The California antibody study has just been released. Using the numbers they report the fatality rate for The CCP virus is 0.10 to 0.14. It's just the flu!
It troubles me that in this setting (and in other settings with politicians of all hues) people do not keep social distancing, or wear masks. It makes me wonder if I'm being duped into these behaviors.
I see that NY is spiking again today. Which means absolutely nothing since they have gone from reporting only confirmed cases to including "probable" estimated cases.
Why does NY feel they have to run up the score with questionable death classifications. They already have the top spot by far with no close second. What's the motivation for that? What's wrong with being honest and having a classification as "unknkown - Clovid +", or "Heart Disease - Clovid +". It's not that hard to be much more accurate on this.
LLR-lefty Chuck, do you quickly take screen shots of your posts before they are deleted in order to demonstrate to your superiors that you have done your job? Or do you simply tabulate the number of anti-republican posts and they take your word for it?
Blogger Mark said... I see that NY is spiking again today. Which means absolutely nothing since they have gone from reporting only confirmed cases to including "probable" estimated cases.
Here are some spikes for you, Blogger Mark. The states where the slack-jawed local yokels believed (because their president told them so) that Coronavirus was “contained” and not a problem for them. Here are their increases in COVID-19 cases in the last week:
ST: "How many more times are we gonna fall for this shit!"
In all likelihood, never again while Trump is President thru 2025 with Trump working with new heads of the FDA/CDC and WHO (who will be put in place sometime in early 2021).
Trump will necessarily play this hand out and make the most of it but they won't get it past him again.
The very best part of all this? The very conservative, war hero, harvard law graduate republican that LLR-lefty Chuck despises the most of all republicans in the Senate, Tom Cotten, has been proven correct in his assertions against LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved ChiCom Wuhan lab/WHO coverup artists.
Why did Michigan stop reporting negative COVID-19 tests? It's complicated
On Tuesday, Michigan health officials stopped publicly reporting the number of COVID-19 tests in the state that have come back negative.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer acknowledged Wednesday there's been "an internal debate" on how to report the testing data to the public.
"The reporting of negative tests can communicate inadvertently a message that there's more negative than positive and people might take something away from that," Whitmer said at a news conference in Lansing. "Sometimes tests that are negative have to be run more than once and that would be two negative tests on one person. And so the takeaway is complicated."
Blogger Drago said... LLR-lefty Chuck, do you quickly take screen shots of your posts before they are deleted in order to demonstrate to your superiors that you have done your job? Or do you simply tabulate the number of anti-republican posts and they take your word for it?
You hafta wonder, dontcha Drago, why my comments get deleted. I’m addressing the subject of Althouse’s post. And I am not personally insulting other commenters the way that you do. What commenting rule(s) am I breaking?
Well, maybe not exactly like the flu. 25 million unemployed = 4,000 additional suicides, 1,000,000 cancer screenings cancelled = 50,000 additional deaths, 30,000 bankruptcies so far and growing exponentially, at least 100,000 new businesses not started and counting, 200,000 elderly dying alone, millions of people lonely and turning to drugs and alcohol, 100,000 new domestic violence incidents, and on and on!
LLR-lefty Chuck: "You hafta wonder, dontcha Drago, why my comments get deleted."
No. We already know why.
You are a dishonest lefty hack liar posing as something you're not and your racist and violence filled posts simply went too far.
The very fact that you keep showing up demonstrates conclusively that your mental illness is not being addressed effectively, which is a shame given the availability of many mental health care workers during this shutdown.
I mentioned yesterday that it appears Michigan is using State-run labs for testing.
Life-long banned commenter threw a fit, pretty much called me a liar. It really hurt my feelings. I'm a sensitive guy.
Michigan hospitals are scrambling to get the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to allow in-house coronavirus testing, which has been limited to the state lab in Lansing
The CCP and the DNC tried to use this as another Get Trump move.
It flopped. All the villains got out of it was wrecking the financial lives of a lot of people and businesses and a trial run on whether or not people would put up with giving up their freedom of movement and association.
All in all, a complete loss for you, Inga. The cowboys and cowgirls in the mountain West are all going back to work according to my FB friends from that region. You lose again. Your plans for economic sabotage... well... we’ll see in the long run...
ST: "All in all, a complete loss for you, Inga. The cowboys and cowgirls in the mountain West are all going back to work according to my FB friends from that region."
This is quite true.
Even in CO with a far left dem governor (another of LLR-lefty Chuck's favorites) he didn't dare put in place such draconian measures.
"The reporting of negative tests can communicate inadvertently a message that there's more negative than positive and people might take something away from that," Whitmer said at a news conference in Lansing.
Wow. She doesn't even recognize she's admitting to lying?
Not Like the Flu, Not Like Car Crashes, Not Like... It’s about the spike.
Yeah, about that spike. It looks like COVID deaths per million is approximately equal to average weekly deaths from heart disease. But overall deaths in the US from all causes is down about 10% through March compared to last year. So if COVID deaths are way up (the spike), the deaths from other categories must be way down to have an overall decrease. How much you wanna bet that deaths that would normally be chalked up to heart disease or cancer or pneumonia are being called COVID deaths this year? After all, there's money in it from the feds for treating COVID patients. That would explain the massive increases in deaths the last few days even as hospitalizations are down.
So, you lose. The economic sabotage you sought... well, you were pretty successful there, but the backlash is likely to be pretty severe. In the long run, I think you’ll pay a big price for that.
I think that this might be the last time that this “We’re all gonna die!” commie propaganda tactic works.
We should start taking bets for the over/under on how long they can keep the pandemic, epidemic, shutdown going. I'm feeling the energy growing for a revolt.
Sometimes the percentage, rather than the absolute number, conveys more information, and sometimes it obscures it. This would be the case where it obscures it.
Browndog: That’s a despicable sort of cherry-picking incomplete quotes. I copied what you fake-quoted into Google to get to Chad Livengood’s story for Crain’s. You didn’t give anyone the link. I will. Here:
"How much you wanna bet that deaths that would normally be chalked up to heart disease or cancer or pneumonia are being called COVID deaths this year?"
Democrat politicians and their lackeys are gonna juice the numbers as best they can to try to make Trump look bad. They don't want to reopen the economy. They want to hold it hostage.
If you want to return to work, you're gonna have to push harder against these bad faith assholes.
OK didn't "spike", cases are trending linearly upward and went from 1.7K to 2.4K. I think this falls in the "I flunked numbers" category. For comparison, NY "spiked" 25% from 162K to 218K.
@AtmoGuy: "How much you wanna bet that deaths that would normally be chalked up to heart disease or cancer or pneumonia are being called COVID deaths this year?"
They have already openly admitted they are doing just that.
Which is why I say just concede that every human being that dies in the US is from the ChiCom flu and go from there.
"Shouting Thomas said: We desperately need a vaccine against media induced panics.
We’re all gonna die! We’re all gonna die! Waaaaa!"
According to the media, we've all died several times since the 70s. My most recent death, of many, was caused by the repeal of Net Neutrality. I believe my first was from eating too much saturated fat, or was it the worldwide famine caused by over population?
I've been frustrated by data quality for weeks. The CDC has forthrightly and publicly announced a change in the way it counts "COVID deaths" in a way that may be justified, but has the impact of showing a sudden increase over the last few days in "COVID deaths". So we are not in a position to say "COVID deaths have increased by such-and-such" or "COVID cases have increased by such-and-such over the past week" or "COVID cases are flattening or not flattening" or anything. There is so much political bias in the reporting of numbers that none of them can be taken at face value.
All of that said: I believe there is a lot of evidence that "the curve is flattening" -- in the sense that the % change in cases per day or the % change in deaths per day is declining in most places. There is growing evidence (in my opinion) that there are a lot "no symptom" or "such low symptom we didn't know" cases. Which I guess means: it is easier to catch than we though, and it is less serious once caught than we thought.
"Next up from the Dems, a campaign of massive voter fraud."
You have some good insights on this swirl of issues that have vexed many folks this Spring.
On the political front, I think the Dems perceive the election as the fight for their political lives. If Trump wins, and gets two more SCOTUS seats, well, a lotta their pet programs will be in jeopardy - most of all legalized abortion on demand.
The freak out - if Roe were overturned - will be epic.
Perhaps, they see that possibility and have ramped everything up to 11 to avoid it.
But who really knows. Most sane folks just wanna work, pay their bills, have a few beers, watch some sports, play with their kids, etc, etc.
For the record I am fine with all the red states opening up right now. I encourage endless block parties and even orgies if necessary. Build that herd immunity.
ARM: "For the record I am fine with all the red states opening up right now. I encourage endless block parties and even orgies if necessary. Build that herd immunity."
Beijing Boy mouthpieces believe "opening up" boils down to block parties and orgies.
ARM I can't agree with that but get your sediment. It's like the deplorables are doing everything they can to help defeat Trump. That said, I hope they are right.
This is the dishonesty? Listing those states with very low numbers where even a couple deaths is a huge increase. For example "SD +205%"! They have had 7 total deaths so far including your 205%+. Every other state wishes they had that slack-jawed experience. What kind of jaw do they have in NY,? It must be a really elite jaw.
It's still way too early to know if we're going to have a flyover Spike that is delayed by a month or two after the normal people who live in the big states that make real money.
bagoh20: "Do you think talking about trends or curves in data sets with very small numbers, even single digits, is intelligent?"
They are not getting the number of deaths they need to juice the dems 2020 campaign, even with cooking the books on the numbers and throwing in everybody that dies in certain regions, so this is what they are reduced to doing.
A "big meatpacking plant" in Sioux Falls, South Dakota with an Old Virginia flavor to their ham is owned by China which bought it so as to have good source of pork products. That plant had half the covid cases in South Dakota. It has been shut down and is being cleaned for two weeks. If there was a 200% rise IN SD it is due to this plant and is mostly workers inside it. Meanwhile South Dakota is participating in a Federal chloroquine drug trial. They are trying out the drug on early cases. The heath care workers put into the situation have access to chloroquine.
It appears LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved far left governor Whitmer is getting some interesting polling numbers as now she is hinting at a Phase I opening on May 1 with hopefully Phase 2 not that far behind.
Once again, Whitmer facing reality undercuts and renders moot all of LLR-lefty Chuck's talking points at Althouseblog.....and it usually only takes about 24 to 48 hours.
I hope so, Thomas. The early opening of trump country could backfire on the president which would make it a real tragedy for you people. Most liberals would be pissed because a lot of people would have died too soon for no reason other than stupidity.
“Um, you know there's a, uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing, that uh, you know, was totally different, than a, than the, he called it the, you know, the WWII, he had the War Production Board."
I live 2 hours north of NYC in the midst of the most fervently commie blue part of NY state. My county is a hotbed of TDS.
The epicenter of the epidemic is the NYC metro area. Subtract that and not much really going on. Even in my county 2 hours from NYC, we are virtually untouched.
It is sad to see all the sad empty ad hominen attacks from the usual sad empty suspects, especially after Althouse specifically requested that it stop. I genuinely feel bad for Althouse on this subject, she has been very reasonable in asking for a more elevated discussion.
Anyone with a brain can see that the Red State folks are in no more danger from the ChiCom Lab Virus--unless they are obese or over 65--than they would be from the flu. That's just a fact. So let's have them open up--and show the dumbass Blue Staters that life goes on.
Anne-I-Am said... Anyone with a brain can see that the Red State folks are in no more danger from the ChiCom Lab Virus--unless they are obese or over 65--than they would be from the flu. That's just a fact. So let's have them open up--and show the dumbass Blue Staters that life goes on.
"IHME updated its model today. The new projection is more optimistic, with 60,308 U.S. COVID deaths. That is a positive, although I don’t think the IHME model is any more reliable than any of the others. More good news for those who (like me) live in Minnesota: IHME has lowered its fatality projection for our state from 656 to 195. How’s that for progress? Given that the prior projection was all of four days old, this kind of radical revision obviously does not create confidence in the model. But the new prediction is undoubtedly more accurate than the old one.
Other states I have been following fare well, too. A week ago, IHME projected South Dakota to have 356 coronavirus deaths. Four days ago, IHME reduced that prediction to 181. Today, it dropped to 94. So IHME is slowly coming closer to reality. I believe that South Dakota currently has seven Wuhan flu deaths."
Downward adjustments by 50% or more within days -- how is that for "modeling"?
A "big meatpacking plant" in Sioux Falls, South Dakota with an Old Virginia flavor to their ham is owned by China which bought it so as to have good source of pork products.
According to local postings by current employees, the plant is frequently toured by Chinese delegations.
Just to demonstrate how fucking stupid Chuck is, I link this for Chuck's perusal, though he probably lacks the intelligence to digest it properly.
For the record, it is Oklahoma's COVID-19 page- there you will find the bar graphs that show Oklahoma's new cases peaked last weekend, and have been in a downtrend since then. Even worse for Chuck is that active cases dropped this week by a significant amount- only 1/3 of Oklahoma's cases are now active. What do you think I would find if I went and looked at Iowa, Arkansas, South Dakota, and Nebraska. I think it all but certain that all but SD would have fewer active cases today than they did last Friday, and that might still be the case for SD, too. Perhaps Chuck can do some homework before he tries to slide a lie across the table gussied up in the form of some asinine statistic he puts together.
This from the guy saying the plague that the Chinese communist party allowed to infect the world is a big nothing. If anyone is covering for the CCP it’s denialists like you ST.
Beijing Boy: "It is sad to see all the sad empty ad hominen attacks from the usual sad empty suspects,"
After 5 years of calling the other side russian spies, nazis, racists and murderers, ARM would like to call for a brief timeout....which just so happens to coincide with the utter collapse of the third of his 3 Sham-peachment hoaxes.
Sad to see the lack of self control from the usual sad suspects. Althouse works her fingers to the bone trying to make something nice, a place for elevated discussion, and thoughtless thugs come in and shit all over it. It's a tragedy of the commons, and it's a personal tragedy for Ms Althouse.
My link at 6:14 works perfectly. If you had half a brain left, you would’ve scrolled down and saw that I reposted it. But no, you wanted to be an asshole, as usual. A non senile coot would’ve surmised that was the link that didn’t work above it.
Finally convinced the wife to start keeping canned food in quantity. All it took was, "Imagine the WuhuFlu, but like, 10 times as lethal. That might actually be a threat."
Nah, just kidding. We've got a fucking cure now, maybe 2 or 3, and the books are so cooked on this virus that we'll never know for sure how lethal it actually was or wasn't. My bet is still on "wasn't". I'd almost bet that overuse/misuse of ventilators hastened or caused as many deaths as the sickness itself. Why did it take so long for medical professionals to try having people lay on their side or stomach? Pretty sure it was mentioned that this worked very well in helping the seriously afflicted breathe. You know a virus is nasty when it takes a slight change in posture and a 60-year old drug to treat it, administered with a zinc pill or a plate of oysters.
Anyway, the soil under my house is mostly clay, and not very amenable to growing. I've been beating the "canned food" drum for about 5 years, so this well predates the modelovirus panic. Now we're good for a solid 6 months, much more if I count all the other non-perishables we're storing. Still haven't gotten the "bailout" to my account, but I guess they're coming in waves, which is fine with me. I don't need it and consider it an apology for the inconvenience of this lockdown.
Speaking of waves, loving the "tolerant" leftists wishing for a big spread in the Red States, all out of bitterness from watching the inept Commies in NYC and NY state fuck up royally, and their latent seething Trump hate. Just cuz we prefer NOT to live cheek to jowl and therefore can weather these storms better, and thus can safely open up for business faster than y'all, is no reason to hate. I want NYC to get as much HCQ as they need. I want the death to end. Let us hopefully return to a life where we let regular old influenza kill between 30-60K every year and it doesn't make us shut down the economy out of fear, a life where we kill 50K a year on the highways but still get in our car every day and drive to the store because that's just how fucking life works.
Five months from now we're gonna look back and everyone is gonna realize how unnecessary this all was. Shut down NYC. Shut down Chicago. Fine. Putting entire states on lockdown was just foolish, and I worry what the final cost will be.
I'm gonna make a prediction of a long term effect of this situation. Going forward, I expect two or three stories a year about FBI arresting some schmuck who was planning to unleash a virus on the country.
Gonna compliment the current terrorist bomber and mass shooter.
You know what I mean. The drunk who shoots off his mouth in the dive bar. Undercover guys goad him on and supply him with fake bombs or guns, then , big headlines for heroic agents.
Here is a very clear skeptical take on the Santa Clara numbers
We need broader testing, including random serum tests.
Why did it take so long for medical professionals to try having people lay on their side or stomach? Pretty sure it was mentioned that this worked very well in helping the seriously afflicted breathe.
Prone position has been part of IT "percussion technique" for emphysema for years. I guess they didn't put it together with ventilator care until somebody tried it. It makes the care more difficult.
Yancey Ward said... Just to demonstrate how fucking stupid Chuck is, I link this for Chuck's perusal, though he probably lacks the intelligence to digest it properly.
Another study I want to see is comparison of seriously ill/dead who have been eating organic food, to us who have grown up on preservative laden goodies.
Have been building resistance to illness for years by loading up on preservatives and am rarely ill. Coincidence?
Using the prone position is not a sudden insight. My BIL says they have been using it from the beginning. Maybe some docs just aren't up on standard of care.
And now for something completely different and not quite as serious .. Pie in the face.
A reader, whom I won't identify, emailed me about the story (which I hadn't blogged) about the accusation that White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders had falsely presented a photograph of a pecan pie as her own.
" It’s a very good example of how Covid is “not just the flu”."
So which would you prefer to have visit your city: a Flu that kills 500 or a Covid that kills 200? The point isn't whether it's a flu or not, it whether it kills like one. In most of the country it kills like a mild flu, no matter what you call it.
I read the peer review of the Santa Clara study. It's criticism is based on 2 false positives out of 401 samples. Since the sample size and positives are such small numbers that is still a significant possible problem. It means that the conclusions could be wrong, but not that they are likely to be, or are, they just could be if everything went one way. That's possible,, but by no means likely. Regardless, the results are still a significant starting point that of course needs more studies to verify, becuase the study could not possibly remove such a small possible error. Even with that level of confidence, the study is still far more reliable than the models which have been proven repeatedly to be very wrong, and not just possibly, indisputably.
My voice teacher in college recommended sleeping prone whenever a singer has a cold. I've always done it even though it's not a comfortable sleeping position for me, and it helps me breathe (I'm a nose-breather, can't fall asleep if I can't breathe through my nose) without decongestants.
And did you read the Oklahoma COVID-19, Chuck? Of course you didn't you dumb fuck. 53% in a week is nothing if the active cases are no longer rising in Oklahoma.
Chuck, CNN propaganda passer, no fucking surprise is it? For the record, they aren't rising in Iowa, Arkansas, or Nebraska either. This is why you get no fucking respect, Chuck- you saw that graphic and just took it at face value without thinking one level deeper- typical of you, Chuck. This is why you get yourself banned so often.
Beijing Boy: "Althouse works her fingers to the bone trying to make something nice, a place for elevated discussion, and thoughtless thugs come in and shit all over it."
Well said.
Althouse and Meade work hard to clean the place up and they ban a couple of the more disruptive leftist commenters.
But then those commenters lack the ethics and discipline to stay banned. Even worse, so many of the usual suspect leftists encourage more of this behavior.
Thank you Beijing Boy for calling this out. Lets hope Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck take guidance from your admonition.
Meadehouse is in deleting posts regularly. That provides an operational definition of what is and is not banned — the actual definition being known only to Meadehouse, who owe you no explanation. What they do not delete is de facto not banned. Like for example Begley wishing Lou Gehrig’s Disease on a columnist or ST wishing death on Inga. Stop trying to usurp Meadehouse's prerogative.
From what I read the Santa Clara study used FB employees, so not that random. And does not explain the situation in NYC (my guess is concentration of the virus in the subway, I think Michael K used the word virality).
NYC is doing around 16,000 tests a day, and is still getting 40% positive per day. Death rate has fallen as a percentage of the country to only 30%, with 630 today. CA is at 2% of total US deaths. US testing out of 156,429 tests was 20% positive for reported tests today.
A site with nice graphs down to a County Level that give more context is including cases per 100,000 is:
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It looks like the lefty Bill Gates model, which the White House follows, has been revised downward.
No more dumping milk down the drain!
The California antibody study has just been released. Using the numbers they report the fatality rate for The CCP virus is 0.10 to 0.14. It's just the flu!
It troubles me that in this setting (and in other settings with politicians of all hues) people do not keep social distancing, or wear masks. It makes me wonder if I'm being duped into these behaviors.
I see that NY is spiking again today. Which means absolutely nothing since they have gone from reporting only confirmed cases to including "probable" estimated cases.
Why does NY feel they have to run up the score with questionable death classifications. They already have the top spot by far with no close second. What's the motivation for that? What's wrong with being honest and having a classification as "unknkown - Clovid +", or "Heart Disease - Clovid +". It's not that hard to be much more accurate on this.
This gonna be good.
Fauci: “The Senate Democrats asked a number of very good questions” in today’s teleconference.
Sen. Angus King today: “I’ve never been so mad about a telephone call in my life.”
I wonder how many posts LLR-lefty Chuck has to make per day to get paid?
Just like the Flu, eh?"
Not exactly. In my state the flu has killed three times as many in a season as Covid will by the end of summer.
bagoh20: "Not exactly. In my state the flu has killed three times as many in a season as Covid will by the end of summer"
I'm afraid going forward, and to some extent working backwards, all deaths will be recorded as ChiCom Wuhan Flu deaths.
I am personally projecting approximately 3 million US deaths due to the ChiCom virus just this year.
LLR-lefty Chuck, do you quickly take screen shots of your posts before they are deleted in order to demonstrate to your superiors that you have done your job? Or do you simply tabulate the number of anti-republican posts and they take your word for it?
Inga: "Just like the flu, eh?"
Did you mean to link to a dead facebook page that is as dead as your 4 years of russia collusion lies?
We desperately need a vaccine against media induced panics.
We’re all gonna die! We’re all gonna die! Waaaaa!
Maybe we could call it the Inga vaccine.
How many more times are we gonna fall for this shit!
Blogger Mark said...
I see that NY is spiking again today. Which means absolutely nothing since they have gone from reporting only confirmed cases to including "probable" estimated cases.
Here are some spikes for you, Blogger Mark. The states where the slack-jawed local yokels believed (because their president told them so) that Coronavirus was “contained” and not a problem for them. Here are their increases in COVID-19 cases in the last week:
OK +53%
AR +60%
NB. +74%
IA. +82%
SD. +205%
"Why does NY feel they have to run up the score with questionable death classifications. "
Perhaps there is some money for them in the higher numbers?
Link for the California Covid-19 study is:
ST: "How many more times are we gonna fall for this shit!"
In all likelihood, never again while Trump is President thru 2025 with Trump working with new heads of the FDA/CDC and WHO (who will be put in place sometime in early 2021).
Trump will necessarily play this hand out and make the most of it but they won't get it past him again.
The very best part of all this? The very conservative, war hero, harvard law graduate republican that LLR-lefty Chuck despises the most of all republicans in the Senate, Tom Cotten, has been proven correct in his assertions against LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved ChiCom Wuhan lab/WHO coverup artists.
I must say that is particularly satisfying to me.
Why did Michigan stop reporting negative COVID-19 tests? It's complicated
On Tuesday, Michigan health officials stopped publicly reporting the number of COVID-19 tests in the state that have come back negative.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer acknowledged Wednesday there's been "an internal debate" on how to report the testing data to the public.
"The reporting of negative tests can communicate inadvertently a message that there's more negative than positive and people might take something away from that," Whitmer said at a news conference in Lansing. "Sometimes tests that are negative have to be run more than once and that would be two negative tests on one person. And so the takeaway is complicated."
LLR-lefty "ChiCom" Chuck: " Here are their increases in COVID-19 cases in the last week"
Should I even bother asking the #WhitmerFanClubPresident Chuck to post the raw numbers before his posts are deleted again?
Something tells me that will make him very upset again. Perhaps, again, violently so.
Blogger Drago said...
LLR-lefty Chuck, do you quickly take screen shots of your posts before they are deleted in order to demonstrate to your superiors that you have done your job? Or do you simply tabulate the number of anti-republican posts and they take your word for it?
You hafta wonder, dontcha Drago, why my comments get deleted. I’m addressing the subject of Althouse’s post. And I am not personally insulting other commenters the way that you do. What commenting rule(s) am I breaking?
Well, maybe not exactly like the flu. 25 million unemployed = 4,000 additional suicides, 1,000,000 cancer screenings cancelled = 50,000 additional deaths, 30,000 bankruptcies so far and growing exponentially, at least 100,000 new businesses not started and counting, 200,000 elderly dying alone, millions of people lonely and turning to drugs and alcohol, 100,000 new domestic violence incidents, and on and on!
So not exactly like the annual flu!
Not Like the Flu, Not Like Car Crashes, Not Like... It’s about the spike.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "What commenting rule(s) am I breaking?"
You. Were. Banned.
Drago is like the shit at Occupy protests, Chuck.
Best just to ignore it, but you gotta be surprised the hosts don't do something about it.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "You hafta wonder, dontcha Drago, why my comments get deleted."
No. We already know why.
You are a dishonest lefty hack liar posing as something you're not and your racist and violence filled posts simply went too far.
The very fact that you keep showing up demonstrates conclusively that your mental illness is not being addressed effectively, which is a shame given the availability of many mental health care workers during this shutdown.
I mentioned yesterday that it appears Michigan is using State-run labs for testing.
Life-long banned commenter threw a fit, pretty much called me a liar. It really hurt my feelings. I'm a sensitive guy.
Michigan hospitals are scrambling to get the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to allow in-house coronavirus testing, which has been limited to the state lab in Lansing
"The states where the slack-jawed local yokels…"
Why not just say it? We all know you want to.
Mark: "Best just to ignore it, but you gotta be surprised the hosts don't do something about it."
Maybe they should ban me. Would that suffice?
So Dr. Birx is explaining how much work is going into getting more testing.
In the future. Unlocking the ability to do testing. Great.
And next briefing, I can help her on which state is “Montana.”
LLR-lefty Chuck: "And next briefing, I can help her on which state is “Montana.”
Why? Do you pretend to be a conservative there as well?
OK +53%
AR +60%
NB. +74%
IA. +82%
SD. +205%
It’s all about the bullshit panic.
The CCP and the DNC tried to use this as another Get Trump move.
It flopped. All the villains got out of it was wrecking the financial lives of a lot of people and businesses and a trial run on whether or not people would put up with giving up their freedom of movement and association.
All in all, a complete loss for you, Inga. The cowboys and cowgirls in the mountain West are all going back to work according to my FB friends from that region. You lose again. Your plans for economic sabotage... well... we’ll see in the long run...
ST: "All in all, a complete loss for you, Inga. The cowboys and cowgirls in the mountain West are all going back to work according to my FB friends from that region."
This is quite true.
Even in CO with a far left dem governor (another of LLR-lefty Chuck's favorites) he didn't dare put in place such draconian measures.
“All in all, a complete loss for you, Inga.”
It has nothing to do with me.
"The reporting of negative tests can communicate inadvertently a message that there's more negative than positive and people might take something away from that," Whitmer said at a news conference in Lansing.
Wow. She doesn't even recognize she's admitting to lying?
I thought Althouse was deleting Chuckles for being a bad faith commenter.
What happened?
I don't mind the back and forth with Inga and others, but there really is no point with Chuckles.
Inga: "It has nothing to do with me."
Also nothing to do with Inga: Russia collusion claims.
South Dakota... 7 deaths out of a population of 850,000.
Give up Inga. The commie statistical tricks aren’t working.
My county, 2 hours north of NYC. 15 deaths out of a population of 184,000.
Wisconsin... 195 deaths out of a population of 8 million.
Do you get paid directly by the CCP? Or to you just voluntarily spread panic propaganda because you enjoy it?
Not Like the Flu, Not Like Car Crashes, Not Like... It’s about the spike.
Yeah, about that spike. It looks like COVID deaths per million is approximately equal to average weekly deaths from heart disease. But overall deaths in the US from all causes is down about 10% through March compared to last year. So if COVID deaths are way up (the spike), the deaths from other categories must be way down to have an overall decrease. How much you wanna bet that deaths that would normally be chalked up to heart disease or cancer or pneumonia are being called COVID deaths this year? After all, there's money in it from the feds for treating COVID patients. That would explain the massive increases in deaths the last few days even as hospitalizations are down.
Yeah, Inga, you are a commie propagandist.
So, you lose. The economic sabotage you sought... well, you were pretty successful there, but the backlash is likely to be pretty severe. In the long run, I think you’ll pay a big price for that.
I think that this might be the last time that this “We’re all gonna die!” commie propaganda tactic works.
Better come up with something new.
We should start taking bets for the over/under on how long they can keep the pandemic, epidemic, shutdown going. I'm feeling the energy growing for a revolt.
OM: "Wow. She doesn't even recognize she's admitting to lying?"
Whitmer knows she has an army of LLR-lefty Chuck's at her beck and call to cover for her.
South Dakota has 7 total deaths due to the virus as of today.
"SD. +205%"
Sometimes the percentage, rather than the absolute number, conveys more information, and sometimes it obscures it. This would be the case where it obscures it.
And when I say 'due to the virus', that is how they were categorized. Was the patient elderly, infirm and/or obese? Possibly.
"it was a weird situation"
Trump's comment about the Chinese ownership of the meat packing plant in South Dakota
Browndog: That’s a despicable sort of cherry-picking incomplete quotes. I copied what you fake-quoted into Google to get to Chad Livengood’s story for Crain’s. You didn’t give anyone the link. I will. Here:
I know Chad, and he’s a great reporter.
Beautifully executed Press Briefing. And scarf lady wore the best scarf ever.
Phas 1 cometh. Opening the gyms and the churches will be a relief to us retirees.
I concur on Dr. Scarf
Around the collar like a tie, very nice!
"How much you wanna bet that deaths that would normally be chalked up to heart disease or cancer or pneumonia are being called COVID deaths this year?"
Democrat politicians and their lackeys are gonna juice the numbers as best they can to try to make Trump look bad. They don't want to reopen the economy. They want to hold it hostage.
If you want to return to work, you're gonna have to push harder against these bad faith assholes.
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "Browndog: That’s a despicable sort of cherry-picking incomplete quotes."
Yes. Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck wrote that. Just now.
OK +53%
OK didn't "spike", cases are trending linearly upward and went from 1.7K to 2.4K. I think this falls in the "I flunked numbers" category. For comparison, NY "spiked" 25% from 162K to 218K.
@AtmoGuy: "How much you wanna bet that deaths that would normally be chalked up to heart disease or cancer or pneumonia are being called COVID deaths this year?"
They have already openly admitted they are doing just that.
Which is why I say just concede that every human being that dies in the US is from the ChiCom flu and go from there.
Trump getting some campaigning in when he can.
He could win Virginia this year. I assumed he keeps Michigan, but it sounds like a toss up right now.
I am appalled by the economic sabotage perpetrated by this deliberately induced panic.
Thanks Democratic Party.
They said they were willing to sabotage the economy to get rid of Trump and they weren’t kidding.
- Rigged primaries
- Russia collusion hoax
- Impeachment to cover the Bidens’ extortion/bribery schemes
- COVID-19 panic with attendant economic sabotage
Next up from the Dems, a campaign of massive voter fraud.
I read *****'s link and I don't know what he's complaining about.
"Shouting Thomas said:
We desperately need a vaccine against media induced panics.
We’re all gonna die! We’re all gonna die! Waaaaa!"
According to the media, we've all died several times since the 70s. My most recent death, of many, was caused by the repeal of Net Neutrality. I believe my first was from eating too much saturated fat, or was it the worldwide famine caused by over population?
Blogger Drago said...
I wonder how many posts LLR-lefty Chuck has to make per day to get paid?
I wounder how many you have to make to not get paid.
I've been frustrated by data quality for weeks. The CDC has forthrightly and publicly announced a change in the way it counts "COVID deaths" in a way that may be justified, but has the impact of showing a sudden increase over the last few days in "COVID deaths". So we are not in a position to say "COVID deaths have increased by such-and-such" or "COVID cases have increased by such-and-such over the past week" or "COVID cases are flattening or not flattening" or anything. There is so much political bias in the reporting of numbers that none of them can be taken at face value.
All of that said: I believe there is a lot of evidence that "the curve is flattening" -- in the sense that the % change in cases per day or the % change in deaths per day is declining in most places. There is growing evidence (in my opinion) that there are a lot "no symptom" or "such low symptom we didn't know" cases. Which I guess means: it is easier to catch than we though, and it is less serious once caught than we thought.
"Next up from the Dems, a campaign of massive voter fraud."
You have some good insights on this swirl of issues that have vexed many folks this Spring.
On the political front, I think the Dems perceive the election as the fight for their political lives. If Trump wins, and gets two more SCOTUS seats, well, a lotta their pet programs will be in jeopardy - most of all legalized abortion on demand.
The freak out - if Roe were overturned - will be epic.
Perhaps, they see that possibility and have ramped everything up to 11 to avoid it.
But who really knows. Most sane folks just wanna work, pay their bills, have a few beers, watch some sports, play with their kids, etc, etc.
For the record I am fine with all the red states opening up right now. I encourage endless block parties and even orgies if necessary. Build that herd immunity.
We thank you for your service.
ARM: "For the record I am fine with all the red states opening up right now. I encourage endless block parties and even orgies if necessary. Build that herd immunity."
Beijing Boy mouthpieces believe "opening up" boils down to block parties and orgies.
Quite telling I'd say.
ARM: "I wounder how many you have to make to not get paid."
Filed Under: Things written when one is desperate to lash out in support of fellow leftists posing as LLR's but there isn't anything to work with
ARM I can't agree with that but get your sediment. It's like the deplorables are doing everything they can to help defeat Trump. That said, I hope they are right.
This is the dishonesty? Listing those states with very low numbers where even a couple deaths is a huge increase. For example "SD +205%"! They have had 7 total deaths so far including your 205%+. Every other state wishes they had that slack-jawed experience. What kind of jaw do they have in NY,? It must be a really elite jaw.
Be better. You're not helping.
Do you think talking about trends or curves in data sets with very small numbers, even single digits, is intelligent?
It's still way too early to know if we're going to have a flyover Spike that is delayed by a month or two after the normal people who live in the big states that make real money.
I want to know the age and health status of those who died. Including obesity. Are those statistics available?
bagoh20: "Do you think talking about trends or curves in data sets with very small numbers, even single digits, is intelligent?"
They are not getting the number of deaths they need to juice the dems 2020 campaign, even with cooking the books on the numbers and throwing in everybody that dies in certain regions, so this is what they are reduced to doing.
A "big meatpacking plant" in Sioux Falls, South Dakota with an Old Virginia flavor to their ham is owned by China which bought it so as to have good source of pork products. That plant had half the covid cases in South Dakota. It has been shut down and is being cleaned for two weeks. If there was a 200% rise IN SD it is due to this plant and is mostly workers inside it. Meanwhile South Dakota is participating in a Federal chloroquine drug trial. They are trying out the drug on early cases. The heath care workers put into the situation have access to chloroquine.
South Dakota has had 28 deaths so far this season from THE FLU! Compared to 7 for Covid, that must be "exponential".
I hope those rural numbers stay small and insignificant.
If you look at the stats, you’ll see that the Red Staters can safely hold orgies to their hearts content without fear of infection.
The epicenters of infection are all in urban Blue States.
But, your malice and lying are noted, as per usual. You are a hideously awful bastard.
Your pose as a reasonable, decent human being ain’t working on me, jack. You’re a fucking monster.
It appears LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved far left governor Whitmer is getting some interesting polling numbers as now she is hinting at a Phase I opening on May 1 with hopefully Phase 2 not that far behind.
Once again, Whitmer facing reality undercuts and renders moot all of LLR-lefty Chuck's talking points at Althouseblog.....and it usually only takes about 24 to 48 hours.
Agreed. Do the 3 phase guidelines account for that? I haven't heard that.
This was a CCP/DNC/DNC media induced panic.
Get Trump III.
It failed miserably.
(# of cases vs %)
I hope so, Thomas. The early opening of trump country could backfire on the president which would make it a real tragedy for you people. Most liberals would be pissed because a lot of people would have died too soon for no reason other than stupidity.
ST: "But, your malice and lying are noted, as per usual. You are a hideously awful bastard."
In fairness to ARM, none of Beijing's propaganda boys have fared very well in this ChiCom-caused pandemic.
BTW, ARM spent the entire day yesterday proclaiming it impossible to determine if this virus came from China.
That, my friends, puts ARM at the farthest of the far ChiCom-iest propaganda purveyors around.
Anytime a liberals/"Never Trumpers" gives you percentages without the absolute numbers they are lying and trying to mislead you.
NY goes from 10,000 deaths to 11,000. that's 10%
Neb. goes from 24 deaths to 50. That's 100%
Figures never lie. but liars figure.
“Um, you know there's a, uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing, that uh, you know, was totally different, than a, than the, he called it the, you know, the WWII, he had the War Production Board."
--Joe Biden, Apr 16, 2020
"Trump country" was always open. That's how they live.
Real money, if it was smart money, would do the same.
I’m not in Trump country.
I live 2 hours north of NYC in the midst of the most fervently commie blue part of NY state. My county is a hotbed of TDS.
The epicenter of the epidemic is the NYC metro area. Subtract that and not much really going on. Even in my county 2 hours from NYC, we are virtually untouched.
That's good to hear, Thomas. Now I won't worry so much about you and your family to suffer the consequences of premature re-engagement.
From ST, waaaayy up thread: We’re all gonna die! We’re all gonna die! Waaaaa!
I like to shock my junior high students by reminding them, YES, we ARE all gonna die. Just, we pray, not today.
I can remind them there are worse things than dying (because I teach in a Catholic school), but there are many people who can't conceive such a thing.
The early opening of trump country could backfire on the president which would make it a real tragedy for you people.
Howard is hopeful but he hasn't read about Santa Clara County. Tough luck Howard.
Michael K: "Howard is hopeful but he hasn't read about Santa Clara County. Tough luck Howard."
I too am very sorry the lack of exponential deaths is happening to Howard.
Your pose as a reasonable, decent human being ain’t working on me, jack. You’re a fucking monster.
No, he hasn't posed as a reasonable decent human being, ST. Come on. I have to disagree with you there.
Inga, in her inimitable style, has once again linked to non-page.
Good work, Inga. Keep that 404 error record intact.
It is sad to see all the sad empty ad hominen attacks from the usual sad empty suspects, especially after Althouse specifically requested that it stop. I genuinely feel bad for Althouse on this subject, she has been very reasonable in asking for a more elevated discussion.
Anyone with a brain can see that the Red State folks are in no more danger from the ChiCom Lab Virus--unless they are obese or over 65--than they would be from the flu. That's just a fact. So let's have them open up--and show the dumbass Blue Staters that life goes on.
Anne-I-Am said...
Anyone with a brain can see that the Red State folks are in no more danger from the ChiCom Lab Virus--unless they are obese or over 65--than they would be from the flu. That's just a fact. So let's have them open up--and show the dumbass Blue Staters that life goes on.
hear! hear!
Another day, another model revision.
From Hinderaker at Power Line:
"IHME updated its model today. The new projection is more optimistic, with 60,308 U.S. COVID deaths. That is a positive, although I don’t think the IHME model is any more reliable than any of the others. More good news for those who (like me) live in Minnesota: IHME has lowered its fatality projection for our state from 656 to 195. How’s that for progress? Given that the prior projection was all of four days old, this kind of radical revision obviously does not create confidence in the model. But the new prediction is undoubtedly more accurate than the old one.
Other states I have been following fare well, too. A week ago, IHME projected South Dakota to have 356 coronavirus deaths. Four days ago, IHME reduced that prediction to 181. Today, it dropped to 94. So IHME is slowly coming closer to reality. I believe that South Dakota currently has seven Wuhan flu deaths."
Downward adjustments by 50% or more within days -- how is that for "modeling"?
wildswan said...
A "big meatpacking plant" in Sioux Falls, South Dakota with an Old Virginia flavor to their ham is owned by China which bought it so as to have good source of pork products.
According to local postings by current employees, the plant is frequently toured by Chinese delegations.
stevew said...
"Why does NY feel they have to run up the score with questionable death classifications. "
Perhaps there is some money for them in the higher numbers?
Medicare is reimbursing 13,000 for every COVID-19 case admitted.
39,000 for ventilator use.
Hospitals are not allowed to do "elective surgery" and many are struggling to pay bills and are laying off staff.
The guidance given to hospitals requires them to list "assumed" cases as COVID-19 cases.
This is 100% garbage.
All of it.
Just to demonstrate how fucking stupid Chuck is, I link this for Chuck's perusal, though he probably lacks the intelligence to digest it properly.
For the record, it is Oklahoma's COVID-19 page- there you will find the bar graphs that show Oklahoma's new cases peaked last weekend, and have been in a downtrend since then. Even worse for Chuck is that active cases dropped this week by a significant amount- only 1/3 of Oklahoma's cases are now active. What do you think I would find if I went and looked at Iowa, Arkansas, South Dakota, and Nebraska. I think it all but certain that all but SD would have fewer active cases today than they did last Friday, and that might still be the case for SD, too. Perhaps Chuck can do some homework before he tries to slide a lie across the table gussied up in the form of some asinine statistic he puts together.
Where did you get that list, Chuck- the DNC?
lionel hutz isnt amusing anymore
Let those who want to work - work!
Let those who want to stay home - stay home!
It's a nice simplistic parallelism, ain't it?
“ Inga, you are a commie propagandist.”
This from the guy saying the plague that the Chinese communist party allowed to infect the world is a big nothing. If anyone is covering for the CCP it’s denialists like you ST.
From narciso's link - let Florida go back to work!
It is sad to see all the sad empty ad hominen attacks from the usual sad empty suspects,
Poor ARM. Did the checks from China bounce ?
Beijing Boy: "It is sad to see all the sad empty ad hominen attacks from the usual sad empty suspects,"
After 5 years of calling the other side russian spies, nazis, racists and murderers, ARM would like to call for a brief timeout....which just so happens to coincide with the utter collapse of the third of his 3 Sham-peachment hoaxes.
This is clearly a heartfelt and sincere request.
I don't want to be too tough on ARM.
Here is a nice podcast explaining the cytokine storm complications of WuFlu.
You're welcome.
Yesterday's lefty/dem/LLR talking point: Trump is a dictator!
Today's lefty/dem/LLR talking point: Trump refuses to exercise authority!
Tomorrows lefty/dem/LLR talking point: Trump is a dictator who refused to exercise authority!
“Inga, in her inimitable style, has once again linked to non-page.
Good work, Inga. Keep that 404 error record intact”
What are you talking about you senile coot? My link is at 6:14 PM and works perfectly.
Sad to see the lack of self control from the usual sad suspects. Althouse works her fingers to the bone trying to make something nice, a place for elevated discussion, and thoughtless thugs come in and shit all over it. It's a tragedy of the commons, and it's a personal tragedy for Ms Althouse.
Blogger Drago said...
Inga: "Just like the flu, eh?"
Did you mean to link to a dead facebook page that is as dead as your 4 years of russia collusion lies?
Anybody else notice that Inga just lied about her dead link ? Notice she added:
What are you talking about you senile coot? My link is at 6:14 PM and works perfectly.
That was not the original link. What a liar ! Not only linking to blank pages but lying about it.
thoughtless thugs come in and shit all over it. It's a tragedy of the commons, and it's a personal tragedy for Ms Althouse.
Have you ever posted a useful comment? Asking for a friend.
My link at 6:14 works perfectly. If you had half a brain left, you would’ve scrolled down and saw that I reposted it. But no, you wanted to be an asshole, as usual. A non senile coot would’ve surmised that was the link that didn’t work above it.
And thanks for drawing attention to my link @6:14PM Michael K. It’s a very good example of how Covid is “not just the flu”.
For the record, I clicked on Inga's link when she posted it. It was not functional. I didn't go back later. Why would I?
Finally convinced the wife to start keeping canned food in quantity. All it took was, "Imagine the WuhuFlu, but like, 10 times as lethal. That might actually be a threat."
Nah, just kidding. We've got a fucking cure now, maybe 2 or 3, and the books are so cooked on this virus that we'll never know for sure how lethal it actually was or wasn't. My bet is still on "wasn't". I'd almost bet that overuse/misuse of ventilators hastened or caused as many deaths as the sickness itself. Why did it take so long for medical professionals to try having people lay on their side or stomach? Pretty sure it was mentioned that this worked very well in helping the seriously afflicted breathe. You know a virus is nasty when it takes a slight change in posture and a 60-year old drug to treat it, administered with a zinc pill or a plate of oysters.
Anyway, the soil under my house is mostly clay, and not very amenable to growing. I've been beating the "canned food" drum for about 5 years, so this well predates the modelovirus panic. Now we're good for a solid 6 months, much more if I count all the other non-perishables we're storing. Still haven't gotten the "bailout" to my account, but I guess they're coming in waves, which is fine with me. I don't need it and consider it an apology for the inconvenience of this lockdown.
Speaking of waves, loving the "tolerant" leftists wishing for a big spread in the Red States, all out of bitterness from watching the inept Commies in NYC and NY state fuck up royally, and their latent seething Trump hate. Just cuz we prefer NOT to live cheek to jowl and therefore can weather these storms better, and thus can safely open up for business faster than y'all, is no reason to hate. I want NYC to get as much HCQ as they need. I want the death to end. Let us hopefully return to a life where we let regular old influenza kill between 30-60K every year and it doesn't make us shut down the economy out of fear, a life where we kill 50K a year on the highways but still get in our car every day and drive to the store because that's just how fucking life works.
Five months from now we're gonna look back and everyone is gonna realize how unnecessary this all was. Shut down NYC. Shut down Chicago. Fine. Putting entire states on lockdown was just foolish, and I worry what the final cost will be.
Welcome back, Chuck.
I'm gonna make a prediction of a long term effect of this situation. Going forward, I expect two or three stories a year about FBI arresting some schmuck who was planning to unleash a virus on the country.
Gonna compliment the current terrorist bomber and mass shooter.
You know what I mean. The drunk who shoots off his mouth in the dive bar. Undercover guys goad him on and supply him with fake bombs or guns, then , big headlines for heroic agents.
Here is a very clear skeptical take on the Santa Clara numbers
We need broader testing, including random serum tests.
Why did it take so long for medical professionals to try having people lay on their side or stomach? Pretty sure it was mentioned that this worked very well in helping the seriously afflicted breathe.
Prone position has been part of IT "percussion technique" for emphysema for years. I guess they didn't put it together with ventilator care until somebody tried it. It makes the care more difficult.
A non senile coot would’ve surmised that was the link that didn’t work above it.
Why did you lie about it, Inga? Just post that it was a mistake. You and ARM keep doing these bad faith things.
I have better things to do so will drop it.
It is 10:18 EDT and Inga's link from 6:14 works perfectly. Here it is
Yancey Ward said...
Just to demonstrate how fucking stupid Chuck is, I link this for Chuck's perusal, though he probably lacks the intelligence to digest it properly.
Michael Warren of CNN reported it, using the Johns Hopkins University data.
Another study I want to see is comparison of seriously ill/dead who have been eating organic food, to us who have grown up on preservative laden goodies.
Have been building resistance to illness for years by loading up on preservatives and am rarely ill. Coincidence?
Using the prone position is not a sudden insight. My BIL says they have been using it from the beginning. Maybe some docs just aren't up on standard of care.
“I have better things to do so will drop it.”
Apparently you don’t.
And now for something completely different and not quite as serious ..
Pie in the face.
A reader, whom I won't identify, emailed me about the story (which I hadn't blogged) about the accusation that White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders had falsely presented a photograph of a pecan pie as her own.
" It’s a very good example of how Covid is “not just the flu”."
So which would you prefer to have visit your city: a Flu that kills 500 or a Covid that kills 200? The point isn't whether it's a flu or not, it whether it kills like one. In most of the country it kills like a mild flu, no matter what you call it.
You can say 'Chuck'.
In fact, I just welcomed him back.
When raw numbers aren’t scary use percentages. When percentages are low but numbers high use numbers. From the style book.
"it kills like a mild flu"
Except it kills young people less than like a mild flu. Old, obese, sick -- maybe more.
I read the peer review of the Santa Clara study. It's criticism is based on 2 false positives out of 401 samples. Since the sample size and positives are such small numbers that is still a significant possible problem. It means that the conclusions could be wrong, but not that they are likely to be, or are, they just could be if everything went one way. That's possible,, but by no means likely. Regardless, the results are still a significant starting point that of course needs more studies to verify, becuase the study could not possibly remove such a small possible error. Even with that level of confidence, the study is still far more reliable than the models which have been proven repeatedly to be very wrong, and not just possibly, indisputably.
My voice teacher in college recommended sleeping prone whenever a singer has a cold. I've always done it even though it's not a comfortable sleeping position for me, and it helps me breathe (I'm a nose-breather, can't fall asleep if I can't breathe through my nose) without decongestants.
And did you read the Oklahoma COVID-19, Chuck? Of course you didn't you dumb fuck. 53% in a week is nothing if the active cases are no longer rising in Oklahoma.
Chuck, CNN propaganda passer, no fucking surprise is it? For the record, they aren't rising in Iowa, Arkansas, or Nebraska either. This is why you get no fucking respect, Chuck- you saw that graphic and just took it at face value without thinking one level deeper- typical of you, Chuck. This is why you get yourself banned so often.
And, for the record, CNN is as good as being the DNC, so I win the point.
Beijing Boy: "Althouse works her fingers to the bone trying to make something nice, a place for elevated discussion, and thoughtless thugs come in and shit all over it."
Well said.
Althouse and Meade work hard to clean the place up and they ban a couple of the more disruptive leftist commenters.
But then those commenters lack the ethics and discipline to stay banned. Even worse, so many of the usual suspect leftists encourage more of this behavior.
Thank you Beijing Boy for calling this out. Lets hope Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck take guidance from your admonition.
Meadehouse is in deleting posts regularly. That provides an operational definition of what is and is not banned — the actual definition being known only to Meadehouse, who owe you no explanation. What they do not delete is de facto not banned. Like for example Begley wishing Lou Gehrig’s Disease on a columnist or ST wishing death on Inga. Stop trying to usurp Meadehouse's prerogative.
Ken B: "Stop trying to usurp Meadehouse's prerogative."
Just one more thing that never happened.
From what I read the Santa Clara study used FB employees, so not that random. And does not explain the situation in NYC (my guess is concentration of the virus in the subway, I think Michael K used the word virality).
NYC is doing around 16,000 tests a day, and is still getting 40% positive per day. Death rate has fallen as a percentage of the country to only 30%, with 630 today. CA is at 2% of total US deaths. US testing out of 156,429 tests was 20% positive for reported tests today.
A site with nice graphs down to a County Level that give more context is including cases per 100,000 is:
“ Just one more thing that never happened.”
Jeez man, enough about your sex life already.
yes indeed
Kem B: "Jeez man, enough about your sex life already."
You and ARM make a good pair tonight.
Drago's extreme brittleness wrecks another thread.
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