April 29, 2020

You'll have to take my word that this was my theory all along.

I didn't want to cast aspersions on a particular individual on this blog, so I never wrote it on the internet, but I said it out loud around the house. This was always my theory: "Woman Who Blamed Trump after Giving Her Husband Fish-Tank Cleaner Now Under Investigation for Murder" (National Review).


DavidUW said...


MikeR said...

I believe you. The thought occurred to me.

ccscientist said...

Sure, bring national attention to your alibi for murder and blame the president--what could go wrong? I notice that the MSM did not mention that SHE gave him the shake. I would have been suspicious too.

Nonapod said...

I had that thought as well as I'm sure a lot of other people did. The whole thing didn't really add up from the jump.

Obviously you'd have to be pretty stupid to willfully ingest fishtank cleaner. Don't get me wrong, there's no shortage of idiots out there, but eating fishtank cleaner? That's ultra-extreme weapons grade level idiocy. And according to pretty much everyone who knew this guy, he wasn't that level of idiot, far from it.

Drago said...

I suspect Inga and ARM, after pushing hard on this latest obvious hoax for weeks, will avoid this thread like a plague.

Yancey Ward said...

A few people in the original thread here thought it was murder. The thought occurred to me, too, but I don't remember stating it explitly either.

Bilwick said...

Hard to imagine the Democide gang even contemplating murder.

Tommy Duncan said...

Clearly, Trump is still to blame. The new narrative will be available later today.

JMW Turner said...

I've seen too many Hitchcock movies for that not to enter my mind.

CJinPA said...

Trump you EVIL GENIUS. They'll never suspect it was you all along!

Jupiter said...

Now, now. Innocent until proven guilty as Hell.

Marc in Eugene said...

Obviously, I have some catching up to do. Am having hard time imagining how Althouse's theory can have implicated someone here, unless of course the accused murderess comments here.

Paul Zrimsek said...

It's just this virus and that lying son of a bitch, Trump! I would never hurt you. You know that.

whitney said...

Ace of Spades has been saying that from day one. Wrote long articles about it and spelled out why it was probably true

Captain BillieBob said...

I thought that whole thing was fishy from the get go.

Jim Gust said...

Seems obvious in retrospect. I take you at your word.

gspencer said...

Right from the outset the story seemed preposterous. And as more info about this couple came out, especially her episodes of odd behavior, my doubts also increased.

stevew said...

Not having your profile or presence I had no trouble saying that out loud and writing it. You might say I sensed something "fishy" in the story from the beginning. Sorry for that...

The last few days or week there have been articles with quotes from friends of his in which they say how smart, level headed, and careful he was, an engineer, and how it made no sense that he would do such a foolhardy thing.

Sad story. For him especially and the people in his life that truly loved him.

TheDopeFromHope said...

Anyone with a functioning brain thought the same thing.

Jersey Fled said...

IIRC it wasn't even hydroxychloroquine that they drank, but something with a similar name.

The guy was mechanical engineer. He would have had enough chemistry to know the difference. And that fish tank cleaner would not exactly be USP grade stuff.

JaimeRoberto said...


Mark O said...

Next up? Carol Baskin.

Steven said...

It was always a decent probability. And after it was revealed that she was a regular and substantial Democratic campaign donor, it was the only theory of the event that held any water.

BoatSchool said...

Not hard to take your word for it. Many of us had the same thought. Another one of those ‘too good to actually check it out’ tales for the Orange Man Bad crowd. If we only had actual investigative reporters.

Wince said...

Althouse said...
"You'll have to take my word that this was my theory all along... I didn't want to cast aspersions on a particular individual on this blog, so I never wrote it on the internet, but I said it out loud around the house. This was always my theory...

Ann Althouse = Anne Elk?

Oh, what is my theory? This is it. (clears throat at some length) My theory that belongs to me is as follows. (clears throat at great length). This is how it goes. The next thing I'm going to say is my theory. My theory by A. Elk. Brackets Miss, brackets. This theory goes as follows and begins now. All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much, much thicker in the middle and then thin again at the far end.

That is my theory, it is mine, and belongs to me and I own it, and what it is too.

Michael K said...

m having hard time imagining how Althouse's theory can have implicated someone here, unless of course the accused murderess comments here.

Inga does not live in Phoenix.

Michael K said...

But the FDA recently warned against the use of the drug to treat COVID-19, citing the risk of heart-rhythm problems, and hospital demand for the drug has declined.

Good. More for us.

Jim at said...

TDS kills. Literally.

Lucien said...

If she had just waited a couple of weeks and injected the guy with Lysol she would have gotten away with it.

(OT, if anyone has read "I Just Came Home to Sweden. I’m Horrified by the Coronavirus Response Here." By Erik Augustin Palm, in Slate today tell me: Parody of Not?)

Jersey Fled said...

It contained chloroquine phosphate, not hydroxychloroquine.

That would be like drinking hydrogen peroxide instead of water.

MountainMan said...

Sounded to me like something straight out of Hitchcock or Agatha Christie from the get-go.

doctrev said...

Given your willingness to "call out" people for far more ambiguous situations, Professor, one would think this obvious murder would be low-hanging fruit. For instance, I called it out a month ago on the Internet. Most people did, because they have more than five brain cells. Granted, this excludes 95% of the corporate media.

Ken B said...

I believe you. Many hinted it at it as soon as her donations became known.

Sebastian said...

So, we don't have to #BelieveAllWomen?

Kevin said...

The handwriting was on the wall when it came out that he was an engineer. Engineers' minds just don't work like this, they'd have seen the glaring flaws in the plan right away. Your mind can't help itself, it constantly churns away at any potential problem it encounters.

The Vault Dweller said...

I don't know how true it is, but I've always heard that when murder is carried out by poison, it is the only type of murder that women are far more likely to be the perpetrators of than men.

Valentine Smith said...

This is why homicide detectives are required to go to the scene of any "accidental" death. It ain't always what it appears.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I can see a case based on following Trump’s suggestion being a reckless disregard for life that would support a murder charge since death resulted. Malice without intent.

MD Greene said...

#MeToo. Reporters today are credulous saps.

RichardJohnson said...

The diabolical Trump made her do it, undoubtedly. (sarcasm)

Tomcc said...

I recall several commenters here made that observation. It did strike me as an extraordinarily stupid thing to do. I'm also a big believer in Occam's razor.

MikeR said...

Well, it would have worked if not for those pesky kids.

Skeptical Voter said...

Joe! Here's a heads up. Don't take any milkshakes your female vice president offers you.

Arashi said...

Hey, its OK. She was most likely a life long democrat and he was a closet trump supporter, so one deplorable down, many millions to go before November.

As others have said, the entire affair was fishy from the start - and not just because she used fish tank cleaner that was clearly marked not to be used for human consumption.

Bob Smith said...

Mine too. But the story is a useful illustration of how far the Trump haters will go. I’m betting wifey never goes to trial for exactly that reason.

Eleanor said...

"Why Women Kill" is a fun series on CBS All Access.

jimbino said...

She has good authority for her claim that she was just doing him a favor. Anything else is FALSE NEWS.

mandrewa said...

Jersey Fled, yes, it wasn't hydroxychloroquine. It was chloroquine phosphate. And actually that really is one of the chemicals prescribed for the treatment of malaria.

But there are two problems here. First that was fish tank cleaner and who knows how pure it was and what else was in the fish tank cleaner. And second, it all depends on the dose, both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine will kill you if you are given too much at once.

And of course there are many, many medications that will kill you if you are given too much at once.

As for wondering if this was murder, yes, I thought about that as soon as I heard that she was the one that had prepared this.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

It's like when a white woman claims her kid was taken by some unknown black man to cover up that she killed her child. She's counting on bigotry to help sell the story. Same here - counting on TDS to sell her story, and it almost worked, becuase there is a lot of TDS out there.

Another example is "Dingo ate my baby!" Although, I believed that one. You can't trust no dingo.

John Borell said...

My theory from the moment I heard the story.

But I’m a realist.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

of course, they initially had them pegged as Trump supporters, BUT--
A Fishtank Cleaner Named Wanda:

Woman Who Ingested Fish Tank Cleaner Is Prolific Donor to Democratic Causes



Iran: Over 700 Die After Drinking Methanol as ‘Cure’ for Chinese Coronavirus

Virgil Hilts said...

A few years ago I sat next to an older couple on a plane either leaving or coming back to Phoenix. Both seemed in their 70s but he could have been older. She did nothing but criticize and snap at him the entire flight; it wasn't completely incessant -- like some crazy person you would see on the street - but it was constant and every utterance she made to him was negative. He just sat there and took it and looked like a zombie. I have never forgotten them. When I read about Wanda, I thought - whoh, maybe that was them. If so, I would not be surprised by either his taking it voluntarily or her sneaking it to him. But not sure who she is going to yell at the rest of her life.

BarrySanders20 said...

Damn! That's cold-blooded.

Just like fish!

Craig said...

The truth doesn't matter. The story that Trump made an irresponsible comment, and somebody died, has circulated for a month and has already done its job of altering millions of Americans' opinion of Trump.

Fake News, even when shown to be fake, has a real impact.

Virgil Hilts said...

Also, my comment won't make sense unless you read the Free Beacon stories of how mean she was to the guy.

traditionalguy said...

The Mind of Althouse does a Sherlock Holmes. Our stable genius , with her Emotional IQ off the chart too. She cannot be fooled.

tim maguire said...

I thought they both drank it. Didn’t she wind up in the hospital too?

Rosalyn C. said...

There goes "my husband drank bleach because of Trump" defense.

Andy said...

...and Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself.

Yancey Ward said...

When it was revealed she was hard-core Democrat, then I knew it was murder for certain.

Andy said...

... and Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself

Yancey Ward said...

Tim, is there any confirmation that she actually did consume some of it? I will wager the toxicology shows her blood content is much, much less than his, and is one of the reasons she is going to be charged.

rehajm said...

Johnny, tell us what she wins!

Gilbert Pinfold said...

‘Sola dosis facit venenum’ (Latin: all things are poison and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes a thing not a poison)—Paracelsus (1493–1541).

Jon Burack said...

Maybe she was a big "Justified" fan. Sounds like Mag's Apple Pie Moonshine got a try out.

Big Mike said...

As originally presented in the news media, it was just possible that the couple really were that stupid. But then it turned out that he was a highly respected mechanical engineer. Well, okay, I have known some engineers who did really foolish things in their private lives. Then it turns out the wife was a hard core Democrat, which (IMHO) correlates with being stupid but does not correlate with credulously believing whatever Donald Trump says. Then more news trickles out about the couple’s relationship, and more news, and pretty soon no one sane believes her story except the hardest hard core Trump haters.

I'm Not Sure said...

"She was most likely a life long democrat and he was a closet trump supporter...

He'll be voting a straight democrat ticket from now on, no doubt.

dreams said...

It's still Trump's fault, it is, because...

Birkel said...

It was the only reasonable conclusion.
I believe you.
I said it out loud to all and sundry.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"I suspect Inga and ARM, after pushing hard on this latest obvious hoax for weeks, will avoid this thread like a plague."

The new talking point will be:

President Trump Calls Fishtank Cleaner Ingestion Death a Hoax

R C Belaire said...

AA : "You'll have to take my word that this was my theory all along."

Any other theories you have waiting in the wings pending an actual event outcome?

Browndog said...

When I read her first tweet I knew she was lying. "This is a heart ache I will never get over!"

Yea, not a woman mourning her just deceased husband.

Eric said...

These are some of the things that we are not allowed to say. We may think them, but we must be very careful about what we say. Welcome to 2020.

robother said...

Yeah, Democrats who suffer from TDS are always the first to take him literally, even to the point of drinking poison. I think many of us smelled a rat (er, bat) from the get-go. I imagine she thought she was getting a two-for--getting rid of a troublesome spouse and generating bad MSM coverage of Trump. And who knows, she still might pull it off, with aid of, say, Michael Avenatti, who coincidentally enough is free now.

Iman said...

That dame had Plecostomus written all over her...

Tomcc said...

Can we dispense with Bayesian analysis here?

Mark said...

But the FDA recently warned against the use of the drug to treat COVID-19, citing the risk of heart-rhythm problems, and hospital demand for the drug has declined.

That would fall within the category of FALSE, as noted here as soon as the MSM distorted reports came out. The FDA merely issued an advisory that doctors monitor patients carefully when given hydroxychloroquine -- which is normal care in any event.

Darkisland said...

 Nonapod said...

but eating fishtank cleaner? That's ultra-extreme weapons grade level idiocy.

Why, Nonapod?

You drink bleach every day to preserve your health. So do many others.

How much stupiders would fish tank cleaner be?

John Henry

daskol said...

Bayesian priors: always start with the spouse.

Darkisland said...

 Andy said...

...and Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself

And he may not even be dead.

John Henry

Clark said...

"I thought they both drank it. Didn’t she wind up in the hospital too?"

This is a classic Agatha Christie plot. Whenever someone dies and someone else survives a poisoning, the possibility that the survivor took a smaller dose to provide an alibi for murder is explicitly considered by Marple or Poirot or whomever.

Susan said...

The really sad part? He knew that she put poison in his drink.

He drank it anyway.

She was just that awful he took this way out.

That's my theory.

Drago said...

Left Bank of the Charles: "I can see a case based on following Trump’s suggestion being a reckless disregard for life that would support a murder charge since death resulted."

Yes, Left Band actually wrote that.

Just now.

It's like its the Covington Catholic case all over again.

Susan said...

"Blogger tim maguire said...
I thought they both drank it. Didn’t she wind up in the hospital too?"

She'd spent a year developing an immunity to fish tank cleaner.

Darkisland said...

Perhaps it was explained originally but whay did he drink it in? It doesn't sound like something that would be tasteless. The opposite i would think.

So how did she get him to choke it down?

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All the local leftists?

Vanished. Like a Hillary fart in the wind.

Stephanie Toral said...

Can you imagine that “aha” moment when she thinks she’s finally got a foolproof plan? Yikes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Isn't it funny how these "Trump made me drink bleach!" stories end up being the work of
-----> "Big DEMOCRATIC Donors."

Of course that part gets flushed down the corrupt media toilet.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Dingo ate my baby!"

It turns out that the dingoes DID eat her baby.

From Wiki:

"After all legal options had been exhausted, the chance discovery in 1986 of a piece of Azaria's clothing in an area with numerous dingo lairs led to Lindy Chamberlain's release from prison. On 15 September 1988, the Northern Territory Court of Criminal Appeals unanimously overturned all convictions against Lindy and Michael Chamberlain.[1] A third inquest was conducted in 1995, which resulted in an "open" finding.[2] At a fourth inquest held on 12 June 2012, Coroner Elizabeth Morris delivered her findings that Azaria Chamberlain had been taken and killed by a dingo. After being released, Lindy Chamberlain was paid $1.3 million for false imprisonment and an amended death certificate was issued..."

I am Laslo.

Steven said...

I thought they both drank it. Didn’t she wind up in the hospital too?

She did. But it's quite common in murder-by-ingested-poison cases for the poisoner to deliberately take a partial dose to try to throw off suspicion.

JohnAnnArbor said...

And of course there are many, many medications that will kill you if you are given too much at once.

The dose makes the poison.

Anthony said...

NBC News is saying the Mesa police say it isn't a homicide investigation.

Interesting how they refer to conservative media are reporting this; I doubt they would refer to any mainstream outlet as Liberal News.

JML said...

Another example is "Dingo ate my baby!" Although, I believed that one. You can't trust no dingo.

Ha. When I first saw this I read "'Drago' ate my baby!" and I thought oh boy, here we go!

Apologies to both of you.

Rick said...

I guess that explains the prevalence of stories claiming his doing this was so out of character.

Rick said...

At a fourth inquest held on 12 June 2012, Coroner Elizabeth Morris delivered her findings that Azaria Chamberlain had been taken and killed by a dingo. After being released, Lindy Chamberlain was paid $1.3 million for false imprisonment and an amended death certificate was issued..."

Someday this will happen to Mumia Abu Jamal, but it won't make him innocent.

BamaBadgOR said...

The police deny there is a murder investigation.

Bob Boyd said...

Something fishy?


narciso said...

like inigo Montoya in princess bride,

Leland said...

NBC News says the National Review article is wrong.

alanc709 said...

" Left Bank of the Charles said...
I can see a case based on following Trump’s suggestion being a reckless disregard for life that would support a murder charge since death resulted. Malice without intent.

4/29/20, 3:27 PM"

Why the left is so reviled. Idiocy, malevolency and supreme arrogance all in a small, spiteful package.

FullMoon said...

You kidding? I watch a Netflix show, "Murderous affairs".
First thought was, check for boyfriend or high life insurance.

RMc said...

Arizona police say death of man who drank chloroquine phosphate 'not being treated as a homicide'


FullMoon said...

I read the book.
Expert testimony claimed a dingo could not open mouth wide enough to grab a babies head-wrong.

My favorite expert testimony was about blood on floor of the car (Ford?). Turns out was undercoating material used on same model, in same location of every car of that make.

Matt Sablan said...

"Perhaps it was explained originally but whay did he drink it in? It doesn't sound like something that would be tasteless. The opposite i would think.

So how did she get him to choke it down?"

-- The cynic in me thinks this is a marriage that, years ago, they said, "Oh, our political differences are cute and quirky." But, again, that's the cynic in me speaking with no factual basis.

FullMoon said...

Perhaps it was explained originally but whay did he drink it in? It doesn't sound like something that would be tasteless. The opposite i would think.

So how did she get him to choke it down?

Hubby was a passive sort of guy. She often gave him vitamin concoctions that he would drink without question.

FullMoon said...

"Left Bank of the Charles: "I can see a case based on following Trump’s suggestion being a reckless disregard for life that would support a murder charge since death resulted.""

C'mom, man! Nobody can be that stupid.

Oh, Left Bank..


Noah Bawdy said...

That never passed the smell test.

The Vault Dweller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

He's wasn't viable. It's her Choice to relieve the "burden".

Ralph L said...

Update: www.nbcnews.com/police-say-death-arizona-man-not-being-investigated-homicide

iowan2 said...

This is about the media, and TDS sufferers.

The "story" never rang true. Despite the lack of any connection, the TDS crowd went nuts, thinking this might somehow dirty up the President. You know the schtick. Stupid Trump, stupid supporters...But who is really stupid? Those people, some posting here, that believed this garbage. Those people have no ability to reason. Only repeat talking points. Talking points like this that are proven wrong, sometime in hours, usually a day, this took a couple of weeks. But is was reported for only one reason, smear President Trump. Truth has no place for people who's only goal is smearing President Trump.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I openly speculated about it as murder, online and IRL.

William said...

The subtext of the original story was that is how stupid Trump supporters. As it turns out, this shows how stupid the press is....They used to say of Hearst papers that they were like a naked woman running down the street with her throat cut. Nowadays the press is like Trump with a straight razor in his hand pursuing a naked woman with her throat cut.......The governor of Maryland said that he get a lot of inquiries about whether it was safe to drink bleach after the President's presser. I can believe this. People who live in Baltimore are extraordinarily stupid. They thought that if the police stopped enforcing drug laws that their lives would improve.

madAsHell said...

And he may not even be dead.

Interesting thought, but his demise cleans up soooooooo many loose ends.

Keeping that kind of guy quiet would be expensive.

Bob Boyd said...

The wife gave him some cleaner from the fish tank, but she wasn't working alone.
A second dose came from the glassy bowl

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...


Inga said...

“I suspect Inga and ARM, after pushing hard on this latest obvious hoax for weeks, will avoid this thread like a plague.”

I suspect Drago cannot survive one day without Inga or ARM speaking to him in his head in some continuous cycle.

I haven’t opined on the fish tank lady and her husband, much less “pushing hard” on the story.

Josephbleau said...

Lady such and such: if you were my husband I would poison your tea.

Churchill: Madam, if you were my wife I would drink it.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

#BelieveAllAlthouses. I do, all I know of, on this subject, anyway.

Yancey Ward said...

"As originally presented in the news media, it was just possible that the couple really were that stupid. But then it turned out that he was a highly respected mechanical engineer. Well, okay, I have known some engineers who did really foolish things in their private lives. Then it turns out the wife was a hard core Democrat, which (IMHO) correlates with being stupid but does not correlate with credulously believing whatever Donald Trump says. Then more news trickles out about the couple’s relationship, and more news, and pretty soon no one sane believes her story except the hardest hard core Trump haters."

I want to highlight this for those confused about Bayesian reasoning. Big Mike shows you how it is done.

eddie willers said...

Sounded to me like something straight out of Hitchcock or Agatha Christie from the get-go.

I would like to see a Peter Falk Columbo episode.

"Errr....just one more thing, ma'am".

RE: The NBC rebuttal posted many times now.
1. It's NBC.
2. It is still under investigation.
3. Prediction...NBC will ignore the story when the woman is arrested.

walter said...

The 7 minute cleanse

Michael K said...

The perfect crime. NBC is already lining up with the alibi.

bagoh20 said...

If Lindy and Michael Chamberlain had said "Drago ate my baby." they never would have gone to jail in the first place.

Drago said...

JML: "Ha. When I first saw this I read "'Drago' ate my baby!" and I thought oh boy, here we go!

Apologies to both of you."

No worries.

Fat Bastard

Fernandinande said...

It sounded like a good idea except for the attention it attracted.

I would like to see a Peter Falk Columbo episode.

We watched "Unknown" the other night, and the German private investigator looked familiar (Bruno Ganz), so I looked him up; he was in "Wings of Desire", the strange Wim Wenders film along with Peter Falk (as himself, somehow, IIRC), then I realized I recognized him from as Jonathan Harker in Herzog's "Nosferatu".

Francisco D said...

Inga said...I haven’t opined on the fish tank lady and her husband, much less “pushing hard” on the story.

I thank you for that, Inga.

Now, how about Michael Flynn, Brett Kavanaugh and Carter Page?

You have an opportunity here. Don't blow it.

MadisonMan said...

I also considered it -- but I read a lot of Mystery Novels. Always consider the spouse in an unexpected death!

Inga said...

“I thank you for that, Inga.

Now, how about Michael Flynn, Brett Kavanaugh and Carter Page?”

They aren’t the subject matter of this blogpost and I couldn’t think of anything more boring to opine on.

narciso said...

the liam neeson film where he is trying to stop a plot to take out a Saudi prince, that frank langella had ordered him to do so,

Howard said...

Fredandethelstien: you got to see Bruno and Dennis Hopper in Wenders take on Patricia Highsmiths Ripley in "The American Friend". Nicholas Ray and Samuel Fuller cameos. Film noir at it's best.

cubanbob said...

I can't believe the cops or the DA are not investigating this obvious felony murder. They are no doubt they all are TDS Democrats.

Michael said...

I believe some fancy lady said to Churchill: If I were married to you I'd poison your wine.

Churchill replied: If I were married to you, I'd drink it.

But then all famous quotes eventually get attributed to Mark Twain or Churchill, or occasionally W.C. Fields.

Francisco D said...

Michael said ...I believe some fancy lady said to Churchill: If I were married to you I'd poison your wine. Churchill replied: If I were married to you, I'd drink it.

That fancy lady was Lady Astor, who was what we used to call a limousine liberal.

Francisco D said...

Inga said... Now, how about Michael Flynn, Brett Kavanaugh and Carter Page?”

They aren’t the subject matter of this blogpost and I couldn’t think of anything more boring to opine on.

You embarrassed yourself buying into the corrupt Obama DOJ scam and flogging that dolphin to death.

One can always repent.

Give it a shot. I will respect you in the morning.

pious agnostic said...

I thought this was understood. The whole "Trump said it and we did it" was bullshit from the beginning. Nobody is that stupid.

So, yes, she murdered her husband, and everybody suspected it, but since this awful murder was a stick to beat Trump with, they pretended to believe it.

But nobody really did.

CrimeWriter said...

Oh man, this is like an episode of Fatal Vows

CrimeWriter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Not Sure said...

ABC Phoenix: “This investigation is NOT being treated as a homicide,” Mesa police said. “The death of Gary... has not been ruled a homicide at this time.”

Isn't that what Peter Falk always said to Jack Cassidy?

Drago said...

Russion Collusion Truther Inga: "They aren’t the subject matter of this blogpost and I couldn’t think of anything more boring to opine on."

Shorter: democrat hoaxes that Inga pushed for years and have been exposed as lies are just not fun anymore.

Lindsey said...

Read this article about how the husbands friends say he would not have done this

rosebud said...

Bob Boyd at 6:09


Ken Mitchell said...

:-) My first thought was that it sounded a LOT like an Agatha Christie novel, and I wondered how much insurance he had.

MayBee said...

Think about the journalists who promoted the cover story!

Craig said...

@MayBee I doubt those journalists will face any consequences. They will likely be rewarded for promoting an interesting story that fits the Trump-is-irresponsible narrative. Whether or not the story is true is of little consequence.

The incentives must be so, otherwise the modern news would look much different.

Anonymous said...

The dingbat is a far-left Trump-hating kook. She appears to be of a piece with that far-left school principal who slaughtered his family with an assault rifle a few years ago in order to make a statement on the laxity of American gun laws.

But it's not just isolated kooks. Look what's happening with Trump's comments about disinfectants and UV light. He never mentioned household cleansing agents. The news-media scum and the Democratic politicians using words like "Bleach" and "Lysol" are putting words in his mouth that he never said. They are knowingly propagating lies for partisan political gain. Nothing would please them more than provoking some mentally disturbed or deficient individual to drink undiluted Clorox so they could use his pointless death and suffering as a club with which to hit Trump.

In fact, there are all kinds of medical disinfectants that can be used on humans. Many of them are approved for topical use only. But some of them are used orally, like triclosan in toothpastes and chlorhexidine in mouthwashes. Some of them are even used internally, like Dakin's solution for irrigating abscesses or povidone for irrigating the pleural cavity in chest surgery.

Do you know what Dakin's solution is? It's a weak bleach solution that replaced stronger disinfectants like hydrogen peroxide and merthiolate for the very specific reason that it is nearly harmless to human tissue, while having a pronounced antiseptic effect on microbes. It has in fact been used experimentally in Russia for bronchoalveolar lavage to treat pneumonia. That means putting a tube into someone's lung, squirting the stuff inside, and then sucking it out. There's even a patent for it. It may or may not have any application to the coronavirus, but it's not crazy talk.

And internal UV light disinfection is an actual thing too. A company called Aytu Bioscience just licensed something called the "Healight" from a UCLA professor at Cedars Sinai Hospital. This doctor and his team have been developing the device for four years, and working 16 hour days carrying out experiments on Covid-19 with it for the past six weeks. It's a fiber-optic light that is passed into the lungs via a bronchoscope, after which UV light is applied to irradiate the airways and disinfect any microbes living there.

Every damn thing Trump mentioned actually exists. It makes me think he must have received a briefing at some point that mentioned all these experimental treatments. But our worthless enemy scum news media and the Silicon Valley oligarchs are putting it all down the memory hole. Youtube and Vimeo removed Atyu's videos on the technology yesterday, and Twitter banned their corporate account.

Folks, there is no lie the Left will not tell to seize power, no number of lives they would shrink from sacrificing, no evil or fraud or cheating they would abjure. They hate you. They mean to enslave you at best or eliminate you at worst. Every political action you take for the rest of your life must be with this fact at the forefront of your mind.

FullMoon said...
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Lurker21 said...

I just figured people are stupid enough and crazy enough to do just about anything.

But then, my first thought about OJ Simpson was "Why do the police want to question him, for pete's sake?"

eddie willers said...

Isn't that what Peter Falk always said to Jack Cassidy?

"Not at all, sir, not at all. But I was just wondering why....."

GingerBeer said...

"...but why did he drink it in?" Having read reports of her violence, abuse, and criticism towards her late husband I'm reminded of the old joke "Why do men die before their wives? Because they want to."

stlcdr said...

”...Engineers' minds just don't work like this, ...”

Well, engineers do pretty stupid things (at first glance), but then that’s how things are invented. However, eating/drinking stuff that shouldn’t be ingested isn’t one of them.

roesch/voltaire said...

I didn’t comment on this the first time it was posted or now because I will wait for evidence and facts first, but note many couples split the political ticket, and yes the spouse is always the first suspect in murder until something rules it out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

None of the leftwing democratic "news" outlets like NBC, mention fish tank woman is a big Democratic Donor.

JAORE said...

That was the conclusion Ms. JAORE and I reached weeks ago.

Now let's wait for all the retraction/apologies.... /sarc

And, FWIW:
"The police deny there is a murder investigation."

The linked article says it has not been declared a homicide "for now".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If the woman is a democratic - she will skate.

Laws are for the deplorables.

JAORE said...

The NBC article says not being investigated as a murder for the same reason "at this time".

Hardly the never happened sort of thing.

Nichevo said...

Jersey Fled said...
It contained chloroquine phosphate, not hydroxychloroquine.

That would be like drinking hydrogen peroxide instead of water.

4/29/20, 3:19 PM

No, it would be exactly like taking an older antibiotic like penicillin instead of a newer one like amoxicillin. Chloroquine is a valid anti-malarial, it's just older.

As for being fish tank grade and not pharmaceutical grade, fish owners probably don't like their pets poisoned either, so it probably was pure enough.

The dose is what makes the poison. She gave him a 10 or 20 times overdose. Her glass probably had a minimal amount.

Rick said...

Drago said...
Shorter: democrat hoaxes that Inga pushed for years and have been exposed as lies are just not fun anymore.

It's amazing these subjects were worth thousands of comments from her, but the moment the truth became known the subject converted to boring and unworthy of understanding. Why is fiction more interesting than truth in politics? Why it's enough to make you suspect conspiracy theory driven partisan hackery is her only purpose in commenting.

Anonymous said...

“Not being investigated as a homicide”

Bullshit. It was a homicide (even if it was entirely accidental it’s still homicide), and its being investigated. The cops are under no compulsion to be transparent about this or any other case.

Anonymous said...

“It’s not being investigated as a homicide. The homicide unit is investigating it because reasons.”

Pull the other one it’s got bells.

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