy — in particular, distillers,wholesalers, and distributors — would lose money if retailers raised drink prices and therebylowered alcohol consumption. Uhr plows ahead, filing lawsuit after lawsuit, seeking to forcedefendants who appear to have caused him no harm to pay him millions of dollars in damages
who does Sullivan think he is --the 'capo di tutti capi'?
Don "Amici"? what a joker. But seriously--
Sullivan appointed counsel to argue against the government trying to drop charges?
He appoints Gleeson as amicus "to present arguments in opposition to the govt's motion to dismiss".
...but on who's behalf?
New Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee comin' up.
give us the naked truth
... not the faked news
So is everyone who takes a p!ea deal guilty of perjury if theye are actually innocent?
I feel like I'm missing something with the whole *but he plead guilty* crowd. we
Don't you have to plead guilty if you accept a plea?
all this talk of "unmasking"
...while we're forced to wear masks!
if the Flu Manchu/ Deep State dont kill ya... irony will !
"Everybody: A lot of fucking lampposts in this country."
It won't be lampposts, at least not at first. It'll begin with the odor of cordite and the sharp crack of M855 ball zipping thru the air.
The twisted hemp comes later.
I am done commenting under moderation. Just not worth it.
Li'l Stevie Uhr: "Drago — maybe you didn’t hear but Flynn declared himself guilty in public. Twice. Hard to criticize someone who simply believed him."
Coerced guilty pleas later withdrawn are not uncommon and the DC circuit court requires judges to accept it and dismiss cases when the prosecution drops the prosecution.
Sullivan is literally attempting an end around the circuit court rules AND implementing his very own partisan prosecution of Flynn with brand new made up crimes from an amicus judge appointee which is the very thing the Supreme Court just rejected 9-0 out of the hack lefties on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
And it was RBG herself who authored the unanimous smack down of the lefties on the Ninth Circuit.
No, whats going on here is The Resistance in the judiciary is not going to allow justice to prevail in the Flynn case BEFORE the November election because the latest democrat hoax (after hundreds) is that Barr is politicizing the Justice Dept....which you moron dems need to excuse away the documentation of your russia and ukraine hoaxes.
Btw, did you hear the latest?
Marie Yovanovich, the dems impeachment heroine, had meetings and extensive correspondence with Hunters Burisma even though she claimed during the impeachment hoax she had not.
Its now Dem lies about Flynn to cover for dem lies about Ukraine and Russia.
Eli Lake summarizing it well:
"The best way to view Sullivan’s unprecedented actions today in the Flynn case is as a last gasp of the “resistance.” In the last year the collusion conspiracy theory has collapsed. It’s discredited. Sullivan’s actions are deeply unfair to Flynn, but the truth is coming out."
Naples beaches opened today for residents only, after last weekend's fiasco caused by hundreds of East coasters flocking here because Miami beaches were still closed. The water is so clear you can see the fish swimming by from the beach, and the water is shallow so far the shoreline that a shapely young blonde in a blue bikini can walk out for at least 50 yards before the water rises up to her mid thighs. The combInation of the shallow water, its clarity, and the white sand below create a two tone ocean, for the first 100 yards out, it's aquamarine, and then it darkens to deep blue.
I feel so blessed to be living here that I am seriously reconsidering my agnosticism.
Oh no, Meade! Let us out of moderation jail!!!
I was wondering why there were only 50 comments at 1:00 Eastern.
So instead of goodnight all..."good morning!
from the desk of Sidney "Sid Judicious" Powell to 'Renegade'44
Open Memorandum to Barack Obama
“It appears that "Judge" Sullivan is going full banana republic in the Flynn case, and has apparently appointed an outside prosecutor to argue the motion against dismissal.”
We may be overreacting. Only time will tell.
Judge Sullivan’s problem is that the law, in this country, justice is supposed to be an adversarial process. The prosecutors and defense attorneys vie against each other before a neutral judge, and the result is supposed to be better justice than the Continental system where everyone seems to be on the same side. But in this case, the government and the defendant are now on the same side. There is no one making the argument now before the judge that he shouldn’t dismiss charges, as the prosecution has requested. One of his buddies has been making the arguments against dismissal of the charge, that the prosecution has now decided are not legitimate. But this judge buddy of his has made arguments to the contrary, arguing that dismissal is inappropriate. Sullivan has now appointed this friend to make the case that dismissal is inappropriate.
Keep in mind that a number of third parties are now requesting leave to file amici briefs. Allowing that would turn the case into a three ring circus. By appointing his buddy to make the counter case, he has obviated his need to allow unlimited amici to file briefs.
"If you like your doctored 302's, cant keep your doctored 302's"
At Least Obozo Left Out The Part About "If You Like Your Doctor..." In This Video
I guess tonight's cafe has been canceled for lack of moderator interest. Gnight sweet prince.
I'd like for Steve Uhr to show us how Flynn's answers to the FBI about the call with the russian ambassador deviated from the actual transcript of the call with Kislyak.
We'll wait.....
I am with you, Yancey Ward. This isn't a conversation, it is talking into the void. By the time the echo comes back, there is no one here to hear it.
Ted Cruz:
Barack Obama
· Oct 25, 2012
I spy ... the President of the United States of America.
we're turning into a "Bandana Republic"
DOD study raises tantalizing question: does flu shot increase vulnerability to coronaviruses?
Phenomenon known as virus interference flagged in DOD study just before COVID-19 burst.
Evoking Sharyl Attkisson's:
Govt. Researchers: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly, After All
"...So the NIH launched an effort to do "the" definitive study that would actually prove, for the first time, once and for all, that flu shots were beneficial to the elderly. The government would gather some of the brightest scientific minds for the research, and adjust for all kinds of factors that could be masking that presumed benefit.
But when they finished, no matter how they crunched the numbers, the data kept telling the same story: flu shots were of no benefit to the elderly. Quite the opposite. The death rate had increased markedly since widespread flu vaccination among older Americans. The scientists finally had to acknowledge that decades of public health thought had been mistaken.
In 2006, lead author Lone Simonsen spoke with me on the phone and agreed to do an on camera interview with me on her study results, which she felt were very important. However, her bosses at the National Institutes of Health blocked the interview. I ended up finding one of her co-authors who was independent from the government and was able to interview him."
steve uhr said...
The Flynn case is at the sentencing stage. The case already has been prosecuted and the government won. Sentencing is a judicial function. The law requires the judge to determine whether dismissal is in the public interest. The judge is not a rubber stamp under Rule 48. Interference in a law enforcement matter to advance the president’s political agenda is not only not in the public interest, it violates Art II, which requires the president to faithfully execute the laws, as he swore to do. Faithfully means in good faith and even handed. Words not in Trumps vocabulary.
We see you douchebags out there who cheer for the government to act illegally to throw your political opponents in jail.
You are a fascist piece of shit steve.
There is no common ground with people like this.
it violates Art II, which requires the president to faithfully execute the laws, as he swore to do
Serious question
What about Obama's Deferred Enforcement of Children Act??
Or, is it; That Only Republican Presidents are expected to follow the constitution?
A little history on Sullivan and the Clinton-appointed judges to the D.C. Court:
Clinton Federal Judges
Private Meetings 'Reek With Impropriety'
Sullivan was part of what was called the "Magnificent Seven" until Roberts was appointed and made it 8.
"The eight federal judges appointed by President Clinton to the U.S. District Court in Washington meet privately every month in closed-door sessions that other jurists believe are improper and call into question the court's impartiality.
"Chief U.S. District Judge Norma Holloway Johnson is being publicly criticized for selectively assigning criminal cases against friends and associates of Mr. Clinton's to judges the president has appointed. * * * Judge Johnson had bypassed the court's random case assignment procedures "by taking the unusual step of handpicking" judges appointed by Mr. Clinton to hear cases involving Webster L. Hubbell and Charles Yah Lin Trie."
One judge, not part of the group, said:
"But a very important part of what we do here is our collegiality. We all come with political viewpoints but we try to leave politics behind. Unfortunately, the Clinton appointees have gone off on their own."
Sullivan was appointed by Clinton in 1994.
“I'd like for Steve Uhr to show us how Flynn's answers to the FBI about the call with the russian ambassador deviated from the actual transcript of the call with Kislyak.”
Doesn’t matter with leftists. What matters is that they won, and Trump lost. It doesn’t matter to them how much they had to cheat, or the Rule of Law violated. What matters is that they won there.
We now know that the entire prosecution of Flynn was a perjury trap invented and created at the very top of the FBI. Fabricated by the Deputy Director, and approved by the Director. Nothing about it was legitimate. It was political from the time it started, with a fake investigation of Trump and Flynn based on fabricated evidence initially probably created by Trump’s political opponent in the election, Crooked Hillary. They illegally had access to the transcript of Flynn’s phone call with the Russian Ambassador. They lied about their purpose for visiting Flynn at the WH. They told Flynn he didn’t need an attorney. They lied about what Flynn said there. The Mueller investigation was initiated based on evidence of Russian collusion known at the time by those involved to be false. Flynn was threatened prosecution under one law that in over 200 years has never resulted in a conviction, and hasn’t been used for 150 years, as well as a statute (FARA) that 99% of the time results in administratively paying a fine. The rabidly partisan prosecutors threatened to indict and bankrupt Flynn’s son, and similarly compromised his law firm by threatening to prosecute them too. Then they forced Flynn, through his compromised law firm, to lie to the judge about the plea being voluntary and not part of a bigger deal, which it bviously was, because he pled guilty to get his son off the hook. And the prosecutors lied to the judge repeatedly and constantly for better than two years, about the evidence that they were supposedly using against him, which they knew had been fabricated by the top tier of the FBI. They knew that it was fake, but kept telling the judge and the defense that it wasn’t. The big thing that they never had to lie about, because the judge never asked it, despite several occasions almost doing so, was whether the statements of Flynn’s that supposedly impacted an investigation actually did so, because the investigation lacked predication, and they knew the answer to what Flynn had talked about with the Russian ambassador beforehand because they had the transcript of the call, and Flynn did not. The prosecutors thus knowingly forced Flynn to plead guilty to the crime of lying to federal officials, when they knew that he hadn’t, and that his supposed misstatements were legally material, when they knew they weren’t.
None of that matters to leftists. What matters is that they won, and Trump, Flynn, and the Republicans lost. Doesn’t matter how. That is what Uhr is essentially saying.
The cafe thread reads so much better this AM. One cafe thread a couple days ago was unreadable. The thread had 90 of 180 comments made by 3 people!
... and the water is shallow so far the shoreline that a shapely young blonde in a blue bikini can walk out for at least 50 yards before the water rises up to her mid thighs.
@Rt1Rebel, and you explained to your wife that your reason for watching the legs of the “shapely young blonde in a blue bikini” was only so you could estimate the depth of the water?
Did she buy it?
The cafe thread reads so much better this AM. One cafe thread a couple days ago was unreadable. The thread had 90 of 180 comments made by 3 people!
It depends upon what the discussion was about. If it was something interesting, that only three people were involved -- or perhaps they were the only three online or even awake at that time -- does not matter. If it was the back-and-forth bitchfest that has poisoned these pages too often, then yes, that would be unreadable.
TJM said...
Ann Althouse,
With all due respect, those on the left are not being more “careful,” but tyrannical. They want to bring President Trump down by any means necessary. Was the left being careful during this crisis when:
1) they screeched Trump was being racist when he banned flights to and from China?
2) Pelosi invited all to go to China Town because it’s safe?
3) De Blasio insisted subways were safe and New Yorkers should go about their business?
Do you care to re-think what you said?
No, never. Die first. Eat a quart of egg salad first. She never re-thinks. She would melt like the wicked witch.
Kyzer SoSay said...
"Everybody: A lot of fucking lampposts in this country."
It won't be lampposts, at least not at first. It'll begin with the odor of cordite and the sharp crack of M855 ball zipping thru the air.
The twisted hemp comes later.
5/13/20, 11:48 PM
Oh, big talk. This is a cliche from reading old books, like releasing the safety-catch on your revolver.
The British used cordite (not much after WWII), not America. We use smokeless nitrocellulose (w/wo nitroglycerin is single- or double-base) propellant "gunpowder" in one or another form of grains (extruded, ball, or flake). Cordite is a solid mass like a stick of gum formed with petroleum jelly.
Not that it matters but don't be like Ann, be interested in physical reality. I do agree that it will be shooting, with occasional close-quarter work involving knives, clubs, piano wire, and for area work, accelerants and the odd but of explosive. Hangings come after you've won and have a permissive environment to work in.
bagoh20 said...
"Now he wants to know why he shouldn't hold Flynn in contempt for taking up his sweet time with an erroneous guilty plea.".
There is something wrong with that man. That's just crazy talk. He knows damned well why he plead guilty, and Sullivan is part of the reason he did. What a jackass.
5/13/20, 8:12 PM
I'll say this for Judge Sullivan, whom otherwise I'm not really inclined to defend. I do seem to remember that at those sentencing hearings, Sullivan appeared to be more or less egging on Flynn to withdraw his plea of guilty. Flynn persisted and that's when Sullivan expressed anger and went on the rant about arguably selling his country out. I'm not sure but maybe there was something at play there.
If you want to get into conspiracy theory, perhaps Sullivan is keeping things alive so as to lead to more discovery of the misdeeds of the Obama Administration and other malefactors.
As for Steve Uhr, he posts and Feliks Dzerzhinsky smiles. You could just look at the Central Park Five, or the Innocence Project, for guilty pleas which were later recanted without consequence; but the notion that Flynn was perfectly free to do as he liked? We're closer to the Soviet system than I even like to face.
In 1968, five years before the first volume of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago" was published in the West, Conquest published "The Great Terror," a history of Josef Stalin's purges during the 1930s. In one episode, which could have come from Arthur Koestler's classic 1941 novel "Darkness at Noon," Conquest recounted a conversation between Stalin and an aide named Mironov, who was failing to extract a confession — to a political crime — from a prisoner named Kamenev:
"'Do you know how much our state weighs, with all the factories, machines, the army, with all the armaments and the navy?'
"Mironov and all those present looked at Stalin with surprise.
"'Think it over and tell me,' demanded Stalin. Mironov smiled, believing that Stalin was getting ready to crack a joke. But Stalin did not intend to jest. ... 'I'm asking you, how much does all that weigh?' he insisted.
"Mironov was confused. He waited, still hoping Stalin would turn everything into a joke. ... Mironov ... said in an irresolute voice, 'Nobody can know that. ... It is in the realm of astronomical figures.'
"'Well, and can one man withstand the pressure of that astronomical weight?' asked Stalin sternly.
"'No,' answered Mironov. "'Now then, don't tell me anymore that Kamenev, or this or that prisoner, is able to withstand that pressure. Don't come to report to me,' said Stalin to Mironov, 'until you have in this briefcase the confession of Kamenev!'"
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