I agree with our mayor. The planned election is not fair. It's not fair to old people like me who are used to voting in person and can't bring ourselves to go through an on-line procedure that required us to photograph our photo ID and upload it to a government website. It's not fair to the poll workers, who tend to be older and therefore more vulnerable. It's not fair to all the people who are trying to do social distancing but are thinking of deviating from the practice to venture into a place they know isn't right. What's the legitimacy to that outcome?
I'm rather sure that if the conservative candidate for state Supreme Court justice wins that liberals will think it's because right-wingers are dismissive of the limitations of social distancing and because poor, urban voters felt confused or intimidated. If the liberal candidate for state Supreme Court justice wins, I suspect conservatives will have theories of their own, though they don't spring to mind so easily. Absentee votes were "harvested"? Young people, feeling invulnerable, showed up in disproportion?
Anyway, it's actually still not too late to get an absentee ballot. A federal judge extended the deadline until this afternoon at 5. Go here. And go here if you want to get hired as a poll worker (and you're healthy and under 60).
If you're considering voting in person, know that your health will be safeguarded with "curbside voting" ("for those with underlying health conditions, recent symptoms or a cold or illness, or recent exposure to someone who is sick" (no requirement that you sign the poll book)), plexiglas shields between voters and poll workers (with the poll book passed to you under the shield), allowing you to use your own pen (blue or black), a supply of disinfectant spray, wipes and hand sanitizer (enjoy inhaling the spray), the floor marked with tape so you can see how to stay 6 feet apart, and a screening of the poll workers (done by asking them questions about their health).
ADDED: I'm trying to picture the plexiglas shield configuration. Is this something like a salad bar?
AND: Here's a Wisconsin State Journal article about yesterday's federal court decision:
In his 53-page ruling, [U.S. District Judge William Conley] criticized the “political considerations” he said influenced the decision of state officials, including Gov. Tony Evers and the Republican leadership in the Legislature, to hold the election despite the threat to public health.At least it was bipartisan! Conley is an Obama appointee (if that's your question).
“Contrary to the view of at least a dozen other states, as well as the consensus of medical experts across the country as to the gathering of large groups of people,” Conley wrote, “the state of Wisconsin appears determined to proceed with an in-person election on April 7, 2020.”ALSO: After a commenter here said that it was not necessary to upload a photo ID to get an absentee ballot, I went to the site to try to get an absentee ballot for the April 7th election. After I entered my name and address, I was confronted with this:
But Conley said the only role of a federal district court “is to take steps that help avoid the impingement on citizens’ rights to exercise their voting franchise,” as protected under the Constitution and in federal law. “That is what the court attempts to do … understanding that a consequence of these measures may be to further the public health crisis in this state,” Conley wrote. “Unfortunately, that is beyond the power of this court to control."
I checked the box for the August 11th primary. I did that after some reading and because I did not want to vote absentee in the big presidential election in November. I was confused by the August 11th primary date and wondered if the primary was being moved and mused about whether there was another primary in August. I didn't know, but the yellow banner made me think that I'd get an absentee ballot if I requested one of these other ballots. I see now that I would not have received an April 7th ballot, and that in fact, I'd have to check the box for voting absentee to the end of the year to get an April 7th ballot. Despite taking almost 5 minutes to read the fine print, I did it wrong. I'm a law professor, and I tried to read it, and I did it wrong. But it didn't matter, because when I continued to the next page, I saw this:
They need the photo ID uploaded. Fortunately, I bailed at that point. I say fortunately, because if I had gone to all that trouble I would NOT have received an April 7th because I'd made a mistake on the previous page.
IN THE COMMENTS: People keep prodding me about how I could accomplish the task of requesting an absentee ballot (as if I don't know how to take and send a photo with my iPhone). I say:
And you are missing my point if you stress whether I personally can find a way to vote absentee. I am using myself to test what it's like to be a person who wants to vote and is trying to interface with the system, and I am trying to form an opinion about how hard (and how trustworthy) it is. The easier it is, the less trustworthy it feels, but the harder it is, the less fair it feels. I just don't like it at all!
To think that the law in Wisconsin depends on this! It's annoying enough that we have a liberal and a conservative candidate running for state Supreme Court justice. That alone already makes us skeptical and cynical about the court. But on top of that we need to feel that the election is determined by how different kinds of people react to the threat of the coronavirus!
८६ टिप्पण्या:
"I agree with our mayor. The planned election is not fair. It's not fair to old people like me who are used to voting in person and can't bring ourselves to go through an on-line procedure that required us to photograph our photo ID and upload it to a government website."
This is false. It takes literally one minute to request an absentee ballot if you have an established address:
Metcalfe's is all plexi-glassed now at checkout. There's a little slot where you can hand your money in -- it's also where the debit card reader sits. I think that's similar to what the pollworkers will see.
You might want to clue your mayor up to the stories out of New Orleans vis-a-vis Covid-19 outcomes of the morbidly obese.
Her lifestyle choices put her at extreme risk when she eventually contracts this virus, election or not.
I have voted by mail for several years now. It couldn't be easier or more convenient. The ballots are mailed to the house; we return them in the posted-paid envelopes.
I've never had to supply any photo-ID, presumably because my wife and I were already registered and have not moved.
Wow, is the Wisconsin State Journal website ever horrible. It popped up the same ad three times less than five seconds after dismissing it. And that's not counting the popup welcome message and the goodbye message that interrupted my attempt to go back to Althouse.
Wow - no signature in the poll book. That's big. So the poll book judge marks it instead? Room for tomfuckery or conspiracy theorizing there, if you're into that sort of thing.
I'm 73 years old, and I'm planning on going to the town hall to vote. Freedom isn't free. A lot of Americans have died to protect the right to vote. If you're too scared, then don't go.
This really isn't difficult or a crisis. Postpone it already - if the state constitution allows it.
"Wilbur said...
I have voted by mail for several years now. It couldn't be easier or more convenient. The ballots are mailed to the house; we return them in the posted-paid envelopes.
I've never had to supply any photo-ID, presumably because my wife and I were already registered and have not moved."
What makes you think that everyone who receives a ballot by mail is a registered and legitimate voter? Or that no duplicate ballots are mailed? What prevents people from harvesting ballots- drop offs are unmonitored. Vote by mail is designed for fraud.
"right-wingers are dismissive of the limitations of social distancing"
Some of us right-wingers are dismissive of the idea that we need complete shutdowns to promote social distancing. We are also dismissive of the idea that transmission should be stopped at all cost: it probably can't be done, and building up immunity among the healthy young is a benefit. But I am not dismissive of postponing elections and instituting new procedures that enable quarantined seniors--of course, I mean actual isolation, not personal "let's go out if it seems safe" diligence--to participate.
If only Wisconsin had a governor.
At least with Walker, there was always someone to blame.
"I'm trying to picture the plexiglas shield configuration. Is this something like a salad bar?"
The liquor stores in the seedy areas of Pontiac, MI had this figured out in the 1980's. We suburban kids would go to buy 30 packs of Strohs at a $5 markup over what it usually cost. Slide the money under the thick bullet proof barrier and the 30 pack and the change gets rotated out via cylindrical delivery from one side of the counter to the other. No talking needed, just a nod.
"This is false. It takes literally one minute to request an absentee ballot if you have an established address:
Dan, you are wrong, and I have the screen shots to prove it. I was stopped at a page that said I don't have a photo ID on file.
It was also confusing and would have taken me 5 minutes to do if I hadn't been stopped on that page, because I did not want to agree to vote absentee for the rest of 2020. I only wanted an absentee ballot for the primary. I had to read some confusing check-box material, and it actually had no April 7th date, but a banner about the April 7th day. Is there a second primary happening in August? I ended up checking the box for an August 11th primary, but when I advanced to the next page, I was told I did not have an ID on file and I would need to do that.
When I was a kid, I learned that "life isn't fair." There are husbands and wives that know their spouses are dying all alone and cannot be in the same building to comfort them. THAT is unfair. Thirty-percent of Americans might lose their jobs.
So I'm not particularly moved about tragic "unfairness" of needing to sign up for an absentee ballot.
The question I would have for the postpone the election people is: if not now, when? May? Are the seniors safe in May? June? When? And if we have the election in June or July?
And what about the people who have already voted? And what about the workers who have already exposed themselves to manufacture and delivery the ballots. We should make them do everything over again and take up 2X risk? Is that "fair"?
I plan to walk to the polling place and cast my vote. As AllenS notes, Freedom isn't Free. Everyone has choices in life. I will take precautions before and after the vote. You cannot expect the Government to keep you safe from microbes.
I think I'm in a risk group, too. Like David Lat, I have asthma. Not terrible asthma, but it's there, underneath, lurking.
We really need only one person to vote. Others could email him with arguments for him to consider before voting.
"Dan, you are wrong, and I have the screen shots to prove it. I was stopped at a page that said I don't have a photo ID on file." Well, I wasn't stopped and they don't have my photo ID on file.
Ann: If you have a smart phone, register that way. You can simply take a photo of your ID and upload it. Dan is correct that this whole process take 1-5 minutes.
lanc709 said...
What makes you think that everyone who receives a ballot by mail is a registered and legitimate voter? Or that no duplicate ballots are mailed? What prevents people from harvesting ballots- drop offs are unmonitored. Vote by mail is designed for fraud.
I never suggested otherwise. I just said that voting by mail is not difficult.
4/3/20, 8:23 AM
You cannot go to work, you cannot move about freely, you must cower in place and you must obey for your own good. A small sacrifice.
But postponing the spring election might inconvenience some elected officials. No way! How dare you!
I vote, but I think our political obsession is kinda nuts.
I argue on FB and Althouse, but I think that attaching much importance to that is kinda nuts.
We need to go back to work, end martial law, and live with the risk.
If you need even more proof that our credentialed class is mostly composed of fools and frauds, watch the How to Fix a Drug Scandal on Netflix. In the most liberal, purportedly educated state in the union, Massachusetts, 35,000 drug cases tossed out because of prosecutorial misconduct and phony lab test results.
And almost all the villains were women, and Democrats to boot.
Pennsylvania already voted to move it move it to June 2. Didn't cause a peep of protest or push-back.
""Dan, you are wrong, and I have the screen shots to prove it. I was stopped at a page that said I don't have a photo ID on file." Well, I wasn't stopped and they don't have my photo ID on file."
Read my post update with the screen shots.
Did you not get a page that informed you that you had no photo ID on file?
If you did not, why not? You might be wrong about whether you've got an ID on file, but if not then different people are seeing different things. Maybe if I'd checked the box for voting absentee all year they'd have spared me the requirement? I don't know why! The different treatment is a worse problem than the photo ID uploading barrier.
But I don't trust an election where it is too easy to get mail-in ballots. Are these people really voters doing their own voting or are they just names with addresses and other people telling them what to do or marking the ballot for them?
You realize that all of this in your State is just a run up to the Democrats trying to cancel the Presidential election in November.
Plus it is an excellent way to commit voter fraud with lots and lots of bogus "absentee" ballots.
"Ann: If you have a smart phone, register that way. You can simply take a photo of your ID and upload it. Dan is correct that this whole process take 1-5 minutes."
1. As I said, I am not going to do the photo ID upload. I tried to request a ballot only because Dan said I could do it without the photo upload.
2. I don't want to commit to voting absentee in November. I have seen enough of the website to believe that I can't request an absentee ballot for next week unless I give up my right to do an in-person vote in the momentous presidential election, as I have done all my life.
3. I am not confused about the ability of the phone to take and send a photograph. That is not my problem!
Wjat should never ever happen is that official election results are announced or posted while absentee voting is still open.
But I was working on a desktop computer, so switching to doing the procedure on the phone would have been more complicated.
I don't trust this at all. Voter Fraud is very real, and unfortunately, nobody will trust the results.
"Did you not get a page that informed you that you had no photo ID on file?
If you did not, why not? You might be wrong about whether you've got an ID on file, but if not then different people are seeing different things. Maybe if I'd checked the box for voting absentee all year they'd have spared me the requirement?"
No. No idea. I guess that is possible. No idea. I only checked the box for this election. In addition, I did this for my wife - same process. No id request.
"...because right-wingers are dismissive of the limitations of social distancing and because poor, urban voters felt confused or intimidated."
Of course, conservatives don't believe in Science! so they will take to the streets in groups, hugging and sharing bibles on their way to vote. Of course, urban voters would be lost without white Liberals holding their hands and showing them which way to vote.
Your local Hy-Vee has plexiglass shields between cashiers and customers.
Try Hy-Vee. There's a helpful smile in every aisle.
And check out its "heroes" commercial. On Twitter.
And you are missing my point if you stress whether I personally can find a way to vote absentee. I am using myself to test what it's like to be a person who wants to vote and is trying to interface with the system, and I am trying to form an opinion about how hard (and how trustworthy) it is. The easier it is, the less trustworthy it feels, but the harder it is, the less fair it feels. I just don't like it at all!
To think that the law in Wisconsin depends on this! It's annoying enough that we have a liberal and a conservative candidate running for state Supreme Court justice. That alone already makes us skeptical and cynical about the court. But on top of that we need to feel that the election is determined by how different kinds of people react to the threat of the coronavirus!
Pennsylvania already voted to move it move it to June 2. Didn't prompt a peep of protest or push-back.
If you can't follow computer directions, you shouldn't be voting. And I'm glad one of our Kings in Robes decided to let the election go forward, because nothing - i repeat - nothing can be done without their consent.
There's no reason people can't wear masks and and the sit behind plastic shields and everyone else maintain a six feet distance. if you really want to vote, people will put up with a little inconvenience. Peeps should just imagine they'll get a roll of toilet paper at the voting machine, and everything will be OK.
"No. No idea. I guess that is possible. No idea. I only checked the box for this election. In addition, I did this for my wife - same process. No id request."
What box for this election?!
Look at my screen shot. There's no such box.
Same for this Fall. Either in-person voting happens like usual or we put this election off for a year or two. Since Nancy is likely to lose the House and Trump will be re-elected if this year goes on as planned, then you might just find bipartisan agreement on a do-over for 2022 and that would allow the D party to do another primary and hope like hell for a better result than the fix they’re in now.
Ballot harvesting. It's how Dems win elections after election night. Happened all over the place in California. GOP candidate up after the count on election night....and then we just keep counting absentee ballots util we get the result we want.
That's how Al Franken got his Senate seat. Remember? Votes found in somebody's trunk put him over the top like a week later.
I believe the strategy was formed during the 2000 Gore/Bush Florida fight, until the US Supreme Court jumped in and stopped the madness.
"It's annoying enough that we have a liberal and a conservative candidate running for state Supreme Court justice."
Are we still pretending that Justices aren't political beasts?
We all know what will happen. IF the conservative judge wins, the liberals will sue and say the election is invalid because of blah blah. The liberal judges will agree and decree a re-vote, then it will be appealed and ultimately the appeals court will decide.
if the liberal supreme court justice wins, then that will be that. That's how the USA works in 2020.
What is the Wuhan Flu death count in Wisconsin? Two?
This seems to very overdone.
"It's annoying enough that we have a liberal and a conservative candidate running for state Supreme Court justice. That alone already makes us skeptical and cynical about the court."
I see we are still pretending that Justices aren't political. Blind Justice doesn't exist. It's an illusion.
Ann, Why won’t you upload your DL photo?
Another confusing thing on the website -- which I tried to use a second time to see if I could get something different -- is that there's a check box for certifying that you are "indefinitely confined due to age" etc.
I figured I could skip that box, and press to continue on, but I hesitated for a while thinking maybe you have to check that to be entitled to an absentee ballot. It would be a lie, so I never considered checking it, but I could see someone else feeling that they need to check it or wondering what "indefinitely" means -- especially in relation to our social distancing -- and checking it and worrying that they're committing perjury or that their fellow citizens are committing perjury.
Again, I'm a law professor, and I assume I'm in the top 10% in the ability to read bureaucratic writing like this. Part of what I'm doing is trying to imagine how an ordinary person feels or a person who has difficulty reading for one reason or another or is anxious about doing things on line.
Up to now We've always voted in person. This time, however, Mrs. Bushman went ahead and ordered us absentee ballots. She said the process was easy, only took a few minutes. I did have to give her my DL so she could upload a picture.
I think we will vote absentee in all future elections. It's easier than I thought and I've long lost any romanticism about in-person voting.
"And I'm glad one of our Kings in Robes decided to let the election go forward, because nothing - i repeat - nothing can be done without their consent."
Agree. You can see it hurts him not to be able to issue writs and decrees, but this is the correct decision. I happen to think the state officials are morons for forcing postponement of everything else, but not a spring election. Let them make decisions and we can judge them based on it. That is what the federal judge got right.
The federal judges in Madison are haughty even for federal judges. Getting way too big for their britches.
When you extend absentee voting, you create the opportunity for fraud. How many more votes do we need to put us over the top?
Like when the US Basketball team lost to the Russians in the 70’s because the refs kept putting time back on the clock.
BTW, go read the liberal News site "Memorandum". Its non-stop Trump bashing. Every headlines is a misleading attack on Trump. He's confused, incompetent, and out-of-control. Everything is going badly, we're all doomed and going to die and the economy is cratering. And its established "Fact" that "Trump lied and people died" because he "botched" the early handling of the crisis.
If a law school professor who was first in her class is confused, it must be confusing.
I viewed your screenshots and I concur. I too would have bailed rather than check any choice presented. Where is the 4/7 vote? WTF!
37 deaths in Wisconsin.
I would support delaying the election for fairness to all. But not extending the count. Absentee ballots should be post marked by election day. On what fundamental basis is it fair to ANYONE to be able to cast a vote after election day?
You can’t put a bet down on the roulette table after the spin starts. You can’t buy car insurance after the accident or life insurance after your dead.
This is typical Madison Liberal Judge corruption.
To think that the law in Wisconsin depends on this! It's annoying enough that we have a liberal and a conservative candidate running for state Supreme Court justice. That alone already makes us skeptical and cynical about the court. But on top of that we need to feel that the election is determined by how different kinds of people react to the threat of the coronavirus!
The entire purpose of scheduling the SC election at the same time of the Dem primary was to advantage Democrats. We didn't need coronavirus to be skeptical.
"It's annoying enough that we have a liberal and a conservative candidate running for state Supreme Court justice. That alone already makes us skeptical and cynical about the court."
Is it annoying that candidates are honest about their leanings? Does honesty about the politics of law make us less cynical than the pretense that impartial judges just call balls and strikes? Might it hearten conservatives to know that the right is no longer playing the fake neutrality game and recognizes prog lawfare for what it is?
Wilbur said...."Vote by mail is designed for fraud."
That is exactly what it is.
memeorandum, is a journalist hive, I don't see a reason why we need a judicial election now, in a month or two, maybe.they are setting up their ballot harvesting scheme, see southern California 2018
Check out “As Goes Wisconsin” on Facebook. It has a series of short videos which walk you through the process of ordering an absentee ballot using your phone. It is super easy, even for an oldie like me! Even the uploading your driver’s license part is made easy.
"I am not confused about the ability of the phone to take and send a photograph. That is not my problem!"
I have no idea what your "problem" is but it sure comes across as if you are trying and even struggling to make signing up for an absentee ballot seem so much harder and more confusing than it is. This process isn't that hard. Sorry. It's not. Over a million Wisconsin residents (most well less educated than a retired law professor) have figured it out. Almost of them have already voted. We are smarter than you think, professor!
And if we wait until June or July, vulnerable people will STILL be encouraged to vote by mail.
I just don't see the logic of postponement unless you are willing to postpone elections for 6 months to a year.
Why don’t you go into your early curbside MLK drive voting spot today, take global precautions, wear a bandana or underwear on your face and vote. It won’t be crowded, certainly not like on Election Day. Open til 6pm
My inclination is to always assume that government on every level is an extortion racket staffed by idiots and thugs.
Government is a necessity. One gang or the other has to control the rackets. Our founding fathers were very clever about how to limit the damage. Don't allow any faction to hold power for very long.
If I were a young man, I'd be considering whether to tell the government to go fuck itself, and then to go about my life in whatever way I saw fit.
I'm an old man, too old to fight this shit, and I'm comfortable, retired, and financially secure. I'm frustrated at how sheepishly we're bowing down and accepting the imposition of what amounts to martial law.
Risk is the price of freedom.
Bush man of the kohlrabi. You're cracking me up brother. You hit on the exact reason why our esteemed hostess cannot register online to vote absentee. It's because she is lacking what you and I have which is a nice smart efficient reliable wife. No offense, Meade.
Is there some reason why it is important to have this vote next week, as opposed to later in the summer? If not, then delay it. Problem solved.
My wife ordered an absentee ballot online for WI and did NOT have to supply an uploaded photo ID..FWIW
More facts rather than feelings.
On March 3, 2020, 109838 Wisconsin citizens had applied for absentee ballots.
By April 3, 2020, 1197472 Wisconsin citizens had applied for absentee ballots.
As a point of comparison, there were only 1,207,569 total votes in the Hagedorn/Neubauer and that was considered a high turnout.
The facts suggest people are figuring this out just fine.
Government systems are notoriously hard and intimidating. Unsurprising since it’s a system designed both by committee and a beaurocracy.
Now we know where the Obamacare programmers went to work after the unaffordable healthcare Web site was finished. They’re now in charge of WI voter information site. Still learning to code when they can’t even think through a process to make it simple and intuitive. We were all spoiled by the genius of Jonny Ive and the ease of using the original iPhone. Unfortunately industrial design and Web site design falls way below Steve Jobs’ standards. Althouse’s experience with this crappy site, and the way different experience of others who had the option to check 4/7 really intrigues me. I hope we get to see this mystery solved.
Postponing probably isn't a big deal, but after the economy has been shut down and millions of people have been thrown out of work mostly to protect the lives of old people, it's hard to listen to complaints about the unfairness of old people missing out on their preferred voting experience and having to spend a few minutes online. We're in a time of shared sacrifice.
Althouse: I'm having issues.
Commentariate: No you're not.
Can just one of you preregistered Madisonites address Althouse’s question about her screenshots? I don’t care that it was easy for you and your wife to do it. I’m curious why the choices presented to Althouse (1) don’t include the 4/7 election (and I’m pretty sure this is due to time requirements, it being the 3rd already) and the ID issue (which some of you encountered and some did not). As an observer these things are not easy to figure out. Any helpful ideas?
"I don't want to commit to voting absentee in November. I have seen enough of the website to believe that I can't request an absentee ballot for next week unless I give up my right to do an in-person vote in the momentous presidential election, as I have done all my life."
If this a real concern (and not a phony concern) take a deep breath because I'm 99.9% sure you can still show up and vote in person. You just can't vote twice.
No one is "giving up rights."
I know how you feel Althouse. Many a question I have posed here only to have the object of my question avoid it entirely. They have ALL the smart answers... until you ask a direct specific question.
You Madison people need to go to Hy-Vee and check out their plexiglass shields.
Times were so much simpler and easier when women could not vote. Perhaps, we should go back to that policy. The Founding Fathers had it figured out way back then. Don't forget that fact.
"Can just one of you preregistered Madisonites address Althouse’s question about her screenshots?"
Her screenshots are different screens from those that appeared during the "normal" absentee ballot request period, where there was an easily identifiable "April 7 election only" choice. It looks like they needed a quick solution to extend the request period once the judge had ruled, and instead of creating a whole new "only this election" option, they just added the message that if you select "for the entire year" you'll get this election included.
Indeed, I see that in order to request a ballot for the 7th. The system found my name and address and does not require any sort of photo ID
Highlighted in yellow>>>
“If you request to receive ballots for all elections in the calendar year 2020, you will receive a ballot for the April 7, 2020 election.“
I am waiting for a return call from city hall to schedule an appointment to vote in person.
If I try to request a ballot I get I highlighted in yellow>>>>
”If you request to receive ballots for all elections in the calendar year 2020, you will receive a ballot for the April 7, 2020 election.“
I just made an appointment to vote at city hall in a couple hours..
"If a law school professor who was first in her class is confused, it must be confusing."
I seem to recall, from a few years ago, her being all kinds of confused about another website that was mostly blank 'cept for a "click here" that would move when you tried to click it. She was upset that it wasn't made clear (to her) that it was actually from the opposing political party...even tho it said exactly that at the bottom of the page.
Reckon that boomers gotta boom, eh?
Thank you Calypso. I truly appreciate that response. And it makes sense.
Government websites are written for people who already know precisely what is going on.
I keep thinking of the people who lined up in Iraq to vote, despite the terrible violence and bombings.
My friend in Las Vegas texted me yesterday that she made a mask from an old HEPA vacuum cleaner filter.
Government websites are written for people who already know precisely what is going on
Am off work due to the plague and applied for unemployment, something I had never done before. The point is that the online system is under such stress that things are moving forward slowly, slowly, slowly and it has had to be rejiggered more than once because of changes in federal or state (or both; I ought to pay attention but don't) law since the beginning of March. There are different sections in the present UI that don't precisely mesh with sections pre-existing the late changes, and it's confusing, perhaps in a way comparable to the absentee process in Wisconsin.
But I will repeat myself and tell whoever wants to read it that voting by mail ought to be suppressed and we ought to need to walk up to the polling places and physically complete our ballots.
I'd happily welcome general election days being public, paid, holidays. If you care about your political party in such a way that you feel obliged to vote in its primary then you can make arrangements to get the polls, holiday or not.
So BFD if you sign up now to get ballots for the rest of the year.
You can rescind that request after this election.
Happens all the time.
And really, why the hell would they have a copy of your photo ID on file?
This is making a mountain out of a mole hill.
My question is: does Meade have the cojones to do the absentee voting without pissing off his obstinate wife?
Ms. Althouse, the screen shot you posted did not look like the application form I downloaded. The form I downloaded from the Cottage Grove village web site was identified as EL-121 and included a sheet of instructions on how to fill out the application. On the application in section 6 were 3 boxes or choices. The first being "The Election(s) On The Following Date(s):__________." Since we had always voted in person in the past and had only shown an ID to the poll worker I knew that we did not have IDs on file. So I copied our IDs on my copier and included them with our applications.
I think my wife and I completed the form in around 5 minutes or less. We chose to vote absentee for a couple of reasons. The first is that I'm a couple months short of 70 and have COPD, not severe but it still puts me in the threatened group. The second was that the village asked the citizens to vote absentee. Third, we had never done it before and wanted the experience. Having now voted both ways we prefer the in person method.
Ann- The reason you could not request an absentee ballot today for the April 7th election ONLY is because a complex system was programmed according to state law to stop allowing that request on April 2. A federal judge extended the period to request an absentee ballot by one extra day for requests by email or fax (and online if it could be arranged). The MyVote.WI.Gov system could not be reprogrammed on 24 hours notice so for today the only way to use the online request was to request absentee ballots for the entire year of 2020.
Wisconsin requires a photo ID to vote and a valid photo ID must be on file with your clerk to vote absentee. This also prevents fraud because otherwise anyone could request a ballot by just knowing your name and birthday. Information about voter participation in Wisconsin elections is also public. Try going to Myvote.wi.gov and use the "search by name" button to follow the ballot status of any Wisconsin voter (if you have their b-day). For example:
Paul Ryan 01/29/1970 Former Speaker of the House
Anthony Evers 11/05/1951 Governor of Wisconsin
Thomas Barrett 12/08/1953 Mayor of Milwaukee
Lena Taylor 07/25/1966 Candidate for Mayor of Milwaukee
Ann Althouse 01/12/1951 Blogger
Laurence Meade 03/29/1954 Blogger sidekick
Eric Genrich 10/08/1979 Mayor of Green Bay
Dean Kaufert 05/23/1957 Mayor of Neenah
Timothy Hanna 03/29/1957 Mayor of Appleton
Cory Mason 01/25/1973 Mayor of Racine
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