$35 million for the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. ?
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) March 24, 2020
Show this to anyone dares question if @SpeakerPelosi is playing politics. pic.twitter.com/syx0QHdhcA
१९८ टिप्पण्या:
See, this is good analysis. The meme about Republicans wanting to give ham sandwiches to big businesses and poop sandwiches to everyone else, though, is what I see getting shared.
How does that phrase go? "Never let something-something go to something."
Somebody used the word "barnacle" in another thread. Seems that Pelosi's "relief" bill is laden with barnacles.
Talk about spending bundles of money to support white privilege - this is the poster child!
Talk about spending bundles of money to support white privilege - this is the poster child!
And if the MSM never report these facts, most of their followers will never know the extent of the Dems' dishonesty.
I think the members of Congress that are wasting our time with this should be sentenced to that dentist chair.
They can contemplate life, the universe and everything from there.
By any means necessary... discuss
Are you helping, Ann?
It's extortion. She'll be sending random notes next.
The Dems need to be totally called out on this. And the USPS bailout. And Green New Deal provisions.
Dems need to be defeated in November. Carthage must be destroyed.
That's pretty confrontational for a guy like Walker. Gettin back in the saddle again?
Pelosi can afford to play games with the stimulus. The cure is coming. The Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine, & Zithromax trials start today in NY. They will prove successful and save a lot of lives. The effects and data will be seen quickly. In two weeks the Stimulus, is going to seem like a moot point.
Pelosi has to know this. And she is going to have to live with Trump making the right call despite Fauci’s reservations, and the media’s dishonesty about “false hope” last week. Plus, Pelosi is evil.
Anecdotal evidence: The two executives in charge, President Trump, and Gov. Cuomo, aren’t fighting. And they are both all in on the trials as a game changing solution. Two New York boys tasked with saving New York. And they will.
As the recent Clyburn corollary to the Emanuel axiom states, "This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”
Dems fight. They want to win, just not in the Althousian sense.
Pelosi Pork.
Then Dems want to play hardball. Time for a brushback pitch aimed right at the chin.
We can't wait until November. Either the Dems cave on their insane gambit, or Trump should quarantine California, Washington, and New York with zero new money. Let them burn.
How does that phrase go? "Never let something-something go to something."
It's "Never let a corn dog turn to paste". This is especially true during these trying times.
Nancy Pelosi is arguably the most powerful woman on the planet.
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. And this is how she chooses to do with her power?
How do women and feminists feel about this?
Hey Hunter has a lot of bills to pay!. Costs a lot of money to keep a crack addict sequestered with his "dancers". Joe Knew this a long time ago.
only 10 billion for direct infection related practices,
Hah, hah, hah! What did you expect would emerge? I say forget the whole "package" and cut the 2020 tax rates in half immediately resulting in 1/2 the withholding from this point forward. Everyone, including businesses, will benefit.
The question is, how long have the plans for this been sitting on the shelf, waiting for the right time?
Do those of you who played your assigned roles in the hysteria that allowed these pieces of shit to get their hands in the cookie jar feel even a little bit manipulated?
Call up Bezos and offer to rename it the Kennedy Center for the Performing Amazons. It would almost be worth $35 mil of taxes if they'd cover up those giant bronze toothpicks.
Read this for a list of more Pelosi Pork. Not just Pelosi Pork - democrat corruption pork.
Stealing elections is paramount.
Imagine the next time the D's control everything. Imagine how fucked we will be.
From the Kennedy Center’s web site:
“All Kennedy Center Performances and Public Events Canceled Through May 10, 2020 in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic”
So the Kennedy Center is projected to lose $35M of business from now through May 10th? I sorta doubt it. I know their tickets are overpriced, but ...
How do women and feminists feel about this?
I'm much more pissed about the hysterical women who ran / are running around screaming that the sky is falling, and that joining the herd is a moral duty, who enabled this than I am at Nancy Pelosi who is just doing what she's designed and placed to do. Of course she's going to grift. That's what she does. What disappoints me is the people in this country, including women, who should be smart and savvy enough to see this was all ginned up to serve as a smokescreen and a justification for robbing the country fucking blind, but weren't and aren't because i'M heLpINg!
When you wonder how a rich country like Venezuela can turn to a shit hole, look no further than the current democratic party which puts it's "lofty" goals and vision above reasonable governance. These politicians will not be affected personally by what they do, but the people of this country will suffer. And they don't care.
Were supposed to give our money to ACTING and ACTORS.
Fuck the acting profession.
Let this sink in...
The House bill states that all corporations receiving federal aid “must maintain officials and budget dedicated to diversity and inclusion initiatives for no less than 5 years after disbursement of funds." So, white men will be last hired, first fired. But we're ell in this together. Right.
I'm starting to thing a strategic nuke on DC is a good thing. Burn it to the ground please. We can get by without them.
But I'm prepared to forgive you ladies. It's ok if your heart isn't pretty. Just do the right thing, and call this shit out. Especially those of you who are Democrats. We're counting on you. Pressure your party, and your friends. Be honest. You know this isn't right.
As usual, Nancy Pelosi continues to be a truly awful person, just in case people have forgotten. And this is who the congressional Democrats have chosen as their leader.
Yes, she is helping. Why do you ask?
Fuck the acting profession.
Harvey Weinstein did just that and look what happened to him.
I don't wish ill will to actors (I wouldn't call them a profession) because they are heavily impacted by these authoritarian efforts to manage the spread of the virus. However, $35 million to a specific business seems absurd. It's not $35 million to an industry, just one business, and not necessarily money to the various employees or contractors that may work there. The actors at the Kennedy Center may not even see a dime of this money.
Hey, Nancy.
This time we read the bill before you passed it.
We go live now via satellite to the floor of the United States Congress...
I thought I read on this blog that women are more empathetic than men and that's why they will accept transgender athletes ruining women's sports? I call bullshit...
Ya'll can be ruthless when you want to be. Proof is in the Pelosi.
She represents all women, right? Isn't that what the woke want us to believe?
I like this part of the bill: Two different sections in the House Democrats' summary of the bill address minimum wage. One provision would "require corporations that receive any federal assistance" to pay all of its workers at least $15 per hour. In addition to the minimum wage, that same provision includes a ban on golden parachutes, restricted bonuses and compensation for executives, a ban on stock buybacks and a ban on companies changing their collective bargaining agreements.
I've heard Pelosi has a list of all the pork items she couldn't get passed the last 3 years and that she has included most of that list in the current bill.
"How do women and feminists feel about this?"
Hey, Althouse: still "neutral"? Are Dem maneuvers "serious" enough for you? You think Nancy is "helping"?
Or, since you also seem to want "us" to "win," are you finally ready to join the right side and oppose these people with every fiber of your being?
The interesting twist to that bit, was homer was right in the end.
This is a bonafide evil act.
I do not use the word "evil" lightly.
There's really nothing else to discuss. It's just evil.
Nancy Pelosi flew into town, she got her broom, and the Senate bill died.
Sorta like Hillary Clinton cackling about the death of Qaddafi---equally unappetizing in appearance.
Oops that's "off" her broom.
Nancy P. Lousy strikes (out) AGAIN.
It's not just the Kennedy Center. There's a thorough treatment at:
Democrats try to hijack coronavirus stimulus for liberal Christmas in March
Pelosi is her married name, you know. She was born Nancy D'Alesandro, scion of a family of Baltimore (where else?) politicians including her father and a brother, both former mayors. When that leaf withered and died, Nancy slithered up the stem looking for a fresh meal. She found it in the person of San Francisco, once America's most beautiful city, and in her family's proud tradition settled down to suck the life out of it...
I'm sure this is because Trump tried something, so they are allowed to do what they like. Because.
And Pelosi's daughter wants to commit violent acts against Republicans.
Pelosi wants to physically hurt Republicans.
I can't believe anyone decent would try to defend this bill.
The worst part of this cynical ploy? The MSM and the Democrats plan to accuse the republicans of stalling and holding up aid to the American people unless they pass Nancy's corrupt piece of shit.
We don't need the stimulus if games are being played, just get everyone back to work now. That will take care of all the problems, including getting the stock market to respond to Americans back working.
“The mainstream press has attributed the Senate’s inaction to “U.S. workers are every bit as exposed to the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic side effects as their peers across the pond. Unlike their British counterparts, however, American laborers aren’t guaranteed affordable health care if they lose their jobs, nor any amount of paid sick leave should they take ill. And yet, despite our workers’ unique vulnerability to the harms of illness and unemployment, congressional Republicans are not only unwilling to support universal paid leave or make an open-ended commitment to covering 80 percent of workers’ salaries but are also fighting to protect the right of bailed-out corporations to fire as many workers as they see fit.
Washington infighting,” or else to Democratic intransigence. But Chuck Schumer’s caucus didn’t vote down the Republican bill over some minor detail, or because it insisted on dictating the left’s preference on an issue that genuinely divides blue and red America. Rather, the key sticking point is that the GOP bill would empower the Trump administration to dole out $500 billion in bailout money to corporations of its own choosing — without forbidding bailed-out firms from laying off their workers.”
Is Althouse helping, good question. Whose slush, good question
However, $35 million to a specific business seems absurd.
Is the Kennedy Center hurting for cash and donors?
Meanwhile, my scrappy little small Texas city's arts scene is probably just fucked. I don't see any bailouts coming for our symphony orchestra.
What disappoints me is the people in this country, including women, who should be smart and savvy enough to see this was all ginned up to serve as a smokescreen and a justification for robbing the country fucking blind, but weren't and aren't because i'M heLpINg!
3/24/20, 9:36 AM
I disagree with Pants that this was "ginned up" and is some sort of conspiracy. It's a world wide pandemic caused by ChiCom dishonesty and incompetence, not a plot to tank the economy to get Trump.
However, the Dems are indeed using this as a justification to rob the country blind (and bring Trump down), because, as Rahm noted, you never let a good crisis go to waste.
I don't think the virus was ginned up. I think the overreaction to the virus was.
The under reaction is what led to the "overreaction."
Birches: "I can't believe anyone decent would try to defend this bill.
3/24/20, 10:12 AM"
And Inga at 10:18 pops in to do just that.
The only thing Inga has yet to do is accuse Trump of following Putin's orders on Chinese Commie Bat Soup Flu......yet.....
I'm pretty sure employees getting paid more than $15/hr are going to pissed when they find out their wages are being cut by the dems.
Pelosi and schumer have loaded the bill up with their agenda. The obvious thing to do is to pass a clean, stripped down bill. Why isn't McConnell doing that? My suspicion is that its loaded with Republican pork for the the Big Donors.
Meade said...
The under reaction is what led to the "overreaction."
I'm sure your right. Just want to be clear on what you're right about....again.
“Pelosi and schumer have loaded the bill up with their agenda. The obvious thing to do is to pass a clean, stripped down bill. Why isn't McConnell doing that? My suspicion is that its loaded with Republican pork for the the Big Donors.”
I agree! We need a clean bill. Now.
I'm less concerned with $35 million in pork, then the Democrat requirements that nation-wide election day voting by mail and registration on election day be permitted. Along with cutting ICE by 50%, and putting a moratorium on arrests for breaking the immigration laws. That's the D plan. Flood the country with imported D voters, and then commit election fraud. It worked in California.
There are signals being sent by both Crying Chuck Schumer and the horrific Nancy "Nero" Pelosi that they have realized their typical lies are working only on the Inga's of the world and nobody else, despite lefty/LLR-lefty media pro-dem saturation.
Nancy is now claiming she was able to gain concessions in the Senate bill (she did not; not a thing was changed) and that the House will now vote on whatever the Senate sends them.
We will see if that holds.
Bonus fun: watching Inga completely reverse herself within hours...again..without so much as a even a nod as to what occurred...and why.
I'd rather have the money going to the arts than one of Mnuchin's friends. Just saying.
Walker, wake up.
Vicki from Pasadena
Instead of doing their job, and passing one bill at a time with one subject per bill, they load up one bill with 1400 pages and pass it in the dead of note. They've been doing this with the budget for years. But because the Democrat voters don't care, we can do nothing about it.
"I'd rather have the money going to the arts than one of Mnuchin's friends. Just saying."
A perfect example of what I'm talking about. She'll favor ANYTHING the D's do, as long as it hurts those fucking Republicans and Evangelicals.
Inga: "I agree! We need a clean bill. Now.
3/24/20, 10:29 AM"
Tell your lunatic dems that.
Not that it matters since they can read polls.
Remember in 1941 when the Commies in the US went from screaming "Stay Out Of Europe's Wars" overnight to screaming "Second Front Now!" after Hitler kicked off Operation Barbarossa?
Thats how Inga's plea for "We Need A Clean Bill Now" sounds after supporting that horrific dem bill just 24 hours ago.
There should be a neutral party charged with scrutiny of every bill before it's passes to ensure that there is no unnecessary baggage. But this would require and act of Congress. ;-D
victoria: "I'd rather have the money going to the arts than one of Mnuchin's friends. Just saying.
Walker, wake up.
Vicki from Pasadena"
Oh, dont worry. The ads are already being written which will remind the entire country that you and your pals were pushing for art funding and more abortion funding and funding for illegals and funding for the post office and funding for election stealing and power grabs etc etc etc at the very moment republicans were voting to get people paid and back to work.
Yep. Dont you worry your pretty little head about that. Everyone will be reminded of that...often...in the months to come.
Isnt it nice when we all get what we want?
“Thats how Inga's plea for "We Need A Clean Bill Now" sounds after supporting that horrific dem bill just 24 hours ago.”
I haven’t opined on the bill until today, in this thread.
I'd rather have the money going to the arts than one of Mnuchin's friends. Just saying.
Have you considered not stealing any money at all? Is that an option to you?
Pelosi wants people to be attacked and killed for being Republican.
Why wouldn't her mom want to steal elections?
Playing games while Americans are suffering. Thanks Democrats. You all suck.
Inga: "I haven’t opined on the bill until today, in this thread."
I'll rephrase:
“Thats how Inga's plea for "We Need A Clean Bill Now" sounds after just this morning offering up dem talking points generated to support that horrific dem bill from just 24 hours ago.”
It's a mistake to cite media sources to explain what is in the bill.
Most are nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC.
I welcome independent reviewers to detail what is in the bill without making direct or indirect editorial comment.
Any takers?
Omfg. Nancy is demanding $278,000,000 for the.......
Don't tell me they don't hate us......
To be fair to Inga, she hadn't been told what to think about this spending bill until just this morning and had offered no prior opinion, therefore.
Drago is wrong.
But not as wrong as Pelosi, who wants Republicans physically attacked.
Read more about the Democrats PORK FILLED bill they are stiffing us with.....https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2020/03/24/omfg-nancy-whyyyy-hilariously-infuriating-thread-breaks-down-nancy-pelosis-coronavirus-bill-bit-by-pork-filled-bit/?fbclid=IwAR2nBaiqtGZobeWh-aIYwSZfqkUqBmIL4GsvoWL9fIUUsotTKmUTY6cuk1s
Browndog said...
Meade said...
The under reaction is what led to the "overreaction."
Click on the "coronavirus" tag. Read through the comments. I think you'll see what I mean by "under reaction."
(ps: I sue hope I wasn't one of the under reactors. 😬)
Birkel: "Drago is wrong."
Already corrected and reformulated at 10:46am
Scot Walker is missing the snow for a flake. On a per capita basis, the $35M Kennedy Center appropriation is a dime, the $500B slush fund is $1500.
Then Dems want to play hardball. Time for a brushback pitch aimed right at the chin.
Take them down, President Trump. Don't let Americans forget that Democrats aren't interested in the welfare of our nation and its citizens, they want only power for themselves and their ilk.
Meade: "(ps: I sue ... "
Been living with a lawyer too long
ha ha! A boy named sure.
Here is a list I pulled off Twitter last night of what various people were posting there as they were reading the 1,432 page bill and the things they discovered in it not related to the pandemic. This is just what I saw, not the entire list. I got tired of doing it and needed to go bed. At the bottom is a link to the PDF of the bill that everyone was using. Read it if you'd like. It's overwhelming.
Almost every appropriation says the funding is to alleviate some impact in the affected program by the coronavirus pandemic. Some of these are probably legitimate - rental assistance to individuals, for example - but for some of these it is just hard to believe this is anything more than pork and payoffs to favored constituencies.
$100,000,000 to NASA
$20,000,000,000 to the USPS
$300,000,000 to the Endowment for the Arts
$300,000,000 for the Endowment for the Humanities
$15,000,000 for Veterans Employment Training
$435,000,000 for mental health support
$30,000,000,000 for the Department of Education stabilization fund
$200,000,000 to Safe Schools Emergency Response to Violence Program
$300,000,000 to Public Broadcasting
$500,000,000 to Museums and Libraries
$720,000,000 to Social Security Admin - most for admin costs
$25,000,000 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building
$7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries
$35,000,000 to the JFK Center for performing Arts
$25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives
$3,000,000,000 upgrade to the IT department at the VA
$315,000,000 for State Department Diplomatic Programs
$95,000,000 for the Agency of International Development
$300,000,000 for International Disaster Assistance
$300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance
$90,000,000 for the Peace Corps
$13,000,000 to Howard University
$9,000,000 Misc Senate Expenses
$1,000,000,000 Airlines Recycle and Save Program
$25,000,000 to the FAA for administrative costs
$492,000,000 to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)
$526,000,000 Grants to Amtrak to remain available if needed through 2021
$25,000,000,000 for Transit Infrastructure
$3,000,000 Maritime Administration
$5,000,000 Salaries and Expensive Office of the Inspector General
$2,500,000 Public and Indian Housing
$5,000,000 Community Planning and Development
$2,500,000 Office of Housing
$1,500,000,000 Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Office of Public and Indian Housing. 1,000,000,000 of which can be used as "additional administrative and other expenses".
$720,000,000 to the public housing fund
$100,000,000 for Community Block Grants for Native Americans
$250,000,000 for Housing Block Grants for Tribes
$130,000,000 for AIDS Housing
$15,000,000,000 for the Community Development Fund
$5,000,000,000 in Homeless Assistance
$100,000,000,000 for Rental Assistance
An additional $7,000,000 enforce the Fair Housing Act
$1,000,000,000 for more mobile phones ("Obamaphones")
$227,000,000 for grants to States for youth activities
$261,000,000 for grants to States for dislocated worker training
$10,000,000 for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker programs
$100,000,000 for Job Corps
$15,000,000 for Program Administration
$6,500,000, to the Wage and Hour Division
$30,000,000, to OSHA
$10,000,000 for Susan Harwood training grants
$1,300,000,000, for Primary Health Care
$75,000,000, for Student Aid Administration
$9,500,000,000, for Higher Education
and on and on ...
This is a link to the PDF of the bill.
Thanks MountainMan.
It's been a lifelong dream of mine to rent a tuxedo and go to the Met one day so a can sit with the swells. Shirley you could all kick in a measly dime so my dream isn't crushed.
Here's a good idea. Instead of the 1.8T we could pass a 20T bill and use it to pay off the national debt. Walla! Problem solved.
We just don't need Washington DC anymore.
Give everyone within 100 miles of the capitol building the Manafort/Trump treatment.
Record all their calls. Make everything they have done for the last 4 years public.
Solitary confinement and maximum jail sentences for every infraction they have ever committed and every form they did not fill out.
Then take their homes and put homeless people in them.
Then extend this to everyone who attended Harvard and Yale.
Looks good to me, it's not over until the fat lady sings.
And the Chicago City Council takes time out from their fight against the virus to take up the fight for reparations for slavery. Ms Pelosi has not yet given on opinion on this.
When I see this I simply think to myself:
Must not be an emergency.
Because surely, SURELY, congressional leaders who think it's an emergency would instruct their staff to treat it as an emergency and streamline the bill for urgent relief for broad swaths of the economy AND NOT lade it down with funding to specific pet projects.
And if they don't instruct their staff that way and instead allow or promote their staff to promote every project they'd normally promote, then it must not truly be an emergency.
Can't have it both ways.
Looks to me that the Democrats caved, not the other way around.
Pointing out the pork or slush is picking the fruit from the bottom of the tree.
There are provisions in there, from crypto-currency to elections, that will give democrats institutional power and you less freedom.
Another piece of a marxist infrastructure firmly in place, ready to go when it's time to flip the switch.
Pelosi put a poison pill in her bill by including a nationwide roll-out of "Ballot Harvesting" so that Democrats can do to the rest of the country what they've done to California, and that starts with making sure only Democrat votes are "harvested." It happened here. It can happen there. And the Republicans have done nothing to challenge the law or change it, as far as I can see. Despicable. Not in any way related to the Wuhan Flu needs. Nope. Just Democrat politics being afforded more importance than Public Health. Yeah tell me how Trump is the real impediment to addressing the crisis. This manufactured and media-driven "crisis."
Lincoln Center is a community playhouse where plays and other shows entertain the rich locals who live around Central Park. And they can walk in good weather. They easily pay high ticket prices they can easily afford. Why is that an expense for the entire country.
Yeah, you know what? Democrat voters will support Pelosi on this, and Dem voters constitute at least 50 percent of the electorate. In my home soon-to-be former home state of Illinois the Democrats of Cook County will vote Democrat no matter what. I'm talking about: middle and upper class whites (especially North Shore and Gold Coast), blacks, Mexicans, Jews, non-white immigrates; all Democrat all the time every time. Curiously, in geographic terms Illinois is an overwhelmingly red state: only three counties voted blue in 2016. But one of those counties was, and always is, Cook County, and that makes all the difference. I'm sure Pelosi believes she's doing the right thing and I suspect the same for Cook County voters. And that's very depressing.
I'm strongly with the "Let it die" school. Tax cuts and lots of reg changes by EO.
Also, Heritage has suggested advance purchases by government. Cash flow.
in geographic terms Illinois is an overwhelmingly red state: only three counties voted blue in 2016. But one of those counties was, and always is,
So are NY, CA and WA and Oregon. Fifty miles east of LA and SFO CA is red. I'm afraid Phoenix could elect Kelly.
TreeJoe said, "Must not be an emergency."
Yep. Congress is convinced they'll live beyond election day, so they need their Federal "matching funds" (or "employment insurance").
Pelosi and friends are scum.
The pork is a problem, but far worse is Dems adding unrelated and effectively unlimited regulatory powers so they can extort more from us at will.
Gusty Winds said...
Nancy Pelosi is arguably the most powerful woman on the planet.
If Biden is George McClellan, then Pelosi is Lucretia Borgia.
Actually, Lucrezia, but close enough.
If everyone doesn't get the monies then no-one gets the monies!
Catherine de medici, I'm not saying she'll slaughter everybody, i'm not saying she wont,
The Senate bill was a crap sandwich too.
Considering it was phase III, the other two addressing structural remedies in finance and business, this one was supposed to inject cash into the population. That aspect in damn near an afterthought as they added even more "relief" for the corporatists.
Annd....another 2 trillion in debt.
No thanks.
Let it die.
Lefties think they won the Lotto.
Give Trump the line item veto.
Pelosi is our nation's Khamenei, in that she prizes ideology over the American people.
His focusing on $35 million out of a $2 trillion corporate giveaway package is a great reminder of Scott Walker pettiness. We are so fortunate that the voters wised up and sent him home early in his laughable campaign for POTUS.
Wonder how much lard is in the bill for the cruise ship industry.
I honestly don't know about this one yet. I wish someone who was more familiar with the normal course of action of appropriations could weigh in. Some of the tweets in the follow up point out it says the funds are for operations and maintenance, which presumably would cover keeping most people employed or under contract of employment, but reading the language it does seem rather expansive in nature, similar to the language of a guardian who is given plenary power over a person's estate.
My own take is that Scott Walker is a fairly prudent, person and while not a person directly involved in DC politics he certainly has credentials a person who was very careful about government expenditures at the state level in Wisconsin for over a decade. My presumption is that this is a blank check to the Kennedy Center, but again like I said I'm not certain so this is a rebuttable presumption.
There is somebody (serious TDSer) on my Facebook feed actually trying to argue that the Kennedy Center money isn't in there, and that I'm being duped by Tucker Carlson.
Iman notes: Pelosi is our nation's Khamenei, in that she prizes ideology over the American people.
One thing we can say about Trump is that he is no ideologue. He is a pragmatist in the best sense of the term.
Pelosi has argued for the physical attack and attempted murder of Republicans.
What makes you think Mama Pelosi doesn't feel the same?
If Biden is George McClellan, then Pelosi is Lucretia Borgia.
I've always seen her more as Elizabeth Bathory.
The Democrats must have inside info that the pandemic is almost over.
Well, this is interesting:
Sean Davis
State and local governments are being panicked into horrific decision-making by garbage models that have already been proven to be wildly wrong. Here's what Covid Act Now predicted for TN by March 19: 190 hospitalizations. There were actually 15.
“So are NY, CA and WA and Oregon. Fifty miles east of LA and SFO CA is red. I'm afraid Phoenix could elect Kelly”
But he was an astronaut. Think about how courageous that makes him. (Personally though I am not sure how much more courageous that was, than the combat missions his opponent flew in a 1970s vintage plane). He runs a lot of ads already (with, by far, the biggest war chest of anyone running for the Senate), and my partner won’t let me criticize him. Won’t let me point out that a vote for him is a vote for Slimy Schumer as Senate Majority Leader. We’re registered in MT, where Schumer talked popular Gov Bullock into running, so our votes are more critical there, than here in AZ. But, despite being a LLR, she might be talked into voting for him, if we were registered here. Even though, we already know, for a certainty, where he stands on gun grabbing.
Two thumbs up for all of that.
Dem and proud of it.
Vicki from Pasadena
We just don't need Washington DC anymore.
Give everyone within 100 miles of the capitol building the Manafort/Trump treatment.
Record all their calls. Make everything they have done for the last 4 years public.
Solitary confinement and maximum jail sentences for every infraction they have ever committed and every form they did not fill out.
Then take their homes and put homeless people in them.
Then extend this to everyone who attended Harvard and Yale.
Don't be a heel, Achilles.
State and local governments are being panicked into horrific decision-making by garbage models that have already been proven to be wildly wrong. Here's what Covid Act Now predicted for TN by March 19: 190 hospitalizations. There were actually 15.
And officials will say that the only reason there is 15 is because of their bravery and quick thinking. Politicians can't lose by being overly cautious; they're the most risk-averse people in the world.
This is exactly why the general populace desires a do-nothing congress! Let's postpone a vote for a few more days and see if we're "flattening the curve".
Are some regulars quoting the blocked folks?
Do not quote those who are banned.
pelosi pork + corruptocrats hard at work:
"So ... Dems derail Senate bill, write save-the-day House bill w/ all the ideological lard used to derail Senate bill, pass it w/o negotiation in House, then argue: GOP Senate is denying desperately needed financial relief to the American people by not passing House bill.."
andy mccarthy tweet
victoria: "Drago,
Two thumbs up for all of that.
Dem and proud of it.
Vicki from Pasadena"
We know.
Make note that the strategy of the dems is to shut republicans up while the strategy of the republicans is to keep the dems talking.
There is a reason for that....
Just think how many respirators for New York City that $35 million would buy.
And what about getting the homeless off the streets? The four worst-hit cities have the most homeless walking about without washing their hands for 20 seconds. Coincidence?
Gahrie: "There is somebody (serious TDSer) on my Facebook feed actually trying to argue that the Kennedy Center money isn't in there, and that I'm being duped by Tucker Carlson."
Thats how it works.
Half the lefties will tell you its a wild eyed conspiracy while the other half will tell you you're darn right its in there and it should be!
The real fun starts when they start arguing both points simultaneously.
And what about getting the homeless off the streets? The four worst-hit cities have the most homeless walking about without washing their hands for 20 seconds. Coincidence?
The epidemic in NY got started by one patient, an attorney, infecting hundreds at social functions prior to being diagnosed. Westchester County, NY, is hardly a homeless enclave.
Wonder how much lard is in the bill for the cruise ship industry.
I see the left is working on its message.
“Exiled” is banned? I had no idea. She seems like a level headed person, so I can’t fathom what that could have been about.
BTW, here's a fun article describing what Ford workers who build F-150's (for the lefties and LLR-lefties, that is a truck model, just so you know) have come up with using already available Ford parts:
Which is strange since the just the other day self-proclaimed "supply chain experts" were saying this was not possible.
"experts" tell us lots of things like that.
Similar to how the "experts" did not anticipate WW2 tanks having to traverse hedgerows in the low countries which are known for their amazing hedgerows so the soldiers and guys in place simply figured out how to cut and mount and weld steel plates in such a way that the tanks could cut through the hedgerows.
But those improvements don't count because none of the soldiers were considered "experts".
And who can forget the failure of the "experts" to provide properly armored vehicles in Iraq for our soldiers so the soldiers just figured out themselves where to cut and mount and weld metal plates to maximize protection for US troops from IED's produced under the direction of Soleimani, whom the democrats cried over and praised when he got "all blowed up" by OrangeManBad.
“Exiled” is banned? I had no idea.
No way! She has several posts on other threads.
I just assumed Blog Administrator deletions mean that the regular commenter is quoting the Known-to-be-Banned jerks.
Therefore I do not believe your supposition is warranted.
But I do not know for sure?
There are known banned commenters still viewable above.
Wonder how much lard is in the bill for the cruise ship industry.
That industry employs thousands of people. Is Planned Parenthood covered in this bill? By comparison, they kill thousands of people. You choose based on what you prioritize.
We know what Dems prioritize. That's why there should not be another Democrat elected for office for two generations. I say it often and people may roll their eyes, but it has to be done. This is the drain that needs to be cleaned out.
It doesn't look like I've been exiled. Meade and/or Althouse just didn't like the comment I posted above and removed it. Fair enough. Their blog, their rules.
bbkingfish said...
His focusing on $35 million out of a $2 trillion corporate giveaway package is a great reminder of Scott Walker pettiness. We are so fortunate that the voters wised up and sent him home early in his laughable campaign for POTUS.
Wonder how much lard is in the bill for the cruise ship industry.
In this very thread you dumb piece of shit.
$100,000,000 to NASA
$20,000,000,000 to the USPS
$300,000,000 to the Endowment for the Arts
$300,000,000 for the Endowment for the Humanities
$15,000,000 for Veterans Employment Training
$435,000,000 for mental health support
$30,000,000,000 for the Department of Education stabilization fund
$200,000,000 to Safe Schools Emergency Response to Violence Program
$300,000,000 to Public Broadcasting
$500,000,000 to Museums and Libraries
$720,000,000 to Social Security Admin - most for admin costs
$25,000,000 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building
$7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries
$35,000,000 to the JFK Center for performing Arts
$25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives
$3,000,000,000 upgrade to the IT department at the VA
$315,000,000 for State Department Diplomatic Programs
$95,000,000 for the Agency of International Development
$300,000,000 for International Disaster Assistance
$300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance
$90,000,000 for the Peace Corps
$13,000,000 to Howard University
$9,000,000 Misc Senate Expenses
$1,000,000,000 Airlines Recycle and Save Program
$25,000,000 to the FAA for administrative costs
$492,000,000 to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)
$526,000,000 Grants to Amtrak to remain available if needed through 2021
$25,000,000,000 for Transit Infrastructure
$3,000,000 Maritime Administration
$5,000,000 Salaries and Expensive Office of the Inspector General
$2,500,000 Public and Indian Housing
$5,000,000 Community Planning and Development
$2,500,000 Office of Housing
$1,500,000,000 Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Office of Public and Indian Housing. 1,000,000,000 of which can be used as "additional administrative and other expenses".
$720,000,000 to the public housing fund
$100,000,000 for Community Block Grants for Native Americans
$250,000,000 for Housing Block Grants for Tribes
$130,000,000 for AIDS Housing
$15,000,000,000 for the Community Development Fund
$5,000,000,000 in Homeless Assistance
$100,000,000,000 for Rental Assistance
An additional $7,000,000 enforce the Fair Housing Act
$1,000,000,000 for more mobile phones ("Obamaphones")
$227,000,000 for grants to States for youth activities
$261,000,000 for grants to States for dislocated worker training
$10,000,000 for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker programs
$100,000,000 for Job Corps
$15,000,000 for Program Administration
$6,500,000, to the Wage and Hour Division
$30,000,000, to OSHA
$10,000,000 for Susan Harwood training grants
$1,300,000,000, for Primary Health Care
$75,000,000, for Student Aid Administration
$9,500,000,000, for Higher Education
If I could make a change to the waybills advance I would require every change to include a foot note of the congress critter(s) that made the change. If it was the entire upper levels of party D or R include them all.
Second change? Make the additions subject to a vote one by one. Ownership is a wonderful thing.
Of course it is too much to ask the free press to ask Democrats who added the (e.g.) Kennedy Center $ and if they support the inclusion.
What we need in D.C. is a lot of what used to be referred to old western movies as a "necktie party".
remind the entire country that you and your pals were pushing for art funding and more abortion funding and...
They have no other choice than to hold Granny hostage. The Church and commercial enterprises including Planned Parenthood can't afford to close abortion chambers and Mengele clinics to save 600,000? 1 million? wholly innocent human lives annually and sustain our progressive path to a socially liberal, socially just society.
We just don't need Washington DC anymore.
Give everyone within 100 miles of the capitol building the Manafort/Trump treatment.
Hey, wait a minute. I'm only 40 miles as the commuter commutes.
Monica Showalter flushes out the left's lies:
“Moscow Mitch’s slush fund? There’s no slush fund; everything here is pinned to specific items, such as checks for workers, and masks and gowns for hospitals. Slush funds were what were used to reward Democrat groups such as ACORN during the 2009 stimulus package. We have quite a bit of projecting going on here, for starters.
“More important, take a look at that Moscow Mitch designator — something McConnell reportedly does not like, so she uses it. There’s no bipartisan spirit there to start, not even any hope of it with this kind of talk, just a desire for political slug-festing.
“More important, the Moscow Mitch thing is a reference to the Democrats’ continuous hobbyhorse: finding some way to overturn the results of the 2016 election. This is pure partisanship at its most disgusting, business as usual for the rabid and embittered Democrats.”
Drago said...
Gahrie: "There is somebody (serious TDSer) on my Facebook feed actually trying to argue that the Kennedy Center money isn't in there, and that I'm being duped by Tucker Carlson."
Thats how it works.
Half the lefties will tell you its a wild eyed conspiracy while the other half will tell you you're darn right its in there and it should be!
The real fun starts when they start arguing both points simultaneously.
The Detroit News published an op-ed calling for the end of partisan politics, followed by an accurate portrayal of events that lead to nothing getting done to date.
All but two comments (via facebook) make the argument the op-ed is a lie, and it was Pelosi that put a stop to McConnell's pork bill, saving us from enriching Trump's friends.
We’re trying to reduce the personal attacks in the comments. Deleting wherever we see it. In other words, trying to flatten the curve while still keeping business open. Many thanks to everyone who understands and helps.
Inga, these "bailouts" are low-interestloans . And as Trump said yesterday, those loans could be tied to issuance of their stock to the government.
The companies recover, they pay back the loans, and appreciation of their stock benefits the government and the taxpayers.
Chrysler had one such deal back in 1979. They paid off their loan.
Read this and LEARN:
A bailout is the injection of money into a business or organization that would otherwise face imminent collapse.
Bailouts can be in the form of loans, bonds, stocks, or cash.
Some loans require reimbursement—either with or without interest payments.
Bailouts typically go to companies or industries which directly impact the health of the overall economy, rather than just one particular sector or industry.
I am reading the bill and not the tweets and I like this:
For an additional amount for ‘‘Industrial Technology
19 Services’’ for necessary expenses, $75,000,000, to remain
20 available until September 30, 2021, of which $50,000,000
21 shall be for the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Part-
22 nership to assist manufacturers to prevent, prepare for,
23 and respond to coronavirus, and of which $25,000,000
24 shall be for the National Network for Manufacturing Inno-
25 vation (also known as ‘‘Manufacturing USA’’ ) to support
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Meade's right....again.
We need to spread our personal attacks over a wide range so no one person sees a spike, and overloads their sensibilities.
I hadn't thought of it that way before. Learning a lot of new things in the age of corona virus.
War, economic crisis, climate change, global pandemic, a Tuesday: The Ds solutions are always the same. "New 'Shimmer' is a floor wax and a dessert topping."
Meade said...
We’re trying to reduce the personal attacks in the comments. Deleting wherever we see it. In other words, trying to flatten the curve while still keeping business open. Many thanks to everyone who understands and helps.
I am working on it.
But the more pernicious and despicable actions are those that post gross misrepresentations of what other people say and attributing false motives.
There was a headline in the Oregonian (Portland's daily) this morning: "Effort to move eastern Oregon to Idaho muffled by stay-at-home order".
No, they are not that deluded by their own power up there (and in fact there was a second clause that clarified what the headline meant): it refers (as doubtless most will have guessed) to the folks who want eastern Oregon to secede and join Idaho.
Browndog gets it. Haha.
All the slush funds in both party's bill are nothing. It's just money...Monopoly money at this point, but still, just money. It all the end of life as we know it non-money items that are pure evil. I would gladly give them all the money in exchange for none of the non-money items.
This just in from MSNBC: 50% of the nation could die from Chinese Commie Bat Soup Virus!
On top of the 50% of the country killed by assault rifles (Joe Biden), and the millions already massacred by Net Neutrality, the 3 or 4 nuke wars Trump has already started, the obamacare mandate removal, the non-cutting "cuts" to the pandemic office and CDC, I'm afraid we are rapidly approaching the point where there is no one left in the United States at all.
In the case of every single US citizen and legal resident in the US being murdered by OrangeManBad, I hereby give my approval to limited increases in immigration.
Look, everybody!
roesch/voltaire found $150 million out of $2 billion that makes sense.
Excellent work.
Let's cancel the other 1,850,000,000,000 dollars of spending.
That was 160 million out of two trillion.
Even better.
Dr. Birx explained all yesterday. Those wild predictions by the Governors of CA and NY assumed no treatments, no vaccines and it was over 3 years.
I knew those numbers were wrong the second I saw them.
The libs wanted to scare the hell out of people. It worked.
It seems like Nancy caved on her ultra -progressive wishlist, thankfully.
The use of moderation has been bandied about by Meade as a potential "game changer" in reducing personal attacks.
The NYT Reports
If you are really concerned about an alleged slush fund, shouldn't you propose to get rid of the slush fund rather than larding up the bill with your own slush fund? I might actually think favorably of a Dem who did that.
I might actually think favorably of a Dem who did that.
If they actually did that would they still be a dem?
We'll remember
In November.
Bushman @ 2:39: LOL!
Good move on Trump during his townhall to actually read the news article which outlines how in 2015 Cuomo refused to purchase over 16,000 ventilators which were needed to replenish depleted New York State pandemic response stockpiles.
“House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Panderville) just announced she has dropped procedural blockage and will allow a vote on the Senate’s version of the COVID bill instead of holding the nation hostage by demanding what some commentators called “racial and gender pay equity provisions, diversity on corporate boards, increased use of minority-owned banks by federal offices, and a grab-bag of other diversity-themed requirements.”
That’s good news.
Can't wait for this NYPost headline:
Trump to New York Democrats: Drop Dead
You folks made your bed. Now you get to lie in it.
The senate bill was a bipartisan negotiated agreement. Blown up by senate Democrats bowing down to Pelosi's orders. Senators from previous eras would have told the House speaker to F--- Off. Senators traditionally have much higher regard for their prerogatives and privileges.
Meade: "We’re trying to reduce the personal attacks in the comments. Deleting wherever we see it. In other words, trying to flatten the curve while still keeping business open. Many thanks to everyone who understands and helps."
More masks needed! Steam-clean any new posts!
Iman said...
“House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Panderville) just announced she has dropped procedural blockage and will allow a vote on the Senate’s version of the COVID bill instead of holding the nation hostage by demanding what some commentators called “racial and gender pay equity provisions, diversity on corporate boards, increased use of minority-owned banks by federal offices, and a grab-bag of other diversity-themed requirements.”
That’s good news.
How are Senate dems going to justify voting yes on a bill they just unanimously voted against?
This I want to hear.
How are Senate dems going to justify voting yes on a bill they just unanimously voted against?
This I want to hear.
3/24/20, 3:05 PM
Dems are pretty proficient at doing about-faces. They know the media will cover for them, because, like Drago says, history begins anew everyday for leftists.
I suspect they are hearing from their constituents.
LA County Sheriff orders gun stores to close; adds 1,300 deputies to patrol
“We will be closing them, they are not an essential function,” Villanueva said. “I’m a supporter of the 2nd amendment, I’m a gun owner myself, but now you have the mixture of people that are not formerly gun owners and you have a lot more people at home and anytime you introduce a firearm in a home, from what I understand from CDC studies, it increases fourfold the chance that someone is gonna get shot.”
YES https://justthenews.com/government/congress/pelosi-says-she-will-try-passing-senates-coronavirus-stimulus-without-members?fbclid=IwAR1th9rXr5L5QOntsZICnMz5P5O5bTZ77rI8xKhVAwmPTquW3coP6ak-SpQ
from what I understand from CDC studies, it increases fourfold the chance that someone is gonna get shot.”
Ya gotta love the CDC. Yes, if someone owns a gun there is likely a greater chance that he might shoot someone than someone who doesn't own a gun. Good grief. If they hadn't been wasting so much time on 'gun violence' research they might have been ready to do their job when presented with a bona fide pandemic.
Browndog said... [hush][hide comment]
LA County Sheriff orders gun stores to close; adds 1,300 deputies to patrol
“We will be closing them, they are not an essential function,” Villanueva said. “I’m a supporter of the 2nd amendment, I’m a gun owner myself, but now you have the mixture of people that are not formerly gun owners and you have a lot more people at home and anytime you introduce a firearm in a home, from what I understand from CDC studies, it increases fourfold the chance that someone is gonna get shot.”
3/24/20, 3:20 PM
Total BS and that in part is why the CDC did not have the time/resources/energy to do their ACTUAL jobs with the current situation...
" from what I understand from CDC studies, it increases fourfold the chance that someone is gonna get shot."
It's right there in the Constitution that 2nd Amendment rights are contingent on CDC studies...just as it's right there in the Constitution that the federal government will attempt to Control Diseases.
How'd that creepy latinks excuse for a sheriff get the idea that he has the right violate peoples' constitutional rights?
How'd that creepy latinks excuse for a sheriff get the idea that he has the right violate peoples' constitutional rights?
Lots of conservatives and libertarians are enthusiastically arguing for restrictions on rights based on the predictive imaginations of publichealthniks.
Some of the gun shops locally say they are having to cut hours, not from lockdown or lack of business but because they can't keep up with the demand. And it's apparently taking much longer to do a background check now.
The Democrats are irresponsible opportunists, led by old Gal Pelosi, who is the female equivalent of doddering Joe Biden.
They must be mocked relentlessly for being stupid and dangerous.
A buddy of mine getting his Master of Public Health told me a long while ago that public health was the hook by which rights would be curtailed. It made senae then. It makes more sense now.
The epidemic in NY got started by one patient, an attorney, infecting hundreds at social functions prior to being diagnosed. Westchester County, NY, is hardly a homeless enclave.
We are not doing contact tracing so can't say for absolute certain, but this is very likely wrong, like, completely wrong. What that guy triggered was a rash of testing, which revealed that New Rochelle (nearby suburb) and NYC and, in time we've seen greater Westchester, were already a hotspot of infection. That is completely consistent with the virus having been around here and spreading for a while, especially since it appears the majority of people carrying/spreading virus are only mildly ill to possibly asymptomatic. Even the surge in hospitalizations, or more precisely people testing positive who are in hospital, up over 3,000 now, is more consistent with a virus that's been spreading in the community for a while, assuming about 10% of infected people are severely ill (probably very high estimate), or even more so if you assume the surge in hospitalizations is driven by people panicking at the first sign of flu-like symptoms.
I certainly have a dog in this hunt, both because I live here and because I want things to go well for everybody, but there's no evidence that NYC is fucked. That notion is all based on models and worst case scenarios, what's remotely plausible rather than probable. So's all Cuomo's moaning about ventilators. The facts on the ground appear to be that the only actually stressed aspect of healthcare infrastructure at the moment is PPE: there isn't near enough of it.
The Sheriff doesn't get to overrule the 2A. Simple. Sue and get an injunction. Also, ignore.
You don't suspend the Constitution because of what the CDC thought of a while back
We may run out of ventilators: a terrifying proposition, even though we probably won't. Models taking shitty data as input say we will run out, and it's in everyone's interest, especially leaders, to plan to avoid a worst case scenario, however implausible if not impossible. But the notion that NYC is headed for disaster reflects the possible or plausible tail risk scenarios and projections of models, but not really "the data." Data still suck.
Ya gotta love the CDC. Yes, if someone owns a gun there is likely a greater chance that he might shoot someone than someone who doesn't own a gun. Good grief. If they hadn't been wasting so much time on 'gun violence' research they might have been ready to do their job when presented with a bona fide pandemic.
Seems pretty simple huh? This one goes on Facebook Ma’am.
Lefties appear to believe that this bailout is necessitated by bad corporate practices just like the last one. This bailout is necessitated by the fact that the fucking government has caused whole industries to collapse. Not the corporations, the government.
And so our lefties whine about the cruise ship industry getting larded with cash but could give less of a shit about the tens of thousands of their workers who are now unemployed. Maybe for a long long time.
These are the precious workers the lefties pretend to care about.
"And the Chicago City Council takes time out from their fight against the virus to take up the fight for reparations for slavery."
This is important, all the ex slaves in Illinois who picked corn under ole massa's lash need to be paid. Illinois was one of the thirteen states who approved the constitution allowing slavery too.
Illinois even used slaves to fight a war freeing the slaves, but called them draftees.
6 weeks into the Wuhan outbreak, this is what Nancy Pelosi was thinking about-
Nancy Pelosi
Verified account @SpeakerPelosi
American elections should be decided by the American people, not by the Russian Government. Retweet if you agree!
11:43 AM - 14 Jan 2020
nancy Pelosi is a 2-bit propagandist.
As I have mentioned a couple/few times, a Canadian doctor managed to use a single respirator for nine patients. Running out of respirators assumes a single patient per machine. If we assume three per machine, on average, I think we can say the odds of running out are greatly diminished.
Also, unharmed areas will donate unused machines to NYC.
Gusty winds: I will tell you how this woman feels about it She is the shining example of why I will NEVER it’s for a woman. Women are not capable of separating the emotions from the practical needed in a fight.
The hotel industry alone has requested a $150 billion bailout, which would help President Donald Trump endure the cancelled bookings at his resorts.
President Trump’s family business has laid off staff at its resorts after they experienced decreased clientele as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, . . . The Trump Organization reportedly cut staff from hotels and resorts in New York and Washington, D.C., halted new reservations at a property on the Las Vegas Strip and closed golf courses in Los Angeles and South Florida. Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, reportedly closed as well.
From my view, Trump is doing the ripping off here. How much of the $150 billion will be given to Trump's personal businesses with Mnuchin in charge of doling out the funds.
Gadfly, I was wrong and you were right all along. What a genius you are. How could I have missed it? Donald Trump only ran for president to inflict coronavirus on the country and enrich his hotels with Federal bailout money. Genius! Worthy of Wiley E Coyote.
gadfly: " The Trump Organization reportedly cut staff from hotels and resorts in New York and Washington, D.C., halted new reservations at a property on the Las Vegas Strip and closed golf courses in Los Angeles and South Florida. Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, reportedly closed as well."
So let me get this straight. At a time when all hotel chains and resorts are experiencing complete or near complete shutdowns due to the virus and government policy, you are telling us that an organization that runs hotels and resorts is experiencing complete or near complete shutdowns.
Fantastic "analysis".
I mean, are you some sort of business analytics savant? You really should have your own show on CNBC.
Seriously, you are that good.........
I fully expect gadfly to come back around and breathlessly report that after detailed analysis he/she/xe has determined that airlines appear to be suffering from decreased passenger volume due to some sort of viral and govt policies.
Solid work.
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