... you can talk about whatever you want.
No sunrise picture today. I overslept the sun. I'm going to need an alarm clock now to keep up my habit. The summer solstice is approaching. I can't count on myself to wake up by 5 a.m. — though I usually do.
The U.S. is now starting to hit its peak, according to the Bill Gates' sponsored model that President Trump uses.
In the last day, about 1,900 died of coronavirus in the U.S.
Meanwhile, over 10,000 babies were born.
I’ve extended the length and severity of my exercise regimen over the past year as I’ve lost 50 pounds.
I’m amazed at what my 70 year old body can still do, but it demands a lot of sleep in return.
Probably sleeping 10 hours per day.
Stocks are running out of gas at their 200-day moving averages. Hello..... !
You should get a dog.
If you feed him first thing in the morning, he'll make sure you get up when the sky starts to lighten.
And it's more socially acceptable to be out and about in these socially-distant times if you have a dog with you.
I've been eating more cheese and crackers.
If we’re at the peak, why am I hearing talk of four to eight weeks until reopen? What are we waiting for?
I don't want a dog waking me up!
I like waking up naturally, which I do... often way to early (like 3 a.m. or 4 a.m.)... most of the time.
But to count on being up early enough for the sunrise at this time of year, I need a backup alarm to be set. I suspect that just knowing I've got an alarm will cause me to wake up before it rings.
If I keep it up, I'm going to spoil my dinner that Pants will be making for us.
I wish I could sleep past 5! To 7 would be heavenly. Admit I wake up worrying more now. But I go on my *power walk* no matter how I feel.
Later when it gets too warm, earlier is better for sure.
What was tonight's menu?
Started season 1 of Border Town on Netflix this week. A good Holmesian character
After high-fiving the last couple of weeks of store scavenging when I once found a spoon with strawberry jam residue on it, the nearby big grocery store had four double-roll packs of toilet paper -- Angel Soft -- for regular price. Not on the shelves though. They had it behind the counter at customer service.
Thank God the days are getting longer and warmer. I always love to get up at first light, and hate waking up in darkness.
Sorry to repeat, more suitable for a cafe than the hair thread:
"I don’t know why President Obama hasn’t supported Joe Biden a long time ago. There’s something he feels is wrong . . . I mean, he [Bernie] said he’s going to keep his delegates. That’s a weird deal going on."
Have we have ever had a more knowing president, so completely on to his adversaries' game? And using it to his advantage?
Sebastian said...
Have we have ever had a more knowing president
Yes, if we are referring to actual knowledge about the material world.
early for book club
Sharon is waking up.
ARM, you are such an astonishingly silly and stupid little fart.
What’s even more astonishing, you little nitwit, is that you’ve convinced yourself that you’re especially wise.
It’s a bizarre presentation.
Trump owns a corporation holding company of 500 entities, engineered the most astonishing upset in U.S. political history, has built skyscrapers all over the world and is president of the United States.
You really are a confoundingly stupid knucklehead. Your self-confidence in your nitwittery is your most amazing feature.
Don’t your know that you’re just a fucking idiot? Nobody’s told you? You don’t qualify to be Trump’s shoe shine boy.
Btw that ball of carp that abc rolled out this morning was just that.
If we’re at the peak, why am I hearing talk of four to eight weeks until reopen? What are we waiting for?
We have to settle the important issues first, like whether Trump will pardon Joe Exotic.
Please tell me that someone got my "spoon with strawberry jam residue" reference.
Tell me more about your expertise in clinical drug trials, ARM, you silly little fart.
Remember, now, dummy, I actually worked on them AND GOT PAID.
Just a reminder.
10K babies were born yesterday according to Mark (thanks for the info) ....
a baby is an infant, and monkey babies are called infants ----
(baby bats are called pups by the way, baby crows are called chicks, but in Australia, baby bush babies are called ....)
do you ever wonder how many monkeys are running around the wooded areas of our gulf coast states
if you count just the howler monkeys, that is quite a few extra infants to add to the totals, they are very philoprogenitive creatures
you say 10K, I say 10K plus
not to mention the sand monkeys in the territories and the volcano monkeys on the Big Island
It may be past some people's bedtimes, but it's far past one person's get-the-&#$#!-off-this-website time, since everything she posts has been promptly deleted for many months now, if not years, and she knows it. What kind of psychotic moron keeps posting ephemeral crap over and over and over again? That's a rhetorical question: don't try to answer. Some aspects of abnormal psychology are better off not known, unless you're a psychiatrist who's professionally obligated to know such things.
Congrats Thomas, that's a great accomplishment. Your health is the best gift you can give to your grandkids. Don't fuck it all up by getting Coronavirus.
Eric Holder is on pins and needles re his WI SCOTUS efforts
Madison managed 60+ voting stations, Milwaukee 5.
Peelousy snuck a union gag rule into relief past Cocaine Mitch.
Fauci had Pence deliver the encouraging medical news re Hydroxychloroquine.
Coincidence Berno suspends day after WI election?
Thanks, Howard.
I’m in incredible shape even for a 40 year old.
I don’t take a single prescription medication. My blood pressure is usually around 110/70 and my resting pulse is usually around 60.
I’m not a very likely suspect for serious infection or consequences of infection.
My county is not really experiencing even a moderation level of infection.
"Are you alive?"
Not to be humble or anything, but I have a really accurate inner alarm clock when I need it.
I've always slept a lot; my wife says no, I'm just in bed a lot, and that's true, but I've always been a light and picky sleeper so it evens out. She, and some of my best friends, treat sleep like a last resort, a sort of defeat.
What fascinating lives they must lead
My younger Sis is an MD in Seattle.Told me she has 2 dozen Covid-19 patients, per test results and symptoms. Says all have pre-existing chronic illnesses, and that all the cases are mostly mild to moderate. Says we need to reopen up the economy so these patients can pay their bills. Says she can't get HCQ - pharmacies don't have it. Thinks the whole thing is way overblown, and that the deaths won't surpass average flu season.
But still detests Trump.
So, with her I am 2 out of 3.
Ps In SF, we're supposed to get 4 straight days of sunshine over Easter Weekend!
“If we’re at the peak, why am I hearing talk of four to eight weeks until reopen? What are we waiting for?”
Texas doesn’t peak until April 22. Not all states peak at the same time.
@Bay Area Guy
My GP is director of infection control at the local hospital and director of the county COVID-19 task force.
He recorded a video for doctors in the area that I watched 2 weeks ago. His main points:
1. Almost everybody will ultimately be infected
2. Majority won’t know they have it
3. Another big chunk will suffer minor cold or flu symptoms and recover
4. The elderly morbidly obese with co-morbidities will get hit hard
A zisn Pesach, everybody! We had about 25 people this year, had to go on Zoom but that helped us rope in some folks we haven't seen in a long time. Guess no harm teaching the Chinese snoops Chad Gadya!
Q: How honest is the COVID-19 Fatality count?
A: Not very honest.
As expected, piece of s*** ChiCom-owned Not-A-Real-Dr "commie" Tedros of the WHO is now attacking Taiwan!
Who could have guessed that a guy who is almost, almost, as big a Xi Cuckholster as a certain poster here at Althouseblog, would go from attacking and threatening the US and covering for the ChiCom's in the middle of a global pandemic brought on by the ChiComs, to attacking the ChiCom's biggest headache free nation adversary, Taiwan?
I mean, who could have guessed that would happen?
Besides everyone, I mean.
BTW, it should always be noted that the marxist, pro-ChiCom lefty Tedros is very very very good friends with Dr Fauci.
Very good pals indeed.
A good Passover to you, Nichevo.
Nailed it! Stay healthy my friend.
Achilles said...
Q: How honest is the COVID-19 Fatality count?
A: Not very honest.
You and others here will be in the same category as Mick when this is over. Wonder what happened to him? Picked Trump from the git go and never wavered. Of course you will not get credit 'cause the opposition is in a no lose situation "Hooray, we fixed it"
adSs: "Drago, You shoulda typed ‘very’ four (or five) times."
Finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, I verily verily verily verily verily say unto you, you see reason.
adSs: "That woulda been very very very very very very powerful."
Well played.
Truly truly tru...well, you see where this is going.
FedEx lost a 58 yr old MD11 pilot to CCP19 today.
"Remember that you were once slaves in Egypt, but the LORD your God brought you out with his mighty hand and powerful arm."
anti-de Sitter space said...
You shoulda typed ‘very’ four (or five) times.
That woulda been very very very very very very powerful. Not lame at all.
Very, very, very clever
I would have expected narciso, at least, to get the reference.
We're less than two years away, by the way.
"Foxconn Technology Group reported 550 employees in Wisconsin last year, which would be enough to qualify for job tax credits under its contract with the state, and more than $208.3 million in capital spending."
2022, i dont recall any future event forecast there.
“We have to make sure everyone has access to maintain and maintain affordable health insurance coverage. We should be making it easier not harder to make sure…to make sense…let me put another way, it makes no sense, it makes no sense.”
--Joe Biden 4/8/20
Good stuff there re Minnesota. NY is even worse - the co-morbidities include patients with diabetes, lung cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, immunodeficiency, liver disease, basically everything that kills us!
Lemme find that link.
Spend that dough, Shitter!
Save us!
Here's the NYC daily death summary..
Big chunk is serious deathly illnesses - with or without Covid-19.
Co-Morbidities. Say it loud, say it proud!
Inga: "Texas doesn’t peak until April 22. Not all states peak at the same time."
Are you implying that no one state can come off shutdown until every last state comes off shut down? Forty-nine states could be clean and raring to go and 40 million people out of work, but we would have to wait for Rhode Island until a factory anywhere could open? Did you get that logic from Ken?
The briefings aren’t working: Trump’s approval rating takes a dip
I can't find the scene, so this will have to do --
Queens could use those Amazon jobs.
I got it, new york with mexico city size demographics.
Edward g robinsons last film, part of harry harrisons obssession he went stark raving in the 00s.
anti-de Sitter space said...
I’ve now bought two cars in less than a week from Vroom.
I bought a car online a while back, but didn't pay any money until I went and kicked the tires. Not sure I could buy a car with driving it first, despite knowing that this is not much of a test of its future longevity.
There are some good deals on that site. Are these off-lease cars? Some have very low mileage for a lease.
In 2018, National Geographic, in the most widely circulated article ever written on Florida monkeys, predicted that the number of monkeys in Florida would double by 2022.
In 2020, Stephen Cooper predicted that, in the year 2022, in China and elsewhere, people will still be eating bat soup, undercooked or not, in trendy circles.
We have TWO MORE YEARS to see which of us is right.
Unless we are both right. Or both wrong.
Me, I am rooting FOR the monkeys and AGAINST the trendy circles.
That being said, I want the monkeys to be properly housed and subject to the same rules of civilized behavior as the rest of us, to the extent practicable.
I trust your analysis, always.
Go buy stuff!
Along with Nichevo and Mark, I wish everyone a Happy Passover!
My sister says she can't have Seder this year because she lacks the necessary components. I'm sure a lot of others are in the same boat. I'm not Jewish like my sister but as a Christian I observe Passover in my own way, as well. A Baptist church I used to attend in WA observed Passover Seder and our associate pastor was a terrific cantor. It was a beautiful and meaningful experience.
ARM: "The briefings aren’t working: Trump’s approval rating takes a dip"
Looks like Trump has no path to 270. Again.
That should make the ChiComs very happy indeed......(if only they could trust their American pollster allies.....)
If Trump's pressers were going so badly CNN and MSDNC would televise them live every single day.
Every. Single. Day.
You will know the truth the lefties/LLR-lefties won't tell you by their actions.
Millions of people are not working. Millions will not pay their rent, utilities, and will cancel subscriptions, and not pay their mortgages, and not spend money at all the local places they used to, and not buy things on line, and not generally support their fellow citizens and non-citizen as they always have though commerce and trade.
The government will try to fix each cascading catastrophe by enacting another law or another bailout to fix the problem caused by the previous response. Being the government, it will not actually fix anything, but will only succeed in spending the future away and waiting to see if the natural ambition, energy, and hard work of the American people will eventually overcome their clueless folly as it did after the last recession which was also responded to with a wasteful and useless strategy of spending and grafting away our money.
I have great faith in the American people, but I've never seen our government spend like this before. It's a careless act of covering your ass with other peoples money and futures. The people doing it will all be long gone before the bill comes due - not that the young are clamoring for them to stop. They are going to get the government they deserve good and hard. We should have educated them better, but we never learned the lesson ourselves.
From ARM's own link (which he didn't read 'cuz headlines alone get it done for him): "Republicans aren’t sweating public opinion of Trump amid the Covid-19 pandemic, though the Trump campaign last week did tout results from battleground-state surveys that it said showed Trump with far greater approval ratings for his handling of the situation than in public polls."
President Hillary agrees with this assessment.
You know, its almost as if US Presidential elections are decided by 50 different state elections.
It's almost as if that is the case.
But it must not be, because our lefties keep touting polls which oversample NY and CA and democrats overall, not to mention run with "registered voters" or "adults", not "likely voters".
But the MSM-ers know their base voters need encouragement every single day so these polls do serve a purpose in that regard.
It's a good thing AOC got out of the bar tending biz.
The sheer pride in ignorance of the covidiots here, and the racism evident on the murder thread, lend a depressing credibility to Hillary's neologism.
"I’ve extended the length and severity of my exercise regimen over the past year as I’ve lost 50 pounds. I’m amazed at what my 70 year old body can still do, but it demands a lot of sleep in return. Probably sleeping 10 hours per day."
I am 54 this July- I find the same thing- I sleep better and more on days I have really intense workouts. For me, it is about 9 hours these days.
Ken B is not taking the ever decreasing number of expected deaths due to Covid very well.
At this rate, what will he have to virtue signal over?
Meanwhile, the UK still intends to ship back the 3.5 MILLION defective Covid test kits they received from ARM's heroic and visionary ChiCom leaders.
It's as if the Brits are insulting ARM personally on this one.
I can hear that sphincter clench all the way from Ontario.
It sucks when not enough people die to prove you were right.
I am Laslo.
Shouting Thomas said...
ARM, you are such an astonishingly silly and stupid little fart.
What’s even more astonishing, you little nitwit, is that you’ve convinced yourself that you’re especially wise.
It’s a bizarre presentation.
Trump owns a corporation holding company of 500 entities, engineered the most astonishing upset in U.S. political history, has built skyscrapers all over the world and is president of the United States.
You really are a confoundingly stupid knucklehead. Your self-confidence in your nitwittery is your most amazing feature.
ARM doesn't just have delusions of grandeur; he has delusions of adequacy.
"Stocks are running out of gas at their 200-day moving averages."
The reality hasn't set in yet- the stock buyers are still thinking V-shaped recovery, but that is getting less and less likely to happen the longer the lockdown goes on, and I don't see it being lifted before June. The governors are now trapped in a first mover problem.
I would not be surprised to see a brief break through the 200-day moving average, but it won't last. I think we will, at the very least, retest the lows from March, and I think we will eventually set new lows somewhere in range of 1600 on the S&P500- there is large support there. I started selling puts in the stocks I would like to own last week, but have been sidelined this week due to the market rally (put prices are down a lot this week).
walter: "I can hear that sphincter clench all the way from Ontario."
Look, I think we all get it.
For once in his life Ken B got to think of himself as a superhero of sorts, flitting about with insider insight and a supremely superior morality and value system. I think that's why he was so hopeful this could be extended indefinitely.
And now, fate appears destined to snatch all of that away from him.
He might even have to return the cape.
Yancey Ward: "The governors are now trapped in a first mover problem."
I'm not sure this holds any longer. Only the "moderate" republican governors have a first mover problem. Conservative governors can be found in solid states with populations who generally didn't go Full Cuomo, so they won't have too much trouble in the weeks ahead loosening up a bit.
Meanwhile, the democratics governors will always have the media to cover for them, so no problem there.
Public with time on their hands, Dylan lands his first #1 with 17 min "single".
The stainless steel rat, might have bee. Adaptable before guardians,
(Something light, dance-able)
I saw the WHO Director's speech on CSPAN. He crossed swords with Trump and is about to become famous and celebrated. Remember when that noted child molester Daniel Ortega defied Reagan. Instant beatitude. Now that he's in power and machine gunning his people, the media prefers to keep a discreet distance, but back then they loved him.....They'll love this guy. What's not to love about a third world Marxist? In his speech, he said that the coronavirus can only grow in cracks and that it is important for governments to unify and not politicize this situation. I suspect he thinks that China with its monolithic response has been the exemplary leader here. Dumb fuck. It's China's absolutely monolithic government that caused this crisis. There's some divisive politicking going on in the USA, but that's what keeps it honest--or more honest than China......Anyway, we'll soon read of his life of sacrifice and courage and how awful Trump is to knock this magnificent man.
Ephesians 6:10-18 New International Version (NIV)
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Drago said...He might even have to return the cape.
Oh no. Per Tim in earlier thread..2nd waaaaavvve!
Well ortega has been as present as the leaders nose in sleepers for 24 days. He was technically a guerilla against the derge the ethiopian marxist who starved the country.
Our Health Is Not Property Of The State
Of all the Civil Rights violations committed by governments in this sad chapter, perhaps the worst is politicians inserting themselves between patients and doctors to deny sick people legal and approved medication, especially for purely political motives. Denying sick people legal medications is a huge Civil Rights violation–if not attempted murder.
Where is the DOJ’s much-vaunted Civil Rights Division? Not being killed by your own local government is pretty much Civil Right #1. Black people need Hydroxychlorquine, too. We know that black people are disproportionally at risk.
Is that the "Disparate Impact" you folks need to get off your asses and start protecting ALL AMERICANS?
Where the hell is Bill Barr? Put down the bagpipes, Bill, and pretend its Roger Stone doing it. So far, you have flunked out when it comes to prosecuting rogue FBI/CIA Democrats to protect Americans' Electoral Civil Rights.
Will you fail to protect the Medical Civil Rights of Americans, too?
Cuomo’s not the only one. Governor Sisolak of Nevada has also banned doctors offices from helping their patients. Only those sick enough for hospitalization deserve this treatment they decree. Nevermind that the drug might prevent the need for hospitalization in the first place.
Some Health Depts., Pharmacy Boards and Hospital officials have also chosen to insert themselves between a patient and his doctor. They are the ones who need treatment--for Trump Derangement Syndrome. President Trump is for it--so they're against it. Period. That's sick. And Power-Mad.
Can you imagine if they tried to stop AIDS patients from getting approved anti-viral drugs? We would put them in leg-irons and close their hospitals.
And what of Elderly Americans like Dr. Mark Siegel's 96 year-old father who could barely get off the couch and felt himself slipping away until his doctor prescribed Hydroxychloroquine? The three-drug cocktail is all pills, so the elderly can take them at home without hospitalization or needles, a huge advantage.
The last time local Democrat governments tried to neglect, harm and even kill their own citizens in order to cling to their own political power, it was called “Jim Crow”.
Denying these patients their most basic Right is the New Medical Jim Crow Law.
This is wrong. It is illegal. It is deadly.
Apparently there are many missing absentee ballots. The postal service has been asked to investigate.
Somewhere out there, the margin of victory is floating about.
Sadly, there are rural hospitals and PCPs who will soon need some O' that covid green to stay afloat.
narciso said...
Well ortega has been as present as the leaders nose in sleepers for 24 days. He was technically a guerilla against the derge the ethiopian marxist who starved the country.
Ortega is/was a Sandanista, a Nicaraguan Marxist. The Derg was the Marxist regime in Ethiopia that starved its opponents back in the 1970's.....led by Mengistu Haile Mariam.
Or am I missing something lost in translation?
Adhanom came from an insurgent movement against the ethiopian regime, originally marxist now paying lipservice to democracy
Ortega the second time around downplayed the sandinistas marxist roots even though they are supprted by russia and allied with iran.
Is that clear enough, he was largely supported by chavez stipend until they ran out then hired his own thugs to intimidate the opposition
Nothing fancy tonight, Mark .... eggs and toast for the kids, guacamole and chips for the grownups; big fatty sopaipilla cheesecake for dessert. Tomorrow will be teriyaki chicken thighs, dragon noodles and pickled spicy carrots.
Walter: ,Oh no. Per Tim in earlier thread..2nd waaaaavvve!"
As Russ Feingold said: "This game's not over until we win."
narciso said...
Ortega the second time around downplayed the sandinistas marxist roots even though they are supprted by russia and allied with iran.
OK, just tell us when Ortega was a guerilla against the Marxist Derg.
His wikipedia entry doesn't mention Ethiopia at all.
Yet you said upthread:
"He was technically a guerilla against the derge the ethiopian marxist who starved the country."
Another way to permanently lose 35 pounds is spend a month and a half on death's door in a hospital. Didn't lift a finger! Making the most out of the lock down by watching concert videos (The Last Waltz by the Band, Tom Petty's Running Down A Dream), and an old Dennis Miller HBO special box set of comedy; 7 concerts from 1988 to 2006. The comedy still works even when making arcane references to people, places and things 30 years out. Youngish Boomer political and cultural stuff. One other thing, fascinating to watch this liberal transition into a libertarian-hawkish advocate after 9-11.
"As Russ Feingold said: "This game's not over until we win.""
Yesterday's vote not revealed till next week....
I made Hoppin' John. Never made it before but I had blackeyed peas and cooked up some brown rice. It tasted lovely.
background from years ago
Gee Eric,
A lot of interest in WI in your feed.
Eric Holder
If you want to know how Vos, Fitzgerald, Wisconsin Republicans were able to order the plague election yesterday you only have to look at the gerrymandering they did to give themselves illegitimate power.They put the retention of that power ahead of their duty to protect Wisconsin
Uh..anyone know Holder's employer?
Covington and burling counsel for oxycontin kingpin purdue and 17 gitmo detainees from yemen
Lifetime Achiever, variously defined..
Poor Eric, brushing his tongue of fish fry and brandy ole fashions.
“Inga: "Texas doesn’t peak until April 22. Not all states peak at the same time."
“Are you implying that no one state can come off shutdown until every last state comes off shut down?”
“Forty-nine states could be clean and raring to go and 40 million people out of work, but we would have to wait for Rhode Island until a factory anywhere could open?”
Don’t ASSume things that were never said.
Narciso: Thanks for posting. Tedros will be a tough sell, but they've glorified grosser men....He doesn't look like the kind of guy who would find a bribe from the Chicoms repugnant. Why should the Chicoms invest millions in WHO when they can get the same results with a small amount of bribery?.....Why is it racist to speculate on Chicoms plots and intrigues? They're the foremost oppressors of the Chinese people on the planet. Why is no one offended by China and WHO's treatment of Taiwan during a time of plague?
I was trying to avoid dwelling on this wither act of malfeasance from the site of the alternate military command atructure (acvording to a cia document.
Btw that twin peaks reboot was freaky.
Good grief they brought back kamala harris, hey did you know about the sold off ventilators
Hoppin' John is a good start, but you really need field peas, or crowder peas with snaps & pork seasoning. Put *that* over rice, and down't spare the pot likker.
BTW, if you don't eat pork, or are a vegetarian, you should never eat "vegetables" in the South without asking for clarification! (And it's your loss).
Shouting Thomas said... I’ve extended the length and severity of my exercise regimen over the past year as I’ve lost 50 pounds.
Probably sleeping 10 hours per day.
Congratulations ST.
My wife struggled with weight, but turned the corner several year ago after starting long distance running. She has quite a few medals for winning her age group. It worked out well for me because her ex preferred that she was fat.
I have always worked out but never was able to sleep much until I got the C-Pap. Now I get about 6 hours a night. Cannot imagine sleeping for 9-10 hours.
Well it was on the spew and seth meyers
The view and seth meyers.
"did you know about the sold off ventilators"
Im asking too much of these half bread jesters who would have fed to dragons (you say dragons arent real?)
Yes why you use logic when you can scare the carp out of people.
Laslo @ 10:43 PM: "It sucks when not enough people die to prove you were right.
I am Laslo."
Threadwinner. Well; in its category. Which I guess is "macabre humor + deadly insight into (shit statistics, malign motives, intellectual sloth).
Keep them coming, you have a gift.
Inga said...
“Inga: "Texas doesn’t peak until April 22. Not all states peak at the same time."
“Are you implying that no one state can come off shutdown until every last state comes off shut down?”
“Forty-nine states could be clean and raring to go and 40 million people out of work, but we would have to wait for Rhode Island until a factory anywhere could open?”
Don’t ASSume things that were never said.
Then what did you imply?
Mooorrreeee! (saving moral hazard)
"It sucks when not enough people die to prove you were right."
I knew there was something I forgot. Here's an astonishing, but not all that surprising news story --
Liberal Treated With Hydroxychloroquine Hopes He Still Dies Of COVID-19 To Prove Trump Is Stupid
April 7th, 2020
NEW YORK, NY—When Jeffrey Walton tested positive for COVID-19, he hoped for a speedy recovery. But since he has been treated with hydroxychloroquine, the experimental treatment President Donald Trump has been touting, he now hopes he dies quickly to help prove that Trump is an idiot.
While Trump has been giving people hope that hydroxychloroquine could save lives, his political opponents have called it false hope and claimed Trump has no idea what he’s talking about. Walton, a lifelong Democrat and progressive, had joined in calling Trump “irresponsible” and an “ignoramus” and now has an opportunity to prove it by simply dying. “It’s such an opportunity, I don’t want to pass it up,” Walton said.
Doctor Glenn Logan, Walton’s physician, says he’s been up and down. “After we gave him the hydroxychloroquine, he got really excited about the idea of dying to prove Trump is dumb, and his good mood helped his condition, and he started to improve. Because that would only help Trump, his getting healthier made him depressed, which caused his condition to deteriorate. Which made him really happy. Which helped him recover and... Well, it’s been a weird cycle.”
Dr. Logan has been warning Walton that there is a chance he could fully recover. Walton is trying to prepare himself for this -- a world where everything isn’t black and white and Trump can be right about some things -- but he insists he’d much rather die.
Is Inga re-upping her nurse cert to serve Milwaukee surge?
Chicago has a call out..
Alex Berenson
1/ Let’s talk more about the magic of “social distancing”: yesterday the Ohio governor said it had reduced the state’s projected peak daily cases from 62,000 to 1,600. Awesome! But let’s take a closer look, shall we?
2/ The state’s “unmitigated” model “projects” that without mitigation, the peak of 62,000 will occur (will HAVE OCCURED, to be more accurate) on March 22...
3/ Only Ohio didn’t *actually* issue a lockdown order until Monday, March 23. Yes, lockdowns are such magic that they can PREVENT (theoretical) peaks that occurred before they were issued...4/ Folks, at this point it’s like an exercise to see if anyone is paying attention, a combination of a national folie a deux and Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy. WHAT IS GOING ON?
So -- there are some reports that maybe full ventilators with intubation are not always the best and may even be more harmful than beneficial. Rather, less aggressive means are perhaps better, such as CPAP machines that many people already use to sleep at night.
Of course, when I asked a few weeks ago why that might not be an option, I was called a stupid idiot -- and an uncaring one at that -- by our resident angry alarmists who are incapable of civil conversation even to answer innocent good faith questions.
The sheer pride in ignorance of the covidiots here , and the racism evident on the murder thread, lend depressing credibility to Hillary's neologism.
"Many patients have blood oxygen levels so low they should be dead. But they’re not gasping for air, their hearts aren’t racing, and their brains show no signs of blinking off from lack of oxygen.blood levels of oxygen, which for decades have driven decisions about breathing support for patients with pneumonia and acute respiratory distress, might be misleading them about how to care for those with Covid-19. In particular, more and more are concerned about the use of intubation and mechanical ventilators. They argue that more patients could receive simpler, noninvasive respiratory support, such as the breathing masks used in sleep apnea, at least to start with and maybe for the duration of the illness.“I think we may indeed be able to support a subset of these patients” with less invasive breathing support, said Sohan Japa, an internal medicine physician at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “I think we have to be more nuanced about who we intubate.”
The fundamental understanding of Blood O2 levels seems up for re-examination.
"Foxconn Technology Group reported 550 employees in Wisconsin last year, which would be enough to qualify for job tax credits under its contract with the state, and more than $208.3 million in capital spending."
The contract awards two kinds of credits. Employment tax credits are earned on a monthly basis for actual job hours worked. But the contract also awards tax credits for capital expenditures as long as the company has hired the required number of employees, including “partial-year employees,” by Dec. 31 of the previous year. The language allowing partial-year employees is used repeatedly, in three different paragraphs of the contract.
There are suspicions this is what Foxconn plans to do. In mid-December the company told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel it would have more than the contract’s required 520 employees hired for the 2019 year. And nine days after Lee’s prediction, Foxconn Aerials, the Twitter account that takes overhead photos of Foxconn’s Mount Pleasant campus, tweeted a photo showing the parking lot for its little-used multi-purpose facility filled with cars. “Have never seen many cars at the multipurpose building since it was built more than a year ago. Until 12/21 when the lot was overflowing,” the tweet noted.
If these were employees hired in time to meet the Dec. 31 deadline, there is nothing to stop Foxconn from laying them off any time in 2020, say as soon as it gets the $52.5 million tax credit. “The plain language of the contract says if they are full-time employees for part of the year, they count for the capital investment tax credits,” says Milwaukee attorney Matt Flynn
"Foxconn's Wisconsin operations will begin manufacturing Medtronic-designed ventilators in an effort to alleviate the shortage of the life-saving equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic, Medtronic CEO Omar Ishrak told CNBC Monday morning."
Purple Penguin,
As notable am a conservative Isthmus commenter you were known to be, think the Evers era is good for bizness?
(Flynn ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2018 as an opponent of the Foxconn deal.)
Has all the social distancing and sheltering in place forced Althouse to eat an egg salad sandwich yet?
If not, then it's not that serious.
Governors have a first mover problem. Only the conservative governors of liberal states.
See: Charlie Baker in MA. One could argue that he's not a conservative, at least he wouldn't be in any conservative leaning state.
"Optimism Is Less Distant as Global Coronavirus Battle Rages On" so says the headline in the NYT email overnight. Oh, the contortions they put themselves through.
It's long been said that rigorous exercise provides many benefits, better sleep is one, a reduced appetite is another. With the elimination of travel these past few weeks I've been able to consistently work out; alternating weights one day, running the next. Been sleeping great, eating better too.
Nothing is guaranteed to wake me up early and well in advance of the alarm than an early morning flight.
Gotta love Cocaine Mitch.
@Cookie, I belatedly see that I overlooked a comment by you yesterday mistakenly asserting that Bernie actually cares about small businesses. Suuuuure he does! How about you find a quote from him defending small businesses and the men and women who establish and operate those businesses? Because the badly mis-named Affordable Care Act couldn’t have passed without Bernie’s vote, so he had plenty of opportunity to shoehorn in an amendment to protect small businesses from the worst aspects of the bill, but he didn’t. So I think it’s fair to say he hates them.
A subject everyone is an expert.
MY expertise, notes that some people are morning people and some are night people. I know that is a radical theory. As radical as trying to say men are different from women. But then I'm and expert. Cant question my hypothesis.
I get up early. Life long conditioning. Up every morning before 6. carried through to college and into my adult life. If I am tired and go to bed at 8:30, I still awake around 5:30. Go to bed at mid-night, still awake around 5:30. This is not humble brag, anymore than a person talking about what they got accomplished and 1AM. We all have our own clocks. mine is set, making me a morning person.
As far as the alarm clock, we rarely set one, and can't remember the last time one actually woke me up. Special events like making an early flight.
The government will try to fix each cascading catastrophe by enacting another law or another bailout to fix the problem caused by the previous response. Being the government, it will not actually fix anything, but will only succeed in spending the future away and waiting to see if the natural ambition, energy, and hard work of the American people will eventually overcome their clueless folly as it did after the last recession which was also responded to with a wasteful and useless strategy of spending and grafting away our money.
I have great faith in the American people, but I've never seen our government spend like this before. It's a careless act of covering your ass with other peoples money and futures. The people doing it will all be long gone before the bill comes due - not that the young are clamoring for them to stop. They are going to get the government they deserve good and hard. We should have educated them better, but we never learned the lesson ourselves."
Bears repeating. Could not agree more.
The one hope is that, if interest rates have seen their lows, then the rising cost of servicing all the debt we're madly accruing will pinch annual budgets so badly government will be forced to shrink itself.
@Yancey, I note your comment and target of S&P 1600 eventually. History says you are right, or possibly even a bit optimistic.
This is huge.
Biobot Analytics, which is associated with MIT, is estimating that from the amount of the Covid-19 virus that they are finding in sewage that in some unspecified region in or near Boston there are 115,000 people that are infected. The confirmed cases for the same area is only 446.
The Boston Herald is reporting this and their headline is wrong as it is not 115,000 for the whole state of Massachusetts but for just that one part of Massachusetts.
This is extremely good news since it means that the mortality rate from the virus is only a tiny fraction of what has been estimated and if true would probably be significantly less than that from the influenza viruses.
Of course that immediately raises the question of how it's possible to have so much error in some of our numbers. Actually it's quite easy to do if you only test people that have pneumonia.
(I found this via Instapundit.)
GIS, did you notice any racism from the niggers who murdered the two NPC wypipo who dedicated their lives to their adopted latina daughter, and bent over backwards to help and support her car-thieving nigger boyfriend/pimp/rapist? Of course not!
An invitation to a banning.
About mortality rate vs. the flu, mandrewa --
The under-count of actual COVID cases because of non-testing happens also with the flu. The number of influenza is also vastly under-counted because many never get tested and many never associate their symptoms with the flu because they are not serious enough.
Big Mike: And most medical practices are 'small businesses'.
I like "Wypipo."
Nice neologism
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