April 25, 2020

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk all night.

That's how the sky looked at 6:04 this morning. The actual sunrise time was 5:59. It was the first day this year when the sun rose before 6. We're in the part of the year where the sunlight proportion of the day increases quickly — almost 3 more minutes each day. But how early does the sunrise get? The earliest is 5:17. That will happen on June 10 through June 19. The daily change in the light is only a few seconds that close to the solstice. I started my running for the sunrise on September 9th last year, when the sunrise came at 6:31, which was also the sunrise time on April 5th. So since April 5th, each day has been the earliest day I've gone out for the run. What makes it a little challenging is that the sunset is so late. I had no trouble getting up before 5 in the dark months, when the sun sets before 5. It's much harder in the light months, when the sun sets at 8 and even later. The latest it gets is 8:41. And twilight isn't over until 9:16. To get 7 hours of sleep and make it out in time for a 5:17 sunrise, you have to get to sleep a half hour after twilight. That's a bit rigorous!


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Drago said...

ARM: "Personally, given the choice of an RNC hack or a Labradoodle breeder being in charge of the COVID-19 response, I would prefer the Labradoodle breeder. At least they would have some basic understanding of biology."

This debunked hoax apparently has tickled ARM as greatly as the hoax dossier that he flacked for 4 years.

Lets dig into this latest one, shall we (I'm assuming this one ARM did all on his own without direction from Beijing):

1) Harrison is not in charge of the response team. He is filling an administrative role as Chief of Staff performing coordination duties between groups/depts
2) List of Harrison's government roles/experience which qualify him for this administrative role (you can get this from the Dallas Morning News article or Wiki):
- Department of Health and Human Services during the Presidency of George W. Bush
- Social Security Administration
- United States Department of Defense
- Office of the Vice President of the United States.
- After leaving government service he was employed as director of the healthcare practice for DCI Group

He is also a hobbyist labradoodle enthusiast, in 2015 he established a Dallas, Texas dog-breeding business before selling it in 2018.

Hmmmm, I wonder why ARM "forgot" to include any of that in his characterization?

Did Beijing order ARM to leave that out?

Inga said...

“By the way, here is a link to a story about Aytu BioScience's Healight that Inga and ARM and Howard claim doesn't exist”

Dear Drago, we were discussing it on another thread. Walter brought it up and I congratulated him on his find. You’re a little late to that party.

Anne-I-Am said...


Omelettes are over-rated.

Drago said...

Inga: "Dear Drago, we were discussing it on another thread. Walter brought it up and I congratulated him on his find. You’re a little late to that party."

Uh, this is what I mentioned days ago....when you and Howard helpfully informed me it was all fake.

So you've reluctantly decided to admit it does exist after Walter hit you with it again today.

Well congratulations. That's certainly a new "acceptance" record for you given that you still believe Carter Page is a russian spy and Trump colluded with Russia and Kavanaugh is a rapist.

Birkel said...

Wrong for years on many fronts...
It is now Drago's fault that Royal ass Inga is a moron.

Tell us more about the Russia, Russia, Russia stuff.

narciso said...

Not if they have cheese, this is a nasty skinner box they put the country in

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Big Mike said...
your comment at 10:11 actually makes sense.

If they post often enough, even double haters will make sense every now and then.

320Busdriver said...

I think Trump needs to put this guy in charge of phase 2.


Everyone gets tested on average once every two weeks. Expensive, but much less than the current costs.

Drago said...

Here's a blurb from just yesterday:

Drago: "Here's the link to the clinical trials, now underway, on oral chlorine dioxide:


There are about a thousand links that can be found on the use of Far UV (short wavelength light) delivered via fiber optic instruments to different parts of body to combat viruses and bacteria.

Everything Trump mentioned is real and in advanced stages of research, which is why the R&D CEO's mention them to Trump and the Task Force.....and the lefties/LLR-lefties really seem to hate that.

But tell the lefties that the WHO (wholly owned by the ChiCom's) claims something, and they rush to embrace it.

Things like: no known human to human transmission of coronavirus on record....months after they knew it was a lie. Every single lefty/LLR-lefty bought that one hook, line and sinker." 4/24/20, 1:58 PM

narciso said...

like when they took out spocks brain

Inga said...

“Uh, this is what I mentioned days ago....when you and Howard helpfully informed me it was all fake.

So you've reluctantly decided to admit it does exist after Walter hit you with it again today.”

Walter was more believable. I never take anything you say seriously. Sorry sweetie.

Drago said...

Inga: "Walter was more believable. I never take anything you say seriously. Sorry sweetie."

Which is why I posted a link, which is clearly shown above.

Other things I've said which Inga does not believe:
Carter Page is not a russian spy
Trump did not collude with Russia
Kavanaugh did not rape CBF/Kavanaugh is not a gang rapist
The hoax dossier was a....(wait for it)....hoax
Trump does not owe money to a ChiCom bank
Trump did not improperly feed goldfish in Japan

You know, Inga is right, she doesn't believe me....and she still believes in every one of those items listed, and hundreds more.

To this very day.

Ken B said...

“ And what about the fact that the vast majority of people aren't at risk?”
“ How much better would it be if the majority of healthy people gained immunity?”

Good questions. Who is the only commenter here to raise the issue of variolation, to suggest we pay healthy volunteers to be part of a variolation study, and to post links about variolation? I am.

Who posted links and tried to get a discussion about whether the viral load at first infection mattered? There were several of us, but it died on the vine. Discussion here was killed by “flu flu flu” and “hoax” and “faked numbers”. Not to mention the explicit statements of unconcern.

I also posted links about “expose the young” because I think we need to look at options, but I am opposed to such a thing.

I don’t have a good answer about your dad. Mine died of Parkinson’s in December. He was peaceful at the end. But it wasn’t a pleasant time.

narciso said...

'You cant stop the signal, mal' the alliance was about oppression for altruistic reasons

Drago said...

Inga: "Walter was more believable. I never take anything you say seriously. Sorry sweetie."

This was very revealing.

So you initially claimed I was late to the game (another lie), followed up with a claim that you did see it you just didn't believe it.

Inga is getting confused again.

I suspect we'll see her posting song lyrics momentarily....

narciso said...

So was the alien gort in 'the day the earth stood still'

Drago said...

More Bad News for Inga: "Wisconsin saw no coronavirus infection-rate spike after April 7 election, study says"


That's impossible.

I was assured by some here there would be thousands dead.

narciso said...

You will not be allowed the luxury about any potential treatment, be it hcq remdesvir or this new method. You will suffer in isolation, malnutrition depression, until morale improves

narciso said...

The source of the outbreak must be zealously guarded from disclosure, note the chinese and turkish social media bots

Jon Ericson said...

The trolls:
I. Desire the destruction
B. Just playing a game.
3. Believe the woo woo.

Lurker21 said...

If Governor Northam thinks I can go another twenty-two months without a haircut, he's just plain wrong.

Just ask him. I'm sure he'd loan you his hood.

walter said...

When "flatten the curve" was the order of the day, the problem of healthcare workers being furloughed and hospitals failing from lack of use was not being considered. And not all governors are equally sensitive to economic concerns.
At this point, the control over the discussion is headed up by largely insulated political/public sector class and a media that profits from sensationalism.

Van Wanggaard
Apr 23
Another one of our “partner” states opening things up while @govevers
keeps Wisconsin’s economy on lockdown.

Quote Tweet
Theo Keith
· Apr 23
#BREAKING: New executive order from Gov. Tim Walz allows non-critical businesses in the manufacturing, industrial and office sectors to return to work - if they can put certain safety protocols in place.
Walz estimates it will return 80,000-100,000 people back to their jobs.

Anne-I-Am said...

Then Ken B,

You posed good questions. Why do you also act as though any further infection must be avoided at all costs? As if any death from CV is an unbearable tragedy?

I said a death from CV is no more tragic than any other death, and you attacked me. How is it more tragic than a death from leukemia, or myocardial infarc, or loneliness, or suicide? When I say I don't care about CV deaths, beyond being provocative because your attitude invites it, I do mean that I don't "care" about CV any more than I care about any other manner of death.

And honestly, nobody has the bandwidth to truly CARE about the death of total strangers. I care in an abstract sense--but not in any emotional sense. And anyone who claims they deeply care about all of these strangers is lying. I don't have to care about a stranger in the way I care about my mom to want that stranger to have a life as good and safe as mine.

And yet we all die. Some early, some late. Some terribly, some peacefully. All of this hysteria seems to me to be a strange denial that death comes for us all. That somehow, to acknowledge that some people are going to die from this disease means that I am a monster.

That is very clearly what you and ARM and whats-her-face have said almost from the second I got on this blog. The harpy gets called the harpy because she accused me of lying in everything I wrote. She is undeserving of my attention.

People engage in polemic, especially on the intertubz, but you have consistently called people who disagree with you callous, deliberate, uncaring murderers.

Is it any wonder that you get the responses you get?

Birkel said...

Ken B would be a much better Concern Troll if he lit himself on fire.
Nobody saw those monks burning and didn't take them seriously.

narciso said...

Another thing, that toads the wet sprocket, is how all the products remind us of the flatline pitch me your product,dont tell me the obvious. Same with all these celebrities who do the 'prisoner' routine.

Jon Ericson said...

I think they plot every other day.
Pleasant discussion last night sans trolls,
Sulfurous flailing tonight.

Mark said...

I am not a number! I am a free man! (shakes fist at the sky)

narciso said...

Indeed, you didnt get that feel its on the classic tv bloc on pluto.

narciso said...

Yes you get that vibe, is it a coincidence her district is among the most affected.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"OMG! Now He's telling us to drink bleach!!"

...exclaimed the crowd that ATE TIDE PODS

Anne-I-Am said...

And....crickets. When bullying doesn't work...blessed radio silence.

William said...

@narciso: Thanks for your links. They're always interesting.....Small graces to give thanks for: Can you imagine how unendurable the quarantine would be without Netflix, cable tv, and Amazon. Maybe that's why they didn't quarantine for the Spanish flu. They didn't even have radio back then.

narciso said...

Everything is dialed up past eleven, and there are regretably considerable deatha
Specially on the coasts in part fmdo to mass negligence bordering on manslaughter.

heyboom said...

Going out to play golf tomorrow for the first time since 3/16. Yes! And now, all of my favorites are opening in the coming week, so I can actually step away from the ledge. Just in time!

narciso said...

Youre welcome, its such a bizarre world which ryan george hints at, from just 30 years ago

heyboom said...

Set up a makeshift driving range in my back yard and promptly shanked two balls (foam) into my neighbors yard. Gonna be a great day tomorrow!

William said...

I recently saw a Rheumatologist. She referred me to a neurologist to rule out an extremely dour disease. This adds a lot of top spin to my quarantine angst. The neurologist isn't taking patients until the all clear. He'll do a telephone consultation with me, but no office visit until the all clear. These neurologists really get on my nerves....As Anne points out, this lock down has all sorts of unintended side effects.

Dr Weevil said...

BarrySanders20 (9:35pm, previous page):
Thanks! I hadn't thought of ice. The model years of the two cars in the lake are right in the middle of the Prohibition years, and I suppose driving across the ice in the middle of the night might be one way to avoid revenooer roadblocks. I think you've found the likeliest answer. I wonder if there are/were skeletons in either of the cars. Probably not: actually surviving a fall through the ice in a car seems unlikely, but I imagine the driver would have managed to at least get out of the car. It's also possible that a car might get stuck in a snowbank on the ice, or crack the ice without falling through, the driver escapes, and the car falls in when the sun comes up and softens the ice.

stephen cooper said...

For the record, people who say "we are all going to die at some point" either have not read the Bible, or have read it, and missed some important points.

Such as, the world is what it is and at some point it will be RENEWED (Thesallonians, Apocalypse, the Books of Wisdom), AND NONE OF US ALIVE AT THAT POINT IN TIME WILL EVER EXPERIENCE DEATH. Not saying I have given a lot of thought to this, but it seems clear.

and if that point in time is far far in the future, a long time from now (I remembered) It is not only possible,but likely that many people who post here are going to have thousands or even millions of descendants at that point in time, if it happens generations from now.

BUT >>>>>>>> ////// ...... If God fulfills the promise that OUR WORLD WILL BE RENEWED in the near future, well, I guess all of us are going to have a lot less descendants, because look, I do not care how much God loves you, you are not going to have tens of thousands of descendants in the next fifty years or so. BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE YOU PROBABLY WILL NOT DIE UNDER THIS SCENARIO ---- think about it. (not that you should be afraid of dying, God loves the least of us, and while I have no fear of dying, I get it that a lot of people do, even those of us who cannot brag about being the least of God's children ----- think about it ==== and God is just as close to us when we have a lot of fear in our hearts as God is close to us when we have joy in our hearts, I remember ..... )

When I worry about things, I worry about people who think what i Just said was nonsense ....

or maybe I don't worry about much, trust me. Sometimes I wish I did, but then I think, why not just trust God, and stop worrying?????? That being said, please say a prayer tonight for the nurses and doctors and faith healers, all of whom (sad to say) are not being prayed for as much as they should be at this moment in time, I am guessing. Of course I don't know, one way or the other. Please, though, and I am asking this for a special reason, please pray for the faith healers, nobody really cares about them until they need them. I wish it were not like that but it is. I used to be an unpaid unknown anonymous faith healer of sorts (almost) but in the last few months, to tell the truth,I could have been overwhelmed with other problems. SAD!

Reset your hearts, if you have to.

narciso said...

It often seems daunting though stephem cooper those who underwenf the persecutions the dark ages the crusades the black death two world wars ,

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

You can’t make an omelette without killing thousands of boomers, diabetics, the obese, and other at-risk persons.

stephen cooper said...

Seriously, though ----
My name is Stephen. Please don't call me by any other name, ever.
I have many friends (contemplative nuns, consecrated priests, and many old people who will never again have a pain-free day again in this world) who WANT TO PRAY FOR ANYONE WHO I WANT THEM TO PRAY FOR.

all you have to do is ask.

I will never get a cent for any answered prayer I will never even know, ever. and trust me you will forget my name whether your prayers are answered or not. that is how I want it to be.

That is what friends are for.

AND YOU HAVE MORE FRIENDS THAN ME, trust me, GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN GOD LOVES ME, well, I am not asking you to believe that (you are too young to understand, I don't care how old you are) but believe me, at least to this extent ----- GOD LOVES YOU AT LEAST AS MUCH AS GOD LOVES ME

and, just like me, YOU have lots of friends who God listens to when they pray. how can you not agree with that, how can you not understand that.

stephen cooper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anne-I-Am said...


Do the televisit. Be prepared with good questions.

Are your rheumatologist's fears well-founded?
If so, how will the neurologist do a differential diagnosis over the phone?
If you have this disease, how long can it wait to be diagnosed and treated before you suffer meaningful, clinical harm?
If this disease is such that treatment is needed sooner than later, how can the neurologist justify not seeing you?
If he thinks you have this disease, and it needs urgent treatment, how does he propose to do that?

If he does not have answers to these questions, find a different neuro.

If you are having symptoms that aren't explained by your rheumatologic illness, and they are persistent and at all debilitating, GO TO THE ER.

In the ER, if you show neurological symptoms, you will be given a neuro consult.

Be persistent. Be polite. Be prepared.

narciso said...

That does seem odd, how does one determine that without tests, without human contact.

Anne-I-Am said...


One other thing. Some specialties can do phone visits fairly easily. Neurology is not one of them. The physical exam is an indispensable part of a neuro workup. Perhaps this neuro does not think you have anything to be concerned about. Ask him that.

And again, if you are having neurological symptoms (dizziness, weakness, electric shocks, seizures, blurred vision, chronic headaches, prolonged muscle twitching), go to the ER.

Don't use Dr. Google, though, and give yourself symptoms you don't have.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Cuomo administration scandal? N.Y. health officials denied request to transfer nursing home patients to emergency COVID facilities

"emails between New York state health officials and administrators of a hard-hit Brooklyn nursing home show that the care facility was denied a request to transfer its suspected coronavirus patients to nearby emergency medical facilities, a decision which may have led to the nursing home's having the highest death rate of any such establishment in the state."


now Rocket-Man-- (Pyongyang, we have a problem)

Alive? Sick? Vegetable? Dead?
more trickles in as 'dead'
Lil' Sis takes over? Chyna? S. Korea?

narciso said...

Possibly none of the people that are teliable area experts seem to confirm this.

Fidel relied on spanish doctors, chavez relied on cuban doctor thus endeth the tale.

Lurker21 said...

That's how the sky looked at 6:04 this morning. The actual sunrise time was 5:59. It was the first day this year when the sun rose before 6. We're in the part of the year where the sunlight proportion of the day increases quickly — almost 3 more minutes each day. But how early does the sunrise get? The earliest is 5:17. That will happen on June 10 through June 19. The daily change in the light is only a few seconds that close to the solstice. I started my running for the sunrise on September 9th last year, when the sunrise came at 6:31, which was also the sunrise time on April 5th. So since April 5th, each day has been the earliest day I've gone out for the run. What makes it a little challenging is that the sunset is so late. I had no trouble getting up before 5 in the dark months, when the sun sets before 5. It's much harder in the light months, when the sun sets at 8 and even later. The latest it gets is 8:41. And twilight isn't over until 9:16. To get 7 hours of sleep and make it out in time for a 5:17 sunrise, you have to get to sleep a half hour after twilight. That's a bit rigorous!

Too many numbers. Maybe too much sharing, too.

narciso said...

I would think like the once norwegian blue spy chief would be in the running. Who would the pla mandarins back?

chickelit said...

@Ralph L: Unfortunately, I don't know the types of roses. We moved into a dead professor's place and inherited them. I knew next to nothing about roses 2 years ago, but I wanted to keep them alive in her memory. But a non-flowering rose is like a "useless drinker" of water to me. I wish I could save them. I will try a dose of high P fertilizer.

narciso said...

Remove another hour and this is real time your waking up that would be 4:17

chickelit said...

@William: I'm hoping the best for your health. I've long appreciated your contributions here.

narciso said...

May everything turn out for the best william.

William said...

Anne: Thanks for the sound advice. Not to be coy about this, I thought I had rheumatoid arthritis. The rheumatologist said no and referred me to the neurologist to rule out Parkinson's Disease. I'm not in dire straits. I have foot and joint pain and walk with a slightly unsteady gait. On the plus side, despite less exercise, I have lost ten pounds. So that's nice....Does anyone know any other plus sides to Parkinson's. I stopped reading about it on the internet. I'm too suggestible, and it doesn't appear to be a fun disease like sex addiction.

narciso said...

Have you been eating well enough?

Anne-I-Am said...


If Parkinson's is the differential, then the situation is serious but not emergent. That may be why the neuro feels no sense of urgency to see you. During your televisit, be very clear with the neuro about what "unsteady gait" means, and how long it has been going on. That is the kind of thing that needs to be observed. Along with whether you have tremor. Weight loss is not usually a hallmark of early Parkinson's, so be sure to talk to him about that.

Stay off the Google, as you have been doing.

Parkinson's is a degenerative disease, but typically only aggressive when onset is early. In older people, the progression is usually very gradual. There are many good medications that slow the progression, with relatively few side effects. Physical activity, especially things like Rock Steady Boxing, can also slow progression.

There are certainly other, benign explanations of your symptoms. Hard as it is, don't borrow trouble.

I will add you to my prayer list.

narciso said...

I would think some variation of arthritis would be involved but what do i know.

William said...

Thanks for the kind words everyone and special thanks to Anne for the reassuring words....I guess the plus side is that I have something other than the coronavirus to occupy my mind. And so good night.

effinayright said...

Tom T. said...
Several media now reporting that Kim Jong-Un is in a vegetative state.

Even as I write, the NORKS are rendering his miserable carcass into bogus Vegemite for the Australian black market in that gooey treat.

Ozzies had best beware.

effinayright said...

Stephen Cooper: it's pretty obvious you have been hitting the Happy Sauce pretty hard.


Normal human beings do not think suffering is a virtue.

You sound like those crazed Shiites who flail themselves with whips until they bleed.

Not a good look.

chickelit said...

I don't get what ARM and Inga get for being such ChiCom stooges - Inga already has her dacha. ARM?

narciso said...

Its not we are supposed to take in stride what we face, because this is not our permanent rest, if it is(and what a sad fate that would be) then that would be cause for concern.

narciso said...

Thats not how it works, theg would getliquidated after obvious counterrevolutionaries (kulaks gusanos) and the like.

chickelit said...

Tom T. said...
"Several media now reporting that Kim Jong-Un is in a vegetative state."

He was always more carrot than stick.

stephen cooper said...


please reread.

All I said was that life can be hard, and that God loves us.

You seem to want to read more into it than that.

Let me rephrase:

Right here, right now, I can ask dozens of people to pray for you, and to make it more likely that you will be able to pray for others.

It is all about communication, my friend.

Thanks for your concern, though ---- I really think you said what you said with a good heart.

Trust me, I have seen more happiness than I can express.
I have seen the angels in heaven singing, trust me.

But I know that life is hard for many people, and many of those people have not seen what I have seen, have not heard what I have heard.

Instead of saying insulting things to me ("not a good look" - that was funny, but funny and wrong in a sad way, not funny and wrong in a funny way), try and get the message out: God loves us all.

And yes, my young friend, God loves you at least as much as God loves me.

if I am wrong, tell me more about all those times you have tried to get people to pray for those who have suffered.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Otto Warmbier knew all about those NK vegetative states

stephen cooper said...

narciso - actually, some of us are going to be rewarded by living in this world, forever.

but it will be this world as God wants it to be, as God envisions it.

I will, if I see you in that world, be more than happy to share with you billions of details, along with the best of the royal gifts

stephen cooper said...

Let's think about two very different people tonight.

Back in 2002 or so, little George Bush, who was then a president, hitched a ride on a carrier aircraft - and as God is my witness, I remember people saying "that must have been so difficult for the pilot, to fly with the president on board and do a carrier landing" (as if it made a difference who was on board)

In 2019, Scott Adams (who likes to predict things) predicted that Kim of Korea might not be long for this world, even if he was just in his 30s, and the rumor now is that he is in a vegetative state because the doctor's hands were shaking when a stent was put in ....

StephenFearby said...

Anne-I-Am said...

'...My mom is demented and in a "Memory Care" unit...She is deteriorating rapidly...'

My dad, with Parkinson's...has cognitive decline and can't remember why he isn't able to visit Mom."

That's quite a twofer.

Some ideas:

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014 Aug;62(8):1611-2.
Unexpected recovery of moderate cognitive impairment on treatment with oral methylcobalamin.

Rietsema WJ Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

"To the Editor: Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of only few reversible causes of dementia. This case report describes a clinical picture of dementia in an individual whose serum B12 level was within the reference range that responded to oral methylcobalamin [one of the two functional forms of B12] supplementation but not to hydroxocobalamin [one of the two non-functional forms of [B12]..."


The Science of Parkinson's MARCH 22, 2019

AdoCbl + LRRK2 = modulation

Recently, however, a research report was published which points towards a potentially accessible method of LRRK2 modulation – one of the [two] active forms of vitamin B12 [Adenosylcobalamin] – and if this research can be independently replicated, it may provide certain members of the Parkinson’s community with another means of dealing with the condition.


A subsidiary of Nestle's Health Science peddles Cerefolin NAC to address mild cognitive impairment, originally a pricey combination of Methylcobalamin, Folate, and N-acetylcysteine. https://www.cerefolinnac.com/ It was originally developed by a Welsh geriatric physician. The separate ingredients are sold for much less by online supplement vendors like Swanson.

If there is oxidative stress from heavy metals (especially iron) B12 absorption is impaired. Fixed by taking l-carnosine, a natural scavenger of heavy metals found in high amounts in chicken breast.

The adenosylcobalamin study was for a familial form of the mutated LRRK2 folded protein. But it should work on all forms because it isn't a drug. Levels of BOTH Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin have been reported to decline with age, severely so in 60-80-year-olds:

PLoS One. 2016 Jan 22;11(1):e0146797.
Decreased Brain Levels of [the functional forms of] Vitamin B12 in Aging, Autism and Schizophrenia.


A quicky fix for both might be this interesting anti-inflammatory near-infrared LED device. If you stop using it the symptoms return. But from what I have seen reported from the pilot studies, there's been good results:


StephenFearby said...

The Times Inflates Trump’s Foolishness into Monstrousness

Who nicely punctures the malicious lies of American Pravda.


jaydub said...

Very interesting article and confirms much of the analysis I have been doing on local NC statistics.


narciso said...



BUMBLE BEE said...

SLEEP ... Rigorous? Hmmm

stevew said...

This thing has certainly brought out the worst in some.

stevew said...

This is what a good faith argument sounds like:

No, those that want to reopen the economy don't want to kill old people

Ann Althouse said...

"I hate DST. I want it light as early as possible in the morning, and I don't really care to have daylight much past 8:30 or so."

It's irrelevant to me. My difficulty waking up in time for the sunrise has to do with the shortness of the dark period — the distance between sunset and sunrise.

Mr. O. Possum said...

Cedars-Sinai-Developed ‘Healight' Medical Device Platform Technology Being Studied as a Potential First-in-Class COVID-19 Treatment

ENGLEWOOD, CO / ACCESSWIRE / April 20, 2020 / Aytu BioScience, Inc. (AYTU) (the "Company"), a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on commercializing novel products that address significant patient needs announced today that it has signed an exclusive worldwide license from Cedars-Sinai to develop and commercialize the Healight Platform Technology ("Healight"). This medical device technology platform, discovered and developed by scientists at Cedars-Sinai, is being studied as a potential first-in-class treatment for coronavirus and other respiratory infections.

Led by Mark Pimentel, MD, the research team of the Medically Associated Science and Technology (MAST) Program at Cedars-Sinai has been developing the patent-pending Healight platform since 2016 and has produced a growing body of scientific evidence demonstrating pre-clinical safety and effectiveness of the technology as an antiviral and antibacterial treatment. The Healight technology employs proprietary methods of administering intermittent ultraviolet (UV) A light via a novel endotracheal medical device. Pre-clinical findings indicate the technology's significant impact on eradicating a wide range of viruses and bacteria, inclusive of coronavirus. The data have been the basis of discussions with the FDA for a near-term path to enable human use for the potential treatment of coronavirus in intubated patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Beyond the initial pursuit of a coronavirus ICU indication, additional data suggest broader clinical applications for the technology across a range of viral and bacterial pathogens. This includes bacteria implicated in ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP).

"Our team has shown that administering a specific spectrum of UV-A light can eradicate viruses in infected human cells (including coronavirus) and bacteria in the area while preserving healthy cells," stated Dr. Pimentel of Cedars-Sinai. Ali Rezaie, MD, one of the inventors of this technology states, "Our lab at Cedars-Sinai has extensively studied the effects of this unique technology on bacteria and viruses. Based on our findings we believe this therapeutic approach has the potential to significantly impact the high morbidity and mortality of coronavirus-infected patients and patients infected with other respiratory pathogens. We are looking forward to partnering with Aytu BioScience to move this technology forward for the benefit of patients all over the world."

The company believes the Healight platform technology has the potential to positively impact outcomes for critically ill patients infected with coronavirus and severe respiratory infections.

Now read Trump's transcript (from a Carl Cannon RCP article):

And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.

Michael K said...

Now, at least, I can figure out where R/V got his story about Trump owing China yesterday.

A lie, of course.

Politico edited on Saturday morning a story claiming Donald Trump owes millions to the Bank of China for a loan on a New York City office building, hours after Breitbart News exposed the story as false.

The story now begins with a note that it has been “updated to include comment from the Bank of China and additional reporting.” Despite the initial story being substantively incorrect and getting several details wrong, Politico did not issue a formal correction, as standard journalistic good practice would indicate they should. What’s more, the story continues to be wrong in several places.

The original story’s headline was “Trump owes tens of millions to Bank of China.” Now it is “Trump owed tens of millions to Bank of China.” But that claim is still wrong. Trump never owed tens of millions to Bank of China, as Breitbart News reported Friday. The subhead is” The president’s financial dealings with the state-owned bank complicate his attacks on Biden,” another false claim that remains in the story.

The Washington, DC, based media company falsely reported Friday that Trump owes millions to the Bank of China for a loan financing a building located at 1290 Avenue of the Americas. The story said that the president would have to pay tens of millions of dollars to the state-controlled banks because the loan was coming due shortly, a situation which it described as “unprecedented.”

Breitbart News reported Friday that the story was wrong. President Trump is not the debtor and Bank of China is not the creditor on the loan to 1290 Avenue of the Americas. Trump is the minority partner in a real estate deal that owns the building, had nothing to do with arranging the loans, and is not liable for their repayment. Bank of China was one of a consortium of lenders in 2012 that provided $950 million but sold its interest days later when the loan was repackaged into bonds for investors.

Another day, another TYS lie.

Michael K said...


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