And here's my impression of what I heard on Morning Joe, somewhere between 7 and 7:10 (Central Time). Trump must be criticized, so they have to pick a way to criticize him. What Joe has picked is that Trump failed to heed the advice of the experts until recently. We really were facing a pandemic with a million plus Americans dead, and the economy absolutely did need to be shut down, and Trump should have done it sooner. Now, he's finally absorbed the experts' message and he's acted.
Joe — and other Trump critics — have committed to the idea that we were faced with a calamity that required the lockdown and all the economic damage that ensued. I'm not saying they can't turn around and blame him for the damage to the economy, but it will be hard and hypocritical to look at what happens and say, See? Not that many people died, it wasn't so bad, and Trump overreacted and crashed the economy.
Are the critics boxed in? They can't really say, See? Not that many people died, because we won't know how many would have died if we hadn't taken the strong measures we did. Yesterday, the experts were saying they expect that the deaths in the United States will now be limited to 100,000 to 200,000, and that's still a lot, and maybe it will be less. Anything less than 100,000 will seem like an achievement, and we'll move on to restarting the economy.
Well, I'm sure, the Morning Joes of the world will be able to say the restarting of the economy happened too soon or too expansively. Joe was sneering this morning at the concern Trump showed for the economy as he worked out his response to the pandemic: It took Trump too long to shut things down because he cared too much about the economy. That makes it a lot harder for Joe, et al., to bash Trump for not caring enough about the economy.
Are the critics boxed in? Only if they have principles about being consistent. Or if they worry too much about seeing their inconsistency displayed in montages on social media.
४०६ टिप्पण्या:
406 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Great interview with Ted Cruz on Maria Bartiromo this morning regarding China.
The business model is supplying a narrative that their audience wants to live in. They have to judge that. A lot of the Trump memes are dead to their audience now.
Are the critics boxed in? Only if they feel a need to be consistent or worry too much about mockery in social media.
Outlook not so good.
And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to anti-Trump memes or Putin fantasies or antipathy toward people outside the coasts who aren't like them or anti-American sentiment or anti-religion sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
"we won't know how many would have died if we hadn't taken the strong measures we did"
Yup, that's gonna be the pro-panic justification after the fact. What if we hadn't! We had real calculations! We followed the experts!
From a pro-sanity standpoint, so far Trump has struck a reasonable balance under the circumstances: no nationwide shutdown, ramping up assistance pretty quickly, travel restrictions to help containment, listen to "the experts" while reserving his own judgment, adopting a realistic-but-optimistic tone, etc.
He has also struck a good balance politically: not going overboard in either direction while showing concern and flexibility in a way to placate worried seniors and counter Dem/MSM criticism. I don't fault him.
Of course, the devastation is still very real. Even if he wins on Wuhan, Dems and the MSM can then turn around and pin economic ruin on him.
In a time that demands seriousness, they are manifestly not.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
There's talk that fedgov should have taken control of the supply of ventilators and doled them out to hospitals and Trump gets hit for that. But when fedgov does commandeer some medical equipment away from Massachusetts, Warren complains. It's all politics as usual, and all the snags that happen at times like this are exploited for political gain.
Isn’t the President rather limited in what he can “shutdown” as opposed to state and local government leaders? The President can recommend, but it’s state leadership that makes the devious and takes action.
The word was suppose to be decisions.
All the ventilators would go to ny nj and california, capital idea,
“ Are the critics boxed in? Only if they have principles about being consistent.”
HA HA HA HA!!! Always nice to start the day with a good joke and a hearty laugh.
They don’t.
And are you sure that Twitter and the others won’t shut such montages down? I am not.
What Joe has picked is that Trump failed to heed the advice of the experts until recently.
As I said about the NYT in the post below about mask usage...
"At the NYT, are they "experts" when needed to show Trump is wrong, and then alternatively "American officials" when needed to show Trump is wrong?"
Hardin is exactly right. they are like cigarette companies peddling ciggies. The market is loosing interest in mild tobacco, so you use more of the harsh. Or add menthol. But you are still just feeding their nicotine habit either way. No trump hate, no audience.
I have posted several observations about the horribleness of Joe and his paramour, I honestly did not want to subject people to it. It's like a horrible physical injury, You can't look, but you always take a peek and regret it for weeks.
It is clear to those that have been of the opinion, "news" is no such thing. It is all narrative setting.
The Media is the controlling power, and leader, of the Democrat Party. The media sets the agenda, Dem leaders fall in line.
This is the filter to view all media produced, and distributed.
The internet has exposed all of this. Posts like this one, validate the above conclusions
Biden et al would be best served by setting their partisanship aside and working with Trump for the betterment of the country. There will be plenty of time to pick up the campaign later in the summer and they would be able to do it from the position of having put the country first when it really mattered. Instead, they seem to be focused on finding the best way to manipulate the crisis to their advantage.
They would be better off if they were better people, but what can you do? Biden's gotta Biden, Joe's gotta Joe.
Never listen to Morning Joe, but Trump critics only have to point to all his golfing during January and February where apparently he got bad advise from his cronies about how to play down the seriousness of the virus.
Joe and Mika need to double down on Trump hate. They gave Trump so much campaign air in 2016, thinking that they were assuring Hillary the easiest win. They're a the living embodiment of Bush's bungled aphorism: "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...double shame on you!"
They are still utterly useless, like the alien em waves.
Are the critics boxed in? Only if they have principles about being consistent.
@Althouse, you broke the code!
Are the critics boxed in? Hardly. Facts don't matter when the target of your criticism is Trump. Recall what they did (and continue to do) with the Charlottesville situation and quotes, also the idea that Trump called the coronavirus a "hoax". Even now they are saying Trump was slow to respond and take it seriously - while we watch videos from Jan/Feb of Nancy Pelosi and various NYC officials advocating for people to go out and mingle in large crowds, hug a Chinese person, ride the subways and buses.
I don't take their criticism seriously, it's all ginned up nonsense offered in bad faith. Trump haters and critics though, will swallow it whole.
Yesterday, the experts were saying they expect that the deaths in the United States will now be limited to 100,000 to 200,000
They explicitly said the 100-200K projection assumes the states currently suppressing transmission suddenly SPIKE like NY and NJ, but that data from CA and WA are showing excellent results (we started distancing at the beginning of March) and likely would NOT spike. Our current slope is only steep because the aggregate includes the outliers NY and NJ. There is no reason to think there will be a spike in most other states. My hunch is the 80K figure from the analysts in WA is more likely to be accurate.
(Accidentally posted on HSP thread. It goes here.)
"Only if they have principles about being consistent."
One only has to observe the complete silence regarding the Biden sex assault allegations and compare it to the Kavanaugh kerfuffle.
They have no principles. None.
What's the purpose of the apostrophe in "Morning Joe's of the world"?
Forgot to italicize Althouse’s quote above. I just want to be very clear that the takeaway from yesterday’s presser is that we are successfully AVOIDING the 100- to 200K result by what we are doing. Total deaths will be lower than 100K by an as-yet unspecified amount.
What's the purpose of the apostrophe in "Morning Joe's of the world"?
It forms a plural without suggesting that the "s" is part of the thing pluralized. Most common in acronyms. The CIA's of the world.
Technically, it's a break character.
Their principals: Whatever Trump is doing is bad. Take the opposite view and pound away at it. Daily.
They all tend to work off of the same script. You can occasionally hear slight changes of attack points from multiple sources, on the same day. Why...it's as if they take their orders from a central operation.
Years ago I used to comment that the press seems like the do their job by standing next to the fax machine in the morning to get instructions on just how to frame a policy position. This was the press, mind you. In my mind, getting instructions via fax, daily, on how to further a policy discussion to be aligned with the Democrat Party.
Today it's much quicker. A text here, an instagram there, an email received. JournOlists! all. Joe, long ago joined the small mind choir. I'm disgusted with the lot of them. They offer nothing of productive use.
Make that...principles.
Very pretty and cool how the puffy cattails are glistening in the morning light. A brief and shining moment in time.
Joe and the Morning Jackasses were calling Trump a Racist and a Xenophobe in January when he stopped travel to and from China....Even WHO said it couldn't be contracted (they were WRONG) Trump got it right, and the left and their ever propagandizing Media still can't handle it.
Love how the light filters through the edges of the marsh reeds. Who is the tall one, standing above the rest?
I don’t think 22,000 is too optimistic given current trajectories.
At that level of casualties, the cost-benefit analysis starts to tip toward reopening some commerce where safe soon to avoid some of the long-term economic pain. We'll know more in a week. I hope to God the jobs are still there when we are freed.
Forgot to italicize Althouse’s quote above. I just want to be very clear that the takeaway from yesterday’s presser is that we are successfully AVOIDING the 100- to 200K result by what we are doing. Total deaths will be lower than 100K by an as-yet unspecified amount.
That was not my conclusion. Birx said specifically that the 100-200K number is with 'full mitigation'. Which is why a reporter asked Fauci about his hope that we won't reach that number. His answer was related to the weaknesses of statistical models not on the projection itself.
The haters gotta hate. Nothing more complicated than that. Tay Tay was right.
- Krumhorn
“ What's the purpose of the apostrophe in "Morning Joe's of the world"?”
Thanks. Just one of those homophone typos. Fixed.
Ah, but your last paragraph nails it--they are not consistent, they have no principles other than hating Trump and in many cases Republicans in general, and they have no shame or honor.
Which is why, if you believe the polling, about half or more of the country doesn't trust them any more. We cannot stop listening because they are almost all there is for any information, but we increasingly recognize that they spin everything, including strategically selecting what to report and what to not report (sex harassment allegation against Biden? Never heard of it! Melania didn't hold Donald's hand at an event? Beat on it for a week!) in order to further their goals.
They still matter, but less so every week, and they are burning the last of their credibility right now.
Per R/V: Never listen to Morning Joe, but Trump critics only have to point to all his golfing during January and February where apparently he got bad advise from his cronies about how to play down the seriousness of the virus.
Many a wartime President has listened to bad advice but a good President changes course with better advice.
Since I'm smarter than Mourning Joe, I shall venture a guess of 10,000 to 20,000 dead in this USofA. I really hated to go that high.
In shell scripts you can use two apostrophes
$ N=1; echo $N''9
The critics are never boxed in because there is never a downside to having been wrong.
Who was hurt by their own Russia collusion mongering?
Intellectual consistency is something that is important to persons with principles and morals. There is no indication that any of this is relevant to the mainstream media at the moment. We have seen them declare naming the disease the "Chinese virus" as racist after they regularly used the same or similar term for weeks, we have seen them declare the Chinese travel ban as racist despite the fact that it was exactly the right call and then demand he entire country be shutdown instead, we have seen then regurgitate Chinese propaganda without an ounce of curiosity, we have seen them demand Trump listen to the experts and then attack the experts when they did not provide the information they wanted to hear, they demanded that Trump address the nation regularly about the crisis and then demanded that they stop showing the press conferences live because it was not serving them politically, they declared the Republicans at fault for blocking the stimulus bill when it obviously was the exact opposite (including the New York Times changing the headline several times until they completely switched positions), and so forth and so on.
Intellectual consistency only applies to people with a sense of shame and/or have an audience that will notice their perfidy and stop listening. This does not apply to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, a substantial portion of the Never Trump media, etc.
There does become a point where you have to admit that this person you trust is regularly lying to you.
Care about being Consistent? Haha. That implies principles and intellectual honesty. The Trump haters care only about one thing, hating Trump. When have the Trump haters, Bill Kristol, the Bulwark Boys, David French, the DNC Media, CNN, Joe Scarborough, ever said "Oh, we were wrong about Trump-Russia, sorry" or on ANY issue "Oh, guess
we were wrong and Trump was right" or simply "Trump did an excellent job"?
The only principle the DNC-media and their "conservative" allies have is this: Destroy Trump. "Trump delenda est"
Birx came back near the end to clarify and she said exactly what I wrote above: the current trajectory assumes that the other 48 states ALSO spike up steeply, as metro NYC is now and that’s where that big range comes from; but the good news is that states like CA and WA are more like the other 46, with a nice low slope, and mitigation (West Coast) or natural factors (WY is sparsely populated) is keeping the slope low indicating that IF WE KEEP UP SOCIAL DISTANCING the result will be much better than the headline number range. Fauci seconded it, again pointing to the contrast between CA and WA vs. NY and NJ.
They were however careful to NOT ever put a number on that hopeful outcome, each sticking to vague terms like “much better” or “significantly less” so as to avoid Press gotcha questions later.
anti-de Sitter space said...Logic is tricky.
Keep trying! We have hope for you.
The critics aren't boxed in, because they have no integrity. But it does make it easy for Republicans to come up with campaign spots demonstrating the hypocrisy of the left. (i.e. Pelosi and Schumer criticizing shutting down the flights from China)
The Morning Joke crew has no shame. They all lack any sense of self-awareness. Joe and his stupid pretend rock-star side gig. Donny Douchebag and his no sock with uncomfortable leather shoes look. Trump is right. They’re psycho. Especially Mika. But, she’s still kind of hot, to there’s that I guess.
I give the professor credit for even tuning in. I think it’s hilarious that it only takes her 10 minutes to listen to their outer space rantings to figure out the gist of the day’s entire program.
Intellectual consistency is something that is important to persons with principles and morals.
If somebody attacks your principles, how do you defend them? Is not ridiculous to defend principles?
Whereas morality requires you to defend them or yield.
Need some consistency there.
It occurred to me watching the daily WH briefing that Trump is doing now what FDR basically had to do every day during WWII, which is try to explain to the American people why all of their sacrifices, which may seem unnecessary or unfair, are justified in order to achieve a compelling national objective. I think it helps Trump's persuasiveness that everybody KNOWS he didn't want to shut down the economy, and that he personally had to be convinced by the medical experts that harsh economic and social restrictions are necessary. FDR (and Lincoln, too) had to be very careful not to get too far out ahead of public opinion on pushing for aggressive federal action; Trump OTOH was probably about where the public was to begin with and so really hasn't had to conceal his true intentions the way FDR did. However, Trump is at a serious disadvantage relative to FDR because of the consistently hostile treatment Trump gets from the press. If FDR wanted to keep bad news out of the papers, he could count on media giants like Luce to cooperate.
How does Joe Scarborough go from being a Republican Rep for the Florida panhandle to a cheerleader for the crazy radical left? Did he ever really believe in anything he represented? Maybe Mika is just that good in bed. Could be...
If we are to take medical experts and their projections seriously we should also consider economists and what they say may happen. Up to 47 million unemployed is today’s prediction. How many will die if THAT number isn’t mitigated?
Joe Biden has yet another gaffe-filled media appearance
I believe that aspartame precipitates out any iron in the water, judging from coffee residue. Need more experiments.
Before Trump I thought I'd reached my limit of contempt for the DNC-MSM and people like Bill Kristol. But their behavior since Jan 2017 has been so disgusting and biased its turned my mild contempt into a raging tsunami in contempt and dislike. No President since the introduction of TV/Radio has been treated like Trump. There is ZERO attempt to be objective, tell the truth, or to hide the fact that the Press is at war with Trump and is acting as a propaganda machine for the DNC.
During this crisis, they haven't done their job of informing us, or bring the country together. Instead, marching in lockstep, they've concentrated on hating Trump and being as negative as possible.
“Never listen to Morning Joe, but Trump critics only have to point to all his golfing during January and February where apparently he got bad advise from his cronies about how to play down the seriousness of the virus.”
The problem the Left labors under is that damned “compared to who?”. And, let’s face it, the Left has been an incompetent shitshow since the storming of the Winter Palace. They hope to smother those inconvenient queries with the MSM but that pesky Internet keeps raising awkward questions. Surely, there’s some way to silence it!
They haven't done any real investigative reporting either.
This is all about the expectations game.
And I watched a little bit of Morning Joe. Joe was going on and on about how Trump was totally unprepared and *everyone* say this coming. Did Biden and the Dems see this coming when Trump banned travel from China and they called him a racist? Did Pelosi see this coming when she was in Chinatown on Feb 24 and told everyone that things were okay?
Joe and Mikka at the their fab Upper West Side pad:
Joe: I hate Trump.
Mikka: I really hate Trump.
Joe: I hate Trump more than you do.
Mikka: You do not!
Never forget what a liar Scarborough is. This is a guy who pretended to be a Conservative Republcian in the 90's. Then became a "reasonable Conservative" to get the Morning Joe gig, and now has thrown off the mask and become a standard Media liberal. He's a smarter version of that con-man running for President: Joe Walsh.
Dave: You've just described Matt Lewis and Bill Scheer's BHTV show. Just substitute the names.
Trump is playing the expectations game perfectly. If only 9,000 Americans die due to covid19 it is a win. And better than Obama and H1N1 or the swine flu.
In shell scripts you can use two apostrophes
Backslash is easier to spell and pronounce, and takes half as much typing.
Up to 47 million unemployed is today’s prediction.
With our modern complicated interwoven infrastructure, how many unemployed would it take to cause a real famine that leaves 200 million people dead and the rest perhaps wishing they were?
"Biden et al would be best served by setting their partisanship aside and working with Trump for the betterment of the country."
It's not just the selfishness, the petulance that's remarkable. It's the pure weirdness, that everyone knows that in crisis you suspend the sniping and close ranks, but the Democrats to the very highest levels don't seem able to do that.
When Trump was marshaling a corona virus task force (the all-white racist one) Nancy Pelosi was passing out impeachment pens.
The very day the first U.S. case of corona virus was confirmed in Washington the House impeachment managers were ceremoniously marching the article over to the Senate.
The big thing for the libs right now is posting a list of all the days Trump golfed in Jan. and Feb.
The old Groucho Marx line went, "You say you don't like my principles? Well I have others."
In the same vein, many in the press and the political world (I'm looking at the governor of Michigan, the mayors of San Francisco, New Orleans, and New York--Nancy Pelosi-to name a few) are like prostitutes. You don't like this position? Well I have others.
And as the facts and events change, well you'll see them take other positions. The one position that they will always maintain is Orange Man Bad. They may flip and flop around along the way, but they'll always return to their default preferred position.
You are assuming the anti Trump press feels the need for consistency. Facts not in evidence.
WaPo headline, "Trump projects 240,000 deaths."
So if it comes in at 50,000, it is a win.
That's the expectations game.
Clearly, by November, the anti-Trump message will be that he overreacted. Count on it.
If Trump had acted decisively sooner the economic damage would have been less - see South Korea.
The critics are being washed away by their own lies. The lies are plainer than ever; all through these past four years. The Pelosis, Schumers, Sanderses, Hillaries; CNNs, NYTs..... they -- or rather, their influence -- will all be gone after November. The devil is losing. Keep the faith!
Clearly, by November, the anti-Trump message will be that he overreacted.
And no worries about hypocrisy. The left will simply trot out new "experts" whose current positions weren't reported. Media 101 stuff.
When will AOC give the go-ahead to crowd Chinese restaurants again? When will Nancy Pelosi give another tour through the crowds of Chinatown to prove how woke she is? Will Dems host another Hug A Chinaman Day, or are they hypocritical racist shitbags?
On Twitter, I just challenged Joe Scarborough to come to this blog and read what we've written about him. He'd get the Linda Greenhouse treatment.
In the end, if there is a shortage of respirators or ICU beds and lots of people die as a result, you will have non-stop coverage of partisan doctors and nurses with the heart breaking stories.In a pandemic, lots of people die -the question will be- could they be saved if there had been enough equipment. At this point, folks like Mika and Joe are praying for those type of deaths because it's something tangible to blame Trump and by extension , the GOP.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
If Trump had acted decisively sooner the economic damage would have been less - see South Korea.
This is the sort of unserious commentary everyone expects from those whose only purpose is partisanship. It requires we imagine we live in FantasyLand where the Good Wizard can make everything fine.
But wait:
JOY REID: Now, in this show yesterday, constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe of Harvard University confirmed what we suspected all along: that Cuomo was right, and Trump had no constitutional authority to claim he could quarantine whole states. And right on cue, Trump almost immediately backed down, tweeting that he has advised the CDC to issue a travel warning, but that he determined a quarantine will, quote, not be necessary.
Meanwhile back in reality during real-time left wingers criticized him for being too decisive while encouraging mass gatherings in NYC and SF which have two of the three worst outbreaks in the country. Left wingers don't care about deaths , only how those deaths can be used politically.
It is clear to those that have been of the opinion, "news" is no such thing. It is all narrative setting.
Because of this, I"m amazed that anyone watches television news. It's garbage. And drawn out.
This is a gorgeous morning shot. I should have commented about that before Mourning Joe.
Nice picture! I stopped listening to Joe about the time Trump won and Joe lost his mind.
The corruptocrats were busy impeaching Trump for Biden's family money crimes.
No mention of that on Corruptocrat Joe.
ConradBibby has it right.
ARM and R/V got this morning's DNC memo. Well done fellows.
I posted the WHO timeline yesterday. Next comes the Nancy video in China Town and Warren Wilhem Jr telling everyone to mingle.
Then fall campaign will be fun.
Regarding S Korea- don't you think they just got to a critical mass of cases sooner? China is their neighbor!
Morning Joe lost his mind when Trump said Mika showed up at Mar-a-lago with facelift wounds.
Are the critics boxed in? Only if they have principles about being consistent. Or if they worry too much about seeing their inconsistency displayed in montages on social media.
How can you say this with a straight face when the one person who has been the most inconsistent throughout this mess is Trump. A month ago he was telling us there were only 15 cases in the U.S. and soon there would be none. Now he is claiming if we keep the deaths below 200,000 it will prove what a great president he is.
ARM please compare the economic damage to Korea with damage to USA. I’m unaware of that analysis and curious why you wrote it.
I honestly don't believe you can fairly criticize Trump on this. We all were working with incomplete information. We're still working with incomplete information.
Let's do a hypothetical. Let's say that some time back in early February, Trump, out of an abundance of caution decided to make a big push for what we're doing now, the lockdown/social distancing, the shuttering of service businesses all around the country, with all the economic damage it entails. Let's say Trump did this, despite the fact that at the time we only had a tiny handful of confirmed cases. Now, how do you imagine the media would react? How do you imagine the congressional Democrats would react, still smarting from their impeachment defeat? Be honest.
"Are the critics boxed in? Only if they have principles ..."
Haha, that was a good one, Ann.
Let's dive into the memory hole:
CNBC on March 6, 2020: "People are stealing masks and other medical equipment from hospitals, New York Gov. Quomo says
ABCNews on March 30, 2020: "Cuomo and New York hospitals reject Trump's claim masks 'going out the back door'"
Trump's critics are never boxed in. They just conveniently forget that certain things ever happened. Like that they were totally wrong about Russia Collusion for 3 years.
As Sydney Mamet famously stated:
"In order to advance their objectives, modern progressives, ie. ideological leftists, need to pretend not to know things; for it is only by pretense that leftists can avoid the inherent hypocrisy within their position."
On January 31 when a Trump stopped flights from China, how many PUBLIC CALLS were there THAT DAY saying “he should have done this last month”? I’ve looked and found none. Lot of Monday quarterbacks here and in DC saying it NOW. Show me just ONE who was saying it then.
Show me your Nostradamus
"Please don't beat yourself up over this thing. It's not your fault... That's what old people do. They die."
I think we will be much closer to AllenS range (10k-20k) deaths than the 100k. This has been wild overreaction to shut down nationwide.
To support China’s ongoing response to the outbreak, Canada has deployed approximately 16 tonnes of personal protective equipment, such as clothing, face shields, masks, goggles and gloves to the country since February 4, 2020.
This equipment has been provided in collaboration with the Canadian Red Cross and the Red Cross Society of China.
Trudeau did a good job of it.
"[B]ut it will be hard and hypocritical to look at what happens and say, See? Not that many people died, it wasn't so bad, and Trump overreacted and crashed the economy."
No it won't. They'll do it anyway, kinda like our fearless House Speaker inviting people to go out and about in Chinatown and later claim it was all Trump's fault. Prof. Althouse you seem to think media personalities have a sense of shame. It's clear they don't.
Mika and Joe are useless leftwing hacks, pushing the liberal agenda. Their objective is to defeat Trump, not the viral not pandemic, not the ensuing economic disaster from the lockdowns.
Screw 'em.
South Korea used police state tactics that would be illegal here to shut down cases. Nobody was screaming “raycissst!” to shut down their response either.
Maybe one of our modern Wise Men like Aristotle can riddle me this:
How did Nancy Pelosi holding the entire Senate hostage for DEC and part of JAN affect Federal response to this crisis? How did Nancy Pelosi holding the COVID bills up in the House for a week unnecessarily in March help the people desperate for government relief because they are out of work?
Now show me one move Trump made that delayed the response as much as those two needless heedless acts by the Speaker, third in line to to POTUS. Just one.
The Democrats were still trying to pass a bill to ban flight bans as Trump was increasing flight bans. Come on, man!!!
From rochesterregional.org----45 million influenza cases, 300,000 hospitalizations, 45,000 deaths, THIS YEAR. Yeah, let's close down the country for the Chinese Commie Virus because OrangeManBad.
Joe and Rachel and the View shrews are in a tough spot. They have to simultaneously feed and salve the Trump Derangement afflicted but now with this competing virus they risk looking the roll of bad guys instead of the morally righteous anti Trumpers. It's a tough spot they likely don't have the talent to balance. As mentioned it probably doesn't matter as they lost any semblance of balance or shame or dignity.
So we already know what everyone will claim to have happened, and even though those hindsight scenarios will not match each other, nor probably the truth, we know they are coming, so could we just skip the next six months of bullshit, posing, lies and blaming. It's all going to be over and done, and we won't learn anything, becuase we won't agree on what happened. God, it's getting so tedious. Please Corona, you sweet femme fatale, take me now!
Others have made this point, but TDS is a quasi-religion that has one basic tenet: Orange Man Bad and must be removed. Any and all empirical evidence must be made to square with fundamental belief. OMB is not a testable or refutable hypothesis. So "not very many people died?" THis just proves OMB. "Lots of people died." THis just proves OMB. etc. etc. This was obvious way before any Covid-19. If the media hadn't been so crazy for 3+ years prior to this, we might be able to take them more seriously today.
The Democrats were still trying to pass a bill to ban flight bans as Trump was increasing flight bans. Come on, man!!!
Bingo! Kinda mitigates against the charge Trump was late when NO ONE was earlier, and even then he was opposed strongly by the Right-thinking People like Joe and Mika and Jim and Nancy...
C'mon RV and ARM. Surely you can show me how dumb Trump is by showing me the smarter person who called for quarantine earlier. Surely you will!
Remember when the experts were projecting 500,000 deaths in the UK? And now they project 20,000.
Their excuse was that things changed.
Apparently that excuse is only available to experts, not Presidents.
On the other hand, arn't Presidents supposed to listen to experts?
I'm confused.
Because I got the Shingles now, I'm on two weeks of the antiviral Valacyclovir. That may be effective in fighting Ms Corona, but its' unproven right now, and nobody would dare claim it is at this point. "Wouldn't be prudent. Not gonna do it."
Remember when all the DemPols, particularly the candidates for President, told us the Johns Hopkins “pandemic readiness” study was wrong, that the ChiCom virus would soon be upon us and the time was now for social distancing.
Me neither!
I don’t remember consensus among the “experts” at any time prior to Trump cutting off travel to China or any time soon thereafter.
In short, the Dems and their pundits are lying again and the mediaswine are complicit again.
I do remember that little jackass Schiff still poncing around after we became aware of the virus pretending that some phone call was the most important thing in the world and tying up the Congress, the President and the mediaswine with his nonsense.
Any Althouse lefty trolls remember it differently?
"From rochesterregional.org----45 million influenza cases, 300,000 hospitalizations, 45,000 deaths, THIS YEAR. Yeah, let's close down the country for the Chinese Commie Virus because OrangeManBad"
Yes, you nailed it. Well done!
I think Jane Morrison needs to go.
Are media pontificates the most egotistical thin skinned people on the planet? How about Chuck Todd’s question to Biden “Does Donald Trump have blood on his hands?”.
I’m sure the nicknames Trump assigns really bothers them because it hit’s where it hurts. “Sleepy Eyed” Chuck Todd does have sleepy eyes, and I’m sure it’s bothered him since the Jr. High.
I have heard progressives makeae slightly more sophisticated criticism. It's not that Trump cares too much about the economy, since the economy after all involves everyone. What he cares too much about is the stock market. Which as we all know means rich people. He wants rich people to stay rich and doesn't care about the rest of us.
Sorry, anyone who went balls deep into the Russian collusion hoax has no credibility on anything related to Trump. Or anything else for that matter.
Other than her Daddy's name, just what does Mika ever bring to the table?
On air,that is.
Freeman Hunt said...
[It is clear to those that have been of the opinion, "news" is no such thing. It is all narrative setting.]
Because of this, I"m amazed that anyone watches television news. It's garbage. And drawn out.
You consider it garbage because it doesn't give you what you want. Those who do watch it judge it by the same standard while still concluding it is valuable.
Whatever Trump is doing, he should have done it last week. Whatever he should be doing next week, he should do it this week. And whatever Trump is doing this week is wrong.
I love the way Mika looks in that white t-shirt over her Maidenform brassiere. it's also pleasing to see her nebbish of a husband sitting next to her so that in ones fantasy he is easily dispatched so you can drag her off to your cave.
I guess you don't see the irony that the TDS idiots in the media and you people are both focused on the blame game and the one up manship that is required to maintain your pathetically inadequate self-esteem.
When the s*** hits the fan that's how you people roll just like Joe Scarborough Rachel maddow and all the other lunatics on TV
I love the picture Althouse. The elimination of the foreground really makes it complete
"Took awhile, but I’ve found the first time Scarborough offers any kind of commentary on the Coronavirus. It’s from Feb. 26th … only about 2 months after he said “everybody” was talking about it pic.twitter.com/klOfkc87oi"
I love the way Mika looks in that white t-shirt over her Maidenform brassiere. it's also pleasing to see her nebbish of a husband sitting next to her so that in ones fantasy he is easily dispatched so you can drag her off to your cave.
Somebody needs to give you something to do.
Freeman Hunt is absolutely correct. Only nobody's watch TV news.
Howard said...
I guess you don't see the irony that the TDS idiots in the media and you people are both focused on the blame game
In Howard's world the blame game and opposing the blame game are the same thing. Small minded people will grasp any justification to announce their superiority.
Epidemiologist Freder has a new story.
A month ago he was telling us there were only 15 cases in the U.S. and soon there would be none.
Mind providing a link to this story, Freder ?
The mendacious are never intellectually boxed in, but they do become less effective over time.
IF WE KEEP UP SOCIAL DISTANCING the result will be much better
The IHME models get updated daily. The Utah curve now peaks at the end of April instead of in two weeks and there is no projected lack of Beds or ICU space as there was before.
Bob Boyd you're absolutely wrong it is all of the stuff that I'm doing that precipitates my interest in mika and other age-appropriate females of the opposite sex with all the right curves in all the right places. You should try it explosive weight lifting sprinting and a mostly vegetarian diet. Combined together that puts lead in your pencil. That's the bat signal to shouting Thomas by the way
Freder Frederson said...
How can you say this with a straight face when the one person who has been the most inconsistent throughout this mess is Trump. A month ago he was telling us there were only 15 cases in the U.S. and soon there would be none. Now he is claiming if we keep the deaths below 200,000 it will prove what a great president he is.
The problem is not simply that he was wrong, it is the failure to recognize uncertainty and embrace uncertainty. Life is uncertain. It is statistical. Trump is used to dealing with human psychology, which can be easily manipulated. Physical reality is a much more stubborn thing.
You’re boxed in if you have been saying for years that Trump critics suffer from a syndrome. But he didn’t act quickly enough on that virus either.
Rick said: “You [Freeman] consider it [tv news] garbage because it doesn't give you what you want. Those who do watch it judge it by the same standard while still concluding it is valuable.”
Rick Van Winkle speaks on behalf of those who have not yet awakened to the fact that a medium devoted to anti-Trump calumny - 93% of its coverage of Trump according to the Media Research Center - has nothing of value to offer to anyone not afflicted with TDS.
Oh well, better to be misinformed than uninformed. /Sarc.
If that makes you happy Rick what can I say good luck with that. but you people are the ones that are self identifying as unreliable whiners in a crisis exactly like the f***** up assholes of the democrat-controlled MSM. You are two sides of the same coin you are conjoined twins. In other words you are what you hate.
Anybody who thinks Mika is not hot is watching her with the sound on.
Field Marshall Freder: "How can you say this with a straight face when the one person who has been the most inconsistent throughout this mess is Trump"
The lies must be piled ever higher...and Freder and ARM and others are happy warriors in that endeavor.
For clarity: President Trump warned about COVID-19 in his SOTU speech. Nancy Pelosi, as the Democrat Speaker of the House, declared that every word of the SOTU speech was a lie.
I guess Joe and Mika missed that.
Howard: "If that makes you happy Rick what can I say good luck with that."
When you repeatedly relaunch the lie that Trump called the virus a hoax, which you do daily, expect to be called out on.
Every time.
The way to avoid that is to stop lying.
Lets see if you can.
"You’re boxed in if you have been saying for years that Trump critics suffer from a syndrome. But he didn’t act quickly enough on that virus either.”
So Hillary would have overruled the CDC quicker, and shut down travel with China faster? LOL. But for the sake of argument, even a blind squirrel finds a nut.
Tommy Duncan: "For clarity: President Trump warned about COVID-19 in his SOTU speech. Nancy Pelosi, as the Democrat Speaker of the House, declared that every word of the SOTU speech was a lie."
That's going to make for a fantastic commercial to run in the swing districts during Sham-peachment III later this summer.
And Joe “China is not our enemy” Biden, whose son took millions from the ChiComs is just the man to decouple our economy in terms of strategic necessities from China. Becuse when Joe says it, it’s not racist, like when Trump proposes logical, common sense economic policies.
The thing I don't get is this- why aren't Joe and Mika sent to home lockdown like Lana Del They? All three are in the same business.
Bagoh20 said: Because I got the Shingles now
Sorry to hear that. My brother got it after several rounds of chemo for Non-Hodgekins lymphoma had weakened his immune system. It was awful, and it prompted me to get the vaccine right away. Then a better version of the vaccine came out and I got that one too. No way I would wish Shingles on anyone. I hope you get over it soon.
The lies must be piled ever higher...and Freder and ARM and others are happy warriors in that endeavor.
If you can accuse Rachel Maddow of lying about how quickly the USNS Comfort would get to NYC, then I can be excused if the statement was actually made on Feb 28, not March 1.
"It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
And on Feb 26:
"And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."
Now he is going to claim victory if 200,000 people die.
Blogger Sebastian said...
"we won't know how many would have died if we hadn't taken the strong measures we did"
Yup, that's gonna be the pro-panic justification after the fact. What if we hadn't! We had real calculations! We followed the experts!
It is indeed wise that you all gave me half the gold in your treasury for my wisdom and skills.
Had you not, the Great Serpent would have continued to swallow our precious Sun whole, the world itself would have gone dark, crops would have failed, and you and all your children would have perished.
Fortunately, you acted in the nick of time, and I was able to save you all. As you all can plainly see with your own eyes, I have forced the Great Serpent to give up his ill-gotten prize, and the light and warmth of Life itself is now returning to the world.
By the way, whose daughter is comely young Mildred? I would have her, too.
Will Drago if you choose to believe the plausible deniability of the ambiguousness of Trump's use of the word hoax while at the time he was in the bully pulpit you win the argument on a technicality. but the effect was the same and it is still having an effect because so many of you people who are under Trump's spell believe that the coronavirus is a nothingburger. Non hoax hoax mission accomplished. Your lack of confidence is expressed by the outrage and sensitivity you have over this particular issue.
"Will Drago if you choose to believe the plausible deniability of the ambiguousness of Trump's use of the word hoax”
There was no ambiguity, plausible or otherwise. There was only a baldfaced willingness to misconstrue what he said.
For the record, this is Trump's reference to Coronavirus in the SOTU. Hardly prescient:
"Protecting Americans' health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the Coronavirus outbreak in China. My Administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat."
And his administration didn't take "all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens".
Howard said...
You are two sides of the same coin you are conjoined twins.
The person who concluded the Allies were just as bad as the Nazis because both fought a war doesn't impress me. But you'll always be your own hero so you've got that going for you.
Are the critics boxed in? Only if they have principles about being consistent.
Howard, as if to prove the point, now infinite-tuples down on the lie.
All the while saying politics can wait until later.
Democrat Lies-Civility BS.
Freder seems to be going to some sports site for this quote. Let's see a video.
ARM has wide experience building multistory buildings so he is qualified to criticize Trump as knowing only psychology.
Well done ARM. Could you give us a list of your accomplishments, aside from teaching high school ?
"Are the critics boxed in? Only if they have principles about being consistent."
RMc: "So...no."
See ARM, Howard and Freder just this morning.
Michael K: "ARM has wide experience building multistory buildings so he is qualified to criticize Trump as knowing only psychology."
The only thing ARM has wide experience in is acting as Xi's Cuckholster.
And his administration didn't take "all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens".
This is why I want to see a video of any quote provided by Freder.
Freder lies when the truth is obvious.
The blame game is now like a dog fight with skilled pilots on both sides turning, climbing and diving for a shot. Get tone and shoot a Birx missile or a Fauchi cannon and wait for the CNN Migs to blow apart and Jim Acosta bails out. It’s War.
The Trump Derangement Syndrome is one thing in the media, but another thing when it affects policy.
Dingbat Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) of Michigan just reversed her Chloroquine ban that she imposed last week, and is now asking the Feds for supply.
What an incredible time to be liberal woman in power.
When all else fails go with the Godwin defense.
Of course we know the real thing that is happening here is that most of you people are afraid of the dark so you're latching onto the familiar to help get you through this existential crisis.
Why is it that chicken hawks always bring up War as the analogy 4 something that is superficial and Petty?
“If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2”. New England Journal of Medicine. Feb 28. 2020. Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., H. Clifford Lane, M.D., and Robert R. Redfield, M.D.
So there you go.
twitter does their part by covering up any posts on the hcq/z pax cocktail, they are on team covid, effectively, they are also on team pla, spreading Chinese regime disinformation,
Howard is into "chicken hawks" which lefties use like holy water.
Come on, Howard, man up.
here's an interesting read about Milan, Italy; and why it got hit so hard
Short answer: Soccer
40,000 people, ALL SCREAMING AND HUGGING, AS Atalanta beat Valencia
It also talks about New York; In the final week before American sports went dark, Madison Square Garden alone shuffled more than 100,000 people through its doors, having received no government guidance to stop. The New York Rangers won there twice. The Knicks won once and lost twice. That included a defeat to the Utah Jazz, whose player Rudy Gobert would test positive days later.
"Are the critics boxed in? Only if they have principles about being consistent"
Sorta, kinda covered above, but --
They only need one principle, in applying it they are grimly consistent, and it enables them to dismiss petty-bourgeois laments about inconsistency.
The critics are never boxed in because they make the box. That's the privilege of prog hegemony.
what roughly translated to zao yao, so when you hear these notes, you have a label for it,
Howard: "When all else fails go with the Godwin defense."
There is no such thing as a "Godwin defense".
Michael K: "Howard is into "chicken hawks" which lefties use like holy water."
Slow Joe Biden hardest hit.
well that does put things into perspective, as we've seen with Pelosi, govt guidance wouldn't matter.
Moron Joka. Before I retired, they were the least painful of the morning show alternatives so I could watch for 15 or 20 minutes while caffeinating my brain.
I only catch them by accident nowadays, and can't stand looking at either one of them. Mika has perfected the admiring simper of approval for whatever idiocy Joe manages to stammer out,
but seems to have no other use.
I wouldn't f*** her with your Pole
Canada has deployed approximately 16 tonnes
And what did they get...?
Don't ignore just because "chuck said". . .
The IHME models get updated daily. The Utah curve now peaks at the end of April instead of in two weeks and there is no projected lack of Beds or ICU space as there was before.
Washington State projections by IHME model: Yesterday (3/31): 1621 fatalities connected to Covid-19. TODAY (4/1): 1233.
That's a huge drop.
Shortfall in daily ICU bed requirements is miniscule (about 20 bed shortfall on Peak Day).
Joe and Mika? they're desperate to hold onto their audience but eventually, they will fall, just as Chris Matthews fell.
No one gives a s*** about Biden right now except those of you who are grasping at the past issue of the day that is no longer relevant in our current situation. Always fighting the last war...
Howard: "No one gives a s*** about Biden right now except those of you who are grasping at the past issue of the day that is no longer relevant in our current situation."
The entire democrat party is advancing Sham-peachment III because they are obsessing over the clear dementia of their chosen candidate, resulting in major media outlets inviting Biden onto their nets every single day to advance his whacko "criticisms" of Trump while the lefty anchors do everything in their power to cover for Biden's clear incapacitation.
So, Howard is right in a way.
"no one" cares about Biden right now, except the entire democrat party and all the major media.
Other than that, its hard to see who "cares" about Biden.
If you exclude the dem party and the entire media.
So, Howard gets a sort of "Howard-ish" "win". (in the same way all the kids nowadays get participation trophies)
And what did they get...?
Well, Another Day Older is currently a non-inevitable plus..
The right wing trolls are out in force today. It's over. It is too late to recover from this screw-up because it is an intrinsic flaw of Republicanism. A contempt for government, a contempt for expertise, and a contempt for the broad concept of public health.
If Howard says one more thing to me I think I'll go with the "Godwin's defense"!
It's a new made up thing that maybe sounds good.
I wonder if its better than a Queen's Gambit?
Hey, there's an aircraft carrier with about 200 (and climbing fast) infected seamen on it. Nobody seriously troubled by symptoms yet. Now we are going to get some good data on what this virus does to young people!!!! This is perfect! So far, so good.
ARM: "The right wing trolls are out in force today."
And Xi's troll is back in form.
I wonder how ARM is taking the news that so many countries have found ARM's beloved ChiCom medical "equipment" to be so horrifically defective that across the globe those nations are kicking it all back to China.
And to think ARM has literally spent weeks and weeks in non-stop praise mode for his "benevolent" ChiCom pals.
Now would be a good time to admit he was wrong about all that.
Let's see if the self-anointed Aristotle of Althouseblog has the intellectual integrity to do that..............LOL!! Yeah, I couldn't help but laugh too.
I wonder why it is that ARM still believes his mad non-stop spinning for the ChiCom's will work this time?
Especially after the Great Awakening across the globe by governments everywhere that every single thing the ChiComs have claimed and ARM has parroted has been an absolute lie.
Huh. Totalitarian murderous commies lie! Who knew?
Not ARM, that's for sure.
I would hate to contemplate what it would mean if ARM knew they were lying and still acted as Tiananmen Rose for them...........
Politicians are supposed to lie. Journalists are supposed to tell the truth. Trump's genius is exposing that journalists lie every bit as much as him.
I noticed the media are all over the statistic that the US has more virus deaths than China.
I don't know why they think this lie will do anything for us peasants, other than make the current administration look weak.
The fact is, we will have a shit-load of dead people, and if Hillary was President (as they hoped) we would still have a shit-load of dead people.
Hell, I may become one of the shit-load before a treatment is found.
But here's the deal: China has lied about its number of deaths. The crematoriums have stated the number of Urns produced in just Wuhan, and it was 42,000 a few days ago.
The Chicom's are reporting a very low number. They are not a country to be trusted as far as public information is concerned.
well we have some notion, because of the diamond princess, so the spread is not as likely, fwiw,
Etienne: "I noticed the media are all over the statistic that the US has more virus deaths than China."
We don't.
Brave Chinese patriots are attempting to get the truth out and at every turn they are met with an army of ARM's who are happy to bury them and the truth with the rest of the ChiCom's victims.
The Joe Scarborough’s of the world covered for a raft of politicians and show biz folks including many of their own number. They are covering for the Chinese right now by reporting verbatim the fiction that our deaths have exceeded theirs. Trust ABCBSNBCNN to tell the truth about anything, in your dreams.
yes it's full of zao yao, don't ask me to write it out, it's the best transliteration I could find,
Howard said...
Of course we know the real thing that is happening here is that most of you people are afraid of the dark
Oooh look, Howard read an article on pop psychology. There's nothing more juvenile than armchair diagnoses.
It is too late to recover from this screw-up
What screw up? Again you assume others share your delusion yet you have no actual facts to support it. Obviously Trump made ZERO actual mistakes otherwise you would have no trouble listing them. Or one. Failing that we asked for an example of someone who had publicly urged specific action BEFORE Trump took action 1/31 and you have utterly failed to identify anyone ANY SINGLE AUTHORITY in the universe who beat Trump to the punch.
Are you helping?
I dreamed I was rounded up and sent to a ChiCom prison camp and my internal organs were shipped to corrupt German industrialists in my Maidenform bra.
History starts anew every day for progressives. That conveniently removes the need for principles and consistency.
a lighter note
81 billion dollars in apartment rent due today; hundreds of thousands, perhaps already into the millions, of retail and restaurant workers laid off. They get a three month grace period before eviction but then all that back rent is due. Maybe between the $1200 worth of weed and being absorbed into Amazon warehouses (lucky order picking hasn't already gone all robot but that is coming) they won't get restive, but all the same, you retirees with paid off houses better start washing the sheets for the guest bed.
The worst thing politically would be for the administration to undershoot the number of deaths. The press and Dems would have a field day with that if we then go over it, and it would reinforce their bullshit that Trump didn't take it serous enough, which is the most vulnerable position for him, or anybody really, even in here. Overestimates are much safer. When you come in lower, it's good news, and regardless of what you estimated, you can claim success. It works kinda like "The Price is Right".
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
81 billion dollars in apartment rent due today.
Just wait for the government thugs to do 2 things:
1. Make it illegal to evict tenants who suffer "economic hardship." They already made it illegal to evict people during the winter in Seattle.
2. Steal land from land owners who can't pay property taxes.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan unreasonably said...
. . . It is too late to recover from this screw-up because it is an intrinsic flaw of Republicanism. A contempt for government, a contempt for expertise, and a contempt for the broad concept of public health.
This is a great example of cognitive distortion, that is, believing a thing that is simply not true. I am registered as an independent, but I usually vote Republican. I consider myself a conservative. Yet I have no contempt for government, science, or public health. In fact I work in scientific research.
I know a few republicans. None of them have contempt for government, or science, or public health.
It is difficult to see how a person can believe in democracy when they believe that 50% or more of his fellow voters have contempt for government, science, and public health.
Doris Kearns Goodwin just out optimisted Trump on Cavuto.. Trump needs her to speak for him. Fox will have to blackball her for speaking the wrong narrative.
I know a few republicans. None of them have contempt for government, or science, or public health.
Not even libertarians, who are to the right of the rugged, independent individual, prudent and bold.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
The right wing trolls are out in force today.
ARM is keeping alive his streak of saying whatever insult comes to mind regardless of whether there is a justification for it. It would be nice if some intelligent liberal would comment. But unfortunately we're left with the idiots who can only repeat what they're taught and are unable to even recognize when it fits the context.
False: A contempt for government,
Correct: A realistic understanding of government capability. This is to be compared with the left's blind faith that government is the only institution not inherently corrupt and therefore their policies may not be questioned even when they contradict each other.
False: a contempt for expertise
Correct: Contempt for political apparatchiks. This is compared with the left's belief that position rather than accomplishment determines expertise and that this can best be judged by where someone went to school and where their political loyalty lies.
False: and a contempt for the broad concept of public health.
Correct: Recognition institutional concerns often take priority over public health such as how our public institutions prioritized far left political concerns like transsexuals, gun bans, and government controlled healthcare over their mission of epidemiology. No left wingers will focus on these institutional failures which is why they continue to distract the debate by blaming Trump. Squirrel!
Get well soon Bagoh.
I concur with Lewis. My wife is a scientist. We are conservative R and have no contempt for any American institution other than the media. They earned it. ARM tries to make himself feel better about being eternally wrongheaded and a bit dense by creating these yuuge straw men, which he names Republican or Trumpkins or whatever, before slaying them dramatically with his tired old agitprop, language you can overheat in any freshman dorm during normal times. We conservatives are so wrong and so powerful in his imagination that it would utterly destroy him to learn we are just regular folks. The myth must live so that his ego will not die.
Pence just told Blitzer that we can best be compared to Italy. In what respect does he mean? Hopefully not in deaths/million pop.
Italy has 218 deaths per million pop. Right now the US has 13/M.
That would mean 700,000 +. deaths. I don’t think we can be Italy.
overheat should be overHEAR
I regret the error
Aaaaaaaand the captain of said aircraft carrier leaked his letter asking to let the crew get disembarked to get them out of danger to the press. He needs to be court martialed and the ship needs to keep all those sailors on board. It's the perfect experiment. It must continue!
and a contempt for the broad concept of public health.
Dammit ARM. I thought you guys weren't supposed to bring out the Medicare for all talking point for a couple of weeks yet, per Pelosi's instructions. Timing dude, timing. Listen to your betters.
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