Actually, you can’t really make aspirin from the bark. You can make salicylic acid. To make acetylsalicylic acid is more complicated. Trivia: The bark stuff will reduce fever but the pain relief requires the acetyl group.
Laslo is correct, of course. I hope the many people who DO have jobs/financial means now despite events make sure to go spend money when this is over. Or now, if they can, preferentially with smaller and/or local places.
He was spurned and avoided by people, a man of suffering, accustomed to infirmity, one of those from whom people hide their faces, spurned, and we held him in no esteem.
Yet it was our infirmities that he bore, our sufferings that he endured, while we thought of him as stricken, as one smitten by God and afflicted. But he was pierced for our offenses, crushed for our sins; upon him was the chastisement that makes us whole, by his stripes we were healed. . . .
When he was cut off from the land of the living, and smitten for the sin of his people, a grave was assigned him among the wicked and a burial place with evildoers, though he had done no wrong nor spoken any falsehood. But the LORD was pleased to crush him in infirmity.
If he gives his life as an offering for sin, he shall see his descendants in a long life, and the will of the LORD shall be accomplished through him.
Pilate said to him, “Then you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” . . .
Laslo: "Meanwhile, 16 million people have lost their jobs in the US over the three weeks (per The Guardian), and there is barely any significant notice.
16 million fucking jobs gone, and the NYT is worried that staycationing America won't learn the right lessons from this about how bad colonialism is.
16 million fucking jobs gone, and the New Yorker is interested in what Fran Lebowitz might be eating during these times.
16 million fucking jobs gone, and we're concerned about people not being able to run in the fucking park.
The Eloi really can't be bothered by the plight of the Morlocks, can they?"
When a post is perfect, nothing more need be added.
The vast majority of those jobs aren't gone... they're just on hiatus. As soon as social distancing eases, most will be back in a week or two. If Trump and some of the leaders of the economy do a good job of selling to the American people, this could all be a hiccup by the Fall.
Banned commenter LLR and avid left ChiCom, Inga media, leftie dem, Chuck is now suddenly arguing the exact opposite, which is totally in line with the banned commenting LLR and avid left ChiCom, Inga media, leftie dem.
But only completely and totally.
And unexpectedly.
The ChiComs have gone full-on unexpectedly.
Lefty-LLR, Dem, ChiCom Chuck and Inga. The ChiComs. The Ingas and the lefties are completely aligned.
I figure an inevitable question to my 2:16 comment is "So -- what are we supposed to do?"
And my response would be: have an adult discussion of how we define the terms of when and how the quarantines get lifted.
Are we flattening the curve? Are we waiting for a vaccine? Are we waiting for a governor to blink? Are we going to actually plan ahead for if this returns in the fall?
But we can't bring up those things, because: scarves.
But we can't bring up those things, because: Fran Leibowitz.
But we can't bring up those things, because the 16 million unemployed people affected are COVIDIOTs to even wonder aloud about these matters.
We're taking apart the airplane in mid-air and we can't even talk about a plan for landing.
"16 million people have lost their jobs in the US over the three weeks (per The Guardian), and there is barely any significant notice."
Well, as one commenter here noted a few days ago, these were all from marginal businesses anyway, so why would they deserve any notice? Shoulda picked better jobs.
Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple cloak. And Pilate said to them, “Ecce homo -- Behold, the man!” . . . [When Pilate saw that he was not succeeding at all with the people, but that a riot was breaking out instead, he took water and washed his hands in the sight of the crowd.] Then he handed him over to them to be crucified.
So they took Jesus, and, carrying the cross himself, he went out to what is called the Place of the Skull, in Hebrew, Golgotha. There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, with Jesus in the middle. Pilate also had an inscription written and put on the cross. It read, “Jesus the Nazorean, the King of the Jews.” . . .
When the soldiers had crucified Jesus, they took his clothes and divided them into four shares, a share for each soldier. They also took his tunic, but the tunic was seamless, woven in one piece from the top down. . . .
Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.
After this, aware that everything was now finished, in order that the Scripture might be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I thirst.” There was a vessel filled with common wine. So they put a sponge soaked in wine on a sprig of hyssop and put it up to his mouth.
When Jesus had taken the wine, he said, “It is finished.” And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit.
And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom.
It's not a $1000 check. At least one entire manufacturing plant shut down in my state because the people working there would make more on the increased unemployment benefits than they would working. Lots of aid to companies to keep them open.
And people ARE having the exact conversations you're suggesting that they aren't.
The Miserere (Psalm 51) Have mercy on me, God, in accord with your merciful love; in your abundant compassion blot out my transgressions. Thoroughly wash away my guilt; and from my sin cleanse me.
Cleanse me with hyssop,* that I may be pure; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. You will let me hear gladness and joy; the bones you have crushed will rejoice.
Turn away your face from my sins; blot out all my iniquities. A clean heart create for me, God; renew within me a steadfast spirit. . . . Restore to me the gladness of your salvation; uphold me with a willing spirit.
Alegri's Miserere - Tallis Scholars Traditionally sung in the Sistine Chapel on Good Friday
Laslo: In stage one, the President will change the federal guidance, but say one size does not fit all, so it is initially up to the states (this will allow some governors to virtue signal that they care more about their people than he does). In stage two, he will give state by state recommendations (this will allow some governors to show they’re part of the Resistance). In stage three he will say any state that doesn’t get on board can kiss any further federal aid goodbye. Somewhere around stage 1.5 public opinion will start pressuring the governors of all but the bluest states.
I and my my trusty servant Patsy, have ridden the length and breadth of "teh interwebs" in search of knights who will join me in my court of CancelTheLLRsAlot.
@Sebastian: Wittkowski thinks the Chinese data are basically accurate, and that their relative “success” can be attributed to failing to contain the epidemic early on, thus allowing sufficient herd immunity to develop such that the epidemic burned itself out. He thinks China’s lockdowns had no effect. Per his conclusions, mandatory social distancing and lockdowns of low-risk populations are only useful if implemented soon after peak prevalence, when combined with herd immunity they can be a coup de grace that brings a swifter end to the epidemic. Too early and you end up extending the epidemic and causing rebounds because of the lack of herd immunity, which could result in more deaths than not implementing such interventions at all. Of course he recommends isolating vulnerable populations while the epidemic takes its course.
@Laslo: A couple weeks ago, I made a (OK, non-scientific) model of cumulative unemployment claims as rhetorical point about pessimistic, worst-case modeling. (Explodential!!!) I had projected 7.4 million unemployment claims by now. My model was too optimistic! I’m going to need to revise it: If this trend holds, we’ll probably all be unemployed a week after Orthodox Easter.
The vast majority of those jobs aren't gone... they're just on hiatus. As soon as social distancing eases, most will be back in a week or two. If Trump and some of the leaders of the economy do a good job of selling to the American people, this could all be a hiccup by the Fall."
If you ever have owned a business, revenue comes before hiring. Small business owners are not ones to get to far out over their skis. And revenues are going to come back slow. Because most are and will continue to be looking to cut costs. And 69% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. They will be a month or two behind in their bills. It's not going to be a few weeks.
The big take away from social media during all this is that having your name on a piece of paper from a prestigious school in no way protects you from gullibility. I have friends who have really outdone themselves in posting nonsense during this thing. Apparently if something is anti-GOP, it must be true!
Laslo: you are en fuego, my man. Most impressive and I agree. In fact we are paying an extremely high price just to push the problem down the road. Unless we can demonstrate that by flattening the curve, we have reduced the area under it, we have done nothing to reduce the harvest that this plague will take of us. And our ability to know this future (versus the other future where we just suck it up and suffer jammed ER's etc and reach herd immunity sooner) is based on...what? Models? That change daily based on retrospective adjustments? Hey, I'm no modelers but I bet even I could make adjustments after the fact to fit the curve to the emerging data.
So what exactly do we gain by putting the entire country into an induced coma? The political and economic pressure to end the lockdown is going to grow exponentially in the next week or three. Either the Wise Ones figure out that path and explain it in credible actionable steps that offer hope, or it will be pitchfork time.
I am curious about one aspect of the Coronovirus and have not found anything in my searches that addresses it: how long does it stay viable in an individual who is asymptomatic? Before the crisis, I worked in retail. I had a bad cold in March which lasted nearly three weeks. Symptoms not at all consistent with Covid-19. I've been perfectly healthy ever since. I have been pretty well isolated for the last 3 weeks, but have been out to the store about 3X per week for short durations. I assume that I could have been exposed prior to being furloughed (Oregon had it's first case 2/29). If so, is it possible that I could infect others after this long?
Leftists get very uncomfortable when their insane rantings are recounted.
For instance, did you know that there are still some insane leftists who /STILL believe Trump colluded with Russia and that Carter Page is a russian spy?
I went to Staples today. There was a sign on the door saying I should wear a mask. I didn't have one, so I didn't and neither did the other two customers I could see. I didn't see what I was looking for, and the aisles were all marked one-way and the staff were keeping their distance. My time was limited so I just gave up and figure if I still need it, I will get it from Amazon.
The Governor closed bookstores earlier in the week. There's only one B&N in town, and it hangs on by being in a dying mall in a nonetheless nice area. Anyone who needs a book is going to have to go to Amazon. If they didn't already have an account, they'll create one, and then, hey, why not get a lot of other stuff?
Those are national companies that are going to take a huge, possibly fatal, hit. And you with the cosy little dress botique? Ordered closed while Wal-Mart gets to stay open. The knock-on effects are going to be horrible and the basic unfairness is indefensible.
"we are paying an extremely high price just to push the problem down the road"
And of course even that is questionable.
For example, per Wittkowski referenced above, it is utterly counterproductive to keep kids out of school, since you want the young folks to get infected and become immune so that they can then hang out with the grandparents and help prevent the virus from spreading to them. And that is how you end epidemics.
Provided, of course, you isolate risk groups for now. Which he, as a hard nosed science guy, recommends.
Nobody *wants* grandma to die. I agree with that. But...
A document from Karolinska hospital in Stockholm (Sweden’s best hospital) reveals that they will no longer give intensive care to patients over 80, those over 70 with 1 underlying health issue, or those over 60 with 2 under-lying health issues.
This comes after the Stockholm region being heavily overloaded by coronavirus patients.
No fair wondering how many of them would have made it with proper care! Obviously the answer is zero! They all would have been dead within a week, tops!
"Well, as one commenter here noted a few days ago, these were all from marginal businesses anyway, so why would they deserve any notice? Shoulda picked better jobs."
I've seen this argument before. Let's run with it.
Ok, the marginal businesses are all gone. And now, there is a new group of businesses who used to rank above marginal, that have dropped down to the marginal level. So- they're expendable too, right? I mean- if the first marginal group can be ignored, why not the next?
Lather, rinse, repeat. Eventually, you're going to be eliminating the jobs of people who matter. And then what?
I think people should watch Trump’s briefings if they are worried that nobody hears them on restarting the economy. The press does a lot of “Let’s you and him fight” between Trump and his people, but Trump has kept his powder dry on this issue and has acknowledged that cases are likely to kick up again as soon as the economy is restarted and hinted that his strategy will be to address hotspots as they arise.
Imagine if Hillary “I can’t be responsible for every undercapitalized business” Clinton were POTUS today. I thought about that this morning and it really cheered me up that Hillary Rodham Clinton is not our president.
If it’s right, the arguments about marking spear wounds through the gut and skydiving accidents as COVID have taken a hit. I am sort of in denial about it, and I hope it’s wrong and that my instinct to reject it is right.
Depends upon the translation and how one is counting.
Ps 9 and Ps 10 in the Hebrew text have been transmitted as separate but they actually form a single text and are so transmitted in the Greek and Latin tradition. The result is that the later psalms can be numbered either higher or lower, e.g. 50/51.
FWIW, Covid labeled deaths from closer to 3,500 for month vs nyt all mortality count chart of 9,870.
There's only one B&N in town, and it hangs on by being in a dying mall in a nonetheless nice area. Anyone who needs a book is going to have to go to Amazon.
Ann, I'm envious of your morning routine. Because I'm still working that routine isn't possible.
My wife has been watching American Idol, and it has captured my attention now that they are down to the final 21. There seems to be some fine talent among this group, although The Voice seems to have higher ratings.
When the stay is lifted, the marginal businesses get better and new marginal businesses move in.
Most small businesses are marginal. Hence the effectiveness of removing regulations and so forth, the first time around. You're working at the peak on the curve.
Slashing Education funds is the only option that makes sense, they being mostly a wasteful and bloated bureaucracy of hatred, shoving ice picks into children every day they can. Sometimes brain stabs, per Buwaya, often testicles though are on the receiving end.
Why should any of those testicles available to be molested go unmolested by educated pricks?
Perhaps bombing UW buildings and then selling hotdogs on the street is the way to go, if history be our guide. Madison folks seem to like that, like little Chicagoans and Big Bill Ayers wannabes.
Mark, it is hard to focus on the spiritual dimension at this time. So I am delighted at your recitation of the scripture that is the essence of our spiritual life. There is no more important scripture if scripture can be ranked at all.
Long before I surrendered my own life to Christ, the Catholic grade school I attended spent Good Friday afternoons in a lengthy church service observing the stations of the cross. Over the years I have come to recall it so fondly and am so glad I was privileged to be a part of it, although at the time and at my age then, it seemed so long. I think of it every Good Friday and try to find some time to reflect on the passion of Christ and thank Him for giving His life for me.
Thanks for putting God's Word in front of us on this special day.
So we are starting to know even more about what “Mueller knew” or should have known, because the FBI knew it. The FBI knew that the Steele dossier contained Russian disinformation. What an operation by Putin to play the loyal MSNBC viewers like a fiddle and deeply damage our democracy, and to get Congress to distract Trump from the pandemic as it was breaking, with a sham impeachment.
Why haven’t we shut down CNN as agents of a foreign government. Xi has made it clear all along that he wanted Trump gone over the trade war, in order to get somebody like Biden who would be more tractable. CNN serves that goal every day.
So we are starting to know even more about what “Mueller knew” or should have known, because the FBI knew it. The FBI knew that the Steele dossier contained Russian disinformation.
Sure would be nice to see some of the top criminals exposed and punished. Very disappointing so far.
Laslo, you are an unbelievably great treasure, but might I suggest you reconsider your "Eloi" comments? Because, you know, what ultimately happened to the Eloi? But maybe (probably?) I'm missing the point?
I'm looking at these testing numbers. Nationwide, there have been 2.5 million tests. I don't know if that means 2.5 million people have been tested, but assuming that some people have been tested more than once, let's say that 2 million have been tested. At present, there have been 50,000 positives, meaning that there have been 1.5 million people tested who do not have COVID. Assuming some false negatives, and even assuming that the false negatives outnumber the false positives, still that is well over a million people who tested negative.
And here's the question --
If they had symptoms enough to warrant testing -- What DO they have? Anything?
We've been at the foot of the Cross for a while now. But then again, we are called to complete in our own lives the sufferings that are lacking in Christ.* The glory of it all is that our redemption is at hand. We are in sight of the Resurrection.
A blessed Good Friday and Happy Easter to all!
* Even if we don't want to take up the cross of salvation, the human condition will impose a cross on us in some other way, one lacking in any meaning other than suffering for suffering's sake. Better to join our sufferings to Jesus' and give them positive meaning, than to endure them on our own.
My point exactly, Mark, hence my attempt at a smiley face, there at the end. I prefer to count with two millennia of tradition, the Septuagint and the Vulgate.
Christus factus est pro nobis obédiens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis: propter quod et Deus exaltávit illum, et dedit illi nomen quod est super omne nomen.
James Todaro, MD @JamesTodaroMD When the entire world in all of its languages knows the word "Hydroxychloroquine" and the Director for the CDC calls it "Hydroxyurea" on national television without pause. #COVID19 #CDC #HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE 10:25 AM · Apr 10, 2020
. Big for #COVID19 therapy: the compassionate use results for remdesivir in 53 patients looks very encouraging, especially in very sick patients on mechanical ventilation with 18% fatality (only, expect > 50%) and overall 68% improvement… @NEJM
My family in Michigan has heaped praise on the governor there.
Looking at the numbers, with 1281 dead, Michigan is leading the country with a death rate of 5.6 percent of positive tests. The national rate is 3.7 percent. If they had New York's death rate, 250 people would have survived. If they had the national rate, 433 people would have survived.
Either Michigan is severely lagging in testing or they are severely lagging in treatment. Didn't help, I'm sure, that their governor (D) basically outlawed hydroxychloroquine-plus as a treatment option.
Again -- my family in Michigan has heaped praise on the governor there. The same governor who just prohibited families from residing in their own homes just because they own other homes.
Yes, these families members are largely irrational anti-Trumpers.
Meanwhile, this is the one who's getting a lot of recent talk about being Biden's running mate.
If they had symptoms enough to warrant testing -- What DO they have? Anything?
Some of those are people tested because they had contact with an infected person, even if they are asymptomatic. That would have been happening a lot more if we’d been equipped to do an actual contact tracing program. It is happening among some at risk populations like nursing homes, and among medical professionals on the front lines.
And the rest, people who have symptoms, probably have one of the many other human respiratory viral infections- flu (though I assume for a lot of people getting Covid tests that’s already been ruled out), RSV, other coronaviruses, rhinovirus, adenovirus, etc.
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८३ टिप्पण्या:
You can make asperin from the bark.
They're the first tree to show signs of green (yellow, actually) in the spring.
Tonight, tonight, there'll be zodiacal light!
After sunset, reaching up around Venus, for us northern hemispherians.
I hope it's clear
Scarf Lady tied her latest scarf a new way today. There is no way she will ever look the same as she did before.
Actually, you can’t really make aspirin from the bark. You can make salicylic acid. To make acetylsalicylic acid is more complicated.
Trivia: The bark stuff will reduce fever but the pain relief requires the acetyl group.
Instapundit has a link to a brutal takedown of the Chinese communists. Worth reading.
Mentioned by another commenter on another thread, but check out Knut Wittkowski on YouTube.
Another expert for sanity.
I was sad to see the Mort Drucker has died. Integral part of my youth. (LA Times obit)
Here's a link that I include because it has that word in it.
I wonder if his death is not widely-reported because he did not definitely die from COVID19. Survived by his wife of more than 70 years!
Something I find interesting.
Althouse responds to what she finds interesting in the news and the world.
And the news has been filled with runners' spread droplets, scarves, closed parks and Fran Lebowitz.
Meanwhile, 16 million people have lost their jobs in the US over the three weeks (per The Guardian), and there is barely any significant notice.
16 million fucking jobs gone, and the NYT is worried that staycationing America won't learn the right lessons from this about how bad colonialism is.
16 million fucking jobs gone, and the New Yorker is interested in what Fran Lebowitz might be eating during these times.
16 million fucking jobs gone, and we're concerned about people not being able to run in the fucking park.
The Eloi really can't be bothered by the plight of the Morlocks, can they?
Funny: Marie Antoinette is in the mirrors of a lot of people, but somehow she isn't even seen.
I am Laslo.
Worth reposting here. Good news to go along with a nice picture.
Ann Arbor (U of Michigan) extra hospital not needed at moment because things going in right direction.
Produced streaming video for Good Friday services and then participated in services.
Including Easter Sunday, I’ll have produced streaming video for 4 services this week.
I’m a very busy retired grandpa.
Laslo is correct, of course. I hope the many people who DO have jobs/financial means now despite events make sure to go spend money when this is over. Or now, if they can, preferentially with smaller and/or local places.
Will this be the year Americans adopt bidets?
"Meanwhile, 16 million people have lost their jobs in the US over the three weeks (per The Guardian), and there is barely any significant notice."
Except for two trillion dollars notice.
He was spurned and avoided by people,
a man of suffering, accustomed to infirmity,
one of those from whom people hide their faces,
spurned, and we held him in no esteem.
Yet it was our infirmities that he bore,
our sufferings that he endured,
while we thought of him as stricken,
as one smitten by God and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our offenses,
crushed for our sins;
upon him was the chastisement that makes us whole,
by his stripes we were healed. . . .
When he was cut off from the land of the living,
and smitten for the sin of his people,
a grave was assigned him among the wicked
and a burial place with evildoers,
though he had done no wrong
nor spoken any falsehood.
But the LORD was pleased
to crush him in infirmity.
If he gives his life as an offering for sin,
he shall see his descendants in a long life,
and the will of the LORD shall be accomplished through him.
Ken B: "Instapundit has a link to a brutal takedown of the Chinese communists. Worth reading."
So, not exactly something for the ARM's and LLR's to peruse.
Pilate said to him, “Then you are a king?”
Jesus answered, “You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”
Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” . . .
"Meanwhile, 16 million people have lost their jobs in the US over the three weeks (per The Guardian), and there is barely any significant notice.
16 million fucking jobs gone, and the NYT is worried that staycationing America won't learn the right lessons from this about how bad colonialism is.
16 million fucking jobs gone, and the New Yorker is interested in what Fran Lebowitz might be eating during these times.
16 million fucking jobs gone, and we're concerned about people not being able to run in the fucking park.
The Eloi really can't be bothered by the plight of the Morlocks, can they?"
When a post is perfect, nothing more need be added.
16 million fucking jobs gone,
The vast majority of those jobs aren't gone... they're just on hiatus. As soon as social distancing eases, most will be back in a week or two. If Trump and some of the leaders of the economy do a good job of selling to the American people, this could all be a hiccup by the Fall.
Banned commenter LLR and avid left ChiCom, Inga media, leftie dem, Chuck is now suddenly arguing the exact opposite, which is totally in line with the banned commenting LLR and avid left ChiCom, Inga media, leftie dem.
But only completely and totally.
And unexpectedly.
The ChiComs have gone full-on unexpectedly.
Lefty-LLR, Dem, ChiCom Chuck and Inga. The ChiComs. The Ingas and the lefties are completely aligned.
I figure an inevitable question to my 2:16 comment is "So -- what are we supposed to do?"
And my response would be: have an adult discussion of how we define the terms of when and how the quarantines get lifted.
Are we flattening the curve? Are we waiting for a vaccine? Are we waiting for a governor to blink? Are we going to actually plan ahead for if this returns in the fall?
But we can't bring up those things, because: scarves.
But we can't bring up those things, because: Fran Leibowitz.
But we can't bring up those things, because the 16 million unemployed people affected are COVIDIOTs to even wonder aloud about these matters.
We're taking apart the airplane in mid-air and we can't even talk about a plan for landing.
Your seat is also a flotation device.
I am Laslo.
"16 million people have lost their jobs in the US over the three weeks (per The Guardian), and there is barely any significant notice."
Well, as one commenter here noted a few days ago, these were all from marginal businesses anyway, so why would they deserve any notice? Shoulda picked better jobs.
Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple cloak. And Pilate said to them, “Ecce homo -- Behold, the man!” . . . [When Pilate saw that he was not succeeding at all with the people, but that a riot was breaking out instead, he took water and washed his hands in the sight of the crowd.] Then he handed him over to them to be crucified.
So they took Jesus, and, carrying the cross himself, he went out to what is called the Place of the Skull, in Hebrew, Golgotha. There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, with Jesus in the middle. Pilate also had an inscription written and put on the cross. It read, “Jesus the Nazorean, the King of the Jews.” . . .
When the soldiers had crucified Jesus, they took his clothes and divided them into four shares, a share for each soldier. They also took his tunic, but the tunic was seamless, woven in one piece from the top down. . . .
Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.
After this, aware that everything was now finished, in order that the Scripture might be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I thirst.” There was a vessel filled with common wine. So they put a sponge soaked in wine on a sprig of hyssop and put it up to his mouth.
When Jesus had taken the wine, he said, “It is finished.” And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit.
And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom.
"Except for two trillion dollars notice."
Yes, thank you milady, I apologize for insufficient gratitude for the thousand dollar check, it won't happen again. Have a nice run in the park.
"The vast majority of those jobs aren't gone... they're just on hiatus."
Sometimes the parrot isn't fucking sleeping, but is indeed dead.
I am Laslo.
Can't post now, too busy colonizing and ruthlessly exploiting.
It's not a $1000 check. At least one entire manufacturing plant shut down in my state because the people working there would make more on the increased unemployment benefits than they would working. Lots of aid to companies to keep them open.
And people ARE having the exact conversations you're suggesting that they aren't.
The Miserere (Psalm 51)
Have mercy on me, God, in accord with your merciful love; in your abundant compassion blot out my transgressions. Thoroughly wash away my guilt; and from my sin cleanse me.
Cleanse me with hyssop,* that I may be pure; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
You will let me hear gladness and joy; the bones you have crushed will rejoice.
Turn away your face from my sins; blot out all my iniquities. A clean heart create for me, God; renew within me a steadfast spirit. . . . Restore to me the gladness of your salvation; uphold me with a willing spirit.
Alegri's Miserere - Tallis Scholars
Traditionally sung in the Sistine Chapel on Good Friday
I feel your ... whatever. Althouse has become increasingly tedious and offputting in her subect matter choices.
Shouting Thomas @2:21 PM:
You are so special, ST.
In stage one, the President will change the federal guidance, but say one size does not fit all, so it is initially up to the states (this will allow some governors to virtue signal that they care more about their people than he does). In stage two, he will give state by state recommendations (this will allow some governors to show they’re part of the Resistance). In stage three he will say any state that doesn’t get on board can kiss any further federal aid goodbye. Somewhere around stage 1.5 public opinion will start pressuring the governors of all but the bluest states.
Faygo @ 4/10/20, 2:42 PM
You Sir. You seem like a learned man.
I and my my trusty servant Patsy, have ridden the length and breadth of "teh interwebs" in search of knights who will join me in my court of CancelTheLLRsAlot.
Won't you join us?
@Sebastian: Wittkowski thinks the Chinese data are basically accurate, and that their relative “success” can be attributed to failing to contain the epidemic early on, thus allowing sufficient herd immunity to develop such that the epidemic burned itself out. He thinks China’s lockdowns had no effect. Per his conclusions, mandatory social distancing and lockdowns of low-risk populations are only useful if implemented soon after peak prevalence, when combined with herd immunity they can be a coup de grace that brings a swifter end to the epidemic. Too early and you end up extending the epidemic and causing rebounds because of the lack of herd immunity, which could result in more deaths than not implementing such interventions at all. Of course he recommends isolating vulnerable populations while the epidemic takes its course.
@Laslo: A couple weeks ago, I made a (OK, non-scientific) model of cumulative unemployment claims as rhetorical point about pessimistic, worst-case modeling. (Explodential!!!) I had projected 7.4 million unemployment claims by now. My model was too optimistic! I’m going to need to revise it: If this trend holds, we’ll probably all be unemployed a week after Orthodox Easter.
"Gahrie said...
16 million fucking jobs gone,
The vast majority of those jobs aren't gone... they're just on hiatus. As soon as social distancing eases, most will be back in a week or two. If Trump and some of the leaders of the economy do a good job of selling to the American people, this could all be a hiccup by the Fall."
If you ever have owned a business, revenue comes before hiring. Small business owners are not ones to get to far out over their skis. And revenues are going to come back slow. Because most are and will continue to be looking to cut costs. And 69% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. They will be a month or two behind in their bills. It's not going to be a few weeks.
Faygo sounds like Drago on estrogen.
And BTW, a Happy Fried Goodday to all!
The pressure washers are out, can summer be far behind?
That's not a serious person you are arguing with. He had us fooled with his anal sex posts for a while though.
The big take away from social media during all this is that having your name on a piece of paper from a prestigious school in no way protects you from gullibility. I have friends who have really outdone themselves in posting nonsense during this thing. Apparently if something is anti-GOP, it must be true!
Laslo: you are en fuego, my man. Most impressive and I agree. In fact we are paying an extremely high price just to push the problem down the road. Unless we can demonstrate that by flattening the curve, we have reduced the area under it, we have done nothing to reduce the harvest that this plague will take of us. And our ability to know this future (versus the other future where we just suck it up and suffer jammed ER's etc and reach herd immunity sooner) is based on...what? Models? That change daily based on retrospective adjustments? Hey, I'm no modelers but I bet even I could make adjustments after the fact to fit the curve to the emerging data.
So what exactly do we gain by putting the entire country into an induced coma? The political and economic pressure to end the lockdown is going to grow exponentially in the next week or three. Either the Wise Ones figure out that path and explain it in credible actionable steps that offer hope, or it will be pitchfork time.
I am curious about one aspect of the Coronovirus and have not found anything in my searches that addresses it: how long does it stay viable in an individual who is asymptomatic?
Before the crisis, I worked in retail. I had a bad cold in March which lasted nearly three weeks. Symptoms not at all consistent with Covid-19. I've been perfectly healthy ever since. I have been pretty well isolated for the last 3 weeks, but have been out to the store about 3X per week for short durations.
I assume that I could have been exposed prior to being furloughed (Oregon had it's first case 2/29). If so, is it possible that I could infect others after this long?
It's Psalm 50, Mark, thanks very much. :-)
Inga: "Faygo sounds like Drago on estrogen."
Leftists get very uncomfortable when their insane rantings are recounted.
For instance, did you know that there are still some insane leftists who /STILL believe Trump colluded with Russia and that Carter Page is a russian spy?
"That's not a serious person you are arguing with. He had us fooled with his anal sex posts for a while though."
See, there's the difference: I made anal sex jokes while you go straight to sticking your tongue up someone's ass.
I am Laslo.
I feel confident Evers the edumacator is forming his fool proofed plan.
(Now that he has the parks under control)
Ken B of "you just want grandma to die" discourse adds "not a serious person" to the quiver.
"And my response would be: have an adult discussion of how we define the terms of when and how the quarantines get lifted.”
Do you watch the Trump show? This gets discussed a lot.
Funny, after reading Laslo's post my thought was, "We are not a serious people."
I went to Staples today. There was a sign on the door saying I should wear a mask. I didn't have one, so I didn't and neither did the other two customers I could see. I didn't see what I was looking for, and the aisles were all marked one-way and the staff were keeping their distance. My time was limited so I just gave up and figure if I still need it, I will get it from Amazon.
The Governor closed bookstores earlier in the week. There's only one B&N in town, and it hangs on by being in a dying mall in a nonetheless nice area. Anyone who needs a book is going to have to go to Amazon. If they didn't already have an account, they'll create one, and then, hey, why not get a lot of other stuff?
Those are national companies that are going to take a huge, possibly fatal, hit. And you with the cosy little dress botique? Ordered closed while Wal-Mart gets to stay open. The knock-on effects are going to be horrible and the basic unfairness is indefensible.
"we are paying an extremely high price just to push the problem down the road"
And of course even that is questionable.
For example, per Wittkowski referenced above, it is utterly counterproductive to keep kids out of school, since you want the young folks to get infected and become immune so that they can then hang out with the grandparents and help prevent the virus from spreading to them. And that is how you end epidemics.
Provided, of course, you isolate risk groups for now. Which he, as a hard nosed science guy, recommends.
Nobody *wants* grandma to die. I agree with that. But...
A document from Karolinska hospital in Stockholm (Sweden’s best hospital) reveals that they will no longer give intensive care to patients over 80, those over 70 with 1 underlying health issue, or those over 60 with 2 under-lying health issues.
This comes after the Stockholm region being heavily overloaded by coronavirus patients.
No fair wondering how many of them would have made it with proper care! Obviously the answer is zero! They all would have been dead within a week, tops!
"Do you watch the Trump show? This gets discussed a lot."
But does it get discussed here?
"Well, as one commenter here noted a few days ago, these were all from marginal businesses anyway, so why would they deserve any notice? Shoulda picked better jobs."
I've seen this argument before. Let's run with it.
Ok, the marginal businesses are all gone. And now, there is a new group of businesses who used to rank above marginal, that have dropped down to the marginal level. So- they're expendable too, right? I mean- if the first marginal group can be ignored, why not the next?
Lather, rinse, repeat. Eventually, you're going to be eliminating the jobs of people who matter. And then what?
I think people should watch Trump’s briefings if they are worried that nobody hears them on restarting the economy. The press does a lot of “Let’s you and him fight” between Trump and his people, but Trump has kept his powder dry on this issue and has acknowledged that cases are likely to kick up again as soon as the economy is restarted and hinted that his strategy will be to address hotspots as they arise.
Roughcoat said...
I feel your ... whatever. Althouse has become increasingly tedious and offputting in her subect matter choices.
4/10/20, 2:56 PM
Shorter Althouse: "I'm all right, Jack."
Ken B said...
That's not a serious person you are arguing with. He had us fooled with his anal sex posts for a while though.
4/10/20, 3:26 PM
Freeman knows Laslo well, far better than you. Remember how I defended you recently, to another commenter, and compared you favorably with him?
Well, in turn:
Laslo's got chunks of guys like you in his stool.
You're messing with the wrong dude, dude.
Imagine if Hillary “I can’t be responsible for every undercapitalized business” Clinton were POTUS today. I thought about that this morning and it really cheered me up that Hillary Rodham Clinton is not our president.
"Laslo's got chunks of guys like you in his stool.”
I am *not* going to ask how you know that.
I really really really hope this is wrong, that the stats are not really ready yet.
If it’s right, the arguments about marking spear wounds through the gut and skydiving accidents as COVID have taken a hit. I am sort of in denial about it, and I hope it’s wrong and that my instinct to reject it is right.
It's Psalm 50, Mark, thanks very much.
Depends upon the translation and how one is counting.
Ps 9 and Ps 10 in the Hebrew text have been transmitted as separate but they actually form a single text and are so transmitted in the Greek and Latin tradition. The result is that the later psalms can be numbered either higher or lower, e.g. 50/51.
Why is this night different from all other nights?
A Happy Passover and Good Sabbath to our elder brothers and sisters!
FWIW, Covid labeled deaths from closer to 3,500 for month vs nyt all mortality count chart of 9,870.
Clouds certainly do increase the beauty of the sunrise.
There's only one B&N in town, and it hangs on by being in a dying mall in a nonetheless nice area. Anyone who needs a book is going to have to go to Amazon.
B&N has a good website. Use that for books. I do.
Ann, I'm envious of your morning routine. Because I'm still working that routine isn't possible.
My wife has been watching American Idol, and it has captured my attention now that they are down to the final 21. There seems to be some fine talent among this group, although The Voice seems to have higher ratings.
When the stay is lifted, the marginal businesses get better and new marginal businesses move in.
Most small businesses are marginal. Hence the effectiveness of removing regulations and so forth, the first time around. You're working at the peak on the curve.
Slashing Education funds is the only option that makes sense, they being mostly a wasteful and bloated bureaucracy of hatred, shoving ice picks into children every day they can. Sometimes brain stabs, per Buwaya, often testicles though are on the receiving end.
Why should any of those testicles available to be molested go unmolested by educated pricks?
Perhaps bombing UW buildings and then selling hotdogs on the street is the way to go, if history be our guide. Madison folks seem to like that, like little Chicagoans and Big Bill Ayers wannabes.
Mark, it is hard to focus on the spiritual dimension at this time. So I am delighted at your recitation of the scripture that is the essence of our spiritual life. There is no more important scripture if scripture can be ranked at all.
Long before I surrendered my own life to Christ, the Catholic grade school I attended spent Good Friday afternoons in a lengthy church service observing the stations of the cross. Over the years I have come to recall it so fondly and am so glad I was privileged to be a part of it, although at the time and at my age then, it seemed so long. I think of it every Good Friday and try to find some time to reflect on the passion of Christ and thank Him for giving His life for me.
Thanks for putting God's Word in front of us on this special day.
So we are starting to know even more about what “Mueller knew” or should have known, because the FBI knew it. The FBI knew that the Steele dossier contained Russian disinformation. What an operation by Putin to play the loyal MSNBC viewers like a fiddle and deeply damage our democracy, and to get Congress to distract Trump from the pandemic as it was breaking, with a sham impeachment.
Why haven’t we shut down CNN as agents of a foreign government. Xi has made it clear all along that he wanted Trump gone over the trade war, in order to get somebody like Biden who would be more tractable. CNN serves that goal every day.
"Laslo's got chunks of guys like you in his stool.”
He should see a doctor about his diet.
So we are starting to know even more about what “Mueller knew” or should have known, because the FBI knew it. The FBI knew that the Steele dossier contained Russian disinformation.
Sure would be nice to see some of the top criminals exposed and punished. Very disappointing so far.
Think of the “kompromat” that the ChiComs have on Biden.
Laslo, you are an unbelievably great treasure, but might I suggest you reconsider your "Eloi" comments? Because, you know, what ultimately happened to the Eloi? But maybe (probably?) I'm missing the point?
Here's a question --
I'm looking at these testing numbers. Nationwide, there have been 2.5 million tests. I don't know if that means 2.5 million people have been tested, but assuming that some people have been tested more than once, let's say that 2 million have been tested. At present, there have been 50,000 positives, meaning that there have been 1.5 million people tested who do not have COVID. Assuming some false negatives, and even assuming that the false negatives outnumber the false positives, still that is well over a million people who tested negative.
And here's the question --
If they had symptoms enough to warrant testing -- What DO they have? Anything?
etbass --
We've been at the foot of the Cross for a while now. But then again, we are called to complete in our own lives the sufferings that are lacking in Christ.* The glory of it all is that our redemption is at hand. We are in sight of the Resurrection.
A blessed Good Friday and Happy Easter to all!
* Even if we don't want to take up the cross of salvation, the human condition will impose a cross on us in some other way, one lacking in any meaning other than suffering for suffering's sake. Better to join our sufferings to Jesus' and give them positive meaning, than to endure them on our own.
My point exactly, Mark, hence my attempt at a smiley face, there at the end. I prefer to count with two millennia of tradition, the Septuagint and the Vulgate.
Christus factus est pro nobis obédiens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis: propter quod et Deus exaltávit illum, et dedit illi nomen quod est super omne nomen.
Wait a minute . . .
"etbass" -- as in Ernest T.?
Dr. Beckett just leaped into a woman. First time for him.
Of course, from his perspective, he still has his man's body, but from everyone else's, including Al, he's all woman. And Al's into him/her.
James Todaro, MD
When the entire world in all of its languages knows the word "Hydroxychloroquine" and the Director for the CDC calls it "Hydroxyurea" on national television without pause. #COVID19 #CDC #HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE
10:25 AM · Apr 10, 2020
That's not a serious person you are arguing with. He had us fooled with his anal sex posts for a while though
Anal sex posts fooled "us" into thinking he was serious? How does that work? Would it work for Biden?
. Big for #COVID19 therapy: the compassionate use results for remdesivir in 53 patients looks very encouraging, especially in very sick patients on mechanical ventilation with 18% fatality (only, expect > 50%) and overall 68% improvement…
My family in Michigan has heaped praise on the governor there.
Looking at the numbers, with 1281 dead, Michigan is leading the country with a death rate of 5.6 percent of positive tests. The national rate is 3.7 percent. If they had New York's death rate, 250 people would have survived. If they had the national rate, 433 people would have survived.
Either Michigan is severely lagging in testing or they are severely lagging in treatment. Didn't help, I'm sure, that their governor (D) basically outlawed hydroxychloroquine-plus as a treatment option.
Again -- my family in Michigan has heaped praise on the governor there. The same governor who just prohibited families from residing in their own homes just because they own other homes.
Yes, these families members are largely irrational anti-Trumpers.
Meanwhile, this is the one who's getting a lot of recent talk about being Biden's running mate.
Are you referring to Biden's "butt buddy" remark?
And here's the question --
If they had symptoms enough to warrant testing -- What DO they have? Anything?
Some of those are people tested because they had contact with an infected person, even if they are asymptomatic. That would have been happening a lot more if we’d been equipped to do an actual contact tracing program. It is happening among some at risk populations like nursing homes, and among medical professionals on the front lines.
And the rest, people who have symptoms, probably have one of the many other human respiratory viral infections- flu (though I assume for a lot of people getting Covid tests that’s already been ruled out), RSV, other coronaviruses, rhinovirus, adenovirus, etc.
Tim in Vermont, that's encouraging. I hope to see more results soon.
I see hydroxychloroquine as first line treatment and was hoping remdesivir would be for advanced cases.
HCQ is cheap but the other is over $2k a dose.
""etbass" -- as in Ernest T.?"
You ain't heard the last of Earnest T. Bass. Mayberry NC.
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