Said Bill Maher, quoted in "Bill Maher Goes Full Sexist, Defends Chris Matthews and Mocks His Sexual Harassment Accuser/It was a truly ugly, outrageously sexist display from the 'Real Time' host" (The Daily Beast).
According to Maher, Matthews “said some things that are kind of creepy to women,” continuing, “You know, I just, guys are married for a million years, they want to flirt for two seconds. He said to somebody, Laura Bassett, four years ago, she’s in makeup, he said, ‘Why haven’t I fallen in love with you yet?’ Yes, it is creepy. She said, ‘I was afraid to name him at the time out of fear of retaliation. I’m not afraid anymore.’ Thank you, Rosa Parks. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ! I guess my question is: Do you wonder how Democrats lose?"...
१०२ टिप्पण्या:
The Academic idiots' War On Men has reached the Fire Bombing of entire cities stage, which is also called Retribution. Mahrer has a point. It does resemble Stalin's purges of his most loyal followers for being so stupid that he could not trust them.
Sounds like it time to #cancelBillMaher
Democrats are evil
Interesting that Maher sees the woman, himself and Matthews as Leftists fighting each other. Remember when he pretended to be a "Libertarian"? But its hilarious that Maher is defending Matthews - when Matthews didn't defend Matthews. According to Chris, what he did was ALWAYS wrong, deeply wrong, and he deserved to be punished. Mea Culupa.
And you can be sure that Bill Maher has some "Hey, I was just flirting" skeletons in his closet.
"Make the leftists live up to their own book of rules."
Feminism may kill the Democrat Party and I for one will not cry.
I guess Maher hasn't been paying attention to the Republican Party. For at least 20 years, there has been infighting.
It is most obvious now in the Trump vs. Swamp/Establishment fight. But even before then, conservatives have had to do battle with the squishes and outright anti-conservatives (like the two nominees before Trump), often being told that we need to go with the mediocre moderates that are part of the problem.
A graduate of The Whoopi School of Circling the Wagons, Maher is...
A lot of Permit Pattys in the Dem Party. This is the result of people who want to control other people’s lives.
Come get your people, Bill.
Personally, I think every leftist in Hollywood should pay for their sexual harassment. Let them live by the same rules as Corporate America and the Government. Nobody at Exxon could behave like Harvey Weinstein and get away with it.
Bill never listens, he only talks. His guests come on to listen to him. The seals clap.
MSNBC used to run this thing: this is who we are.
What's this we stuff?
I suspect they killed it when the self reflection became too much.
NBC also used to run a series called The Fleecing of America what examined egregious waste, fraud and corruption in federal government. I think NBC killed it sometime during the Obama administration, likely by request...
"Nobody at Exxon could behave like Harvey Weinstein and get away with it."
"Show" business has had a forever free pass yet it is dominated by people who consider oil company executives the embodiment of evil because ... well, you know, oil.
Good to Ross Doughnut, the fake Conservative, on the show agreeing with Bill Maher and defending Chris Matthews. Gosh, he's so...reasonable. And what's with the audience? All Maher was to do is smirk and they clap and guffaw. Paid off, or Bill's relatives?
Plus, I've seen her picture, and she ain't all that. I suspect Matthews was trying to hide the fact he didn't think she belonged on the show. Pretty, but not pretty enough to get away with being an obvious airhead.
‘Why haven’t I fallen in love with you yet?’
I once told a woman at work that I had had a crush on her, but it went away once I got to know her. She laughed.
Hey Bill - what's your pro-noun?
Mathews wasn't purged because of some minor peccadilloes. He was purged for insufficient revolutionary zeal. That's what happens when Marxist take over your party.
Watching the ongoing autolysis of the Democrat (aka cultural Marxist) political/media machine is without a doubt the most amusing public spectacle I've ever seen. I feel blessed to be alive at this moment, and that's the truth. As Jackie Gleason used to say, "How sweet it is!"
Have we learned something from this discussion?
I loved the talk about how "We" get together and decide certain words and phrases can't be used anymore because they are "offensive". There is no "We". A small group in the Press, Academy, and TV/Social Media Giants, decides that we can't say "X" anymore and everyone just dumbly goes along.
Matthews France 1940 comment was a perfect example. Somehow Chamberlain/Munich analogies are always OK, but lets not talk about the Fall of France.
Ask not, Bill, for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for Thee.
Sounds like Chris Matthews was guilty of candidly building a prodigious "Highlight Reel" over many years.
Corey Haim, Please pick up the white courtesy phone... Corey Haim...
Inside every leftist - is a cancel asshole who wants to use an 8 second clip of nothing to convict the criminal they hate. which is anyone not them. this is why the collective left had to impeach Trump over Biden's crimes.
it's very brownshirt.
Shorter Maher: But I was promised there'd be a double standard!
And you can be sure that Bill Maher has some "Hey, I was just flirting" skeletons in his closet.
I'm no Maher fan, but I at least give him credit for being smart enough to not get married.
Thing is Bill, your party opened that door. You all excused and looked the other way with Weinstein, who is an actual real life sexual predator. then, you all went hypocritical ape-shit over an obscure audio tape of Donald Trump saying something. words on tape. Silly words, and certainly not Trump's best moment, but also not anything that touches Weinstein or Bill Clinton or Jeff Epstein. Your pals. The whole cancel culture snow-balled into your own party's hypocrisy. Enjoy.
Blogger Mark said..."I guess Maher hasn't been paying attention to the Republican Party. For at least 20 years, there has been infighting."
True, but it appears this group is around 7% of the GOP versus the 93% supporting Trump. For the Dems it appears 30-40% are Bernie or Liz Warren types, so they have a much larger group in their disgruntled minority.
Sounds as if Maher is next.
Sounds as if Maher is next.
You'd have to have a heart of stone not to laugh if that happened.
"Show" business has had a forever free pass yet it is dominated by people who consider oil company executives the embodiment of evil because ... well, you know, oil.
Hollywood portrays all executives as greedy, amoral creeps because Hollywood executives are greedy, amoral creeps.
Of course, you'll never find greater levels of income inequality, sexual abuse and ruthless exploitation and disposal of the powerless than in institutions dominated by Leftists.
Anytime there is a group bigger than one there is infighting. Marriage is the smallest group I am committed to and the largest group I was committed to, the US Military, has infighting. It's human nature. The reason I mostly vote Republican is they, at least, understand human nature slightly better than the Democrats (which isn't saying much).
Republicans only have to fight the Democrats; Democrats have to fight the Republicans, and each other.
In my experience, conservatives and libertarians are MUCH more likely to argue among themselves than liberals and leftists.
The hive mind of the modern lefty is an amazing and sad thing. It is destroying honest liberalism.
Feminism may kill the Democrat Party and I for one will not cry.
Some argue the first wave of feminism killed captialism and the original American Dream. We never had a "living and breathing constitution" nor found Uncle Sugar's Candy Store within Article II Section 8 until after the 19th Amendment.
“Do you wonder how Democrats lose?"
Unpleasant, boring and dangerous?
Certainly an OK boomer moment from Maher. Not that I disagree, but the sixties and seventies are long gone.
“Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light"
On this issue, Maher is totally right. And, to his eternal credit, he actively invites political opponents on his show (Ann coulter, Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, Jordan Peterson, Buck Sexton).
Of course, he's partly responsible for the Left's descent into madness (i.e. Cancel culture), because he tolerates and encourages and promotes the Left on neatly everything else.
Make that Article I Section 8.
"A narrow scarlet sash, emblem of the Junior Anti-Sex League, was wound several times round the waist of her overalls, just tightly enough to bring out the shapeliness of her hips."
The Republicans have said for years that Democrats all vote in lockstep, that they have discipline.
Now Democrats say that all Republicans vote in lockstep, that they have discipline.
"She spent an astonishing amount of time in attending lectures and demonstrations, distributing literature for the junior Anti-Sex League, preparing banners for Hate Week, making collections for the savings campaign, and such-like activities. It paid, she said, it was camouflage. If you kept the small rules, you could break the big ones."
Francisco D said...
Republicans only have to fight the Democrats; Democrats have to fight the Republicans, and each other.
In my experience, conservatives and libertarians are MUCH more likely to argue among themselves than liberals and leftists.
Internecine arguments aside, however, it's leftist who are the ones more likely to "come for you in the night" so to speak.
"It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy."
Don’t know much about this controversy, but saw a pic of the “victim.”
That’s one ugly horse face broad.
With Matthews’ money, he has to be able to do better than that.
Hey Ann, off topic but here is a knee slapper from one of your resident idiot journalists:
But this week, a local columnist took exception to Kaminsky’s award. Henry Sanders, publisher and CEO of, a publication that aims to “foster dialog between members of diverse communities,” argued in an “open letter” that the school’s honoring of Kaminsky suffers from a significant drawback:
Kaminsky is the wrong color.
“The only two players who’ve been given that honor in the 100-plus years of Badger Men’s Basketball are white,” Sanders notes in the open letter.
“What message do you think that sends to potential recruits and to past and current players of color?” Sanders asks.
Personally, college basketball teams need to "look more like America" to borrow a libtard's favorite phrase. Ergo, 85% of the Black athletes need to be kicked off the team and the team make-up should be representative of America's racial and ethnic mix, don't you agree?
Things that are outrageous: Harvey Weinstein's long career. The ecstatic response of the Oscar crowd, when Roman Polanski won the award...Things that are outrageous in the other direction: Woody Allen's book being cancelled for something he may have done thirty years ago, Chris Matthews being cancelled for a few clumsy comments.....The one thing these phenomena have in common is the crowd of enablers. They never seem to hit on the right response.
Obama often said "That's not who we are" when he was scolding us.
Come on MSDNC - Start a "that's not who we are" segment. Official segment. devoid of all Russian assets.
"I was afraid to name him at the time out of fear of retaliation. I’m not afraid anymore."
If Laura Bassett had said, "I was afraid to name him lest I appeared to be yet another bitch with her head up her ass," at least she'd be respectable.
Blogger Diogenes of Sinope said...
"Make the leftists live up to their own book of rules."
That was going to be my comment.
But then the next question is whether we non-lefties have any rules of our own. What are those rules? What are some good examples of the enforcement of those rules?
I'm reading a biography of Madame De Stael. Some of the early Jacobins were lawyers who were in favor of a consitutional monarchy. Somewhere along the way, they developed an enthusiasm for guillotines and heads on pikes. It happens, and it goes unremarked.....A wish to lower the capital gains tax rate inexorably leads to the worst excesses of Nazism, but you can never go wrong if you listen to the will of the people. The important thing is to follow the will of the right people, not those people.
What keeps women from being serious people is their nagging instinct.
When feminism unleashed it in public, women became entirely comical.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "But then the next question is whether we non-lefties have any rules of our own."
Chuck takes time out from pushing marxist Lawfare theories, posting Adoration Missives to Adam Schiff, defending democrats non-stop and linking to every lunatic lefty on TV to proclaim himself a "non-lefty".
Matthews, was guilty of largely speaking doubleunplusgood thoughts, now people make excuses for maher, who I don't think deserves much leeway, it's like ghidra vs rhodan,
Republicans only have to fight the Democrats; Democrats have to fight the Republicans, and each other.
No. Republicans have to fight Democrats, and the media, and Hollywood, and Academia. Democrats only have to fight Republicans and USED to get a pass from media and Hollywood. Now they learn that the ground has shifted and their allies are not in perfect alignment.
Welcome to the Party pal. in all senses of Party.
apparently there has been at least one payoff from MSNBC, but he seems to be a red blooded American male, there is Donny deutsch, who is the feral variety, but he picks the right targets.
Chris Matthews being cancelled for a few clumsy comments
I'll say it again, that's not why he was purged, that was just the excuse. He was purged because he is an old white moderate. Top tier universities teach that that is inherently evil. He had to go to make room for someone with sufficient intersectionality, ideological reliability, and revolutionary zeal.
[C]ollege basketball teams need to "look more like America" to borrow a libtard's favorite phrase.
Oh, please... Not speaking for Althouse here, but any formulation of the class X needs to look more like America is painfully stupid no matter who says it, even for reasons of satire, however feeble.
Fermilab has a disproportionate number of Jews on staff, however, sciences won't be advanced by mau-mauing the physics department at MIT.
in this case, the reprehensible joy reid, 'resist we much's protégé,
Sounds as if Maher is next.
Of course he is. And he'll have that stupid, confused look on his face when it happens that he gets whenever someone confronts him with actual facts as opposed to lefty talking points.
Almost, Bill Maher, almost.
Democratics fight for power against whomsoever has the power they covet. Conservatives have to defend themselves.
If non-lefties didn't have (bibles full of) rules of their own, this particular Alinksy Rule for Radicals would make no sense.
Trump's going to win 40 states and the Dem party is going to implode. Can't wait.
Chris Matthews wasn't murdered -he committed suicide. Go read his going away speech. He loves Comrade Stalin and will clap for him forever. Not just at MSNBC.
yes he did an impression of syme from 1984, which is a how to manual for them, not a cautionary tale,
Maher remains confused because he thinks in American Liberal terms, where he thinks that the Party Line is a statement of principles, a statement of how his side sees the world & how it should be.
A much better model for seeing what is happening in Cancel Culture is to see what's happening in terms derived from the history of the Soviet Union. The Party Line is not a statement of principles. It is one more weapon against the forces of reaction. As a weapon, it must be swift & flexible in its usage, and not bound by bourgeois notions such as "fairness" or "coherence" or "consistency". It is also a weapon that can be used by the leadership to maintain Party discipline & unity, because, if the cadres fear for their safety if they fall afoul of the Party Line, they will watch & follow the Party Leadership with rapt attention & docility out of self-preservation.
See, doesn't that explain what we're seeing in Cancel Culture much better than as a fall from Classical Liberal grace? Always remember -- the first victims of the Hard Left are the Moderate Left. The Righties are never fooled, and generally go down fighting.
doubleunplusgood thoughts
Doubleunplus? Narisco's got a confirmed reservation at Big Brother's Newspeak Holiday Camp. The correct syntax is doubleplusungood which replaced the imperialist very, very bad in 1974 edition of the Ingsoc Newspeak Dictionary.
The bus will be calling for you, narisco, early tomorrow morning -- about 4:35 am, give or take. Don't forget to pack your striped pajamas.
And you might as well get into the swing of things right away, as they say. Now, repeat after me... Orange man doubleplusungood, orange man doubleplusungood, orange man doubleplusungood.
I come from a long line of counter revolutionaries, natch, who thought the world would be much stranger than in sleeper, but we haven't had a nuclear exchange yet,
"Is she a compliment-victim or a compliment-survivor?" That's funny.
Blogger Shouting Thomas said...
Don’t know much about this controversy, but saw a pic of the “victim.”
That’s one ugly horse face broad
Horse faced dog/bitch soldier is preferred form of address according to anointed Democrat.
Republicans only have to fight the Democrats; Democrats have to fight the Republicans, and each other.
Republicans used to have internal disagreements. But then we kicked the neocons and cuck wing democrats out. We still have a couple rear guard actions going on with a few Senators. But overall we are a new Republican party now.
Democrats have 3 different groups: Liberals, Progressives and Racialists. The Liberals are only going to get to be in the party if they agree to not be liberal and support completely anti-liberal policies.
It turns out there are a lot more Liberals in the Democrat party than there were cuck wing globalists in the Republican party.
It also turns out that once you get rid of the globalist neocon shill policies there are a lot of Americans that kinda like the Republican party that didn't before and there are a lot more of them than cuck wing Chuck types.
It has been a glorious political realignment.
I'm not a fan of cancel culture. But for Bill Maher I'd make an exception.
FWIW, I will be using that "Thank you Rosa Parks" for all the left-wing twits that think posting is an act of heroism.
"Do you wonder how Democrats lose?"
Well, no. But to win, they need at least the Laura Bassetts of the world, in need of Big Brother for protection against the mean Matthewses and other slings and arrows hurled by the patriarchy. Most likely also the Althouses, so that women can continue to contemplate autonomously the morality of ending their pregnancy.
But it's good to see Dem-on-Dem war, and it's about time each cancel carries a cost.
And what's with the audience? All Maher was to do is smirk and they clap and guffaw. Paid off, or Bill's relatives?
I mean Bill Maher is a known quantity. Like any show, it will naturally attract over time an audience that largely agrees with the viewpoints of the host. While the whole cancel culture thing is certainly much more prevalent on the left than on the right. It isn't exactly a right vs left issue. There are plenty of people on the left who despise it as well. Bill Maher is just going to naturally attract people who are all for universal healthcare, free college, national grievances against white men month etc., they just also dislike people losing their job or being screwed over for an innocuous speech infraction.
Don’t forget that if you wear blackface the Dems will ruin you.
They won’t put up with that in their party.
Quaestor said: "Fermilab has a disproportionate number of Jews on staff, however, sciences won't be advanced by mau-mauing the physics department at MIT. "
True, but if they mau-mau them all the way back to Israel, it'll sure advance science there.
To "mau-mau": What a great new verb. I've used it many times, once some years back at our local Mexican place, where the tamales suddenly shrunk to half their former size, but at the same price. I asked the owner whether Michelle Obama had be mau-mau-ing him about the portion sizes.
I believe we have Tom Wolfe (PBOH) to thank for it.
To put up with mau mauing you need flak catchers. Regular people break under the pressure.
Politically, and also in terms of advancing a liberal culture, it really is wonderful that most of the people susceptible to mau mauing have been driven from the GOP, so much so that the mau mauers hardly even bother anymore. The calls for GOP members to denounce one another over stupid shit are so rare now. I know it's de rigger to say that torpedoes are circling around, but torpedoes sometimes, I think usually don't do that. Someone swapped their arsenal with boomerangs.
That's why despite his being a commie lover and pushing insane policies, I would have preferred, at least the 2015 version of him, Bernie to represent the Dem Party. He was an old school leftist, who focused on economic class issues, a universalist. As soon as he set his sights on national office, though, he starting courting the grievance mongers and kowtowing to the mau mauers, from his disgraceful flip flop in immigration to his ass kissing Al Sharpton. That's why Joe Rogan's contention that Bernie is some kind of consistent, ideologically pure and honest person so annoying. That's his image, which he cultivates, and he's consistently played Crazy Bernie all his life. But on the important stuff, he showed no gumption at all. He's a smaller man than I thought he was, and he will still lose the race and likely the opportunity to compete in the general because he tried to satisfy an insatiable beast.
daskol: Underwater boomerangs! Who would expect one of those coming at him? No wonder the Dims are in such disarray.
Magic underwater boomerangs: if you just ignore them, they go right past. But if you pay them attention, you're screwed.
I wonder how much longer Tucker Carlson has on air.
Another reason why Democrats are losing.
Wikileaks used to be the darling of the left sticking it to da man. But now that the left is the da man...
The Bernie Bros are not going to stay with the democrat party.
Roger Waters believes some things I think are borderline insane, but he's very lucid on the topic of Assange. It was brave of Tucker to have him on.
waters comes from a far left background, he lost his father early in the war, maybe that is reflected in the dark undertones of the wall,
daskol said...
Roger Waters believes some things I think are borderline insane, but he's very lucid on the topic of Assange. It was brave of Tucker to have him on.
I agree with all of this.
To expand.
I think most of us have more in common with the average Bernie Bro than we do with the average machine Democrat or machine Republican.
I have real differences with the people who want to put Assange in jail.
I think the divide is the presence of some definable principles.
Bernie Bros have principles.
Trump supporters have principles.
Machine Democrats/Republicans have no definable identifiable principles except will to power.
That seems about right. I can't imagine the set of principles that dictate lining up behind a literally demented old man as the party's standard bearer, using other candidates, media operatives and the careful manipulation or stage managing of the primary process to make it happen. The principle behind it is singular, and it is what many people I think incorrectly call Macchiavellian, that all is worthwhile in the service of preserving and accumulating power. Those are the people who scare me, and that's the constituency lining up behind Biden, that Bloomberg is trying to marshal. They're here, they're powerful and they'll do anything to maintain and improve their position. I don't think that necessarily reflects the mindset of the vast majority of people who vote for them in primaries and general elections, though. Those are the useful idiots of our day, the "moderates," many of whom just want boring. There's a group of people who'd give you boring hard and good, but it's the Elon Musk/latter definitions of that word one should pay attention to.
"I mean Bill Maher is a known quantity. Like any show, it will naturally attract over time an audience that largely agrees with the viewpoints of the host."
So, Maher naturally attracts idiots? Well, I can't disagree with that.
The sad reality is more Biden means more race baiting, more climate alarmism, more blatant lies about not just the President but those who support him, more race baiting and still more race baiting. It's all they've got.
Well, I agree w Bill Maher about the author of that article too.
The way so many gummints game down on Assange was an obvious tipoff that he threatened a lot more than "US National Security" (whatever that is supposed to mean at any particular moment).
But too many people buy the b.s., especially lefties who should know better.
Maher is a featherweight
Came down on Assange.
An early good night to you
In the primary up through Super Tuesday, democrats have had ~6.5 million votes cast. That’s a big turnout in a competitive race that’s, basically, now down to two candidates.
And, yet, the GOP has also had a very non-competitive primary thus far where Trump is winning renomination easily. But it’s the numbers of voters that’s interesting. Thus far in the GOP primary, ~10 million votes have been cast.
That’s right, folks. The GOP, with an incumbent who’s certain to he renominated, is out drawing the democrats thus far with ~3.5 million more votes.
If that holds, Trump is going to win bigly.
And, btw, that doesn’t even count folks like me who will never vote for Sanders or Biden in the general but voted in the democrat primary to reek havoc.
^^^ this is why the Dems are in full panic mode.
Laura Bassett, four years ago, she’s in makeup, he said, ‘Why haven’t I fallen in love with you yet?’ Yes, it is creepy. She said, ‘I was afraid to name him at the time out of fear of retaliation. I’m not afraid anymore.’ Thank you, Rosa Parks. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ! I guess my question is: Do you wonder how Democrats lose?"...
Trump added, “And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”
I think that was a rhetorical question, but it is nice for the slower folks to have the answer illustrated.
But then the next question is whether we non-lefties have any rules of our own. What are those rules?
We don’t let our personal jealousy of the president’s accomplishments (when all we’ve ever done is some unimpressive legal work in Michigan) overrule our integrity to the extent that we’re constantly undermining someone demonstrating the effectiveness of the principles of limited regulation and economic liberty.
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