March 3, 2020

The Super Tuesday conversation.

The results are about to come in, so let’s talk about it.

ADDED: "Super Tuesday Live Coverage: Biden Wins North Carolina and Virginia, and Sanders Wins Vermont" (NYT).

Here are the live updates at FiveThirtyEight.


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Limited blogger said...

Bernie speaking in Vermont now.

Biden definitely took some air out of his tires.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Is it hate to point out that Trump is a lousy manager and widely disliked, or simply acknowledging reality?

We report, you decide.

Mark said...

All the most rabid of impeachment-Dems are pro-Bernie.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

100.47% reporting in Virginia.

Isn't Virginia land of the McAuliff?

Inga said...

“Keep up Collusion Girl! You're doing great!”

Keep it up the “Clinton server is in Ukraine” Guy! The “Wall Street dived because of the Media hoax” Guy! You’re not doing great tonight.

Mark said...

I dunno BCARM, but it is certainly irrelevant to the topic of Super Tuesday.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I agree with Joe Rogan that the appealing thing about Bernie is his consistency. It is a rare thing in politics.

Drago said...

ARM: "Is it hate to point out that Trump is a lousy manager and widely disliked, or simply acknowledging reality?"


Inga said...

“All the most rabid of impeachment-Dems are pro-Bernie.”

No that’s not accurate. The great majority of Democrats across the board wanted a Trump to be impeached.

narciso said...

Bidens like an old shoe, the laces are frayed, the heel is cracked, but you want that over a shoe that wont fit you.

Inga said...

“The impeachment of Trump May have helped Joe Biden."

Well. It sure didn’t hurt him.

Limited blogger said...

Bernie not conceding.

But his sloganeering didn't sound the same, didn't have the same 'bite'.

Mark said...

So you're saying/admitting, Inga, that most Dems are rabid?

Drago said...

Inga: "Well. It sure didn’t hurt him."

With dems.....

Drago said...

BTW, "with dems..." includes LLR's.


Inga said...

“So you're saying/admitting, Inga, that most Dems are rabid?”

Call it rabid if you want, I call it enthusiastic.

Mark said...

More than once people have voted in the primary and then as the convention got closer, they began to have a really, really sick feeling in their stomach.

I don't think that folks are going to be feeling all that well going into a Joe convention. I think a lot of folks are going to be thinking, what the hell have we done?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Let us consider what Super Tuesday is: a competition to meet Trump in political combat. Obviously the political health of Trump (poor) is a relevant issue, given that a large fraction of voters see beating Trump as the single most important consideration in choosing a candidate.

If Trump were in even worse shape, Bernie would be doing better in the primaries. But there is still some life in the behorned cloven-footed beast, so people are voting more conservatively.

Limited blogger said...

Biden about to speak from Los Angeles....

Limited blogger said...

oh shit, he immediately confuses his wife and sister!

Was that for real?

Chuck said...

I can’t ever recall watching a full Sanders speech live. It’s like a left wing Trump rally.

I always loved Althouse’s observation that even when Sanders has had the opportunity to deliver victory speeches, they still all sound like angry yelling. Curious how that yelling and that Brooklyn accent ever sold in Vermont.

Limited blogger said...

Joe is super charged

This is wild.

Tommy Duncan said...

Wow. It's the night of the living dead. Zombie Joe has risen and is in search of hair to sniff and young girls to fondle.

I guess the Democrats got what they wanted tonight. Be careful what you wish for.

I'm betting on Mayor Peter as Zombie Joe's VP to fill out Joe's partial term.

narciso said...

Probably, the thing is you have to know your territory, its as true with politics as it is sales.

Drago said...

It's hilarious reading the musings of our resident leftists, Chuck, Inga and ARM.

Marc in Eugene said...

An article at the Times a few minutes ago: "Doubts Linger as Democrats Vote: ‘I Don’t Think We Have a Perfect Candidate’"-- someone has a sense of humor, at least.

ken in tx said...

Ann has asked everyone several times in the past not to respond to Mary. Why do you all keep doing it? Your responses don't make any sense because Ann deletes what you are responding to.

Inga said...

“oh shit, he immediately confuses his wife and sister!

Was that for real?”

Oh lordie. Well I bet they’ll put some really sharp people around him...

Now a couple of Crazy chicks are on stage. What was that?

walter said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said... Biden, with that sharp brain and crooked mean spirit will certainly save us from any virus.
He will keep punching and punching it.
His tenacity would be infectious.

Limited blogger said...oh shit, he immediately confuses his wife and sister!
Big tent!

ARM making really strong arguments for these Dems.

Inga said...

Gotta give Biden, his wife and sister credit, if that would’ve been Trump he would’ve ran off that stage.

Limited blogger said...

I gotta admit, Joe's got it rockin' and rollin' right now.

If he can seal the deal, the general will be a knock down drag out affair.

stephen cooper said...

It is extremely possible that Israel will have an effective vaccine before anyone else because they have been putting in the effort to figure out what the Chinese were doing at places like the Wuhan lab years ago. Or maybe they know about bats and zoonotic diseases, or at least know a lot about China and bats and zoonotic diseases, for obvious reasons, in a way that apparently nobody in this country knows.

I like the Chinese people but let's be real. As much as you want the Chinese to prosper in life, you have to realize that the country where most of them live has messed up often in the recent past and that they are going to do so again and again in the future.

Maybe Israeli intelligence knew that .... and ...
We all know that many of our intel people were tracking Trump much harder a few years ago than they were tracking potential threats to the United States. It seems wrong, doesn't it?

And - to return to the main topic of this comment thread ----- for God's sake if you really in your heart of hearts do not think Biden is not just as senile as most of the old ladies at the old folks home who are also in their late 70s and can hardly even remember as far back as their 50th high school reunion, years and years ago -------- if you really think that in your heart of hearts well God bless you. And Biden is not going to be brighter and younger this November. Too much self-regard, too many years with a government paycheck that he did not deserve, and on top of it all he lies to himself constantly.

stephen cooper said...

the double negative was on purpose.

that sort of thing trips up lots of people who need to ask themselves

what is going on here ?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hollow empty minds want Trump removed for Biden's crimes.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Inga said...
Trump would’ve ran off that stage.

Not with those bone spurs. Waddled off, the best he could manage.

narciso said...

China has seen too much death, in the last century stephen cooper 40-60 million

Kathryn51 said...

"I'm gonna cure Altzheimers (or words to that affect)."

Then why the F**k didn't you cure it when you were VP for either years.

A few months ago, he said that cancer would be "cured" if he became President.

Of course, when he was the designated cancer Czar during by Obama - why the F**k didn't you cure it back then.


effinayright said...

Chuck said...
I can’t ever recall watching a full Sanders speech live. It’s like a left wing Trump rally.

I always loved Althouse’s observation that even when Sanders has had the opportunity to deliver victory speeches, they still all sound like angry yelling.

Yes. They all have that "Old Man Yells at Clouds" vibe.

Wince said...

Hide the children. Biden said he’s “reaching and grasping and reaching and grasping.”

He has a look on his face like he just shit his pants.

Mark said...

Now Joe -- remember to stick to the teleprompter!!

narciso said...

Its very john gill. But there is no melako.

Mark said...

Reading from the teleprompter, he still can't get the Declaration right.

Ken B said...

Why are they using and counting delegates? Isn’t it about the popular vote?

Prediction: the DNC will change the rules to keep Gabbard out of the next debate.

Mark said...

John Gill had a functioning brain. He was just drugged.

walter said...

Chuck said...Curious how that yelling and that Brooklyn accent ever sold in Vermont.
It's quite engaging..for no other reason than trying to predict when his w's turn to r's.

Inga said...

‘‘Inga said...
Trump would’ve ran off that stage.

Not with those bone spurs. Waddled off, the best he could manage.”

That almost made me spit my tea all over my keyboard!

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stephen cooper said...

but narciso some of us living today will have tens of millions of Chinese descendants

we need to pray for the current generation it is probably not one of the best

Inga said...

I think that Joe confusing his wife and sister was just his quirky sense of humor. We’ll need to acclimate ourselves to his quick wit. Just like we had to for Trump.

Mark said...

Looks like Warren succeeded in mortally wounding Bloomberg, but because a lot of them went to Joe, it ended up hurting her as much as anything.

Sebastian said...

OK. So Dems may pick the man who couldn't beat Michael Dukakis to beat Donald Trump.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Inga said...
I think that Joe confusing his wife and sister was just his quirky sense of humor. We’ll need to acclimate ourselves to his quick wit. Just like we had to for Trump.

I can see a bright future for you as a Wisconsin based political blogger.

Drago said...

Inga: "Not with those bone spurs. Waddled off, the best he could manage.”


I'll bet 5 deferment Biden will be all over that!

Oh wait, I almost forgot about Slow Joe's "courageous" "battle" to see Nelson Mandela which led to Joes arrest in South Africa....that bever happened!

That almost as "courageous" as Hillary dodging sniper fire (wink wink) and LLR-lefty Chuck's tortured 17 second decision making process that led to his reluctant choice to not serve!

You can read all about that in Chuck's tome-length treatise on that pivotal moment in his life....

Mark said...

Rationalization - to invent plausible explanations for acts, opinions, etc., that are actually based on other causes

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"We’ll need to acclimate ourselves to his quick wit."

Is that what the senile are calling senility these days?

Drago said...

ARM: "I can see a bright future for you as a Wisconsin based political blogger."


I rest my case!

walter said...

Inga said...I think that Joe confusing his wife and sister was just his quirky sense of humor.
"I'm not joking!"

Wince said...

I’m not surprised in the least that Warren lost the home state of the senate seat she occupies.

Mark said...

Rationalization -- a defense mechanism in which controversial behaviors or feelings are justified and explained in a seemingly rational or logical manner to avoid the true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable — or even admirable.

effinayright said...

Inga said...
Trump would’ve ran off that stage.

Inga, who proclaimed me a terrible writer the other day, is unfamiliar with the conditional perfect tense, as in "would've run"?

She should have took a look at an English Grammar book beforehand.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is now the time to dig up all of Inga's proclamations that Biden should get out of the race?
Inga is all in now. oh goodie.

Mark said...

Oh that's just Joe being good old lovable Joe. The Joe we all know and love.

Today's rationalization for yesterday's universal recognition that he's a buffoon. And now a buffoon that isn't all there mentally.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I miss Scott Brown. He was cute and totally not a fake Indian.

Drago said...

Inga: "I think that Joe confusing his wife and sister was just his quirky sense of humor."

The real problem for Slow Joe are all the times Joe confused some 8 year old girl or woman in front of him for his wife.....on camera....

I cannot wait to hear LLR-lefty Chuck's defense for that!

You just know it will be classic.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Wince said...
I’m not surprised in the least that Warren lost the home state of the senate seat she occupies.

3/3/20, 9:46 PM

Even Massholes don't like Fauxahontas very much.

Drago said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Is now the time to dig up all of Inga's proclamations that Biden should get out of the race?"

It was literally just days ago! Which for leftists like Inga and Chuck is, like, what? 3 lifetimes?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Is now the time to dig up all of Inga's proclamations that Biden should get out of the race?
Inga is all in now. oh goodie."

Oh yeah! She was all in for Bernie - last week.

Now she wants to rub Biden's leg hairs.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

And Inga was also going on about Brave Warrior Warren not long ago.

Lizzie followed the buffalo off the cliff.

Drago said...

As I recall, Inga was calling Biden a host of names and calling out his mental decrepitude...just...last...week.

Now he's cooler than the other side of the pillow!

Better yet will be seeing Inga deny she wrote that!

So. Much. Winning.

Inga said...

I see some people here are not embracing Biden’s humor. I predict we’ll be seeing more and more of it. Every time you folks call him on some supposed gaffe, it’s just you missing his finely tuned humor. Up your humor game!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I hope the GOP ad makers can have some fun chewing Biden up and spitting him out.
Please! make it happen.

Hunter makes more money in one month that most families make in a year.

Mr. D said...

Don’t fall in love. Fall in line.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Now she wants to rub Biden's leg hairs.

see how funny that it. Embrace the senile crook. It's so fun to support a puppet!

Drago said...

Inga: "I see some people here are not embracing Biden’s humor."

See what I mean?!

Last week it was Slow Joe with dementia.

This week? Its like it never happened.


That's just perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"close ranks"

Yea's ma'am.

Inga said...

“As I recall, Inga was calling Biden a host of names and calling out his mental decrepitude...just...last...week.

Now he's cooler than the other side of the pillow!

Better yet will be seeing Inga deny she wrote that!”

OCDrago is the most severely affected by the absence of the humor gene, so sad.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - as you say - history begins fresh each day.

Drago said...

Inga: "Every time you folks call him on some supposed gaffe, it’s just you missing his finely tuned humor. Up your humor game!"


The very gaffes Inga was calling out and yelling at Slow Joe to get out of the way...just...last...week!!

Too perfect. Really.

Inga said...

I’m not worried about Biden’s questionable cognition, if Trump can be President so can Biden.

Ken B said...

Inga: “I see some people here are not embracing Biden’s humor. I predict we’ll be seeing more and more of it. Every time you folks call him on some supposed gaffe, it’s just you missing his finely tuned humor. Up your humor game!”

Holy shit. That is a spot on parody of Althouse. Althouse covering up, I mean. But spot fricking on.

Drago said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Drago - as you say - history begins fresh each day."

There is probably no more applicable defining characteristic of a leftist than their willingness to completely reverse everything they had previously said second by second.

Its rare to get so perfect an example of this in real time as Inga is demonstrating tonight.

Again, its perfect.

Inga said...

“Holy shit. That is a spot on parody of Althouse. Althouse covering up, I mean. But spot fricking on.”

I learned from the Master.

Drago said...

Inga: "I’m not worried about Biden’s questionable cognition, if Trump can be President so can Biden."


Someone has GOT to go pull Ingas demands for Dementia Joe to drop out of the race from just...last...week!

So perfect.

Mark said...

You're not any more convincing, Inga, than when AA tries these things.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Well, the Trump-Biden debates will be fun.

Perhaps Slow Joe will tell us again about how half of America has been killed by guns.

Or he'll remember once again how he was arrested in South Africa.

Inga's wrong about us not appreciating Joe's humor. I especially like it when Joe doesn't even realize he's made a funny.

Mark said...

Oh, I see Ken beat me to it.

Inga said...

“You're not any more convincing, Inga, than when AA tries these things.”

What “things”? Well Mark, I’m just having a little fun, can’t a girl have fun?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...
Biden, Shut up and go away.

2/25/20, 7:33 PM

Ken B said...

Inga might have a point. I for one can’t see Joe's humor today. I am too busy laughing at Warren.

Drago said...

exiledonmainstreet: "Well, the Trump-Biden debates will be fun."

What we do know is Trump is not going to allow the army of leftists to establish the debate rules and stack the moderators crew with only democrat operatives.

Btw, how did obama know what Crowley had written down in front of her on 1 specific controversial issue that put Obama in a bad light?

Yeah, wont be seeing that this time around.

Slow Joe, for the first time ever, will be on his own without moderator cover.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...
You know who can win against Trump? The person who is winning, Sanders. None of the rest of them has a chance.

2/25/20, 7:30 PM

gspencer said...

Well, I've learned how Mike Bloomberg eats pizza. Now that's a leader. Maybe it'll catch on.

Inga said...

“I especially like it when Joe doesn't even realize he's made a funny.”

Precisely! That’s when it’s the funniest, same thing goes for Trump. He’s so funny!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga said...
Biden, Shut up and go away.

2/25/20, 7:33 PM

a keeper.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

as the dime turns.

Inga said...

“You know who can win against Trump? The person who is winning, Sanders. None of the rest of them has a chance.”

And that is STILL my opinion. As I said I was never a Biden supporter, despite you folks trying to turn me into one. I’m still a Bernie supporter. I’d much rather have Bernie running against Trump.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...
Oh Biden STFU.

2/25/20, 8:03 PM

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bernie wins CA.

Ken B said...

“ That’s when it’s the funniest, same thing goes for Trump. He’s so funny!”

Inga has gone from Trump = Hitler to Trump = Henny Youngman.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...

2/25/20, 8:13 PM

Inga said...

“Biden, Shut up and go away.”

Exactly right.

You folks really are dull. You don’t recognize being trolled and that makes it so much more fun!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga has gone from Trump = Hitler to Trump = Henny Youngman.

3/3/20, 10:12 PM

Oh, I don't believe Inga finds Trump funny at all.

Amadeus 48 said...

Well, I'll be a lyin', dog-faced pony soldier!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Oh, here's a great one:

Inga said...
Holy crap, Biden. Everyone is rightfully treating him like a dementia patient.

2/25/20, 8:14 PM

Drago said...

Inga: "You folks really are dull. You don’t recognize being trolled and that makes it so much more fun!"


There it is again!

The "oh yeah, uh, I, uh....meant that. Yeah. That's it. I meant that...." routine!!

Again, perfect.

Amadeus 48 said...

ARM, soldiering on.

I remember myself in the 2012 election--the dream dies hard.

Drago said...

Hey FAT!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...
Holy crap Amy is laughing at Biden. Poor Biden, his handlers have to tell him it’s time to step down.

2/25/20, 8:24 PM

Inga said...

“Inga said...

I sure did and I still do. Well Warren and Amy switched places on occasion. I still don’t want Biden to be the nominee, but it’s so fun trolling you humorless dolts.

Rosalyn C. said...

Vaccines have to be produced in months advance of distribution. Many years the vaccine makers predict wrong and produce flu shots which do not address the particular flu which is most prevalent that year. People ask if the flu shot is still worth getting? I've heard that question asked many times. People are told that there is still some benefit, although I've never seen any clear explanation. (One explanation is that at least the vaccine makers will be able to stay in business.)

For a discussion of this issue: "Flu Vaccines Still Helpful Even When The Strain Is Different" from 2015, a particularly bad flu season or so they said.

IMO the more you know the more you know that Trump is not being stupid for asking questions and for pushing for development of drugs which help people recover faster from the flu. Is this particular flu, the coronavirus being hyped?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Holy crap that's a keeper.

Drago said...

Hi, I'm Joe Biden and I'm running for the US Senate. If you like me vote for me. If you don't, vote for the other Biden.

Inga said...

“Holy crap Amy is laughing at Biden. Poor Biden, his handlers have to tell him it’s time to step down.”

Exactly! But hey, maybe Amy didn’t appreciate Biden humor either, eh?

Drago said...

Inga: "Exactly! But hey, maybe Amy didn’t appreciate Biden humor either, eh?"

Nonsense!! Amy loves Joe's "humor"....especially when he is sniffing her hair.....

Drago said...

Inga takes the first tentative step to try and walk back her earlier, obviously correct, observations about Biden.


We can all see this is going to be a long, long journey.....

Amadeus 48 said...

This explains so much about so many things...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said..

What a weirdo. Sanders will have no trouble winning the Presidency. But if it makes you feel better, whatever.

2/25/20, 8:49 PM

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga said...
"Holy crap, Biden. Everyone is rightfully treating him like a dementia patient."

2/25/20, 8:14 PM

---- flash forward to-
essence of Inga today: hahaha Dementia is funny in a puppet.

LA_Bob said...

So amusing. The Google results gave California to Sanders before the polls had even closed. Now with 1% reporting, Sanders won California but "Donald Trump leads" on the Republican side.

Amadeus 48 said...

Joe Biden wins.
But he is confused.
Will he get a crown now?

Drago said...


You know, that just might explain Hunter's...uh...sister in law...uh..."activity"....while still married....and seeing the stripper on the side....the...uh...mother of his other child...that he wants nothing to do with....and refused to pay support for....until the judge told him he would have to provide financial records.

Now Hunter is an "artist".

Because of course he is.

Being an artist isn't quite as fun as occupying a corrupt no-show Burisma board seat and receiving $3Million in a lump sum with US govt cash laundered through a couple of countries before ending up in a Hunter bank account in Cyprus!

But still, it is fun making funny pictures on canvas....

Drago said...

Inga: "What a weirdo. Sanders will have no trouble winning the Presidency. But if it makes you feel better, whatever.

2/25/20, 8:49 PM"


Sanders can't even beat dementia-boy!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

And Jim summed things up very nicely on that debate thread:

Jim at said...
Sanders will have no trouble winning the Presidency. - Inga

There are no words to describe this level of idiocy.

2/26/20, 1:16 PM

Perfectly true, but as we can see, Inga's forgotten everything she wrote that night. Feb. 26 was a very, very long time ago.

Inga said...

“Sanders will have no trouble winning the Presidency. But if it makes you feel better, whatever.”

My first choice is still Sanders now that Warren won’t make it. I haven’t jumped on the Biden train, but as I’ve said, I’d vote for the dog catcher before I’d vote for Trump. So would most Democrats.

donald said...

One thing about Warren is she has the Blasey Ford ability to turns dollar with her corruption and mendacity. She can milk this thing for at least another month.

I went to Gram Parsons grave yesterday (Somebody should take care of it) then had a $90.00 whole fish later. I REALLY shoulda asked what the market price was.

Drago said...

Inga: "My first choice is still Sanders now that Warren won’t make it."


"now that Warren won't make it"

Warren wasn't going to "make it" starting about 6 months ago!

But good for you! You finally caught up!

Inga said...

“Perfectly true, but as we can see, Inga's forgotten everything she wrote that night. Feb. 26 was a very, very long time ago.”

I think exiled might be related to OCDrago, both seem to be suffering from humor deficit syndrome. But hey, that’s not my problem it makes it all the more fun to troll them.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga, I'm laughing my ass off - at you.

Clyde said...

So Bloomberg wins American Samoa. We thought he was Mr. Burns, but it turns out that he was actually Uncle Duke!

Inga said...

“Inga, I'm laughing my ass off - at you.”

And I, you!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga, you'll vote for whoever The Party tells you to vote for.

You're an obedient little serf.

LA_Bob said...

In early returns, Bloomberg beating Biden in CA.

Clyde said...

That's a hoary Doonesbury reference, for those too young to remember.

narciso said...

Pick a candidate and stick by then

Drago said...

Inga: "But hey, that’s not my problem it makes it all the more fun to troll them"


Yeah, Inga's "trolling us" the same way the Carthaginians "trolled" the Romans in the 3rd Punic war.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I'm happy to see that Inga is so amused by the fact that an old man she herself described as "a dementia patient" is now the Dem frontrunner.

He really is a perfect leader for the Dems in their present state. All those candidates and Slow Joe is really the best they can come up with.

Limited blogger said...

The story of Gram Parson's burial sounds like a scene from a bad horror movie...

Gram Parson's grave

JaimeRoberto said...

Drago and Inga just need to get a room. Y'all know you love each other.

Drago said...

exiled: "He really is a perfect leader for the Dems in their present state. All those candidates and Slow Joe is really the best they can come up with."

Someone ought to go back and pull up all those Inga quotes where she was celebrating the "youth" and "diversity" of the democratic field of candidates!

Good times....good times....

In the end, like all lefty and LLR-lefty automatons, she will accept whatever the Dem leadership shoves down her throat!

And she'll say "thank you" and "may I have another".

Inga said...

“Inga, you'll vote for whoever The Party tells you to vote for.”

Most Democrats and liberals will vote for the nominee who runs against Trump. No more third party voting, we see what happened. As I said, even the dog catcher would be better than Trump.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Amadeus 48 said...

This explains so much about so many things...

3/3/20, 10:19 PM

It's Chinatown!

gspencer said...

Granny Warren slugging down that beer compels me to introduce her to Jerry Lee Lewis,

What Made Milwaukee Famous has made a loser out of me,

Granny, I’d like to repeat that operative word – LOSER (in the state which sent you to the Senate!)

Drago said...

Inga: "As I said, even the dog catcher would be better than Trump."


Hillary not qualified to be dog catcher.

That's gotta hurt.

Inga said...

“I'm happy to see that Inga is so amused by the fact that an old man she herself described as "a dementia patient" is now the Dem frontrunner.”

It IS amusing actually. Like I said if someone as demented as a Trump can be President so can someone as demented as Biden. Now when Biden says something demented we can shove it in your face and say you don’t understand his “humor”. How fun that will be.

Drago said...

BTW, did the Russians change any democrat primary voting machine totals to help their boy Biden?

Inga said...

“Hillary not qualified to be dog catcher.

That's gotta hurt.”

Doesn’t hurt me.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...
“Inga, you'll vote for whoever The Party tells you to vote for.”

Most Democrats and liberals will vote for the nominee who runs against Trump. No more third party voting, we see what happened. As I said, even the dog catcher would be better than Trump.

3/3/20, 10:36 PM

Your problem is you also need independents. I can't see them falling over themselves to vote for either Mr. Sniffy or Mr. Commie.

And Bernie Bros feel no loyalty to the Democrat Party.

Drago said...

Inga: "Now when Biden says something demented we can shove it in your face and say you don’t understand his “humor”. How fun that will be."


Shorter Inga: When I'm forced to consume my own bile, boy, will the joke be on you guys!

Drago said...

Inga: "Doesn’t hurt me."


Someone has GOT to go pull Inga's pre-Nov 8 2016 comments now!!

Keep going Inga! Before we're done tonight I suspect you will disavow everything you've written for the last 5 years!

Seriously, how much more perfect can this scenario be?

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga, frankly, you shit the bed in this thread and you're trying to convince everyone that it's fine chocolate.

That's hilarious.

Drago said...

Inga: "And he’s 2018 WAS a referendum on Trump and so is 2020."

If that makes you feel better.

I guess obama just never had a chance after losing suburbia and over 60+ seats in the House in 2010.

Good thinking Inga!! That should make up for you running away from everything you've written for 5 years!

Inga said...

White suburban women left Trump in droves in 2018. They will do the same in 2020, probably more so. And 2018 WAS a referendum on Trump and so is 2020. Voter turnout tonight should give you a hint.

walter said...

Joe's campaign is still alive! know, the thing...

Drago said...

Inga: "Voter turnout tonight should give you a hint."


I can see that contested primary turnouts are still very very confusing for our Russia collusionist.

Perhaps if we explained it in cyrillic.

Drago said...

Our, uh, someone
Who Art in...uh..somewhere...
Hallowed Be Thy...uh...thing....

Inga said...

“Inga, frankly, you shit the bed in this thread and you're trying to convince everyone that it's fine chocolate.”

You either are a humorless dolt or you are desperately trying to redeem yourself after you allowed me to troll the shit out of you. That was fun and I look forward to doing it agin soon.

Drago said...

Inga is all on-board Team Dementia!

Good for you Inga.

Life, lemons, lemonade...something like that.

LA_Bob said...

Bad news for Bernie! Biden's making it a horse race in Texas.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
I agree with Joe Rogan that the appealing thing about Bernie is his consistency. It is a rare thing in politics."

He's been consistently wrong about everything since the 1960's.

Inga said...

“Inga is all on-board Team Dementia!”

Well, no I’m still. Bernie girl, but if Biden gets the nomination I’ll gladly vote for him, as I said.

Limited blogger said...

Just noticed an article saying the New York Republican primary has been cancelled. Trump is running un-opposed so they won't hold the vote.

But of course Gov. Cuomo has scheduled some special elections to be held that same day. The suppressed Republican turnout will now help the democrat candidates in the specials.

NY Republican primary

Inga said...

And IF Bernie doesn’t get the nomination I won’t go downtown and burn Milwaukee down.

Drago said...

Another "spark of divinity" "victory" for Inga and her pals:

"Illegal who had an ICE detainer notice was release because of Sanctuary City policy in Chicago.
Then he raped a 3 year old girl in a stall while the father was cleaning up her brother."

Well done Inga and lefties. I'm sure this won't be a problem for this 3 year old growing up.

The important thing is the dems got to stick their finger in OrangeManBad's eye!

Because that's what really matters.

Drago said...

Inga: "And IF Bernie doesn’t get the nomination I won’t go downtown and burn Milwaukee down."

Of course not. Sheep never act aggressively.

Drago said...

Inga: "Well, no I’m still. Bernie girl, but if Biden gets the nomination I’ll gladly vote for him, as I said."


Yes, we know. As do your dem masters.

You are all talk. They know better than to take you seriously.

That's why Hillary knew she could simply use the DNC as her own personal campaign staff and rig debates and the money allocation away from dem state parties to her own campaign, etc.

I'll say this about the dem leadership: they fully understand their base voters....

Inga said...

“Sheep never act aggressively.”

And you’re the fat little lapdog that licks Trump’s greasy hands dripping with McDonald’s special sauce.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Drago said...
Another "spark of divinity" "victory" for Inga and her pals:

"Illegal who had an ICE detainer notice was release because of Sanctuary City policy in Chicago.
Then he raped a 3 year old girl in a stall while the father was cleaning up her brother."

Well done Inga and lefties. I'm sure this won't be a problem for this 3 year old growing up.

The important thing is the dems got to stick their finger in OrangeManBad's eye!

Because that's what really matters.

3/3/20, 10:52 PM

Inga cries phony tears for "children in cages" but doesn't give a damn about a 3 year old raped by an illegal who was given sanctuary.

It wasn't a member of her family, so what does she care?

Inga said...

“You are all talk.”

Achilles seems to think I’m dangerous, lol.

Yancey Ward said...

It appears that Sanders will not win Texas. The early vote helped him into a big lead, but the people who voted today turned the other way.

Inga said...

Wow, the Texas votes are changing every few minutes.

Yancey Ward said...

Sanders has a much bigger lead on Biden in California on the early vote than he did in Texas, but I suspect as the count nears 100%, Biden will close it down to a less than 5% difference.

The last 4 days you have seen a massive operation by the DNC that is properly called shock and awe. The GOTV effort on behalf of Biden must have been truly massive.

Yancey Ward said...

Hopefully, Wikileaks gives us a window on the last week's operations at some point.

Inga said...

It looks like the black vote and the older vote is winning. If Biden wins the nomination he should pick a black running mate as a thank you to black voters. There are several good candidates.

chickelit said...

What's interesting in California is how strongly Trump is polling despite being essentially unopposed. As of 9 PM PST, he's got less votes than all Dems combined, but his margin is much better than what he got against Hillary in 2016. Of course all of the illegal ballots haven't been counted yet but since they would be voting for Sanders -- who is comfortably ahead -- I'm not sure if Dems will have to count those "extra" votes.

Good turnout by Trump voters!

Yancey Ward said...

It's over in Texas, Inga. Sanders took a 70K lead in the voting, but this was the early vote totals that started being posted before the polls had actually closed in the state. The consistent trend since today's vote started being counted is Biden gaining every 15 minutes- I don't expect that trend to alter significantly over the last 50% of the count. Biden will end up winning the state by 50 thousand votes or more.

LA_Bob said...

Biden with a narrow lead in Texas.

Inga said...

And if Sanders would win the nomination, he’d be smart to pick a black running mate to get the black voters to come out to vote for him in the numbers they came out for Biden.

walter said...

"The GOTV effort on behalf of Biden must have been truly massive."
Increased "expodentially"!

Yancey Ward said...

Tonight would have turned out so different if Warren had dropped out after New Hampshire. Her presence as an active candidate killed Sanders tonight. Sanders would have won Massachusetts and Texas, and would have minimized the damage in the other southern states. I'd buy her a beer if I could.

Yancey Ward said...

Also, Sanders would likely have won Minnesota if Warren had dropped out.

chickelit said...

Inga said...It looks like the black vote and the older vote is winning. If Biden wins the nomination he should pick a black running mate as a thank you to black voters. There are several good candidates.

Kamala Harris could help him clinch California but lose the nation. I'm sure Biden knows that already.

Drago said...

Inga: "And if Sanders would win the nomination, he’d be smart to pick a black running mate to get the black voters to come out to vote for him in the numbers they came out for Biden."


Based on skin color alone.

Because of course.

chickelit said...

Watch the raw, final vote totals numbers for Dems that come out of California. I think it will be exceedingly hard for Dems to cheat in CA as they did in the general in 2016. Other Dems (either Sanders acolytes or Biden apparatchiks) will call them out if one side cheats. Today when I voted in my solid blue neighborhood, an old guy nearly voided my ballot when he saw that I was a registered Republican.

Drago said...

Inga: "And you’re the fat little lapdog that licks Trump’s greasy hands dripping with McDonald’s special sauce."

Is McDonald's special sauce particularly greasy?


walter said...

I don't know if Kamala gets his "sense of humor".

Drago said...

walter: "I don't know if Kamala gets his "sense of humor"."

Kamala was soundly rejected by black voters in the primary.

But good old white gal from WI Inga knows what's best for them all and it goes just about skin deep only.

Mark said...

Her presence as an active candidate killed Sanders tonight

If so, Warren will have taken out three candidates -- Bloomberg, Sanders and herself.

Inga said...

“Based on skin color alone.”

No, not alone. There are several very good candidates and they happen to be black too. Win/Win.

Inga said...

“Kamala was soundly rejected by black voters in the primary.

But good old white gal from WI Inga knows what's best for them all and it goes just about skin deep only.”

Um... where have I suggested Kamala Harris would be a good running mate for Biden, or Sanders? Good old white boy OCDrago wants to tell black people what’s best for them as if they don’t know.

Inga said...

“I don't know if Kamala gets his "sense of humor".”

Whoever will be Biden’s running mate, he/she will have to practice the Pence poker face.

Crazy World said...

Wow it’s definitely a crazy world.

Narayanan said...

Blogger chickelit said ....
.... Today when I voted in my solid blue neighborhood, an old guy nearly voided my ballot when he saw that I was a registered Republican.
How is that possible? is ballot not secret?

Drago said...

The Very Very Forgetful Inga: "Um... where have I suggested Kamala Harris would be a good running mate for Biden, or Sanders?
3/3/20, 11:37 PM"

Inga: "And if Sanders would win the nomination, he’d be smart to pick a black running mate to get the black voters to come out to vote for him in the numbers they came out for Biden.
3/3/20, 11:11 PM"

It's not easy being Inga considering she is rapidly dumping every talking point she's used for the last 5 years.

I was also surprised she mentioned "bone spurs" in a thread about 5 Deferment Biden.

But that's our Inga!

LA_Bob said...

In Texas, Biden's popular vote lead is almost 35,000. Yancey might be right about Biden beating Bernie by 50K.

Inga said...

“The Very Very Forgetful Inga: "Um... where have I suggested Kamala Harris would be a good running mate for Biden, or Sanders?
3/3/20, 11:37 PM"

Inga: "And if Sanders would win the nomination, he’d be smart to pick a black running mate to get the black voters to come out to vote for him in the numbers they came out for Biden.
3/3/20, 11:11 PM"

It's not easy being Inga considering she is rapidly dumping every talking point she's used for the last 5 years.

I was also surprised she mentioned "bone spurs" in a thread about 5 Deferment Biden.

But that's our Inga!”

Are you drunk? WHERE did I mention the name Kamala Harris? I said there were several good black candidates. Again, WHERE did I say one of them was Kamala Harris?

chickelit said...

How is that possible? is ballot not secret?

When you approach the voting officials for on-site paper voting, they give you different ballots depending on whether you are R,D, I, etc. I handed him my voter ID notice which was mailed to me and which plainly states my party preference. When he asked me to e-sign for my ballot, I noticed than I was signing someone else's registration! I made him back out of his program and refind me correctly in his voter rolls.

Drago said...

Inga: "Are you drunk? WHERE did I mention the name Kamala Harris?"

You mentioned no names.


Which means you excluded no one.

But by all means, become MORE upset than you already are! It just gets more amusing.

chickelit said...

How is that possible? is ballot not secret?

But yes, after you get your ballot, you mark it in private. But there was nothing stopping a corrupt official from voiding vote by incorrectly registering someone's vote.

eddie willers said...

So I checked Texas. Trump had more votes than the Democrats combined.

They'll have to wait at least four more years before turning blue.

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