And here's my impression of what I heard on Morning Joe, somewhere between 7 and 7:10 (Central Time). Trump must be criticized, so they have to pick a way to criticize him. What Joe has picked is that Trump failed to heed the advice of the experts until recently. We really were facing a pandemic with a million plus Americans dead, and the economy absolutely did need to be shut down, and Trump should have done it sooner. Now, he's finally absorbed the experts' message and he's acted.
Joe — and other Trump critics — have committed to the idea that we were faced with a calamity that required the lockdown and all the economic damage that ensued. I'm not saying they can't turn around and blame him for the damage to the economy, but it will be hard and hypocritical to look at what happens and say, See? Not that many people died, it wasn't so bad, and Trump overreacted and crashed the economy.
Are the critics boxed in? They can't really say, See? Not that many people died, because we won't know how many would have died if we hadn't taken the strong measures we did. Yesterday, the experts were saying they expect that the deaths in the United States will now be limited to 100,000 to 200,000, and that's still a lot, and maybe it will be less. Anything less than 100,000 will seem like an achievement, and we'll move on to restarting the economy.
Well, I'm sure, the Morning Joes of the world will be able to say the restarting of the economy happened too soon or too expansively. Joe was sneering this morning at the concern Trump showed for the economy as he worked out his response to the pandemic: It took Trump too long to shut things down because he cared too much about the economy. That makes it a lot harder for Joe, et al., to bash Trump for not caring enough about the economy.
Are the critics boxed in? Only if they have principles about being consistent. Or if they worry too much about seeing their inconsistency displayed in montages on social media.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 406 Newer› Newest»"Washington State projections by IHME model: Yesterday (3/31): 1621 fatalities connected to Covid-19. TODAY (4/1): 1233.
That's a huge drop.
Shortfall in daily ICU bed requirements is miniscule (about 20 bed shortfall on Peak Day)."
Clearly, we need to tank the economy some more.
But how will we ever get to 200K?
It is difficult to see how a person can believe in democracy when they believe that 50% or more of his fellow voters have contempt for government, science, and public health.
I am less concerned about this. FDR won world war II by enlisted Bill Knudson to take over procurement. The professional navy was convinced battleships would win the war. I agree that "experts" are scattered through government but bureaucrtic fighters who win are not always the ones you want to take advice from. I highly recommend Barry's book, "The Great Influenza." That was 100 years ago but we see similar stupidity in the governor of Michigan.
Trump has Abbot Labs and other private sector sources tasking over testing. CDC and FDA have been obstacles. World Health Organization is a wholly owned Chinese mouthpiece.
very sensible
Sorry Ann - you used your car to drive to the lake for a walk and some pictures!?! How could you! Last year there were 6 million car accidents and over 3 million injuries in the US. 90 people every day, on average are killed in car accidents - every day! In 2016 there were 588 Wisconsin deaths from car accidents. Did you really risk the lives of little children so you could cruise down to the lake to get your morning exercise! If 135,00 Wisconsinites were thrown out of work in the past 2 weeks maybe you can walk to the beach and not risk killing some of them!
The right wing trolls
Libertarians, right of center? In principle? No. Totalitarian-anarchist, left-right nexus? Probably. Progressives (i.e. monotonic), liberals (i.e. divergent), left of center? Maybe.
False: A contempt for government
Declaration of Independence, yes. Constitution, too.
False: a contempt for expertise
No deferment, no prostration before mortal gods and goddesses.
False: and a contempt for the broad concept of public health.
Promote the general Welfare.
That said, #HateLovsAbortion... none million excess deaths annually in America alone. #WickedSolution
TRump’s words have boxed him for example by accusing the medical profession in NYC of stealing face masks he has written off their vote,along with many first responders and ER docs across the country. And South Korea and Twain had leaders who “beat Trump to the punch” by months if you want other examples of leadership.
Last week comparisons to Coumo were all the rage with our resident lefties. This week it’s obvious that NY screwed the pooch, unlike 48 other states. My state of California flattened the shit out of the curve. Why didn’t Coumo tell Yorkers to do it too the first week of March? He put a barrier around New Rochelle the second week. That week I was on Long Island and everyone I met was aware and doing distancing. Why did the City do so poorly?
Lack of leadership. Which is why old Andy Coumo is no longer being talked up as a replacement for Rip Van Biden.
I am a small d democrat. I accept that the Republican party gets their chance to run the country into the ground on a regular basis. The Great Depression, the Iraq war, the Great Recession, and whatever this nightmare ends up being called, are baked into the pie. That doesn't mean I have to like it or shut-up about it while it is happening.
bagoh20 said: The worst thing politically would be for the administration to undershoot the number of deaths. The press and Dems would have a field day with that if we then go over it, and it would reinforce their bullshit that Trump didn't take it serous enough. Overestimates are much safer.... It works kinda like "The Price is Right".
I completely agree. If the administration estimated 100K deaths and there were 110K deaths, Trump would be castigated endlessly. If the administration estimates 110K deaths and there are 100K deaths, it is OK.
I do wonder how many deaths are erroneously attributed to Covid-19.
If Trump wasn't listening to scientists thereby causing horrible damage, how does one explain the higher death rates in such rational places as France, Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden?
"Washington State projections by IHME model: Yesterday (3/31): 1621 fatalities connected to Covid-19. TODAY (4/1): 1233.
Correlation? Conflation of causes? Also, we need to mitigate progression of the social contagion spread by media, press, and social platforms, that is herding people, and concentrating the pandemic in medical centers and forcing a mismanagement of resources putting lives at risk.
Did you catch the news that a man with 80,000 masks was arrested and the masks are likely stolen property?
Trump accused no doctors, of course. Or nurses. Or custodians. He accused no individual or group. Rather, he said the supplies were not reaching their respective destinations. And that is demonstrably true.
Your lies don't and won't help your cause. Be Best.
TRump’s words have boxed him for example by accusing the medical profession in NYC of stealing face masks
More lies. Coumo accused them. Trump confirmed that a hospital upped its orders from 10K to 300K but reported none on hand, and observed they were “going out the back door.” Now Coumo says they aren’t missing. You assume “medical professionals” without evidence. Did you recently get hired by CNN?
May I offer a few simple non-controversial observations?
1. US has 4,100 deaths from Covid-19. Source: RCP
2. US has a population of 330 Million people. So, that's 12.4 deaths per Million.
Is that high or low? Of course, we don't want to see 4,100 Americans die. But what was the expected amount of deaths, and are these excess deaths?
3. The US has an annual deaths of 2.8 Million people: Source: CDC Mortality.
4. So, that means 2 things: (a) About 250,000 deaths in the US per Month for ALL CAUSES over 1 full year and (b) About 8,500 deaths per Million in the US of ALL CAUSES over 1 full year.
So, let's pause. Take a breath. Digest the following:
US - ALL CAUSE DEATH: 8,500 deaths per Million
US - Covid-19 DEATH: 12 deaths per Million (over 3 months)
5. So, maybe the Covid-19 death rate will continue to increase over the next 9 months of year 2020. Ok, let's first quadruple number to represent a full year.
US - ALL CAUSE DEATH: 8,500 deaths per Million
US - Covid-19 DEATH: 48 deaths per Million
6. Shall we double it again to represent future deaths at an accelerated rate?
US - ALL CAUSE DEATH: 8,500 deaths per Million
US - Covid-19 DEATH: 96 deaths per Million
You're still talking 1 to 2% of ALL DEATHS.
To compare, I've read estimates that the Black Plague killed 30-60% of Europe. Source: Project Muse
If you disagree with any of these numbers, feel free to correct me. We all make mistakes.
But, if you accept these numbers as reasonably accurate, what picture do you see of the current pandemic we are in?
Who was hurt by their own Russia collusion mongering?
Herd immunity. One reason the iconoclasts are cancelled.
I would bet the mob, which bribes people all the time, has stolen many crucial supplies and resold then for a huge profit.
It's their business model.
South Korea and Twain had leaders who “beat Trump to the punch” by months if you want other examples of leadership.
Nice try. “Months”? Need a link for that whopper! And the challenge was domestic. I accept that you are completely unable to find one credible American public call for closing borders before Trump. And your comprehension is poor too.
Trump says 200,000 Americans could die from coronavirus, because he’s done “a very good job”
The goalposts just moved drastically.
"US - ALL CAUSE DEATH: 8,500 deaths per Million
US - Covid-19 DEATH: 96 deaths per Million"
Clearly, we must continue to tank the economy.
The Great Depression, the Iraq war, the Great Recession, and whatever this nightmare ends up being called, are baked into the pie.
This demonstrates ARM's inability to think. Only children believe any political party controls economic outcomes. Further while the Depression didn't start because of government the policies created to combat it turned a recession into the Great Depression. It was the very arrogance and authoritarianism which are still core left wing values which convinced them they could simply tell people what to do and everything would work out fine.
Plus the laclk of Vietnam in his list highlights his dishonesty - there's always a different standard for Team Blue.
But childish thinking is common among left wingers, after all any ability to analyze more deeply would turn them away from the left in the first place.
Heck of a job, Kelly.
Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler admits to offloading ANOTHER $1.4m in stock after closed-door coronavirus briefings - including her shares in retailers - and BUYING into protective equipment company, as Justice Department launches Senate probe
ever wonder, why it is; that the left doesn't Mind these lock downs?
They're not locked down!
Gyms are closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, but the personal trainer for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told Law360 that the justice "ain't having it," and is still working out with him twice a week at the Supreme Court's private facility.
they're the ONLY people allowed in the gym! How SPECIAL!
A California emergency management official basked in the sun during a family beach trip despite the state’s shelter-in-place order
When asked, the Official said: "Fuck YOU! I OWN THIS (Public) BEACH!!!"
Why is it so hard for lefties to find someone, anyone in a nation of 330 million people who was advocating closed borders and social distancing prior to Trump doing so, and his Team making the suggestions. Y’all can’t even find me anyone who AGREED with Trump that we cut off China. Or Italy.
Did any country close borders to China before 1/31?
ARM thinks we should be upset at the prospect of Georgia Senator Doug Collins?
ARM is the unbrightest!
Hang Loeffler, FeinChinaStein and Burr and the rest publicly. That’s what we did to looters during the Spanish Flu.
Bay Area Guy said...
May I offer a few simple non-controversial observations?
BAG, you'll get NO WHERE with those facts; as a Nation, we have chosen to choose TRUTH over facts!
but since you've gone there; of the 4,700 people in the US that have died from this in the last two months, how many would have died, by now, anyway?
As i mentioned last week; I've lost 2 uncles, both in their nineties, both NOT from Covid-19
You know WHY they didn't die from Covid-19? They died before they were infected
"From rochesterregional.org----45 million influenza cases, 300,000 hospitalizations, 45,000 deaths, THIS YEAR. Yeah, let's close down the country for the Chinese Commie Virus because OrangeManBad"
And that must be lower because of the shut down.
Joe and Maika, get paid millions to lie.
R/V , Fredor- actualy believe the lies
Arm, pretends to believe the lies to troll, for fun.Wants a democrat to appoint Supreme Court Justice.
It is all about control of the courts. Kind of lost sight of that for awhile until someone else here mentioned it .
When asked, the Official said: "Fuck YOU! I OWN THIS (Public) BEACH!!!"
You are a liar. The link you provided contradicts this statement. He was owning the mistake of the trip, not claiming he owned the beach.
Lewis Wetzel: "It is difficult to see how a person can believe in democracy when they believe that 50% or more of his fellow voters have contempt for government, science, and public health."
You are halfway there...now complete the thought......
here's a Fun report from Bloomberg
Italy: How could a country with just 60 million inhabitants rack up more deaths than any other nation in the world?
One possible clue lies in what would have been good news in any other year: The last flu season, marked by unusually warm weather, killed fewer older Italians than average, according to a report by the Italian Ministry of Health.
Those with chronic diseases who were spared death from November through January would have been at greater risk when the new virus began spreading in February and March
Hi @gilbar,
I detect sarcasm!
Some of you may be asking, who the fuck is this anonymous idiot from California wasting his time writing all this claptrap?
The truth is, there's so many smart and interesting and funny folks here (including our Host and husband), that I feel obliged to share a little of what I know, and, hopefully, mitigate the pain that's coming down the pike.
The Good News: I predict NOT 1 member of the Commentariat will get Covid-19 or, if they get it, will have any severe symptoms. The numbers just aren't there.
The Bad News: The GDP numbers coming out in 2 or 3 weeks are gonna be awful due to the shutdown. Sadly, I predict that 20 - 30% of the citizenry is gonna get hit hard financially. On par with the housing market collapse of 2008? I hope not. But don't know. Airlines, hotels, restaurants, casinos are already taking it on the chops.
Cheers --stay safe!
Watching the news now is basically equivalent to watching soap operas.
Freder once again proving lefties have no humor and cannot detect irony. I LOLed at the wit. But then I also watched the idiots on channel 4 cheering when they showed HOA types narccing off beach goers. They approved of a Lone Surfer fined $1000 by Huntington Beach for violating orders. Who was he harming out there? It’s crazy. Your post made sense to me.
ARM: "Trump says 200,000 Americans could die from coronavirus, because he’s done “a very good job” The goalposts just moved drastically."
The entire world has seen in the last 48 hours Dr's Fauci and Birx say the exact same thing, which is where Trump got the information.
As I said yesterday, Dr's Fauci and Birx, a couple of liberals and democrats, with Dr Fauci being an over the top Hillary-fanboy, is about to find out what its like to be collateral damage in democrat Sham-peachment III.
Because if you are going to take Trump out, Fauci and Birx will have to go too!
Of course, 60% of the country is never going to believe that Fauci and Birx and what they've been telling Trump is false, so this democrat/LLR ploy will fail as all the others have.
Then we will have to sit back and see what other pro-ChiCom propaganda Tiananmen ARM can come up with.
Should be fun.
Bay Area Guy, I haven’t seen anyone saying they expect mortality rates like the Bubonic Plague.
But you continue to post these daily snapshots and ignore logarithmic growth. Your step 6 above is wrong because the number of daily deaths is doubling every 3 days right now and you doubled the number once for the entire year.
ARM, I’m begging you...
Find something constructive to do with your life.
Do anything but what you’re doing here.
Unload that pit of malice festering inside you in exercise or drinking or... something.
Watch porn. Even that would be an improvement.
Freder Frederson said..."You are a liar."
I think user "gilbar" doesn't mean to be a fucking liar, he just doesn't know how to bend the truth humorously.
Neither Morning Joe nor the other usual suspects will miss a best before taking inconsistent positions.
Channel 4 is the local NBC station in LA for you non-Californians. Why is it three of us althousers all live in the terrorist-afflicted and far-from-Madison valley of San Bernardino? That’s weird. And Howard is one of us too! Weird. Any other althousian clusters out there?
This was a mistake:
Pence: I don't believe Trump 'has ever belittled the threat of the coronavirus'
People don't forget shit like that.
When this is over, I think perhaps the best measure of how a particular head-of-state did is deaths per capita, perhaps adjusted for age of population. Currently, USA has 14 deaths per million. By contrast, Italy is 218, Spain is 194, Iran is 36, and China is 2 (assuming of course their numbers are accurate). If 100,000 die in the USA, that would be 306 per million.
The federal government failed us. We did not test in mass early enough. Trump downplayed the virus from the beginning so few took it seriously.
The reason French, and Italians are dying like rats, is because they are the victims of a mass Saracen migration out of Africa and the Middle East.
Mark your calendars, the Vatican will become a Mosque before Christmas, as they murdered all the defender Templar's for the wealth earlier in history.
"Imagine" no Templar's, no Religion too.
steve uhr said..."When this is over..."
It might be a good time to remind people that AIDS is not over. China Virus will not be over longer.
What changed with aids was the education that exchanging body fluids is a dangerous act.
Unlike AIDS, we can't put a condom over our heads to protect our lungs.
Well, I do have contempt for government, and so does our Constitution. Of course it's necessary, because people suck, and we need some things done uniformly, or with combined resources, or otherwise they can't be done. But, if you don't have contempt for much of government with the rampant theft, graft, mistreatment, and general need to control you by other people with no interest in your needs or desires, then you have no soul...whether ginger or not.
While government is a tool that good people can and have used to do great things, like any powerful tool, it is dangerous and that's how government has stolen more labor, more lives, and more creativity from the human race than any institution we have ever devised. I don't usually agree with Thoreou, but he was right with "That government is best which governs least."
Fucking Nancy Pelosi was telling people to come on down to Chinatown and mingle in late February. Mayor Assholio in NYC was doing it in March. Trump took action in January.
ARM: "People don't forget shit like that."
No one is going to forget how every single one you lefties opposed the travel bans and wanted the ChiCom's to have free rein to come and go as they please.
The video and twitter evidence is overwhelming and destroys your latest set of Sham-peachment setup lies. I can't wait for Pelosi Pens to be juxtaposed with Trump's Coronavirus task force photos from the same day.
That's going to awesome.
You know what won't be forgotten? Your parroting of every single ChiCom lie for months, even after the lies were exposed.
In fact, even long after the lies were exposed.
Long, long after the lies were exposed.
"Trump downplayed the virus from the beginning so few took it seriously."
So few? How is that possible? Half the country doesn't believe anything Trump says.
"The federal government failed us"
It's either WMD or health care, and for the last 100 years, WMD has been a boon to our economy.
Now that the economy has collapsed, we can cash out the WMD and get back to what was important before 1914. Before Income Tax.
Pence was there. Prove him wrong.
Darrell: "Fucking Nancy Pelosi was telling people to come on down to Chinatown and mingle in late February. Mayor Assholio in NYC was doing it in March. Trump took action in January."
Oh, its much much "better" than that.
The New York City health commissioner was encouraging EVERYONE to come on down to Chinatown for the Chinese New Year celebration! Come one come all!
The lefties Virus philosophy in Feb:
"What good is sitting, alone in your room?
come hear the music play!
Life is a cabaret, old chum!
Come to the cabaret!
Put down the knitting, the book and the broom
What good´s permitting some prophet of doom?
To wipe every smile away
Life is a cabaret , old chum!
So come to the cabaret!"
Chi-com media is tangled in US media. They have much in common.
Follow the money.
Fredder, you are RIGHT; my paraphrase did NOT correctly quote the California official
"As an Official Member of the California Elite; I, and my family, can do WHATEVER, WHENEVER we want. We are bound by NO LAWS or RULES. LAWS and RULES are for the LITTLE People...
However; i DID fail in my duties and responsibilities when i allowed my private social media reports to become public. THIS WAS WRONG! I screwed up (by letting people know their elite's COMPLETE DISREGARD for Little People. This failure was MINE... I OWN IT"
is that better Freddy? feel better now that i put out his Complete Quote?
steve uhr said...
When this is over, I think perhaps the best measure of how a particular head-of-state did is deaths per capita, perhaps adjusted for age of population. Currently, USA has 14 deaths per million. By contrast, Italy is 218, Spain is 194, Iran is 36, and China is 2 (assuming of course their numbers are accurate). If 100,000 die in the USA, that would be 306 per million.
You are comparing projected US number at the end of the pandemic with the other countries’ numbers now. Even if countries like Italy and Spain have hit the plateau, they will continue to have many deaths before this is over.
It's amazing though completely unsurprising at this point to watch our pathetic lefty commenter's continued attempts to completely rewrite history on the fly.
As if their every utterance wasn't already captured for eternity.
For them history begins anew each morning......but it doesn't for anyone else.
Yeah, shingles suck. I had them in October 2018. Took almost 3 weeks to finally stop hurting/itching. I have read that if you get the anti-viral med early enough, you can limit the scope and duration, but I didn't do that.
"Trump downplayed the virus from the beginning, so many did not take it seriously"
steve uhr: "Trump downplayed the virus from the beginning, so many did not take it seriously"
They simply can't stop themselves. They truly believe if they say it enough it becomes true.
What were the experts saying?
No Big Deal.
The federal government failed us. We did not test in mass early enough. Trump downplayed the virus from the beginning so few took it seriously.
Past tense? Everyone in CA understood what Trump was saying in FEB and we all got a postcard with the 15-day plan. We followed it. Our curve is flat. If you live in NY NJ or LA then your state government failed you. Even our idiot governor recommended following the federal guidelines. Sorry to hear you live in a shithole state that was failed by your state and local governments. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
CStanley -- I never said the numbers in the other countries will not increase. Of course they will increase. But we are lagging behind so ours will prob. increase by more.
gilbar said..."HERE is his DIRECT and COMPLETE QUOTE"
Google reports "No results found" for that quote, liar.
Delete your account.
Gilbar you really sent the roaches running!
But we are lagging behind so ours will prob. increase by more.
from worldometer
China......Jan 10
Japan......Jan 14
S Korea....Jan 19
USA!.......Jan 20
Hong Kong..Jan 22
France.....Jan 23
Canada.....Jan 24
Germany....Jan 26
Italy......Jan 29
Spain......Jan 30
UK.........Jan 30
Iran.......Feb 18
WHO, Exactly, are we supposed to be 'lagging behind'?
Deaths will be in the normal range for influenza totals when the WuFlu is done. No more no less. At what cost?
Pence says US coronavirus outbreak ‘most comparable’ to Italy
Many people down-played it. so what? People on the left down-played it too, while they were impeaching Trump for Biden's crimes. After years of leftwing lies from the corruptocrats, it felt like the next wave of BS.
Turns out the Wuhan virus is real and it's unpleasant for most and deadly for some.
and we must destroy our economy so the left can someone beat us to death with it.
Bagoh - sorry to hear you're dealing with shingles. ugh. I hope the meds help you recover quickly. I hope your kick-ass immune system helps you recover quickly!
Fremman said...
Watching the news now is basically equivalent to watching soap operas.
= true.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Many people down-played it. so what? People on the left down-played it too, while they were impeaching Trump for Biden's crimes. After years of leftwing lies from the corruptocrats, it felt like the next wave of BS."
What you are going to find when the after action reports come out is that the CDC/FDA told Trump they understood what was going on and were prepared to tackle the problem.
And who can forget that the completely ChiCom controlled WHO head, Tedros, told the world in early January that it was not possible for the virus to be transmitted from human to human.
The head of the WHO.
In early January.
And our own CDC agreed with that.
But Trump was supposed to shut down the economy right then.
For those who have forgotten, this is PRECISELY the democrat playbook run on GW Bush after 9-11 based on one squishy intel "report" that said, hey, guess what, terrorists want to kill us.
Remember that one? GW Bush was supposed to have used that to immediately shut down all air travel.
One thing I'll say for our lefties: they have a few tried and true plays and they just keep running them.
oops "Freeman"
Gilbar. Sorry but the date of the first reported case is not a very meaningful number. Italy appears to be on the downside. We’re on the upside for at least two more weeks
Do you think Nancy has already ordered the pens for Sham-peachment III?
Lets say we hit 100,000. You can't honestly use that number, becuase it's will be a lie. Whatever number attributed to COVID-19 will be a lie.
Since most of those deaths were people already sick, and some severely, and this virus was only a complication to their underlying illness, that would be a huge percentage and likely most of them. If you do that fair analysis, and subtract those deaths, what will you have left as deaths actually due to this virus alone?
I assume that analysis will be done some day, but it will be ignored, becuase it would make us as a people look pretty foolish. We could have quarantined hospitals and other institutions with such people, and did few other things, and saved far more lives than we will with our current response, which has a huge cost by comparison.
I call double fail: 1) failure to effectively address the issue (saving lives), 2) wasting enormous resources. All we needed was reason, logic, and courage, but we got hysteria, fear and ass-covering, which covered for a lot of graft. I'm not saying that the correct response was ever really possible. Politics and humans just don't work that way, but Thank god we addressed the money issues of The Kennedy Center, so it's not a complete waste.
but Drago - Stupid Trump is supposed to be all-knowing like the corruptocrats are.
all knowing - and able to move time and space at will to save us like superman in a movie.
BB&H: "all knowing - and able to move time and space at will to save us like superman in a movie."
It's always the same with the lefties/LLR's.
All Trump has to do is run the lefties/LLR's public comments and columns in ad after ad after ad to put the lie to all of it.
What is most amusing is that idiots like ARM think they can pull this off: Turn the ChiCom's into the heroes and Trump into the Global Villain.
Thanks for the kind thoughts, my peeps. I know Shingles is often terribly painful, but I'm not suffering at all. In fact, I'm delighted by it. After beating the cancer twice, I thought for sure it was a rapidly spreading melanoma. That can ruin your day. Luckily my doctor saw me within hours and instantly made the sun shine again.
The head of WHO said in early January that the virus could not be transmitted from person to person? Unlikely. You wouldn’t happen to have a cite? I won’t hold my breath.
Do Lockdowns Work??
Lockdowns do not work unless strictly enforced. A population capable of self-moderation and prudent choices can perform better than a totalitarian society. Practice good hand hygiene, keep your unsantized hands away from your face and other vulnerable interfaces, and a reasonable measure of physical distancing will not only slow but mitigate the progression. The virus will always be with us.
The Monsters Among Us: @JimCramer, Birx, Fauci -- And You
There are 2.8 million people in the last year of their life in the United States right now. Some of those people know it's their last year and some do not. By definition every single person who dies in the next 12 months is in the last year of their life right here, right now.
These constraints are, right here, right now, today, preventing those people from socializing and spending time with the people they love and would otherwise like to spend that time with.
Evolution is ultimately Gaia's Choice, Her Choice, unpredictable, but certain. We also have choices.
Whatever else happens, Viking Cruises's latest catalog has dropped all the China voyages from their 2021 offerings.
Good. It's bad enough we have to buy plasticrap from them, and oil from Muzzies, without spending decent American dollars in those shitholes.
Silver linings!
MID-January Steve. It's been posted here already.
"Trump downplayed the virus from the beginning so few took it seriously."
Which must explain why the heavily Democratic areas are doing so much better - because they never believe what the President says.
Since most of those deaths were people already sick, and some severely
More generally, underlying conditions, known, unknown, and unknowable.
"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China🇨🇳."
From WHO official Twitter feed on January 14.
BUT you lefties never admit you're wrong.
Mike. Can you give me a cite? I don’t have time to read all the comments to all the virus posts. Tks
steve uhr: "Drago. The head of WHO said in early January that the virus could not be transmitted from person to person? Unlikely. You wouldn’t happen to have a cite? I won’t hold my breath."
Oh, its worse than that! In mid-January the WHO under ChiCom buttboy Tedros was still going Full ARM Mode and just regurgitating ChiCom propaganda:
World Health Organization (WHO) ✔ @WHO
"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China🇨🇳."
14.4K 5:18 AM - Jan 14, 2020
Thanks mike. Of course it doesn’t say what Drago said. No surprise there.
At leastWHO is getting up to speed now:
"This is still a very new virus, and we are learning all the time.
As the pandemic evolves, so does the evidence, and so does our advice"-
@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus
Of course our resident experts knew everything all along.
Head condoms for steve uhr and ARM sounds like a very good idea.
"The federal government failed us. "
One of the most amazing things about this pandemic for me, has been the complete reversal of opinion among Democrats I know about how much power the President should wield. 2 months ago: "Trump is a despot taking the US straight to tyranny and must be stopped! Hitler!! Handmaiden's Tale!!!"
Then, another Chinese virus hit town, and the Federal government proved (Again! Unexpectedly!) that it's not very prescient, nimble, or efficient, and the entire left is rising up in a chorus of voices, eager to hand the President the blame FOR NOT BEING TYRANNICAL ENOUGH! "He should have stopped ALL travel and EARLIER! He should have placed everyone under house arrest! He should have commandeered all medical supplies from proactive states to give them to unprepared states!"
The mind reels at the hypocrisy.
It says exactly what Drago said you lying leftist.
"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China🇨🇳."
WHO was first to specify the risk profile. Meanwhile, Democrats occupied more than 12 trimesters of our lives with witch hunts and warlock trials, and an unprecedented cover-up of Obama spied, Clinton colluded, Biden obstructed, the "deep state" conspired, and JournoLists brayed.
Are you serious Drago. Just admit you are wrong. WHO did not say that it could not be transmitted from human to human. They said they found no clear evidence of such transmission. You do see the difference I trust
And who can forget that the completely ChiCom controlled WHO head, Tedros, told the world in early January that it was not possible for the virus to be transmitted from human to human.
The head of the WHO.
In early Jan
The head of the WHO in mid-January:
no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China
Steve, tap out already. Bad enough your government let you down. Stop doing it to yourself!
Oh I see. You are insane. I really was not aware. My apologies.
teve uhr said...
The head of WHO said in early January that the virus could not be transmitted from person to person? Unlikely. You wouldn’t happen to have a cite? I won’t hold my breath.
Steve, knowing you lefties would lie about it, I saved it for you
Read in good will.
WHO Tweet from Jan 23: '
WHO “For the moment, WHO does not recommend any broader restrictions on travel or trade. We recommend exit screening at airports as part of a comprehensive set of containment measures.” Obviously, considering how many carriers were asymptomatic, this amounted to recommending contagious people be allowed to travel across borders."
That's on January 23.
But it just keeps getting better, doesn't it?
On Feb 24th, the WHO told us this: "the spread of the new coronavirus in Italy, Iran and South Korea is “deeply concerning” but that labeling the outbreak a pandemic at this point would not fit the facts and spark unnecessary fear."
But you see, NONE of that can be true in the world the idiots like Steve Uhr want to create in the lead up to Sham-peachment III.
The good news? By tomorrow morning Steve Uhr will forget he even asked about any of this.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
I am a small d democrat. I accept that the Republican party gets their chance to run the country into the ground on a regular basis. The Great Depression, the Iraq war, the Great Recession, and whatever this nightmare ends up being called, are baked into the pie. That doesn't mean I have to like it or shut-up about it while it is happening.
4/1/20, 12:00 PM
You didn't seem to concerned when it was Obama and the Democrats running us into the ground.
Steve Uhr: "Are you serious Drago. Just admit you are wrong."
Yes boys and girls.
Steve Uhr is literally going to run with that.
All the way.
Howard: elimination of the foreground ????
Say what? The reeds are the foreground and the lighting of them superb. Do you mean there's not dirt in the picture?
So, lets summarize shall we: In January the "experts" told us there was zero evidence of human to human transmission and even deep into Feb the "experts" were telling us not to panic and then in late Feb and thru to mid-March leading dems were telling people to come on out and play with everyone!!
What was the date Trump shut down flights from Wuhan against the wishes of EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT and LLR alive? January 31.
And based on all that, the lefties like Steve Uhr and ARM are saying it was Trump who did not respond quickly enough!
That little montage, in chronological order, should be played over and over and over in every single swing district and Senate battleground.
I must admit I did not expect TDS to spread from the Media to the general population, though anecdotal evidence said it was happening. But here we have a prime example of pedantic obsession, in which a sentence is deconstructed to the point that if any ONE word can be challenged, say for example the word "possible," the speaker is entirely dismissed with LIAR! ELEVENTY!
This is not normal. In the normal world, when one hears a voice of authority, say the head of WHO for shits and giggles, that opines that they have not seen one single example of X, then one could reasonably assume the speaker is saying that X does not exist. Perhaps we would not go so far as to say the existence is "impossible" but we would all agree that when Dr. Z said that "there's no evidence of X" then we can reasonably assume he is in fact saying that to his expert opinion, X does not in fact exist. We'd have a consensus.
But we would be wrong. For reasons. Please furnish those reasons, Mr. Uhr. We are so lost without them!
"They said they found no clear evidence of such transmission."
Yet some people seem to think Trump should have known that it was happening.
Congressional Democrats, in particular, the ones in the Congress, are the ones really boxed in here:
Some one on BB posted this and asked that we repost...so here ya go. DIMMS?
January 11: Chinese state media report the first known death from an illness originating in the Wuhan market.
January 15: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds a vote to send articles of impeachment to the Senate. Pelosi and House Democrats celebrate the “solemn” occasion with a signing ceremony, using commemorative pens.
January 21: The first person with coronavirus arrives in the United States from China, where he had been in Wuhan.
January 23: The House impeachment managers make their opening arguments for removing President Trump.
January 23: China closes off the city of Wuhan completely to slow the spread of coronavirus to the rest of China.
January 30: Senators begin asking two days of questions of both sides in the president’s impeachment trial.
January 30: The World Health Organization declares a global health emergency as coronavirus continues to spread.
January 31: The Senate holds a vote on whether to allow further witnesses and documents in the impeachment trial.
January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.”
February 2: The first death from coronavirus outside China is reported in the Philippines.
February 3: House impeachment managers begin closing arguments, calling Trump a threat to national security.
February 4: President Trump talks about coronavirus in his State of the Union address; Pelosi rips up every page.
February 5: The Senate votes to acquit President Trump on both articles of impeachment, 52-48 and 53-47.
February 5: House Democrats finally take up coronavirus in the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia.
While Nancy Pelosi was passing out pens, COVID-19 was aiming at the U.S. while the House and Senate were consumed with a fake news impeachment. And now that skany troll hints at yet another 'investigation'? The only thing that needs investigated is the Dem controlled House and their Senate lackeys.
For typical soldiers in the 101st Left Wing Keyboardist division who can't type and chew gum at the same time, posting crap like, "well, can't he do two things at once?" is about as uninformed and stupid as it gets.
Own it Dems. Own it neckbeards and basement dwelling Momma's boys. Own it icky little latte sniffers.
You lose. Your Left Wing vendetta is killing Americans NOW. And you dare to demean My Pillow for converting factories to produce life saving gear to combat the epidemic YOU caused
I think that Pelosi is going to have a hard time investigating Trump’s handling of the Wuhan pandemic, without opening up her caucus’ fake impeachment.
CStanley above states:
But you continue to post these daily snapshots and ignore logarithmic growth. Your step 6 above is wrong because the number of daily deaths is doubling every 3 days right now and you doubled the number once for the entire year.
Step 6 is conservative estimate, true. But I think you're confusing logarithmic growth with exponential growth which is often confused with geometric growth -- the same set of underlying flaws that gets us ridiculous projections of 2.2 Million dead, later revised downward.
"Daily deaths doubling every 3 days" has absolutely not happened in California, and is not happening now. New York is a separate story.
This same pedantic obsession is the current business model of every media outlet covering Trump as well.
"But we are lagging behind so ours will prob. increase by more."
What's your mathematical model for saying this?
We are comparing RATES of mortality, not total numbers.
steve uhr said...
"Trump downplayed the virus from the beginning, so many did not take it seriously
Again we see the single-minded effort to blame Trump thus exonerating the institutions we created specifically to manage this type of crisis.
I'm sure many have seen this but probably few left wingers since tactical ignorance is so important to their posturing. But it's another data point reflecting the very people criticizing Trump for not acting "more decisively" were themselves arguing for optimism to avoid panic. We can add the oft repeated examples of Pelosi and DeBlasio urging people to attend mass gatherings during the very period they now claim Trump - and Trump alone - should have been acting "more decisively". But back then it was more important to call Trump and his supporters racist than to deal with the crisis - in this as least left wingers have not changed their priorities.
Left wingers conveniently omit that we were optimistic the virus would be contained mostly in Wuhan but in a few other Asian hotspots. This means all of us - that's the only explanation for why left wingers and the institutions were also downplaying this. So now Trump has to manage competing priorities [this is serious, but don't panic] which is difficult. Meanwhile the dishonest left (essentially: all of it) has no responsibility or integrity and so simply pretends everything would have been perfect if only the magic leftist were in charge.
It's FantasyLand thinking.
My family doesn't like me to say this, but when my Aunt died in 1918 from the Spanish Flu, it saved her from a life of misery.
My father, who survived, had to suffer through the beginning of Income Tax, the Depression, World War II, and the Teamsters Union.
When it was over, and I pushed the button for the morphine, he finally smiled for the first time since having a shitload of babies.
Please don't argue with the NPCs
Bruce: "I think that Pelosi is going to have a hard time investigating Trump’s handling of the Wuhan pandemic, without opening up her caucus’ fake impeachment."
Bruce, your list is why morons like Uhr and ARM and Freder and the rest of lefty crew have shifted the conversation to "Trump downplayed the crisis".
The timeline and facts are indisputable. So the democrats are shifting the arena of battle to a very nebulous, ethereal, completely subjective one where anyone can read anything and then divine their own interpretation.
If you remember, this is similar to how the dems use the phrase "talking down the economy" as a political weapon in campaign.
Take indisputable facts and then simply discard them for Steve Uhr bizarro interpretations.
Here's where the dems are today: "It depends on what the meaning of "is", is"
Yet some people seem to think Trump should have known that it was happening.
Even better, Dr. Birx said yesterday that the early "reported numbers out of China" caused her to downplay the severity. Specifically, she said that she mentally classified it as "SARS-like" and was relieved it was not virulent. So the expert in charge of our task force was temporarily mistaken by the bad data from WHO in January.
Yet Trump should have known, should have acted SOOONER!
Rick: "Left wingers conveniently omit that we were optimistic the virus would be contained mostly in Wuhan but in a few other Asian hotspots. "
Because that's what the ChiComs and their WHO lap poodles were telling the world.
And we are supposed to automatically believe them because "establishment" "experts".
One more thing lefties: Fuck you and find your own links next time
...because you never admit you are wrong even when presented with solid evidence so there's no reason for us to take anything you write seriously. Dishonesty is unfortunately the hallmark of leftism always and forever and attempts to reason with leftists always ends poorly. I came here to help calm the panicked* but now will revert to a humorous art project type approach** to this blog.
*None of the superpanicked here care to hear any exculpatory data.
**Fen was right.
Mike (MJB Wolf): "Even better, Dr. Birx said yesterday that the early "reported numbers out of China" caused her to downplay the severity"
And for that, and her earlier comment where she, a clear liberal democrat who is now simply caught up in the battle, praised Trump because now she has spent countless hours with him and sees his business-focused managerial style and decisiveness and willingness to put himself on the line when he thinks its necessary.
You can bet after long periods in government that is probably quite refreshing to her.
But Dr Birx, as mentioned above, has a real problem now. She realizes that she is now in the crosshairs of the lefties who will need to crawl over her political carcass to get to Trump.
The NYT went after Dr Birx several days ago in an opening salvo on that front.
Heads up Dr Birx. They are coming for you. They might just try and make you the next Michael Flynn.
Being an optimist, Andy, I tend to forget that.
That's why I was happy to see Dr. Fauci jump in and second Dr. Birx's remarks about the 100K possibility on that graph being an artifact of the idiots in NY and NJ and but for them we'd have a nice low curve and our economy back. Paraphrasing of course.
@ Mike (MJB Wolf)
I've been gaming some lately and it's just a matter of pressing "a" until they run out of text.
Thanks for the timeline Bruce Hayden.
I copied and pasted it into a separate document for future reference.
Lefties have a strong propensity to "forget" inconvenient history.
Here's a woman who doesn't believe all the Republican bullshit!
She knows they are lying, so she set up an experiment to prove them wrong:
Prove Republican's Wrong
Oh, the "Trump Fucked Up Again" meme is out in the populace, don't doubt it-- so many couch potatoes huffing on Joemika farts every day is going to have an effect.
I heard yesterday that of course Clinton would have done a better job than PDJT, because (and that an adult said this is nauseating), "She's a smart lawyer." Talk about cults.
Hilaolatry . . . hilarity
This election is going to be very interesting. Some thoughts.
The Democrats’ convention is scheduled in July, and the Republican one in August. Dems are now asking what happens if theirs is shut down, while the Rep one isn’t. They desperately need the enthusiasm of 40k screaming fans on national TV to propel them into November. Can they run theirs with video conferencing? Apparently, Biden had a problem for a bit realizing that he was on the air, when they tried to do this with him. And what about the Bernie Bros and their AntiFA allies. Do they show up anyway, and wreck havoc?
But maybe more interesting to me is the intersection of this with the reality that Biden is so visibly incapable of assuming the job of President. I think that not giving him his chance to redeem himself during the convention wouldn’t be a good look. Still, it would be a convenient time to push him to the side, and hopefully into a facility dedicated to people suffering from similar problems. Except that would look too much like the smoke filled rooms that got their 1968 convention so badly disrupted. Who do they put in to take his place? Bernie will be the runner up. The DNC appears petrified of that alternative. Who else? Fredo Cuomo’s brother? Crooked Hillary?
Making a switch out more likely, I think, is that Biden is so closely tied to the Chinese. Not the ones on Taiwan (being studiously ignored by WHO), but the CCP Chinese, the same one who gave us the Wuhan epidemic, then lied about it (they knew that it could be, and was being transmitted between people maybe as early as November, but the central govt apparently ordered all of their documentation destroyed in late December), and most recently has been accused of shipping faulty medical supplies to other countries, while stealing back presumably the good stuff. Slo Joe Biden has long been accused of being close to the ChiComs. But then, they gave his wayward son over a billion dollars to manage. I fully expect Trump to somehow ultimately attach “China” to Biden’s name in the minds of the public. I expect that he is delaying that until it can do the Democrats more damage. At this point, I don’t see them being willing to risk having “China Joe” Biden on the ballot in November.
"Slowboat to China" Biden.
No fee, just proper attribution
Bruce Hayden sidesteps and interesting point.
Without the ability for Pro-Fa to riot, doesn't that hurt Trump? Wouldn't it be better for Trump and his coattails if a few Starbucks windows were broken with trash cans?
I wanted to watch the rioting, personally.
My wife works in a hospital and theft has been a problem. And yes, they've actually fired people who have been caught stealing masks and gloves.
Bruce Hayden: "but the CCP Chinese, the same one who gave us the Wuhan epidemic, then lied about it (they knew that it could be, and was being transmitted between people maybe as early as November, but the central govt apparently ordered all of their documentation destroyed in late December), and most recently has been accused of shipping faulty medical supplies to other countries, while stealing back presumably the good stuff."
Oh my.
ARM is not going to like that.
Not one little bit.
Bruce Hayden:
China Joe Biden has long been owned by the ChiComs. Idiot son Hunter "manages" a $1.2b hedge fund that was funded by the Chinese. The normal hedge fund compensation model is 2/20. Two percent of the assets and 20% of the profits. The profit target is usually SPY but the Chinese could have made it much lower.
That's $24m per year for doing nothing.
Joe said China was not our competitor. Come on, man!
Why isn’t Senator Sanders calling on VP Biden to drop out of the race “for the good of our country in this time of crisis; and in light of Tara Reade’s highly credible charges against him”?
Will the Democrats junk Joe? Amid the coronavirus crisis, Democrats have found a new Great Left Hope in Andrew Cuomo
Joe Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee. Yet many Democrats have ‘buyers’ remorse’ as the COVID virus has driven Biden off centerstage and into a hastily-built basement studio in his Delaware home.
Biden has tried to remain relevant to the public through TV broadcasts, but those appearances have been gaffe-prone and interspersed with lapses in lucidity. Last Friday, he announced on CNN that ‘I speak to all five of my grandkids,’ which must make his very much alive sixth grandchild feel a little neglected. Dave Catanese of McClatchy found his interview last Monday painful to watch: ‘Joe Biden struggled mightily at the top of his MSNBC interview where he looked to be reading from notes to answer a question.’
Democrats openly worry about the lack of enthusiasm for Biden. A new Washington Post/ABC poll found 86 percent of Trump supporters enthusiastic about their choice. Only 74 percent of Biden backers said the same thing. Most ominously, the poll found that 15 percent of Democrats who still back Bernie Sanders say they’d vote for Trump, not Biden, in November. That’s more than the 12 percent of Sanders voters who plumped for Trump in 2016.
The fear that Biden could buckle before a relentless GOP negative campaign or Trump’s bullying in debates is palpable among many Democrats. Lloyd Constantine, a former senior policy adviser to New York governor Eliot Spitzer from 2007 to 2008, is unsparing: ‘Biden is a melting ice cube. Those of us who have closely watched as time ravaged the once sharp or even brilliant minds of loved ones and colleagues, recognize what is happening to the good soldier Joe.’
Constantine and others have found a new Great Left Hope. New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo has caused many pundits to swoon with his blunt no-nonsense daily briefings on the virus...
To that end, Cuomo took time last Monday to appear on the CNN show his younger brother Chris (who just tested positive for COVID-19) hosts. The first softball began this way: ‘With all of this adulation that you’re getting for doing your job, are you thinking about running for president?’ The governor’s one-word answer was ‘No.’ Chris Cuomo then began a faux bickering session in which he asked a form of the question another 10 times. The governor said a form of ‘no’ the same number of times, before mock-congratulating his brother on being a great interviewer. Chris ended the session by saying ‘Appreciate it. Learned from the best.’ Few political observers thought the exchange would end the Cuomo speculation.
While Cuomo could possibly unite Democrats, parts of his record would give pause to anti-Trump Republicans and independents. During a decade as governor, many of his close aides and associates have gone to prison — they could form their own football team — and he’s presided over epic rapes of the public purse. His views on abortion and sanctuary cities that shield undocumented aliens are extreme even for many Democrats. Not to mention his cringeworthy riposte to Trump’s MAGA slogan in 2018: ‘America was never that great’. That’s a line tailor-made for a Trump ad.
Should be interesting.
Bruce, I added your list to my post at Chicagoboyz.
We are seeing a real effort to falsify the timeline. I don't know if these guys are getting memos or are arriving at identical plans to lie.
“Why isn’t Senator Sanders calling on VP Biden to drop out of the race “for the good of our country in this time of crisis; and in light of Tara Reade’s highly credible charges against him”?”
Bad look for him. Too opportunistic. If China Joe gets pushed to the side, and Crazy Bernie gets the nod he has to look like he is only stepping in to save the party (which he normally doesn’t belong to).
Hayden: "it would be a convenient time to push him to the side, and hopefully into a facility dedicated to people suffering from similar problems"
This may happen. Of course, we are all contemplating such scenarios. But it still would be astonishing, wouldn't it, that millions of Dems will have turned out to vote for an obviously incompetent placeholder, over slightly more competent competitors, and that their vote would be promptly negated though an utterly undemocratic process.
Coumo and the Dems best bet is to wait till 24. That makes Pence the most likely Republican nominee and from a Dem POV more beatable than say someone with more charisma like Cruz. Sometimes it's better to play the long game.
@Dr K - good job there. Maybe in a subsequent post, you could set out the timeline of ChiCom (and WHO) shenanigans, esp in the Nov-Jan timeframe. Will see what I can find.
i have to admit, i'm a Little Disappointed
Here i went, and apologized to Freddy Fredo, and posted a clarification of my 'i own this beach' quote; and have been (patiently) awaiting FF's acceptance of my apology
But, nothing seems to be coming. :(
Gilbar, simply typing the words "beaches closed" is sad. Why can't the people be trusted to spread out and tan? How quickly marshal law became the norm!
You people are focused on the after action report while it's still early days of the Coronavirus infestation.
Sweet Deep State ass-cover tactic.
Rit said..."...fired people who have been caught stealing masks and gloves."
It's usually staff. The Nurses and Doctors all make a shitload of money.
Also, Andy's advice (Don't argue with the NPCs) holds true for your exchange as well. The term bad faith comes into play, much as the word faith horrifies them, it is accurate.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said..."marshal law"
Don't you love the English (mongrel) language?
They're not going to dump Biden. Unless he has a stroke and backs out as medically unfit no one they could possibly replace him with has any chance at all. While gaming the process like that wouldn't effect the party core both parties rely on 3-4 times their core votes to win presidential elections. Dems could lose 20% of that even against Trump (they'd lose half against a generic Rep).
Instead they'll try to use their institutional pull to drag Biden over the finish line just like they do every cycle.
Howard said...
You people are focused on the after action report while it's still early days of the Coronavirus infestation.
When you are already "most comparable to Italy", probably best just ignore the coming fuck ups.
Howard: "You people are focused on the after action report while it's still early days of the Coronavirus infestation."
March 29, 2020
"The president, his denial at the beginning was deadly," she told CNN's Jake Tapper. "His delaying of getting equipment to where it continued -- his continued delay in getting equipment to where it’s needed is deadly. Now the best thing to do would be to prevent more loss of life rather than open things up, because we just don’t know."
Tapper asked: "Are you saying his downplaying ultimately cost American lives?"
"Yes, I am," Pelosi replied.
Pelosi also hinted there would be an investigation into the administration's handling of the pandemic once things go back to normal.
"I don't know what the scientists said to him," Pelosi stated. "When did this president know about this, and what did he know? What did he know and when did he know it? That's for an after-action review."
"But as the president fiddles, people are dying. We just have to take every precaution."
Shorter Howard: Please pay no attention to us as we construct Sham-peachment III.
Mike, you're right; not many sadder words in the English language than
"beaches closed"
It reminds me, of the saddest movie of all time
at the beginning, EVERYTHING bitchin '
waves, luaus, cars, babes; EVERYTHING
But, then DISASTER strikes; and by the end of the movie
Moondoggie is going to Stanford (Brrr!!!)
the beach huts are struck down,
and Most Horrific of All; The Kahuna has gone and got a j..., a Jo.... a JO
oh it's Too Sad, to even type :(
I'm kind of curious if all the lefties got a memo with these bullshit themes they are peddling.
ARM sounds nuts. I think this has been too much for him and his malignant TDS,
Autocorrect made me choose between one L at the end or capitalizing Marshall and I made my choice. Yours could be different.
Yours could be different.
I would choose Martial for that use.
So the premise of the question posed by autocorrect was wrong! But that means human error all along, and the false choice was a... false choice! Oh noooooo.
"January 21: The first person with coronavirus arrives in the United States from China, where he had been in Wuhan."
That's the date he was diagnosed. He arrived in the US from Wuhan on Jan 15 per the CDC.
The second diagnosed case, in Illinois, actually arrived here two days earlier, Jan 13, from Wuhan also per the CDC.
Are the other dates in the list more reliable? Without a link or attribution it's hard to say.
There's another choice, Mike. Turn off auto-misspell.
Now you're just being an asshole. Even you aren't too stupid to know how "per capita" works.
zao yao brown cow
Watching the news now is basically equivalent to watching soap operas.
I don't know. When I was eleven I got stuck in a hospital for almost two weeks and listening to the soaps on the radio was a great way to pass the time. And not just the soaps, there was also The Lone Ranger, Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, and The Best of Jack Benny. If I were confined to a hospital bed these days, watching the news would kill me.
'you could use a scarf'
Like Isadora Duncan?
it's wretchedly vicious and ignorant, I did catch the last mission impossible on epix though, they're becoming the counterpart to bond, without all the polemics and sjw signaling, a dossier plays a significant element of the story,
I'm kind of curious if all the lefties got a memo with these bullshit themes they are peddling.
Those viruses spread like wild fire on twitter, there is no social distancing whatsoever.
“They're not going to dump Biden. Unless he has a stroke and backs out as medically unfit no one they could possibly replace him with has any chance at all. While gaming the process like that wouldn't effect the party core both parties rely on 3-4 times their core votes to win presidential elections. Dems could lose 20% of that even against Trump (they'd lose half against a generic Rep).”
“Instead they'll try to use their institutional pull to drag Biden over the finish line just like they do every cycle.”
Don’t think that this is going to work with China Joe Biden, but almost did with Crooked Hillary. But without him on the campaign trail, to be ridiculed, I am thinking that maybe Republican turnout might be down a little, and wonder how that will work for down ballot races, esp the three Senate races closest to my heart - MT, AZ, and CO. I think that the AZ race may be shaping up like the Senate race there two years ago, where Sinema was able to run rings around McSally in terms of TV advertising. The latter is running again, and her opponent, an ardent gun grabber, has twice her war chest, last I knew, with more money than any other Senate candidate in the country, by a great bit. In a normal year, Trump could possibly neutralize that. Maybe not, esp w/o his mega MAGA events. One term Daines is running against popular Gov Bullock in MT. Same thing - I think Daines is going to need some MAGA rallies to rally to win his race. Worrisome, because those three races could flip the Senate.
that last link is about how Chinese state media, is playing back the dezinforma, that has been consumed in the state side press,
Sinema has personality, Kelly does not, but that may not matter a great deal, has ducey ordered a clampdown,
narciso: "that last link is about how Chinese state media, is playing back the dezinforma, that has been consumed in the state side press,"
Chinese State Media has lots of volunteers as well, don't they ARM?
Like Dr. Birx. Or these guys.
Great News ARM!!!
It looks like our Hot Shot Intel agencies finally caught up with public reporting and "people on the ground" reports from 4 months ago!
Hey, Breaking News from America's Intelligence Agencies Who Have Yet To Recover From Several Year Of Attempting To Frame An American Candidate/President-Elect/President: China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak
You don't say!
Well, thank you for that TIMELY information! Not a moment too soon I'd say.
Many years ago, a friend asked me to review his resume.
He spent 12 years in the Air Force, so should know better. But he wrote that he had received a Commendation Metal.
So, as a hint, I asked him what the short version of Medallion might be...
English... meh!
just in the nick of time, you get the notion 'burn after reading' and 'spy' was the optimum of American intelligence, I say that from a family perspective, that had the brigade landing in the enemy camp, much like in la drang valley,
Drago said...
our Hot Shot Intel agencies
And yet you believed the WMD lie, when all the smart people said it was a lie.
Sometimes I have trouble martialing my thoughts.
You can spell that phoneme four different ways, like early Pink Floyd
ARM: "And yet you believed the WMD lie, when all the smart people said it was a lie."
We went thru this the other day when you were very confused!
No, I didn't.
And why didn't I ARM? Do you remember why?
No, you don't. Because history began anew for you just today...again. As usual.
And I don't have the time to dress up my opinions and experience as a ChiCom Beijing Press Release just to try and get you to believe it.
As my last post on this thread, I can say there was ONE PUBLIC VOICE calling for a ban on Chinese travelers BEFORE Trump acted on January 31. On January 28 Greg Gutfeld called for a ban on travel to and from China and by the 31st he was begging on The Five (FNC 2:00 PDT) for a complete shutdown of air travel.
ARM: "And yet you believed the WMD lie, when all the smart people said it was a lie."
The best part of this?
It was the establishment "smart people" who said Saddam's nuke program was further along than it was.
The old W/Cheney manipulated intelligence is such a pathetic "after the fact" CYA move on the part of the deep staters that its astonishing in its transparency.
This is the same crew of deep state "intel" jerkwads who recommended overthrowing Gadhaffi, and Mubarek, and wanted us to go in and take out Assad.
No thanks.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Drago said...
our Hot Shot Intel agencies
And yet you believed the WMD lie, when all the smart people said it was a lie.
It seems like just this morning that ARM pretending to believe not listening to the experts was a major failing which should disqualify Reps from governance. Even ARM believes ARM is full of shit.
Sinema was able to run rings around McSally in terms of TV advertising. The latter is running again, and her opponent, an ardent gun grabber, has twice her war chest,
Almost all from CA and NY. McSally was a sluggish campaigner, which is too bad because she is good in small groups. I know her and she is competent but had terrible advice in 2018. I can only hope for better,
Rick: "It seems like just this morning that ARM pretending to believe not listening to the experts was a major failing which should disqualify Reps from governance. Even ARM believes ARM is full of shit."
Today ARM routinely contradicts Yesterday ARM because Today ARM often recognizes that Yesterday ARM's lies won't fly in the new day, so Today ARM simply jettisons Yesterday ARM's talking points and picks up with Today's Narratives as if Yesterday ARM and his narratives never existed.
MK: "Almost all from CA and NY. McSally was a sluggish campaigner, which is too bad because she is good in small groups. I know her and she is competent but had terrible advice in 2018. I can only hope for better,"
McSally better cut loose the washington establishment insider advisors fast or she will go the way of Scott Walker in the blink of an eye.
An example of Today ARM kicking Yesterday ARM's talking points loose, is the fact that Today ARM pretends the weeks and weeks and weeks of Yesterday ARM's pro-ChiCom talking points never happened at all.
And then Today ARM goes on and on as if he is a sophisticated and insightful analyst of current events.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Drago said...
our Hot Shot Intel agencies
And yet you believed the WMD lie, when all the smart people said it was a lie.
Yeah. Especially the smart people in Halabja.
Oh wait....
So I followed Dr. K's link to Chicagoboyz (I like it better here) and from there to the WHO reports of January 2020.
They read like encomiums to the wise leadership, counsel, and guidance of the CCP.
Correction, they ARE encomiums to the wise leadership, counsel, and guidance of the CCP.
Experts in tyrant-fellation, and proud of it
My first "direct" "experience" with how "competent" our intel agencies are, besides all the big things the intel guys completely missed for 50 years, (including every single major geo-political event during that period), was talking to a few SEALs in late 1990 and then hearing them go off (and I mean go off) on what happened in Panama in 1989.
You don't forget that kind of stuff.
Narr: "They read like encomiums to the wise leadership, counsel, and guidance of the CCP."
So, they read like ARM posts at Althouseblog for the last 6 weeks then.
"Why isn’t Senator Sanders calling on VP Biden to drop out of the race"
The DNC has yet to pay his asking price.
Why do I believe this? Seventy seven year old, born, raised and worked in Chicago government all my life (except for a few years in the military). The lsr honest Democrat may have been Stephan Douglas.
McSally better cut loose the washington establishment insider advisors fast or she will go the way of Scott Walker in the blink of an eye.
I don't know who is advising her. I volunteered for the woman who ran for her House seat in 2018. Nice local businesswoman. She lost to a drunk Democrat who didn't even live in the district. The drunk is now on leave after "several falls" and is in rehab.
"[I]t will be hard and hypocritical to look at what happens and say, See? Not that many people died, it wasn't so bad, and Trump overreacted and crashed the economy."
Democrats: Hold my soy latte.
There was no shortage of experts calling Cheney a liar at the time. Just a shortage of people willing to listen in a non-partisan way.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
There was no shortage of experts calling Cheney a liar at the time.
You an see how ARM can't break free of his ideological straightjacket long enough to form an independent thought. It wasn't Cheney that various left wing commenters claimed was wrong. Instead it was the very government experts ARM claims we must listen to in all circumstance in which they support the left's political preferences.
ARM and George Tenet are old pals.
"Deep State" you know. Gonna save us. At least Howard thinks so.
Rick said...
It wasn't Cheney that various left wing commenters claimed was wrong.
This is so stupid that it is hard to know where to start. It is a straight up lie. Ron Paul thought he was liar, and all of Europe.
Are you serious Drago. Just admit you are wrong. WHO did not say that it could not be transmitted from human to human. They said they found no clear evidence of such transmission. You do see the difference I trust
This is hilarious. This is exactly the inane concept used against President Trump. Just because there is no evidence of a conspiracy between the President and Russia, doesn't mean it didn't happen. I'm thinking reversing that same play against the leftist, wouldn't be tolerated.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Rick said...
It wasn't Cheney that various left wing commenters claimed was wrong.
This is so stupid that it is hard to know where to start. It is a straight up lie. Ron Paul thought he was liar, and all of Europe.
Apparently ARM has convinced himself Cheney made it up personally instead of listening to the supposed experts in our intelligence services who reached the conclusion. Further the only reason to focus on Cheney instead of Bush is that left wing frothers are still so in thrall to their conspiracy theories they can't function in reality.
Cheney drove the push for war. He is a war-monger. That is reality. He was in the war business and he did what was good for his business.
He is a war-monger. That is reality. He was in the war business and he did what was good for his business.
What childish thinking. Your nose must hurt being led around by it every day of your life.
So you still believe there were WMD's in Iraq?
So you still believe there were WMD's in Iraq?
It's revealing you think this can be concluded from any of my statements.
What a fool.
ARM is such a fool. Cheney was a cold thinker but was only interested in what was best for America, unlike Biden, Hillary and all ARM's heroes.
Either Cheney lied or there was solid evidence for WMD in Iraq. It's not complicated.
Either Cheney lied or there was solid evidence for WMD in Iraq. It's not complicated.
Is your intellect so limited you believe this or does your mind refuse to accept any possibility which does not conform to your ideology?
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