April 9, 2020

"Gov. Tony Evers directed the state Department of Natural Resources to close 40 Wisconsin state parks, forests, recreational and state natural areas, most of them in southern Wisconsin..."

"... due to record attendance over the first two months of April [sic]. Evers said the closure is 'due to unprecedented crowds, litter, vandalism and out of an abundance of caution to protect health and safety and help flatten the curve.' The areas are planned to be closed at the end of the day Thursday and remain closed until further notice.... In an effort to minimize the spread of coronavirus at state parks and protect DNR staff, while still keeping properties open, the DNR waived entrance fees, closed state park offices, visitor centers and all non-essential buildings on March 24.... But without supervision in the parks, there were issues with visitors not packing their trash out of parks and not keeping six feet of distance between groups of people who aren't living together."

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.

See? That's why we can't have nice things?

Who were these idiots who couldn't keep 6 feet of distance and take out their own damned trash?

What's next? Ordering us to stay indoors because we can't take responsibility for walking down the street the right way?

IN THE COMMENTS: Dan from Madison said:
This is literally the douchiest thing Evers could have done. One of the very few things that people can do and enjoy - and safely - and he takes it away, with no proof of, well, anything. Perhaps there was an instance here or there where some garbage was left behind, but likely no more than any other day at a Wisconsin State Park. I have been frequenting Devils Lake and Gov Nelson twice a week and everyone has been extremely nice and doing the six foot thing. There is no garbage at either. How about close just the one(s) where there are actual problems? This sucks.


Yancey Ward said...

"What's next? Ordering us to stay indoors because we can't take responsibility for walking down the street the right way?"


MadisonMan said...

Pet Peeve: The phrase "out of an abundance of caution"

Ryan said...

"Who were these idiots who couldn't keep 6 feet of distance and take out *there* own damned trash?"


Als: is it possible to the trash? It will give you clues. Probably not the folks shopping at Whole Foods.

Ryan said...

Thumbs not working:

Also: is it possible to look at the trash? It will give you clues. Probably not the folks shopping at Whole Foods.

Psota said...

Some people are not doing a "great job."

Rory said...

My experience in Pennsylvania is that the bigger regional parks are filling up because local parks have been shut down.

Kevin said...

'due to unprecedented crowds, litter, vandalism

So, the normal conditions.

Real American said...

yes. you'll be outside all by yourself and two cops without masks or gloves will come right up to you and give you a citation. You'll be lucky if they don't arrest you and put you in jail with a bunch of other people. That'll teach you to keep your social distancing! This is all for your own good, of course.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I actually agree with this because we see some of the same crap here. Popular trails clogged with morons who think that somehow being outside = the virus can't touch us here!

After some of the first shut downs, a few weeks back, I watched local news with images of the popular dinosaur trail near red-rocks - it was a mobbed ant-line of morons.

If you're a moron, please stay deep down in mom's basement. and stay there.

Dan from Madison said...

This is literally the douchiest thing Evers could have done. One of the very few things that people can do and enjoy - and safely - and he takes it away, with no proof of, well, anything. Perhaps there was an instance here or there where some garbage was left behind, but likely no more than any other day at a Wisconsin State Park. I have been frequenting Devils Lake and Gov Nelson twice a week and everyone has been extremely nice and doing the six foot thing. There is no garbage at either. How about close just the one(s) where there are actual problems? This sucks.

Anonymous said...

"What's next? Ordering us to stay indoors because we can't take responsibility for walking down the street the right way?" Ask the man who was recently arrested for playing with his daughter in an otherwise unattended park.

Kevin said...

Whenever someone says something is unprecedented, check it out.

We go out of our way to make up "unprecedented" these days.

And the public is all-too-eager to swallow the line.

Kit Carson said...

"In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread"....or in this case to do something nice and fun.

mockturtle said...

See? That's why we can't have nice things?

Who were these idiots who couldn't keep 6 feet of distance and take out there own damned trash?

As a frequenter of national forest campgrounds, I find careless campers not only annoying but dangerous. Several times this past year, in addition to picking up their trash and having to stow it, I've had to put out campfires left smoldering by these miscreants.

Ken B said...

“ Who were these idiots who couldn't keep 6 feet of distance”

Some guesses.
They think the threat is exaggerated.
They think flu kills more people.
They think “no one can tell me what to do”.

Ryan said...

MadisonMan: What about "belt and suspenders."

Expat(ish) said...

Here in FL they shut down most parks, mostly to protect the rangers.

Mostly the rangers left the gates open in the more rural parks to keep locals from cutting chains and taking fences down.

Most counties closed beach access (and posted cops) but since you can't close private beach access.....


purplepenquin said...

When ya'll thought that folks weren't behaving in the State Capitol, weren't you in favor of closing that down to the public? Or did you stand with the Act 10 Protesters and demand that the public be allowed inside?

(BTW - should they still be called "state" parks even tho Walker&Company removed all state funding for them? Or did they get re-funded after he was ousted from office?)

Merny11 said...

Problem is people now can’t access the boat landings. Going out fishing is the only thing keeping my husbands sanity. Evers will ban fishing alone in your own boat next - he wont be able to help himself from yet another ridiculous power grab

richlb said...

"What's next? Ordering us to stay indoors because we can't take responsibility for walking down the street the right way?"

Yes. Yes it is.

Ken B said...

“ I've had to put out campfires left smoldering by these miscreants.”

Yes, we had to do that too. In the dark preserve actually, where no fires are allowed at any time we had to put out a smoldering one this past summer.

RMc said...

This is literally the douchiest thing Evers could have done.

Seems like an odd way for him to get back at the Republicans.

Temujin said...

Occupy Wall Street mentality vs Tea Party mentality.

When you compare the two, OWS people are filthy, dump trash everywhere, and do whatever they want to please themselves. Pretty much nihilists. Their cause, if they have one, is themselves.

Tea Party people gathered in numbers of hundreds of thousands on the mall in Washington DC in 2010. They were all colors, genders, nationalities. They were respectful of each other, and the land. They literally picked up after themselves and left the Mall pristine. Their cause was each other and the country.

I'm guessing Wisconsin leans OWS.

F said...

"... due to record attendance over the first two months of April."

Ummm. What are the "first two months of April"?

purplepenquin said...

What are the "first two months of April"?

It is the cruelest month, so it seems to last twice as long.

Sebastian said...

"Ordering us to stay indoors because we can't take responsibility for walking down the street the right way?"

If you are old or sick, yes.

But one problem is that many in the risk groups are still not acting responsibly: every new infection in the old and sick shows a failure of social distancing and self-isolation. Sure, some people can't take responsibility due to some incapacitation--we should help them.

Evers's order is just another instance of the toxic mixture of panic and CYA overkill: we have to do anything we can! people could get infected! shut everything down!

Question: if Althouse is right to imply that we can take responsibility for walking down the street the right way, why can't we take responsibility for going back to work the right way?

Dave Begley said...

The City of Omaha closed the parks yesterday. People were gathering together and there was a BBQ in one park which lead to the shooting of 3 people and 1 of them died.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

From the Democrats, who crammed all of Milwaukee’s voters into five polling places in a bid to shut down democracy for the sake of social distancing.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

From the Democrats, who crammed all of Milwaukee’s voters into five polling places in a bid to shut down democracy for the sake of social distancing.

Bay Area Guy said...

Gentle reminder:

Wisconsin Population: 6 Million People
Wisconsin Covid-19 Deaths: 103 over 3 months.

Source: RCP Dashboard.

Lookee here -- Annual Wisconsin Death for 2017. Seems kinda ominous from the title.

"Overall, 52,679 deaths in Wisconsin in 2017; 724 deaths/100,000 population"

That's a quote on pg 4, Executive Summary. Notice how they measure deaths per population. That's kinda standard, I reckon. If you wanted the metric to be per 1 Million (like they measure a certain novel virus), it would be 7,240 deaths per 1 Million people (all cause death in Wisconsin)

In other words, a little less than 1% of all Badgers die of something each year.

So, the top 3 Wisconsin killers for 2017:

1. Heart Disease: 12,000 deaths that year
2. Cancer: 12,000 deaths that year
3. Unintentional Injury: 3,700 deaths that year (pg 4, Executive Summary).

Where would 103 deaths from Covid-19 be on this list?

Thoughts? Questions? Concerns?

Dan from Madison said...

"Record attendance" - that is also bullshit. Sunday morning at Governor Nelson, I was there from 9-10.30am. I saw ten people. Last Thursday at Devil's Lake I saw 34 people.

Kit Carson said...

Temujin gets it right. this is a persistent contrast between the two groups' behavior.

Temujin said...
Occupy Wall Street mentality vs Tea Party mentality.

When you compare the two, OWS people are filthy, dump trash everywhere, and do whatever they want to please themselves. Pretty much nihilists. Their cause, if they have one, is themselves.

Tea Party people gathered in numbers of hundreds of thousands on the mall in Washington DC in 2010. They were all colors, genders, nationalities. They were respectful of each other, and the land. They literally picked up after themselves and left the Mall pristine. Their cause was each other and the country.

mockturtle said...

I get the doubters concerns about the overkill and draconian measures. But maybe--just maybe--there are things they don't understand about this pandemic. I have seen few, if any, medical professionals who aren't taking it seriously.

"The economy is being destroyed" = "The sky is falling." Their overreaction is every bit as hysterical as that of the lockdown promoters.

RK said...

Wild ass guess that the problem parks are the ones closer to Milwaukee.

rcocean said...

Total deaths for cornavirus in Wisconsin are 103. Probably more people have died in Auto Accidents in the last 8 weeks. No reason to close the parks. The amount of C.V. being spread is minimal.

D Governors and Mayors seem to be in a race to who can be the most draconian and piss the most people off.

Michael K said...

The Governors are really betting into this Fascism thing.

rcocean said...

BTW, my local park has closed down 1/3 the parking lots, and demands "One way" walking on certain narrow trails. This solves the problem of people passing you by at less than 6 feet.

Ficta said...

These shutdowns have been a interstate gubernatorial dick measuring contest from day one:

"I closed the bars in my state"
"Oh yeah, I closed all the restaurants"
"I locked my citizens in their houses for a month"
"So what. I locked my citizens in their houses for 8 months"

CStanley said...

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.

Owen said...

Prof. A: I am sorry for your troubles. It really brings it home, doesn’t it? Here in New England near the RI beaches we are being directed not to pollute the sand, sea and sky with our verminous presence. That makes SUCH good sense from both a public health perspective and from the perspective of general morale. It will feel so good when the beatings stop, we will offer hosannas to these little panic-mongering tyrants.

iowan2 said...

How about?

No persons at risk.
Mask only.
Take a bag and pickup trash you see.
Report incidents of vandalism, and leave contact information to volunteer to help fix.

If all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail. President Trump has been giving free leadership seminars since he came down the Golden Escalator. Politicians are locked into swinging their hammer at everything that lands on their desk. Collateral damage is a feature, not a bug.

Does this convey how stupid the Governor is?

rcocean said...

"The City of Omaha closed the parks yesterday. People were gathering together and there was a BBQ in one park which lead to the shooting of 3 people and 1 of them died."

Well, people *do* feel strongly about which sauce to use.

Kai Akker said...

Who were these idiots who couldn't keep 6 feet of distance and take out their own damned trash?

Feels like a straw man argument to me. I've been out in parks every weekend in Pennsylvania and Delaware and it has saved my sanity. People (98% of people, at least) are very careful and friendly about the 6-foot distancing. I noticed a tiny bit of litter, really tiny bit, along one trail, but nothing that your governor could not have encouraged people to think about and do better on future visits. Sounds a lot like the order of someone who doesn't visit parks much himself. I think he's going to get some rebellion on this one and have to reconsider. Or maybe park personnel will do a nullification in some fashion.

rcocean said...

If there's a problem, you have more solutions then immediately implementing the most draconian. I'm getting the feeling that many Politicians are relishing this new found power. I'm waiting for more orders decreeing the use of masks and face coverings.

Fortunately, the desire to ban anti-malaria drugs in treatment seems to have died down.

CStanley said...

This is what bothers me about people whose main concern is the economy and civil liberties, who take the position that this virus isn’t serious enough to warrant strong reactions.

If you imagine graphing the quadrants of taking virus seriously but not concerned about economy and liberty, or the other three permutations...I believe the best possible outcome is being in the quadrant of taking both seriously. If people are convinced if there’s a serious public health risk, they will voluntarily do much of what is being mandated.

rcocean said...

Several younger people persist in walking two abreast and getting within my 6 foot zone. I've given some of them "looks that would kill" but rarely get a reaction. I need to work on my "war face". However, most people in groups are standing off to the side and letting others maintain the 6 feet.

Runners also are also a problem - but don't bother me as much as they zip by running 6 minute miles.

Gusty Winds said...

Ridiculous. They NY Subway system is running. So is the L in Chicago.

AtmoGuy said...

People really need to stop saying "flatten the curve." The whole point of flattening the curve was to avoid the massive shortage of hospital beds, ventilators, etc. predicted by that University of Washington model that tried to predict hospital use in the US by reasoning backwards from death rates in Wuhan. The same study that has been consistently revising its projections downward the past few days. There are not going to be any shortages anywhere. West Coast states are sending ventilators to New York, and New York is saying, "No, thanks. We've got enough."

The problem with "flattening the curve" is that all these shutdowns are going to last longer. We should be sharpening the curve to develop herd immunity faster so we can all go back to work.

elkh1 said...

Dan from Madison:

Suck it up buttercup. He has the power, you don't. The virus is an authoritarian-wannabe's wet dream come true. He has to savor his power.

Btw, those who don't keep their 6' distance are probably from the same family. Out of self-preservation, people would keep the distance from strangers.

Shouting Thomas said...

Big winner in this episode of extraordinary delusions and madness of crowds: the CCP.

You’ve lived thru the first (to my knowledge) successful global biowarfare attack.

The CCP is winning on all fronts. We surrendered without a fight to a panic.

Kai Akker said...

Temujin 10:45 Good point +1

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

We have the right PEACEABLY assemble, something the “your free speech is violence, my violence is free speech” types like Penq pretend not to understand.

Gusty Winds said...

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; OR THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

How long until Evers tries to suspend Habeas Corpus to protect Judges? You know, just another over abundance of caution. I mean...what the hell...Lincoln did it.

Sebastian said...

mockturtle: ""The economy is being destroyed" = "The sky is falling." Their overreaction is every bit as hysterical"

One quarter of the economy idle. Record number of unemployment claims. Stock market imploding. Many businesses going under. Enormous pressure on the credit system. Trillions spent (borrowed, I guess) by the federal government. Major problems for all kinds of sectors, from sports and entertainment to real estate to higher ed.

If this is not the economy "being destroyed," what else would you say has to happen for us to unhysterically become concerned that such destruction is happening?

Kai Akker said...

The CCP should be New Business Item A1 on the agenda, IMO, Shouting Thomas.

Gusty Winds said...

Shouting Thomas said, "You’ve lived thru the first (to my knowledge) successful global biowarfare attack."

Yup. The virus came from a lab.

Laslo Spatula said...

The denial of services is just the beginning.

Your gratitude better be sincere when and if they deign to give some of it back, or...

I am Laslo.

Original Mike said...

He closed the forests?

This is what happens when you elect Democrats, people.

Buckwheathikes said...

"This sucks."

Maybe you should vote Democrat some more. That'll show 'em.

robother said...

Caution: The one thing socialists are capable of creating an abundance of.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

every single Democrat Governor has let this dry-run exercise in martial law go completely to their heads and off the deep end... indulging their secret / inner fascist, totalitarian, jack-booted dictator wet-dreams... its insane!

Shouting Thomas said...

Corporate business left intact. Walmart can stay open. Mom and pop can't.

Kulaks successfully neutralized.

Inga said...

"What's next? Ordering us to stay indoors because we can't take responsibility for walking down the street the right way?"

He might order them to walk in single file when passing others on the sidewalk.

Clayton Hennesey said...

"He closed the forests?

This is what happens when you elect Democrats, people."

And the deserts, and the rivers.

"The denial of services is just the beginning.

Your gratitude better be sincere when and if they deign to give some of it back, or...

I am Laslo."

This is the point in Wells' historical timeline when the Eloi, the soy people who gratefully accepted government control as indistinguishable from medicine, formally began to split genetically from the Morlocks, those who didn't, right?

Fortunately the latter were able to supplement their economically hard hit diets with the former without noticeable inconvenience.

Skeptical Voter said...

What the heck and why not? The city fathers in my Los Angeles suburb have closed and locked the fire trails that wind through the mountains above the city. It's tougher to lock the city parks since they don't have fences around them (for the most part). But it's illegal now to sit on a park bench or table. A good part of this is motivated by public health concerns; another part of it is a sort of civic "mine is bigger than yours" political penis waving. We'll show the city council in the next town over how virtuous we are!

Original Mike said...

Remember when Obama closed the parks and monuments in an attempt to gain political advantage?

Shouting Thomas said...

What about that $1.6 billion payment Hunter Biden received from China?

You know, the one (along with a similar payment from Ukraine) that the Democrats buried with their impeachment gambit?

Lucien said...

Sorta like closing national parks as the first resort during a federal government shutdown -- pure spite. That's what people get for not letting His Evership cancel elections he doesn't want.

Birkel said...

Evers cannot let Rahm Emanuel down.

Browndog said...

As I said, this lock down is just ramping up to counter the falling projections.

you think things are getting better? HA!

They are worse than ever!!

Original Mike said...

Actually, it was kind of nice when Obama closed the national forest campgrounds. I know back ways in for some of my favorites.

Kind of like what it's going to be like when airline ticket prices go through the roof.

Dude1394 said...

A younger Althouse would never take a politicians account at face value.

iowan2 said...

When people congregate, you have to shut it down. IF you believe in social distancing and forcing people to protect themselves from strangers who may be carriers.

Bull. Social distancing did no reduce the models from 120k to 60K. That 120k already had SD built in. We know the math was off by at least 100%

Quarantine the most vulnerable, and require masks. Simple and effective. Risk goes to a number so close to zero, its hard to see the separation.

It works in Japan, Parks in Wisconsin is "a walk in the park" by comparison.

No, I have a real problem with social distancing taking credit for any of this with the models be of by orders of magnitude.

wild chicken said...

Thoughts? Questions? Concerns?

Heart disease, cancer and accidents aren't contagious.

So Ann, did you lose your running trail? That would suck.

Fernandinande said...

How about close just the one(s) where there are actual problems?

There probably aren't any; do you really believe the governor's press release despite personally seeing evidence to the contrary? If so, why?

Walmart can stay open. Mom and pop can't.

"Whole sections of the place [Walmart] had been cordoned off by what I call "Crime Scene Tape."

"Little printed signs hanging from the tape explained that in compliance with orders from the authorities of New Hanover County prohibiting the sale of non-essential items, all sections of the store which sold said nonessential items had been closed. No bikes. No toys. No sports gear or wear. No video games. No kitchen goods . . . and, of course, NO ELECTRIC GRILLS!"

Shouting Thomas said...

I was in Walmart yesterday.

Bought a bicycle tire inner tube and a garden tractor battery.

Lindsey said...

They updated the article to say 'first 2 weeks' of April, instead of months. But we're only on day 9 of April...so it's not much better.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

due to unprecedented crowds, litter, vandalism

Is this true? litter and vandalism? What kind of extra special asshole visits to a shared natural path or park with intent to vandalize? or the laziness of littering. So lame!
If you're an asshole who vandalizes and litters - we need to do more to combat. Open it all back up! But - Allow vandal hunting season!
Everyone is bored, right? I say we shoot the vandalizers. Fun for the entire family!

MayBee said...

Chicago shut down everything. No going outside because the lakefront got too crowded. Only going out to the grocery store.

Tuesday it got up to 80 degrees, 21 people were shot and 7 were killed.

Laslo Spatula said...

This is the cute part, like when you watch a tyrant as a toddler riding his first tricycle.

You don't realize it, but he owns you already.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

"See? That's why we can't have nice things?

Who were these idiots who couldn't keep 6 feet of distance and take out their own damned trash?

What's next? Ordering us to stay indoors because we can't take responsibility for walking down the street the right way?"

This is like the rant a Goldie Hawn character would give in a cutesy-adorable manner in a film 40+ years ago.

Does Goldie Hawn still stamp her little foot anymore?

I am Laslo.

lb said...

I live across from Lapham and am in there daily. Zero garbage, zero vandalism, more people than normal but respecful distancing. This is petty tyrant payback for him losing the voting issue. I personally plan to ignore this order.

Sebastian said...

"Social distancing did no reduce the models from 120k to 60K. That 120k already had SD built in."

Actually, from 240K as of a week ago, per Dr. Birx. But the point stands.

mockturtle said...

If you're an asshole who vandalizes and litters - we need to do more to combat. Open it all back up! But - Allow vandal hunting season!
Everyone is bored, right? I say we shoot the vandalizers. Fun for the entire family!

BBH: I was going to say something similar: Instead of closing the parks, declare litterers and vandals fair game. ;-) Like when the teacher punishes the entire class because of one idiot's behavior, the rest of the class should have the right to beat the shit out him at recess. ;-)

Original Mike said...

"They updated the article to say 'first 2 weeks' of April, instead of months. But we're only on day 9 of April...so it's not much better"

Well, you see, they have this model…

Bay Area Guy said...

"Social distancing did no reduce the models from 120k to 60K. That 120k already had SD built in."

The converse of social distancing -- herd immunity -- may be what caused California to have such low numbers. See today article on Stanford medical investigation...

mockturtle said...

Inga suggests: He might order them to walk in single file when passing others on the sidewalk.

And especially to make way for bicyclists. ;-)

Francisco D said...

He might order them to walk in single file when passing others on the sidewalk.

I guess we are on the road to legislating (and enforcing) common sense and politeness.

What could go wrong with that?

mockturtle said...

P.P. @10:48: Good one!

Laslo Spatula said...

It would be easier for people to organize single file if women simply understood that they were always to walk behind a man.

I am Laslo.

Milo Minderbinder said...

There will be a reckoning come November for many Democrat governors who resorted to one-size-fits-all responses to what will increasingly become clear is an overblown health care crisis. For goodness' sakes, public health officials, bless their hearts, are fine at shutting down restaurants and amusement parks for health code violations, but lousy when trying to control cholera outbreaks in LA County homeless encampments. Shut down an entire nation's economy and recreation outlets based on pandemic models with immature data? Economics is a science, too. Democrat governors just don't believe in that science.

Oh, and after the dust settles on this modeling fiasco, I just can't wait for the next climate change disaster model....

Michael said...

Pro tip to the people of Wisc from a person of the south. Ignore. Walk around the gates. Park way down the road. Use the parks. They are yours. And if a fat ass ranger comes after you run. Make him shoot you. If you find him with his ticket book standing by your car waiting for you. Accept the ticket. Tear it up.

Every time we have had a kabuki national park shutdown i have gone around or u der the gate. There will be no rangers. They are sheltering st home or in their office. Wont be fired. Can use any park they want any fing time they wsnt.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mock-T - exactly.

Todd said...

Who were these idiots who couldn't keep 6 feet of distance and take out their own damned trash?

Well based on the history of non-random group gatherings, they were likely NOT Trumpians or TeaParty folks, though it is likely they are Antifa and/or millennials, as a guess...

DavidUW said...

That's what you get for voting for a bloodless bureaucrat from milwaukee.

Anthony said...

Laslo Spatula said...
It would be easier for people to organize single file if women simply understood that they were always to walk behind a man.

Absurd. They need to always be walking in front of us. For at least two reasons I can think of off the top of my head.

Original Mike said...

"That's what you get for voting for a bloodless bureaucrat from milwaukee."

He's only governor of half the state.

tcrosse said...

Milwaukee's own Steve Sisolak, governor of Nevada, has just closed all golf courses and banned hair-dressers from making house-calls.

Owen said...

Mockturtle @11:51. Love it. Props to BBH for the suggestion.

Would it be fully open season or would we let bow hunters and muzzle loaders go first?

Curious George said...

"Ken B said...
“I've had to put out campfires left smoldering by these miscreants.”

Yes, we had to do that too. In the dark preserve actually, where no fires are allowed at any time we had to put out a smoldering one this past summer."

I guess it is true that not all heroes wear capes.

Tomcc said...

"I want the names of all you thankless ingrates, it's not like we called out the National Guard! We are but humble public servants, dedicated to advancing the broader interests of the citizens we serve!"

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Anyone with common sense knows that the six foot rule is about people CONGREGATING, not briefly and occasionally passing each other while walking, running, or biking outside, without touching or lingering. If I see someone walking towards me on a sidewalk, am I supposed to cross the street, or turn and walk around the block to get where I’m going?

Also, accusing anyone of crying “the sky is falling!” because he’s concerned that the shutdown could tank the economy is projection.

gspencer said...

Democrat Evers is doing this to you.

And yet people vote for Democrats!

Drago said...

MayBee: "Chicago shut down everything. No going outside because the lakefront got too crowded. Only going out to the grocery store.

Tuesday it got up to 80 degrees, 21 people were shot and 7 were killed."

If these multiple deaths result in just 1 life saved, they will have been worth it.

Gusty Winds said...

Next time the government wants us to stay in our homes, it will be much easier for them to accomplish. All they have to do is get some expert at a University, or a Gates foundation entity to publish a bloated model. We’ve now been successfully conditioned. Plus it’s the new virtue you can signal.

I see cousins and friends of mine posting pictures of all the masks they are sewing each day. The take out they ordered to support their local watering hole. Posting their disgust at people they see outdoors, and finger waving at the violators.

And from what I know of them on a personal level they are 1) still receiving an income, and 2) are unapologetic liberals

Drago said...

CG: "I guess it is true that not all heroes wear capes."

I suspect we are going to need quite a few more statues commissioned when this is all over.

Josephbleau said...

Doesn’t Evers have some real work to do??

gilbar said...

AtmoGuy said...
The whole point of flattening the curve was to avoid the massive shortage of hospital beds, ventilators, etc. predicted ...There are not going to be any shortages anywhere.

Like in Vietnam; it is time for US to declare Victory, and go home (or, in THIS case; go to work!)

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Are we supposed to wear capes now, or not wear capes? Should we sew them and send them to the DNC and the LSM? Will a beach towel tied with shoe lace suffice, or they need to meet OSHA standards?

AustinRoth said...

You cannot have nice things because you morons elected a Democrat.

mockturtle said...

Tcrosse, you have have noticed that you have an idiot for a governor.

Michael said...

Corona virus will have major public health effects and major economic effects, but its greatest negative effect on America may be turning us into a nation of ninnies, bullies, and mini-Mussolinis. Resist!

I'm Not Sure said...

It sucks when your betters decide something you like is mostly inessential, amirite?

narciso said...

William hickey's cadaverous twin, not at all,

John Cunningham said...

Serves you badgers right for being stupid enough to vote this human garbage Evers into office. Enjoy the Great Leap Backward!!

narciso said...

Michael mann's dreamcoat, isn't helpful

Michael K said...

Scrolled through the comments and realized how nice Arizona is. Tucson is run by a lefty tyrant but we are just outside.

Roughcoat said...

You’ve lived thru the first (to my knowledge) successful global biowarfare attack.

Wrong. It was the dread Tarbagans of East Asia who, in the fourteenth century, conducted the first and still the most lethal biowarfare attack on the world.

Look it up.

Whiskeybum said...

Are we surprised that there might be a bit of trash found in some parks? High numbers of people taking advantage of one of the only outlets left to them, so the trash cans fill up. No one actually working at the parks, so no one empties the trash anymore. It's really windy in Wisconsin this time of the year - combine overflowing trash cans with high winds and what do you get?

ga6 said...

The following is rumored to be a quote from a handout planned for use at the Democrat convention, in WI.

"Renumber citizens the Sieg goes before the Heil."

I'm Full of Soup said...

What F said at 10:46AM:

"... due to record attendance over the first two months of April."

Ummm. What are the "first two months of April"?

RigelDog said...

Anyone with common sense knows that the six foot rule is about people CONGREGATING, not briefly and occasionally passing each other while walking, running, or biking outside, without touching or lingering.}}}

I completely agree. OUTSIDE occasions where people pass by within a few feet and only for a few seconds are (in my opinion) not situations with any real chance of passing on the virus. The occasions where people have transmitted have been group activities where people were in sustained closeness. Stadiums. Outdoor barbeque where people are gathering, talking closely, hugging, touching common surfaces. Indoor protracted choir practice. By all means, close the parts of outdoor spaces where people will touch the same surfaces. There's a great playground near me that borders on extensive woods and pathways. The playground part is closed, which makes perfect sense. But I can't stand the idea that illogical thinking is likely to result in them deciding next to close the forest.

GingerBeer said...

Ds are salivating over their inner Stalin coming off the sidelines.

Lewis Wetzel said...

On the Big Island (County of Hawaii, pop. 150,000) we have had 27 covid-19 cases, 21 of those completely recovered, 6 in home quarantine, no hospitalizations, no deaths.
Find the model that predicted that outcome for April 9.

narciso said...

the clock strikes 13,

Big Mike said...

due to record attendance over the first two months of April [sic].

Did Evers say that, or did some J-school grad write it? I see it’s been corrected in the online article to “first two weeks of April,” but even so it’s only April 9th.

Fernandinande said...

He's only governor of half the state.

He's not MY governor.

D.D. Driver said...

Will merely closing the state parks make us safe enough? State parks are a menace. We should seriously think about nuking them.

Fernandinande said...

“first two weeks of April”

Two large weeks the size of a small month.

Nichevo said...

It's all your own fault, Althouse. Governor Evers no doubt read your post about the people on the trail who didn't make enough room for you, with mocking, and decided to take action. Happy now? To the obnoxious young man and woman who treated you so disrespectfully, now you can say, with a supercilious flapping motion of your hands, go home! Or rather, stay home!

Kay said...

Now all the county, city and village parks will be overrun. I wonder if Evers will get after those, too. I was driving out to the state parks to avoid people, almost daily, and there were no issues at any of the now-closed parks I visited.

MadTownGuy said...

Sequester 2.0 (or 1.1?). Close the parks to inflict maximum pain on the deplorables.

Let's review:
Five for Fighting singer: Booted from Jefferson Memorial

Sebastian said...

Lewis: "On the Big Island (County of Hawaii, pop. 150,000) we have had 27 covid-19 cases, 21 of those completely recovered, 6 in home quarantine, no hospitalizations, no deaths. Find the model that predicted that outcome for April 9."

That is so unfair. Models have to build in uncertainty! They are just tools to make policy! Social distancing worked, so obviously we come out ahead!

Anyway, the pattern with models and projections across states is becoming clear.

Ralph L said...

When I was walking in front of my house last night, an owl banged into the back of my head. He then mocked me from the required 6' distance, perched on the telephone wire in front of the moon so I couldn't identify him to the authorities. All I could do was call him a turd and go back inside.

Fritz said...

Laslo Spatula said...
It would be easier for people to organize single file if women simply understood that they were always to walk behind a man.

I am Laslo.

Except, of course, when crossing a mine field.

Krumhorn said...

The parks have been closed here in LA. I’m certain that the purpose is to keep the Hispanic families from celebrating Easter.

- Krumhorn

mockturtle said...

Ralph L, owls are wiser than we know.

JaimeRoberto said...

Litter in the parks near me mostly consist of little baggies of dog poop that people probably tell themselves they will pick up later but never do.

The parking lot at the local hiking spot was full yesterday, but once you are out on the trails there's plenty of space.

n.n said...

Obama did something similar to force political progress.

Remember when Obama closed the parks and monuments in an attempt to gain political advantage?

Yes, that's the one.

h said...

Assured as I have been that this is literally the douchiest thing, I printed out a copy of the governor's order and have been attempting to use it as a douche. So far unsuccessfully. Any suggestions?

gilbar said...

so, one of my california cousins (when they heard this,) assured me that;
If i let the state know, they'll refund my state park access sticker, and my fishing license
Any takers? I'm thinking: Hell to the No

Ampersand said...

There seems to be a propensity among elected officials to prefer action to inaction. Action feels and looks decisive and courageous.
The paradox, of course, is that it takes far more courage, and wisdom, to conclude that the public will be better off without the action that makes the politician look decisive and courageous.

stevew said...

It's all good with the Dans of the world until someone fucks with his particular super important thing that he enjoys. How's he feel about 16k people dead and another 16m out of work? Does that 'suck' Dan?

gilbar said...

t it takes far more courage, and wisdom, to conclude that the public will be better off without the action that makes the politician look decisive and courageous

as they say; Better than nothing is a high standard

Johnathan Birks said...

"Flattening the curve" has become the all-purpose excuse to do anything.

"General, do we really need to drop those nukes now?"
"We have to flatten the curve somehow, Mr. President."

"Honey come to bed. You've been watching Netflix all day!"
"Sorry babe, gotta flatten that curve!"

gilbar said...

Gavin Newsom Declares California a ‘Nation-State’

The secession has Begun! I say "Good Riddance!"

DanTheMan said...

>>“ Who were these idiots who couldn't keep 6 feet of distance” Some guesses.
They think the threat is exaggerated.
They think flu kills more people.
They think “no one can tell me what to do”.

Careful. They might be 3 for 3.

DanTheMan said...

>>How's he feel about 16k people dead

How do those who were saying we might have 11 million dead feel about now? Foolish, I hope.

Vindicated, I suspect.

DanTheMan said...

>>Gavin Newsom Declares California a ‘Nation-State’

Weren't we just having this discussion... in the 1860's?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Newsome is a statist and a nationalist, reason enough for most people to hate him.

mockturtle said...

Gavin Newsom Declares California a ‘Nation-State’

Trump: Gavin Newsom is doing a great job in California.

Newsom: Orange man bad.

I wonder if it ever occurred to these assholes that it's not the federal government's job to supply medical equipment.

And yes, gilbar. Good f--king riddance!

Bunkypotatohead said...

"Those people" are your fellow Democrats, perfessor. Church going Republicans don't behave that way.

Kansas Scout said...

Its time to resist this authoritarian impulse from incompetent elected officials.

Mark said...

If bathrooms in parks are closed, yeah there is going to be people shutting all over.

Yeah, I think it's worth avoiding that.

Plenty of trash visible on my trips to Devils Lake and if you saw the lines of card at Gov Dodge last weekend it makes complete sense.

Dan might have his anecdote, but there is plenty of photo proof of why this was done to anyone willing to look very hard.

Mark said...

Damn, autocorrect was brutal. I hate blogger

Biotrekker said...

Do you guys miss Scott Walker yet?

Mark said...

Not at all, Biotrekker. His reputation was better than his reality.

If you have any questions see his epic fail in the Presidential race with this 'fiscal conservative' blew through money like a drunken sailor and then has to vi around asking for help paying outstanding bills.

Martin said...

This is speculation on my part, but I have long seen where liberal progressives like to one-up each other on who can be most prog.

A few days ago, Lightfoot closed down the Chicago lakefront parks, beaches, bikepaths because too many people were using them.

With that happening in Chicago, only 40 miles to the south of Kenosha, how could a progressive governor in Wisconsin not respond?

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