"The press regulator, Ipso, made the ruling after Amanda Liberty, a woman from Leeds in her mid thirties, complained about an article in the Sun mocking her public declaration of love for Lumiere, her name for an intricate lamp she bought on eBay. She argued that the newspaper’s article breached the regulator’s code of conduct which requires publishers to avoid prejudicial or pejorative references to an individual’s sexuality. Liberty identifies as an ‘objectum sexual’ – an individual who is attracted to objects. She objected to being included in an end-of-year article by Sun columnist Jane Moore, which nominated her for a 'Dagenham Award (Two Stops Past Barking)' prize, simply because of her sexual attraction to Lumiere.... The complaints panel at the press regulator sided with the newspaper, saying that they acknowledged that the article was considered to be 'offensive and upsetting' by Liberty but that Ipso do not cover issues of taste and decency."
The Guardian reports.
"Ipso" is the
Independent Press Standards Organisation, "the largest independent regulator of the newspaper and magazine industry in the UK. It exists to promote and uphold the highest professional standards of journalism, and to support members of the public in seeking redress where they believe that the Editors' Code of Practice."
"Object sexuality..."
... or objectophilia is a form of sexual or romantic attraction focused on particular inanimate objects. Individuals with this attraction may have strong feelings of love and commitment to certain items or structures of their fixation. For some, sexual or close emotional relationships with humans are incomprehensible. Some object-sexual individuals also often believe in animism, and sense reciprocation based on the belief that objects have souls, intelligence, and feelings, and are able to communicate.
Lots of people love
things. But when is the love
९१ टिप्पण्या:
Today: "A British woman in a long-term relationship with a 92-year-old German chandelier..."
5 years from now in the Guardian: "A British woman in a long-term relationship with a 92-year-old German chandelier indicates the chandelier digitally penetrated her and the relationship was not consensual. Also, that the chandelier was frequently vain and verbally abusive."
Same paper, same day, lifestyle section: "In other news, objectophiles rejoice as UN officially recognizes objectophilia as protected sexual orientation."
The stupidity quotient is pretty darn high in that gal.
What no pictures of her smooching the lamp in the article?
The COVID-19 media panic is ending! Althouse is bored with it.
Althouse is the leader in these things. What a relief!
Thanks prof!
we live in a gloriously stupid time, even this mu gu gai plague doesn't make people wise up,
"But when is the love sexual?"
Well, if your "gender" is a matter of personal opinion--I say, therefore I am--why can't any love be "sexual" if someone states the claim? Why should mere subjectivity prevail in one case but not the other?
Lots of people love things. But when is the love sexual?
When someone either inserts something into an oriface for for sexual stimulation or rubs something for stimulation.
I read headline as "chandler" = candle-maker and was like "OK, old dude, but so what?"
Then it got weird as the realization set in.
People with no problems must create them, it seems.
Why can't she just marry a tree, like a normal person would?
You're not a protected sexual orientation no matter what it is.
The poor chandelier is unable to give enthusiastic and ongoing consent.
Lumiere can't consent.
If so many people "love" their "Giza Dream Sheets," does that make the sheets polygamists or polyamorists?
Forget the chandelier. Why does Jane Moore get a pass on mocking someone with mental health problems? That is "uphold[ing] the highest professional standards of journalism"? Cant wait till she has a go at the retards -- industry awards for that article.
I'm kind of worried about Amanda.
One of these days she's going to fall off that ladder.
Suddenly the game of clue, with Amanda Liberty in the foyer with the candlestick, makes so much sense. No wonder she had to kill Mr. Cresswell, he caught inflagrante delicto.
It turns sexual when you can fuck the object. This is ordinary stuff: fleshlights, dildos, vibrators, that ctack between couch cusions with a baggie and some vasoline. It turns romantic for the incels and autists.
i am NOT going to comment on this; until we've heard from Laslo!
I wonder if we are related?
There's a Heath Ledger story for everything.
Happiness is a warm bulb.
and yet that's not the stupidest thing in the guardian today.
I love the Dagenham award. Two stops past Barking (mad). Is that the same as being two tacos shy of a Mexican combo plate?
Does Ms. Amanda tell the 92 year old chandelier "You light up my life"?
Where is Laslo Spatula when you need him?
Ok I'll play. Amanda's attraction goes back to her youth. Her mother was shocked at her then-current behavior. She was grounded until she could conduct herself better. But she felt sparks and got turned on. Watt up with that?
Lumiere and Amanda turn each other on.
But when is the love sexual?
When the nipple makes it first appearance
If so many people "love" their "Giza Dream Sheets," does that make the sheets polygamists or polyamorists?
It means launder them twice on the hottest setting.
Can we seque back to fat-tire bikes?
How many stops past barking does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Amanda Liberty made complaint about article mocking declaration of love for light fitting.
"Amanda Hugginkiss! Hey, I'm looking for a Amanda Hugginkiss! Why can't I find Amanda Higginkiss?"
"Maybe your standards are too high?"
Fellas, there's a chance, but you might have to set up a hit on Lumiere. Power surge, loose wall fitting.
Then you show up wearing a lampshade on your head at the funeral.
Britain has a "regulator of the newspaper and magazine industry"? Good God! The takeaway here is not the lamp lady, it's "Blow up IPSO."
And here I thought objectifying women was a bad thing.
Gives new meaning to the party phrase swinging from the chandeliers.
This is why we read Althouse.
- Krumhorn
Amanda needs an outlet for her attraction.
BarrySanders20 said...
You forgot to mention the Intensity she felt from the lamp
Or, how she used to say to it: "You light up my life!"
Britain has a "regulator of the newspaper and magazine industry"? Good God! The takeaway here is not the lamp lady, it's "Blow up IPSO."
It was created only a few years back following the Leveson Inquiry, which investigated the phone hacking scandal.
"It turns sexual when you can fuck the object. This is ordinary stuff: fleshlights, dildos, vibrators, that ctack between couch cusions with a baggie and some vasoline. It turns romantic for the incels and autists."
I think it's very unlikely that people using sex tools (AKA sex toys) feel sexually attracted to the object. And the sexual fixation on the objects discussed under the heading "Object sexuality" (or "objectophila") does not seem to have much to do with the usefulness of the object for masturbation.
I understand you comment as a joke, but I think it's not an accurate answer to my question "Lots of people love things. But when is the love sexual?"
Obviously, you can have a sexual fixation on a person with whom you never have sexual intercourse and you can have sexual intercourse with a person on whom you have no sexual fixation.
So the use (or usefulness) of the thing for sexual fulfilment is not the answer.
Sia unavailable for comment.
I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart
Ho, Hey by the Lumineers.
I've been trying to do it right
I've been living a lonely life
I've been sleeping here instead
I've been sleeping in my bed,
Sleeping in my bed
So show me family
All the blood that I would bleed
I don't know where I belong
I don't know where I went wrong
But I can write a song
I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart
I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweet' (ho)
about what you'd expect if Churchill were alive to see this, he'd be very surprised,
Lumiere likes it when she pulls his plug.
Lurker21 said...
"Why can't she just marry a tree, like a normal person would?"
You mean, like, the larch?
Obviously, you can have a sexual fixation on a person with whom you never have sexual intercourse and you can have sexual intercourse with a person on whom you have no sexual fixation.
As you say, there's sex without sexual attraction and sexual attraction without sex. Neither necessarily requires love. Love doesn't require sexual attraction with or without sex. So your question of "when is love sexual?" must lead to the answer when there's both love and sex.
Since paraphilias are very rare in women I figgered it was a publicity stunt from an influencer or some such, but they were did the same story 3 years ago and she claims to be autistic.
"A British woman in a long-term relationship with a 92-year-old German chandelier..."
Are we to assume Amanda prefers her light fixture uncircumcised?
Is it a relationship if there is no input from one of the parties? I think not.
Lots of people love things. But when is the love sexual?
When it involves women, shoes, and shopping.
Was this a trick question?
Is it a relationship if there is no input from one of the parties? I think not.
Is it a relationship if there's no outlet for one of the parties?
I have a chandelier in my mancave made of elk antlers, if this ditzy broad ever breaks up with her boo.
I have read that lots of women love their dildoes and/or vibrators, at least more than they do their men. Some men do, too.
As grandmother would say, "Oh for heaven's sake!".
"She objected to being included in an end-of-year article by Sun columnist Jane Moore, which nominated her for a 'Dagenham Award (Two Stops Past Barking)' prize, simply because of her sexual attraction to Lumiere...."
I'm not sure how much longer i can laugh at this, but it's gonna be awhile.
Btw, when I first read "92 year-old chandelier" I thought they were referring to some sort of government office holder.
When I started reading, Steve, I was thinking the 'Chandelier' had died of COVID-19, or was in quarantine, sick, and unable to marry the young gold-dig........lady.
"Protected sexual orientation" = government-sanctioned mental disorder.
This would make a great episode of Antiques Road Show.
Or, "American Pickers", Great Britain Episode.
she turns him on with her switch-- kinky!
Socket to me, baby!!
I won’t opine on the reporters character to make this madness a public story - but I do give the writer full credit in inserting the word “long term” in there. That is a fantastic choice. Well done. The questions in the interview necessary to establish the adjective...
When does a relationship with an object become more than just a casual thing? Uh-huh. What other objects did you flirt with before things got serious? Uh-huh. Did you tell the other objects you were moving on? Do you sometimes look back at the door or the armoire, and wonder what might have been?
Good for her. This shit dies when it becomes mired in absurdity (well, deeper, wider, more extreme, absurdity). The Left knows that but can't possibly help themselves.
the largest independent regulator of the newspaper and magazine industry in the UK
The *largest* *independent*?....how many speech regulators do they have?
Amanda must be agile as a monkey.
#Labels #Judgment What if she modifies its gender with silicone implants? A wig?
I've spent too much time on the internet. To me, the worst part is the lack of imagination in naming the chandelier "Lumiere", although I'm sure that "Disney character kink" is a thing. (And I'm sure I don't want to do a search to find out if I'm right.)
I have no idea how to answer that question, but Robert Herrick’ poetry seems to address it. Lily in a Crystal. Upon Julia’s Clothes.
Sort of.
>A British woman in a long-term relationship with a 92-year-old German chandelier
No, she isn't.
I wonder why people don't trust the news anymore?
The question is, is Lumiere hung?
You know it could have been a lot worse.
She could have fallen hard for the fire hydrant just up the street.
There was an episode of Sex in the City where the brunette had to be weaned off her sex toy.
In love with an object... what a pitiful attempt to be "transgressive".
Next up: "I've been in a long term relationship with the color mauve. But my ex-lover, the 18th digit of the square root of 7 is stalking me now."
The question is, is Lumiere hung?
He has humongous baubles.
Is the chandelier AC/DC?
Well, at least we're certain that Amanda is a big turn-on for the chandelier!
When is the love of an object sexual? I read some articles and watched a video about this condition and the people who were featured described their feelings as romantic love and/or sexual. One guy was in love with his car and at first denied blatantly sexual feelings, but then admitted that he had begun to have sex with the automobile.
I suppose it's better than having an intimate relationship with a 92 year old German chancellor.
too bad she wasnt the heiress to the private jet fortune,
Krystal Shanda Lear.
Erogenous Zones, I love You!
(Genesis - Counting Out Time)
Our dining room chandelier has lovely curves, but my wife's curves are better plus she's a better conversationalist.
but then admitted that he had begun to have sex with the automobile.
auto-eroticism. Was this not mentioned prior?
"but my wife's curves are better plus she's a better conversationalist."
Mine too. Sparkling in fact. Plus, she can really light up the room with her smile.
see? "Gomez-like elan :-)
"Lots of people love things. But when is the love sexual?"
Questions that need answering only when reductio ad absurdum is not a fully sufficient response.
Helmut Kohl got palpitations when he read about the Englishwoman's passion for 92 year old German Chancellors.
Then he realized it was a chandelier she loved.
Then he remembered that he died in 2017.
but then admitted that he had begun to have sex with the automobile.
The tail pipe? The cigarette lighter? The stick shift?
She saw the light and yelled "socket to me".
7 billion people on the planet and THIS is who they choose to write about.
Amanda Hugginkiss? I never met her, but I’ve met her sister Needa.
Very affectionate woman.
If someone writes love letters to a celebrity, and the celebrity completely ignores the person, do we say that those two people are in a relationship?
“Obviously, you can have a sexual fixation on a person with whom you never have sexual intercourse and you can have sexual intercourse with a person on whom you have no sexual fixation.
So the use (or usefulness) of the thing for sexual fulfilment is not the answer.“
So he object of desire is a Platonic Ideal. Consumation is not relevant. I would then propose a standard that personal moistening is the only objective requirement. The response of the object is absurd, the response of the subject is diagnostic.
I prefer octophilia, however it is a lot noisier.
I'm sorry. I thought this was England.
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