This is the stupidest thing that has ever aired on television. Congratulations to all involved.
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) March 6, 2020
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
This is the stupidest thing that has ever aired on television. Congratulations to all involved.
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) March 6, 2020
२०६ टिप्पण्या:
206 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»I love MSNBC. They are much funnier than SNL and they're on every day.
These are the people that think we are ignorant Deplorables.
It’s easy, Bloomberg could do the loaves and fishes thing, Warren was going to use the same trick to fund single-payer.
Where do I line up for my $$$
The scary thing is that it had to go past a tech person to get the graphic up there.
It's not just the math, it's the idea Bloomberg spent a lot of money, and lost, ergo money in politics is bad.
Pretzel logic.
Wait a minute. He could do it. He could invest it in agricultural land, wait for Bernie to get elected, then after the resulting inflation, he could sell the land and give away trillions.
And she’s a New York Times Editorial Board member.
Subtraction is the new division.
"Math is hard."
So was Brian Williams.
"The scary thing is that it had to go past a tech person to get the graphic up there.”
Doubt it. The tech person handed over an “idiot proof” piece of software for morons to run by typing in numbers. But as this shows, it’s almost impossible to idiot proof software.
It is kind of interesting to see the morons arguing against their bills getting paid without being aware of it. I doubt they can see a connection between hundreds of millions being spent by politicians (or their groups) on television ads and their job as talking television personalities.
Two dumbasses pretending to be experts.
OM freakin G. Did I just really see/hear that? Both war hero Brian and the proud NYT Editorial Board member should be ashamed to ever show their faces in public again
"It's an incredible way of putting it. Ot's true. It's disturbing ..."
From the mouths of our betters.
What was most disturbing is their absolute certainty and sincerity. Amazing!
Paging Andrew Yang!
There's been stupider things that have aired on television...
It didn't occur to me that they were subtracting instead of dividing. I thought they were just having trouble with division (4th grade math instead of 1st grade).
That makes it even funnier!
One of Trump’s greatest achievements is exposing the Fake News for the partisan and biased idiots that they are. Below zero credibility.
It's a good math word puzzle trick though, the misleading solution variety.
Three travelers register at a hotel and are told that their rooms will cost $10 each so they pay $30. Later the clerk realizes that he made a mistake and should have only charged them $25. He gives a bellboy $5 to return to them but the bellboy is dishonest and gives them each only $1, keeping $2 for himself. So the men actually spent $27 and the bellboy kept $2, makes $29. What happened to the other dollar?
But as this shows, it’s almost impossible to idiot proof software.
Every time science comes up with an "idiot-proof" device, nature comes up with a more advanced idiot - or two.
What should one expect? His show is in at 11:00pm, on the east coast at least, and is called the Eleventh Hour. But counting from noon, that’s the twelfth hour.
Remember when Money In Politics wasn't an issue? In 2016 when Hillary was outspending Trump 4-1.
And worth repeating: She is a NY Times Editorial Board member.
Listening to the exchange, it seems she saw the post on Twitter and recommended it to MSNBC. The NYT has become Print Twitter.
I believe Gay is one of the bright lights behind the NYT's 1619 project. She also, just last week, blamed Trump and MAGA for water lines breaking in NYC.
The good news is partisan liberal hacks can't do math or logic and will destroy the liberal news orgs where they work. The bad news is they may destroy our country and its young minds before that.
New in the Mekita Rivas twitter byline: I know, I’m bad at math.
It makes me wonder how people like this make it through their daily existence being so stupid!
This should come as no surprise to anyone who pays attention to what the left says.
Phase 1: Collect all of Mike Bloomberg's $10/pair underpants
Phase 2: Redistribute
Phase 3: Every American gets 17.9 underpants
It makes me wonder how people like this make it through their daily existence being so stupid!
Of course, Pres Obama increased the number of states by 14% while he was in office. That shows what can be done if you think outside the box!
"Society is in a constant race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.”
Yep. Mara Gay is as bad at math as she is at history.
I agree with the pundits. Mr. Bloomberg, I would like my $1.30 please.
Living up to our 27th place world ranking in math.
Check my math. I'd hate to... short anyone.
Are the same people going to be the reparations calculation? Asking for a friend.
The writer of the Twitter post has written for the Washington Post. Her bio recognizes her infamy:
I know, I’m bad at math. • bylines:
y más • proud fitness snob • it’s pronounced MEE-key-tah
She'll be fine.
George Conway wastes no time in ridiculing this ridiculousness. That’s my team. The team that could laugh at the Trump “interview” with Hannity and then 25 hours later just as easily laugh at this.
Incidentally, our team is the one that hammered Trump for his personal attacks on the federal judiciary, and then hammered Schumer for his own threatening remarks about Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.
See, e.g., George Conway.
"But counting from noon, that’s the twelfth hour.”
That’s why I read LB’s comments.
"Phase 3: Every American gets 17.9 underpants"
And just go ahead and pile them on that chair in the living room.
It's a good idea, because Bloomberg's underwear chair is the biggest chair in universe.
You will end up taking it in the shorts!
Hey, what's a misplaced decimal point or two, when you can vilify billionaires?
It's hilarious that the Democrats are going to insist all the problems with their untalented, elderly candidate can be solved by throwing a ton of money at them. AGAIN. The fact they're clearly innumerate just proves that fools and their money are soon parted.
Though at least they're not malicious enough to support a Hutt-like degenerate piece of shit like George Conway. The guy is basically the villainous husband of the Strong Female Protagonist, who gets horrifically killed in Act 3 so that she can be with the handsome leading man.
Hey, wait a minute!
Nothing Scares Me Anymore
"It's a good idea, because Bloomberg's underwear chair is the biggest chair in universe.”
It only looks that way when he is sitting in it.
While Bloomberg was still in the race, the Dems were so quiet about the evils of money in politics because Mini Mike's checkbook was on their side. Now that he is out of the race, they will rev that meme back up even though Mini Mike has promised to keep spending on behalf of the Dems.
"Chuck said...
George Conway wastes no time in ridiculing this ridiculousness. That’s my team. The team that could laugh at the Trump “interview” with Hannity and then 25 hours later just as easily laugh at this.
Incidentally, our team is the one that hammered Trump for his personal attacks on the federal judiciary, and then hammered Schumer for his own threatening remarks about Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.
See, e.g., George Conway."
George Conway wears the pants in the family, because Kellyanne lets him. He puts the light in lightweight.
This is of little comfort to the 150,000,000 people who died from gun violence.
What a coincidence! One million dollars is the exact amount, to the penny!, initially demanded by Dr. Evil.
And she’s a New York Times Editorial Board member.
To be fair, the NYeT is better at fake history than they are at fake math.
It's not so much the glaring public display of stupidity that is so offensive-
It's the fact these are the same sorts of people that mock Trump supporters as being uneducated/stupid, along with anyone that has a southern accent.
yes, but he was relying on 1967 dollars, as with everything he was far behind the curve, as his assistants explained to him about princess diana and the ozone layer,
Chuck - your team will assuredly ignore all of Biden's flaws, gaffes, Ukrainian energy company family graft, and other layers of bullcrap.
Up with Conway!
brian Williams only had 18 credits before he left gwu to intern in the carter white house!
This is of little comfort to the 150,000,000 people who died from gun violence.
They would be worth $150000000000000.00, which is more than the estimated amount of money in the entire universe.
It only looks that way when he is sitting in it.
...and that's the truth! Pffffttt!
This explains a lot to me! The envy and villification that the left shows for the "top 1%" is borne out by their belief (clearly exhibited here) that they can redistribute (stolen) billions to give each of the poor millions! They really believe that!
"Chuck said...
George Conway wastes no time in ridiculing this ridiculousness. That’s my team. The team that could laugh at the Trump “interview” with Hannity and then 25 hours later just as easily laugh at this.
Incidentally, our team is the one that hammered Trump for his personal attacks on the federal judiciary, and then hammered Schumer for his own threatening remarks about Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.
See, e.g., George Conway."
Shorter Wehavethemeats: "That's my team. The losing team."
Let MSNBC pay Brian Williams salary filtered through the same math formula.
Here Brian, this weeks salary is $0.27....
Layers and layers of dumb azz fact checkers.
I hope they're better at doing "times" than "goes-intas", at least without their "tablets".
Jed: Jethro, cipher somethin'.
Jethro: What do you want, times or goes-inta?
Jed: Well, let's have some goes-intas...
Jethro: Well, that's as high as I can go anyway, without my tablet.
It was "incredible" tho.
It's the fact these are the same sorts of people that mock Trump supporters as being uneducated/stupid,
Yes and Sammie's Mexican restaurant was jammed again last night.
Plus, it looks like the California Congressional seats that were lost to Bloomberg's millions are headed home again.
I wonder if Chuck is as homely as George Conway?
Tommmy Duncan:
"This is of little comfort to the 150,000,000 people who died from gun violence."
Brian Williams said to send the $1 Million check to their estates.
They are very photogenic. What more do you want? Do you think anybody ever questioned anything they said?
“Plus, it looks like the California Congressional seats that were lost to Bloomberg's millions are headed home again.”
Not if the Democrats can uses “ballot harvesting “.
If it weren’t for the brilliant Kelly Ann Conway, George Conway would have maybe his mother following him on Twitter.
"Not if the Democrats can uses “ballot harvesting “.
Two well funded people can play at that game. Democrats flipped some districts that could just as easily be flipped back, given the resources.
speaking of math. Corona Virus just landed in CO. oh joy.
Look at her with the sound off. She’s so pretty. Who cares if she is numb as a hake.
Math isn't hard. It's not their fault. Their multiplication table didn't go up that high.
I just noticed the name of the show, The 11th Hour. Dramatic! Like, the last chance to fix the crisis!! It’s like an alternate universe over there.
So, do college students still have math and science requirements to graduate or is it just a free-for-all now?
As it began, I thought the TV people were going to mock the tweet. After all, when the numbers are printed side by side as in the graphic, the error is obvious. But no. The two of them let it slide and stick to the narrative instead. Unbelievable!
That is unbelievable I am so glad that arrogant prick was part of it. They even walk through the f****** equation without pause, yet remained very excited about the remarkability of it.
they should call it thirteenth o'clock,
Forget the mask, the whole body suit came off
Let's leave aside the arithmetic error. Her conclusion from $500 million being spent to garner nothing is ... too much money in politics is the problem! Even if they had got the arithmetic right this is a flaming non sequitur. Clearly money does not simply buy elections.
It is beginning to seem possible for demented Quid Pro Joe to win. Not only have the takers reached critical mass, the dimwits have reached critical mass.
When first I heard of this, thought for sure it was from the Babylon Bee! But no --the truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
Why should the top 1% have 50% of the underwear?
Who hasn't lost an order of magnitude or three in a calculation!
"Her conclusion from $500 million being spent to garner..."
That money is all gone now, right? It disappeared, like the missing dollar at the hotel with the dishonest bellhop. Not only did we not get our million dollar check, everyone in US is now $1M poorer than before!
Look at the bright side. That means reparations will be a bargain! We'll only need $45 million to give each black person a million dollars, and still have money left over.
The Babylon Bee can’t top this!
All I wanted was a new MacBook and iPhone 11 (the one with THREE cameras.) He couldn't even deliver that.
This explains a lot about cable news.
I now have clarity why they think taxing all the Billionaires at 90% or so would actually make a dint to the overspending of the federal government.
I watched that three times trying to figure out if it was an obvious joke, or if I was missing something in the context and that the two were really making fun of the twitterer's "mistake", but, no, they really didn't understand that the two "millions" in that tweet can be cancelled out from the numerator and denominator to simplify the math.
rhhardin, I first came across that riddle from one of my school readers from 2nd or 3rd grade.
Wow!! Was that Brian Williams? I'm surprised I could understand anything he was saying!!
.....cuz he usually has his mouth wrapped around Obama's dick!!
What makes the mistake even more inexplicable is that it wasn't the case where the numerator was written out fully with all its digits, and the denominator written out in truncated form- for example:
$500,000,000 divided by 327 million people.
That sort of error, while still embarrassing, is at least comprehensible to me.
The rare black sorority girl!!
Democrat Math. When you redistribute one billionaire's dollar, it automatically becomes a "Million Dollars!" That's why the Green New Deal and Medicare for All can be fully funded with a tax on the top .01% Ask Paul Krugman, it all has something to do with velocity of M1, or some other Nobel Econ Bullshit, man.
More importantly these are the folks that covered for convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein, accused child molester Jeffrey Epstein, and their own Matt Lauer.
Rivas has either locked the account, or it was always locked to nonmember like me. As other pointed out, her byline on the account "admits" she is bad at math. I am now wondering if she wasn't putting chum in the water to see what fish she could reel in.
"And she’s a New York Times Editorial Board member."
My thought exactly.
Yancey Ward you and I need to talk.
I was right, about Bloomberg setting up s massive independent expenditure group. And I don’t mind a bit acknowledging that you too were right, in suspecting that Bloomberg might use his still-existing Bloomberg 2020 infrastructure to go after Trump even now...
This is going to be some fascinating new stuff.
Most liberals are not very good with math/arithmetic. Which accounts for a lot of their policies.
back in "the Great Recession" of 2008, one of the egghead C-sharp programmers told me;
that: "he'd run the numbers", and for the price of the stimulus package;
they could:"just give Everyone a Million Dollars! Think what that'd do??"
I said to him,
"you mean all 300 million people, would each get a million dollars?
and that could be done, for the price of the stimulus package?"
and he said: "YEP! for 300 billion dollars, you could give everyone a million dollars!"
And I said, "I don't think your math works as good as you think it does, that'd be 300 TRILLION"
and he Got Out a Pen, and worked it longhand.... and then i never heard about it again
Math is Hard! All Those Zeros!
Its tim o brien handling it so it will be another dumpsterfire
No, Chuck, we don't need a conversation- he hasn't spent anything yet attacking Trump since the ending his campaign and supporting the Democratic candidate. He still can't spend a billion dollars attacking Trump if he donates anything to the Democratic candidate.
I'm bad at math too. How much money would he have had to spend to give $1 million to 327 million people? I think 327,000,000 * 1,000,000 = 3.27*10^14. Is that $327 hundred trillion? Or is it 32 qudrillion 700 trillion? So confused.
32,700,000,000,000,000 > $500,000,000. I do know that.
Bloomberg has a choice- he can either donate to the presumed Biden campaign (and other Democratic federal office campaigns), in either federally limited dollars- and this includes in-kind donations of staff, organization, and equipment; or he can organize an independent expenditure that attacks Trump. He can't do both legally.
In short, you can't donate hard money to a candidate, then use unlimited soft money attacking that candidate's opponent- that is textbook coordination.
What Bloomberg might be able to do is to donate a billion dollars to someone else's independent organization, but he will have to do it with no strings attached at all, else it becomes the coordinating act.
To understand numbers you have to play with them.
Very few people "play"with numbers.
Was is King Soloman? Which would you rather have? Your weight in gold? Or. A single grain of rice on one square of the Chess Board, then the second square is doubled. The the third square is doubled from the second. Until all the squares are used up?
The wise recipient chose the wheat. Doubling a number, and in a very short time you have a very big number. Double a number 86 times...well huge.
I was at the Aquarium at Mall of America, taking a led tour with our then grade school kids.The tour guide paused in front the Sea Turtles, did the required environmental spiel, and then explained at hatch, the turtle weighed 1 ounce. Went on to say they grow very rapidly. Doubling in size EVERY DAY FOR A YEAR. I got him alone, so as not to embarrass him, and explained that doubling any amount no matter how small 365 times. He refused, to listen to reason.
No its to the 16th power.
"All I wanted was a new MacBook and iPhone 11 (the one with THREE cameras.) He couldn't even deliver that."
They also think Ray Kroc invent the MacBook? At least the 17" one.
To give each American a million dollars Bloomberg would need 327 million million dollars- short hand for those bad with numbers is this- a thousand million is a billion, and a million million is a trillion. So the answer is 327 trillion dollars, or roughly output of the 2019 US economy multiplied by 17 or so.
Yes, that was "truly incredible". And Yes, Mr. Williams we WERE way ahead of you on the math. This got past a Brain Williams AND the producer. He should be fired.
Joe has 500 million oranges and gives each of the 327 million Americans an orange. How many oranges does each American have?
Answer: 1 Million. Hilarious.
Thank you, Yancey. I am bad with numbers. Apparently better than an NYT editorial board member though. Which, is, clearly, not a high bar.
This got past a Brain Williams AND the producer. He should be fired.
I have a question...
It has nothing to do with math. The job of the party apparatchik is to disseminate propaganda. and look pretty. That's it. this latest gaffe is no different from telling us that bernie is the chosen to one, doing a quick 180, and telling us Biden is the chosen one.
facts don't matter at all. just sell it to the masses.
LLR-lefty and Sudden-Onset-Socialist Chuck: "See, e.g., George Conway."
There is no such thing as "George Conway".
There is only Mr Kellyanne.
And once Kellyanne leaves the scene, Mr Kellyanne will return to the anonymity from which he came.
You know what I enjoy most? When the lefties prop up the morbidly obese George Conway by quoting him but then, always, they have to remind their readers why they are printing what this morbidly obese nobody has to say: He's Kellyanne's husband!
You know what you never see anywhere in the media for any reason? A Kellyanne quote where George has to be mentioned for "context"!!
Infinite LOL's!
It's a good thing Kellyanne is such a strong Catholic, otherwise Georgie would be out the door...assuming he could still fit through it!
The inability to understand the scale of numbers is common fault among voters. Yes a million, billion, and trillion all SOUND THE SAME, but the represent vastly different quantities. A trillion is a Million Million. It stands to a million as a Million does to ONE dollar.
This reminds of McCain in 2008, when asked how he would control Govt Spending, which was Trillions of dollars, he started yapping about "earmarks" which represents less than a billion or so. But then Johnny McCain didn't strike me as a Math/Finance guy. He got rich by marrying it.
$1.61 apiece, including folks who can't vote or ought not to. A McDonald's cheeseburger, but you get your own Coke and fries.
Finance math tip: Zeros are important.
Bloomberg, depending on who you read, is worth about $55 billion. that's $55,000 million. So his sacrifice of $500 million isn't a big deal. He still has $54,500 million. which is a nice bit of pocket change. Or to put it another way, he spent 1/110 of his money and still has 109/110.
At least the gold would be manageable and wouldn’t get eaten by mice and pigeons and othe assorted vermin.
There are always more ways to think about stuff.
Besides, you would likely never collect on the grain.
"Up with Conway!"
No, up Conway's. BTW, know what Chuck and Conway have in common? Neither has been laid since 2015.
"Or to put it another way, he spent 1/110 of his money and still has 109/110."
SO he has more than 100%!! See how the system is stacked in favor of the very rich!! That's exactly what Sanders is talking about!!
Some here are quick to pounce on Brian Williams, but I wonder whether they're good looking with mellifluous voices. Brian Williams doesn't get paid to crunch numbers. He's paid to be good looking, mellifluous, and contemptuous of Republicans. He excels at his job. He's far better than Rachel Maddow or Chuck Todd.
$500 million redistributed 320 million ways... It depends on how you define "people", "persons", "ways", and fractions (e.g. 1/2 American, 0/1 American).
A lot of people are worried that he is devaluing their high school diplomas.
Stupidity Rating: 1369 millikohns
Float... float on
Float on and on, Chuck
Your weight in gold?
Yes, of course, that'd be worth about $300,000 vs whatever crappy amount of wheat they could come up with, which would certainly be far less than 2^64 grains.
Double a number 86 times...well huge.
Special chess board with 9.273618495 squares per side.
Yes, Brian, I was way ahead of you on the math.
In 4th grade.
"But this one goes to eleven!"
Can you imagine MSNBC if Hannity had done this?
I hope it gets on "Sportscenter".
"The wise recipient chose the wheat."
Brian Williams chose a bottle of whiskey.
Thanks for the Spock's Brain condensed. That was hilarious!
We all make mistakes, and for some, math is indeed hard.
The problem is that self-righteous leftwing media types tends to only make mistakes in one direction -- pushing their preferred leftwing narrative.
So, it's not enough that Bloomberg (1) spent a lotta money, (2) obtained only a few delegates, but (3) Darnit! we coulda used that money to feed the poor or beat Trump!
They are obsessed with other people's money.
Yancey Ward, this is the really interesting one; a Michael Bloomberg-tweeted video that I think was a Bloomberg 2020 production but which now concludes, #GO JOE.
Cool, huh?
This is going to be so amazing. Movement Conservatives who opposed McCain-Feingold, and who applauded Citizens United (and many of whom are coincidentally “Never Trump”) will applaud Bloomberg’s unrestricted independent expenditures.
While formerly-conservative, now-Trumpists like David Bossie will be caught between their support of freedom in electoral advocacy on the one hand and the strategies to support Trump cultism on the other hand.
Oops; forgot that link. Here it is:
Spock's Brain condensed.
I love that scene, I use that line when I lose my tools.
rcocean: The inability to understand the scale of numbers is common fault among voters. Yes a million, billion, and trillion all SOUND THE SAME, but the represent vastly different quantities.
One million seconds ago (11.6 days) was February 24th.
One billion seconds ago (31.7 years) was 1988.
One trillion seconds ago (31,700 years), there were no humans in North America.
If you measure the gap between standardized test scores and grades Journalists have a very negative correlation with high GPA's and low test scores.
Only one profession has a higher negative correlation.
So Teaching and Journalism, the two professions most tasked with disseminating information to the public, have the dumbest people and concurrently the highest levels of self esteem.
This was done on purpose.
Oh, I saw it before you commented about it, Chuck. It still doesn't change the fact that he can't both donate to the Biden campaign and then spend a billion dollars attacking Trump by name. He does that, he is going to end up in jail despite being a Democrat.
Seriously, if Bloomberg could do this and get away with it, why hasn't any other billionaire already done the exact same thing in the past? I will tell you why- it is illegal and it is enforced.
Chuck said...
Yancey Ward, this is the really interesting one; a Michael Bloomberg-tweeted video that I think was a Bloomberg 2020 production but which now concludes, #GO JOE.
Cool, huh?
I just wanted to point out an observation after reading your post Chuck.
You are a fucking idiot.
This is an accepted habit of the 'Left' and their 'water carriers' in the MSM. The utter absence of factual evidence often passes unnoticed among the MSM, like between Gay (NY Times) and Williams (MSNBC). Especially, when someone is voicing a view common among their peers and consistent with their 'vision of the world'.
Tweeted video, Chuck, costs zero dollars, or did you not know this. Here is what Bloomberg won't be doing- buying television ads to broadcast this or other videos, buying print ads for Biden or against Trump, buying paid on-line ads for and against, and he won't be spending beyond the campaign finance limits to aid Biden's campaign in GOTV efforts.
I know you are desperate to prove your original claim correct, but you are doing a poor job of it.
I'll take my $1.53 please.
These are people who think they're smart because they "believe" in science, just like they believe in math.
Here, by the way, Chuck, is what Bloomberg can legally do:
(1) Tweet freely about Trump.
(2) Donate to the Democratic candidate for president, directly and indirectly for the candidate's benefit in the amount of about 150,000 dollars spread under the various legal beneficiaries. The limit directly to Biden's campaign itself, though, is the same $2800 I could give legally.
(3) If donating to Biden, then Bloomberg can spend freely whatever amount he wants on issue ads that don't mention Biden's opponent/s.
(4) If donating nothing to Biden directly or indirectly, then he is free, as long as there is no provable coordination with the Biden Campaign, to spend whatever he likes on attacking Trump directly.
Reread your link, Chuck. Bloomberg appears to have made his choice- that choice will be to tweet videos and to donate to the Democrats the way he did in the 2018 cycle- spreading his donations across all the Senate and House Democrats running, along with support for the state and local elections. This will put a hard cap on what he can actually donate, though. A rough estimate is $150,000 multiplied by 535 at the federal level- I would have to carefully research how many state and local Democrats running, along with the state specific limits- a harder estimate to do, but still a hard limit in every state.
Money can get you in the game, but I never thought it could buy you a win. Hillary versus Trump proved it, and Bloomberg just proved it. Who is sold by political ads anymore? You see the obvious lies when it's someone you don't like, but you need to realize your guy does it too with commercials. Not all equally of course, but political ads that are trying to lie to you should cause you to vote against such an asshole. For me, ads tell me more about who not to vote for than who I should. It's money terribly spent in my opinion, at least the way it usually is used. I like commercials that show the the opponent in his own words saying something stupid, as long it's not out of context. There is plenty of that to use.
I haven't seen any Bloomberg paid ads since he mothballed his campaign. Has anyone else?
as I've pointed out, citizen's united was about access not money, that was the wrong remedy, the tech oligarchs have basically imposed McCain Feingold by fiat,
Yancey Ward said...
I haven't seen any Bloomberg paid ads since he mothballed his campaign. Has anyone else?
I heard a couple on the radio a day after. But that was it. Obviously pre-added into the program list the day before.
Bagoh, all of Bloomberg's ads bought him a lectern at two debates, and those two debates negated all the ads he ran.
I also think political advertising on television and the internet is almost worthless. As I pointed out a few weeks ago- I saw exactly one Trump ad here in Tennessee- and I saw it twice the week before the election- it was a nationally purchased television ad that was about 2 minutes long. Now, I am probably not the right anecdote here- I lived in Tennesse where Trump didn't need advertising to win, and so wouldn't have purchased any local television time.
However, oddly, Hillary did spend money here in the state both in the primary and the general election. Not sure why she did that.
bagoh20 said...
Money can get you in the game, but I never thought it could buy you a win. Hillary versus Trump proved it, and Bloomberg just proved it. Who is sold by political ads anymore?
I believe we have Barrack Obama to think for this.
He made so many promises and he lied so many times.
Obvious brutal undeniable lies.
Completely blatant in your face lies.
And the media covered for him.
Now the same people who covered for Obama are claiming Trump lies all the time. But they can't point to any actual lies. When confronted douchebags like Chuck post a list of garbage.
They are broken and we have Barrack Obama to thank for making the game so obvious.
Control of the news cycle seems to have far more importance in politics, which is ironic to me since almost all of it is believed to be a negative for Trump, but appears to actually work to his benefit. No matter what they are saying about him, they are talking about him, and the content doesn't seem to matter at all, just the talking about him.
"I haven't seen any Bloomberg paid ads since he mothballed his campaign. Has anyone else?"
I think as recently as yesterday, maybe on the Pluto streaming service. But it stood out as the only one I'd seen recently.
"However, oddly, Hillary did spend money here in the state both in the primary and the general election. Not sure why she did that."
I think they had so much money they couldn't spend it efficiently. I think that's part of the explanation for the dossier - Trump did business in Russia, just throw some money at that.
Oh you are making this so much more fun, Yancey.
I love the art and science of campaign finance law so much that I don’t even care about your throwing in the odd bit of noxious Trump cultistm.
We are going to watch these developments together with the rest of the nation.
it's a clerisy of lies and deceit, after 2008 did you see how it failed because McCain, was stupid enough to play along, and filled to the brim with subprime pirates, Obama won and appointed the lead counsel for purdue pharmaceuticals, as atty general, the wheelman for chase manhattan as treasury,
Idiots. Again, begs the question, are these people drunk or high? How can you be that stupid on national tv?
"Martin said...
I'll take my $1.53 please."
You can have mine too, get yourself a Happy Meal!
Bloomberg chinas' chew toy, who would have us disarmed, and muted, that's who you want to save you from trump,
(4) If donating nothing to Biden directly or indirectly, then he is free, as long as there is no provable coordination with the Biden Campaign, to spend whatever he likes on attacking Trump directly.
Just like was no connection between the group Citizens United, and their documentary attacking Hillary, and any Republican campaign. I’d say we’re just talkin’ some Trump “issues” here, officer. Honest. Just issue ads. Haha!
Btw; Bloomberg’s run of ads in Michigan moved polling for him by almost 20% in under 90 days.
The NY Times idiot mouths the inane platitude about how this proves again how there’s too much money in politics. Actually it proves exactly the opposite. It proves beyond any doubt that money in politics really doesn’t matter.
well it matters, but an articulate message matters more, that's why the oligarchs are coordinating to purge social media of double unplusgood thoughts,
If he donates to the Biden campaign, money or in-kind, then Bloomberg himself becomes the coordinating agent that brings independent expenditures under the hard money caps. You don't seem to understand this even though I explained it a dozen times now.
He has to choose- he can't give money, for example, to the DNC, and then turn around and spend unlimited money attacking the DNC's opponents by name. The campaign finance laws don't have loopholes like that. The way wealthy donors skirt the law is to run issue ads that don't name any candidate for federal office. That is what Bloomberg will have to do.
"Just like was no connection between the group Citizens United, and their documentary attacking Hillary, and any Republican campaign. I’d say we’re just talkin’ some Trump “issues” here, officer. Honest. Just issue ads. Haha!"
I shouldn't have to explain this to an actual lawyer, but Citizens United didn't donate money to any Republican candidate running against Clinton. McCain-Feingold barred the running of "campaign and issue ads" against any federal candidate for office. It was already against the law for corporations like Citizens United to donate money to candidates for federal office, so coordination was never an issue in the case- the case simply decided that Citizens United was free to attack federal candidates for office with whatever they wished to finance.
Do you have any more red herrings for me to dispose of, Chuck?
In short, Bloomberg is not a corporation or a union- he is an individual and subject to the exact same hard caps on campaign donations that you and I have to obey. Now, as a rich guy, he can forgo all direct donations and attack Trump by name, but the minute he gives any money whatsoever to the Biden or Sanders general election campaign, his hands will be tied on independent expenditures, especially those directed by himself.
Bloomberg has lawyers who aren't as ignorant as you are Chuck- they will make sure he stays out of federal prison.
2^64 grains
Yancy Ward writes: I shouldn't have to explain this to an actual lawyer, but Citizens United didn't donate money to any Republican candidate running against Clinton.
Don't worry, you're not.
but he hired tim O'Brien, who has selling whoppers for years, who coordinate this dumpsterfire of a campaign, buying American samoa, would have been less expensive,
Chuck sometimes sounds like a lawyer but then he says something so stupid that he raises doubts,. I think maybe it's age related cognitive decline.
"Yancey Ward said...
I haven't seen any Bloomberg paid ads since he mothballed his campaign. Has anyone else?"
I listen to the Score 670 radio out of Chicago, and have heard his ads the last two days. I assume they have to run them to get paid.
"Chuck sometimes sounds like a lawyer but then he says something so stupid that he raises doubts"
Yeah, like "Do want Arby Sauce on that?"
Yancey; as an individual, spending his own money, Bloomberg is even LESS inhibited in his expenditures and Han a corporation or a union. Remember the refrain from the liberals who hate the Citizens United decision? They say, “Corporations are not people!” Well, Bloomberg is a people for sure.
Bloomberg is going to spend gobs and gobs of money running attack ads against Trump. Many, many more millions than you want him to. In addition to, separate from, and far beyond, his donations to individual Democratic campaigns. The new Bloomberg carpet-bombing attack ads will have a statement at the end, saying that they were paid for by the Bloomberg PAC and are not affiliated with any candidate.
If he does that, not only will Bloomberg have sacrificed on the altar of his vanity what remained of his dignity, but he could wind up criminally charged for election interference. Cognitive decline due to old age, or arrogance grown beyond even what a wise old man can regulate?
Blogger Michael K said...
Chuck sometimes sounds like a lawyer but then he says something so stupid that he raises doubts,. I think maybe it's age related cognitive decline.
This is exactly the kind of comment Althouse has said she doesn’t want to have to scroll through. It’s not related to the blog post. It’s not interesting substance. It isn’t substance at all.
With Yancey Ward, we are together presenting issues of substance relating to Bloomberg’s next moves in financing his anti-Trump message. Directly related to Althouse’s post. So why don’t you shut the fuck up and try to learn something?
What sort of “election interference” would Bloomberg be charged with? Since we are talking about a federal election, I presume that you’ll have a cite to the USC or the FEC.
"Btw; Bloomberg’s run of ads in Michigan moved polling for him by almost 20% in under 90 days."
And on Wednesday we heard that Biden's Super Tuesday win sent the stock market up 1,000 points!
Or, a bunch of non-related, coincidental stuff happened, and we're not really sure why (although many will gladly take credit). Bloomberg's 20% may have come from voters watching Bernie laud Cuba or Biden not know what day its was or just regular ol' polling errors. You'd think if his money had a positive causal effect on voters, it might have shown up in more than one place.
lol, the problem is yancey when have they seriously prosecuted a prog minded fellow for campaign related fraud there is the excon husband of that Chicago rep, his names escapes me right now, he went back and helped write Obamacare and organize the j 20 riots,
Bloomberg will continue, as he has been, to financially support Congressional candidates and state level candidates, as he so memorably referenced in his debate, having bought Nancy's majority. Biden doesn't need his money anyway. Maybe Bloomberg will still run anti-Trump ads, considering that his campaign was a pretext for torpedoing Bernie and Trump. This is a silly argument. He's trying to buy out the Democrat Party, not push Slow Joe over the finish line. Bowing out now and endorsing Joe was merely a step towards his actual objective, and one he had to take to salvage what was left of his public profile.
Money isn't the problem for democrats in 2020.
They have unlimited money.
The problem for democrats is their issues are terrible and Trump beats them on every issue.
Trump wins every issue. No amount of money will convince a majority of americans to support infanticide, selling baby parts for money, open borders, gun confiscation, and crony free trade.
Im headed for Phoenix tomorrow and will be there all week.
Sammies is definitely on my to do list.
If anyone wants to join me give me a call or text at 787-550-9650
Sounds lkmd tbe attack really helped theirbusiness.
As did the attacks on Memories Pizza ($800m go fund me) and cfa {moved past kfc after the attack)
John Henry
"narciso said...
lol, the problem is yancey when have they seriously prosecuted a prog minded fellow for campaign related fraud there is the excon husband of that Chicago rep, his names escapes me right now, he went back and helped write Obamacare and organize the j 20 riots,"
That would be Robert Creamer, the rep is Jan Schakowsky.
Blogger exhelodrvr1 said...
Most liberals are not very good with math/arithmetic...
Except for Coastal Libtardes Technology global economic dominance via maths, great point.
’So why don’t you shut the fuck up and try to learn something?’
Impotent rage suits you, Chuckles...
Most liberals are not very good with math/arithmetic...
Those two airheads have much bigger problems than poor math skills. Their mistakes were outrageously bad. They are totally unable to self monitor and thus made complete fools of themselves.
I cannot think of a normal person who, making that mistake, would not stop and say, "That can't be right. It's way off."
So why don’t you shut the fuck up and try to learn something?
Lil' Chuckles is back to using his internet tough guy persona.
Isn't it a bit early for gin and tonic, little man?
I haven't seen any Bloomberg paid ads since he mothballed his campaign. Has anyone else?
Heard one last night on a Philly sports radio station.
I got a good chuckle out of it.
Even if somehow their math was right, it still wouldn't support the point they are trying to make. In fact it would argue against it. I mean doesn't Bloomberg spending oodles and oodles of money to wind up with squat show that money does not in fact control politics?
LLR-lefty Chuck: "So why don’t you shut the fuck up and try to learn something?"
This is the toughness we've come to expect from a guy who, unlike others, actually spent more than 10 seconds pondering whether or not to join the military.
As Chuck told us in about 10,000 tortured anguished words, he chose not to.
Most guys would have simply said they did not serve. But Chuck thought we needed to hear much much much much more about his decision.
thanks that's the guy, there was also a biden staffer caught bundling inappropriately, also apparently Obama's former dhs ig, Charles Edwards had his hand in the till, lol,
Chuck said...
Bloomberg is going to spend gobs and gobs of money running attack ads against Trump. Many, many more millions than you want him to. In addition to, separate from, and far beyond, his donations to individual Democratic campaigns. The new Bloomberg carpet-bombing attack ads will have a statement at the end, saying that they were paid for by the Bloomberg PAC and are not affiliated with any candidate.
I hope Bloomberg does this. Just like he did in the primary. Saturate the airwaves. Turn TV and radio into Trump hate 24/7.
Let him vent the spleen of the elites day and night! Don't let America forget the wealthy people of the world really hate Trump.
Oh they hate him raawwrr! The rice bowls are being broken! NOOO!!!!
Meanwhile 90% of Americans are satisfied with how things are going and wages are going up for working class Americans for the first time in decades.
Everyone hates you Chuck.
Achilles said ...
Meanwhile 90% of Americans are satisfied with how things are going and wages are going up for working class Americans for the first time in decades.
Well make that 42.8%. Or less.
Sure, these people are laughable and it is good to laugh at them, hard. But even more laughable is progs' claim that they are the party of "science," so much smarter than us deplorables. Yet they aspire to rule us.
Well make that 42.8%. Or less.
That hate you ? OK
LLR-lefty Chuck: "The new Bloomberg carpet-bombing attack ads will have a statement at the end, saying that they were paid for by the Bloomberg PAC and are not affiliated with any candidate."
Should Trump declare such a dem-self-defeating program as a contribution?
Cuz he should!
My God! Can you imagine? Mike Bloombergs face and name on ads attacking Trump in the battleground states!
Whose idea was that? Roger Stones?
Chuck’s right, everybody hates rising wages and low unemployment.
Oh wait, it’s Montgomery Burns and his kind that Chuck roots for who hate those things.
Chuck said...
Achilles said ...
Meanwhile 90% of Americans are satisfied with how things are going and wages are going up for working class Americans for the first time in decades.
Well make that 42.8%. Or less.
Vent that spleen Chuck.
And please tell Bloomberg to spend millions helping you do it. Spend a Billion!
I am going to have fun watching Trump tear Biden to shreds and watching you defend a corrupt invalid.
If you guys were smart you would get a better return on a couple hundred thousand in Facebook ads like the Russians did.
You know, the ones that got Trump elected right?
we try to ignore vizzini as much as possible, I pointed out in an earlier link, how the state department translator debunked the whole trump tower kerfluffle,
Narciso: Robert Creamer, Illinois Public Action Coalition, husband to Congresswoman Jan Schankowsky. I designed a piece for him once and he stiffed me.
I was thinking the other day why the left is so batshit crazed that Trump is in the White House instead of some loony leftist. I mean, at some colleges the adjunct faculty hit conservatives in the head with bike locks, sucker punch them from the rear, stand in front of their recruiting tables and shriek like ball-twisted banshees in too-tight underwear. This isn't normal. I never did this (nor did anyone I know) when Obama had the White House. Why do leftists do it now?
I have heard them say that Trump puts their life in danger. I always shook my head in disbelief when I heard this. The Trump presidency was no possible threat to their lives. Then it dawned on me. I needed to understand their words not so much literally but more as a metaphor. What they meant was that without a left-wing president they could never dream parlaying their gender studies degree into a government job as chief of staff to some deputy something-or-other and thereby play a prime role directing the lives of millions of Americans. Instead they'd have to work at some non-profit with broken folding chairs or continue working as a part-time barista. When they were in college they disdained the idea of learning to code (and were no good at math anyway). And now those useless nerds were pulling down $140,000 a year and driving Teslas while they got to work on a battery powered Chinese bike.
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