“Clay County Circuit Court Judge Michael McHaney ruled against Pritzker's order, granting a restraining order to Rep. Darren Bailey, who filed the lawsuit against the governor. The ruling only applies to Bailey, exempting him from the stay-at-home order, but it's unclear what impact the legal challenge will have on other state residents.”
NBC Chicago reports.
MEANWHILE: “Attorney General William Barr on Monday directed federal prosecutors to ‘be on the lookout’ for public health measures put in place amid the coronavirus pandemic that might be running afoul of constitutional rights” (The Hill).
७२ टिप्पण्या:
You mean the Governor of a State can't just tell everyone what to do?
You all don't have long before the hunger riots start and District 1 gets burned to the ground.
Illinois resident here (damn grand kids) as I just wrote at Insty:
Our tax avoiding, trust fund baby, one bear claw away from a heart attack, governor announced an other four weeks of lock down complete with face masks. I don't know if I will make a scene and get arrested or just drive to Kansas or Texas and get a haircut.
I find it interesting that the ACLU and all the left-wing lawyers who are always filing lawsuits because of some constitutional right or civil liberties have done nothing about the Governor's issuing draconian executive orders. Of course, ultimately, its the state legislators that are to blame. They should be checking the uncontrolled power of the Governors but they simply refuse to do their jobs.
If you think about it, if EVERY action of the State Government is second guessed by the Judges, why isn't the Shut-down being subjected to Judicial review.
Live free or die!
He certainly is at high risk if obesity is a risk factor.
Plus, of course, he does not work.
Most of the Governors really haven't explained the basis for many of their actions. Why are some parks being closed by not others. why are liquor stores opened while churches are closed. Why can't golf courses stay open? What right does the Governor have to tell people not to travel "except on essential business". What is the medical basis for such an order?
I wonder if obesity is a stand alone risk factor or just correlates with the other risk factors: Hypertension, diabetes, and heart problems. Some people (Like the older Brando in his 60s) were very obese, yet had no other medical problems.
The Dems are already waving the bloody flag over their next fabricated panic... food shortages.
Shortages, of course, caused by the shutdown.
The Dems are engaged in a psyops campaign to terrorize U.S. voters from voting for Trump in November.
One guy? I don’t see anything about the rationale, so was it specific to him being an elected official?
"We are certainly going to act in a swift action to have this ruling overturned," Pritzker said in his daily coronavirus press briefing Monday.
It is time to pick a place.
Fascists and sheep on one side.
Defenders of freedom on the other.
What is the medical basis for such an order?
Car crashes have killed many (MANY) more people in the last few years than Covid-19...
Obesity has killed many (MANY) more people EVERY year than Covid-19...
Medical malpractice has killed many (MANY) more people EVERY year than Covid-19...
Guns have killed many (MANY (MANY!)) more people EVERY year than Covid019...
IF Civil Liberties in Illinois can be suspended because of 932 deaths...
WHAT can NOT be used to justify tyranny ???
Shouting Thomas said...
The Dems are already waving the bloody flag over their next fabricated panic... food shortages.
Shortages, of course, caused by the shutdown.
They wont be fabricated.
Millions are already hungry.
The starving and food riots have already begun.
"Representative Bailey’s decision to go to the courts is an insult to all Illinoisans who have been lost during this COVID-19 crisis. It’s a danger to millions of people who might get ill because of his recklessness," Pritzker said Monday. "Disasters don’t evaporate on a 30-day timeframe. Legislators took this into account when they wrote this law. We will fight this lawsuit to the furthest means possible.
In the interim, we will be issuing new public health directives so we can respond to this public health crisis."
It is almost as if they mean for social order to break down.
Let me be more specific:
The Dems are allied with the CCP in a psyops campaign to terrorize U.S. voters from re-electing President Trump.
Yet, I’m absolutely insane.
Blogger Shouting Thomas said...
The Dems are engaged in a psyops campaign to terrorize U.S. voters from voting for Trump in November.
Yup, agree totally and have been saying so since the start. I believe it more and more each day.
But I think it is going to backfire. I think they are going to make a whole pisspot full of people, including people who voted against Trump in 16 mad enough that they would swim through a moat of Peking Plague to vote against the people doing this to them.
We are seeing more and more resistance every day to the fascism of progressives like Pritzker, Newsome and others.
Keep shouting it, Thomas.
John Henry
MEANWHILE: “Attorney General William Barr on Monday directed federal prosecutors to ‘be on the lookout’ for public health measures put in place amid the coronavirus pandemic that might be running afoul of constitutional rights”
This is a bullshit CYA move.
We are a police state.
I understand the political necessities that have led to this point.
But Trump is on the same razor's edge that Georges Danton fell off of.
No haircuts in Texas until at least May 18.
Not a lot of talk about states rights or states being the laboratory of democracy these days, I wonder why?
Where are there food riots, Achilles?
Good Mark, please change your name so we can tell you from the other Mark.
Not just food riots, but the starvation caused by the state orders. The meat processing plants that closed were exempted from the lockdown, but closed due to infections.
I beg for the professor's forgiveness for doing this, because she disagrees very fundamentally with my style, my politics and my message. She really doesn't want to advance me personally in any way, and I understand that.
But, one last time, I will link to my video 30 Days Stuck at Home.
Yeah, it's funny. Very funny. But, there's another message in there that I will leave to you to grasp.
And, I defer graciously to the professor in her decision as to whether to allow this post to remain on her weblog.
Kathy said...
No haircuts in Texas until at least May 18.
4/27/20, 9:32 PM
I'm going to my hair stylist's house to get my hair cut tomorrow. When the lockdown was announced she packed up her supplies in a few boxes and set up shop at home, God bless her.
Attorney General William Barr on Monday directed federal prosecutors to ‘be on the lookout’ for [the FBI and intelligence agencies] that might be running afoul of constitutional rights”
Fixed it for him. Barr needs to get off his ass and rein in the FBI and indict some people from the intelligence community. I'm tired of his kabuki dances.
AG William Barr is my hero.
MEANWHILE: “Attorney General William Barr on Monday directed federal prosecutors to ‘be on the lookout’ for public health measures put in place amid the coronavirus pandemic that might be running afoul of constitutional rights”
About time somebody started thinking about it.
Little known Article IX of the US Constitution -"In times of great widespread panic, based on highly dubious scientific modeling, fuck all this federalism, bicameralism, separation of powers, Bill of Rights bullshit - run like Hell"
I'm going to my hair stylist's house to get my hair cut tomorrow. When the lockdown was announced she packed up her supplies in a few boxes and set up shop at home, God bless her.
My stylist works from her home. So. . . .she is subject to inspection. I was able to purchase product by leaving a check on her porch an picking up what I needed.
Washington State: Governor Hapless Inslee has ZERO plan for gradually opening up anything. My stylist - who has ONE chair in her home - could easily use masks, disinfectants, gloves, etc. etc. Prohibited. F**k you Governor Snake Inslee.
The Dems are allied with the CCP in a psyops campaign to terrorize U.S. voters from re-electing President Trump.
I'm starting to agree. Bill Gates was on TV today warning against, "blaming China." How many billions does he have invested in China ?
The federal constitution protects legislators from being detained go to or coming from their official duties. Is that the basis for this ruling. Kind of a separation of powers thing? The executive can not order legislators around? If that is the ruling, then it would also be impossible to restrict houses of worship. Precedent can bite back.
What JHenry said: "We are seeing more and more resistance every day to the fascism of progressives like Pritzker, Newsome and others."
Cracks are beginning to form. My MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, loving relations are now incensed after being told they need to be locked down until June. They once had a thriving wedding catering side business that will now shut down this season. Their daughter who works at a local hospital as an admin in the surgery ward has also had her hours trimmed to bare minimum with most of her friends being furloughed until July. I really don't think Gov.Zoolander is making many friends here in NorCal.
Michael K, Gates is like many silicon valley execs i've read about since the 90's. They are amazingly politically naive. Gate's really thinks this will all just blow over and that the plebeians will understand the correctness of his views in due time. Boy, is he in for a rude awakening.
Also in dr. Theo adhanom and through his foundation 89 million to novamex.
Stupid Lefty Mark: "Not a lot of talk about states rights or states being the laboratory of democracy these days, I wonder why?"
Because state experiments can never include the wholesale violation of the constitutional rights of its citizens.
You are a lefty, so I don't have any expectation that you will understand such a bizarre and alien concept.
BTW, did you ever locate the quote of me saying the virus would not kill many people?
I mean, you've had much of the day to find it. Good luck with your fabricatio....er...."search".
Mark said...
Where are there food riots, Achilles?
Italy. Africa in general. Bangladesh. Venezuela. Iran. India.
Mark said...
Not a lot of talk about states rights or states being the laboratory of democracy these days, I wonder why?
There is talk about state's rights.
In the context that the states do not have the power to take away our freedom.
Just like they didn't have the right to allow slavery.
State citizens need to find their covid positive hospitalization rates and act accordingly.
And..pump up their county health reps egos and work from there.
The meat processing plants are disrupted because of unnecessary fear.
Fear that Concern Trolls and others foment.
State citizens need to find their covid positive hospitalization rates and act accordingly.
It only matters so much. The psyops campaign referenced above has been largely a success. My Texas county has had 94 cases, 360,000 people, 3 deaths (and those were only from playing games with attribution), and never more than 5 hospitalized at one time and not all of them in the ICU and still half the people I know are howling too soon! too soon! I'm scared! we're all gonna die! wear a mask, grandma killer! because we're partially reopening at the end of this week.
I saw pictures of the beaches in the LA area from over the weekend. Now, I don't know if the pictures really were taken this weekend or not, but if they were, then Newsom is being ignored more and more- I suspect people will ignore Pritzker even more so.
Chicago humor via https://secondcitycop.blogspot.com/
J. B. the Hut vs FF (JG)
Apologies to John Goodman
Just bumped my canned food storage by another full week. Also created a spreadsheet to track consumption. It also tracks total calories available in the stockpile. We will be drawing from this inventory, doing our best to take older stuff first, and replenishing as we go. After the initial investment, maintaining a good stockpile of canned food is pretty easy. I've been in the habit of buying 2-6 cans of soup, chili, ravioli, etc everytime I go to the store for years - even if I'm not shopping for food at all. My wife has developed the same habit over the past six or seven months, and is actively cultivating it now. It helps that I shop at Menards, and they have a decent canned food selection tucked in among the hardware, lumber, welding supplies, and backsplash tile displays.
On an unrelated note, just got 5 more boxes of jenn-you-whine M855 5.56 green tips. That brings my inventory for those up to 400, with another 1200+ regular 5.56 of various brands. All brass. I don't feed my equipment steel, aside from one full belly a year to ensure it doesn't cause indigestion.
Don't even ask about my 9x19 stock. It easily weighs thrice what my almost-two-year-old does. Mostly Blazer, S&B, and Magtech, but plenty of finely crafted Barnes TAC-XPD for serious throwdowns. Gotta keep those silvers around for the werewolves.
Dog whistle? Only if you're the dog.
In any case, I told wifey I feel prepared enough that other serious work can begin, work which will tentatively take 38-42 weeks to complete. This will require additional work, but 38-42 weeks is the critical path, so to speak. In the meantime, her birthday is coming up, and I've been saving a surprise for her - her gift will be a single red rose and a check to pay off the last big chunk of her student loans. Not even stimulus cash - just been saving this surprise for awhile. That cash injection already got applied to the principal on the new (to me) twin-turbo fuel injected beast in my driveway. In any case, freeing her from a nearly $300/mo payment will bring tidings of great joy as we continue saving up to eventually leave our Blue State Blues home.
Another coworker in my division got furloughed today - 60 days (minimum) with no pay. Luckily I've been keeping busy and making strides in a few different critical areas, and we're actually ahead of where we expected to be. If my number comes up, nobody can say I didn't do my best. And I get headhunted on LinkedIn at a rate of about 3 per week. I'm still devastated by what is happening to our economy, especially here in IL, but I'm done worrying about it. My family comes first, my friends come second, and my community comes third. Not enough time in the day to worry about everyone else, not anymore.
PS - if you're looking to get a head start on a canned food stockpile of your own, start with chili, beans, and pasta. Don't worry about macros until you've got a decent calorie load built up. Don't worry about vitamins and shit either - buy an extra bottle of multi's when you go to the store and keep it in reserve. When you go to open that one, buy another to keep on the shelf. Most multis have an overload of vitamins, so plan to cut them in half if shit gets real and stretch your supply. Some of my Polish ancestors starved during the brutal occupation of Poland during WW2, and I take the threat of famine seriously.
We're also planting a garden, but with our soil quality, I'm not expecting a bumper crop, nor do I have the time at the moment to do much soil revitalization - at least not to the extent I suspect would be required.
Civil disobedience will grow. Local Stop N' Shop stores say they will not turn away customers that are violating the MA state mask order. The guy at Home Depot is a bit less diligent about how many customers he let's into the store - depending on the length of the line outside to guide him instead. These orders depend on the willing compliance of the citizenry; I see and hear that this will is declining, governors are being second guessed. Deaths in MA have fallen for the third day in a row. The % of positive tests has also been below average for the past few days. The curve is flattened. Hospitals are closing and furloughing staff.
Why am I still at home?
IHMM Pants-
Judging by the number you quote, we are in the same county.
I am greatly encouraged by the increasing numbers of people I see out and about.
There is a very gradual normalization of activity going on- people voting with their feet. Still too many people wearing masks in situations where they do more harm than good, but that will change as we heat up.
Keep your spirits up, get out, and show your true colors.
I can sit in a crowded bus for hours, but I can't walk in my local park where I might not find myself within 20 ft of another person all day.
This is why we should never vote for Democrats, Ever. They don't trust us to make our own decisions.
Unless we want to kill our babies.
"Not a lot of talk about states rights or states being the laboratory of democracy these days, I wonder why?"
4/27/20, 9:33 PM
Individual rights trump the state. I would think this would be obvious. Apparently not.
When it's a decision for freedom, which necessarily will run counter to Democrat policy, the decision is as narrow as possible. Here, to the sole complainant. But if it were a decision favoring against a conservative principle, then a nationwide injunction by a single federal district court judge is all too typical. Now I understand this is a state, not a federal, matter, but my point stands. Why isn't the order broader to cover all citizens who are unconstitutionally confined?
"Not a lot of talk about states rights or states being the laboratory of democracy these days, I wonder why?"
4/27/20, 9:33 PM
Individual rights trump the state. I would think this would be obvious. Apparently not.
Funny seeing judges
doing unto Dem tyrants
What the press wanted judges to do
with benevolent Trump
'Individual rights trump the state. I would think this would be obvious. Apparently not.'
As they say, your right to swing your fist ends at my nose. When individual rights effect others, they stop being individual.
So Achilles claims we should expect food riots here because there are food issues in Bangladesh and Africa.
No one has ever heard of food riots there before Covid.
JFC, Achilles, you must never read the news. Wasn't it last year when India had civil disobedience because of a lack of sweet onions?
Your lack of knowledge of the history of these areas is stunning.
NB: States Rights are gone subjected to Martial Law since Abraham Lincoln’s Generals demonstrated that American power comes out of a Federal Army marching to the sea.. And DJT knows that.
MEANWHILE: “Attorney General William Barr on Monday directed federal prosecutors to ‘be on the lookout’ for public health measures put in place amid the coronavirus pandemic that might be running afoul of constitutional rights”
-- Does this mean that, in general, federal prosecutors aren't on the lookout for things that run afoul of constitutional rights?
I'd bet that if these petty dictators like Evers, Cuomo, Newsome at al. told people to get into boxcars to go to the Virus Protrction Camps most would do it.
"As they say, your right to swing your fist ends at my nose. When individual rights effect others, they stop being individual."
-- Then why haven't we shut down during every previous potential epidemic, real epidemic and flu season? All of those also risked killing (or did kill) many people. Yes, COVID is a bit different, and perhaps more contagious (but if it is much more contagious, then the lethality drops, too, mind).
My apartment complex has miles of walking trails, yesterday on my drive home I must have passed at least 20 people on the trails. I only saw one person with a mask. My store said they were going to not allow people in the store unless they have a mask on. That lasted one day, now we ask them to wear a mask if we see them without one and they pull up their shirt for a few seconds to cover their mouth and we let them in. People are starting to complain about how hard it is to breath with the mask and that once it hits 100 degrees that it will be unwilling to wear a mask. Traffic seems to be back to normal on city streets. Not sure how busy the freeways are but people do appear to be traveling locally.
Looks like people are assessing their risk and adjusting what they do based on that risk and letting others get on with their lives. Police are letting people alone, it's not their job to monitor mask use and whether or not a trip to the store is "essential" or not. Living in fear just is not in the blood of the people around here and local government does seem to realize that using fear to control the population will not work. We have had 84 deaths out of a population of 2.6 million. Hard to instill fear with those numbers.
More than a few hair stylists in my state are visiting their customers at their homes and risking their licenses. All arrangements are made by word of mouth. Yes, hairdressers no longer trust our technology.
Wasn't it last year when India had civil disobedience because of a lack of sweet onions?
No, I don't think it was.
The Illinois Supreme Court is liberal. They will over rule the hillbilly judge. They blocked pension reform which is why 1) Illinois is broke and 2) whey the are trying to hold the rest of the country hostage for Federal bailout money. I would venture to guess the will reinforce the order and give the IL Gov the power he wants.
I believe the reason Wisconsin in under this ridiculous extension is that we are a purple state. We are deeper purple than smoke on the water. The more pain the better come November. And the Gov can ride out whatever he wants with his Madison constituents being warm and comfortable. All on the gov't dole.
Yesterday according to the Wisconsin Hospital Association, there were 335 COVID in patients in Wisconsin. 335. Out of 5.8 Million people. Tell be the National Dem Party isn't pulling Evers' strings.
Let me get this straight, you can ride in a subway car packed like sardines, but once you get to your destination, you must maintain a 6 to 10 foot distance? Is that correct?
Too bad lefty Mark doesn't have some distinguishing symbol so I can scroll by quickly.
I agree with Shouting Thomas 100%. It's blindingly clear. Not sure why everyone else doesn't see it.
"South Dakotans throw a parade for Gov. Kristi Noem, who refused to shut down their state"
Does it surprise anyone that the reason for the shutdowns was all a lie? We must flatten the curve to prevent overloading the health system. That was accomplished where it was needed, whether by shutdown or just naturally, but most places it was never even an issue. It's all lies all the way down. My first and strongest clue was who in the blog supported it. The same people who have been wrong about everything for 4 years straight, and who come right back afterward pretending it never happened, and never acknowledging their mistakes. Expect that to continue with this one as well.
States don't have rights. No government entity has a single right. They have powers afforded to them by consent of the people.
Only the people have rights.
I thought this was very clear. Guess not-
I have a thesis that all lefty causes start with a lie.
Starting with Communism.
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