"As social distancing has led to more people seeking out intimacy online, sex workers say that people are flocking to [on-line] platforms.... That isn’t necessarily a viable option for sex workers who have historically relied on in-person meetings. Such is the case for a 22-year-old sex worker living in Indiana who goes by Lana Del They professionally. Lana Del They, who uses they/them pronouns, is a college student and lives in a small town; they travel to nearby cities for in-person sex work with regular clients. The money helps pay for necessities such as books. When their college was shut down, they were doing anything they could to 'stabilize' their economic situation. They started webcamming, but felt at a disadvantage.... 'Without establishing your online clientele before the pandemic, it’s hard to get a foothold right now,' says Lana Del They.... According to sex workers, there is some tension between those who established online presences before the pandemic and after. [19-year-old Bunny Adler] starting selling sex 'the minute' he turned 18. 'Now, there are people that are at home and are 20 and are hot, who can take a couple pictures and get a few bucks,' he says. 'I don’t judge that, but they’re not necessarily part of this community that we’ve built.'"
From "Sex work is changing in the pandemic. Here’s how it affects workers/‘As far as in-person labor is concerned, our work has been totally decimated'" (in The Lily, at WaPo).
७९ टिप्पण्या:
Women, children hardest hit. /sarcasm off
They do say there is a silver lining to every cloud.
If "in person sex workers" i.e. prostitutues or giggilos are have issues, is that a bad thing, overall? Maybe a huge cutback in STD transmissions. And in this day and age of "MeToo!" and hyperventilating over morality and leftists preaching Victorianism and why women are more than sex objects... is this bad?
These people are the real victims of coronavirus.
Hipster sex workers who were doing cam business before it was cool.
If only someone could figure out how to sell sex on the internet.
Thanks for that important info WaPo.
What small college in Indiana do "they" attend? Notre Dame? DePauw? Butler?
So, if you have sex with them, do you have to pay for a threesome?
Apparently Aids and drug resistant STDs didn't curtail business. It took a relatively mild virus that impacts almost nobody who would make use of sex workers to do that.
Oh you are cunning Althouse. This is a delicious trap. Elegant. I wish I had thought of it.
There's an obvious solution for young "sex workers": get infected, get over it, get certified, then reopen safely.
What's one more infection, anyway?
This must be why I got ads for hooking up with Asian women on the Althouse site yesterday. The ads only lasted a few hours and then it was back to stuff that actually relates to me. The only Asian connection I can figure is reading about the Chinese virus. But if I had been looking for a hook-up, those Asian gals in the ad photos would certainly have done the trick.
Speaking of Asian, I completed the 2020 census online this morning. There were two pages that asked for ethnic or racial data. I declined to answer any of those questions and clicked on "next." The same page came back and I figured I wouldn't be able to move on unless I filled something in. But I clicked "next" again without answering anything, and it took me to the next page. So the US gov't will just have to scratch its head wondering what color I am.
"The money helps pay for necessities such as books."
College has become absurdly expensive, and some books are costly. However, any reporter who's not skeptical of a claim that it's somehow become necessary to prostitute oneself "for necessities such as books" is entirely too credulous to be a competent reporter.
Look for the union label.
... sex workers who have historically relied on in-person meetings.
Well now, that’s a bit of an understatement!
There is nothing novel about disease correlated with sustained, intimate contact with multiple partners. Fortunately, non-prostitutes do not fit the same risk profile nor require the same prophylactics to mitigate transmission.
Wa St Blogger said...
Apparently Aids and drug resistant STDs didn't curtail business. It took a relatively mild virus that impacts almost nobody who would make use of sex workers to do that.
The political class doesn't want it to stop.
They just want control and a cut.
Just like the mob.
Hookers gotta eat, pay rent/mortgages, insurance, too. Like Ken, I toyed with the idea that Althouse thought this a trap for certain commenters. It isn't, though, which is why I think Althouse only posted it because she found it interesting.
They can still plan to relieve their "burden", if not necessarily the Covid-19 disease, at the quickie clinics, which promise to provide service throughout the pandemic.
What's really important is we be given the race of each sex worker quoted.
Only then can we fully determine how we feel about all of this.
sex workers who have historically relied on in-person meetings
That's called prostitution.
Old Red Foxx joke:
Car salesman:"If the car business doesn't get any better, I'm gonna lose my ass."
Hooker:"If the ass business doesn't get any better, I'm gonna lose my car."
Sex Workers Call For Bailout Funding: "Our message to Congress is that we need it now, and we need it so much. Give it to us. Hit us with it hard. Oh God, yes, then give it to us again and don't stop!"
“The community we’ve built....”
Sorry, but prostitution, whatever you think about it in principle, is a historically significant contributor to the spread of disease. Should have learned to code.
Didn't They/Them hear? They/Thems are immune to COVID-19, as are all non-male-non-female genders.
Study: COVID-19 Impacts Men, Women More Than All Other Genders Combined
Mike (Lord/Master)
GatorNavy said...Women, children hardest hit
The meme is "Women and minorities hardest hit."
Dagen McDowell says what keeps the paid porn industry alive is production values. So that's what they'll have to get into.
Encouraging news:
A new study by the medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases that attempted to account for all cases including those asymptomatic found a death rate of 0.66% for COVID-19.
"The death rate the study found for people 80 years of age and older was 7.8%, but the death rate didn't exceed 0.16% for any age group under 40 years old. And for children 9 years old and younger, the death rate was only 0.00161%."
Ok, I mean this in a non-snarky way. Is there going to be an issue of compliance with the various lock-downs vis a vis people who want casual sex? Lots and lots of hooking up these days among people of all persuasions, and there are some sub-cultures that believe that endless hook-ups and anonymous sex are vital to their everyday existence. Will they be called out if they refuse to isolate themselves?
Didn't they run this same article about the time that Magic Johnson showed up positive for AIDS?
Once this virus thing passes, can we just stop with the whole pronoun thing?
If all the people who think of themselves as "sex workers" stopped their "work" today, the world would be unchanged or an even better place.
You can't say that about any other kind of worker.
You people disrespecting prostitutes have obviously not seen the documentary "Pretty Woman"
Wath, lear, then shut your pie hole..
uh, learn..
umm, watch..
Sometimes I think this whole COVID concern is like the early years of AIDS, except can you imagine if we went to these extremes worldwide to stop the spread of AIDS?
You can't say that about any other kind of worker.
Have you seen CNN or read the WaPo?
For my money, hire the amateurs. As any etymologist could tell you, they're doing it for the love of the game!
College has become absurdly expensive, and some books are costly. However, any reporter who's not skeptical of a claim that it's somehow become necessary to prostitute oneself "for necessities such as books" is entirely too credulous to be a competent reporter.
It's probably less that she's credulous and more that she think's The Lily's readers are credulous. She's probably not wrong.
Nothing that can be obtained from a sex worker in person or online could be construed as intimacy.
Dinner at Eight (1933). Jean Harlow is Kitty, the vamp. Marie Dressler is Carlotta, the old battle-ax.
Kitty : I was reading a book the other day.
Carlotta : [Nearly trips] Reading a book?
Kitty : Yes. It's all about civilization or something. A nutty kind of a book. Do you know that the guy says that machinery is going to take the place of every profession?
Carlotta : [Looking her over] Oh, my dear, that's something you need never worry about.
So now, I guess prostitution finally ceases to be a full-service, face-to-face enterprise. A win for good hygiene, but a loss for tried-and-true traditional ways.
“...it’s hard to get a foothold right now,' says Lana Del They”
What’s the going rate for a foothold now days?
These lake photos always remind me that a million years ago, some of our ancestors stood on the ocean beach and wondered "What is on the other side".
Over two hours and no links to cam shows?
softcore no nudity
'I don’t judge that, but they’re not necessarily part of this community that we’ve built.'
You didn't build that.
They travel, their economic situation, their college ...
"My name is Legion, for we are many."
This IS a good thing, isn't it?
OMG! Don't fall for the "trap"!
Leland said...
Sometimes I think this whole COVID concern is like the early years of AIDS, except can you imagine if we went to these extremes worldwide to stop the spread of AIDS?
Oh, Now you're Just being Ridiculous!
there is NO comparison between the two!!
Already this year 42,043 people have DIED from Covid-19
how many people, this year, have died from Aids? (417,733)
Gilbar, what about the people the were immunocompromised and died of COVID-19? I suspect that Venn diagram would look like an eclipse.
I stopped reading when this person's "personal pronouns" were revealed. He/she/It is not to be taken seriously.
Marcus said...I stopped reading when this person's "personal pronouns" were revealed. He/she/It is not to be taken seriously.
I agree. I know that is an extreme position, and I'm not judging they in that way but they makes a complete mockery of the English language and our highly evolved and shared means of communication. Enough of that bullshit.
"They travel...."
If the pronoun "they" refers to a single person, why isn't it "they travels...."
Is changing the pronoun and the conjugation a package deal?
Oh, I'm in the funhouse.
The greatest, although I might have, imbibed in my naivete, idea here at the Althouse blog is that somehow every negative thing that has happened, ever, is because Proggies just didn't have enough power. SURE it hasn't been said, like Castro didn't say what he ended up doing.
A lifetime of taxes paying her way, Althouse cannot understand that while she did her job, exemplary and worth every taxpayer dime, her tribe doesn't think like she does. Her tribe is a shit tribe.
Ergo no tribe, unless by force unionized.
Easy. It always has been in Althouse's life, the taxpayers paying.
Luckily for us, dastardly for humanity, Althouse's skimming off the top talent prog-wise will confirm progs aren't up to anything decent, and there will be repercussions for all those progs teaching intolerant hate.
There was never institutional hate until progs demanded it. And they will most-assuredly get it.
Hello New York, we tried to love you before you showed us over and over you hate us. Perhaps New York, you won't steal and connive every single chance you get again, but we all know you will. You're a tiger New York, and tigers never die. They just diminish every American experience not New York (America) experience.
If you can't make it in New York, get clean and move to South Dakota.
"Hey the investor says, that company is doing amazing things, I want to invest in what they are doing."
"Hey, this **** can compute in micro-micro-seconds billions of dollars of successful trades and we can become Masters of God's Universe."
Okay great, if these Masters are shot in the head does God die too? How does one ransack a billionaire's digital estates? What would our world lose if massive money transfers are socialized? How would the plumber in Peoria lose if George Soros weren't able to wild-west kill and intimidate?
Of course "socialized" can happen and has and will, it's just labeled slightly differently.
Everything decent has been thought of, even at American scale, and rejected as not providing enough graft.
One of the worst things I have ever seen/read, was the great T. Coburn saying to a reporter who questioned Nancy Cuntfuckrapekids Whore Pelosi: "She's a good person, have you met her" or something close to that.
Even a real man with real values was reduced to that level of evil idiocy.
Is the rest of the world wrong to hate America?
Are all able God-fearing conscious' to understand the evil of Nancy Pelosi and her family?
Just remember how right Pelosi has been to Billions of US dollar recipients.
What happened to Tom Coburn, Dr. (real not like doctorites of eduaction lie about) showed how evilly corrupt both Democrat and Republican supposed represententives of are.
As we paid the Althouses to do, but they failed, Kid Rock will overcome.
There arguments result in entombing our faith. We won't need to eliminate that kind.
WOLF: Althouse don't (doesn't as it were) feel above the rest of her environs.
I've met many farmers.
Perhaps they have insight, such as the great Craig Culver.
What a guy.
Why don't righters or as I like to think non-progs just do what this guy, Culver, did?
Why don't all righties accept bad things happen, yet we will survive. And, hopefully, show everyone crime doesn't pay, in fact crime indeed gets you killed.
You proggie dems will get so many killed, bad guys you assume because politiclly you know, to a point we all just look at your bloodlust as the simple power-grab its always been for decades now.
Are you in the right post?
Only God knows why Althouse voted for Hillary!.
Contained within myself, the only reason I can contemplate that excuses Hillarys! evil is the other guy has got to be worse.
He's got to be worse because he's a guy. Chromosomes.
Althouse is old and she knows it and isn't happy. She tried to fuck society via/with/by Hillary, but that didn't work.
So by God, this virus will be the method, not teaching via University, Althouse's oldness and wisdom can be transferred, if deemed more than merely American.
Are you in the right post"
Thank you for the question.
Seemingly Althouse, beyond the mere facts, understands how rights and guns come to coincide.
Mostly, America, has even allowed the most naive, distant feel-gooders to just tenure out of society.
It is interesting to consider that some person or people in her position seem to feel: Hey, I got paid more than you, so shut up. The taxpayer paid and pays me to this day so shut up.
This is a strong, in fact the strongest, argument for doing what the great Althouse has done.
We all know a bunch of hateful trans hate is the result, no matter where you began or where you think you can end up being you.
You won't be white and male, to start. Althouse will still be.
Mainstream media - always tackling the really important shit.
This society is such an embarrassment.
Ok..was just making sure.......
How could Hollywood make it more clear than they did in Adam Sandlers "You don't mess with the Zohan?"
All problems, and there are only American problems because if any area in the world isn't utopia it's Americans fault, are the result of Southern Americans who were so hateful they made Palistieons hate Jews in the Middle East.
If, according to this move, those danged darned evil evil evil Southern whites in America weren't so exponentially evil, then By God everyone would just see how smart NY and CA Jews are and how the only worldwide enemy, ever, just happens to be white Southern Christian Americans.
The funniest thing to me is the guy (fuck me, person I meant Althouse sorry) chipping in 60 or 70 comments in a thread and repeating the same things.
That is my humor, which is not profitable.
I guarantee you right now Laslo and me through Althouse will pay all bills from here on out.
Laslo kicked Kennedy Center ass without the Kennedy suicides.
With $250,000 Laslo could, only the most philistine could think, do no worse than Jesus.
I won't make any "jokes" ever again mentioning Lord Jesus Christ in a way decent folks could see as unbecoming. I won't ever see any decent folk again no matter.
I wish I had a way to pay Laslo a little cash. Clicked avatar and got nothing.
Honestly, the worst thing that could happen in the universe is me "help" Laslo, for reasons unspoken.
There are millions around Denver that will need help, and by God's grace Laslo has helped me understand that.
Thank you.
I recall deleting less than a handful of comments, and I remember overwhelming nasty comments I've made.
I do not speak for Jesus.
I apologize because I have used His name inappropriately.
All people needed to do was not Kennedy asshole make it all about me.
"I'm a rich doctor fuck you" seems to have been the GOP method.
In 2020 for a successful author to take the time to describe why he takes the time...
Fuck I gotta go back to the Nietcxshe. I figured 20 years ago that shit had run its course.
People were dying back then.
Not like today.
With social intercourse with strangers now limited to 6 feet, actual sexual intercourse with strangers must be in the 10 foot pole range.
Where does Guild comment?
Anywhere he wants
Ain't no April Fools, no sir, I came here to teach all y'all.
I be teachin'.
Think of New York with the corruption named Tammeny. O' wha' evAHHH.
I felt so good when I looked up the corruption of Denver, the shit-kickin' cowboy town.
Off the hook cheatin', killin', gamblin'. Stealin'.
Denver gangs roll hard bro. AIN'R NOUREWE AROPOING DENVER GANGS.
Oh they show u[ big pimp J. Roc Turnbell in da house.... they knoew zj tv j roc like ken b know Canada brahs. Canada. Like alhouse and her crew laughed at Sarah Palin being' from Alaska when p didddy shat upon the whole fuckin' state.
Real fun times when you elect a comminist from the hell-state of Chicago.
Dick Nixon made sure America will always be America and China will always be China.
China figured they had a problem with our little deal.
We will annihilate any threat, except COVID 19 which can like the Devil run carefree wildly, as long as the people don't understand Dick Nixon, because of their hatred.
Well played China. You got the worst of us.
Hope you tiny cunts are ready for the best, which God guarantee's you will get.
Oh, Now you're Just being Ridiculous!
there is NO comparison between the two!!
Already this year 42,043 people have DIED from Covid-19
how many people, this year, have died from Aids? (417,733)
Yes, but it's very easy to not get AIDS, and not so easy to avoid getting COVID-19.
fleg9bo said...
I completed the 2020 census online this morning. There were two pages that asked for ethnic or racial data. I declined to answer any of those questions and clicked on "next." The same page came back and I figured I wouldn't be able to move on unless I filled something in. But I clicked "next" again without answering anything, and it took me to the next page.
I answered "Human" as my race and ethnicity. It has the benefit of being true.
Spare a thought and some sympathy for the socially distanced sexworker, the married man or woman trapped in a miserable marriage without access to their relief, whether a lover, a sex worker or just some time away from their betrothed. That's gotta be tough. I was joking at the beginning of this in NYC that we'd see a baby boom. I will amend that now and suggest we'll see a baby boom of first borns. This is a very strange time. The big stories are the pandemic and the economic catastrophe, but there are millions of people stuck in a situation deprived of every strategy they used to avoid feeling that way. I hope at least for some of them this time maybe heals broken relationships.
Yes, but it's very easy to not get AIDS, and not so easy to avoid getting COVID-19.
That logic begs the question: If it's very easy not to get AIDS, why do AIDS victims put such extra effort into contracting a deadly disease? Why does our culture, which agonizes over obtaining ventilators for innocent COVID-19 victims who become very ill, readily subsidize lifelong drug cocktails for people who actively pursued easily-avoided infection?
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