April 2, 2020

"This is ridiculous. Even if our most optimistic expectations about the coronavirus come true, the convention should be canceled, not postponed."

My son John writes (on Facebook) reacting to "Democratic National Convention to Be Postponed Until Mid-August" (Wall Street Journal).


Jupiter said...

He does not seem to understand that he is suggesting we shut down the political economy on account of a lousy pandemic.

TreeJoe said...

You mean the DNC complains about Trump but has shown incompetence in their early caucus, pushed out their female and people of color early on, hasn't been able to adapt to a global pandemic in their primary responsibilities, and are now treating their convention as more important than DNC member health?

Sounds about right.

DavidUW said...

We will not be down to zero new cases. Repeat we will not be down to zero new cases.

We will not still be shut down with non-zero new cases.

The only question is how much damage we endure before we collectively say we're getting back to work. And screw the power tripping politicians.

Francisco D said...

Postpone it now and if necessary, cancel it later.

I cannot understand why that is so difficult to comprehend.

Original Mike said...

Cancelling the convention, and the attendant riots, would be to their advantage.

Nonapod said...

Put it this way: If the worst of this hasn't been passed well before August... if we're at the point that we just can't have major conventions by then, then we've got a far, far bigger problem. In that case we'd be talking about the end of Western Civilization as we know it, I think it'd be fair to say. It'd be such a massive economic hit at that point that we'd be heading to Road Warrior territory.

Etienne said...

Conventions are like dial-up modems.

tcrosse said...

Can Biden hold on that long?

Inga said...

A convention would be a waste of money. Take that money and fill up the empty food banks.

Anthony said...

I'm starting to think Trump may run essentially unopposed. Biden won't know who the hell he's even running against by November. Anyone else will be a contentious placeholder.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

They can still cancel it later. But I thought the pessimistic projection released this week showed transmission dying down to almost nothing by July 1.

gerry said...

Take that money and fill up the empty food banks.

Inga, that's not how socialism works. You first hire hundreds of bureaucrats to oversee seizure of food for redistribution to the cities (see Stalin, Ukraine, Starving the farmers, Holodomor genocide). First, of course, the seized food has to be picked over by bureacrats' families.

Leland said...

I agree, that's a ridiculous statement to make.

DKWalser said...

I think John is ignoring the legal requirements to hold a convention. That is, I believe many states have ballot requirements that will not be met if the Democrat's candidate is not officially nominated by its national convention. It would, of course, be possible to change those legal requirements. However, changing the laws of each state may require their legislatures to meet (at the height of the pandemic) -- which might be a greater risk to public safety than holding the DNC convention in August.

David Begley said...

Cancel it and crown Hillary as the nominee.

zipity said...

Dang. I was so looking forward to the Bernie Bros and Anti-fa riots...

The Godfather said...

I propose that 10 Althouse commenters be selected at random to choose the Democrat nominee. They can confer via Face Time.

Ken B said...

The future is unknown. What is postponed can still be canceled. This is the same mistake those freaking out about Trump's Easter date made: mistaking the tentative hope for the committed action.

SGT Ted said...

"Postpone it now and if necessary, cancel it later.

I cannot understand why that is so difficult to comprehend."

There's zero drama value in that.

Lance said...

There is the possibility of finding an effective rabbit-out-of-the-hat treatment between now and end-of-summer. Not at all likely, but possible. So I can see why they would postpone rather than cancel.

Buckwheathikes said...

The very last thing the Democrats will want is stumblin' bumblin' Joe Biden in front of a large crowd, glaring lights, and on television, attempting to ramble through an acceptance speech. That would be a disaster of Alzheimerian proportions.

Your son is right.

Kai Akker said...

Cancel the convention and then postpone the election. It wouldn't be faaaaiir. Try 2021. It might work better after a couple more impeachments.

Alternately, a theoretical election made up of approved polls could substitute. Throw yourself on the mercy of the Supreme Court in filing this suit. Require all Republican appointees to recuse due to conflict of interest. What an amazing majority!

Etienne said...

Last week Biden thought he was running for the Senate.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ConradBibby said...

This talk about postponing or cancelling elections needs to stop. People can choose to come out to vote or not, but we can't set a precedent that the guaranty of elections at certain pre-established intervals is subject to the judgment of the people already in power as to whether this is good for the country or not.

n.n said...

A planned convention? Good choice. Are there any viable Democrat candidates?

rcocean said...

Cancelled? Sorry you cannot cancel a Presidential Convention. We had one during WW 2 and during the Civil War. There's no reason to believe that we'll still be "locked down" in August. That is hysterical. John needs to get back to his movie list.

bgates said...

What's the limit on public gathering in Wisconsin? Ten people? Require attendees to swear on a stack of Korans that out of the 330 million people in the country, the one most suited to be president is Joe Biden. Problem solved.

Kevin said...

Are we still allowed to laugh? Because I just did.

rcocean said...

Usually the Parties use the Conventions to showcase their nominee and get a "Bounce" in the polls. In the Democrats case, their whole strategy is to hide their nominee. Like Hillary, the less you see of Biden, the better you like them. So, will it be cancelled? Stay Tuned. PS: Notice the Bernie Bros say nothing. Like I predicted, they are falling in line to support Trump.

Kevin said...

Party of Science won't let Science stop its Party.

rcocean said...

Cancelling convention does prevent Joe Biden from getting lost on his way there.

narciso said...

next on law and order, mesa

Bay Area Guy said...

Biden will be there whether it's cancelled or not:)

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I know people in the restaurant business in Milwaukee who were looking forward to raking it in due to the DNC convention. Now they're struggling to survive.

Francisco D said...
Postpone it now and if necessary, cancel it later.

I cannot understand why that is so difficult to comprehend.

4/2/20, 12:54 PM

I don't get it either. Personally, I would prefer not to have a zillion obnoxious Democrats around here this summer, as we already have too many of them. But local businesses are counting on it. Many of the usual sports events and festivals scheduled for the early summer are already being cancelled or postponed.

This CANCEL ALL THE THINGS!!!!! hysteria assumes that nothing will get better by August - that we won't have effective treatments or know more about what we're dealing with.

AllenS said...

The Democrat bigwigs, and the Democrat voters want to cancel the nomination for one reason, and one reason only -- Joe Robinette Biden

Sebastian said...

"the convention should be canceled, not postponed."

Nah. Just keep old people away. Let healthy young people take care of business.

Sebastian said...

"The only question is how much damage we endure before we collectively say we're getting back to work. And screw the power tripping politicians."

What if the Dems panic into cancellation but the GOP shows resolve by going ahead? For example, the GOP could indeed keep risk groups out, test attendees, and encourage participation by delegates who have recovered.

Of course, much of the result will depend on the reaction of the mushy middle of the electorate. For now, nice women are still in "if we only save one life!" mode, hence the continued CYA lockdowns.

Anyway, we'd better be back to work by then, or otherwise even staycations will become seriously unpleasant.

brylun said...

I wonder how much John will object if we postpone the Presidential election to 2021?

Like the Olympics?

wild chicken said...

Going through the same thing re our local fundraiser and state convention. I say cancel. ButI guess everyone else was watching Fox? and still don't want to sound credulous to other Republicans? I dunno.

The only Fox I watch is Fox Business with the sound off. And I turned Rush off a long time ago.

Browndog said...

Another problem I saw was candidates not allowed to gather signatures to get on the ballot in local races.

Big problem.

Dave Begley said...

Biden can accept the nomination from his basement in Wilmington. Science! Joe can't be exposed to the Wuhan virus.

Browndog said...

The Godfather said...

I propose that 10 Althouse commenters be selected at random to choose the Democrat nominee. They can confer via Face Time.

Is Joe Lieberman still a democrat?

Dave Begley said...


I select Hillary. She will then be a three time loser and America will finally be rid of the Clintons.

veni vidi vici said...

They found a way to traverse the generally accepted protocol of "out-party goes first".

Does anyone now believe the convention will present anything at all other than "Orange Man Bad" for its entire duration? While it's clearly the only thing the Dems have had for awhile as "unifying principles" go, they're setting themselves up to just armchair-quarterback the GOP convention, Colbert-style.

It's going to be the most ridiculous of shitshows.

Gusty Winds said...

PLEASE don't cancel the convention. If Biden is the nominee, his acceptance speech is going to be a train wreck.

Gahrie said...

If this shit isn't under control by august postponing the convention will be the least of our worries.

bgates said...

Just keep old people away

If Biden, Bernie, and Hillary were absented from Milwaukee and entombed in the Great Pyramid for the duration of the convention, it would lower the average age in both locations, and by roughly the same amount.

Michael said...


A cancelled convention would bring the Clintons to orgasm.

stevew said...

If they cancel it all together how will they choose and confirm their candidate? The old time "smoke filled room"? That noise you hear creeping up behind you is the sound of a Clinton.

Yancey Ward said...

Bring back Buttuvwxyz!!!!!

Gk1 said...

"Sorry you cannot cancel a Presidential Convention. We had one during WW 2 and during the Civil War." YES. Exactly. People are losing their heads. As a project manager I am pulling my hair out at the complete lack of risk management and "critical thinking" by our so-called elites. Shelter in place was meant as a means to an end to flatten the curve not live under house arrest until we have 0 infections and 0 deaths. Thats just not possible (or prudent)

Bruce Hayden said...

“Can Biden hold on that long”

Or is that the plan, figuring that he, or his wife in his stead, will have bowed out by August?

This does pose timing problems for the Democrats. I expect that the plan was to ease China Joe out shortly after the convention, and replace him with a mentally more alert specimen. Maybe even the odious Crooked Hillary. If they do the switch before the convention they are likely to earn the wrath (and refusal to vote for the Dem candidate) of the Bernie Bros. I would expect that every AntiFA thug without a significant fever would flock to Milwaukee to help protest the stealing of the nomination from the second place candidate, old Bernie. But they really need their campaign to be in full operation by Labor Day, and that becomes very problematic, esp not knowing their actual candidate until late August.

Should be interesting.

rehajm said...

There's zero drama value in that.

It's grounds for claiming an illegitimate re-election ofTrump and 'grounds' for impeachment...

...and I'm one who usually tries to stick to the issues but this John guy seems like one more data point in the yes column of intelligence is mean reverting.

Yancey Ward said...

"If Biden is the nominee, his acceptance speech is going to be a train wreck."

Ah, you haven't seen the Bidentron-2100, have you? Life-like old man skin and hair plugs- chromium plated teeth, and the latest Intel processor. It will even do 1000 pushups in a minute.

rehajm said...

...and yes, If we're still pulling this shit in August the absence of an economy is the least of our worries...

Yancey Ward said...

"A convention would be a waste of money. Take that money and fill up the empty food banks."

Inga, have you met people from the DNC?

Wince said...

Cancel the entire Democrat Party, dag-nabbit!

Drago said...

It was encouraging to see Joe Biden only took 17 minutes during his event yesterday to realize where the camera actually was.

Things are looking up dems!

James Pawlak said...

Many years ago I put my life at risk by enlisting in the US Navy. I was, indeed, was assigned to one of the five/six (Then) most dangerous, enlisted grade, billets. I survived and that undamaged in body and mind.

Our nation's VA-and-military hospitals and cemeteries are full of those who did not survive or now live in a very damaged state.

After that service I graduated university and was involved in "risky" (Paid and unpaid) civilian work as has been shared by many police officers, fire-fighters and other such heroes. Some of those also have "paid the price" of such duties.

For myself, I consider our "system" of political rallies and party-conventions essential to the maintaining of our Democratic-Republic.

If, and only if, we Americans still retain some small part of that courage (As demonstrated: From the Concord and Lexington of 1775 to those who today protect us us from those waging Jihad; And, the peace officers and fire-fighters of today) we should not avoid (ie Run away from) those, very public, demonstrations of our patriotic courage. Yes, there is some, very small, risk of physical harm or even death.

Is "bearing witness" to our nation at rallies, conventions and polling places still a part of our People's character?

Steve Pitment said...

Sorry to hear you raised a Sitzpinkler.

Oso Negro said...

Jesus. John is sound a bit like an hysterical bitch just now.

Bay Area Guy said...

In California, the curve started flat, stayed flat, and will remain flat. Gavin Newsome will declare that his SIP saved millions of lives, and will be triumphantly feted across the country - potential VP for Figurehead Joe? (Wink, wink....)

Too bad he's a straight, white male....,,,

madAsHell said...

He's looking for the Trump-is-Hitler angle, and cancelled the Democrat convention. The next thing he's going to do is cancel the November election, and declare himself impeached President-for-Life!!


pacwest said...

Doctors and researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center are saying they’ve created a vaccine that can protect against developing COVID-19 and they want federal permission for human trials.

Birkel said...

Anything to protect the Democratics who have an old man in serious mental decline that they need to replace.

Mark O said...

Trump should be reelected by acclamation.

n.n said...

Hold the candidates, have the convention, and help the local businesses, employees, laborers, and community remain viable.

narciso said...

now with retsin

narciso said...


Ken B said...

I don’t want to harsh anyone's mellow but ... there is a non-trivial chance the Democrats might have an incumbent to nominate.
Keep Pence safe!

And seriously, the gop needs to have a replacement VP ready to nominate and confirm at a moment’s notice. You cannot leave a vacancy in the succession!

Bob Loblaw said...

Put it this way: If the worst of this hasn't been passed well before August... if we're at the point that we just can't have major conventions by then, then we've got a far, far bigger problem. In that case we'd be talking about the end of Western Civilization as we know it, I think it'd be fair to say. It'd be such a massive economic hit at that point that we'd be heading to Road Warrior territory.

No. The 1918 Spanish flu, which was worse, lasted about 18 months. That didn't end Western Civilization, or come close to it. At some point people will have to go back to work, and that will happen even if this epidemic is still raging.

Butkus51 said...

I think they should have the convention in NYC this week. Democratic politician attendance should be mandatory. And then turn creepy Joe loose.

Mark said...

No reason a convention could not be virtual with voting via secured internet.

narciso said...


eric said...

This is one for the history books.

And by history books I mean this summer.

When we realize we had such a giant overreaction and destroyed our economy for nothing and people are saying, "Well, it's because of the actions we took!"

Not John though. He's straight up predicted even the most optimistic projections won't have this over and in the history books in a few months.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Why does John think that?

DavidUW said...

Bay Area Guy
I'm pretty sure he's "flexible"

But yes, Gavin will destroy the state and take credit for saving it.

God save us from another such victory.

Achilles said...

Bay Area Guy said...

Too bad he's a straight, white male....,,,

I thought Newsome was gay.

alanc709 said...

"Browndog said...
The Godfather said...

I propose that 10 Althouse commenters be selected at random to choose the Democrat nominee. They can confer via Face Time.

Is Joe Lieberman still a democrat?"

What difference would it make? He's at least as much a Democrat as Bernie.

Yancey Ward said...

I don't Bay Area Guy- I keep coming back to the fact that 2/3s of the tests California has run are still pending. In the last 24 hours, the state has run about 3000 new tests. Now, this might not be a bad thing if people aren't requesting tests because there aren't that many who are sick, but could it be because they have given up on getting results?

I am just saying, it might well be that the cases and deaths in California are all there in exact same proportion as everywhere else outside New York, New Jersey, and Michigan, but that the testing just isn't revealing as much.

One weird note- until today, there was a column for total tests run in the US and in the individual states. That has vanished for some reason. I only noted it because I had been using that column to determine how many additional tests my state and California had run. Now I have to add up the negatives and positives and then account for the new pendings. Much harder to see the progress in the base number.

brylun said...

Former Obama Adviser Plouffe: Trump Will See Near ‘Historic’ Turnout, Biden in ‘Very Dangerous’ Spot

bagoh20 said...

At this time in 2018, we had just had the worst flu season in at least 40 years, which peaked in February. Deaths were 10 times where we are today with COVID. Nobody even brought up the idea of postponing or cancelling anything. Seems like we should have.. times 10.

bagoh20 said...

"Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"

NMObjectivist said...

I think people don't understand exponential growth and decline. By August it may be over.

Meade said...

In this time of coronavirus, it sounds to me like the only ones who want to go ahead with the Democratic party national convention as planned... are not Democrats.

DanTheMan said...

>>No reason a convention could not be virtual with voting via secured internet.

Let the D's take their own medicine and allow convention voting by mail. A few million extra ballots will arrive, and R's can insist they Count Every Vote.

Meade said...

The question is: when will public health officials stop recommending against travel and large gatherings? If summer inhibits the virus and if the virus mutates itself away like SARS and MERS did, things could be getting back to normal by late September. But even best case senarios I'm seeing don't have that possibility happening as early as midsummer.

Dems know they have a bad candidate. Cancelling the convention would save resources for 2024.

Birkel said...

Well since we'll all be headed toward starvation and widespread rioting long before mid-summer, none of what you wrote makes sense, Meade.

Quaestor said...

Yes, we're still allowed to laugh. The thought of the DNC, whether delayed or canceled, provokes peals of derisive laughter.

bagoh20 said...

We're not changing horses in mid stream anyway, so what does it matter, or as Biden might say: If you find a cornpop in your undies, why is it a muffin, and not a cupcake? C'mon man!

Josephbleau said...

They would not need secure internet voting at an internet convention. It’s all public, let someone from the great state of South Fremont go on camera and extend their 3 votes for their favorite son. Everyone could count them on air and if someone hacked in pretending to be the delegate the true distinguished person could raise a stink in public.

FullMoon said...

NMObjectivist said... [hush]​[hide comment]

I think people don't understand exponential growth and decline. By August it may be over.

About the same time five minute tests, ventilators,masks, vaccine and cure arrives.

FullMoon said...

"No reason a convention could not be virtual with voting via secured internet."

Good one !

Tim said...

Wuhan virus is going to turnout to be about like the seasonal flu. I guess we should shut the country down every years at March 1 to May 1.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Ysncey Ward,

Yeah, you have good insights on all this stuff.

As a clinical matter, though, if you have NO symptoms, and aren't in a risk group (old or sick), you shouldn't take the test. We don't give MRI's to healthy people - if we did, we find all sorts of scary stuff, that would confuse matters.

As an epidemiological study, yes, it would great to give tests to the general population, and determine once and for how far and how deep it already spread. We'd find a lotta asymptomatic people testing positive, which would lower the CFR.

Did you see The Lancet paper where China CFR was lowered to 0.66%? Caveat - ChiCom data is unreliable.

Darn, I've strayed. Back to Biden.

There once was a man from Delaware.
Who floated thru life quite unaware.
He sniffed a gal's hair
He sniffed without care
He's lost like Grandpa at the County Fair

FullMoon said...

I keep coming back to the fact that 2/3s of the tests California has run are still pending. In the last 24 hours, the state has run about 3000 new tests. Now, this might not be a bad thing if people aren't requesting tests because there aren't that many who are sick, but could it be because they have given up on getting results?

What if a large majority of tests come back negative? What affect on the ratio of covid to other illness? With sparsity of tests, no doubt only those showing serious symptoms would be allowed to take the test. Peripheral who manages satellite office of major hospital was feeling ill,fever, aching. called higher ups for instructions. Told no test, stay home.

Apparently a simple bad cold

Here is a link to Santa Clara County site with stats. Seems we have available rooms and ventilators.
(COVID-19) Data Dashboard

DanTheMan said...

In Florida, roughly half of our hospital beds are available. Even with the huge outbreak in Miami-Dade county, they are at 35% free.

Florida hospital bed census"

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I thought Newsome was gay.

4/2/20, 6:43 PM

He used to be married to Kimberly Guilfoyle when he was mayor of San Francisco. She went on to Fox News and then left when she began dating Donald Trump, Jr. They are still together.

From first lady of San Francisco to Don Jr.'s girlfriend. That's quite a long strange trip.

Kirk Parker said...

Bob Loblaw,

I don't think Nonapod is saying that will be the result of the virus, but rather the result of the ongoing house arrest of America and the consequent destruction of the economy.

wendybar said...

I, for one, hope they have it so I can hear them BOO God once again!!!

Greg the class traitor said...

Sorry, but your son is such a hard core leftist that he's effectively an idiot.

If the Democrats and Biden can't manage to put on a nominating convention in August, then they're not qualified to be in charge of the Country, and Biden's most certainly not qualified to be President of the US.

The process of running for office, especially for President, is an audition. Show us your best. If your best is "we need to run away and hide", you fail

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