When a name that you recognize trends on Twitter, you tend to click on it to see if this person has died. You might not recognize the name Gary Locke, but I did, because his name was on one of the most important freedom of religion cases, Locke v. Davey, and I taught a course on religion and the Constitution for many years. Locke's name is on the case because he was the governor (of Washington) back when a young man who'd qualified for a state scholarship on his academic merit was excluded because of an exception for students who major in devotional theology. (Over the dissent of Scalia and Thomas, the state was allowed to discriminate against religion.)
What does that ad have to do with Gary Locke? The ad begins by showing Biden accusing Trump of "hysterical xenophobia" for restricting travel from China to protect the U.S. from the coronavirus. It draws attention to the "billion-dollar deal" Biden's son had with China. We hear Biden making some pro-China statements and asserting that banning travel from China will not stop the disease and Biden's voice calling it "fear-mongering." At the end, we see Biden say "I complimented him on dealing with China" — as if he'd forgotten what he'd said earlier. And the last shot is Biden saying "I'm not going nuts."
So I watched that. It clearly and memorably establishes that Biden was among those who accused Trump of xenophobia for closing travel from China. But wait! There's still a way to accuse Trump of racism! It's about Gary Locke. Didn't you see?
Here's the NYT article on the subject: "New Trump Attack Ad Falsely Suggests Former Governor Is Chinese/The ad, which calls Joe Biden soft on China and includes an image of former Gov. Gary Locke of Washington, an Asian-American, comes at a time of rising xenophobia over the coronavirus." There's a fraction of a second in that ad when we see Biden walking toward a man who's standing in front of Chinese flags, and the man is Gary Locke, who served as ambassador to China during the Obama administration. No words are said about Locke. It's just part of an effort to make Biden look soft on China. Locke is of Chinese descent, so it seems as though whoever made the montage was not careful in choosing that one clip... unless it was a devious plan to get anti-Trumpsters to make the ad go viral.
The NYT asserts:
Mr. Trump’s campaign released the ad on Thursday at a time of rising xenophobia and violence in the United States aimed at Chinese-Americans, as bigots blame them and other Asian-Americans for the outbreak of the coronavirus, which originated in China.So that's the defense for Biden: Don't attack Biden for accusing Trump of xenophobia (when Trump was doing what was clearly a good idea in defending us from the virus). Keep accusing Trump of xenophobia (for creating the impression that Locke was a Chinese official).
The Trump campaign doesn't concede that it failed to see Locke as an American:
“The shot with the flags specifically places Biden in Beijing in 2013,” Tim Murtaugh, a Trump campaign spokesman, wrote on Twitter, referring to the picture with Mr. Locke. “It’s for a reason. That’s the Hunter Biden trip. Memory Lane for ol’ Joe.”The mini-controversy draws attention to the ad. I think that's helpful to Trump. But anti-Trumpsters do get a morsel to feast upon.
ADDED: I wondered about the assertion that we are in "a time of rising xenophobia and violence in the United States aimed at Chinese-American," but I could see there was a link on the words "xenophobia and violence." I'm clicking the link now. It goes to another NYT article, published on March 27th and also updated today: "Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety/As bigots blame them for the coronavirus and President Trump labels it the 'Chinese virus,' many Chinese-Americans say they are terrified of what could come next."
For American-born Asians, there is a sudden sense of being watched that is as unsettling as it is unfamiliar.
“It’s a look of disdain,” said Chil Kong, a Korean-American theater director in Maryland. “It’s just: ‘How dare you exist in my world? You are a reminder of this disease, and you don’t belong in my world.’... It’s especially hard when you grow up here and expect this world to be yours equally. But we do not live in that world anymore. That world does not exist.”...
A 30-year-old videographer in Syracuse, N.Y., said he was still shaken from a trip to the grocery store last week, when the man ahead of him in the checkout line shouted at him, “It’s you people who brought the disease,” and other customers just stared at him, without offering to help. That same day, he said, two couples verbally abused him at Costco.
“I feel like I’m being invaded by this hatred,” said the man, Edward, who asked that his last name not be used because he feared attracting more attention. “It’s everywhere. It’s silent. It’s as deadly as this disease.”
१२१ टिप्पण्या:
at a time of rising xenophobia and violence in the United States aimed at Chinese-Americans
Citation please. I’d bet that violence against all races is down with everyone locked in their homes.
Just because the entire anti-Trump counterattack hinges on this doesn’t make it true.
The Trump campaign will have many devastating ads for the Dems, this being one of them.
The Truth hurts.
Republicans and Democrats now largely agree that the Chinese government bears responsibility for the spread of the pandemic, that it can’t be trusted on this or any other issue, and that the U.S. government should maintain a tough position on China on trade and overall, especially if Beijing again falters in its commitments.
“It’s as much of a consensus issue as you can get in today’s divided world,” said Mark Penn, chairman of the Harris Poll. “Overall, there’s very little trust for anything that the Chinese government says or does, especially its premier. Xi Jinping has less than half the credibility of President Trump in this poll.”
Shorter NYT: Everything else said and implied in the ad was true.
... unless it was a devious plan to get anti-Trumpsters to make the ad go viral.
@Althouse, I certainly wouldn’t put it past them.
... unless it was a devious plan to get anti-Trumpsters to make the ad go viral.
@Althouse, I certainly wouldn’t put it past them.
It was a pretty good ad, but too long.
The NYT really went to work deconstructing it because it is barely noticeable that Gary Locke was in it.
I was surprised that the ad pointed out Joe's confusing statements, clearly suggesting dementia.
Watched the ad and I’m certain it will only get worse for Joe Biden and the NYT. I believe the pedo Biden attack ad will be the floor, though.
Political correctness only works with women.
Second article I’ve read this morning suggesting that a wave of anti-Chinese violence and discrimination is occurring in the U.S. Nature magazine, of all venues, even cited the Deplorables by name.
i wonder if this 60s bigotry gambit is still a legitimate sale for the Democrats. I doubt it. 60s nostalgia is dying with us Boomers.
60s bigotry nostalgia seems to be all the Dems have left. It’s still the bridge at Selma and will be eternally.
You just gonna breeze by the fact that Locke was Ambassador to China, so is entirely relevant to selling us out to them?
Stop helping the New York Fish Wrapper carry water for the ChiComs.
Do the Democrats really want to be identified as defenders of China right now?
I worked with Hmong (Asians) in St Paul MN, and the only Americans that were attacking them were American Blacks.
So, when do the media articles about fake hate crimes against Chinese begin appearing?
Ad Falsely Suggests
"Suggests" means "doesn't say, but we imagine that", so the NYeT is really saying:
Ad Falsely Doesn't Say But We Imagine That Former Governor Is Chinese. (ha ha)
Then the NYeT says that "Mr. Locke is Chinese-American" so they really are claiming that he's not just "American".
NYT flailing wildly to protect its chosen candidate. How does Locke’s status as Chinese or not change the ad?
So, when do the media articles about fake hate crimes against Chinese begin appearing?
They had a link to a phony-sounding anecdote; the only occurrences of such I've seen in the news are black women and girls attacking Chinese-looking women, just as described by Ying Ma long before the media-driven panic about WuCooties.
Locke v. Davey was back in the day when the courts felt that freedom of religion meant freedom from religion.
Might have been a different decision today. With Sotomayor dissenting, of course.
New Trump Attack Ad Falsely Suggests Former Governor Is Chinese
Locke was the US Ambassador to China when Biden visited. If the someone else who held the post had been in the ad - George Bush, Jon Huntsman, Max Baucus, Terry Branstadt - would that mean the ad was implying that they were Chinese?
Yes, enjoy your morsel, your empty calorie morsel, while reasonable people feast on the information ably presented in the ad.
Do the Democrats really want to be identified as defenders of China right now?
They probably don't want to, but since they are in China's pocket they have no other choice.
Slow Joe is a senile old tool for the ChiComs. The NYT can deconstruct all they want - 'cuz in politics if you're explaining, you're losing.
Once we get past this viral freak-out, and once we get blue collar American men and women back to work, the sights are gonna be set on both the ChiComs and Slow Joe.
Ps I talk to Bernie Sanders voters all the time. 20-25% will vote Dem down ballot, but leave the Presidential vote blank. They don't like Biden either.
What a world view they have at NYT. "...released the ad on Thursday at a time of rising xenophobia..."
Rising xenophobia, not rising death count from virus exported to the world from China, while China told the world, there's nothing to see here.
Just read Scalia's dissent in Locke v. Davey. Brilliant.
That's too much for me to follow so early in the morning.
Let’s ask Barbara Streisand what she makes of it.
I think the best ad Trump could make would just be Joe Biden trying to string words together to make a coherent thought for 30 seconds - and failing to do so.
Joe Biden is suffering from Alzheimer's Disease. That's so plainly obvious.
Just run ads showing Joe Biden trying to speak contemporaneously.
End the ad with this tagline: "I'm Donald Trump, and I don't approve of what the Democrats are doing to Joe Biden."
Do the Democrats really want to be identified as defenders of China right now?
They probably don't want to, but since they are in China's pocket they have no other choice.
Sen. John Kennedy was interviewed yesterday. He gives great sound bite, so he gets asked for an interview regularly. (he should start a YouTube channel) Anyway they asked about the WHO and China's influence over the UN organization. John said, and I paraphrase, 'If you take the Chinese leader by they ankles and shake him hard, falling out of his pockets you will find the WHO'
"Citation please. I’d bet that violence against all races is down with everyone locked in their homes. "
See my update to this post.
There was a link on "xenophobia and violence" but I didn't copy it when I copied the quote.
Locke and Biden are both greeting each other in Beijing. Seems like a DNC reach to try and get racism out of it. "How could the ad makers not know that guy who no one else knows is the ambassador?" (Clutches pearls harder)
re, China's infestation of the WHO, it has been pointed out that China controls 5 of the 17 agencies inside the United Nations. China is working hard in gain power through organizations and people. Did you know that China gave the Vice Presidents son $2billion to manage? Do you know what the commissions on a $2billion money management account generate?
China control of organizations and people.
I've seen some reporting on Asian hate crimes... it's not Whitey who's doing the attacking...
"Locke v. Davey was back in the day when the courts felt that freedom of religion meant freedom from religion."
No. The Court had already decided Zelman. Look it up.
My post was edited by blogger, the first part is gone. But what showed up is still relevant, just somewhat out of context
That’s a good ad and the Times is making its usual mistake of using their fake outrage to direct eyeballs to something they really don’t want people to see.
I have no idea which clip had Locke in it despite reading the description here and looking for it. Locke is not important to this ad
Just think of Gary Locke as a shovel ...
One wonders if this wave of anti-Chinese sentiment and action will feel as bad or worse than our previous experience with anti-Muslim sentiment and action.
They've used this blame the victim horseshit since 9/11 when we were told that Muslims were being attacked all over America. It was not happening. There may have been a handful of incidents. But that's not new, not with any ethnic group. This always happens in isolated incidents, cutting across all ethnic lines- every single day of every year. Welcome to humanity.
This backlash against all Asians is bullshit. The only known and recorded backlash against Asian Americans is shown in admissions to Ivy League universities. Maybe the NYT can work on checking into that.
China Joe will never be President.
One wonders if this wave of anti-Chinese sentiment and action will feel as bad or worse than our previous experience with anti-Muslim sentiment and action.
What wave of "anti-Muslim sentiment and action?"
You're referring to all those faked articles about hate crimes against Muslims-Americans?
There is no "wave of anti-Chinese sentiment" against Chinese-Americans.
The claims of Asians suffering abuse? Sorry. The media has no credibility. They have been proven time and again to ignore facts in favor of narrative weaving.
In short, the New York Times is lying about the abuse.
This anti-Chinese sentiment thing is going to be a hard sell what with all those deplorable redneck guys out there going online and trying to import a Chinese born wife.
I don't understand attacking Biden now. Having him as the nominee should be Trump's greatest wish, politically. Is there even a 50% chance of it happening that Biden is the name on the November ballot? Why make him look even less viable now, before their convention?
Are the Chinese going to interfere in our election to help Joe win? Will Joe be Xi's puppet?
So the overwhelming evidence of xenophobia and violence was one person imagining people were thinking mean things and one person being allegedly insulted while shopping.
Devastating stuff.
Shouting Thomas said...
Second article I’ve read this morning suggesting that a wave of anti-Chinese violence and discrimination is occurring in the U.S. Nature magazine, of all venues, even cited the Deplorables by name.
4/10/20, 6:34 AM
Is it because whenever someone sees an oriental looking person, they move at lease 6 feet away? You know, practicing social distancing? Or do they mean real discrimination like limiting the number/percentage of orientals ivy league schools allow in?
Should we as a nation do what Italy did? Start hugging Chinese people to show how not bigoted we are? How do we KNOW they are actually Chinese and not Korean or Japaneses? I know, have all oriental looking folks wear a badge or a patch that indicated their nationality! That way we won't offend any non-Chinese by hugging them accidentally and we won't miss hugging someone who is Chinese!
The media operate as agents of confusion more than conveyers of news, when it comes to Trump. Part of that obfuscation effort stems from financial entanglement with China, whether that’s Bloomberg with their financial terminals, Disney/ABC/ESPN with their sports and entertainment contractors, the WaPo with their joint publishing deal, NBC/Universal with their distribution deals on the mainland, not to mention the close ties of so many politicians on both sides of the aisle. All of these business and financial relationships relying on China make the media and leadership class untrustworthy when it comes to holding the ChiComs accountable for their lies and weird disease generating culture.
And old Joe is a made man in the Swamp as deeply connected to Chinese cash as any of them, the perfect foil for Trump to triumph over this Fall. The media will continue to soil themselves and the skeletal remains of their credibility as they prop up Joe’s corpse, but he never had a chance after Winnie the Flu revealed the snarling beast behind the smiling Sino-face.
"a time of rising xenophobia and violence in the United States aimed at Chinese-American,"
Why do I have a feeling that we will soon see some additions to fakehatecrimes.org?
All of this sets up Trump as the adult in the room who can differentiate between the Chinese people and the Chinese Communist Party.
The long-term US strategic goal should be to unite the Chinese people, including Taiwan and Hong Kong, against the Chinese Communist Party.
NPR runs stories about abuse of Asian-Americans lately (or at least their website does). I don't see stories about actual physical violence. Usually it's name calling. When it's really abusive the race of the perpetrator isn't mentioned. It's not necessarily African-Americans. One woman who experienced abuse lived in a largely Hispanic neighborhood. It could be coming from White people too, but I get the feeling the articles would say that if it were.
When the perpetrators are specifically labeled White it's often incidents where the victim could be of any race. Cough on a bus today and people are going to turn away or ask you why you are using public transportation, whatever race they are and whatever race you are. And if you say that you don't have coronavirus, do you really know for sure? When people are told to practice social distancing, they distance themselves from people, whatever skin colors are involved. The media make such incidents cases of xenophobia when what's involved may just be virophobia.
Other cases involve school bullying. Again the race of the bullies isn't always identified. Bullying is a problem certainly, but it goes on all the time for all kinds of reasons. The stories make the headlines because reporters are looking for them. One NPR article cites a historian saying that today will be seen by future generations as a high point of xenophobia. Really? Some historian she.
My take on all this is purely anecdotal, but so is the Times's and NPR's.
This post deserves a civility bullshit tag.
Kai Akker said...
I don't understand attacking Biden now. Having him as the nominee should be Trump's greatest wish, politically. Is there even a 50% chance of it happening that Biden is the name on the November ballot? Why make him look even less viable now, before their convention?
4/10/20, 7:35 AM
Biden will likely not be the nominee. Regardless, he will step aside (more likely pushed aside) for someone else who will actually run against Trump. This sort of ad is trying to force the DNC to make that change sooner rather than later. The sooner you can identify your foe, the better prepared you can be to fight them.
The Dems are fighting tomorrow's battle using, like Thomas said, 1960's playbook.
Ho ho ho, Biden needs to go
his sort of ad is trying to force the DNC to make that change sooner rather than later. The sooner you can identify your foe, the better prepared you can be to fight them.
I think you would rather want the switch as late as possible so the Dems are still confused and angry about it. You don't want to give them any time to get it together.
But I think all such speculation about either side is overthinking. There are no backroom master plans executed with disinterested preciscion. There's just a bunch of guys reacting to events while trying to advance their overall goals. Lucikly, Trump usually does this better..
Sorry, it should be
Hey hey ho ho Joseph Biden's got to go
Yes, enjoy your morsel, your empty calorie morsel, while reasonable people feast on the information ably presented in the ad.
Yes. If you want to cling to that assertion about Locke go ahead. If that's all you got you don't look like leadership material...
Now howz about defending the quick cut of Biden claiming he's not crazy. Too tough for ya?
Wince said...
The long-term US strategic goal should be to unite the Chinese people, including Taiwan and Hong Kong, against the Chinese Communist Party.
Similarly, the short-term political goal is to separate Americans from the Democrat Party. As Biden moves the Democrat establishment left, you've got more conservative Democrats and, I was surprised to hear, a segment of Bernie supporters suggesting in a poll they will vote for Trump over Biden.
Why make him look even less viable now, before their convention?
Seed the delegates and public with doubts about Joe, concerns about his character and fitness, to encourage the large faction that wants the DNC machinery to generate another candidate, ANY viable Democrat, that could replace Joe on the ticket. If it works and the DNC nominates someone else, then Trump can feast on that process and disenfranchisement disappointing Bernie bros etc. if Joe retains the nom then he’s even more damaged than he appears now. Kinda win-win for Trump at this point.
I see today there is a push to get Gretchen Whitmer into the national spotlight. They are using the fact that Trump said "That woman from Michigan" was doing a bad job. Because she was, in fact, doing a bad job. But apparently Democratic women need to ride the victim train to the national spotlight (Nevertheless, she persisted or Nasty Woman).
As far as I can tell, she relishes shutting things down. She's very ineffective otherwise. She's now made it illegal to travel to your own second home within Michigan, which is stupid because its unenforceable.
Democrats- you can't keep foisting a National Female Victim into the spotlight and hope for good electoral results.
two couples verbally abused him at Costco.
It wasn't because he was Asian.
It was because he put 3 cases of Bat Soup mix on check out conveyor.
My wife who is asian but not Chinese dragged me to the supermarket yesterday as protection because she said the white ladies have started giving her nasty looks. When I am with her, it doesn't happen. Her theory is that being with a white person somehow legitimizes her, like "it's okay, shes safe to be around."
Once again, when an existential problem exists and requires solution, and the potential cost of failure is several million real lives in the US and more worldwide, the left decides that the specter of potential sins against identity politics is what must be addressed instead, lest someone, somewhere, be offended. Feast on that morsel! It isn't just the Chinese Communist Party that "is asshoe"! To hell with that, to hell with them. I'm not playing these leftist games anymore.
I would suggest that every US citizen of Asian ancestry is more aware of the fully evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party than old Joe ever has been, and recognizes Biden's corrupt interactions with Xi as disqualifying for Joe, forever.
I actually feel safer now going to the Chinese markets. Initially, I avoided them, but then realized that the Chinese people know best how to be safe. Everyone was wearing a mask and being careful. Plus, they were full of food because other people were avoiding them.
When I was in Hong Kong recently I tried a bowl of snake soup. It was good. Supposed to increase virility in men because, you know, snakes look like penises. Same theory with rhino horn, etc.
Winnie the flu!
Winnie the flu!
Funny little Xi with
His runny Bat Soup
Winnie the flu!
Winnie the flu!
Commie motherfuckers
Always trying to kill you!
The verbal attacks are silent but deadly?!?
CNN links today to a "study" showing racism against Asians is increasing. The study was based on....4Chan posts.
Democrats want to drop Joe Biden for Andrew Cuomo, poll finds
I wonder if there is a study of degree of racism, by ethnic group within the US.
Note: SJW/ the left believes you can only be racist if you have power. Therefore only Whites can be racist In US society. And some say race is a social construct (Which made Rachel Donazel so amusing), but then harp on racial economic differences.
If Joe was crazy, that's Okay. Unfortunately, he's too demented to be crazy.
I'm surprised our esteemed hostess has not presented you people with the clip of Joe Rogan saying he would vote for Trump over Biden because cognitive impairment. Rogan suspects Uncle Joe is afraid to go on the same "supplement" diet that president Donald Gump is on
Andrew Cuomo will be vulnerable over coronavirus because New York got hammered on his watch. Gavin newsom is probably a better example of a successful response to the pandemic. Plus I think he has a penis ring which is not visible through his T-shirt unlike the nipple rings of the New York governor
Great response by Trump team. And what a work of art, that they put in that reference to the “Hunter Biden trip.” It’s like inspecting a masterpiece of Renaissance painting, where every object has a deeper significance. If this represents the standard of work by Trump’s campaign team, it means they will take the overflowing abundance of material about Biden and they will use it to construct really devastating messages.
But then they will need to pivot to address whomever replaces Biden. I hope their Arsenal is well-stocked with warheads against a wide range of possible candidates, from Hillary to Cuomo.
The clips of bigots yelling at Asian folks has a racial component, too.
Did anybody notice the number of yellers who look unlikely to be Trump supporters?
Oh well.
In San Francisco there is some actual violence directed at ethnic Chinese. Yesterday's news had mugshots of the perps. Young Black Males from out of town. Unclear if this has anything to do with coronavirus. But the intersectionality remains interesting. The media has a problem because Blacks are privileged over Asians in the grievance hierarchy.
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
“It’s everywhere. It’s silent. It’s as deadly as this disease.”
Drama much?
I'd bet it's staged by the left and the hack-D press.
So, where does the Harvard admissions committee stand on this? Are things looking up in Cambridge for talented and hard-working Asians?
Spit on?, yelled at?, attacked? Sounds like returning servicemen when I was a teenager.
Rising? What a weasel word.
It's complicated; Hispanics don't like Blacks, Blacks don't like Asians, Blacks and Hispanics don't like Jews, Jews don't like Jews either. The only thing that unites the base is prejudice against whites.
When has there been any time when the left didn't accuse the right of xenophobia??
Why would Democrat’s flock to the governor who’s done the worst job of keeping his state’s citizens alive? Didn’t he also ask for thousands more ventilators than his state really needed, only to whine when our President called BS?
“Biden will likely not be the nominee. Regardless, he will step aside (more likely pushed aside) for someone else who will actually run against Trump. This sort of ad is trying to force the DNC to make that change sooner rather than later. The sooner you can identify your foe, the better prepared you can be to fight them.”
I don’t think that the top Dems ever expected China Joe to be their nominee in November, at least since they engineered the rash of concessions in early March with all of them climbing on the Biden train. With Crazy Bernie out now, they can now pretend that there is nothing to discuss until August, now that they have moved their convention. This allows them to have Trump squander time, money, and effort going after someone who won’t be their candidate. Then, at their belated convention, they can trot out their new candidate, to applause.
I have several questions though. First, is there a consensus candidate already? I am not seeing the behind the scenes jockeying that would suggest that the various factions are vying for the nomination. Crooked Hillary is trying a bit to be relevant, but not that hard. The Obama camp still seems to be giving luke warm support to Biden.
Then, there is the question of who they could best nominate or rather who has the best chance.
- Crooked Hillary is of course willing to give it another try. Third time is the charm sort of logic. Hence her recent attempts to stay relevant. Unfortunately for her, they weren’t very successful. Moreover, she seems destined to testify under oath in the next couple of months about why she thought conducting government business on her private email server was a good thing. And will no doubt be asked the types of questions that Peter Strzok etc weren’t going to ask her back in May/June of 2016. Trump has her number and while not senile like Bide, is even dirtier, and physically not up to the job of either campaigning or Presidenting.
- Fredo Cuomo’s brother Andy, who screwed up NY’s Wuhan Coronavirus response so badly. He can mismanage a big state better than the other candidates, but has very limited appeal outside the NYC area.
- they could get smart, and run another more moderate, current or former governor, such as Hickendooper or Bullock. That would probably be the smart play. Which is why I don’t give it much chance.
- their Senate candidates were uniformly flawed and uninspiring, and House members either rabid leftists or nonentities.
-Michelle or Oprah
- Bloomberg, who could and would partially self finance, is media savvy, owning a media outlet, and makes very good ads. He has executive experience, which is one of Trump’s strengths against most of the Dems.
I expect that a lot of people are going to be watching this very closely over the next four months.
Yelled at, spit on, attacked?. New Yorkers acting like New Yorkers. DeNiro wanna punch somebody inna face?
Ya think the NYT just FORGOT about him being ambassador to China? Seriously?
There's a name for that.
Another example of increasing racist violence against Asians = Al Sharpton encouraging inner city African Americans to burn down Korea Town in LA. Oops. that was in the past.
My Korean stepson got shit from African American kids in junior high school, but he just ignored them, His mother worries about anti-Asian racism, but the kid says that is bullshit. He has a large core group of (entirely) White friends who have remained together through Jr HS, HS and now college. He does not associate with Blacks because of their attitude towards him.
Trump isn’t wasting time and money on Joe. His campaign resources are barely tapped creating such viral ads. And almost all his media time is earned media, costing him nothing. With Joe receding into oblivion during this non-campaign season I see this ad as a nice way to keep him (Joe) in the public eye.
“ Andrew Cuomo will be vulnerable over coronavirus because New York got hammered on his watch. Gavin newsom is probably a better example of a successful response to the pandemic.”
Newsom is far better looking that Cuomo, in an an almost pretty way. He might e able to compete with Trump on a glamor basis, and a lot of female voters would likely swoon over him. Sure he is to the left of Jerry Grown’s second incarnation as governor, but no one seems to notice, except that his state is falling apart, with his policies causing one way moving truck prices to Texas to explode, as the whistle middle class bails, leaving the state to the ultra rich, Hispanics, including millions of illegals, Asians, esp Chinese, and a veritable army of drug addicted and/or homeless. Still I think that he has a better job winning than Cuomo does.
Need to emphasize its COMMUNIST China. Calling racism to distract from an attack is just Democrat/Liberal Strategy 101. And it ALWAYS works. Just cry "racism" and the Boomers are off and running. "I think its racist/No it isn't/yes it is/Nobody loves Asians more than me/false. I love them more. Etc."
People are still talking about how the Willie Horton ad was racist. That was almost 30 years ago!
I thought it was a great ad - because its based on truth. THey could have thrown in Biden's support for the TPP trade deal, but that would've been too sophisticated for the target audience.
Bruce: libertarian investor Peter Thiel and progressive math guru Eric Weinstein discuss progressive policy causing regressive outcome in California.
It's reassuring that Trump listens to Thiel, brilliant dude.
It's a long interesting podcast, the California economy part is buried in there somewhere.
Ann Althouse said...
"I wondered about the assertion that we are in "a time of rising xenophobia and violence in the United States aimed at Chinese-American," but I could see there was a link on the words "xenophobia and violence." I'm clicking the link now. It goes to another NYT article, published on March 27th and also updated today: "Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety/As bigots blame them for the coronavirus and President Trump labels it the 'Chinese virus,' many Chinese-Americans say they are terrified of what could come next."
Heh. "many ________ say they are terrified of what could come next." Insert the Mad Libs noun of your choice and it will reflect 'many' news reports of hate crimes ever since 11/9/16.
"at a time of rising xenophobia and violence in the United States aimed at Chinese-Americans"
I don't believe that, just another liberal lie. I think most people, especially Republicans have respect for Asian people because they're perceived as hardworking and smart.
For American-born Asians, there is a sudden sense of being watched that is as unsettling as it is unfamiliar.
Well, that's a relief. Looks like my Japan-born Asian wife is safe, then.
"I wondered about the assertion that we are in "a time of rising xenophobia and violence in the United States aimed at Chinese-American[sic],..."
Well, you should: It's BS. I'll quote from a friend of mine, who is an American of Taiwanese descent, in an email of his from last week (he's currently stuck in Taiwan, since there are no flights to the US yet):
"...During many years of living in the United States, I have encountered only three incidents that were unquestionably anti-Asian. Only three. In other words, infinitely close to zero, which does not make our country a country of racism. Unfortunately, some would call our country that for maybe just one incident that they have ever experienced. Nonsense!
Remember Thin Tran, a Vietamese American who was the founder of Sigma Design? In a bar, he told me he was a republican and he had exactly the same thing to say: Americans are remarkably tolerant and friendly people compared to many countries."
Leftists take heart: In cases like this, Asians may be treated as "virtual white people" so that their opinions can be dismissed without serious consideration.
I can believe people will be afraid of people they perceive as being from the part of the world where the virus is pervasive.
I don't like using this virus as an excuse to pretend Biden doesn't have the wrong policies toward China, or ignore that the press runs China's propaganda without question.
This reminds me of people who question Soros being called antisemetic. It's just what the press does when it closes ranks these days.
Love the ending: “I’m not going nuts”
at a time of rising xenophobia and violence in the United States aimed at Chinese-Americans
It's a time of rising accusations of xenophobia and violence in the United States aimed at Chinese-Americans. While I'm sure there are a few knuckleheads out there, every single one of the accusations of hate crimes must be treated like another hoax until proven otherwise.
"That was almost 30 years ago!"
Try 32.
I thought the best part of the ad was the last shot, of Biden saying, "I'm not going nuts," which EXACTLY echoes Nixon saying, "I am not a crook."
For anyone of my age (I am 69), who lived through Watergate, that is a devastating line.
Good ad. The hysteria on the left will bring more attention.
The old rule of the 8th Air Force, when you are taking flak, you are over the target.
Although based in Los Angeles, I made at least one business trip to the Seattle Bellingham area every month for 15 years. Gary Locke was Governor of Washington during that time.H is campaign, and the voters, in Western Washington at least, made a big deal out of Gary being the son of a Chinese couple that ran a small grocery store. Chinese American was a big part of Gary's appeal. Hard to see that as xenophobia. Of course the folks in King County (Seattle) are more "woke" than anyone else.
I despise, detest, and distrust the NYT; the WaPoo, too!
21, if there are stories of racial abuse on NPR, and the race of the perps is unidentified, they are NECESSARILY black.
Still exposing yourself to the NYT contagion, I see.
Sorry, I'll socially distance myself from it.
Citation please. I’d bet that violence against all races is down with everyone locked in their homes.
Most probably true.
But published anecdotes about being looked at by, and harsh speech from, blacks are up by...[insert made-up number here]%!
New York Times word counts are educational.
Democrats respond.
I watched that ad multiple times trying to find out where he was. Couldn't. Found a complaint that showed it was at :39. Talk about a split second. The NYT are a bunch of hacks.
How very Jussie. The NYT is trying to pull a Smollett, and is making an em-pathetic appeal to diversitists to join their adventure.
Althouse, I'm assuming the "bide" tag was a typo. Or maybe you wanted a tag to represent Joe having to bide his time until he's replaced by a live candidate?
"a time of rising xenophobia and violence in the United States aimed at Chinese-Americans ..." Probably not, but even if this were true, think of the upside!
Asians in general have been treated as a non-minority minority to the point that being Asian not only fails to get one a seat at the racial-preferences table, but sometimes results in affirmative discrimination. And it's not as if one could expect a bigot to make a distinction between "Chinese" and "all Asians," is it?
So, even if it's not actually true, perhaps the perception that it might be true might get, oh, Harvard to be a little more proactive in assuring Asian applicants for admission (and perhaps jobs as well) that they'll get just a little extra (or at least equal) consideration?
Thank you, Birches (1:30 pm), for the information that the "racist" image is at 0:39. After watching the video a dozen times, I hadn't been able to find the "image of former Governor Locke" the NYT is whining about. Now I have, thanks to you. It is literally on screen for ONE SECOND, and you can't see it unless you pause the video at exactly the right second. How desparate for anti-Trump material "America's newspaper of record" must be to have flyspecked the Trump ad to find that one second!
>Hispanics don't like Blacks, Blacks don't like Asians, Blacks and Hispanics don't like Jews, Jews don't like Jews either.
"And everybody hates the Jews!" Tom Lehrer, National Brotherhood Week.
Won't name names, per Althouse instructions, but some unexpectedly sensible comments here. One sign is that none of them included the tell - "you people" - usually at or near the beginning, meaning the contempt can't be concealed any more.
AllenS said... [hush][hide comment]
I worked with Hmong (Asians) in St Paul MN, and the only Americans that were attacking them were American Blacks.
Common in San Francisco, including attack on over eighty year old woman last year.
BTW, DNC could probably do a similar ad of Trump saying nice things about China.
Personally, am definitely not in favor of promoting anti Chinese sentiment. We already have enough anti white, anti male, anti boomer, anti straight anti Trump anti republican hate from the left.
"The ad begins by showing Biden accusing Trump of 'hysterical xenophobia'for restricting travel from China to protect the U.S. from the coronavirus."
No, dear. It begins by pretending that Biden attacked Trump's hysterical xenophobia because of the China travel ban. Washington Post:
"As fact-checkers have said, Biden’s comments about 'hysterical xenophobia' actually made no reference to the China travel restrictions. At no point has Biden said he opposed the restrictions."
Embarrassed for the law school you teach at.
Gosh, I wonder how Biden felt about the travel ban on the day Trump announced the travel ban?
Maybe we can look at what Biden said on that day: “We have, right now, a crisis with the coronavirus. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia - hysterical xenophobia - and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science."
Or you can turn off your brain & let the op-ed writers who call themselves "fact checkers" tell you what to think.
I guess Trump's 'hysterical xenophobia' explains his two foreign-born wives & his Jewish son-in-law.
Trump announced the travel ban on January 31. Biden attacked Trump's "hysterical xenophobia" that evening and tweeted about it the next day. Biden didn't directly call the travel ban "hysterical xenophobia," but somehow I don't think the fact checkers would be so scrupulous if Trump had made a similar attack on an opponent at such a time. Journalists and "fact checkers" "connect the dots" when it suits them and refuse to do so when not doing so advances what they advocate.
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