Texas & Oklahoma: Mini Mike Bloomberg will kill your drilling, fracking and pipelines. Petroleum based “anything” is dead. Energy jobs gone. Don’t vote for Mini Mike!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 3, 2020
Former interim Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile lashed out at RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel during a Fox News appearance, repeatedly telling McDaniel to “go to hell” for claiming the Democratic primary will be “rigged” against Sandershttps://t.co/oJQdyo7UjN
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) March 3, 2020
१५३ टिप्पण्या:
Why Fox hired Brazile is a mystery. She and Marie Barf are tokens.
"A well-hydrated people, being necessary to the happiness of a free State, the right of the people to buy and drink Big-Gulps, shall not be infringed.”
If there's one thing I'm 100% sure of, it's that oil workers and Midwesterners love Big-Gulps. Micro-Mike - the Billionaire Jewish Nazi from New York - lost them a long long time ago.
Alternate take: He's actually boosting Bloomberg here. The media has gone all-in on Biden and almost ignoring Bloomberg, when he's the one with the unprecedented $multi-billion strategy that's being tested today. This tweet will bring a bit more attention to Bloomberg, and link him to an issue that's a big winner with most Democratic primary voters.
Who are you afraid ot?
Ot mice and men.
one New Yorker wants to make things yuge. The other wants things smaller and bans big gulps. Comic book reality.
I like how she tells McDaniel to go to hell and then calls for unity.
What despicable piece of work.
You mean the same Donna Brazile that was busted for cheating to help Hillary and defeat Sanders in 2016?
Don't overthink this one. Trump is hitting Bloomberg because its so darn easy.
Billie Bob you can say that again. Donna Brazile is a despicable piece of work.
As they say in the Sham Wow commercials, "But wait there's more!" She was involved in dirty work at the crossroads with Hillary 2016. Dig a little further and there's probably still more dirt.
Trump isn't afraid but just selects out the strongest candidate as a matter of strategy.
A former co-worker on Facebook was all excited by Klobuchar.......until she dropped out. I told her "At this point, I would not be surprised to see Hillary emerge from a smoke filled room in the back of the convention center."
She did not argue.
Is Trump afraid of MiniMike? I doubt it. But he has good reason to start jabbing Bloomberg, as the latter may well be the nominee. And even if he isn't, he can make life really annoying for Biden. Win-win if you are Trump.
We all know Biden's a gaffe-machine, so this poses an interesting question...if they feed Joe debate questions and answers before stage appearances (like they did with Hillary), will his gaffes be his own or someone else's?
Can you imagine Biden making a meta-gaffe? Someone fucks up before hand and then he fucks it up compounding the gaffe into an ultra-gaffe? I'm thinking Ron-Burgandy-fuck-you-San-Diego level gaffe here...teleprompter not required.
Trump is probably just tweeting this because he doesn't like Bloomberg.
But, it seems to me that Trump's preferred democrat opponent is Biden, who is this election cycle's Hilary Clinton (boring, conventional, and has the same miasma of corruption). So, Trump might seriously want people to vote for Biden. Or split the moderates and get Sanders nominated, who he is nearly certain to win against.
Donna B bristling at the notion of the fix being in; that is muy rich.
Trump's critique is interesting, since all the Democratic candidates say the same thing.
Of course, all of the Democrats believe in the same things. Bloomberg isn't the only one to want to ban fracking and, indeed, fossil fuels entirely. There is no dissent on this or many other points allowed in today's Democrat Party.
And, of course, it is utterly unfeasible to ban fossil fuels, so the whole position is a lie. What it really is is a stalking horse for the shakedown of the fossil fuel energy industry, and those who rely on it, i.e., the entire population of this country..
"Trump's critique is interesting, since all the Democratic candidates say the same thing."
Yep, so this draws attention to Bloomberg, possibly helps him on Super Tuesday, and increases the chaos among Democrats.
Just Trump stirring the pot. I don't think he cares who the nominee is. Remember when he said the one who concerned him most was Gillibrand -- after she dropped out?
@gahrie, thank you, was trying to remember if it was the same Donna Brazile...
Yeah, I just watched an interview on msnbc with Judge Judy and she advocated strongly for Bloomberg and destroyed Sanders and Biden. If Dem's were smart they'd pick Bloomberg but they probably won't because of their resentment for wealthy people. Irony.
Saw the Donna Brazile thing live. She seemed a bit unhinged. Perhaps more than a bit. Ugly times in Democratland.
Brazile has proclaimed, on several occasions which have come to my attention, that she's "a Christian woman."
I'll take her at her word, understanding that "all are sinners come short of the glory of God." But still, understanding that Jesus is all that stands before you as a Christian believer and the abyss, which you otherwise deserve, to tell another to "go to H_ll" is astounding since she putatively knows that that destination is "gehenna."
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
I don't really care about the size of soft drinks, but I'm really big on individual freedom. All of the Democrats have an authoritarian streak a mile wide, but Sanders and Bloomberg seem especially so. They think that they are smarter than you and therefore should tell you what you can and cannot, must and must not do, for your own good, of course. These kind of people need to be told in no uncertain terms to fuck off and die.
gahrie said...
You mean the same Donna Brazile that was busted for cheating to help Hillary and defeat Sanders in 2016?
Oh go to hell!
Donna probably took the comments personally and for good reason.
Drago said...
Don't overthink this one. Trump is hitting Bloomberg because its so darn easy.
I disagree. Bloomberg is the most threatening to Trump out of the 3 current possibilities.
On the other hand I don't think Trump is afraid of Bloomberg at all.
Bloomberg thinks he is better and more important than everyone else and he is completely unrepentant about it.
It is OK to feel that way, it is no OK to declare that in our laws.
" They think that they are smarter than you and therefore should tell you what you can and cannot, must and must not do, for your own good, of course."
It is a supreme level of hubris and myopia. I don't think they see at as lording over people. They simply are convinced that something is a good thing and never consider that they could be wrong or that someone may not want what they see as good. We all have some of that, but the American experiment is a test of resisting it in government and leadership. The founders really hit the nail on the head with understanding human nature - when to resist it and when to let fly.
"They'll tell you who they're afraid of."
I suspect Trump knows this truism better than most people — and its practical application, having been involved in many negotiations with hostile parties in the past. Trump wants people who actually believe they'll tell you who they're afraid of to conclude that Bloomberg is the bigger threat to Mr. Trump's re-election and will, therefore, vote for Bloomberg today, thus promoting the most desirable outcome of Super Tuesday — a brokered and chaotic Democratic National Convention.
The situation reminds me of one of the better episodes of the original "Star Trek" series, The Corbomite Maneuver. The starship U.S.S. Enterprise is confronted by a gigantic alien spacecraft that uses its mysterious weaponry to completely immobilize the Earthmen's vessel as a prelude to the complete and utter destruction of the Enterprise and its crew. Kirk asks for tactical advice from his staff. Spock, the ship's acknowledged grandmaster of multi-dimensional chess, offers the completely useless observation that "in chess when one is overmatched the game is over; checkmate". Kirk rejects Spock's analysis and declares the game before them is not chess, but poker.
Though Trump is often hailed as a master of multi-dimensional chess, I suspect the President is playing poker with a table full of suckers and rubes.
Achilles: "I disagree. Bloomberg is the most threatening to Trump out of the 3 current possibilities."
I think Bloomberg is every bit as vulnerable as Bernie and Plugs but in different ways. Trump isn't sweating any of them and he will relish going after whomever is left standing.
BTW, it's impossible to miss the similarities in what Brazile talks about and how she talks about it and every single post by our very own LLR-lefty Chuck.
They are "one".
Donna Brazile should be fired immediately. That was UNCALLED for, and VERY unprofessional. How DARE she?? She is a Conspiracy Theorist.
How dare anyone question the integrity of their process.
Err..from 2017:
"Donna Brazile seems confused.
In her new book Hacks, released this Tuesday, and in an excerpt in Politico Magazine published last week, the former interim chair of the Democratic National Committee wrote that she searched for proof that the 2016 Democratic presidential primary was “rigged” for Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders, and said, “By September 7... I had found my proof and it broke my heart.” Yet on Tuesday, Brazile appeared on CBS News, where she said the contest was fair. “I found no instances that the party rigged the process, and I wanted to make sure Bernie and his supporters understood that,” she said. The contradiction is so clear that even Chris Cillizza was able to spot it.
The claim of rigging, made and withdrawn, is the buzziest of several stories to come from the book, some of which I wrote about last week."
What Donna Brazile's New Book Really Reveals
When pressured, people tend to show who they are.
Very stressed out. She should be placed on 48 hour hold in a mental ward for observation.
The Big Three banks are refusing to fund oil development in Anwar at behest of the dems.
It's a sore spot for Brazile, not because they're rigging the process against Sanders, but because they're trying to and failing.
"The Big Three banks are refusing to fund oil development in Anwar at behest of the dems.”
When the oil price looks to be at a higher price and sustained at those levels, look for that to change. In other words, there is a lot of oil people are going to leave in the ground during what they look at as a “glut” but which we look at as bounteous and affordable. $2.05 per gallon in the Carolinas a couple of days ago.
Well, Donna B certainly is an expert on rigging elections, so there is that.
I look forward to Talking Heads and R types telling her to, "Go to hell" when she opines on the Republican strategy.
The newest polls would suggest Biden blows Sanders out across all the Southern states today. I will watching, though, the actual delegate counts and comparing them to 2016. In 2016, Clinton only beat Sanders in the pledged delegates 2205 to 1846, but she ran up huge wins across the southern tier of the US- in fact, her entire margin of victory in the delegate race came from the states of the old confederacy. In the rest of the country, Sanders won more delegates, and he did this while losing in California, New York, Connecticut, Massachussetts, and Illinois. Think about that while you consider the results this evening.
I see Biden is has taken a huge lead in the betting odds. This has to do with the new polls from NC, VA, and TX. However, I don't think he will win by those numbers today due to the early voting. I think this will be the high point of Biden's campaign. If Biden could perform as well as Clinton did in these very same states in 2016, Biden would win about 65% of the delegates up for grabs. If Biden doesn't get this kind of advantage over Sanders today, then I think the race is still up for grabs, but Sanders needs Warren out of the race, and it would help Biden if Bloomberg were out of the race, too.
Very stressed out.
Is this the Brazil who got her face stretched out, held in place with bulldog clips and then wrapped in plastic? So she couldn't touch it, I suppose, it all makes sense now.
Sanders also lost Ohio, New Jersey, and Maryland in the 2016.
I think that Bloomberg is the biggest threat, kind of like he’s the world’s tallest midget. But he is certainly vulnerable in many of the same ways that all dems are vulnerable.
Low gas prices are a tax cut for the working glass, and rich people don’t care about them. I had one Democrat wryly observe that he liked high gas prices because they made his commute easier, as those who couldn’t afford it were forced to alternatives.
That Warren stayed in after SC while the others dropped out suggests to me that she has been promised the VP slot on Biden's ticket. Her endorsement would have been worthless to Biden, but her staying in the race is worth far, far more than that of Buttuvwxyz and Klobuchar.
Trump only needs to ask Bloomberg during a debate what he thinks the price of gas should be. Gas prices are a wedge issue that could split the party in two.
Drago said...
Achilles: "I disagree. Bloomberg is the most threatening to Trump out of the 3 current possibilities."
I think Bloomberg is every bit as vulnerable as Bernie and Plugs but in different ways. Trump isn't sweating any of them and he will relish going after whomever is left standing.
I agree. Trump is going to make any of these losers like a baby seal running from a polar bear.
But Bernie is an openly communist loser who has never had a real job and Biden is a senile child molester crossed with a flasher.
Bloomberg is doing a Mr. Burns impression and has a despotic corporation behind him. He at least appears competent.
And I don't think the eventual nominee is in the race yet.
If Sanders can hold Biden to a delegate draw today, he will be in the stronger position. Though, I still think neither man will be allowed to take the nomination if it goes to a brokered convention.
Sanders is the the only one of the Dems who appears to have an authentic reason to seek the presidency, even if it is to destroy America.
Bloomberg reminds me of the old guy in Trading Places who may well be in it because of a $1 bet.
Yancey Ward said...
That Warren stayed in after SC while the others dropped out suggests to me that she has been promised the VP slot on Biden's ticket. Her endorsement would have been worthless to Biden, but her staying in the race is worth far, far more than that of Buttuvwxyz and Klobuchar.
Warren is in because she was told to stay in. She takes more votes from Sanders than from Biden.
Everyone else was explicitly told to drop out and to immediately endorse Biden.
Nobody can watch the last 2 days of the democrat primary and not see the puppet strings attached to every one of these people.
Even Sanders is dancing for his masters. He is not calling out the obvious party corruption.
Sanders is in on it.
Their goal is a brokered convention. All of them are working towards this. Especially Bernie.
Brazile making accusations of Russian talking points? That’s pretty rich coming from a party running the Moscow honeymooner...
They want Biden the same reason they wanted the other doddering old fool, Mueller. Because he would allow the infragovernment to run wild.
"Even Sanders is dancing for his masters. He is not calling out the obvious party corruption.”
Everybody picks their battles. Even Trump.
To be fair, Brazile does have some insight into rigged primaries.
Yancey Ward said...
If Sanders can hold Biden to a delegate draw today, he will be in the stronger position. Though, I still think neither man will be allowed to take the nomination if it goes to a brokered convention.
Sanders is going to win today. And win big.
The goal is to keep Sanders from winning an outright majority and Sanders is doing his best to not win.
You are right neither of them will be the nominee if they can help it. They are both meat that would feed Trump.
The problem is Sanders supporters are not going along with it.
Yes, Bloomberg would be Trump's strongest opposition. He would give the Althouses of America a way to rationalize a vote for "competent." He would have money. But he would leak Bernie bros.
The Brazile meltdown is a tell. She is one of the few Dems not allergic to GOPers, so her losing it means it's tension city over there.
Achilles: "And I don't think the eventual nominee is in the race yet."
That has been my take on this all along.
1) Trump is not afraid of Bloomberg
2) Donna Brazille is afraid of the truth.
Temujin: "When pressured, people tend to show who they are."
LLR-lefty Chuck certainly has.
If you want to know why people would vote for Sanders, don’t just go to the tweet, but click on the photo so you can see it uncropped.
This is why there is a crossover vote with Trump.
Drago said...
Achilles: "And I don't think the eventual nominee is in the race yet."
That has been my take on this all along.
I think they would have let Bloomberg have it if he looked like he could win.
But Mike failed the interview. Nobody is buying that he can beat Trump.
There is only one person with a shot and I don't think she wants to lose in 2020.
In the end they are going to let Sanders take the hit.
The antagonist in The Corbomite Maneuver, played by a 7 year old Clint Howard (brother of Ron Howard) fits Bloomberg pretty well.
When it comes to FNC Democrats, I prefer Donna Brazile to Juan Williams and Marie Harf. She at least seems to have a bit of a sense of humor and is less likely to parrot the usual eye-rolling Dem talking points of the day. Just my opinion.
I don't get Fox hiring Brazile either. As soon as I see her, I always think of her cheating for Hillary in the debates. I bet most viewers see her that way too. She has zero credibility.
Tulsi is the real threat to Trump, but Hillary has vetoed her.
I think Trump fears Sanders the most, that is the primary reason Trump builds Sanders up with tweet after tweet- it is simple reverse psychology. Trump knows the Democrats will work to oppose him no matter what he suggests. Trump fears Biden the least.
In the case of Bloomberg, Trump already knows Bloomberg is not going to be the nominee- the Democrats won't consider installing him as the candidate- any person with an IQ above room temperature should understand this- the man has zero appeal to black voters- this is one of the reasons they oppose Sanders. With Bloomberg, Trump is just hoping that he can tweet, tomorrow morning, that Bloomberg spent a hundred million dollars per delegate gained.
She should direct that anger at herself. Brazile let Bernie run in “her” party’s primary last year. Lamebrain Tom Perez did it again. Why keep letting an outsider in the process only to mobilize against it every cycle when he gets close?
I think the nominee will be the other “Mike”.
Achilles: "And I don't think the eventual nominee is in the race yet."
With the morons remaining, this seems a good probability. And for the Dems, the later the better. Brokered convention. That way there is isn't a year and a half of primary gaffs. All they really want to offer is the "I'm not Trump" candidate. People won't for FOR that person, but simply against something else.
It'll make life in Madison, WI a little easier than it already is.
Re Bloomberg and blacks. Black people are more realistic than the white left about black on black crime.
clint said...
Alternate take: He's actually boosting Bloomberg here.
Definite possibility. He can't possibly be afraid of debating Bloomberg; I don't think he is afraid of any of them. But it is in Trump's interest to stretch this thing out.
Democracy is aborted at the twilight fringe in the Democrat party.
Achilles: "And I don't think the eventual nominee is in the race yet."
I agree, but the amount of back-room arm-twisting will be herculean. The Super Tuesday vote will determine Bernie's price to go away.
The only thing "they" are afraid of on our side is for the Dems to come to their senses and pick someone who can unify all factions, from Bernie bros to Althouses and nice suburban women, so as to swing the swing states.
Thus far, we're not afraid. Dem division is our strength.
Brazile, however, does know about rigging debates. She fed Hildabeast the questions in advance
The Dems are not expecting to win now, so nominating Bernie is a good thing for the establishment Dems. When he loses big, they can say "see, that crazy independent shit don't fly, let's get back to what wins. With Biden or Bloomberg they own the loss.
Aunty Trump said...
They want Biden the same reason they wanted the other doddering old fool, Mueller. Because he would allow the infragovernment to run wild.
Good point. Bloomberg is probably the only one not in on the game.
"If you have not figured out who is the mark by the second hand, you are. "
tcrosse said...
Achilles: "And I don't think the eventual nominee is in the race yet."
I agree, but the amount of back-room arm-twisting will be herculean. The Super Tuesday vote will determine Bernie's price to go away.
The price will be not having a "Heart-Attack."
Bernie has already had a heart attack.
These people are not making deals.
I’m terrified of the modern Democratic Party
Aunty Trump said...
They want Biden the same reason they wanted the other doddering old fool, Mueller. Because he would allow the infragovernment to run wild.
I agree they would love that.
They just know Trump wins 45 states and takes the house and senate in a match up against a senile hair sniffer.
"The Dems are not expecting to win now, so nominating Bernie is a good thing for the establishment Dems. When he loses big, they can say "see, that crazy independent shit don't fly, let's get back to what wins. With Biden or Bloomberg they own the loss."
Shhh... Be vewy vewy quiet. Russia collusion hoax, impeachment hoax, rigging their own nominating process — the more own goals they score, the more they are helping us Make America Great Again. Thank you, Democrat establishment ruler guys, whoever you are!
I guess I don't know who Donna Brazile works for now. Is she just a political commentator now? I mean, she should be in jail for what reports say is rigging the DNC for years.
"You can't put lipstick on ugly" - Redd Foxx
Donna Brazile uses the standard lefty playbook of invoking anger and superiority when called out on bad behavior. She just as much admitted the 2016 primary was rigged a few years ago:
Biden is the king of getting angry and in your face when confronted with his sleazy corruption. I guess if he yells enough and goes on the attack, then he believes what he is being accused of couldn't possibly be true... yeah, right.
I can only guess who told Brazile she needs to shut up and tow the party line.
"She just as much admitted the 2016 primary was rigged a few years ago"
The funny thing is that she called Bernie to apologize for the stacked deck, while she was unaware that Bernie had cut some kind of deal to pull his punches by not raising certain subjects in the campaign.
When Bernie gets screwed this time, it will be completely and utterly within the rules.
The DNC's lawyers have been working for three years to ensure it is so.
Being assured that Trump is "not a shoo-in for re-election" by someone who's so out of touch with reality (stupid? crazy? a bit of each?) that she posts thousands of comments a year on this site, even knowing that they are all deleted as soon as the site-owner sees them? Best evidence I've seen that he is in fact a "shoo-in for re-election".
Bloomberg has good commercials. Average person working all day and not immersed in this stuff only see commercials of average guy Bloomberg making it rich and creating thousands of jobs and overseeing rebuilding New York after 911.
Unlike Biden, not miles of video and terabytes of audio doing and saying stupid stuff.
Unlike Joe, no lackluster decades of being in politics to make fun of. No sniffing children. Bloomberg has no personality but he sure do have billions and billions to play with and to spread around.
I want Bernie or Biden because we can use some levity in our lives these days.
Being assured that Trump is "not a shoo-in for re-election" by someone who's so out of touch with reality (stupid? crazy?)
She probably acknowledge a little occasional insanity but definitely is no dummy.
At my old age, I don't really care if a communist Marxist became President.
Hell, they might even balance the national debt by deporting all the Jews, Lawyers, and New car salesmen.
Big Tech won't let President Trump win re-election
Quaestor has it right at 11:39. Does anyone believe Trump would think democrats will take his advice in their voting? Trump probably wants a brokered convention, and I suspect he'll say whatever he thinks is most likely to lead to that result.
People making fun of Biden confusing Tuesday with Thursday. Pretty obvious he had daylight savings time and leap year on his mind. Understandable mistake..
In the 16 Rep primary, Trump took them on one at a time. First of was.Low.Energy Jeb until he was fatally weakened. Then Little Marco and finally Lyin' Ted.
Donna Brazile had a leading role in three of the most f-ed up campaigns in my life: Dukakis, Gore and Hillary. How she remains a voice anyone wants to listen to is beyond me. Classic case of failing up
That is correct, the eventual Democrat nominee isn't in the running at the moment.
“You’re the ones who sent Barack Obama the presidency. And I have a simple proposition here: I’m here to ask you for your help. Where I come from, you don’t go very far unless you ask. My name’s Joe Biden. I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over. If you like what you see, help out. If not, vote for the other Biden. Give me a look though, OK?”
That's right, the eventual nominee is the other Biden.
Greetings from Super Tuesday. I voted in the battleground state of Massachusetts today.
If you don't want this Biden, he can give you another.
"Michael said...
Donna Brazile had a leading role in three of the most f-ed up campaigns in my life: Dukakis, Gore and Hillary. How she remains a voice anyone wants to listen to is beyond me. Classic case of failing up"
She's black and a woman. Can't fire her, so you have to promote her. JB Smoove would call it foisting.
Feeling the burn, Titus?
When Bernie gets screwed this time, it will be completely and utterly within the rules.
Rules? RULES! We don't need no steenkin rules!
Bernie may fold (again) but I bet there are some Bernie Bros who won't take it laying down.
The only move that Admitted Cheat Brazile has:
Speak over and interrupt/disrupt the dangerous anti-Narrative commentary; Claim victim status. “It has happened to me!”
Why FOX hired her is God’s own mystery. Time to GTFO, Donna.
I guess Donna Brazille could be a case of "The lady doth protest too much", but I think it is more likely she felt she needed to go on the attack against Republicans vociferously, to shore up her reputation among Democrats. Taking a job with Fox News is not a way to please large amounts of people on the left. That and she wants to make up for getting caught giving help to Hillary, even if it was seemingly in a very small and probably ineffectual way. I think e-mails from her surfaced that showed her telling Hillary's campaign that a particular woman would ask her question about Water quality specifically in Flint Michigan. I think this was in a townhall that was taking place in Michigan, and Flint was still a big topic of the day. It would be amazingly incompetent to have an answer ready regarding Flint while answering questions anywhere at that time, but especially in Michigan.
Makes sense considering Bloombergs 17 times richer than he is.
Why would anyone believe that Trump thinks the Democrat primary voter will listen to him? He knows they hate him. If anything, Trump knows that they will likely do the opposite.
I wonder if Trump feels somewhat inadequate in comparison to Mike Bloomberg. They are both billionaires, but Mike Bloomberg is worth significantly more. Also from what little I know, Mike Bloomberg started from a, while not humble, less affluent position in life. Maybe this bother's Trump. Though even before either was involved in politics, Trump was much more well known and in comparison the people's idea of a billionaire, compared to Bloomberg. And Trump is definitely more charismatic.
I'm not certain that Bloomberg would be the best candidate against Trump either. While he would be the most palatable to the rich, donor-type Democrats, he has to be the most unpalatable to the Sanders/AOC type base of the Democratic party. And money can only go so far in turning out voters.
But if it came down to it that Trump did actually fear Bloomberg the most I would certainly trust his political instinct over my own. He has pulled of an overall pretty miraculous series of events over the last 4 years, I think it is obvious he at the very least has very good political instinct.
Other Biden 2020!
Why Fox hired Brazile is a mystery
Maybe Brit Hume knows?
Donna B a "moderate", in the same picture, Purple Haze!
Voted today for Warren after refreshing
recollection on Gabbard's murky past.
Neighbor voted Joe Walsh.
That's right, the eventual nominee is the other Biden.
Now we know the truth and who was actually sitting in Eastwood's empty chair. Who knew the man with no name could see through time?
Donna Brazile is still a very active "Agent" of the Democrat-Socialist-FASCIST Party and, therefore, an enemy of "The Bill Of Rights" and what should be "common courtesy".
That's right, the eventual nominee is the other Biden.
Yes, I heard that Joe had dropped out and endorsed the other Biden.
I have paid little attention to polls. Best scenario, come the convention Bernie has the most but under 40% so he doesn’t win on a subsequent ballot, and Bernie feels cheated when he doesn’t get it.
I drove my friend around this morning, and he got arrested for giving people a carton of cigarettes to vote for his candidate.
During processing, he said this really cute older woman (with a lot of vinyl and a holster with a billy club), pulled on some rubber gloves, and told him to bend over.
The nice thing was, the po-lice waited for him to give out all his Winston's and Salem's before they took him away.
They gave me a ticket for a loud exhaust. Said I needed a new muffler.
"Horse-spit, I ain't got no muffler, you dumb Okie."
Unknown: "Neighbor voted Joe Walsh."
Why not just write in Soleimani or Theresa May?
Other Unknown:
Neighbor voted Joe Walsh.
Me: Life's Been Good!
which part is warren is clear, her indian impression of soul man, her fraudulent bankruptcy theories, her consulting for those 'evil corporations, or her son in law that flacks for the revolutionary guard,
Brazile might have gone to the hospital to make sure Seth Rich was dead.
Greetings from Super Tuesday. I voted in the battleground state of Massachusetts today.
Either Titus doesn't know the meaning of "battleground state" or he knows something about MA that he'd rather not be true.
Etienne: Is this a great country, or what?
Brazile fessed up to feeding Clinton the info and a few other things back in 2016. But later - in true hack form - she retracted and denied she'd done anything wrong.
I take whatever she, Williams or Harf have to say on nearly any subject with a grain of salt.
Bloomberg is the most threatening to Trump out of the 3 current possibilities.
Bloomberg campaign motto: "Vote for me or I'll stop and frisk you!"
Donna Brazile's political acumen has always been waaaaay over estimated like Karl Rove's. The fact she is even allowed on the airwaves after being outed for giving debate questions in advance to Hillary is astounding.
I presume republicans toying with the democratic primaries is illegal just like holding a secret ballot to elect a president and not selecting Hillary Clinton. Throwing around the Russian slur again just shows how desperate they are. Not a good look.
All these people who care so much about some obscure mutterings like "grab em by the pussy" don't care at all the Biden is a crook.
Trump can take it all here in Massachusetts this year.
Bloomberg is 100% cold fish. Thinks he can buy the election by spending money. Incredibly annoying personality.
Trump is a Democrat in the Republican party, and Bloomberg is a Republican in the Democrat party.
I think Trump does a hell of a job pretending to be a Republican. So far Bloomberg has done a really shitty job of pretending to be a Democrat. And his personality is a major, major buzz kill. I predict he wins nothing. We'll see in a few hours.
The best think about Steyer and Bloomberg flopping (and I hope they flop hard) is that billionaires ought to be ridiculed in public. It's fun! And maybe it will build their character. I feel like all the people mocking Trump have improved his character.
He seems to have a very strong backing in Cambridge.
From a true "Swing Voter" perspective Mini Mike is probably Trump's biggest threat. Mike will pick up most of the anti-Trump votes plus will appeal to those suburban voters in swing districts where Bernie and Biden will not. My wife, a slightly right of center suburban voter is definitely being targeted effectively by Bloomberg. She voted for Hillary but mostly votes Republican including George W Bush twice. Should wouldn't pull the lever for Bernie or Biden but might for Bloomberg. Plus he is the only one who doesn't sound crazy (Bernie for policies and Biden for well being Biden).
Who will be Biden's veep?
I hope he picks Ocasio-Cortez. That would be a fun campaign.
Socialist? Check.
Millennial voters? Check.
Minorities? Check.
Women? Check.
She's an obvious pick. And she actually gives him gravitas. Because she has none. She makes him seem old and wise by comparison.
All the former candidates who endorsed Biden...
1) think he's the best candidate
2) want to be his veep
Biden's the best nominee from my perspective because he's not a socialist and not a sociopath. He has obvious flaws, but so does Trump. And his flaws are the sort of flaws that can be improved with a good ticket. Also Biden/Ocasio-Cortez would be the funniest and least stressful campaign, at least for me.
I think Trump wins pretty easily, regardless of the Democrat nominee. Unless Covid-19 really screws up the world.
He seems to have a very strong backing in Cambridge.
Perhaps. But South Boston is the hard kernel of Democratic support in MA. It will be interesting to see the returns from those South End precincts.
Readering said...
Voted today for Warren after refreshing
recollection on Gabbard's murky past.
1. What murky past?
2. You know she's not going to be the nominee, right? I mean, that's okay, you're entitled to vote for a loser, but is it just out of principle, or do you imagine that she might get a delegate or two and be able to horse trade for something that you would also like? Or is it because no one else in the race was any good?
As long as people only see/hear Bloomberg's ads he is OK.
As soon as they actually see him and hear him talk they hate him.
He actually acts like Mr. Burns sitting in his nuke plant stealing sunlight from the town.
Nichevo said...
1. What murky past?
Gabbard was in an actual cult. May still be in it.
We are talking a complete orchard of fruits and nuts.
But she does have some integrity which makes her unique and not someone readering can support.
readering would rather vote for a rich white woman who lied about being a minority to abuse a program and steal benefits from the poor minorities affirmative action was meant to help.
That's how democrats role.
AOC is not 35 years old. It can't be VP.
"I hope he picks Ocasio-Cortez. That would be a fun campaign."
I agree it would be fun, since AOC is a dolt, but she is not 35 years old.
That is the minimum age for the presidency, and presumably for the VP slot as well.
"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen
of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this
Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;
neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall
not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been
fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."
"...But no person constitutionally ineligible to the
office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President
of the United States."
I think the only logical solution is for a Biden/Sanders ticket. Think of the ads? "Over 155 years of experience!" "Why have 1 health risk as President when you can two?!?"
Wikipedia: To be Constitutionally eligible to serve as the nation's vice president, a person must, according to the Twelfth Amendment, meet the eligibility requirements to become president (which are stated in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5). Thus, to serve as vice president, an individual must:
be a natural-born U.S. citizen;
be at least 35 years old;
be a resident in the U.S. for at least 14 years.[40]
Note to self: Don't rely on annotated copies of important documents.
That's right, I couldn't remember if the 12th Amendment set requirements so I checked. Apparently it was an annotated version.
Perhaps. But South Boston is the hard kernel of Democratic support in MA. It will be interesting to see the returns from those South End precincts.
Those idiot stupid drunk shanty mick Irish Americans in Southie and the Town would vote for Satan in hell if he was running as a Democrat.
I'm Irish American, and I approve this message.
South end and south Boston are different hoods. South Boston is different today. It has become posh and real estate prices are through the roof. The working class Irish are gone. South end used to be gay ghetto but now is dinks . Double income no kids. Ultra expensive.
I appreciate the "Christian" water buffalo for weighing in. She's such an inspiration. Remember when she told Al Gore to wear cowboy boots? That's genius level strategy when running against a Texan.
The good will hunting of southie is gone. Replaced by million dollar condos, fabulous restaurants and biotech money.
walter said...
"How dare anyone question the integrity of their process.
Err..from 2017:
"Donna Brazile seems confused.
In her new book Hacks, released this Tuesday, and in an excerpt in Politico Magazine published last week, the former interim chair of the Democratic National Committee wrote that she searched for proof that the 2016 Democratic presidential primary was “rigged” for Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders, and said, “By September 7... I had found my proof and it broke my heart.” Yet on Tuesday, Brazile appeared on CBS News, where she said the contest was fair. “I found no instances that the party rigged the process, and I wanted to make sure Bernie and his supporters understood that,” she said. The contradiction is so clear that even Chris Cillizza was able to spot it.
The claim of rigging, made and withdrawn, is the buzziest of several stories to come from the book, some of which I wrote about last week."
What Donna Brazile's New Book Really Reveals"
Maybe she was told to get back on the reservation.
Doh! thanks for the catch
Ilhan Omar is 38.
Just sayin!
I learn something.
Achilles said...
Nichevo said...
1. What murky past?
Gabbard was in an actual cult. May still be in it.
We are talking a complete orchard of fruits and nuts.
Thanks, but I wanted readering to own his own calumnies and innuendos. No doubt Gabbard is carrion, but I bet that if she were somehow the D nominee, readering would be right in line to tongue her hole.
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