May 23, 2020

About that notion of using Lysol internally...

With no mention of Trump's recent remark about the use of disinfectant, Buzzfeed explains that "It Used To Be Common For Women To Use Lysol To Clean Their Vagina And Here's Why."

The ads are bizarre:


David Begley said...

The one neglect?

Howard said...

My Wife... I think I'll keep her.

Mr. O. Possum said...

Recommended in 1911 by birth control activist Margaret teaspoon per two quarts....not straight from the bottle. Weird, but not downright insane as the linked story suggests.

Ralph L said...

"Poise"--a word seldom seen these days. Now I know how to get some.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I prefer the scent of lemon pledge.

Fernandinande said...

"Respected doctors, such as Joseph De Lee, a prominent obstetrician, encouraged the use of Lysol in labor, saying that it would “reduce the amount of infectious matter” carried into the uterus during birth."

Howard said...

Lysol contains quaternary ammonium compounds. In industry we call this family of bacteriacidal soap quat. I can see the new Lysol ads now we put in the quat to clean your twat.

Howard said...

Your millennial kids are such wimps, lucid. Back in the sixties they made lemon pledge at the agent orange factory. All of the Dow dioxin citrus chemicals were in one building.

Darkisland said...

Some women still douche with acetic acid.

Seems fairly common if search results are an indicator

And don't forget to drink 8 glasses of clorox (sodium hypochlorite) every day for your health

John Henry

Darrell said...

Dirty, dirty girls.

Fritz said...

How do you know to assign it the tag "things that don't work?"

Wilbur said...

I've never understood why it's so common for women to think their genitals smell bad. Man is programmed to react positively to the natural hormonal smells of a woman. Just rinse the old girl, avoiding soaps or scents and we're all good to go.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I don't know Howard, I get regularly tested for Radhaz quarterly and probably have more than a healthy dose of depleted uranium in my bloodstream (with a bunch of other shig too...ugh). But that said, agent orange is no joke. Thought your gen mixed it with coca cola at the soda fountain.

Jupiter said...

Where did that ad run? I don't think it was in Popular Science.

Ralph L said...

Thought your gen mixed it with coca cola at the soda fountain.

That was DDT.

Wonder what happened to peter iron rails iron weights? This topic right up his alley, so to speak.

n.n said...

"agent used for destroying the germs of infectious diseases," 1837, from French désinfectant (1816), noun use of present participle of désinfecter (see disinfect), or else from the adjective in English (by 1827), "serving to disinfect."

That said, there are now two choices for Planned Pathogen (PP): the HCQ+AZ cocktail and the day after Ivermectin pill. They just need to trace the immigration, migration, sanitation, business or pleasure transmission vector of SARS-CoV-2 to nursing homes, churches, hospitals, and communities to mitigate progress.

Scott said...

Thinking of using it to clean vaginas (very briefly) does the name "Lysol" refer to lice?

Freder Frederson said...

My friend's mom used to feed her Vick's Vapo Rub when she was a child (this would have been in the late forties and fifties).

Ken B said...

“Things that don’t work” belongs on the Biden post.

Temujin said...

No question we needed to get women involved in the advertising industry. Sheesh. How would you like to have the conventional wisdom created by people who did not know, published as a truth and warning to you on how to behave?

PB said...

H2O2 is used as a disinfectant. It's also used in diffusers so the person can breathe in low concentrations to allow the disinfecting properties to act on the airways and lungs.

Ice Nine said...

Lysol, yeah, forget it. But don't stop using those alum douches, girls!

Krumhorn said...

There’s nothing about the fuzzer that a regular splurt of splooge won’t fix. Except possibly a small application of some tingling KY at the start.

That would get the tag of ‘things that work’.

- Krumhorn

Lucien said...

Of course, President Trump never said anyone should use Lysol, or bleach, or Drano, internally, but it’s fun to keep the lie alive, just like it would be fun to see Russia from Sarah Palin’s House.

Mr. O. Possum said...

Re: Vicks Vaporub....

Robert Cheeseborough, the inventor of Vaseline, ate a spoonful of his creation every day.

He lived to be 96.

RigelDog said...

The Lysol in the....I just can't bear to contemplate...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

WD-40 works too.

... and it doubles as lube.

Howard said...

That's right, Lucid. You poor fuckers have your own special midieval old-school damage. And the icing on the cake was no beer and no pussy. You guys got screwed coming and going.

David-2 said...

I don't understand why anyone would ever give a photographer a release to use their photo for anything the photographer wishes, especially selling it to a stock photo site.

Drago said...

Lucien: "Of course, President Trump never said anyone should use Lysol, or bleach, or Drano, internally, but it’s fun to keep the lie alive, just like it would be fun to see Russia from Sarah Palin’s House."


About once or twice a week Inga makes sure to push the Trump/Lysol internal use lie here at Althouse.

The virus related lies take up the space Inga used to use for russia collusion/hoax dossier/kavanaugh rape/ukraine phone call/emoluments/other lies.

Nichevo said...

Unknown said...
Recommended in 1911 by birth control activist Margaret teaspoon per two quarts....not straight from the bottle. Weird, but not downright insane as the linked story suggests.

5/23/20, 7:00 AM

Lucien said...
Of course, President Trump never said anyone should use Lysol, or bleach, or Drano, internally, but it’s fun to keep the lie alive, just like it would be fun to see Russia from Sarah Palin’s House.

5/23/20, 10:51 AM

I've got a trick that's worth two of that.
From Unknown's Sanger link:

If this is done, any astringent such as boric acid, alum, citric acid, hydrochlorate of quinine used in the solution will do. Only a pint of solution is needed for this purpose

Who knew?!

narciso said...

meanwhile miss Cuomo's baths in a clorine solution, provided by her quack doctor, the whole family needs to be straight jacketed for everyone's concern,

hstad said...

When political narratives run into reality! The real World always beats fiction!

narayanan said...

Does Douching give women a extra orgasm?

that should work evolutionarily.

Maillard Reactionary said...

One shudders to think of how it was in the old days, before glitter was invented.

Tinderbox said...

It wasn't about cleaning the vagina. "Feminine hygiene" back then was a euphemism for birth control.

walter said...

Article talks about considering whether a forgotten tampon is causing the odor.
Ladies..reminder notes are your friend.

ken in tx said...

It was on the label to allow a pea sized dab of Vapo Rub dissolve in the mouth for sore throat relief. There were once, lots of 'on the label' uses for Clorox and Listerine that are no longer there. Mostly, I remember, about athletes foot and dandruff.

Rockport Conservative said...

Now I'm reminded how old I am. I remember seeing these type ads. And I was appalled. It doesn't seem too long ago when I noticed they were putting out flavored douche liquids, and advertising them on TV and I was appalled at that as well. The times they are a changing.

The Crack Emcee said...

Lucien said...

"Of course, President Trump never said anyone should use Lysol, or bleach, or Drano, internally, but it’s fun to keep the lie alive, just like it would be fun to see Russia from Sarah Palin’s House."

It's amazing, how focused on Trump they are, when Chris Cuomo's wife told the true tale of quackery, I've been following, all these years.

They just adamantly refuse to look at it, acknowledge it, do anything about it - and lying about Trump is just another way to accomplish that.

As Richard Pryor once asked: "How long will this bullshit go on?"

Josephbleau said...

"It doesn't seem too long ago when I noticed they were putting out flavored douche liquids,"

That sets up my favorite Olie and Lena joke about flavored douches. The punch line is Oh Olie, what flavor did you get? I gotta tuna!