ADDED: Here's Governor Abbott's order limiting freedom of movement in Texas. Key paragraph:
Is protesting a "physical activity like jogging and bicycling"? Are the protesters on the state capitol grounds "visiting a park"? Are they maintaining "necessary precautions"?
ALSO: "We must be outside!"
Note: I've clipped out a few seconds (not 6 minutes, as the video title has it).
८८ टिप्पण्या:
I've come to realize that people who go to protests are generally assholes. Even if I agree with what they are saying.
Not sure what possible interest this 52 minute video could hold. Can't even understand what they are chanting.
My understanding is that Austin is a deep blue city. Interesting if there are protests there..
Not sure what possible interest this 52 minute video could hold. Can't even understand what they are chanting.
Sounded like "All jobs are essential!", but yeah, who's going to watch all that?
Looks like a Tea Party rally to me.
Remember the Alamo.
Unknown, I think Austin is a blue city, but it's the state capital, so maybe they drew in red protesters.
Vicki McKenna live streamed on Facebook the gathering at Moreland and Bluemound just a few miles from my WI home today.
Looked like hundreds if not more attended.
Madison it’s coming to your town on Friday.
Maybe I can meet Ann and Meade??? With a 3 X 24 inch walleye distance between us, of course.
I think they are chanting Our rights are essential, as in the government can't prohibit the peaceable assembly.
I should amend my original comment. There are probably a lot of non-assholes at such protests. The assholes just happen to be the ones doing the things that attract your attention.
Texas has recorded 436 virus deaths out of a population of 29 million.
We’re in the midst of a ludicrous panic. The officials who decided to shut down the state should to face serious repercussions.
I read The NY Times article on the demonstrations that repeats the now standard proclamation that depriving people of their civil liberties, livelihoods, freedom of association and freedom of movement is somehow justified if enough people get frightened.
Where did this notion that our civil liberties are subject to revocation if enough people get scared come from?
As the value of the precautions of social distancing and staying home has eroded, and the data show the severity of the epidemic is significantly less than predicted, the tipping point for a majority of people saying, "Eff this, I'm going back to pre-pandemic normal activity" approaches.
Meanwhile, I'm roasting a chicken on my charcoal grill and enjoying a BOURBON old fashioned. This is a pre-pandemic normal activity for me and mrs. stevew. Carry on!
To put this in perspective:
436 divided by 29,000,000 = .000015.
Texas was shut down over that level of risk!
From the belief that ALL rights are granted to people by the government, and can be taken away for whatever. Forget all of that inalienable stuff - that don't play in socialist democratville, and if you disagree, we have a train waiting for you.
Austin is a huge college town, as well as the capital. It's definitely not a conservative-leaning city.
different models different outcomes, france seems to have won the grim rithmetic prize,
Althouse: "Are they maintaining "necessary precautions"?"
Looks okay to me as long as its okay with them.
And Abbotts order is certainly broad enough to allow just about anything.
Hail from Katy, TX, a western suburb of Houston: yes, Austin is very blue. THE most "liberal" Texans live there. That said, they're still Texan, so sometimes their positions don't altogether fall in line with, say, Seattle's. Mostly they do, but every now and then some individual person's take on progressivism surprises me a little.
This is not an example of such: During the W administration, we were visiting (hard Democrat) friends in Austin. We went to some kitschy little shop, the kind where everything is unnecessary but also locally sourced, artisanal, organic, and expensive. Next to the cash register was a standing display of button pins, the most numerous of which said, "That's ok, I wasn't using my 1st Amendment rights anyway." My eyes rolled back in my head (as they often do in Austin) as I muttered to myself, "If your 1st Amendment rights were actually in jeopardy, you wouldn't be selling snarky anti-government buttons out in the open, genius."
Not a single word about Agutter? The only thing worth watching in the whole sorry production. Sad!
Austin's a nice town to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there, and it attracts young Texans (and others) who are too cool to break a sweat about doing whatever they want NTTAWWT.
And remember, if there are any fringe elements or provocateurs about, the MSDNC will alot 95% of their coverage (if any) to those wackos.
I said worth "watching"
Jenny Agutter. Different beautiful. Unfolding those glorious legs in that short dress.
Grammar error: "like jogging are bicycling." Should read, "like jogging or bicycling."
From Narciso's 4:11 post:
"Professor Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Swedish strategy), the first Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and an advisor to the director general of the WHO, lays out with typically Swedish bluntness why he thinks:
* UK policy on lockdown and other European countries are not evidence-based
* The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only
* This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product”
* The initial UK response, before the “180 degree U-turn”, was better
* The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and he has never seen an unpublished paper have so much policy impact
* The paper was very much too pessimistic
* Any such models are a dubious basis for public policy anyway
* The flattening of the curve is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as the lockdown
* The results will eventually be similar for all countries
* Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people.
* The actual fatality rate of Covid-19 is the region of 0.1%
* At least 50% of the population of both the UK and Sweden will be shown to have already had the disease when mass antibody testing becomes available"
Thanks for the proofreading. It should be "and" — just a typo.
"* The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only"
But, but, that can't possibly work, it's too "ideal," as we've been told by better experts on this very blog.
"*Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people."
Hence the panic. Perhaps I disagree slightly with the interpretation: WuFlu seems milder than mild for the young, and nastier than mild for the very old and sick.
"* The actual fatality rate of Covid-19 is the region of 0.1%."
Unpossible. Doesn't he know it's the new plague?
I live in Austin. It’s been referred to as the “blueberry in the tomato soup”. Democrats have been spending lots of money in the state (Beto) to make Texas blue without much success, so far.
@bagoh20: very interesting. I'm seeing the tide turning, the pressure will increase on the governors to release the restrictions. I'm terrible at predictions but sounds to me as if we will be back to "normal" or something close by mid-May.
Mid May will be WAY too late for the economy. We need to be mostly back to normal, keeping only the old with underlying conditions in VOLUNTARY quarantine, by May 1 latest.
Michigan:...Cases= 30,791....Deaths= 2,308....Deaths/Million= 232
Sweden:.....Cases= 13,822....Deaths= 1,511....Deaths/Million= 150
Sweden remain 11th in deaths/million.
If Michigan was a nation it would be 7th.
I don't remember this much hohooha about h1n1 back in 2009. Oh wait.
420 coming up. Party time in Golden Gate Park for weed smokers.
Government has warned stay home or face consequences.
Be there or be square.
I know someone who recently flew commercial cross county for $14 and was the only passenger on the plane. I just read a story about someone else who did another solo flight.
If you fart on an airplane and nobody is there, does it stink. Nope.
As I have told many yungins in my circles, sharing a joint or bowl right now is not advised. It can make you sterile.
Texas was an independent republic once before, could be again.
Love the “or face consequences”. LOL. Chase me through the park copper. Give me a ticket? Sure, my name is Al Sorry no ID, no papers . Run cop. Catch me. Jesus I wish I could be there, get loaded and fuck with the cops. And their “consequences”
Why is social distancing six feet in the USA and two meters in Canada? What if they’re right? What if we were too close while people died.
Then the old metric vs imperial debate will finally be settled.
One of my neighbors got an email from a friend of his and he now believes in more like 20 feet as the virus can maneuver in the air by itself, without any concern of environmental input, that is witout any wind at all. Nice guy but wound a little tight, and right now his TDS is worse than ever.
Being 65 I can tell you all we need is those older folks, yes including me, to take SERIOUS PRECAUTIONS, and the youngsters CAN GET BACK TO WORK.
Yes rest homes and people who are vulnerable need to wear mask, keep social distancing, and limit travel.
We now understand the virus well, we have remedies at hand, and a vaccine coming.
There is now reason for this shutdown!!! NONE WHAT SOEVER!!!
Being 65 I can tell you all we need is those older folks, yes including me, to take SERIOUS PRECAUTIONS, and the youngsters CAN GET BACK TO WORK.
Yes rest homes and people who are vulnerable need to wear mask, keep social distancing, and limit travel.
We now understand the virus well, we have remedies at hand, and a vaccine coming.
There is now reason for this shutdown!!! NONE WHAT SOEVER!!!
Here's a post on Governor Abbott's plan to reopen the Texas economy.
Blogger Ignorance is Bliss said...
I think they are chanting Our rights are essential, as in the government can't prohibit the peaceable assembly.
Also possibly Pro-abortion rights which is more likely?
---Federal appeals court stops abortions in Texas during lockdown
Also possibly Pro-abortion rights
is that bourbon in the hand-turned walnut shots?
What did you decide for sealer?
Austin may be (very) blue, but you get a little bit out of town, esp. to the south and east, and you'll find lots of conservatives. It's not a long drive -- 30 45 minutes, for folks to get to the capitol and join the protest.
I had a big crush on Jenny Agutter when I was teenager. I watched "An American Werewolf in London" at least 4 times because she was in it.
Hah, you remember! I went with a wipe on poly on the exterior. Five applications. Holding up very nicely. Note though that the liquid isn't in the vessel overly long. And they are larger than shots, though smaller than a standard old fashioned glass. Bourbon, water, luxardo cherries (and a bit of the liquor), angostura bitters, orange bitters. No added sugar. Ice to the top.
The chicken was delicious. Broke the back, stuffed the cavity with citrus and onion. Dusted the exterior with cumin, onion powder, paprika, jerk spices, salt, and pepper. Indirect heat - grill read about 330 degrees F - for about 100 minutes, turned it over about half way through. Moist, flavorful. Ummmm.
Michael said...
Love the “or face consequences”. LOL. Chase me through the park copper. Give me a ticket? Sure, my name is Al Sorry no ID, no papers . Run cop. Catch me. Jesus I wish I could be there, get loaded and fuck with the cops. And their “consequences”
Will be very disappointed if smokers don't show up. Weather has been very nice lately. Gotta wonder how cops will respond to orders from Mayor.
Once upon a time, cops on horseback would club hippies. Times have changed.
Will be a great test.
Yeah, I gave up on this crap when Evers tacked on another month and a half with no explanation, rationalization, or plan. We’re clearly on auto-pilot in Wisconsin waiting for the fabulously successful governors of Illinois and Michigan to give him some direction. Anyway, I see some county sheriffs are now refusing to enforce Evers new directives. I found a garden store open today and purchased some spring plants for the wife. It was a great day. I Hope to see more open soon.
I got to steal that youtube clip for a tweet.
I have wanted to create a gif with a coronavirus with a propeller and a tail rudder just for shits and giggles.
Good to see Conservatives Protesting. And of course the Liberal Establishment hates it. Its "inciting a Rebellion" as that Asshole in Olympia called it.
Jenny Agutter was cute.
I'm pretty SURE, that the guys there are FISHING (for protest chix)
Texas, Where 10 People Are Killed on Roads Every Day
so [assuming that last year's rate is the same as this year's] 109 days* 10people/day=
1090 texans dead by cars so far, THIS YEAR
what's what about 250% MORE PREVENTABLE DEATHS in Texas by cars, than Covid-19 deaths
IF (*IF*) we were concerned about people dying; wouldn't we ban cars?
IF (*IF*) we Are NOT concerned.... Maybe we should get back to work
So has anyone else seen the report by the Israeli scientist that says the virus, no matter what you do, runs about a 70 day cycle?
"I found a garden store open today and purchased some spring plants for the wife"
Those shops have remained open, as have a surprising amount of places that would do curbside pickup.
Went to Jung twice this week, they even had my favorite flower seeds.
"Where did this notion that our civil liberties are subject to revocation if enough people get scared come from?"
Some days ago I commented that each crisis this century begat an ad hoc response that somehow became permanent. 9/11 begat security theater. The great recession begat never ending "stimulus." This may be the misbegotten legacy of the current "crisis."
Michael said...
Why is social distancing six feet in the USA and two meters in Canada? What if they’re right? What if we were too close while people died.
Please! IF we're going to DISTANCE ourselves, we NEED TO USE DISTANCE units
Please stay (at Least!) 0.36363636363636 rods from the next person
Which, you have to admit; it a pretty cool number!
a rod is Exactly 1/320th of a surveyors mile
I think we should use Smoots to measure the distance -
Smoots would work out Very well; just a pinch more than a Smoots will do you fine!
My wife has been putting off going to the Kroger for drugs and food. This afternoon she told me she is actually scared to get out.
We have had about 2000 cases and 100 deaths in the last month in the msa of 1.3 million . . . And last month they were projecting/predicting/modeling orders of magnitude more by now.
But the dear woman spends too much time socializing medially and not enough time thinking about what's being reported.
I volunteered to go, but she conquered her fear
A quarter of a chain! What's a league, smartypants?
A B.C.H.?
So 3.4 or so miles - wait, that's where the WHO director got the 3.4 for a ChinaFlu death rate!!
one 20,000th of a great sea voyage
A ludicrous notion
No tag for using kids as props and potential martyrdom in a political rally?
No PPE no distancing no problem
People here are tactfully neglecting to mention that what gave Jenny Agutter her terrific sex appeal was the fact that there was a full frontal nude scene in all her greatest movies. Back then a full frontal nude scene was ultra wow....I think back then intelligent and awoke actresses used full frontal nudity to show the world that they had transcended all those years of sexual repression that had ruined the lives of so many people. Say goodbye to that moment. "Bliss it was in that dawn to be alive."
Coronavirus is the "fiery ritual of Carousel" that disposes of the elderly?
Three miles. Half a league, half a league, etc.; so 60,000 miles under the sea for Nemo.
Send the kids out of the room and I'll tell you what a B.C.H. is. My sorely missed friend Bobby the jeweler told me it's the finest measure of distance for the close work, as in
"Move it over a BCH."
Blonde Cunt Hair.
As seen on my girlfriend, Jenny Agutter
Admittedly, Jenny Agutter is no Ava Gardner.
But who is anymore?
go to the 42-44 mark. Auntie Annies?
on the logan's run video clip. The 42-44 (there-abouts) is a shopping mall shot with Auntie Annies. LOL.
That wasn't in the movie? right?
Per WP: Logan's Run is a 1976 American science fiction film, directed by Michael Anderson and starring Michael York, Jenny Agutter, Richard Jordan, Roscoe Lee Browne, Farrah Fawcett, and Peter Ustinov.
Auntie Anne's, Inc., is an American chain of pretzel shops founded by Anne F. Beiler and her husband, Jonas, in 1988..
Somebody was having some fun..
Idiots out in Brookfield WI today too. Yelling loudly in each other’s faces. Smart.
Every city larger than Waco in TX is blue.
Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin
Rural TX is farmers and proud pioneers. Grandparents came to TX to be Left Alone.
I blame CA and Mexican invaders for the left shift in cities.
Who cares if Governor Abbott's order prohibited protesting.
What right does he have to limit the God given rights of any free person who happens to be in Texas?
"Make Taxation Theft" shows the paucity of intellect on the left. Don't they realize that EVERYONE must pay their "fair share"? Or did they think they were saying "fare share", and figured that since they don't take the bus, it doesn't apply to them?
Nobody is Ava Gardner nowadays. But Gretchen Whitmer is Jane Russell. Biden will make her VP to win over the influential "full figure gal" demographic. We haven't had one of those in the top echelons of government since I don't know when.
Leave Jenny alone. She's almost seventy and playing a nun.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
I've come to realize that people who go to protests are generally assholes. Even if I agree with what they are saying.
4/18/20, 3:34 PM
I was going to protest this comment but then realized that I do agree.
Mark said... have a surprising amount of places that would do curbside pickup.
4/18/20, 6:45 PM
Sonics says “not sure what all the hoo-ha is”.
All but two commenters seem to have missed the central, obvious, and life enhancing point. Jenny Agutter is really hot.
I read The NY Times article on the demonstrations that repeats the now standard proclamation that depriving people of their civil liberties, livelihoods, freedom of association and freedom of movement is somehow justified if enough people get frightened.
I'm amenable to restrictions on movement in the case of a serious public health emergency. And I can see, given the limited information that we had about the Wuhan Virus, that the government was not totally unreasonable in imposing some sensible restrictions. However, the whole thing has gone way overboard and I think a lot of politicians are going to be shocked by how quickly they are going to be voted at of office.
Jenny Agutter is really hot.
But does she get naked and do porn?
Good morning. Julianne Baird and "Dopo Notte" -- a wonderful wake-up.
Not any more, ST.
I missed a whole lot of commentary last night
Dare I take a peek?
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