I wasn't able to recover that as a Google cache or using the "Wayback Machine."
Poking around, I did find this from 2 days ago, written by Ted Rall, "Joe Biden Obviously Has Dementia and Should Withdraw":
You Democrats ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You spent the last four years criticizing Donald Trump in no small part for his mental state, and rightly so.... Trump is not merely a jerk. Psychologists have been so alarmed that they have violated a core ethical principle of their profession by attempting to diagnose him at a remove....I wonder what was in that Forbes article. I guess the 2 questions are answered: "Does Joe Biden Have Dementia? Does It Matter?" I'm guessing their answer was either "yes" and "no" or "it's unclear" and "no."
Now Democrats are conspiring to gaslight the American people by engineering the presidential election of a man clearly suffering from dementia, Joe Biden. This is no time to be “polite.” We are talking about the presidency.... Contrary to current ridiculous Democratic talking points, it is not ageist to point this out.....
It is neither necessary nor possible to scientifically determine whether the former vice president has dementia. On the other hand, you don’t need an astronomer to know that the sun rises in the east. If you have encountered dementia, you know Joe Biden has it. There is so much blame to go around for this BS that I can’t figure out what order to put it in....
None of the media seem interested in the truth about Biden.... Right-wing outlets like Fox News are gleefully trumpeting Biden’s mental decline but they would say that even if it wasn’t true....
I spent the last few years watching my mother’s decline due to dementia caused by Alzheimer’s. She had been brilliant.... No one who has been close to someone deteriorating from that disease could fail to see the same signs in Joe Biden.
In online discussions Biden apologists sometimes say that a senile Biden is better than an evil Trump. Is this really where we are?....
२०४ टिप्पण्या:
204 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Figurehead? Puppet? Dementia?
All perfect for Hillary installation.
Your Deep State, hard at work.
Democrat enthusiasm for Joe Biden is just not there.
Not the rabid idiots.
Normal people who want to be considered decent people and intelligent people.
Decent intelligent people wont vote for Joe Biden.
No. He's a Democrat; therefore, he doesn't have dementia … or any other faults.
Any questions?
Considering the havoc wreaked by our leadership in recent years, I personally vote for dementia in the president and gridlock in the congress.
The Dems currently believe that Figurehead Joe is their best shot to beat Trump.
Ergo, they don't care if Figurehead Joe has dementia. If he wins, nothing else matters.
If, however, they feel the dementia will hurt his chances, they will replace him at the convention.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Figurehead? Puppet? Dementia?
All perfect for Hillary installation.
You people keep pretending Hillary is somehow a part of this.
She is not. She is a tool. She has a couple friends in the media and drives some click bait. That is all.
She did her job. She got used up. She failed when it was her turn.
They have new and better tools now.
Think of Mueller at the House Judiciary Committee hearing. Now, subtract several thousand brain cells. That's Biden.
Click on "view source" and you can still see the whole article (you'll need to wade through a little bit of HTML). I will try posting in the next comment.
When Biden selects his running wait, Achilles - we shall see.
jimbino said...
Considering the havoc wreaked by our leadership in recent years, I personally vote for dementia in the president and gridlock in the congress.
Case in point.
You have to be either being really stupid to say something like this or be OK with an obvious puppet as president.
But most voters will not go along with this. They will be ashamed to be associated with Joe Biden and democrats in general.
William said: "No. He's a Democrat; therefore, he doesn't have dementia … or any other faults."
Truth. Democrats could present Joe Biden deceased, half rotten in a casket, and the useful idiots would vote for him in droves. Just to own Trump.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
When Biden selects his running wait, Achilles - we shall see.
I guarantee it will not be Hillary Clinton.
It wont even be a lacky of hers like Gillibrand.
For that matter who are the Clinton lackey's in the democrat party any more?
The tech money is all in the Obama camp. Wall Street is all in the Obama camp. Harvey Weinstein just got 23 years. She had to have Epstein killed to shut him up.
Hillary Clinton is finished. She will also be deposed here about her email server shortly.
It is neither necessary nor possible to scientifically determine whether the former vice president has dementia.
Of course it is possible to scientifically determine Biden's cognitive decline. That is what well-trained neuropsychologists do for a living. It is determined by reliable and valid cognitive testing.
Two possibilities:
1) Democrats have determined they can't win and have decided to push Biden up as a human sacrifice to avoid damaging candidates who might be formidable in 2024.
2) Democrats are hoping to sneak in an unpalatable candidate through the Vice-Presidency.
Of course, both could be true and that's my guess--they expect Trump to be re-elected and want their real favourite, the candidate of the future, in the Veep spot just in case.
You might be right, Achilles - but I won't trust she is gone until someone puts a stake thru her heart.
@Ryan Thanks for the tip.
I can tell you that the article quotes some anti-Biden commenters who say they're seeing signs of dementia and notes that when accusations of dementia were made against Trump, he took and passed a screening test. Then it says:
"To a cognitively unimpaired person, the questions [on the Montreal screening test that Trump took] seem trivial. But the individual that I watched take this screening could not answer questions that to an unimpaired person would seem obvious. These are not “trick questions”; it’s not an IQ test nor is it designed to ferret out nuances. But if a person really does have impairment, the test really will identify it.
"Which means that, yes, if Biden’s gaffes and his outbursts are just “Biden being Biden,” then there should be an easy enough answer: Biden could take the screening test just as easily as Trump did, and just as easily pass it, and then everyone can just shut up about the issue — unless, that is, the claims of Republicans that he has been pushed and manipulated into this election against his own best interest, and he’d be better off having stayed in retirement, are actually well-founded.
"But … I’m not sure that it matters to voters, many of whom, near as I can tell, simply see Biden as a placeholder for a moderate Democrat and are willing to case their vote even knowing that his age alone creates a fair probability that he won’t finish out his term."
The gist of the article:
And Victor David Hansen, writing at National Review, observes:
“The problem is that we have never before witnessed a major party’s likely candidate who so early in the race seems unable to meet the grueling demands of the spring, summer, and fall campaign trail, much less the anticipated duties of president — especially from the party who insisted so loudly that Trump was non compos mentis that it apparently prompted the president to take the Montreal Cognitive Assessment screening test, which he aced, but which a current Joe Biden might well not be able to ace if similarly accused of being mentally unfit and removable via the 25th Amendment.”
And to take a step back, Trump did indeed “ace” the Montreal Cognitive Assessment screening test back in 2018. At the time, this produced triumphant reactions from some; others declared that this test would not pick up on nuances of mental decline or the bigger picture of whether Trump is fit to serve as president. And the Montreal screening is hardly the sort of test that identifies how clever one is, or how much wisdom one has, of the sort that might come in handy in managing, well, just about anything a president has to mange.
But the test (which is no longer easily available online for copyright reasons, but described in detail at VeryWellHealth and with a partial image at The Guardian) is meant for a specific objective: screening individuals for dementia or mild cognitive impairment. It consists of tasks such as drawing a clock face, naming animals based on line drawings, reciting a set of numbers forwards and backwards, listing as many words as you can think of that start with the letter “f,” and similar questions, for a total of 30 points, with 26 points required to “pass” the screening, and a lower cut-off differentiating between mild cognitive impairment and dementia itself.
And — folks, this is where I’ll take off the journalist hat for just a moment: I have watched someone take this test. To a cognitively unimpaired person, the questions seem trivial. But the individual that I watched take this screening could not answer questions that to an unimpaired person would seem obvious. These are not “trick questions”; it’s not an IQ test nor is it designed to ferret out nuances. But if a person really does have impairment, the test really will identify it.
Which means that, yes, if Biden’s gaffes and his outbursts are just “Biden being Biden,” then there should be an easy enough answer: Biden could take the screening test just as easily as Trump did, and just as easily pass it, and then everyone can just shut up about the issue — unless, that is, the claims of Republicans that he has been pushed and manipulated into this election against his own best interest, and he’d be better off having stayed in retirement, are actually well-founded.
But — to address the second question in my title — I’m not sure that it matters to voters, many of whom, near as I can tell, simply see Biden as a placeholder for a moderate Democrat and are willing to case their vote even knowing that his age alone creates a fair probability that he won’t finish out his term.
As always, you’re invited to comment at JaneTheActuary.com!
"You spent the last four years criticizing Donald Trump in no small part for his mental state, and rightly so.... Trump is not merely a jerk. Psychologists have been so alarmed that they have violated a core ethical principle of their profession by attempting to diagnose him at a remove."
I get such a kick at how Leftys casually throw out invectives as though they were God's own truth.
And by the way, what is a "remove"? Come on Ted. Get an editor.
Hillary Clinton almost beat Donald Trump, so why not Joe Biden?
But it’s not dementia, you all just don’t get Joe Biden’s sense of humor. Cornpop was a bad dude, Vermont ... what a neat town, we choose truth over facts, we are all crated by the thing, Super Thursday, AR-14, for political comedy these are gold.
I think they are conceding the presidential election and trying to protect down ballot offices.
If Biden drops out before the convention, which I think likely, then we will see who the tech money people want.
Hunter Biden is unlikely to get that judge to let him go until November and that might be the trigger for Joeexit.
My reaction to that:
1. We don't know whether Biden has taken the test. It's so easy to give that his own people (maybe his wife) could ask him the questions. Like listing words that begin with a particular letter, with a time limit.
2. Why would Biden make a show of going in for the test? I think the Democratic Party has a mission here, which is to get Joe over the line to the majority so that his delegates control the convention. They have to pretend he's fine whether he is or not.
3. If he's not able to complete task of running for President or even if it's just clear that he's not going to be able to beat Trump, then before the convention vote, he can simply withdraw and the votes can be handed over to whomever the Party chooses. We won't hear about that plan until after he bags the majority of delegates.
I understand that Joe last night said the he increased tunout in Michigan "expediently".
Becoming obviously doddering.
No more Malarkey!
"Which means that, yes, if Biden’s gaffes and his outbursts are just “Biden being Biden,” then there should be an easy enough answer: Biden could take the screening test just as easily as Trump did, and just as easily pass it, and then everyone can just shut up about the issue
Naturally, we deplorables would not believe the results unless the test was taken live on tv..
Make it PayperView, with President Donald Trump administering the test. WWE style, big buildup with trashtalk, fireworks, dramatic entrances..
Promoted ahead of time, allowing bars to broadcast, like a championship fight..
Now that I think about it, debates should be staged like that..with live-scrolled comments from viewers..
Then, denouement, wrestling match where sobbing loser gets his head shaved and slinks off in disgrace, Evil Mr. McMahon style..
Jersey Fled,
"he increased turnout in Michigan 'expediently'."
This is a Kinsley Gaffe: That is in fact what the Democratic Party does.
Here you go (I took out a bunch of code) (Part I):
"As I write this, news outlets such as CNN are reporting that former Vice President Joe Biden has won the primaries in the states of Michigan, Missouri, and Mississippi (with the remaining outcomes not yet certain). It becomes increasing probable that Biden will be the Democratic nominee for president. And at the same time, among Republicans, at any rate, speculation continues that, as is the case for about 10% of Americans within his age range, Biden is impaired with dementia. Here’s Roger Kimball writing at Spectator’s US edition:
“Some people dismiss evidence of Biden’s incapacity as just a matter of ‘gaffes’, little mental hiccups of no consequence. They aren’t ‘gaffes’, i.e., simple mistakes. They are tokens of serious mental incapacity. Judge for yourself. Here’s Biden from a couple of weeks ago announcing that he is running for the US Senate (ah, the good old days). “Or how about his claim that "'150 million' Americans have been killed by guns since 2007?" Or here he is trying to get his mind (and his mouth) around the Declaration of Independence: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: all men and women are created, by the, you know the, you know the thing.’"
Donald Trump, Jr., went further: "From the Alzheimers association webpage 'Aggressive or angry behaviors may occur in people with Alzheimer's or other dementias,’" the president's eldest son said Tuesday on Twitter in response to a video of Biden berating a Michigan man. ‘A 50 year career politician doesn't snap back this way to a blue collar guy asking him a reasonable question given his parties stance on the issue.’And Victor David Hansen, writing at National Review, “The problem is that we have never before witnessed a major party’s likely candidate who so early in the race seems unable to meet the grueling demands of the spring, summer, and fall campaign trail, much less the anticipated duties of president — especially from the party who insisted so loudly that Trump was non compos mentis that it apparently prompted the president to take the Montreal Cognitive Assessment screening test, which he aced, but which a current Joe Biden might well not be able to ace if similarly accused of being mentally unfit and removable via the 25th Amendment.”
[to be continued...]
Part II:
"And to take a step back, Trump did indeed “ace” the Montreal Cognitive Assessment screening test back in 2018. At the time, this produced triumphant reactions from some; others declared that this test would not pick up on nuances of mental decline or the bigger picture of whether Trump is fit to serve as president. And the Montreal screening is hardly the sort of test that identifies how clever one is, or how much wisdom one has, of the sort that might come in handy in managing, well, just about anything a president has to mange.
But the test (which is no longer easily available online for copyright reasons, but described in detail at VeryWellHealth and with a partial image at The Guardian, is meant for a specific objective: screening individuals for dementia or mild cognitive impairment. It consists of tasks such as drawing a clock face, naming animals based on line drawings, reciting a set of numbers forwards and backwards, listing as many words as you can think of that start with the letter “f,” and similar questions, for a total of 30 points, with 26 points required to “pass” the screening, and a lower cut-off differentiating between mild cognitive impairment and dementia itself.
And — folks, this is where I’ll take off the journalist hat for just a moment: I have watched someone take this test. To a cognitively unimpaired person, the questions seem trivial. But the individual that I watched take this screening could not answer questions that to an unimpaired person would seem obvious. These are not “trick questions”; it’s not an IQ test nor is it designed to ferret out nuances.
But if a person really does have impairment, the test really will identify it.
Which means that, yes, if Biden’s gaffes and his outbursts are just “Biden being Biden,” then there should be an easy enough answer: Biden could take the screening test just as easily as Trump did, and just as easily pass it, and then everyone can just shut up about the issue — unless, that is, the claims of Republicans that he has been pushed and manipulated into this election against his own best interest, and he’d be better off having stayed in retirement, are actually well-founded.
But — to address the second question in my title — I’m not sure that it matters to voters, many of whom, near as I can tell, simply see Biden as a placeholder for a moderate Democrat and are willing to case their vote even knowing that his age alone creates a fair probability that he won’t finish out his term.""
1. We don't know whether Biden has taken the test. It's so easy to give that his own people (maybe his wife) could ask him the questions. Like listing words that begin with a particular letter, with a time limit.
Uh-oh. "THE TEST" may become "THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE". People gonna ask if Biden took THE TEST. Biden people insist he did but withhold proof to troll republicans. Culminating in last minute revelation of several "doctors" in white coats and stethoscopes on live CNN somberly shuffling papers which represent the results and claiming Joe took it, and passed with flying colors..
1.You can still get the complete text off that page by hitting reload, then immediately selecting all, then select copy, then post it into a text editor of your choice. I plan to put up a big excerpt of it in the Friday LinkSwarm.
2. Related thoughts here.
It was not a problem that Joe had dementia because he was going to lose.
Then Joe did not have dementia because he was going to win.
Pretty soon it will not be a problem that Joe has dementia because the VP pick is so qualified.
This is right before it becomes a problem that Joe has dementia such that the VP pick is elevated to the top of the ticket.
And if you don't vote Democrat it's because you hate old people who are no longer running.
I think he has dementia and cognitive impairment, and it does matter, and it does matter to the Democrats. I think they will replace him at the convention. The plan was to back another candidate against Sanders after New Hampshire, but two that were being groomed for it, Warren and Harris, couldn't even beat Pete Buttuvwxyz, much less Bernie Sanders. So, for a week or two, Bloomberg was they guy they planned to back, and you saw this with the change in the rules to get him into the pre-Nevada debate, but Bloomberg blew it big time. This left Biden as the only horse still standing before South Carolina- the rest unfolded in perfect harmony- Clyburn's bid endorsement, Buttuvwxyz and Klobber dropping out before Super Tuesday and endorsing Biden, but Warren staying in to sabotage Sanders in the Northeast in particular, and everywhere else generally on Super Tuesday.
However, the Democrats do recognize the problem- you can see it above with Left Bank's attempt to explain it all away, so I think it all but certain that Biden is asked to step aside before the convention- it will be Biden's "choice" of running mate who will actually be put at the top of the ticket, and I think Klobuchar is the one the DNC has chosen as of this moment; but Hillary would like the nomination, and I wouldn't count her out.
Those who read the NYT know reports of Joe's dementia are just Russian interference.
Which should immediately disqualify Donald Trump.
Red Flag the rascal.
Hillary also has dementia.
She's treating it with wine.
Saw a gangster movie recently, Australian, I think. Elderly head of "family" is slipping, so takes a test. Has to count backwards, subtracting 7 as he counts.
Not as easy as it sounds!
Maybe it was England, not Australia...
Might have been nine, not seven...
Might not have been recently...
But, I am pretty sure I saw something like that...or maybe read it in a book..
And, not to sound like a school marm, but, Yes, I'd rather debate and defeat Biden on his ideas and policy prescriptions (Pro Nafta, anti 2A, higher taxes, Obamacare, etc) than on his obvious demented state. Alas, that ship has sailed......
>>Jersey Fled said...
And by the way, what is a "remove"? Come on Ted. Get an editor.<<
A remove is a a degree or stage of separation. No editor needed.
Ergo, they don't care if Figurehead Joe has dementia. If he wins, nothing else matters.
there's a reason why they call blue dog democrats; it's to differentiate them from the rest of the democrats: the Yellow Dog Democrats, as in
so loyal they would even vote for a yellow dog before they would vote for any Republican
Doesn't matter if the dog is cognizant... doesn't matter if the dog is brain dead
all that matters is; the dog is a democrat.... That equals At LEAST 43% of the vote
Dead voters, mentally incompetent voters, paid voters, illegal alien voters; they don't care
So Bernie just announced that he's still in it, and looking forward to the debate with Biden (which might not occur).
I wonder if Biden could do any worse in handling the Corvid19 virus than the cognitively impaired egotist Trump. Would he fire the pandemic staff and tell everyone it will pass by Spring?
What I havent figured out yet is how Putin got all those liberal talking heads to call out Bidens dementia publicly before they figured out they needed to change up their stories.
In Reagan's second term, I suspect that his cognitive ability was declining. The results weren't good. For the DNC, the Covid-19 scare is a bit of a blessing, it will keep Biden away from the public and their pesky questions (and his unpredictable responses), for a time. It's 8 months till the election; if he continues to demonstrate these "quirks" can the DNC ignore it and hope that voters don't notice? Or, do they ignore it because they expect him to lose?
Psychologists have been so alarmed that they have violated a core ethical principle of their profession by attempting to diagnose him at a remove....
Washington Monthly reports:
Brandy X. Lee, one of the mental health professionals who has been very vocal about Trump’s unfitness for office, explained why a declination to diagnose Biden is in keeping with professional standards.
I do not diagnose without examination and do not speak about public figures...
Here's the 25th Amendment.
"Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office."
We just saw how attempting to remove the President is an exercise in futility. Getting the votes of two thirds of both houses of Congress isn't going to happen. As long as Biden has a pulse, he'll stay.
If elected, we're stuck with Joe Biden until 2025. We shouldn't pretend there's a way out.
1.You can still get the complete text off that page by hitting reload, then immediately selecting all, then select copy, then post it into a text editor of your choice
This works for most blocked content, NYT, WaPo, etc
Activate Reader View - Add-on
How do you keep Joe occupied while you're running the country?
Put him in the Oval Office and tell him to sit in the corner.
Ann Althouse said...
3. If he's not able to complete task of running for President or even if it's just clear that he's not going to be able to beat Trump, then before the convention vote, he can simply withdraw and the votes can be handed over to whomever the Party chooses. We won't hear about that plan until after he bags the majority of delegates.
The average democrat voter will accept that.
The average american voter will not accept an obvious manipulation like that.
The average voter will be embarrassed to be associated with a party so obviously dismissive of the electorate and willing to undermine the foundations of representative democracy.
We do not elect puppets and figureheads and placeholders.
The only people that accept that are stupid bleating sheep.
I wonder if Biden could do any worse in handling the Corvid19 virus than the cognitively impaired egotist Trump.
Oddly enough, the governors of California and Washington think Trump is handling it just fine. They must have switched parties.
roesch/voltaire said...
I wonder if Biden could do any worse in handling the Corvid19 virus than the cognitively impaired egotist Trump. Would he fire the pandemic staff and tell everyone it will pass by Spring?
Speaking of stupid bleating sheep...
Why would Biden withdraw after being nominated, especially if he's demented? Seems to me the more impaired he is, the less likely he'll voluntarily give up.
tcrosse: not to be too cynical, but the governors of CA and WA have been told "the bar is open".
Here in Oregon, our fearless governor is signing executive orders to cure climate change.
Bernie's not dropping out. Wants to debate Plugs on Sunday.
Joe is senile, nasty, and potentially violent, but Inga does not care
I have no doubt that Hill the power crazed old harpy would love to get the VP slot. I think she's actively campaigning for it. However, the smarter Ds must realize they need someone young and vigorous to offset Slow Joe. If you have a senile old man at the top of the ticket, putting a woman who fell over and had to be tossed like a side of beef into a waiting vehicle in 2016 isn't going to make your ticket more attractive.
Achilles may be right that they will try to replace Biden at the convention if he's looking so bad by then that not even MSNBC will be able to hide it or pass it off as "charming old Joe." However, that means the nominee will be a person who either hasn't been chosen by any voters, or someone who was decisively rejected in the primaries. Those poisoned with TDS will not mind being spoonfed by the DNC - they're serfs anyway - but the American public at large might object.
The World Health Organization also commended President Trump for his handling of the crisis
Joe's team requests a chair for the debate with a little bell wired to its arm like Hector Salamanca.
Bob Boyd said...
Bernie's not dropping out. Wants to debate Plugs on Sunday.
3/11/20, 12:36 PM
Haha! Keep up the fight, Bernie!
Mentally Impaired Inga thinks Mentally Impaired Joe will win. He can't even stand on his own 2 feet for a 2 hour debate, nevermind the word salad that spills out of his mouth.
There's an obvious choice for Biden's VP slot. One everyone seems to be overlooking.
- Young and vigorous
- Proven experience in high executive office
- A lock on the african-american vote
- Ready on day one
It's... Barack Obama.
He can't be *elected* President again, but there's nothing that says he can't succeed to the office or be elected Veep. (Good luck getting the Roberts court to rule otherwise!)
Obiden-Bama 2020.
It's absolutely delicious to see Biden supporters on Tweet attacking Bernie supporters for being - you guessed it - Russian bots.
That's the Dems in 2020, folks. "Everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian bot!"
Bernie's not dropping out. Wants to debate Plugs on Sunday.
Please, God, let that happen. Make it a long one. Saw Bernie mention how Joe gave a seven minute speech at rally while the Bern can go for an hour..
Bob Boyd said...
How do you keep Joe occupied while you're running the country?
Put him in the Oval Office and tell him to sit in the corner.
3/11/20, 12:26 PM
I'd give him a Lionel train set to play with.
Even before his recent decline, Joe always liked the choo-choos.
Bob Boyd said...
Bernie's not dropping out. Wants to debate Plugs on Sunday.
Bernie is the Romney/McCain/Bush/Dole of the Marxist movement.
He is there to lose gracefully.
On the off hand he wins he will just be "bipartisan" and pass what the globalists want.
Bernie is on board with open borders and gun confiscation now. He wasn't always.
Bernie has been bought.
I should have added Jeb. Bernie and Jeb even look alike if you try hard enough.
Achilles said...The tech money is all in the Obama camp. Wall Street is all in the Obama camp. Harvey Weinstein just got 23 years
The Harvey Weinstein that Malia Obama interned for.
The Democrats will never remove Biden under the 25th unless he dances nude on the White House lawn.
roesch/voltaire said...
I wonder if Biden could do any worse in handling the Corvid19 virus than the cognitively impaired egotist Trump. Would he fire the pandemic staff and tell everyone it will pass by Spring?
For anybody unfamiliar, the commenter quoted above is not only college educated, they is an actual faculty member. Passing their wisdom on to the children of Madison Wisconsin.
Influencing virginal minds, and being well paid with your tax dollars.
Well educated, as opposed to the poorly educated loved by Donald Trump.
As an aside, imagine the courage it takes for Althouse to run this blog and to live in the midst of the sort of people R/V represents.
Maybe it's the cynic in me, but I think most Dems will vote for Biden, dementia, corruption and all, because of their Trump Derangement Syndrome. Biden will pick a VP candidate who is young and "appears" to be moderate. That's why I don't think Hillary will be his VP choice, but I do think he will pick a female. Clearly the DNC's #1 goal is to beat Trump, and as the last non-outwardly socialist still standing, Dem voters will vote for Biden. By calling out that the Dem primary seems rigged against Bernie, the Bernie Bros. may sit out 2020.
roesch/voltaire said...
I wonder if Biden could do any worse in handling the Corvid19 virus than the cognitively impaired egotist Trump. Would he fire the pandemic staff and tell everyone it will pass by Spring?
Speaking of dementia,.
Blogger Ken B said...
The Democrats will never remove Biden under the 25th unless he dances nude on the White House lawn.
if a swimming pool can be CGI into the video that would be just President Joe shaking off the water from his swim to admiring glances from female SS agents
Biden picks Kamala. Biden drops out. Who does Kamala pick? Eric Holder?
He can't be *elected* President again, but there's nothing that says he can't succeed to the office or be elected Veep. (Good luck getting the Roberts court to rule otherwise!)
Watch out! We got real Constitutional scholar here!
"But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."
Kalmala picks Bloomberg?
Hat tip to FullMoon.
My ex-wife is a licensed neuropsychologist. I spent a couple of years administering neuropsych batteries (about 15 years ago) to help with her case overload. A typical battery can be completed in 90-120 minutes. Scoring and interpretation takes another hour or so, but that depends on your level of automation.
It would amaze people to watch how cognitively impaired patients struggle with certain tests, depending on the nature of their impairment. One thing that stands out is when they are faced with a relatively simple task that they cannot perform is that they become angry. Indeed, a major challenge in neuropsych testing is to keep patients from walking out in anger before testing is completed.
I’ve said it before here...
I want a complete physical, neurological and neuropsych exam of all candidates, before the conventions. Bernie Sanders won’t say what his ejection fraction is now after his heart attack, Donald Trump won’t let anyone explain his unscheduled hospitalization last fall. I don’t know that Biden is hiding anything, but I don’t care. He’s not my candidate. “Against Trump” is my candidate.
You seem to have no idea, Althouse, how much we Trump haters want the media to get into “dementia” in this campaign. Scorched fucking earth, is my notion on the dementia argument against Trump.
Best VP pick of all time was the guy Ross Perot chose.
Came out on stage and said "What am I doing here?"
Inga's comments are noteworthy because they combine unwarranted self-confidence with jaw-dropping stupidity. Ritmo has a flair for invective. But R/V? He's the oatmeal mush of left wing commentators here. I don't recall him ever saying anything even remotely interesting.
You seem to have no idea, Althouse, how much we Trump haters want the media to get into “dementia” in this campaign. Scorched fucking earth, is my notion on the dementia argument against Trump.
Whoa, big fella ! Ya better go find a titty to twist, relieve some stress, you crazy cocksucker, you.
We've gone from a likely brokered convention to a... Joe's broken convention. That's progress! No wonder the Democrats are the party of progress.
ThunderChick wrote: "That's why I don't think Hillary will be his VP choice, but I do think he will pick a female."
I'm thinking Amy - to try to win back the upper Midwest.
And I wouldn't be surprised if they try to bend the rules so Amy, not Biden, debates Trump. Rather than sending Joe out to conclusively demonstrate his failings on national TV, they'll want Trump to face off against a "nice" smiley Midwestern WOMAN so commentators can screech about how mean and anti-feminist he is if he challenges her in any way. It'll be just like The Handmaid's Tale!
Biden's selection by the party will enable them to have a fighting chance to retain the House majority. It will also give them their best chance to win the Senate and thereby block the replacement for Ginsberg. I think Dr. K already said this...
You seem to have no idea, Althouse, how much we Trump haters want the media to get into “dementia” in this campaign. Scorched fucking earth, is my notion on the dementia argument against Trump.
My goodness, we all know how aggressively you’ve lied to yourself about Trump. But your comments reflect a mental decline that Joe Biden has yet to achieve, and we consequently cannot help but giggle at your “notion”.
If you have encountered dementia, you know Joe Biden has it.
I have encountered dementia, and I DON'T know whether Joe Biden has it.
How the hell is it possible for anyone to know, at this stage, whether he has dementia?
I think he's stupid. Stupidity, not dementia, is his problem -- and ours.
Fernandistein said...
"But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."
Sure. But where does it say that Barack Obama is constitutionally ineligible to the office? He's barred from being *elected* President, but the requirements to *be* President are spelled out quite clearly elsewhere, and he meets them just as well as he did in 2008.
"outlets like Fox News are gleefully trumpeting Biden’s mental decline but they would say that even if it wasn’t true"
Even when trying to deal with facts, progs can't stop lying. Example: we righties ridiculed Hill's physical and moral but not her mental condition.
Anyway, Slower&Slower Joe's mental condition does not matter to ABT Dems but it does matter to the country.
Althouse, you still want "competent," right?
Fernandistein said...
"But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."
Note specifically that linguistically, "eligible" is to "elect" as "corrigible" is to "correct", "dirigible" is to "direct", "negligible" is to "neglect", etc. If a person cannot be elected President, they are not eligible to the office of President, and thus are not eligible to that of Vice-President.
Poor Chuck can't post here without insulting the host.
Your pathetic fixation and desire to smear is clear to all.
And yes, the complicit press would be more than happy to join your smear campaign.
All to "conserve conservatism".
We shall see how much further Biden declines before the convention. If his condition is what it appears to be, it won't be getting better. Then what?
"As an aside, imagine the courage it takes for Althouse to run this blog and to live in the midst of the sort of people R/V represents."
Agreed. As an aside to the aside, I sometimes give her a hard time, not that she cares, but I never forget where she's coming from, and the courage it takes to do what she does.
So from reading the comments, Biden is going to win the nomination, then bow out at the convention, saying the delegates should vote for his VP choice. Looks like Neo-communism to me, after a Kabuki dance for the American people that lasted over a year and a half. What a farce that would be.
Biden reflects symptoms of Mild Cognitive Impairment, NOT Dementia:
What is Mild Cognitive Impairment?
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is sometimes diagnosed in people who have minor problems with memory, speech, or decision-making. The signs of MCI may not be obvious or noticeable and may be mistaken for normal aging. Older people who start to have memory problems may be concerned that they have Alzheimer’s disease, but if the symptoms are mild, they may be diagnosed with MCI instead. However, to be very clear, MCI is not a form of dementia.
The formal definition of MCI is: An intermediate stage between the expected cognitive decline of normal aging and the more-serious decline of dementia. It can involve problems with memory, language, thinking and judgment that are greater than normal age-related changes. (Mayo Clinic, 2017)
Mild Cognitive Impairment, in most cases, is not serious enough to interfere with an individual’s everyday activities.
There are several different subtypes of MCI, but the two major categories are amnestic (characterized by memory-related problems) and non-amnestic (characterized by issues with thinking skills that are not memory-related). It is difficult to estimate how many cases of MCI there are since there are several different definitions of MCI. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, approximately 15-20% of seniors 65 years of age and over have MCI.
Mild Cognitive Impairment transitions to Moderate Cognitive impairment, which is more associated with Dementia.
Robert Mueller is probably headed in that direction.
Bill Kristol
Biden should offer to answer Bernie’s policy questions in writing, but say that he’s withdrawing from Sunday’s debate as it risks dividing the party rather than uniting it to face their common opponent, Donald Trump.😉
When you've lost a POS like Ted Rall .....
Clyburn has the solution., Cancel the rest of the primaries and the debates.
He says prolonging the primary process only makes it more likely that the favorite, Biden in his eyes, "gets himself into trouble" and hurts himself for the general election
I agree. Wake him up on Election Day.
This is almost as much fun as the "what will Tom Brady do?" here in New England. So how about "In exchange for picking a Progressive as VP, Sanders agrees to drop out and endorse Biden, allowing him to rest until July 13. Then in deference to COVID-19, Biden runs a modern equivalent of the 'front porch campaign', eschewing travel and appearing only in controlled, rehearsed surroundings."
Althouse, how much we Trump haters want the media to get into “dementia” in this campaign. Scorched fucking earth, is my notion on the dementia argument against Trump.
Chuck, the medical malpractice expert, seems unaware that Trump took the mental status test in 2018 and passed with flying colors.
Go back in your man cave Chuck.
Ok, this is a really weird way to take an article offline, from a technical perspective. The article is actually still there in the html source. Here's what it said:
As I write this, news outlets such as CNN are reporting that former Vice President Joe Biden has won the primaries in the states of Michigan, Missouri, and Mississippi (with the remaining outcomes not yet certain). It becomes increasing probable that Biden will be the Democratic nominee for president.
And at the same time, among Republicans, at any rate, speculation continues that, as is the case for about 10% of Americans within his age range, Biden is impaired with dementia.
Here’s Roger Kimball writing at The Spectator’s US edition:
“Some people dismiss evidence of Biden’s incapacity as just a matter of ‘gaffes’, little mental hiccups of no consequence. They aren’t ‘gaffes’, i.e., simple mistakes. They are tokens of serious mental incapacity. Judge for yourself. Here’s Biden from a couple of weeks ago announcing that he is running for the US Senate (ah, the good old days). [a video follows]
“Or how about his claim that ‘150 million‘ Americans have been killed by guns since 2007? Or here he is trying to get his mind (and his mouth) around the Declaration of Independence: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: all men and women are created, by the, you know the, you know the thing.’”
Donald Trump, Jr., went further:
“’From the Alzheimers association webpage 'Aggressive or angry behaviors may occur in people with Alzheimer's or other dementias,’ the president's eldest son said Tuesday on Twitter in response to a video of Biden berating a Michigan man. ‘A 50 year career politician doesn't snap back this way to a blue collar guy asking him a reasonable question given his parties stance on the issue.’"
And Victor David Hansen, writing at National Review, observes:
“The problem is that we have never before witnessed a major party’s likely candidate who so early in the race seems unable to meet the grueling demands of the spring, summer, and fall campaign trail, much less the anticipated duties of president — especially from the party who insisted so loudly that Trump was non compos mentis that it apparently prompted the president to take the Montreal Cognitive Assessment screening test, which he aced, but which a current Joe Biden might well not be able to ace if similarly accused of being mentally unfit and removable via the 25th Amendment.”
And to take a step back, Trump did indeed “ace” the Montreal Cognitive Assessment screening test back in 2018. At the time, this produced triumphant reactions from some; others declared that this test would not pick up on nuances of mental decline or the bigger picture of whether Trump is fit to serve as president. And the Montreal screening is hardly the sort of test that identifies how clever one is, or how much wisdom one has, of the sort that might come in handy in managing, well, just about anything a president has to mange.
Part 2 because the comments don't allow me to post all in one...
But the test (which is no longer easily available online for copyright reasons, but described in detail at VeryWellHealth and with a partial image at The Guardian) is meant for a specific objective: screening individuals for dementia or mild cognitive impairment. It consists of tasks such as drawing a clock face, naming animals based on line drawings, reciting a set of numbers forwards and backwards, listing as many words as you can think of that start with the letter “f,” and similar questions, for a total of 30 points, with 26 points required to “pass” the screening, and a lower cut-off differentiating between mild cognitive impairment and dementia itself.
And — folks, this is where I’ll take off the journalist hat for just a moment: I have watched someone take this test. To a cognitively unimpaired person, the questions seem trivial. But the individual that I watched take this screening could not answer questions that to an unimpaired person would seem obvious. These are not “trick questions”; it’s not an IQ test nor is it designed to ferret out nuances. But if a person really does have impairment, the test really will identify it.
Which means that, yes, if Biden’s gaffes and his outbursts are just “Biden being Biden,” then there should be an easy enough answer: Biden could take the screening test just as easily as Trump did, and just as easily pass it, and then everyone can just shut up about the issue — unless, that is, the claims of Republicans that he has been pushed and manipulated into this election against his own best interest, and he’d be better off having stayed in retirement, are actually well-founded.
But — to address the second question in my title — I’m not sure that it matters to voters, many of whom, near as I can tell, simply see Biden as a placeholder for a moderate Democrat and are willing to case their vote even knowing that his age alone creates a fair probability that he won’t finish out his term.
One thing that stands out is when they are faced with a relatively simple task that they cannot perform is that they become angry.
never mind.,I get it..
Joe's victory speech last night seemed to go off without incident.
But I was holding my breath the whole time.
So was his wife, Jill, as she stood next to him.
It sounds crazy, but Bernie has to stay in even though he's unlikely to win the majority.
If Biden continues to deteriorate, Bernie shows up at the convention and demands to be coronated.
After all, he's got the most delegates of anyone qualified to serve.
If he drops out, he's surrendered any moral authority to the nomination.
Blogger Francisco D said...
Hat tip to FullMoon.
My ex-wife is a licensed neuropsychologist. I spent a couple of years administering neuropsych batteries (about 15 years ago) to help with her case overload. A typical battery can be completed in 90-120 minutes. Scoring and interpretation takes another hour or so, but that depends on your level of automation.
It would amaze people to watch how cognitively impaired patients struggle with certain tests, depending on the nature of their impairment. One thing that stands out is when they are faced with a relatively simple task that they cannot perform is that they become angry. Indeed, a major challenge in neuropsych testing is to keep patients from walking out in anger before testing is completed.
From Tom Joseph’s fascinating Twitter feed:
Tom Joseph
1 Trump made a dementia confession at his rally when he projected "that’s what happens when you can’t get the words out, you get angry...Might happen to me someday." It was Trumpian of course w/ "might & someday" as qualifiers to acknowledge & downplay undeniable symptoms.
When he confused Chris Wallace for Chuck Todd and then blamed it on being up early in the morning, I thought are we even going to be able to wake him up for that 3AM phone call.
*green eyed monster
It's absolutely delicious to see Biden supporters on Tweet attacking Bernie supporters for being - you guessed it - Russian bots.
That's the Dems in 2020, folks. "Everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian bot!"
Be karmic justice if that blew up in their faces.
That is so weak.
As a supposed lawyer, embracing that as a confession is sad.
LLR-lefty and Sudden-Onset-Socialist Chuck: "I want a complete physical, neurological and neuropsych exam of all candidates, before the conventions."
Now what?
BTW, how long until Joe Biden inadvertently launches his dentures and hits someone?
I give it 3 months.
Left Bank of the Charles: "Hillary Clinton almost beat Donald Trump, so why not Joe Biden?"
Agreed. Hillary could also beat Joe Biden.
And to take a step back, Trump did indeed “ace” the Montreal Cognitive Assessment screening test back in 2018. At the time, this produced triumphant reactions from some; others declared that this test would not pick up on nuances of mental decline or the bigger picture of whether Trump is fit to serve as president. And the Montreal screening is hardly the sort of test that identifies how clever one is, or how much wisdom one has, of the sort that might come in handy in managing, well, just about anything a president has to mange.
I love that paragraph. It tells me so much about the mental state of the articles author. The test didn't settle the "bigger picture." No, it didn't. The election settled that.
Hillary could also beat Joe Biden.
I think she has people who do that for her.
Oh NO!!
Trump has apparently lost the all critical Tom Joseph endorsement!!
I really don't think there is a pathway to 270 after that AND losing Babs Streisand.
Now what?
More pouting, more foot-stamping, more impotent threats in the Althouse comment section threads.
You'd think Joe would have dental implants.
Pookie Number 2: "More pouting, more foot-stamping, more impotent threats in the Althouse comment section threads."
When I see LLR-lefty Chuck screaming and whining and threatening people the way he does when he gets angry, you know who I feel sorry for?
Well, no one really. It just makes me laugh.
I particularly enjoy LLR-lefty Chucks demands and ultimatums that he issues on a regular basis. Remember how LLR-lefty Chuck wanted the entire Trump admin communications staff put under oath and questioned intensely over the Pecan Pie incident?
Blogger StephenFearby said...
Biden reflects symptoms of Mild Cognitive Impairment, NOT Dementia:
What is Mild Cognitive Impairment?
Mild Cognitive Impairment transitions to Moderate Cognitive impairment, which is more associated with Dementia.
I will be self-monitoring and getting grand kids to help check on me.
B Sharpe said...
So from reading the comments, Biden is going to win the nomination, then bow out at the convention, saying the delegates should vote for his VP choice. Looks like Neo-communism to me, after a Kabuki dance for the American people that lasted over a year and a half. What a farce that would be.
And only the sheep will be left in the party.
Remember how LLR-lefty Chuck wanted the entire Trump admin communications staff put under oath and questioned intensely over the Pecan Pie incident?
This is different. He has a notion now.
One thing that stands out is when they are faced with a relatively simple task that they cannot perform is that they become angry.
Say, would that be anything like exponential anger over predicting not only a Clinton victory but doom and gloom if Trump miraculously triumphed?
Asking for a fellow commenter...
StephenFearby said...
I agree that it seems like Mild Cognitive Impairment. An elderly person I love has just been diagnosed with this- I went to the neurologist with him. MCI doesn't always deteriorate into dementia or Alzheimers. There is no real treatment for it. This loved one is not expected to fall into dementia- his brain scan looks really good. But it is different from the forgetfulness that just comes along with age, or how we feel when we can't remember a name.
But I see in Biden the same communication loss and lack of clarity about time/place. My loved one was one of the smartest people I know, but I can't see him being president now.
It's very sad, but the country shouldn't rely on someone with it.
I think there will be pressure put on all candidates (including Trump) to stop having rallies because of Coronavirus.
Yesterday, I heard people floating the idea that Trump won't really want debates. So I think our media is creating a soft landing for nominee Biden to just kind of float to next November. But Bernie isn't on board.
Psychologists have been so alarmed that they have violated a core ethical principle of their profession by attempting to diagnose him at a remove....
Some how I suspect that a psychological evaluation of Ted Rall (or most psychologists, for that matter) would be far more alarming than a psychological evaluation of Donald Trump.
What is Mild Cognitive Impairment?
"It wasn't rape-rape!!"
--Whoopi Goldberg
I will be self-monitoring and getting grand kids to help check on me.
Quick, name them in the order of their birth...
What is Mild Cognitive Impairment?
Democrat Dementia
Don't worry, his wife Jill is a doctor. As Joe keeps reminding us. Woodrow Wilson's wife wasn't, so, completely different situations.
Okay you are right it was a very stable genus and his administration responsible for this:
It is also true that in 2018 the Trump administration fired key officials connected to the U.S. pandemic response, and they were not replaced.
Also in 2018, news reports circulated about an 80% reduction in the CDC’s program that worked in various countries to fight epidemics. That was the result of the anticipated depletion of previously allotted funding. “Countries where the CDC is planning to scale back include some of the world’s hot spots for emerging infectious disease, such as China, Pakistan, Haiti, Rwanda and Congo,” the Washington Post reported in 2018.
And then there is case of Dr. Chu in Seattle who said this after discovering the teen who had Covid-19 and asked to do further testing and were told no: "We felt like we were sitting, waiting for the pandemic to emerge," Chu told the Times. "We could help. We couldn't do anything."
>>Democrats could present Joe Biden deceased, half rotten in a casket, and the useful idiots would vote for him in droves.
Been there. Done that. Call it the "Carnahan Gambit"
Mel Carnahan was elected *three weeks* after he died. Mrs. Carnahan then declared herself ready to take his place.
The novel theory was that a vote for Mel was really a vote for "Person to be named later".
Mild Cognitive Impairment - that's not a disqualification. Its a requirement for being a Democrat.
Seriously, The establishment does.not.care. First they get rid of Bernie. Then, if Joe's not up to a General campaign, well they can put in a "Qualified" substitute. No Problem. And if Joe staggers into the White House, and then collapses, the VP will take over. No problem.
This is a party that nominated Crooked Hillary in 2016, and a half-dead FDR in 1944. "Just win baby, just win".
Drago said...
BTW, how long until Joe Biden inadvertently launches his dentures and hits someone?
I give it 3 months.
3/11/20, 2:10 PM
I am waiting for him to walk out on the stage naked thinking he is going for a swim...
Every year at my annual physical I take a short mental cognition test (I'm on the sundown side of 75). I pass every year (although since the city boundaries near my doctor's office are uncertain--and I tend to be precise-what city I'm in can be a tough question). But the counting backward and all that is a snap.
Mental decline can be irregular. My father died just short of 96. He was an engineer and remained mathematically lucid almost until his death. But his business judgement disappeared about the time he was 85 (he was a serial entrepreneur in his retirement). I had to be appointed conservator of his person in the last year of his life.
I doubt that Joe Biden has the "essentials" to function effectively as President. If he is elected, he'll serve as a straw man in front of a committee of the Democrat nomenklatura. Of course if he chooses poorly in his (or the DNC's) selection of a running mate, he could be dead of Arkancide by say Valentine's Day 2021.
Lil' Chuckles wrote: Trump made a dementia confession at his rally when he projected "that’s what happens when you can’t get the words out, you get angry...Might happen to me someday." It was Trumpian of course w/ "might & someday" as qualifiers to acknowledge & downplay undeniable symptoms.
Given how often and how energetically you make an absolute fool of yourself, I worry that you will become a suicide risk after Trump's re-election.
But then we are talking about Lil' Chuckles who is apparently just doing his job, now that the legal career has cratered.
"...And then there is case of Dr. Chu in Seattle who said this after discovering the teen who had Covid-19 and asked to do further testing and were told no: "We felt like we were sitting, waiting for the pandemic to emerge," - if this was real, which I doubt it, Dr. Chu should give up his license to practice. You're a Doctor - Chu - you don't answer to anyone but your profession ethics. You could've easily tested that patient by yourself. What a crock!
Joe has stenosis to carotid arteries. A simple surgery can reopen the blood flow to the brain that demands 40% of the blood circulation. Actually that is easier to fix than an Ejection Fraction under 30 , which Bernie is hiding. Trump still runs like a well tuned Merlin Engine.
I'm not qualified to diagnose him or anyone else. That said, it looks like he may have some cognitive issues, and it definitely does matter. In a situation like this, you have to go with your instincts, and while I wouldn't vote for any Democrat, Biden looks like a particularly risky choice in a dangerous world should he happen to get elected president.
Roger Sweeny said...
"This is almost as much fun as the "what will Tom Brady do?" here in New England."
By Jove, you've found the answer! Tom Brady will be Joe Biden's running mate. We all know that he's excellent at quick decision making. And Gisele gives the Dems a "hot wife" to match Melania.
It's not just the "gaffes" and the word salad when he is speaking, it is also his becoming aggressive towards people when common sense says he should not be doing that. I loved my Dad but he had dementia and he was aggressive and occasionally violent towards nurses and other medical personnel who were trying to help him. This was not in his nature and I knew it was due to his mental decline. Why is it so hard to acknowledge it when Biden does it? If it is "bad" when Trump is supposedly mentally ill, why isn't the same thing true for Biden?
" And the Montreal screening is hardly the sort of test that identifies how clever one is, or how much wisdom one has, of the sort that might come in handy in managing, well, just about anything a president has to mange."
What test can measure wisdom?
If we could test for wisdom (and plain old common sense), 99 percent of academia and the media elites would be bagging groceries at Walmart.
Todd: "I am waiting for him to walk out on the stage naked thinking he is going for a swim..."
I must bow to your superior hypothetical.
This is sad. On a personal level, it is just sad.
On a political level, it is clever of the DNC et al. in that 'Generic Democrat' always does better that "Specific Candidate' against Trump, and Biden with dementia can be a Generic Democrat until he picks a VP. Even then, unless the dementia progresses quickly, he can be used as a shield against specific reactions against whoever the VP is.
Marc Caputo said on Twitter that a Democratic operative with presidential campaign experience described the likely 2020 race like this: “the nice old guy with Alzheimer's against the mean old man with dementia.”
Dementia and narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Neither condition improves with age.
Corvid19 is only dangerous to crows, ravens, and jackdaws.
“the nice old guy with Alzheimer's against the mean old man with dementia.”
Tu Quoque is not a winning argument.
Gadfly doesn't care about winning, just keeping his hands clean via false equivalency.
Sadly, he can't see Trump has grown into the job whereas Joe has grown towards senility.
What test can measure wisdom?
That's easy. If it flatters my ego by reinforcing the indoctrination I paid good money for in college, its wisdom.
gadfly: " ..a Democratic operative with presidential campaign experience described the likely 2020 race like this:..."
I think I found your problem, or at the least, one of your many problems, right there...
You are starting to sound like Inga.
Stop taking the DNC talking points uncritically. You have a brain. Use it.
Fun video on Powerline.
Joe looking very frail, answering oddly.
Will he make it to November?
well Plouffe, set up acronym, which fixed the results in iowa, axelrod probably some part in that as well, why are there no names to these stories, well caputo was a hack at the herald, he'll buy any story,
Yesterday, I heard people floating the idea that Trump won't really want debates.
Are these the same people who said Trump would find a way to back out of all the debates with Hillary?
Trump will not only debate Biden, he'll put Hunter's stripper momma in the first row.
The Google cache works for me.
roesch/voltaire, let's say, for the sake of argument, that I agree with everything you say and that Trump is messing up the response.
Now, given that a single person in the government can cause it to malfunction so badly, explain to me why the government should be put in charge of ALL healthcare.
NOT a rhetorical question.
Kevin: "Are these the same people who said Trump would find a way to back out of all the debates with Hillary?"
They are exactly the same people.
The same people who have gotten every single thing wrong for 4 years...but expect you to defer to their "superior" insight now....because they read all the correct lefty publications...which makes them, informed or something, in some way that doesn't really jibe with reality...but makes them feel better about themselves.
via instapundit
Joe Biden Slams Bernie Sanders for “Joining” Donald Trump.
“The trial and appeal process has been a long climb up the ‘Stairway to Heaven,’” Circuit Judge Margaret McKeown wrote for the majority.
I think Don Jr. publicly said he would debate Hunter Biden. And they could both release their tax returns and they could talk about who if anyone profited from their fathers' stint in public office.
Unknown: "Now, given that a single person in the government can cause it to malfunction so badly, explain to me why the government should be put in charge of ALL healthcare."
It was a single State Dept obama holdover that overruled the Trump admin's rule about cutting off all flights from virus-y places and allowed hundreds of infected and exposed individuals back into the country.
And then bragged about it.
Similar to LTCOL-FIELD MARSHALL Vindman who felt it was his place to overrule the President on foreign policy because "lefty/establishment consensus".
If Biden drops out after the nomination and after he has named his VP candidate, can the Dems replace his name on the ticket? I'm assuming it would vary from state to state and there would be a point of no return, where the Dems are stuck with Biden even if he dropped out. Or would the dems merely be running a VP candidate then? If that were the case, would the VP candidate immediately ascend to President upon their inauguration, if he or she won a majority of the electoral votes?
Biden reflects symptoms of Mild Cognitive Impairment, NOT Dementia:
And the Democrats think the voters should be happy with that?
Biden reflects symptoms of Mild Cognitive Impairment, NOT Dementia
Not necessarily true. Mild Cognitive Impairment can be due to a number of factors, most commonly (in people his age and medical history) the early stages of dementia. My guess is due to vascular disease and not Alzheimers.
It is a progressive disease. Do you think Biden has shown increasing impairment over the past 6 months?
I think we are approaching a preference cascade where fair minded people will have to conclude that Joe is in mental decline. What pushed me over the edge were two videos I saw on the Web today. The first was Joe's conflict with the auto worker in Detroit. The second was a brief clip of Joe being questioned by a reporter as he was escorted to his car. I use the word "escorted" because I'm not sure Joe would have made it without their help. Joe looked confused and frail, more like a 90 year old man than a 70 year old.
I have to revised what I said earlier about Joe stepping aside after the convention.
I don't think he will make it to the convention.
Well, on the bright side, Biden doesn't look as bad as Bill Clinton does.
Interesting also is how ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN have lowered the veil of omerta on this issue.
It's as though they think that if they act like they don't know about this, nobody else does either.
It must be comforting for them to believe that, somehow.
Remember that Pete, Amy, and Liz are playing along.
He does and it does not.
Biden is wandering toward defeat and humiliation, which will affect him not a whit. He ought to be removed at the Milwaukee convention through the machinations of the inner party for the sake of his wife, who can only suffer from her witnessing Biden's dissolution, or he will be soundly defeated in November along with hundreds of lower-ranking Democrats in Washington and in state legislatures and in governors' mansions.
tcrosse said...
Remember that Pete, Amy, and Liz are playing along.
3/11/20, 5:13 PM
They all want that VP gig.
Or a Cabinet position.
I was going to comment on this post, but I forgot what I was going to say, which really pisses me off you gosh-darned dog-faced pony soldiers, and Bernie too!
BTW I'm 77 so it doesn't count.
Tune in on Sunday for the Bernie and Biden show, and see for yourself. Given how he's been acting, I suspect he will have a hard time getting through a two-hour debate, even sitting down. Will he kill off 150 million Americans again, or say he is running for the Senate, or tell Bernie he's "full of shit" or a “lying dog-face pony soldier”? Or perhaps start ranting about record players? Anyone's guess, but for sure he will have more than one foot-in-mouth episode. It's delusional to think Biden can run a campaign for president will hiding from the public. And, whether Bernie exploits Biden's obvious mental decline directly or not, he has every reason to stay in the race and force Biden to keep showing everyone how seriously he has declined. It's probably the only way Bernie can win the nomination this time, and he's too old for there to be a next time.
Astonishing that the Dems got themselves into this hole, but here we are.
Click on "view source"
I did the same thing - why would they advertised the fact it was hidden, and then make it so easy to find? It seemed like a typically pointless article.
who was more clueless mueller or biden
I think Hillary's 2016 campaign proved you could no longer rely on 24/7 monolithic support from the media to drag you over the finish line. To depose Trump, Slow Joe will have to go out and campaign for it or sit back and watch Trump barnstorm, this time in AF1 and filling stadium after stadium. The wuhan virus will be a faint speck in the rear view mirror like the mueller report, impeachment and W.W.III with Iran by the time campaign season is here.
"And, whether Bernie exploits Biden's obvious mental decline directly or not"
Just asking Biden normal questions about policy will demonstrate Biden's decline.
The text of the deleted Forbes article is preserved for posterity here:
I chose the first option.
My mother had Alzheimer's for about the last 10 years of her life (she passed in 2010), so my family did a fair amount of research on its symptoms, progression, and so on.
Biden has Alzheimer's.
Do you think we could urge the Veritas crew to film Joe's being red flagged? Roger Stone style at say 5:00 A.M.? Carting off his guns would be a winner in my book. Could sell it in DVD. Surefire fundraiser!
You do not actually vote for president. You vote for electors who are pledged to vote for a particular candidate. So Biden's electors in your state would be staunch Democrats picked by the Biden staff. If Biden dropped out (before or after the election), he would still have a lot of influence over them.
Make sure everyone opens the link that FullMoon provided @ 3/11/20, 4:37 PM.
Biden looks in rough shape.
Biden will select someone like "Karen" Klobuchar or Petey Buttedgeedge or, ugh, Kamala to be the Veep. If he wins (and Coronavirus looks like something that could wreck Trump's re-election), he will get sworn in, step aside after a short while, and we'll be left with...eh...
"The Democrats will never remove Biden under the 25th unless he dances nude on the White House lawn."
I like those odds!
Does everyone here know that Jill Biden is an Ed.D. not an M.D? Some comments indicate maybe not. BTW, Ann is a doctor too, at least a J.D. and maybe higher.
The rigors involved in attaining an M.D. makes a lot of the other "docs" unworthy of the title.
Francisco D said...
[quoting me] "Biden reflects symptoms of Mild Cognitive Impairment, NOT Dementia"
Not necessarily true. Mild Cognitive Impairment can be due to a number of factors, most commonly (in people his age and medical history) the early stages of dementia. My guess is due to vascular disease and not Alzheimers.
It is a progressive disease. Do you think Biden has shown increasing impairment over the past 6 months?
Since I'd typed Biden as basically a smile and a shoeshine blowhard politician with a long history of ethical issues, I've avoided paying too much attention to what he's been saying.
He's definitely not as far gone as the now hidden Robert Mueller (who by now has probably progressed to Moderate Cognitive Impairment on the way to full-blown Dementia).
The Mayo Clinic definition of MCI:
"Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is the stage between the expected cognitive decline of normal aging and the more serious decline of dementia. It can involve problems with memory, language, thinking and judgment that are greater than normal age-related changes.
If you have mild cognitive impairment, you may be aware that your memory or mental function has "slipped." Your family and close friends also may notice a change. But these changes aren't severe enough to significantly interfere with your daily life and usual activities.
Mild cognitive impairment may increase your risk of later developing dementia caused by Alzheimer's disease or other neurological conditions. But some people with mild cognitive impairment never get worse, and a few [like me] eventually get better."
I bet that Bide's memory issues would have been exposed by hard questions from moderators in the next one-on-one debate with Sanders. But CNN probably tried to avoid that outcome by turning it into a town hall event.
But not in a cage-match debate with Trump.
Sunday’s debate will be either postponed or staged without an audience, pecifically, to show exactly what the DNC wants to be seen.
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'You spent the last four years criticizing Donald Trump in no small part for his mental state, and rightly so.... Trump is not merely a jerk. Psychologists have been so alarmed that they have violated a core ethical principle of their profession by attempting to diagnose him at a remove....' So much information in such a small space. So much self-revelation. A lot of people have a problem with their mental state, but Trump isn't one of them.
Ted Rall is a worthless sack of shit.
"Tune in on Sunday for the Bernie and Biden show, and see for yourself. "
I'm predicting a LOT of sudden commercial breaks.
Running Joe's just elder abuse.
Obama's secretly Muslim, Hillary's sick, and now Biden has dementia. When are you Trump dearranged gonna stop beating a dead horse and help others defeat a worldwide pandemic?
Biden is demented and corrupt, but he is the best cover for crooked Democrats. The idea is to get Trump out before the indictments come down or to get Biden in long enough to denounce the indictments as political and order the dismissed. Obviously, he is highly motivated. Once that is done he can step aside for health reasons.
It’s clear from Clyburn’s public statements suggesting limiting debates, etc., that the idea is to cover for Biden long enough to achieve that goal.
Democrats continue to thumb their noses at the American people half of whom are too stupid to notice.
I would truly vote for anyone who brings this country together as I see the division of the nation its greatest weakness but, if Trumpsters can't swallow milquetoast Biden, I don't see any way out. Please tell me who would be acceptable to you.
EsoxLucius said...
I would truly vote for anyone who brings this country together as I see the division of the nation its greatest weakness but, if Trumpsters can't swallow milquetoast Biden, I don't see any way out. Please tell me who would be acceptable to you.
3/12/20, 11:10 AM
Right back at you. If you can't support Trump, who can you support on the R side?
Cause right now, based on all that went on in the D debates, there is not a single D that is not too crazy. They all want open borders, free healthcare, free higher-ed/elimination of student loans, elimination of the 2a, full green new deal enactment, 3rd trimester abortions, activist judges, hate speech codes, full affirmative action, tranny story time, men in women's sports/locker rooms/bath rooms, AND socialism/communism.
EsoxLucius said...
I would truly vote for anyone who brings this country together as I see the division of the nation its greatest weakness but, if Trumpsters can't swallow milquetoast Biden, I don't see any way out. Please tell me who would be acceptable to you.
3/12/20, 11:10 AM
Right back at you. If you can't support Trump, who can you support on the R side?
Cause right now, based on all that went on in the D debates, there is not a single D that is not too crazy. They all want open borders, free healthcare, free higher-ed/elimination of student loans, elimination of the 2a, full green new deal enactment, 3rd trimester abortions, activist judges, hate speech codes, full affirmative action, tranny story time, men in women's sports/locker rooms/bath rooms, AND socialism/communism.
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