Sanders announced his decision to drop out in an all-staff call on Wednesday, the day after Wisconsin's Democratic presidential primary....So was he waiting for Wisconsin? Because the outcome of yesterday's voting is not yet revealed. The federal court order required a delay of the news until April 13th.
April 8, 2020
Sanders is out.
The Washington Examiner reports.
I can’t understand why nobody has had the huevos to stay in the race based solely on the chance that a senile, lying, serial plagiarist, credibly accused of sexual battery, will not make it to and through a convention.
Biden is now the nominee. Good. Trump will easily defeat this loser. A three time loser.
Hunter Biden and his daddy-made Barisma board wealth is NONE of your business!
The Wisconsin Election Commission is just playing games. The US Supreme Court over turned ALL of the lower court's ruling. The delay in reporting vote counts are just more Dane County Liberal corrupt games and thumbing their nose at the Supreme Court's ruling.
Typical Madison corruption.
The only thing that is stopping Biden now is Biden's health.
The longer he can hide, the more likely he will be nominated.
Didn't Biden say yesterday that he wanted Bernie to "join him on the journey"?
Onions on his belt.
Which was the style at the time.
Old man shouts at sky.
Just leaves Delusional Joe. Congratulations Democrats!!!
Bernie had to quit
Had shoulder pain and therefore
Couldn’t talk no more
Why should he stay in -- his work at destroying the free market economy and attempting to remake it into a gov't worker's paradise is on track due to the useful idiots and scaredy cats among us.
Bernie railed against
Millionaires and billionaires
But his schtick got old
This makes it easier for the DNC to do a switcheroo with Biden. So, was there a deal?
Sorry your title has a typo. It should read, "Path Cleared for Cumo"
Sanders is out, so now it's safe to ease Biden out and insert the Ringer.
Why is there an order that vote results can’t be released until the 13 th? can you still mail in ballots now?
Was Bernie worried
About his bladder control?
Well now, it Depends.
So now the multi-millionaire will return to his "Senator for life" wooden chair with seat pillow, and look at pictures of Murmansk in Spring bloom.
Tomorrow... the new house. #4
Cranky socialist
Combs his hair with a balloon
Bernie Bros loved him
I still don't understand why the results can't be released until the 13th. The original rationale was that the deadline to return absentee ballots was extended until then, so the totals had to be kept secret to prevent influencing votes that could still be cast. But the Supreme Court struck down the extension, so all (legal) votes have already been cast, and probably have all been counted or will be by tomorrow. It's not as though they are coming from Guam; they should, by definition, be coming from the same municipality as where they are being sent.
So why doesn't the judge rescind that part of his order and let the results be released? Or why doesn't one of the candidates in one of the elections (Justice Kelly, perhaps) file a motion requesting that? Or he could just publicly declare victory and act like he won, daring the Election Commission to prove him wrong (or right).
The Bernie bros love
The grizzled old socialist
They’re such a riot
This makes no sense to me unless there's something deeper going on.
I have noticed that Sanders can't get any primetime press coverage. The press is only covering Biden's statements - few as they are - and not giving Sanders any airtime the past two weeks.
This is quite literally the worst primary I've ever seen or heard of in terms of representing the people in a major party's candidate. So now Biden has ~4 months ahead of the convention that will actually formally nominate him to.....sit on the sidelines?
Stock market up. The socialist is out of the race.
AllenS stole my comment. But someone else would have had he not done it.
I was watching his Joe Rogan appearance last night to see if there;s any substance there. Nope, he's just a bitter old shithead who calls everyone else greedy.
"I can’t understand why nobody has had the huevos to stay in the race based solely on the chance that a senile, lying, serial plagiarist, credibly accused of sexual battery, will not make it to and through a convention."
I watched about 20 minutes of yesterday's COVID-19 briefing and also listened to 10 minutes of Trump's interview on Hannity. Trump came across as deeply involved and in command of the facts. He stood and took multiple questions from an ill mannered press. He was clearly brighter and better informed than most of the journalists.
Joe Biden can't read a teleprompter, much less take pointed questions that are intended to create a "gotcha" sound bite.
Trump is trying to make a cumbersome and uncooperative federal government do its job while under sniper fire from the DNC/media. We have the right man in the Presidency.
Here's the last bye-ku
My ration of 5-7-5
Like Bernie, is gone
Why is there an order that vote results can’t be released until the 13 th? can you still mail in ballots now?
Honestly with all the changes it's hard to keep up, but I believe the SC put the squash on the harvesting of late ballots. Postmarked by yesterday or not counted. So you have to wait for the mail. Which is slow.
He was never really in.
Cuomo/Fauci 2020!
He accomplished his goal of nominating Biden, which is all his candidacy was ever going to accomplish. Unless Bide self-destructed, he never had a chance, and should have dropped out and endorsed Pocahontas. Has the progressives rallied about Warren they might have had a chance. Blacks didn't love Bernie in 2016, and they felt no different in 2020. And the same is true of most of Blue-collar voters. The Democrats had better hope Biden wins, because Bernie will run again in 2024, if he doesn't.
It's almost like Bernie never actually wanted to win.
The federal court order required a delay of the news until April 13th.
What is that all about? Why would the results be delayed. Has anyone ever heard anything like that before?
What do you call the socialists who exposed themselves to a deadly virus to vote for a candidate who withdrew before the results were announced?
Would someone explain why One Federal Judge has the authority to tell the State of Winsc. WHEN to release its vote count?
I keep hoping for some pushback against there tinpot dictators in black robes, but I guess 'muerican just worship lawyers.
The problem with the Dem primary as a whole was that, with limited exceptions, no one was willing to really compete against each other.
Kamela tried to take out Biden...and failed
Tulsi took out Kamela...and did not do much of anything after that
Warren tried to take out Bernie...and failed
Warren did manage to ding Bloomberg (remember him??)
Some of those lower level guys -- sorry don't remember who -- did criticize Warren for her wildly over-priced she released her plans showing that...they were right and her numbers did not add I guess give them credit for partially forcing her hand to her detriment??
But no one really tried that hard to beat Joe (or Bernie). Even Bernie laid off Joe when it was just the two of them.
So Buffoon Biden is 'da man'.... Hahahahaha... lots of luck Democrats. Hope he remembers his own name at the debates.
Sander's unspent campaign coffers have been replenished. Mission accomplished.
Has he bought another house yet?
So was he waiting for Wisconsin?
Probably. Must of seen some exit polls showing that he wasn't going to upset Biden there.
Last time Bernie got a lake house. This time all he got was a bale Charmin from Costco, a half dozen N95 masks new in the box and a chance to win a week of ventilator time.
I’m disappointed in Bernie. As President he would be a nightmare, but as pot stirrer he’s been pretty good.
No he drops out and without a word leaves his loyal followers with Crazy Joe who is so demented he cannot even read his teleprompter.
What a pussy!
The Babylon Bee is reporting that Bernie dropped out of the race to spend more time with his many, many houses. I am disappointed, but we can still bern it all down in Milwaukee!
Should be worth more than one house, maybe two or three.
Lucien said...
I can’t understand why nobody has had the huevos to stay in the race based solely on the chance that a senile, lying, serial plagiarist, credibly accused of sexual battery, will not make it to and through a convention.
Being inclined to my native English, I cannot understand why our NYC Democrat occupying the Whitehouse has the testes to run again despite his proven cheating on his pregnant wife, his racketeering activities with his fake charity, his Cheat-em U. company that ripped off students, his designation as an unindicted co-conspirator in Federal Court and his politically-saved ass after his illegal Ukraine stupidity, Then there was All-County Maintenance; his six bankruptcies that cost Americans many millions of dollars; his mafia connections and his Russian money laundering - and the list goes on and on to include dementia as well as obviously ongoing emoluments clause violations.
Tommy Duncan said :Trump is trying to make a cumbersome and uncooperative federal government do its job while under sniper fire from the DNC/media. We have the right man in the Presidency.
4/8/20, 10:56 AM
Exactly. And still staying 2 steps ahead of anybody else.
Sanders is going to feel like an idiot when Biden dies of COVID-19 in May.
gadfly is an ass. Vote for Joe gadfly. He's perfect for you!!
Bernie Byeku:
Feeling the Bern heal?
Who told you to use a balm?
Biden coughs and dies.
If there were people who went to the polls yesterday in Wisconsin explicitly to vote for Bernie, then any of them who get sick as a consequence should be on his conscience.
If he had one. Perhaps some day I shall meet a socialist who has a conscience, but I wouldn't bet money on it.
Howard Cosell voice, "Down goes Bernie! Down goes Bernie!"
Now we wait for the reaction of the bros.
I think the intervening months will help sooth their ire.
It was nice that he thanked his troops. Very gracious.
If the whole speech had been that, and every other speech he made were like that, I might even have voted for the guy.
In 2016, all those Bernie voters and campaign contributors got "berned" by the DNC.
In 2020, all those Bernie voters and campaign contributors got "berned" by 'ole Bernie himself.
It's one thing to get fucked over in life. That happens. It's not fun.
It's quite another thing to fuck yourself over. Nobody cares about that:)
Sanders is going to feel like an idiot when Biden dies of COVID-19 in May.
I think it will happen when Biden's aphasia worsens to the point that he cannot coherently read a scripted answer.
Wait! We are already at that point.
Charge Jill and the DNC with elder abuse.
For that secret 'yet to announce' candidate to replace Biden there has to be a convention.
Then again, I may be underestimating democrats ability to make up new rules and pretend those rules have always been in place.
Bernie says all the right things, but he doesn't have the courage of his convictions. Why drop out? Why not at least run on a third party ticket?
Bernie is an actor playing a part, and this script calls on him to exit stage left. Cue the Deus ex Machina.
Rumor has it at some point in the past ten years or so, someone took gadly seriously about...something.
I think Bernie really wanted to be pres. But - in the end you need the corrupt Clinton machine behind you or - forget it.
Thanks for finishing with the Emoluments Clause. No comment like yours is complete without it. It’d be like a Stones concert without “Satisfaction.”
Robert Cook: “Why not at least run on a third party ticket?”
You’re an honest man. Why do you think he doesn’t?
Robert Cook: "why not at least run on a third party ticket?"
I would expect part of the answer is attracting enough money to fund a campaign. As I explained to my daughter, he ain't exactly a friend to the moneyed classes.
Breadlines Bernie probably wants to relax anddrink in the sights of empty grocery-store shelves. It's as if one of his socialist-Utopia fantasies came to life.
So, they've agreed on a price! tcrosse gets it. Bernie is like a sea anchor dragging dems ever leftward.
Resembles the Benson and Hedges commercial, "you never finish nothing Paco"!
Biden is probably happy today, but he shouldn't be. Now with Bernie out of the way, the DNC can remove him under some pretext and replace with candidate of their choice.
gadfly said...
his six bankruptcies that cost Americans many millions of dollars
It used to be 4 bankruptcies but perhaps a bit of inflation?
I've asked several times in the past and never get an answer: who lost money in DJT's bankruptcies? I would have thought someone would have brought them forward by now. I woolf have expected it 5 years ago. It might have helped Hilary win.
So Gadfly, do you know of any creditor who lost money in any of the bankruptcies? Any creditor who did not come out whole?
Got any names?
Surely one of them has complained publicly? Yes?
John Henry
Joe Biden claims he is being held captive in his basement.
Should the police be checking on him?
John Henry
Monday the Covid funding expired. I've been predicting that we would see the end of Kung Flu then.
Yesterday we started hearing "the cat is on the roof and won't come down"
Today a bit more.
By next week the media will be telling us there never was any serious illness and it was all a hoax by pdjt to get re-elected.
I for one am glad its over even if it does take a couple more days to wind down.
John Henry
There's always 2024!
Eighties are the new late-Seventies.
How will Bernie get paid for dropping out? Ima go with the usual large book advance for a book nobody buys, college speeches and Cnn guest gig. Probably not important enough for Netflix or Hulu special..
BTW, how does Obama's and Hillary's specials compare in popularity to Tiger King?
"How will Bernie get paid for dropping out?"
His children will get lucrative jobs as cable news correspondents and/or will cash in by sitting on some bullshit board. Nothing to see here so don't worry about it.
@BarrySanders20 10:48: pure genius!
gadfly @11:24 AM: Very good points! In other words, he has some things in common with the rest of the DC monkey house, and, God help us, much of the public at large.
Except that he seems to be on America's side, instead of the China/globalist side.
Your extensive inventory of crimes kind of begs the question of why Aunt Nancy and Congresscritter Schiffkopf didn't include any of them in their impeachment articles.
Why not at least run on a third party ticket?
Arkancide. You are just not up to this, Cook.
Bernie always quits.
79 years old, with three houses and a sinecure that pays well for how little is expected of him. Why bother with the aggravation? After all, he's done pretty well for someone who avoided doing any real work his whole life.
So he quit.
Why did he quit now???
Why? Cause he RAN OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY!!! Just like a true socialist does.
He then folds his tent and goes back to his millions of $$.
The joke is on the young'uns that gave him $$.
Look, a major figure in the Presidential sweepstakes, fantasized by some, feared by many, loathed by most, has pulled out and the whole thread gets only 77 comments after 6 or 8 hours. That is good news for America.
Cause he RAN OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY!!! Just like a true socialist does.
He then folds his tent and goes back to his millions of $$.
Entirely his object. He keeps the unspent. Upgrade the camp. Oaxaca beckons. No, not Oaxaca; Maracaibo. Go you phony go.
I hope for a Bernie third-party run if only for the must-see Trump-Biden-Bernie debates. Trump would have twice as much material. Twice the number of stooges to slap around. Much hilarity.
Bernie would have been a better one-on-one opponent, too. A little crazy, a little bellicose, and a lot of eat-the billionaire energy that the kids love so much. Matchups make fights. He’d bring out the best in Trump the TV star.
Biden? We’ll see one debate, two tops. If he makes it that far, and his handlers can’t manufacture reasons to dodge the debates entirely. I think his team will coach him to slow down, be careful, stick to the same coupla talking points (written on your hand, Joe!), smile a lot, don’t give hairsplitting Senatorial answers about voting FOR the continuing resolution on the floor but AGAINST the initial resolution during caucus markup or somesuch, he might be able to run out the clock. Factor in the exceedingly low expectations and fears he’ll barely be able to mumble a coherent thought, he might get credit for something resembling a draw in a dull, dreary debate.
Run, Bernie, run.
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