"... gaveling in and out of a special session in seconds without taking action. A source close to the governor told POLITICO on Saturday that Evers had no plans to take further action in an attempt to stop the election, despite his suggestion on Friday that he might explore other options.... The governor's reasoning in deciding not to take additional action, such as attempting to order polls closed by his own action or having a health official shutter them, is that it could backfire on him, the source close to Evers said. If the issue went before the Wisconsin Supreme Court, which holds a Republican majority, Evers risks inadvertently creating precedent that could adversely affect his emergency powers, the source said. Beyond that, the governor’s office doesn’t want to expend all of its political capital in a fight over moving the election because it needs GOP legislative leaders to play ball on a broader coronavirus funding package.... In a joint statement on Friday, legislative GOP leaders dismissed Evers’ last-minute plea, saying that hundreds of thousands of workers still were attending their jobs every day. 'There’s no question that an election is just as important as getting take-out food,' the statement said."
From "Wisconsin's primary to go forward Tuesday even as coronavirus all but shutters the U.S./A source close to Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers said he's unlikely to take further steps to halt the election" (Politico).
I don't know how much to believe that source, but Politico makes it sound as though Evers is afraid to use emergency executive power because to use it would be to expose it to judgment, and he might learn that the power does not exist, and that would hurt his ability to use that power on some later occasion.
What good is the power if you don't use it? If you say you have it, but the state Supreme Court has never had the occasion to tell you you're wrong, you can keep using it to threaten the legislature. That's the idea of conserving "political capital" so you can get the "GOP legislative leaders to play ball" on something else, something presumably more important than the election (the "broader coronavirus funding package"?).
But if Evers displays such reticence, is he preserving or losing political capital? I can't tell whether the idea is to maintain mystery over the scope of emergency powers — in case he wants to use or threaten to use it on some later occasion — or whether he simply wants to avoid controversy and conflict with Republicans because he has to keep working with them. That conservative majority on the state Supreme Court is 5-2, so, although a conservative incumbent is up for reelection, the balance cannot shift until next time. That is, there's little hope that the court will be more likely to approve of strong executive power after the election.
Here's what I tend to think. The problems with the election hurt Democrats more than Republicans, no matter what changes could be made. It is therefore best for Evers to stand back, let the chaotic election happen, and blame those terrible Republicans for deliberately disenfranchising the people of Milwaukee. If he acts, attention will turn to him and it will be presumed that Democrats got an advantage from what will be called a power grab. In that light, Evers does preserve political capital by not acting.
That's not to say partisan power is the highest value here. It's not.
ADDED: For insight into why the problems hurt Democrats so much, read "Despite Coronavirus Lockdown, Wisconsin Republicans Insist on an Election that Will Disenfranchise Thousands" (Mother Jones). It will be harder for people in Milwaukee to vote in person, but it's also harder for Democratic voters to use absentee ballots.
CORRECTION: As originally published, this post omitted the word "not" in "and he might learn that the power does not exist." Very sorry!
८४ टिप्पण्या:
Where is the chaos if you wear a mask and employ social distancing? Seems to work everywhere else.
Three months after the election we will know if it was a good idea or not, public health wise, but they are giving the Democrats a bloody shirt to wave in the fall either way.
There is no reason for Wisconsin to be locked down. Only those who have health issues need to be staying at home, not workers. Evers is a beta male, and should not be in charge of anything. Shame on Wisconsin voters for choosing poorly.
I’m having a little trouble following this. Is it a primary election or an election for one seat on the Supreme Court?
Either way, though, it doesn’t seem vital enough to treat election day as set in stone. It might be different if the people charged with deciding on whether to proceed, like the governor or legislature, were facing a vote, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here.
There is very questionable things going on with absentee ballots already. My wife and I requested one and then all of a sudden one for my daughter showed up. Unrequested. She’s out on the East coast. This seems like potential fraud. Evers request is a Democrat dream.
One interesting point from the article: "...turnout among key Democratic constituencies could fall precipitously, particularly among college students, whose schools have moved to online-only classes..."
How do Wisconsinites feel about college students, who go home to another state in a crisis, forming a significant voting block in Wisconsin elections?
And "...but it's also harder for Democratic voters to use absentee ballots."
I read the article and didn't see any explanation for this. A judge has already temporarily suspended the requirement that absentee ballots be filled out in front of a witness -- but even if that hadn't been suspended, I don't see how we can conclude that Democrats are more likely to be self-quarantining in solitude where Republicans will have another adult in the household.
clint, that witness requirement was put back into place by Judge Conley Friday night.
Surprised that Ann did not mention the USSC appeal to stop extended absentee voting extension ... filed by RNC and WI republicans.
It's par for the course with WI politics here. Althouse always promotes the party line when discussing WI pols.
The election is both a presidential primary and an election for state Supreme Court, other judges, many city mayors, including Milwaukee, court executive in Milwaukee, and big dollar school referenda. It is a big deal.
Milwaukee usually has 180 voting locations. They are down to 5 now. Parts of the city are where the worst of the outbreak exists. 25 of the 28 deaths in Milwaukee County are blacks. They are not even a majority in the city. That is also a big deal to force people who have not already voted to make that choice.
I applied for an absentee ballot on Thursday and received it yesterday. So the suburbs are in the ball. WisRich, I received a mailer addressed to my college aged daughter but it was not a ballot, only an application to request a ballot. Maybe that’s what you received?
County Executive, not court. iPhone screen.
Technical factors aside, it appears that the Governor has perceived that he may be losing the Mandate of Heaven. Imagine events if our President had the same reaction.
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary men.
In other words, what AllenS said.
but it's also harder for Democratic voters to use absentee ballots.
Seriously...it's the same thing with voter ID...why is it supposed to be so hard for Democratic voters to get an ID?
The real problem is all of those double registered Democrats at the college have all gone back home and can't vote.
I have tried honestly to figure out why minorities are more likely to find election laws hinder their ability to vote. I can't figure it out.
One example of absentee ballots that can't be counted because the required witness signature is absent. Why would minorities find that requirement difficult to meet? Same with cleaning up registered voter rolls. If you haven't voted in over 12? years, clearing the registration is not going to impact minorities more than WASP's. People that consider voting important, don't have any problem getting the job done. I don't know how to make others reset their priorities.
It appears Gov Evers tried to take full advantage of a crisis and not let it go to waste.
Based on Ann's initial article a few days ago, I was not aware of Ever's overreach. He seems to be less about running a fair election than in creating the ambiguity and opacity to let Democrats cheat. He wants to do ballot harvesting on steroids.
To balance the Mother Jones spin, I suggest you also read this one titled "The Hot Mess That is Wisconsin's Spring Election" -->
BarrySanders20 said...
I applied for an absentee ballot on Thursday and received it yesterday. So the suburbs are in the ball. WisRich, I received a mailer addressed to my college aged daughter but it was not a ballot, only an application to request a ballot. Maybe that’s what you received?
4/5/20, 6:46 AM
Nope, the actual ballet. I know because I've already filled mine out and sent it in. The mailer came about 10 days ago.
Look- it's simple. Whatever happens is illegitimate, unless a Democrat wanted it.
After reading the linked article, apparently the two biggest problems are again the idea that Democratic voters are unable to obtain an ID, (Are we seriously supposed to believe that nearly all adults don't already have an ID today?) and the fact that a judge has ordered the state to clean up its election rolls.
What do these two things have in common? They make it harder to cheat.
Definitive answer to the question... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrBxZGWCdgs
Ami Horowitz NAILS IT.
BarrySanders pointed out, that for Covid-19, 25 of the 28 deaths in Milwaukee County are blacks
I was Curious, how many blacks were shot to death in Milwaukee, so far, this year...
so, i went to the journal sentinel's Homicide Database, and i found something SUPER interesting!
Of 2020's 34 homicides in Milwaukee:
00% Asian
26% Black
00% Hispanic
00% White
09% Unknown
65% Other
I'm not sure Which is More Impressive, that (not counting Asian/Black/Hispanic/White) there IS an OTHER category, or that it (NOT "Unknown") represents The OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of murders
However, among the murders listed (they list ALL 34), are
Jose Santiago and Jesus Valle Jr... so, i'm guessing that at least Two of the 'others' have hispanic sounding names
{you decide on your own about people like Dewayne Yarber/Aubrianna Lancaster/Deronte Polk}
76% of the murder victims were shot (26 of them)
and 79% of all murders in Milwaukee, so far this year Had NO CHARGES FILED
seems like Milwaukee has More Problems than either Covid-19, or primary election procedures
Life is a series of choices based on a risk/benefit analysis. The ability to make those choices is hard-wired in. Like the fight or flight choices all animals have to make. The Wisconsin governor looked at the risks and benefits to him and made his choice. Now the people of Wisconsin get to make theirs. Some people will still show up to vote, some people will stay home, and some people have done the pragmatic thing and applied for an absentee ballot. The result of the election will have what priority people put on voting built into it. But it always does. This isn't any different.
In either case, both parties would and will use the election to make their usual claims.
Disenfranchisement! (what election in any state over the past 16 years has the Democrat party not claimed people were being disenfranchised?). There is nothing new here and Dems will be able to use it to spur some voters in November. Bring Stacy Abrams to WI to pump up the volume. I've heard she knows that word.
80% of life and Democracy is just showing up.
If you postpone a voting day, when will you postpone it to? Next week? One month from now - maybe? Will things be better then than now? How do you inform all the population when the ‘new and improved’ voting day is?
The governments role in this situation is to effectively ensure that all registered voters have an opportunity to vote without an undue burden. Guess what; it’s hard, but that’s their job. What part of public servants don’t they understand? (Rhetorical).
There is no reason for Wisconsin to be locked down.
The panicky headline was funny: "even as coronavirus all but shutters the U.S." - because it confuses Democrat governors, the actual shutterers[sic], with a disease organism...but maybe that's an easy mistake to make.
If the Democrats thought they would benefit from holding to the schedule, what do you thin they would do?
Lets all be real for a moment here.
I can't have a small party for my daughter's 16th birthday (admittedly, very small potatoes right now) but we can have an election where many people will be gathering. People can't attend funerals or weddings or anything else but we can have an election. It's preposterous that this election isn't moved back and/or moved to all mail balloting.
My personal experience - I went online, requested a ballot (this took about a minute and I did it for my wife) and got the ballots in 2 days. They go in the mail Monday. My wife and I witnessed for each other. Wow. That was super hard.
isn't the simple solution, just to:
A) automatically register ALL life forms in the country?
B) ASSUME that those life forms will follow The True Way, and count their vote as Democrat?
Not Only, will this make it EASIER, for Everybody! But it will FINALLY take care of
which is that fewer people vote here than did in Saddam Hussein's Iraq
By automatically registering all life forms; and automatically counting their vote, for democrat
we can FINALLY bring about True Peace and Harmony!!!
The Only people that would have ANY problem with this proposal, are FASCIST RACISTS
that should be not be allowed to vote at all!
Yes, voting in Person "disenfranchises" illegal aliens, non-citizens, and others unqualified to vote along with stupid and lazy people. Its makes voter fraud much harder. Which is why the liberal/left screeches "disenfranchisement" when anyone wants you to show an ID and voter in person.
"there IS an OTHER category, or that it (NOT "Unknown") represents The OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of murders"
That is strange. The people who collected those statistics might be the same ones collecting the WuFlu statistics, just replace "other" with "covid-19".
79% of all murders in Milwaukee, so far this year Had NO CHARGES FILED
That's what happens with drive-by and gang shootings. And there twice as many murders so far this year as last year (34 vs 17).
The virus hasn't hit Wisconsin very hard. There's no reason for a lockdown or to postpone the election. The Stupid reporters keep questioning Trump on why EVERY state isn't locked down. As if every state in the Union of 320 million people was the same.
This morning's State Journal says heavily liberal Dane and Milwaukee counties have among the highest percentage of absentee ballots issued. So Evers is perhaps just trying to lock in their lead and disenfranchise the typically conservative elderly voters.
"Why is it supposed to be so hard for Democratic voters to get an ID?"
Because a lot of Democrat voters are dead. They're unable to get an ID card.
Someone posted before about using Weather Underground for checking where the virus is or isn't.
Check this out for Wisconsin:
Some counties have no recorded cases. My county is one of them, and yet, Evers shuts down the whole fucking state. My guess is that he's never held a job outside of government.
Watched a dozen guys pour a cement slab for a new Town of Neenah park pavilion this week. All elbow to elbow and breathing hard - with no face masks. If One Term Tony thinks the park pavilion is "essential" then so is the election. If you don't want to risk anything to vote, or are too stupid to fill out the form on line, then stay home and let the adults pick our leaders.
Having to actually show up to vote is like a poll tax. It requires effort, for sure, and money - in the sense that there is a cost to transporting yourself to the polling place.
The intensity of your preference will either lead you to vote, or not.
I think many of the Dem voters are not highly motivated to vote. So the Dems use various methods to "assist" their voters: free transportation, vote harvesting, walking-around money, mail-in voting, motor-voter registration, actual payments to voters, etc. Did I miss any?
Dems think that non-citizens should be allowed to vote.
Dems think that the electoral college should be eliminated.
Wisconsin's primary to go forward Tuesday even as coronavirus all but shutters the U.S./A source close to Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers said he's unlikely to take further steps to halt the election"
Point of parliamentary procedure - the Coronavirus is not shuttering the US - the Govt response to the Coronavirus is shuttering the US. There's a distinction between the two forces at work.
What do the poll workers have to say about this issue? Don't poll workers tend to be 60+ years of age? Florida just had a primary election where lots of poll workers failed to show up.
From the article;
The state’s absentee ballot laws are notably restrictive—a voter must get a witness to observe them signing their ballot, a particularly burdensome requirement at a time of social distancing.
Unless you live alone or with children this should not be a problem.
Can I get a witness... https://youtu.be/3-9NRyL8_30
While the country deals with the pandemic, democrats are laser focused on elections.
Not winning them, but changing how they are conducted. Permanently. No one can question the reason being it will benefit democrats and republicans equally.
The proof is in Orange County, Ca. It may take several weeks after the election, but the 'more fair' ballot harvesting finally allowed the voters to vote out every single republican.
I wonder how many republicans nationwide have won elections in mail-in only districts.
The power to change an election date is one power the executive absolutely should not have, if we're to keep our republic.
Democrats are trying to suspend democracy, and probably shut it down for good — for our good.
Blogger gilbar said...
BarrySanders pointed out, that for Covid-19, 25 of the 28 deaths in Milwaukee County are blacks
It's probably changing as we speak, but as of late many blacks mocked the virus as "white man's disease". Block parties are still happening in Detroit and police don't dare intervene.
We really should be giving some thought to what the heck we'll do if there is a second wave of covid-19 in the fall.
I've voted absentee - not a fan but did it - and can see lots of logistical problems even if we assume Probity on all levels. Whose job is it to squint at bad driver's license photos and figure out which might be fake ID's or just really bad photos?
I assume there are serious discussions on this going on somewhere.
BTW I looked into volunteering to work the election. Locally at least they did not seem to be taking volunteers over 60.
Dems have long used "By Any Means Necessary" to seize power. Isn't there a local BAMN organization at the University of Wisconsin?
"deliberately disenfranchising the people of Milwaukee"
Defining disenfranchisement down. The other day I saw a statement from some pol that people were disenfranchised because they had to stand in line to vote. Oy. Anything less than 110% of ballots returned means voter suppression.
If you don't like standing in line to vote, try going early. Like when the polling places open. That's what I do, and it works every time!
" but it's also harder for Democratic voters to use absentee ballots." Simple to explain, it means that it's more difficult to commit voter fraud, the democrats most effective election winning strategy.
" "deliberately disenfranchising the people of Milwaukee " See above.
If they can't steal it or from it, the dems won't support it. And not just elections.
"it doesn’t seem vital enough to treat election day as set in stone."
Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything more vital to set in stone than elections. Messing with them is Pandora's Box.
I haven't received my absentee ballot yet. I guess I'm voting in person. A mask, and especially gloves. If I can go grocery shopping, I can vote.
"If I can go grocery shopping, I can vote."
If it's important, you'll get it done. Even in the face of massive shopper suppression.
Mask up and go about your business. I like that attitude very much. If we all had it we would be much further on the other side of this.
"That's not to say partisan power is the highest value here. It's not."
Depends on what the meaning of is is.
If is means, "I happen to think," OK. If is is meant to describe what is, like, in the real world, partisan power is the highest value for Dems. Have they done anything at the national level in the last 4 years, to take just one time period, that in any way could be used to refute that iron law of American politics?
Of course, for Republicans, partisan power is a very high value, but not the highest--at key moments, GOPers let their tender feelings prevail, and many are ready to cave to Dems for the sake of the country or "bipartisanship" or "getting things done" or screwing the base just for the hell of it. For the McCains and Romneys, self-regard is the highest value.
Original Mike - if you requested an absentee ballot, then there is a record of that fact at your polling place, and (theoretically) they will not allow you to vote in person. Otherwise, everyone could just double-vote by requesting a mail-in ballot late in the cycle, and voting in person.
Imagine Trump ordering the election be delayed. How would Mother Jones react?
Canceling an election is a drastic act, and it requires drastic justification. Neither civil nor foreign wars have been sufficient in the past. So the burden is on Evers to provide that justification. Mother Jones et al are burden shifting, in a spectacular way.
The battle between voter fraud and voter suppression continues unabated.
Thanks for the HotAir link, Will. It was informative.
Nobody was disenfranchised in 2016. Anybody could cast a provisional ballot.
If you don't have a current ID and don't bother to get one before OR AFTER the election, then you 'disenfranchised' yourself.
Re Mother Jones: Any election Democrats lose "disenfranchises thousands" or has other deep structural problems. Any election Democrats win is hunky-dory and totes legitimate.
Thanks for the info, Whiskeybum. From the Hot Air article, which had actual reporting in it (in contrast to the 'Woe is democrats' Mother Jones propaganda piece), my ballot will be accepted until April 13. Is it also the case I can turn in my absentee ballot at the polling place? I think I read that somewhere. I'm hoping I get it tomorrow.
"Imagine Trump ordering the election be delayed. How would Mother Jones react? "
To ask the question is to answer it.
Headline: "Nasty Republicans block additional avenue to voter fraud... because bigots or something"
"If One Term Tony thinks the park pavilion is "essential" then so is the election."
Me thinks One Term Tony believes NOT shutting down a union project is absolutley essential.
ExplainMeMore said...
Where is the chaos if you wear a mask and employ social distancing? Seems to work everywhere else.
Think of how bad election night lines get in non-pandemic years. Imagine the lines if everyone is staying 6 feet apart, and only a limited number of people can enter the polling station at any one given time. Voting could take days to complete. This is a disaster for November.
Anything less than 110% of ballots returned means voter suppression.
Anything less than 110% Democrat ballots returned means voter suppression.
"Spare a thought for the stay-at-home voter
His empty eyes gaze at strange beauty shows"
It will be harder for people in Milwaukee to vote in person, but it's also harder for Democratic voters to use absentee ballots.
So Republicans in rural counties who have to drive to polling places have an easier time than people in Milwaukee, in a city, who live within walking distance.
And why do Democrats have a harder time using absentee ballots? That's a puzzler.
"but it's also harder for Democratic voters to use absentee ballots."
Why is this true? Are Democrats dumber than Republicans?
Democracy, the People, our Posterity, the vote, too, dies under a veil of privacy.
Are Democrats dumber than Republicans?
Yes in the sense that they are much more likely to believe that Big Momma Government will take care of them so they do not have to take personal responsibility for their lives.
Received a multi-point email from our alder concerning voting procedures in Madison. Included was a provision for curbside voting: "The poll workers will feed your ballot into the tabulator to be counted. Two poll workers are involved in this process for accountability purposes."
Considering who I'll be voting for, there's no way I would trust this.
Are Democrats dumber than Republicans?
@Yancey, how can you doubt it?
This is just a partisan pissing match that no one should get very upset about (unless outrage is your hobby). Why doesn't it matter: because practically all people who were going to vote anyway have already requested absentee ballots.
Here are some numbers:
1,197,472 million absentee ballots requested for the April 7 election.
1,144,351 million total votes (over 50,000 fewer votes) were cast in the 2012 spring primary.
If we want to compare it to our most recent Supreme Court election...in the Hagadorn election 1,206,345 million total votes were cast. This is only 8,873 more ballots than the voters that have already requested absentee ballots for April 7.
So none of this partisan bullshit actually matters. Practically, everyone is voting absentee anyhow. I highly doubt that your average polling place will see even close to the same foot traffic as your average grocery store and we do still allow people to run to the grocery store using proper safety precautions. It's not some type of death sentence to pick up a loaf of bread and package of ground beef. So whether the walk up polls are open or not, it's unlikely to create serious risk beyond those that most reasonable people have already deemed acceptable (here in Wisconsin and all across the country).
On the other side of the aisle: you don't have to worry about an avalanche absentee ballots because there is already an avalanche of absentee ballots.
I understand that people are scared, but that is all the more reason to give the lizard brain emotional responses a rest and to force yourself to sit down with facts, and logic, and reason. This is phony problem that we should not allow partisan shitponies to use to divide us right now. We are okay. The election will be fine.
"it doesn’t seem vital enough to treat election day as set in stone."
The election should have been delayed, but it wasn't. Perhaps it still could have been done a few weeks ago, before early voting opened.
But, changing the rules a day or so before an election cannot avoid an overpowering stench of we're-changing-the-rules-because-we're-losing corruption about it.
Therefore, we're stuck with it. On the day before the election it is, indeed (barring a sudden, massive ebola outbreak, or nuclear war), effectively "set in stone."
"Voters who have not returned an absentee ballot may vote at the polls. Voters who received an absentee ballot but have not sent that ballot back to the Clerk’s Office have the option of voting at the polls on Election Day instead. Voters who have returned their absentee ballot to be counted may not vote at the polls on Election Day."
I wonder how they're policing this?
heavily liberal Dane and Milwaukee counties have among the highest percentage of absentee ballots issued.
True dat. But what scares the bejabbers out of the (D) machine is that Waukesha and Ozaukee Counties are ALSO among the leaders in absentee-ballot requests--and that the Waukesha numbers almost offset those of Dane County.
Don't exercise your ability to open carry, or you will make someone mad and we will lose the right.
Original Mike said:
"Is it also the case I can turn in my absentee ballot at the polling place? I think I read that somewhere. I'm hoping I get it tomorrow."
It depends, town to town, apparently. My town hall said 'no' to handing it back in - they said it must be mailed. I don't know if that is their normal stance, or if this is a social-distancing thing going on now. You'll need to confirm with your own local authorities.
Yancey Ward said...
"but it's also harder for Democratic voters to use absentee ballots."
Why is this true? Are Democrats dumber than Republicans?
I think this is true because Republican voters tend to be people who chose to vote.
A large chunk of Democrat voters are people who get dragged to the polls to vote, and then, because they're there, vote Democrat.
It's much harder to drag people to vote absentee.
Oh, and Professor Althouse: It's not "voter suppression" if people can't be bothered to vote. That's merely "their side failed to give their voters are compelling case as to why they should get out and vote".
Vote suppression is when you have armed people standing in front of a polling place, threatening people.
You know, like the New Black Panthers did in 2008. You might remember that case, The Bush Administration prosecuted that voter suppression, and the Obama Admin nuked the prosecution, because apparently Democrat LOVE vote suppression
If Democrats had their way, there would be no borders, we'd have same day registration and voting, harvesting of votes and many other wonderful things.
The 2nd wave of Wuhan Virus will hit around early November.
What would the Left say if Trump proposed postponing that election?
"With the election scheduled to take place as normal, turnout among key Democratic constituencies could fall precipitously, particularly among college students, whose schools have moved to online-only classes"
College students who are WI residents will have no more difficulty voting than anyone else
College students who are NOT WI residents shouldn't be voting in WI elections. They can vote where they live
Blogger Arturo Ui said...
Think of how bad election night lines get in non-pandemic years. Imagine the lines if everyone is staying 6 feet apart, and only a limited number of people can enter the polling station at any one given time. Voting could take days to complete. This is a disaster for November.
Um, no.
The amount of time it should take people to vote will be pretty much the same. You go into the booth and fill in your ballot. Exactly which bottleneck do you think will be made significantly slower by having the line more spread out?
Evers hasn't got a tinker's chance of making this election stealing attempt work. And have no doubt, this was an attempt to steal an election.
Fuc# Evers.
Some "Poll Workers" in Wisconsin have failed to execute their duty to staff polling places.
I suggest that our National Guard troops be mobilized to defend our democracy by executing those duties.
After "Social Distancing" is no longer needed, I suggest that, before those failed workers are allowed to go back to poll duties, they be taken to the nearest VA cemetery and forcefully reminded that others have faced greater risks and loses than the limited risk (At polling places) from the Chinese virus.
The governors of all states, where such cowardly misconduct is had, should consider the same solution.
To be ruthlessly honest (And most politically incorrect) I am opposed to the counting of the votes of those who: Lack the courage to go to polling places; OR, are too lazy to obtain absentee ballots in a timely manner. I am far more opposed to issuing such ballots without
proof of citizenship and residency.
The strength of the Wisconsin National Guard is ~7,000 members. Governor Ever's statement that there are not enough guardsmen to man local polling places is a lie.
If the commander(s) of Wisconsin's National Guard cannot, within 48-hours, mobilize enough Guard members to staff all vacant polling positions, they must be "fired" and replaced by those who can execute those duties in a timely manner.
Like myself (By my 1956 enlistment in the US Navy), those present-day heroes enlisted with the knowledge that they might face deadly attacks from the (External and internal) enemies of our Republic---And, that in such foreign places where there us a clear-and-present danger of deadly diseases. With "social distancing", face masks and like defenses, the danger from staffing polling places is far less than that already faced by those members of The Guard
Now that was a two-handed Ann-alysis.
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