According to the complaint, [Khari Sanford, 18] and his girlfriend, Miriam Potter Carre, the couple’s daughter, had been living with her parents but not abiding by social distancing guidelines and other rules related to the coronavirus outbreak. Because [the mother, Beth Potter, 52] had a medical condition that put her at risk, the couple moved Sanford and Potter Carre into an Airbnb in the weeks before the killing.ADDED: Here's the PDF of the criminal complaint, detailing the evidence.
Police say Sanford admitted to a friend that he shot the couple and also told him he had heard that Potter had survived and might implicate him in the crime....
Police said they used surveillance video from a number of sources and GPS data from [the phone of alleged accomplice Ali’jah Larrue, 18] to track the movements of the alleged killers and the white Volkswagen minivan the couple had lent to their daughter, which Sanford and Larrue allegedly used to take Potter and Carre from their Near West Side Madison home.
The complaint says Potter Carre told police the day after the murders that Sanford had been with her the entire night before when her parents were allegedly taken to the Arboretum. But texts police recovered from her phone suggested Sanford was not with her that night....
Sanford’s attorney, assistant public defender Diana Van Rybroek, said she’s been contacted by community leaders in Madison concerned about Sanford, and said that at the time of his arrest, he was halfway through his senior year at West High School, where he had been captain of the football team and was waiting to hear back from colleges he’d applied to attend. She did not name the community leaders.
In an email to fellow City Council members Tuesday, council president Shiva Bidar said Sanford had been the Wanda Fullmore intern in the council’s office last summer, and a July 29 Tweet from Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway shows her posing with Sanford after a three-on-three basketball tournament in the Allied Drive neighborhood....
८ एप्रिल, २०२०
"'This was a brutal execution': Prosecutors allege pair kidnapped, shot couple in UW Arboretum."
The Wisconsin State Journal reports:
१८७ टिप्पण्या:
“Then in late March, the boyfriend allegedly shot both parents in the head in an apparent robbery and left them for dead in a ditch, according to the filing.“
so, Wisconsin's covid-19 death list just went up by 2, right?
Arboretum macht frei.
This is not going to help race relations in Dane County.
Also, can we chalk this up as death of "Coronavirus-related causes?"
More to this story? On paper, he sounds like a typical up and comer with a good future, while his act is low-rent gangbanger stupid. The parents sound like a caring supportive couple with a daughter who, at best, has zero judgment and is willing to cover for her idiot boyfriend even when he commits a most infamous act against her family.
I bet there's a lot more to come.
Ah, Gilbar beat me to it.
But other than that, he is a nice guy with a promising future.
The complaint says Potter Carre told police the day after the murders that Sanford had been with her the entire night before when her parents were allegedly taken to the Arboretum.
so, the daughter was an accomplice, After the fact; if not before
Who had to gain from their deaths?
Why provided an alibi?
Who told the murderers where the victims would be?
Who Ordered the hit?
"contacted by community leaders in Madison concerned about Sanford, and said that at the time of his arrest, he was halfway through his senior year at West High School, where he had been captain of the football team and was waiting to hear back from colleges he’d applied to attend."
Oh, what a precious child.
Let him walk, just look at that potential.
What was the motive?
Well that’s gratitude for ya. What a waste of human life. The girlfriend’s parents-the victims, accomplished people, were killed by a young man who had potential. I wonder how the daughter will live the rest of her own life after this. I hope it inspires her to make something of her life and to dedicate herself to honoring her parents by living a decent life.
“Oh, what a precious child.
Let him walk, just look at that potential.”
Of course he shouldn’t “walk”. Potential or not.
The daughter apparently promoted him to commit armed robbery against her parents and then either encouraged him or covered for him when he murdered her parents.
From a basic internet search it appears the daughter was adopted and her parents allowed/encouraged her boyfriend to move in with them when they were ~18 years old?
Man - the whole situation stinks.
"Wisconsin's covid-19 death list just went up by 2, right?”
Neither one had Wuhan, so no.
But if they had hight blood pressure, it wouldn’t have been murder, because they would have had an “underlying condition.”
Because [the mother, Beth Potter, 52] had a medical condition that put her at risk, the couple moved Sanford and Potter Carre into an Airbnb in the weeks before the killing.
That'll teach you to check the Airbnb reviews more closely.
What was the motive?
Looks like the PD has read "Bonfire of the Vanities." The murderer has applied to colleges and was captain of the football team. An outstanding young man other than the fact that he killed two people in cold blood.
Wow that writing is sloppy, but the real life story is convoluted.
It sounds like the parents put their daughter and one of the would be killers into an Airbnb together because the daughter and boyfriend killer weren't social distancing and once of the parents had a health condition.
At some point the daughter also suggested to the boyfriend her parents were rich and they could get money from them. Which appears to have escalated into the robbeey gone wrong.
Parents get filled with fear to such a degree over social distancing hype from media that they argue with daughter about going out with her boyfriend.
Daughter says you can't control me, I'm going to live my life the way I want to.
Parents say, not in my house, but we'll get you and your loser boyfriend an Airbnb so you're not around us anymore because you're not flattening the curve right.
Daughter and boyfriend discuss how rich the parents are in Airbnb paid for by media-government-societal-paranoia induced parents.
Boyfriend and buddy go and rob the parents, which goes bad as soon as they're recognized and then drag them off and kill them.
During the next China virus scare he will be let out of prison to avoid his getting sick.
I believe that is protocol under Democratics.
The murdered mother was a doctor. A doctor! Someone essential, someone who spent years in education, training to become experienced. The murdered father was productive in his own right.
Murdered by real lowlifes who even had they not become murderers would never have amounted to much.
The poor little guy seemed to think he was oppressed.
Checking “deferred prosecution”.guidelines for next step in the flow chart.
"Community leaders" are involved because such fine, upstanding young men are rare in that community.
Shorter story, parents who are worried their daughter will get them killed because she's not socially distancing with her boyfriend get murdered by her boyfriend.
Sad prophecy in a way they didn't expect there.
The daughter's behavior sounds suspicious. And the boyfriend couldn't abide by lockdown so he earned lockdown -- perhaps for life. What a terrible waste.
But there are some pieces missing to this puzzle. I blame Madison's own press for that and their habit of looking the other way. Back in the Barbara Hoffman days, the press had a curiosity about crime. These days, it's mostly a gag order reflex.
They paid the toll.
"Community leaders" are involved because such fine, upstanding young men are rare in that community.
My response to the community leaders would be: "If this is the best your community has to offer, there is something fundamentally wrong with your community."
I'm betting we quickly find out he came from a single parent home.
This drama has played before. The daughter was probably complicit in the murder. Progressive, indulgent parents are rarely appreciated for their efforts.
chuck said... What was the motive?
Well, as Al Smith would say; let's take a look at the record...
What was the net worth of this couple?
How much Life Insurance did they have?
Did that person know the hitmen?
was that person ALREADY known to be an accomplice (at least, After the fact) ?
two things about murders
A) it's nearly ALWAYS a family member
B) it's almost ALWAYS about money
The poor little guy seemed to think he was oppressed.
It appears he played linebacker, not quarterback. More fake news.
The daughter wasn't charged because she's now an orphan.
I'm also betting the PD will ask that no bail be set because this outstanding young man might get covid19 in jail. #BlackLivesMatter
Gilbar: Absolutely.
Shades of "The First 48". But unlike Wisconsin... in TEXAS they would get the death penalty, both of them due to the 'doctrine of parties'. And I don't mean partying. If you take part in a crime that results in a death, you are equally guilty. And the daughter, if part of this, would get the same charge... Capital Murder.
We don't play around with such murderers here.
MURDER MOST FOUL. Were they Kennedy’s.
tim maguire said...
More to this story? On paper, he sounds like a typical up and comer with a good future, while his act is low-rent gangbanger stupid.
You clearly need to read, or at least see, The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe.
Judge his actions, not the puff from the press/ his attorney
"Community leaders" is a synonym for loud-mouthed, self-appointed (and usually overweight) hustlers who are ALWAYS Democrats looking to expand the reach of government and who have NEVER uttered the phrase, "Our community and the members of it would be so much better off if each of us exercised personal responsibility."
Much more at David blaska dot com...
Wow, that’s disgusting. Informant overheard suspect and daughter discussing how to get money from parents.
IN CERAMICS CLASS at the high school.
The community leaders bit is outrageous. Was this the football coach? I know football coaches accept such losers, creeps and societal malcontents with open arms. “I just want to give this fine young man a second chance!" Bullsh*t. If it's the coach, the journalists need to say so. Instead it sounds like sick racism from the community's Black "leaders."
Pictures of this creature are mysteriously hard to find -
"On March 31, detectives interviewed Miriam. She allegedly stated that her adoptive parents had rented her an Air BNB unit in Madison for 2 and a half weeks while she looked for a permanent apartment."
And yeah, I don't buy the daughter's story.
Sorry, but being captain of the football team is "not showing promise". Can he read and write? At about a 3rd grade level?
Reading between the lines, if they were a highly educated and professional couple who had one child who was adopted, it's easy to imagine that their entire lives revolved around their one child they had ached for and moved heaven and earth to have. That they could never ever tell her no or impose limits or enforce boundaries, and that they could not stomach the idea of alienating her by refusing to enable shitty choices like the loser boyfriend with the loser banger wannabe friend.
I say this as the mother of an adopted child: sometimes genetics can't be stopped. My son struggles in ways that none of his five sisters, who are my biological children, do. (He also has gifts they do not, I should point out.) It's easy to see him making some of the choices that we know his biological parents did.
My best friend growing up was the adopted daughter of a psychologist and a lawyer. She had lovely, mature, skilled parents and all the advantages money and education could provide. When she turned 18 she came into additional money from a deceased relative. None of those advantages kept her from blowing through her money, marriage to two different lowlifes, heroin/meth/alcohol addictions, rehab her parents paid for, drug charges her dad got her out of, and eventually the life she is living now, which is a tiny house her parents bought her, a dead-end job, and coming home every night to cats, TV, and pot.
Sometimes the wiring is just what it is.
tim in vermont said...
"Wisconsin's covid-19 death list just went up by 2, right?”
Neither one had Wuhan, so no.
But if they had hight blood pressure, it wouldn’t have been murder, because they would have had an “underlying condition.”
Wow, Tim, I think I need to write a song for you. it will be titled "Covid, Covid, uber alles"
It's possible to have a heart attack while infected with the Fl. That is true whether it's theWuhanFlu, or the normal kind
Last year, if someone had a heart attack while having he Flu, what wold be their "cause of death"? I'm betting the "cause of death" on the form would be "heart attack". Would you disagree?
This year, if someone has a heart attack while they also have the Wuhan Flu, how would you record their death? Let me guess, you'd say "they died from the Wuhan Flu." Right?
Do you not understand that inconsistently recording the deaths makes he statistics useless? Or do you just not care?
Fernandistein points out, that...
Pictures of this creature are mysteriously hard to find -
... her adoptive parents
Well! i have to admit; i did NOT see that coming.
I'd assumed this was the classic: "Pretty little white girl goes Bad" story
now, i'm wondering if it's the old "holding a frozen snake to you bosom" tale
Retroactive abortion for the two of them. Hand them over to Planned Parenthood.
Why does the press call such murders executions or execution style? It's murder. Execution is a lawful punishment which what these two deserve.
The report seems to have been deliberately written to be obscure.
"captain of the football team"
Isn't that just PC speak for "Vicious thug" these days?
I am sure there are exceptions.
John Henry
“We’re all pretty complicated,” court commissioner Jason Hanson said in the Tuesday hearing. “There are a lot of facets to our lives.”
Ha ha ha!
executions, speak to premeditation, not a crime of passion,
If this brutal murder happened in Colorado, our current governor and attorney general would not file charges. These poor "kids" would be free to go.
From the article:
They also left behind three other children
So no, the adopted daughter wasn't going to get it ll. Unless her boyfriend stole it for her
Success in life is overwhelmingly due to one characteristic. Willingness to delay gratification. This young man probably had a great future ahead of him, but he threw it away to get some quick cash that he really didn't need. I don't know how smart he was, but even intelligent people often lack this very important trait. Of course this is more than that. He also had terrible moral values, which made his weakness more dangerous than most.
Blogger Greg the class traitor said...
This year, if someone has a heart attack while they also have the Wuhan Flu, how would you record their death? Let me guess, you'd say "they died from the Wuhan Flu." Right?
Do you not understand that inconsistently recording the deaths makes he statistics useless? Or do you just not care?
[Emph added]
Greg, no need to guess. Dr Birx announced it officially yesterday. And I had posted the revised guidelines from CDC Saturday saying the same thing:
“Can you talk about your concerns about deaths being misreported by Coronavirus because of either testing or standards for how they are characterized?” the reporter asked Birx.
“If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death,” Birx said.
Video at the link
John Henry
Now she’s rich and the ex-boyfriend is heading to prison.
Well played.
Facets worth noting: Buffed up and muscular. Car thief. Won’t respect safety concerns. Murderer.
Gotta respect someone who keeps fit!
"“There are a lot of facets to our lives.”
We all have a murder or two in our background. It's perfectly normal.
I guess I'm a racist, because before I was half way through the "news" article, I knew that the perpetrator/murder and his accomplice were likely Ethiopian or more likely Somali imports.
Hows that diversity working out for y'all. (Read that with a smug knuckle draggin' redneck accent) The best of intentions gone awry.
The idiot daughter should also be prosecuted as an accessory after the fact for lying for her 'boyfriend'
"was waiting to hear back from colleges he’d applied to attend"
Now there's a diversity admit for you. They'll be beating down his door, right?
" (Read that with a smug knuckle draggin' redneck accent) "
I always do, DBQ, and it's adorable.
"How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child"
Robin Carre was an over-credentialed “anti-racist” SJW who railed against “right-wingers”, including Blaska. He was right to worry about racism; it’s what killed him. Potter seemed to be the kind of doctor whose strong points were PR and advocating a healthy diet and exercise. We didn’t lose a rocket surgeon.
I’m not saying they got what they deserved, but they reaped what they sowed.
I sure wish people would stop implying things based on one's race. These sorts of things are more often caused by unfortunate temperament + IQ combinations, regardless of color. When we pick the wrong attribute to focus on, our solutions are more likely to miss the mark. And we do want solutions, right?
If the parents rented the Airbnb for her alone, I guess I could understand that but believe it's naive of them to think Sanford wouldn't move in. If they rented it for both of them, then that's just depraved.
@ DBQ - Have you seen the movie "The Hunt"? Now available through cable TV.
Ken B said...Sad.
The report seems to have been deliberately written to be obscure.
It's right out of the Madison stylebook when race is involved.
I didn’t see that they had three other kids. That changes my reading of the situation.
Still think the daughter is the problem here. She brought this person into her family and allowed him to ruin it.
Odd we have pictures of everyone EXCEPT the daughter. In 2020, being the "Captain of the HS Football team" can mean you're a great guy or just a Thug with seniority. Her trying to cover up for her Boyfriend leads me to believe this was NOT a "Robbery gone bad"
Dave Begley said...
"The daughter wasn't charged because she's now an orphan.
I'm also betting the PD will ask that no bail be set because this outstanding young man might get covid19 in jail. #BlackLivesMatter"
Reportedly, the van owned by the murdered couple has a Black Lives Matter bumper sticker.
I sure wish people would stop implying things based on one's race. These sorts of things are more often caused by unfortunate temperament + IQ combinations, regardless of color.
So the fact that 50% of violent crimes are committed by 5% of the population means nothing?
Race has nothing to do with this case. I've seen plenty of similar cases on TV where the boyfriend with whom the daughter colluded was white [and the daughter was not adopted]. Letting a daughter's boyfriend live with them and even renting the couple an airbnb shows what kind of parents they were: Well-intentioned but misguided by the Progressive ethos of their times.
But I can also see the 'Bad Seed' possibility at play here, having observed this phenomenon in close friends who adopted children.
I wondered about the supposed 5 bumper stickers. How ironic is that. Possibly a “coexist” is another probable.
"My Being Has Many Facets"
--Ignatius Reilly
More to the story:
1) the guy was the local HS drug supplier.
2) Daughter/girlfriend gets addicted, gets pimped out by dude.
3) She has boyfriend mug parents to pay his suppliers.
4) Murder.
that's the story.
I clicked through and saw the photos. Let me tell you, I'm so pleased that this murderer is wearing a mask while in jail. It would be a shame if he got sick while in jail. He should be released anyway as bail is racist.
Well-intentioned but misguided by the Progressive ethos of their times.
And totally befuddled when things just don't work out as their well-intentioned delusions dictate.
I'm betting the Parents, were against any kind of "tough on crime" measures and thought we were putting to many "black bodies" in Jail. So, if these two serve only a few years, well..that's what they would've wanted.
I guess I'm a racist, because before I was half way through the "news" article, I knew that the perpetrator/murder and his accomplice were likely Ethiopian or more likely Somali imports.
Yup, if that's what you thought then that is what you are. Bless your heart - it is refreshing to see someone actually admit it.
...the fact that 50% of violent crimes are committed by 5% of the population...
You sure about that "fact"? As sure as you are about everything else?
I don't buy that soft-on-crime Leftist/liberals are "well intentioned". I don't buy that at all.
Several years ago our elderly next door neighbors suffered the same fate from their granddaughter (the daughter of their adopted daughter). The facts of this case are so similar as to be stunning, including the racial component. However instead of 'execution style' murder, the couple was tortured to death. (and of course there was no COVID or AirBNB involved)
They were caught immediately and as the details came out through the trial, the callousness was absolutely chilling.
I think that the SJWs work so hard not to see people as 'other,' and yet the murderers see the SJWs as 'rich others' with complete ease.
Reading this article brought it all back and was very upsetting. Our neighbors did not deserve what happened to them. And for whatever these people's mistakes were, they did not either.
Apparently, the parents were just "white whites", and not even "white hispanics", so, you know.
But is the boy still eligible for football?
Freeman Hunt beat me to it.
Here’s the daughter’s FB page. All gangsta friends.
- Krumhorn
Form Fernandistein's link-
The van had a unique combination of five bumper stickers on the rear hatch.
Prolly a COEXIST one. But that wouldn't be unique in the Peoples' Republic of Madison.
Guess who's coming to dinner.
You have to look at it right. The old people refused to die when the young folks wanted their money. So they held a death panel and made a decision and called for delayed abortions on the bourgeoisie skinflints.
"Truth Has Many Facets: The Neutron Activation Analysis Story"
More generalization derived from a one off event that's barely a blip on the statistical radar.
Is it no wonder that you people will buy a truckload of lies and yet ignore the truth that is right in front staring you in the face.
In this way you are exactly like the AOC wing of the Democratic Party
Reportedly, the van owned by the murdered couple has a Black Lives Matter bumper sticker.
David Horowitz changed his political perspective (former editor of Ramparts) in the aftermath of Black Panthers murdering a "well intentioned" radical White female that he worked with. Back in the 60's, the radical movement was often co-opted by criminals and hucksters.
Of course, that has all changed today, hasn't it?
Don't understand the complaints they people are seeing a racial aspect to this. Isn't the NYT and its "1619 Project" educating us that everything is about race?
Nature or nurture?
Like the scorpion, they (the adopted daughter and her homies) couldn't help it.
Mark O slips "boy" in his comment to let the rest of you people know that he is sympatico but wants to stay on the down low. Because the perp is age 18 I believe he would be considered a man since he is eligible to be drafted. Still he is young enough that you will be defended as to not being a racialist because technically one could say he is young enough and immature enough to be considered a boy.
Nice try
PurplePoopBird offers a link to crime data in 1994??
Try this, my odd colored feathered friend and check the murder stats. 53% of murders attributable to a particular melanin-enhanced group.
- Krumhorn
“Sanford’s attorney, assistant public defender Diana Van Rybroek, said she’s been contacted by community leaders in Madison concerned about Sanford, ....”
“...contacted by [black] community leaders...concerned about Sanford [because Black Lives Matter and ....] ” There. Fixed. You can fill in the blanks after the last ellipse.
It will be a significant step toward controlling violent crime if black elders ever step forward and condemn the criminals in their midst who bring the police down on the community and foster racial disharmony.
“ , the couple was tortured to death”
Ugh. Some people are just depraved.
"Sanford was active with a community group in the Allied Drive neighborhood known as the Brotherhood, which organized sports for youth and served as a place for racial justice advocacy and mentoring for black teenage boys."
So the little Dindu was in a gang.
But I can also see the 'Bad Seed' possibility at play here, having observed this phenomenon in close friends who adopted children.
This is one of a number of cases involving adopted children. One in California involved adoption of a black male who murdered the white biological daughter. In that case, the adoption was of the male when he was a teen. I wonder how old this daughter was when adopted?
So now who do we get drugs from? Does anybody know?
So the fact that 50% of violent crimes are committed by 5% of the population means nothing?
I guess you don't see that that makes my point, exactly.
About 5% of the population has that terrible temperament + (usually low) IQ situation.
Those are the one's, regardless of color, who do the deeds.
In most major cities, this is called “Tuesday.”
Despite the delusions of libertarians and liberals, we let thugs off repeatedly in nearly all cases. Rehabilitation is an evil joke. And the predators learn at an early age to say precisely what dumb bunny judges want to hear.
The honest coroner’s report would be: death by judicial leniency.
Blogger mockturtle said...
Race has nothing to do with this case.
Mockturtle, do you acknowledge any correlation between "race" and murder? Or is your pitbull the sweetest, most loving dog ever?
I don't generally speak ill of the dead in a case like this, but the two parents seem like morons to me. The living arrangements they allowed under their own roof are just idiotic.
"...the fact that 50% of violent crimes are committed by 5% of the population..."
You sure about that "fact?
You're right, the rate of committing violent crimes in Dane County is actually about 30 times higher for blacks than for whites, not around 10 times higher.
Page 19
I think it was nice of PP to provide the data to confirm Gahrie's estimate.
Homicide data were reported on 25,180 offenders in 1992. Of these offenders for whom sex, age, and race were reported, 90% were male 50% were age 15-24 55% were black.
Of course, that is just homicide.
...the fact that 50% of violent crimes are committed by 5% of the population...
You sure about that "fact"? As sure as you are about everything else?
From your link:
Teenage black males have the highest victimization rate (113 per 1,000 in 1992)
Now I wonder who is going around victimizing teenage Black males? Gangs of White racists? The police?
For some segments of the population, crime is not decreasing; in 1992 the violent crime rate for blacks was the highest ever recorded in the NCVS.
For all age groups, black males age 15-24 had the highest homicide rate (159 per 100,000 population).
Homicide data were reported on 25,180 offenders in 1992. Of these offenders for whom sex, age, and race were reported 90% were male 50% were age 15-24 55% were black.
What point were you trying to make?
"...the fact that 50% of violent crimes are committed by 5% of the population...
You sure about that "fact"? As sure as you are about everything else?"
If you think about it, Purp, you will realize that far less than 5% of the population has ever committed a violent crime. If you randomly select 100 Americans, it is highly unlikely that 5 of them are violent criminals. Now, if you select 100 black males ...
Arm yourselves. Learn how use a firearm. Buy bullets to protect yourself. The police can't help you in these situations.
oh and - trust no one.
Statistical discussions of the relative prevalence of black criminality aside, how is the daughter not under arrest? The article makes her look guilty as hell.
Is this bitch going to collect on her parent's life insurance policies after arranging for them to be murdered?
Is it no wonder that you people will buy a truckload of lies and yet ignore the truth that is right in front staring you in the face.
I’ll bite, Howard. What truth is that? There are a number of truths about you lefties I’d be more than happy to elucidate. I’ll start.
The lefties are pure cancer.
- Krumhorn
Sounds like a suicide to me.
Everything then makes sense, as to why an intelligent woman would let her daughter have sex with a convicted felon, and then invite him to live in her house, banging the bedpost against the wall in the next bedroom.
I like how the media paints the murderers lips pink. His little mustache looks like a Hollywood model with a shaved vulva.
Maybe the lawyer can get the charge dropped to manslaughter/conspiracy if the boyfriend testifies against the daughter. He'll claim it was all her idea, he did it for love, he panicked, and ultimately it was her fault. IOW, he's a victim too. Hard to fathom this horrible crime.
mccullough said...
Now she’s rich and the ex-boyfriend is heading to prison.
Well played.
4/8/20, 9:28 AM
Or not so well played, since she and her murderer boyfriend were overheard in ceramics class discussing robbing her parents.
Clearly, she didn't watch enough "Dateline" episodes to realize that it's a bad idea to plot out a crime someplace you can be overheard. But then, criminals are generally not very bright.
I was a football captain and I fucked up. I should have dated girls with liberal moronic parents. I could have moved in and I could have got my rocks off every morning before leaving for the school bus. That would really taken the edge off the morning.
In an alternate universe Carre had a gun and defended himself and his wife by killing the perps.
In a very racist alternate universe, I should add.
Oso Negro asks: Mockturtle, do you acknowledge any correlation between "race" and murder? Or is your pitbull the sweetest, most loving dog ever?
Of course I acknowledge it, Oso. I'm even more anecdotally aware of it than perhaps most white people in that the only two murder victims and murderers I ever knew were both black males. That said, this case has nothing to do with race. The daughter was every bit as guilty as the perps in this plot. And she was white. And, as a watcher of true crime cases on TV, I have seen more than a few with the same plot: Daughter & boyfriend plot to murder parents for money. Most all were white.
And I happen to think pit bulls should all be euthanized. ;-)
It's a funny thing. If you point out that men are far more likely to commit violent crimes than women, the response is, "Well, duh!". This is a thing we all know, and no one says it is "sexist" to remark upon it. But if you point out that black men are far more likely to commit violent crimes than white men, certain people will call you a racist. Met anyone like that?
chuck said... What was the motive?
According to the criminal complaint, a schoolmate recently heard the daughter and boyfriend discussing how they could get money, and the daughter told him that her parents had "bands of money." So.
The evidence in the criminal complaint is compelling. Maybe the daughter now has an attorney and is cooperating with the prosecution. Interesting to note that the police spokesperson said the investigation was ongoing and would not rule out further arrests, although the two primary suspects directly responsible for the murders were arrested and in custody. Sad situation indeed.
Hard to fathom this horrible crime.
That said, this case has nothing to do with race. The daughter was every bit as guilty as the perps in this plot. And she was white.
No, she's not.
And she was white
Meghan Markle mixed. Another daughter, Mei-Lien Converse, is Asian.
Gee, Gahrie---it must have been the black DNA that made her plot her parent's murder, right? Because white teenage girls never do anything like that. /s
I'm just wondering why the state is scared to call it "murder"??
Instead they have some long-winded hyphenated lawyer term for their blood stopped flowing and their brains were on the brick wall.
"it must have been the black DNA that made her plot her parent's murder, right?"
It certainly didn't help. At least, if you believe the time-tested statistics on race and crime.
"I'm just wondering why the state is scared to call it "murder"??"
They're hoping for ANY way to weasel out of charging this guy.
Melanin Uber Alles, for the true cucks of the world - white liberals.
Gee, Gahrie---it must have been the black DNA that made her plot her parent's murder, right? Because white teenage girls never do anything like that. /s
Overreact much? Did I say anything close to that? You made a factual assertion to make a point in an argument and I pointed out to you that the fact was wrong, so you call me a racist. Who knew you were a Democrat?
so you call me a racist
Overreact much? ;-)
"He'll claim it was all her idea, he did it for love, he panicked, and ultimately it was her fault."
Whether true or not, that's probably how the lad's lawyer will want to play it. Out in 20 years if you testify against someone else...
Photo #3 of the Glock looks funny. 357 isn't that common of a round for an automatic. They need to find the murder weapon.
so you call me a racist
Overreact much? ;-)
Think of me like Marty McFly, the one thing you can't call me is a racist.
What is interesting about this story is how little it took for the victims to piss off the killer(s). The parents paid for temporary shelter and were about to pay for an apartment. You would think that this would be something an irresponsible, 18-year-old person would welcome.
But it was too little, too late. The parents had disrespected them by asking them to abide by their (our) distancing rules or leave. This murder has nothing to do with race but more to do with inflated egos.
it must have been the black DNA that made her plot her parent's murder, right?
The only person I've noticed in this thread talking about any genetically influenced traits--at least explicitly-- is "A Voice of Reason," who blames violent crime on low IQ (n part).
The racial component of this that I suspect is the ingestion of heavy doses of social-justice blah-blah by the daughter, administered by her parents over the years. If you think your parents' wealth is due to their privileged status as whites, then why not implement some privatized redistribution? It's a shame they had to die, but they shouldn't have resisted--the hypocrites!
What a revolting story. I have some pretty liberal, very close, friends; one couple with five (biological) children and another couple that married late and adopted an infant girl from Guatemala. The couple with five children understood the need for boundaries in raising their kids. There were a lot of challenges, but the kids have all matured and are useful members of society. My friends that adopted were completely committed to "supporting" their child, to the exclusion of any boundaries (IMO). She learned early in life that her parents would indulge her wants, as well as her needs. At around age 7 or 8, she decided that school was too stressful and stopped going. She developed anti-social behaviors and an internet addiction. They've invested in personal counselors and therapists as well as family counseling. It's a tragic situation, the girl is now 17 and is nothing short of a manipulative terror.
I really feel for people with children like this. When they get to adolescence and make poor decisions, you can't just turn them loose (although, some parents will). But, if you wait until adolescence to establish boundaries, you're probably too late.
It wasn't anger but greed, IMO.
This conversation isn't going anywhere. The facts are sad. The perps are bad. The opinionation is mad.
The diversity (i.e. racist) motivated torture, rape, and abortion of Christian and Newsom.
Thus spake Owen
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
I guess Martin Luther King, Jr. is on the outs now with the Black community...
"You sure about that "fact"? As sure as you are about everything else?"
Always the BS left-wing pushback. Just admit the truth for once. Black have committed at least 50% of the homicides for the last 50 years. Look up the Crime stats.
The daughter was Latina, apparently adopted from Guatemala. It looks like she had contact with her birth family, which could have helped alienate her from her adopted family.
You can find a picture of Khari Sanford online with glasses (horn-rimmed, I think), a checked shirt and a bowtie. That could have been the guy some people met. Then there are the pictures of him in a t-shirt posing with his gun. That was probably who he was to his friends. He may have come across very differently depending on who he was talking to and what would impress them.
I don't doubt that Potter and Carre were wacky people, but in their professions (doctor and educational counselor) they may have been useful. Of course, they could have been completely awful, but it sounds like it was easier for patients to talk to her than to some other doctors, and that counts for something. Ditto if that was true for the guidance counselor husband.
I'm surprised the press showed photos of the killers instead of just labeling them as "Youths".
So many of these crooks/killers are "fine upstanding young men" until someone starts looking into the details. Remember Trayvon, Obama's Son? Just a 13 y/o kid out for skittles [insert picture of Trayvon when he was 10] when a big, bad, white guy named Zimmerman, shot him while "walking black".
Of course, we know now 17 y/o Trayvon had a "gangta thing" going on, loved to fight, pose with guns, had burglery tools and was 6 feet tall. And Zimmerman was Democrat voting Hispanic, who got ambushed.
We also got other phoniness from the media. Epstein was described as a "Billionaire philanthropist" and Weinstein was labeled a "Movie mogul with a social conscience".
One problem with inter-racial adoptions is its harder to maintain the believe that your parents are your father and mother. Its obviously one reason by Soon-yi had no trouble having an affair with Mia's boyfriend.
David53 said...
Photo #3 of the Glock looks funny. 357 isn't that common of a round for an automatic. They need to find the murder weapon.
.357 SIG, which is what the murderers used, is a very common autoloader round and was first used by Sig Sauer for the P229.
@ I have misplaced my pants = thank you for your story, sometimes we just don't understand, so sad.
Lori Lightfoot accusing "trigger pullers" being inconsiderate of stretched health resources.
7 dead, 14 wounded last night.
The Guatemalan adopted daughter's overheard planning a robbery (at least) of her parents, alibis for her BF and messages on the night of her parent's murder all seem pretty cold. As with Soon Yi and Moses Farrow's description of life with Mia the adopted child's upbringing by a virtue signaling White Liberal can be pretty cold. If it turns out the couple's other kids were biological children that could explain a lot. Karma can be a real bitch.
The Odds of Violent Crime Are Higher than You Think
With that point in mind, let’s look at the odds of violent criminal victimization. In 2018, 3.3 million people ages 12 and older were victimized in 6 million violent crimes. There were 23.2 violent victimizations per 1,000 U.S. residents ages 12 and older, meaning 2.3 percent of Americans 12 and older were victims of violent crime in 2018. This is much greater than the baseline odds of injury from motor vehicle accidents, for which preparation is rational.
If you have a 1-in-50 baseline chance of being violently victimized each year, wouldn’t it be rational to take prudent measures to protect yourself? I think so.
That is exactly why millions of ordinary Americans own guns. Firearms are extremely effective in preventing injury and do not require a great deal of effort to use and keep around. Guns are a perfectly reasonable, cost-effective, safe, and convenient form of risk mitigation.
Owning a gun is like keeping a spare tire in your trunk, a first aid kit at home, or an emergency savings account. We hope never to use them, but we’re glad we have them. None of this indicates paranoia. Carrying a gun is similar to carrying insurance, except it’s better: You actually get to collect the benefits without having to incur serious harm...
this is what happens when Eloi adopt Morlocks.
Rcocean recalls: We also got other phoniness from the media. Epstein was described as a "Billionaire philanthropist" and Weinstein was labeled a "Movie mogul with a social conscience".
And let us not forget Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as an "austere religious scholar."
Lori Lightfoot accusing "trigger pullers" being inconsiderate of stretched health resources.
7 dead, 14 wounded last night.
But her hair looked nice.
Someone beat me to it. Yep 357 Magnum pistols are rare. But, yep, Glock makes a 357 Sig, a round specifically made for semi-autos.
Details are sketchy indeed. Strikes me that .357 Sig is a pricey item, to purchase as well as practice with. Prestigious no doubt. The parents here were Olympic class enablers, by these accounts, detectable in commenter's statements as well. Enablers tend to run roughshod over boundaries. Never ends well, not always in homicide, never well though.
Epstein... Weinstein... sooooo last year! Refresh my memory there!
“It looks like she had contact with her birth family, which could have helped alienate her from her adopted family.”
I have a similar thought. The dynamic is all too plausible. Especially with some kinds of parents. I have known two cases of “re uniting”. Neither was a productive exercise from what I saw.
Beth and Robin were my college classmates. I can't say I was ever close to either of them but, being a small school, we all seemed to know one another a little. Our entire community is devastated by this horrific and senseless crime.
A beneficiary who kills cannot profit by that. Most (all?) states have so-called slayer statutes that automatically revoke property interests. Here is the beginning of Wisconsin's law:
854.14 Beneficiary who kills decedent.
(2) Revocation of benefits. Except as provided in sub. (6), the unlawful and intentional killing of the decedent does all of the following:
(a) Revokes a provision in a governing instrument that, by reason of the decedent's death, does any of the following:
1. Transfers or appoints property to the killer.
2. Confers a power of appointment on the killer.
3. Nominates or appoints the killer to serve in any fiduciary or representative capacity, including personal representative, trustee, or agent.
(b) Severs the interests of the decedent and killer in property held by them as joint tenants with the right of survivorship or as survivorship marital property and transforms the interests of the decedent and the killer into tenancies in common or marital property, whichever is appropriate.
(c) Revokes every statutory right or benefit to which the killer may have been entitled by reason of the decedent's death
So after reading the criminal complaint, my initial reaction, was that this was really good, solid police work by the Madison police force. They got seemingly a very solid case against both boyfriend and his male friend, and have them both in jail in less than a week. Hopefully they don't stop looking at daughter, because at the very least she is guilty of lying to police officers, and aiding and abetting. And it is conceivable she is guilty of Felony Murder. She needs to spend some time in prison. I hope the DA makes it a point to file an inter pleader in the estate of the victims so that daughter dearest is stripped of any all rights to inheritance.
And not to speak ill of the dead, because I certainly don't blame the victims for their own murder, but I can't imagine why they thought it was appropriate for their daughter's boyfriend to live with their daughter and them. Especially, since he had previously been involved in stealing a car.
The other thing I noted about the Boyfriend in the article was this quote, "Sanford was active with a community group in the Allied Drive neighborhood known as the Brotherhood, which organized sports for youth and served as a place for racial justice advocacy and mentoring for black teenage boys."
I highlighted what I think is the important part. I have no doubt the goal of the group is to prevent young black men from turning to crime, but I wonder if some of the stuff they preach may lead some young black men to think they are victims, that they have been, and are continuing to be wronged, that it is white people who have done this and are doing this, and that all white people are to blame. That might explain how he was morally able to justify at the time killing two innocent people who had literally taken him in, and then later provided him another place at which to live.
This is a horrific but fascinating story. There are all kinds of dark undercurrents but none of them can be subsumed under a politically correct narrative. I wonder if this story will be covered by the major news networks or if an important writer will find it worthwhile to pick at all the details and write a book about it.....I have never seen a movie or tv show that depicted an interracial romance as anything other than idyllic. I'm sure such romances exist. I had one--for a while anyway-- but I've known of many that didn't work out and crashed disastrously.
I so tire of hearing of a "brutal execution" or a "brutal rape." It seems that every forcible rape is reported as "brutal" and that a single bullet to the head is somehow "brutal." The English language as used by reporters, print and otherwise, is moribund and always lacking in proper grammar.
Also, purely to belittle and make fun of Sanford, since it looks like he is a murderer, given that this, Captain of the Football team, who had applied to many colleges, was 5'9" and 150 lbs., the only position he was going to be playing college ball was Left Out.
Hooray for diversity! Such a #blessing!
Blogger jimbino said...
I so tire of hearing of a "brutal execution" or a "brutal rape."
I'm generally with you on this. However, in this case the victims appeared to be dragged out of their house in the dead of night, while in their underwear, taken to secluded area then shot shot multiple times, including in the back of the head. I think brutal is a fair descriptor for that type of murder. That must have been at the minimum a good 10-15 minutes of absolute terror.
A bit reminiscent of Jayme Closs case. Might have been an influence.
Yeah, I was thinking that too- the captain of the football team was an awfully little fella. In my milwaukee high school, the O-linemen typically had to lose weight to qualify for heavyweight wrestling (then weight limit of 275 lbs, they were easily 300 during football season, in HIGH SCHOOL). if you didn't get pancaked by them, you got to meet our 225 lb fullback. If he didn't stiff arm you off the field, you finally got to our 175 lb running back.
Good luck with that attempted tackle.
But then again we actually had some of our players go on to play college ball, unlike this weasel loser.
Khari Sanford: Teen Accused in Murders of Wisconsin Doctor & Her Husband
"...Forty-two weeks ago, Sanford wrote on Facebook, “we gon change this world, cause it’s time to let our diversity and youth shine over all oppressive systems and rebuild our democracy✊����.” In 2019, he wrote, “Used to be a wild child I had to calm down.” He also wrote: “…came from nothin������.”
+ Lotsa photographs, including his mugshot.
It was only another murder by Black thugs of Whites as is the case many, many, times the
Uhhh...does he have any family?
Also, purely to belittle and make fun of Sanford, since it looks like he is a murderer, given that this, Captain of the Football team, who had applied to many colleges, was 5'9" and 150 lbs., the only position he was going to be playing college ball was Left Out.
The video on his Facebook page shows him wearing #23 and making a tackle. He was either a safety or a small linebacker.
The video on his Facebook page shows him wearing #23 and making a tackle. He was either a safety or a small linebacker.
Yeah I saw that, and even considering only the positions of safety or defenseive back, let alone linebacker, 5'9 and 150 lbs. is too small to play in college.
I gay-ron-tee the football team captain has a long record of criminal behavior, covered up by jock-sniffing educrats and reporters--so much so that he thought he could get away with murder.
If they can find that either victim ever used the N-word he'll end up with a medal
"where he had been captain of the football team and was waiting to hear back from colleges he’d applied to attend"
Everyone seems to think those two clauses are related, but that's an unsupported assumption from the original statement. Given Sanford's unremarkable size that many have noted, the two facts are likely completely independent of each other. Lots of HS football captains apply to college without having any chance to (or even intending to) play football there. Fortunately, very few also murder their girlfriend's parents.
Depraved people do evil acts, alas. No amount of psychologizing or social amelioration or education or material goods or any of it will eliminate this. But a society which doesn't like to call evil evil or depravity depravity will be at a disadvantage in dealing with these sorts of people in these sorts of situations.
Melius illi erat si natus non fuisset-- better for this man that he were not born. That is a singular judgment on the one man (Victoria's third responsory for Holy Thursday, sung by The Sixteen) but I suspect many of us are tempted to make it in other contexts, too.
"...Captain of the Football team, who had applied to many colleges, was 5'9" and 150 lbs., the only position he was going to be playing college ball was Left Out."
He probably wasn't trying to play college ball, unless at the lowest, small-school, probably non-scholarship level. Maybe some well-meaning educational consultant (who shall remain nameless) convinced him that he was smart enough to go to college purely as a student, and not a "student-athlete", or maybe the Dunning-Kruger was strong with this one.
Or maybe he could bulk up with steroids. I doubt he's averse to taking illicit drugs.
"And not to speak ill of the dead, because I certainly don't blame the victims for their own murder.." It's not a matter of speaking ill -- Carre and Potter don't give a shit, but it's common as dirt for crime victims to bear at least some responsibility, to whatever degree, for the offenses committed against them, either because they also commit related crimes, or because of their own poor judgment. Learn from their mistakes.
Have you ever heard of a gentle execution?
And what's with senseless violence anyway?
You can take the young man out of the 'hood, but with brainwashing provided by the progressive left with their ideas of white racism, white systemic racism, white privilege and oppressive political systems like the U.S, you can't take the 'hood out of the young man.
Khari Sanford
Never met anyone named Khari. I wasn't wrong about the face I'd see when I googled him.
name a girl Bambi, Candy, Destiny, you're going to end up with a daughter who lives up to her stripper name.
Name a boy Khari, and you're going yo end up with a thug as he lives up to his name. We thought carefully about the names we gave our 5 children.
name a girl Bambi, Candy
I knew slightly Bambi Udall, Mo's daughter, she turned out OK.
I knew a "Candy" who was an aerospace engineer at Martian Marionette before it became Lockheed-Martin. The management called her a "free spirit".
Here are some pics of Miriam, she looks like the European-featured mulattas so popular on teevee shows nowadays.
"LG thought more bad stuff was going on but Beth Potter didn’t tell her. LG said Beth Potter doesn’t usually get frustrated, but was clearly frustrated during their conversation.
NK stated Beth Potter had expressed to her bad feelings about Khari Sanford. NK advised Beth was usually very calm, but lately had been acting stressed and not like herself."
Have you ever heard of a gentle execution?
Lethal injection is pretty gentle, as executions go. Too gentle, IMO.
Hmmm. The people who built Western Civilization were racists. The people presiding over its destruction are painfully, absurdly, anti-racist.
What conclusions can we draw?
Silly name calling, personal slurs, death threats, blatant lies about things I've said/ never stops.
There simply is no reasoning with people like this.
Betcha 50 bucks the murders and likely the girl smoke marijuana.
Keep telling yourself that just because you haven't gone off the deep end from drug induced brain alterations that at least 5% of the population who smokes MJ don't end up having serious psychotic episodes and 1% of those end up committing violent crime.
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