Two (American made) Turkish F16D fighter planes shot down two Syrian (Russian made) Su-24 fighter bombers over northern Syria in the last several days. Are the drums of war beating louder in the Middle East?
Rep. Louie Gohmert: “I had a friend I met here years ago. His name is Phil Haney and he was one of the kindest, most patriotic, competent people I’ve ever known in my life… We had a mutual pact. If it’s said that either one of us end up having committed suicide then the other is going to make sure that truth wins out… He saw things that were a threat to this country, he said something, and he was severely punished for it, because apparently the Obama administration had some radical ties that they did not want anybody, including Philip Haney, to expose… He was gonna name names of people that put this country at risk…and he ends with a bullet in him?”
" We visited a Hutong (inner city – where the locals live) and saw raw chickens, skinned and bleeding, just laying on the floor, waiting to be thrown on a restaurant grill…for public consumption. No FDA or USDA or food inspectors or “codes” to comply with, here. But why? This is the last purely communist country on earth. You’d think there would be red tape everywhere. What was happening here?
Then, my wife and I had to rush our newly adopted, 8-month-old daughter to the public hospital…and suddenly it all started making sense.
As we stepped in more urine, took our number from the print-out machine, walked past the line of children whining and crying from the scalp IVs in their heads, then rushed to clean up blood and mucus (left by the last patient) on the plastic table they were now laying our baby on, then waited on the ONE overworked doctor (attending to no less than three hundred people) try to round up a basic anti-biotic to administer to my daughter (right there on site – no refills) it dawned on me what I was seeing and what I had been seeing this whole time. I wasn’t watching a “backward” culture or a third-world society. These people weren’t genetically inferior to first-worlders. They weren’t “less-evolved” than I was.
I was witnessing the kind of maximum, almost brutal efficiency a society must develop when the state is the master and the individual is merely a subject. Why would a Communist country not have an effective FDA? Because who are you going to complain to if you get tainted food? The government? They don’t answer to you. The press? They are owned by the government. And again, they don’t answer to you.
So what if you don’t like the conditions in the hospital? Where else are you going to go? This hospital is the last (and only) stop. You can’t opt for another place and then just pay out of your own pocket. The government has capped financial upward mobility. There is now “income equality.” And that means nobody has the means to buy their way into a different (or better) situation. And even if you could, one doesn’t exist. The state provides it all. You’re stuck."
Exit quote: “The thing about free-market solutions when it comes to healthcare, is that if they don’t work, you can always trash them and go to a public option. But once you nationalize healthcare, there is no going back. And that terrifies me. I’ve seen the natural conclusion of what happens when only one buyer is purchasing gauze and morphine; when one source pays the doctors and nurses.”
gilbar said... Annie I feel it SHOULD be grey; but WOW! am i in the minority
what's up with your eye? Tell us more, so we'll know what to pray for?
3/1/20, 11:41 AM
Thanks gil. I was hit by a drunk driver and since I am so short, the seat was too close to the steering wheel and blasted my face. It had no time to fully inflate before it hit me.
Along with other injuries that are healing, I have lost most of the vision in my left eye. However, it seems like some of it may be coming back.
@Achilles, the good news is that law enforcement is going to investigate Haney's death further. The bad news is that it's the FBI doing the investigating.
Yesterday morning, I was flying from Memphis to Miami, about a third of the way there at 0430. Beautiful, clear night. With city lights 37,000 feet below, the Milky Way was splashed across the sky as the eastern horizon was just starting to brighten.
Then some movement in my peripheral vision caught my attention.
It was — more correctly, they were — a series of 8 or so objects roughly the size and brightness of Venus and about 10 degrees above the horizon moving towards the northeast.
Then nine. Ten. Eleven. Like pearls on a string appearing out of nowhere, until there were 25 or so.
I spent a good ten seconds or so thinking the alien invasion was starting. Seriously.
Then I said to my First Officer, "Ed, look over here."
A few seconds go by as more of these things were appearing. He said "What. The. Hell."
I'm sure everyone has had the experience of looking at something and it taking a second or so to make sense of what you are seeing. However, for a full half minute to go by and be utterly mystified by what I was seeing is a singularly odd experience.
Then suddenly it all clicked. We were watching the deployment of a bunch of mini-satellites that was happening as they passed from the earth's shadow into the sunlight that was still below the horizon from our vantage point.
I have no idea what I'd have made of it had I not remembered reading about mini-satellites.
Space-X's latest Starlink launch was Jan 29, so it wasn't that. Can't find any other launch references. DOD, maybe?
"The Pharmacist" on Netflix. Pretty good documentary. Pharmacist becomes obsessed with finding son's killer after police department quickly gives up. Then, becomes obsessed with shutting down oxy pill mill when police, FBI, DEA refuse.
(Woman Doctor deposited $1,900,000.00 in cash in one year from writing oxy scripts.)
“Two (American made) Turkish F16D fighter planes shot down two Syrian (Russian made) Su-24 fighter bombers over northern Syria in the last several days. Are the drums of war beating louder in the Middle East?”
The scary part of that is that Turkey is a NATO member. They haven’t yet invoked the NATO self defense provisions yet, but are instead merely just asking politely. My understanding is that we did, after 9/11, and Turkey did aid us some, but did balk at letting our forces cross Turkey into Iraq. What happens if (and when) they do formally request assistance from NATO? Do we honor our commitments, and enter hostilities against Russia and Syria? Or do we deny them assistance, thus ultimately depriving us our SE border with the Muslim world? I think that their release of immigrants into Europe is telling the rest of NATO that they are playing with fire right now. Do we want them as a putative ally? Or as a well armed enemy?
Bruce Hayden Good questions, interesting topic. We are paying the price for Trump's disastrous fuck up in Syria, where he gave Erdogan a YUGE prestige boost at America’s expense. There was growing internal opposition to Erdogan, and Trump gave him a big boost. My own feeling is : enemy. At least as long as Erdogan or his party are in power. I used to think Turkey belonged in the EU, but changed my mind long ago. Now I wonder if they belong in NATO.
Thanks for the Regie Hamm blog link. Years ago in the WSJ, I read of split pants for babies and had never seen one since. Might be a good 60 Minutes story. Or CNN series: Unsanitary China.
“ (Woman Doctor deposited $1,900,000.00 in cash in one year from writing oxy scripts.)”
Not uncommon. A lot of churn and burn pain management doctors out there. My partner has been a patient in an Oxy mill. Luckily she got “fired” for her surgeon proscribing pain meds after major back surgery, and she eventually ended up with someone who is far more skilled (and ethical). My point though is that we watched the operation of the Oxy mill, and wondered about the money rolling in. This guy had patients lined up for appointments all day long. He had two PAs working for him, and after 10 minute appointments, all would prescribe narcotics to people who had been doing back flips in the parking lot a half an hour earlier. My thoughts were that the way to run it was to move the money out of the country as fast as you earned it, spend a couple years at a country club prison when caught, then the rest of your life living off the money you made before being busted. All that it would take is an MD (OD, or even podiatry) degree, state licensure, and a stack of prescription pads.
It is possible to find real pain management doctors. They are just outnumbered by the churn and burn types, or at least were until the FDA started to seriously clamp down on the prescription of narcotics. She got lucky - her current pain doc is also a practicing anesthesiologist as well as a licensed psychiatrist. But it took a lot of hard work to get there. And we do nothing, whatsoever, to give him an excuse to “fire” her as a patient. We worry that the FDA, etc, will make pain management practice so onerous that he just drops it, and goes to passing gas full time (now it is just a couple afternoons a week).
“ Disagree about Syria. No positive results from getting or staying involved there”
Agreed. And esp we don’t want to be fighting the Russians there. Let them get mired down again in a Muslim factional war, as they did in Afghanistan. It is their problem, and their stupidity. Let’s leave it to them.
"Amador County Sheriff’s Department investigating the case of former Department of Homeland Security whistleblower Philip Haney issued a press release Sunday, backtracking from earlier statements made by their office that his death was ruled a suicide.
According to Martin A. Ryan, Sheriff – Coroner press release, “Unfortunately, there was misinformation immediately being put out that we have determined Mr. Haney’s death to be a suicide. This is not the case.” Sheriff Backtracks On Suicide Findings
Thank you for all the prayers and good vibes. I appreciate everyone's good wishes for sure.
Playing with good light and spools of thread (I have lots of different colors) I can definitely make out bright shades of blue and green-blue, so something good is happening.
Going to call the eye doc tomorrow and see what this could mean. He said I might never get the sight back in that eye, but this could be promising news.
Thank you for all the prayers and good vibes. I appreciate everyone's good wishes for sure.
Good luck. I assume you have seen a retina specialist. I had a tiny embolus to my retina a year ago. It left a tiny defect in my right visual field. The retina guy I went to saw me the next day. Nothing to be done but it is a little better. Your situation sounds like retinal detachment so I hope you saw the right person.
“I am seeing some colors in my left eye! It's still mostly just gray fuzz, but I am definitely picking up some blues and greens when I am outside’.”
Good news! I’ve always seen muted colors in my legally blind eye, I didn’t realize you only saw shades of gray. But that you’re seeing colors now sure does sound like a positive thing.
The cone receptors are responsible for color vision and they are located predominantly (exclusively?) in the central part of the retina (the fovea). Is your visual acuity also impaired, Annie?
I did Michael. My husband's family is considered big cheese in Dallas, museum wings, honoraria, millions of dollars and all that happy crappy.
When my father in law heard about it, he found the "top retina specialist" in Dallas and got me in the next day. Don't know if he is the top or not. When Dad first said it to me, all I could think about was Indiana Jones and "top men".
I'll call tomorrow and see what he says about the return of color.
I know we Yanks are supposed to spell the color 'gray'. But I have always been drawn to spelling it 'grey' because I am such a fan of Gandalf the Grey. I spell it with an 'e' whenever I feel like it.
Judge rules Cuccinelli unlawfully appointed to run immigration agency The Hill ^ | March 1, 2020 | Justine Coleman
A federal judge ruled that Ken Cuccinelli, who previously headed the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), was unlawfully appointed to run the agency.
D.C. District Judge Randolph Moss, an Obama appointee, decided the Trump administration violated the Federal Vacancies Reform Act when Cuccinelli, the current deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), was appointed to lead USCIS in June 2019.
He also ruled that Cuccinelli’s policy that accelerated the screenings for immigrants seeking asylum should be eliminated, according to the ruling obtained by The Hill.
The Federal Vacancies Reform Act regulates who the president can put in certain Cabinet and agency roles. President Trump’s administration created Cuccinelli’s first title, principal deputy director, in order for him to qualify to lead the agency in an interim status.
The judge ruled this title creation did not qualify him for the position.
“Cuccinelli may have the title of Principal Deputy Director, and the Department of Homeland Security’s order of succession may designate the office of the Principal Deputy Director as the first assistant’ to the Director,” he wrote. “But labels — without any substance — cannot satisfy the FVRA’s default rule under any plausible reading of the statute.”
"I know we Yanks are supposed to spell the color 'gray'."
The baseball great Tris Speaker known as The Gray Eagle. His obit from 60 years ago said Gray Eagle, his businesses were called things like Gray Eagle Enterprises, but still people try to switch him over to Grey for nothing besides some undefined sense of fashion.
Wikipedia's general usage is Gray for US and Grey for UK.
Bruce (i think), pointed out... Two (American made) Turkish F16D fighter planes... Do we want them as a putative ally? Or as a well armed enemy?
back when we were building f-22's people would say to me... "Why On EARTH should we get new fighter planes? Our American planes are the best in the world"
and i say to them; "THAT is WHY we need newer better planes; we NEED to be able to knock f-16s and even f-15s out of the air"
moss is a fmr Clinton department doj official, he's the one that wrote the opinion a president cannot be indicted, then he went over to wilmer cutler pickering, Mueller's firm, appointed in 94,
Wait — the Turks are our friends again? Weren’t they supposed to be committing genocide against the Syrian Kurds (suddenly the one true love of our foreign policy deep staters) after Trump gave the “green light”? What ever happened to that?
I was reading a Powerline by Scott Johnson sort of about Obama's Dreams of My Father. I tried to comment for the first time and got into some kind of Discus loop where I couldn't register for comments [my first time over there].
So, in hope that Scott Johnson reads Althouse, I'm going to post my comment here. If it is moderated out, I understand. I'm just so frustrated. _____________
"Dreams was published in 1995. In 1995 Obama began running for State Senate in Hyde Park, where Ayers lived. In 1995 Obama and Ayers headed up the Annenberg Challenge to reform Chicago schools with $150 million and their offices adjoined each other in a UI/Chicago-owned building.
A couple floors below them was the Small Schools group, a client of mine, led by Mike Klonsky, former chairman of the CP/ML and a friend of mine. Obama's old law boss, Allison Davis, was also a client of mine.
As the New Party was forming in Chicago in 1994, a lot of folks in Logan Square were excited about this Barak Obama. [LS is currently #8 in Bernie's top ten money zip codes, also AKA Pink Square]. His run for Alice Palmer's senate seat had to have been already coalescing in 1994.
Having usually seen Ayers at least twice a year socially with the Klonsky's, long time friends of my wife, I will venture that Bill Ayers did know Obama when he was writing his book, that Obama at least bounced ideas and passages off of Ayers and Ayers probably read his drafts with many suggestions. I think Ayers has probably written 10 books or so.
don't forget; O'Bama SAYS that he announced his state senate campaign at a reception IN Ayer's house Most people Assume that the campaign was Ayer's idea
i hadn't realized that his book came out THE SAME YEAR, as his senate race
Althouse: Are you fiddling with the blues in your last few pictures? Whatever it is, it's really kicking up the orange chroma for me. These are your best yet.
Given the incestuous nature of progressive Hyde Park politics, there is no way Obama's run had not been vetted by the local muckety-mucks ["politburo"]. Chicago-Style.
I was a part of the progressive white/latino/black coalition that got Harold Washington elected in 1983. Washington was fighting the underrepresentation of minorities in the city council and would be the first black mayor of Chicago. But, he was the product of the South Side black machine which first established itself around 1925.
When Harold died, the coalition fell apart under his black successors. I think mostly because the black part of the coalition was denying a fair share of jobs to the latino side. When Daley the Younger ran, he reached out to the latino politicians, and some blacks, too, and reunited them with the Machine.
I only mention this because when the 1994 Obama buzz starting happening, he was sort of described the same way Biden did later, "Clean, articulate... Negro...."
Both Harold Washington and Barak Obama were from Hyde Park, where the South Side bourgeoisie and intelligentsia live.
Across the street from Harold's condo building, in a park, was the largest parrot infestation in the U.S. Almost 1000 parrots in a single community. You can look it up.
As Mike Royko said, I think from some local Chicago news service where he started out as a cub, "If your mother says she love's you, check it out." I dream of journalists like that.
Howard said... Althouse: Are you fiddling with the blues in your last few pictures? Whatever it is, it's really kicking up the orange chroma for me. These are your best yet.
Howard, I respect your Eddie Haskell strategy, but just understand, she's still not going to throw you a lay.
Milwaukie Guy -- I's like to speak with you. I am writing about Ayers and Dohrn. I have an eponymous blog. FYI, I'm not complimentary, but I'd appreciate your opinion on a different timeline.
Sorry if asking this violates the rules here. I understand if it's removed.
Original Mike: @Hey Skipper - It was SpaceX. I've been seeing those damn things all week while observing with my telescope.
That was my first guess. I watched the SpaceX video of the deployment — it seems the individual satellites disperse via small variations in their orbital mechanics.
The spacing seemed too regular for that, but what do I know? (Also, vantage point could have made lateral dispersal nearly impossible to see.)
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৭৭টি মন্তব্য:
Just saw Steve Bannon on Maria’s Sunday show. Boy is he great. Bannon is - hands down - Trump’s most articulate spokesman.
Two (American made) Turkish F16D fighter planes shot down two Syrian (Russian made) Su-24 fighter bombers over northern Syria in the last several days. Are the drums of war beating louder in the Middle East?
Subtle palette, Prof.
Trump took us out of that one, Viator.
I'm trying very hard not to get too excited, but failing miserably.
I am seeing some colors in my left eye! It's still mostly just gray fuzz, but I am definitely picking up some blues and greens when I am outside.
Whether this means I might get my vision back or not, it is so nice to see something other than gray on that side. And is it gray or grey?
Anybody want a peanut?
Ric Edelman says investors fall into three groups.
Bannon is - hands down - Trump’s most articulate spokesman.
He got a little carried away, from what I have read, on Covid 19. It was not a biowarfare attack but it might be an accidental escape.
Rep. Louie Gohmert: “I had a friend I met here years ago. His name is Phil Haney and he was one of the kindest, most patriotic, competent people I’ve ever known in my life… We had a mutual pact. If it’s said that either one of us end up having committed suicide then the other is going to make sure that truth wins out… He saw things that were a threat to this country, he said something, and he was severely punished for it, because apparently the Obama administration had some radical ties that they did not want anybody, including Philip Haney, to expose… He was gonna name names of people that put this country at risk…and he ends with a bullet in him?”
Phillip Haney didn't kill himself.
isn't it an interesting world we live in?
Seth Rich?
Phil Haney?
it ALMOST seems like it's DANGEROUS to cross the deep state
oh, and Epstein; let's not forget Epstein!
I feel it SHOULD be grey; but WOW! am i in the minority
what's up with your eye? Tell us more, so we'll know what to pray for?
So brazen
Birth of a Virus:
" We visited a Hutong (inner city – where the locals live) and saw raw chickens, skinned and bleeding, just laying on the floor, waiting to be thrown on a restaurant grill…for public consumption. No FDA or USDA or food inspectors or “codes” to comply with, here. But why? This is the last purely communist country on earth. You’d think there would be red tape everywhere. What was happening here?
Then, my wife and I had to rush our newly adopted, 8-month-old daughter to the public hospital…and suddenly it all started making sense.
As we stepped in more urine, took our number from the print-out machine, walked past the line of children whining and crying from the scalp IVs in their heads, then rushed to clean up blood and mucus (left by the last patient) on the plastic table they were now laying our baby on, then waited on the ONE overworked doctor (attending to no less than three hundred people) try to round up a basic anti-biotic to administer to my daughter (right there on site – no refills) it dawned on me what I was seeing and what I had been seeing this whole time. I wasn’t watching a “backward” culture or a third-world society. These people weren’t genetically inferior to first-worlders. They weren’t “less-evolved” than I was.
I was witnessing the kind of maximum, almost brutal efficiency a society must develop when the state is the master and the individual is merely a subject. Why would a Communist country not have an effective FDA? Because who are you going to complain to if you get tainted food? The government? They don’t answer to you. The press? They are owned by the government. And again, they don’t answer to you.
So what if you don’t like the conditions in the hospital? Where else are you going to go? This hospital is the last (and only) stop. You can’t opt for another place and then just pay out of your own pocket. The government has capped financial upward mobility. There is now “income equality.” And that means nobody has the means to buy their way into a different (or better) situation. And even if you could, one doesn’t exist. The state provides it all. You’re stuck."
Exit quote: “The thing about free-market solutions when it comes to healthcare, is that if they don’t work, you can always trash them and go to a public option. But once you nationalize healthcare, there is no going back. And that terrifies me. I’ve seen the natural conclusion of what happens when only one buyer is purchasing gauze and morphine; when one source pays the doctors and nurses.”
Information Not approved by Chuck Todd, Joy Behar, SNL, MSDNC or CNN.
You have your super expensive Casio watch set to the wrong year.
A few clouds always improve the Sunrise.
gilbar said...
I feel it SHOULD be grey; but WOW! am i in the minority
what's up with your eye? Tell us more, so we'll know what to pray for?
3/1/20, 11:41 AM
Thanks gil. I was hit by a drunk driver and since I am so short, the seat was too close to the steering wheel and blasted my face. It had no time to fully inflate before it hit me.
Along with other injuries that are healing, I have lost most of the vision in my left eye. However, it seems like some of it may be coming back.
I'm so excited!
For describing the color, either spelling is correct.
@Annie C., that is such good news! Let's hope it makes your left eye makes it all the way back!
Wow, BleachBit-and-Hammers, that should be tattooed on the inside of the eyelids of each and every Bernie Bro.
@Achilles, the good news is that law enforcement is going to investigate Haney's death further. The bad news is that it's the FBI doing the investigating.
Prayers for a full recovery, Annie C.
12 more people test positive for coronavirus in Great Britain.
Democrats to announce hearings to discuss Trump culpability.
And now a sunrise story.
Yesterday morning, I was flying from Memphis to Miami, about a third of the way there at 0430. Beautiful, clear night. With city lights 37,000 feet below, the Milky Way was splashed across the sky as the eastern horizon was just starting to brighten.
Then some movement in my peripheral vision caught my attention.
It was — more correctly, they were — a series of 8 or so objects roughly the size and brightness of Venus and about 10 degrees above the horizon moving towards the northeast.
Then nine. Ten. Eleven. Like pearls on a string appearing out of nowhere, until there were 25 or so.
I spent a good ten seconds or so thinking the alien invasion was starting. Seriously.
Then I said to my First Officer, "Ed, look over here."
A few seconds go by as more of these things were appearing. He said "What. The. Hell."
I'm sure everyone has had the experience of looking at something and it taking a second or so to make sense of what you are seeing. However, for a full half minute to go by and be utterly mystified by what I was seeing is a singularly odd experience.
Then suddenly it all clicked. We were watching the deployment of a bunch of mini-satellites that was happening as they passed from the earth's shadow into the sunlight that was still below the horizon from our vantage point.
I have no idea what I'd have made of it had I not remembered reading about mini-satellites.
Space-X's latest Starlink launch was Jan 29, so it wasn't that. Can't find any other launch references. DOD, maybe?
Yeah, good luck Annie C.
Mysterious deaths? Possible deadly pandemic?
Not to worry, the Organs will investigate and conclude that they did nothing wrong.
And we'll all rest easier
"He was gonna name names" but he didn't because?
Annie, I’m so sorry. I will say a daily prayer for your eye until Easter. Keep us updated on progress.
Sending positive thoughts your way, Annie C. Best of luck on your recovery!
"The Pharmacist" on Netflix. Pretty good documentary. Pharmacist becomes obsessed with finding son's killer after police department quickly gives up.
Then, becomes obsessed with shutting down oxy pill mill when police, FBI, DEA refuse.
(Woman Doctor deposited $1,900,000.00 in cash in one year from writing oxy scripts.)
This old guy a one man justice department..
Haney didn’t kill Epstein.
“Two (American made) Turkish F16D fighter planes shot down two Syrian (Russian made) Su-24 fighter bombers over northern Syria in the last several days. Are the drums of war beating louder in the Middle East?”
The scary part of that is that Turkey is a NATO member. They haven’t yet invoked the NATO self defense provisions yet, but are instead merely just asking politely. My understanding is that we did, after 9/11, and Turkey did aid us some, but did balk at letting our forces cross Turkey into Iraq. What happens if (and when) they do formally request assistance from NATO? Do we honor our commitments, and enter hostilities against Russia and Syria? Or do we deny them assistance, thus ultimately depriving us our SE border with the Muslim world? I think that their release of immigrants into Europe is telling the rest of NATO that they are playing with fire right now. Do we want them as a putative ally? Or as a well armed enemy?
Bruce Hayden
Good questions, interesting topic.
We are paying the price for Trump's disastrous fuck up in Syria, where he gave Erdogan a YUGE prestige boost at America’s expense. There was growing internal opposition to Erdogan, and Trump gave him a big boost.
My own feeling is : enemy. At least as long as Erdogan or his party are in power. I used to think Turkey belonged in the EU, but changed my mind long ago. Now I wonder if they belong in NATO.
Thanks for the Regie Hamm blog link. Years ago in the WSJ, I read of split pants for babies and had never seen one since. Might be a good 60 Minutes story. Or CNN series: Unsanitary China.
Disagree about Syria. No positive results from getting or staying involved there.
I do worry about Turkish army officers I met ten years ago but there is nothing to be done.
“ (Woman Doctor deposited $1,900,000.00 in cash in one year from writing oxy scripts.)”
Not uncommon. A lot of churn and burn pain management doctors out there. My partner has been a patient in an Oxy mill. Luckily she got “fired” for her surgeon proscribing pain meds after major back surgery, and she eventually ended up with someone who is far more skilled (and ethical). My point though is that we watched the operation of the Oxy mill, and wondered about the money rolling in. This guy had patients lined up for appointments all day long. He had two PAs working for him, and after 10 minute appointments, all would prescribe narcotics to people who had been doing back flips in the parking lot a half an hour earlier. My thoughts were that the way to run it was to move the money out of the country as fast as you earned it, spend a couple years at a country club prison when caught, then the rest of your life living off the money you made before being busted. All that it would take is an MD (OD, or even podiatry) degree, state licensure, and a stack of prescription pads.
It is possible to find real pain management doctors. They are just outnumbered by the churn and burn types, or at least were until the FDA started to seriously clamp down on the prescription of narcotics. She got lucky - her current pain doc is also a practicing anesthesiologist as well as a licensed psychiatrist. But it took a lot of hard work to get there. And we do nothing, whatsoever, to give him an excuse to “fire” her as a patient. We worry that the FDA, etc, will make pain management practice so onerous that he just drops it, and goes to passing gas full time (now it is just a couple afternoons a week).
“ Disagree about Syria. No positive results from getting or staying involved there”
Agreed. And esp we don’t want to be fighting the Russians there. Let them get mired down again in a Muslim factional war, as they did in Afghanistan. It is their problem, and their stupidity. Let’s leave it to them.
The syrian army are the best of the worst.
Annie C. Prayers for a complete and total recovery.
"Amador County Sheriff’s Department investigating the case of former Department of Homeland Security whistleblower Philip Haney issued a press release Sunday, backtracking from earlier statements made by their office that his death was ruled a suicide.
According to Martin A. Ryan, Sheriff – Coroner press release, “Unfortunately, there was misinformation immediately being put out that we have determined Mr. Haney’s death to be a suicide. This is not the case.”
Sheriff Backtracks On Suicide Findings
Thank you for all the prayers and good vibes. I appreciate everyone's good wishes for sure.
Playing with good light and spools of thread (I have lots of different colors) I can definitely make out bright shades of blue and green-blue, so something good is happening.
Going to call the eye doc tomorrow and see what this could mean. He said I might never get the sight back in that eye, but this could be promising news.
Having some sight back in the eye is definitely a great sign! Am hoping your recovery & healing continues to progress.
Thank you for all the prayers and good vibes. I appreciate everyone's good wishes for sure.
Good luck. I assume you have seen a retina specialist. I had a tiny embolus to my retina a year ago. It left a tiny defect in my right visual field. The retina guy I went to saw me the next day. Nothing to be done but it is a little better. Your situation sounds like retinal detachment so I hope you saw the right person.
(Detective Inspector) Rebus to his female boss, who is in the hall wearing a dress for some party, "I thought you gave up undercover work."
@Hey Skipper - It was SpaceX. I've been seeing those damn things all week while observing with my telescope.
Good luck, Annie!
“I am seeing some colors in my left eye! It's still mostly just gray fuzz, but I am definitely picking up some blues and greens when I am outside’.”
Good news! I’ve always seen muted colors in my legally blind eye, I didn’t realize you only saw shades of gray. But that you’re seeing colors now sure does sound like a positive thing.
The cone receptors are responsible for color vision and they are located predominantly (exclusively?) in the central part of the retina (the fovea). Is your visual acuity also impaired, Annie?
I did Michael. My husband's family is considered big cheese in Dallas, museum wings, honoraria, millions of dollars and all that happy crappy.
When my father in law heard about it, he found the "top retina specialist" in Dallas and got me in the next day. Don't know if he is the top or not. When Dad first said it to me, all I could think about was Indiana Jones and "top men".
I'll call tomorrow and see what he says about the return of color.
I know we Yanks are supposed to spell the color 'gray'. But I have always been drawn to spelling it 'grey' because I am such a fan of Gandalf the Grey. I spell it with an 'e' whenever I feel like it.
Good luck to you in your healing!
I'll call tomorrow and see what he says about the return of color.
Good for you. You did the right thing. Good luck.
Sure hasn't been much in the media about that Milwaukee mass shooting. I wonder why ...
Sure hasn't been much in the media about that Milwaukee mass shooting. I wonder why ...
Is that somehow related to the racist brewery I heard about?
Obama judges sure are effective:
Judge rules Cuccinelli unlawfully appointed to run immigration agency
The Hill ^ | March 1, 2020 | Justine Coleman
A federal judge ruled that Ken Cuccinelli, who previously headed the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), was unlawfully appointed to run the agency.
D.C. District Judge Randolph Moss, an Obama appointee, decided the Trump administration violated the Federal Vacancies Reform Act when Cuccinelli, the current deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), was appointed to lead USCIS in June 2019.
He also ruled that Cuccinelli’s policy that accelerated the screenings for immigrants seeking asylum should be eliminated, according to the ruling obtained by The Hill.
The Federal Vacancies Reform Act regulates who the president can put in certain Cabinet and agency roles. President Trump’s administration created Cuccinelli’s first title, principal deputy director, in order for him to qualify to lead the agency in an interim status.
The judge ruled this title creation did not qualify him for the position.
“Cuccinelli may have the title of Principal Deputy Director, and the Department of Homeland Security’s order of succession may designate the office of the Principal Deputy Director as the first assistant’ to the Director,” he wrote. “But labels — without any substance — cannot satisfy the FVRA’s default rule under any plausible reading of the statute.”
ex mayor buttifuc leaves race, to go back to being ass fucked
May GOD bless you, and your eye. You are in my prayers!
Good luck with the eye doc tomorrow
let us know!
"I know we Yanks are supposed to spell the color 'gray'."
The baseball great Tris Speaker known as The Gray Eagle. His obit from 60 years ago said Gray Eagle, his businesses were called things like Gray Eagle Enterprises, but still people try to switch him over to Grey for nothing besides some undefined sense of fashion.
Wikipedia's general usage is Gray for US and Grey for UK.
Is that somehow related to the racist brewery I heard about?
The Media saw a photo of the shooter plus the fact that he built his own gun.
Bruce (i think), pointed out...
Two (American made) Turkish F16D fighter planes...
Do we want them as a putative ally? Or as a well armed enemy?
back when we were building f-22's people would say to me...
"Why On EARTH should we get new fighter planes? Our American planes are the best in the world"
and i say to them;
"THAT is WHY we need newer better planes; we NEED to be able to knock f-16s and even f-15s out of the air"
and they'd say: "WHY would we need to do that?"
moss is a fmr Clinton department doj official, he's the one that wrote the opinion a president cannot be indicted, then he went over to wilmer cutler pickering, Mueller's firm, appointed in 94,
sorry 2014, so effectively you can't appoint your own people, if you are republican,
"Is that somehow related to the racist brewery I heard about?"
Anthony Ferrill was an electrician there. Rumor is he could change a light bulb all by himself.
Wait — the Turks are our friends again? Weren’t they supposed to be committing genocide against the Syrian Kurds (suddenly the one true love of our foreign policy deep staters) after Trump gave the “green light”? What ever happened to that?
they aren't they're interlopers in Syrian territory, and supporters of islamist like nusra front
I am going completely OT here, even for a café.
I was reading a Powerline by Scott Johnson sort of about Obama's Dreams of My Father. I tried to comment for the first time and got into some kind of Discus loop where I couldn't register for comments [my first time over there].
So, in hope that Scott Johnson reads Althouse, I'm going to post my comment here. If it is moderated out, I understand. I'm just so frustrated.
"Dreams was published in 1995. In 1995 Obama began running for State Senate in Hyde Park, where Ayers lived. In 1995 Obama and Ayers headed up the Annenberg Challenge to reform Chicago schools with $150 million and their offices adjoined each other in a UI/Chicago-owned building.
A couple floors below them was the Small Schools group, a client of mine, led by Mike Klonsky, former chairman of the CP/ML and a friend of mine. Obama's old law boss, Allison Davis, was also a client of mine.
As the New Party was forming in Chicago in 1994, a lot of folks in Logan Square were excited about this Barak Obama. [LS is currently #8 in Bernie's top ten money zip codes, also AKA Pink Square]. His run for Alice Palmer's senate seat had to have been already coalescing in 1994.
Having usually seen Ayers at least twice a year socially with the Klonsky's, long time friends of my wife, I will venture that Bill Ayers did know Obama when he was writing his book, that Obama at least bounced ideas and passages off of Ayers and Ayers probably read his drafts with many suggestions. I think Ayers has probably written 10 books or so.
Prove me wrong.
don't forget;
O'Bama SAYS that he announced his state senate campaign at a reception IN Ayer's house
Most people Assume that the campaign was Ayer's idea
i hadn't realized that his book came out THE SAME YEAR, as his senate race
you maniacs, you blew it all up
@Mg: you're wrong!
Obama's book was Dreams FROM My Father. Totally different vibe.
No Obama fan
Althouse: Are you fiddling with the blues in your last few pictures? Whatever it is, it's really kicking up the orange chroma for me. These are your best yet.
Obama and Ayers had offices on the same floor when Obama was a neophyte "community organizer" way back when.
Given the incestuous nature of progressive Hyde Park politics, there is no way Obama's run had not been vetted by the local muckety-mucks ["politburo"]. Chicago-Style.
I was a part of the progressive white/latino/black coalition that got Harold Washington elected in 1983. Washington was fighting the underrepresentation of minorities in the city council and would be the first black mayor of Chicago. But, he was the product of the South Side black machine which first established itself around 1925.
When Harold died, the coalition fell apart under his black successors. I think mostly because the black part of the coalition was denying a fair share of jobs to the latino side. When Daley the Younger ran, he reached out to the latino politicians, and some blacks, too, and reunited them with the Machine.
I only mention this because when the 1994 Obama buzz starting happening, he was sort of described the same way Biden did later, "Clean, articulate... Negro...."
Both Harold Washington and Barak Obama were from Hyde Park, where the South Side bourgeoisie and intelligentsia live.
Across the street from Harold's condo building, in a park, was the largest parrot infestation in the U.S. Almost 1000 parrots in a single community. You can look it up.
As Mike Royko said, I think from some local Chicago news service where he started out as a cub, "If your mother says she love's you, check it out." I dream of journalists like that.
Howard said...
Althouse: Are you fiddling with the blues in your last few pictures? Whatever it is, it's really kicking up the orange chroma for me. These are your best yet.
Howard, I respect your Eddie Haskell strategy, but just understand, she's still not going to throw you a lay.
Milwaukie Guy -- I's like to speak with you. I am writing about Ayers and Dohrn. I have an eponymous blog. FYI, I'm not complimentary, but I'd appreciate your opinion on a different timeline.
Sorry if asking this violates the rules here. I understand if it's removed.
Original Mike: @Hey Skipper - It was SpaceX. I've been seeing those damn things all week while observing with my telescope.
That was my first guess. I watched the SpaceX video of the deployment — it seems the individual satellites disperse via small variations in their orbital mechanics.
The spacing seemed too regular for that, but what do I know? (Also, vantage point could have made lateral dispersal nearly impossible to see.)
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